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What to give inexpensively to friends for the New Year? What to give a friend for New Year? Inexpensive and original options.

Let it be small, cute and original trinkets, made with your own hands, which will delight you more than purchased and unnecessary rubbish, or pre-planned pleasant surprises. Ideas for New Year's gifts need to be thought out in advance so as not to become the butt of jokes in the company of friends who, by inertia, have purchased the same thing.

In order for everything to continue to be good in relationships with friends in the New Year, New Year In 2019, we need to move away from traditional sets of cosmetics and socks, gifted candy boxes and New Year symbols, which then gather dust among unnecessary things. Gifts for friends - small and huge, cute and tongue-in-cheek, original and completely crazy - need to be thought out in advance so that last-minute ideas do not become a cause for resentment or turn out to be a waste of money.

Gifts made with your own hands, or bought for a specific person, with a hint of his passions and hobbies, even if they cost mere pennies, will bring much more pleasure. Well, for those who by nature are not able to appreciate such signs of attention, you can really buy something very useful and necessary in the store.

  • Inexpensive gifts
  • Expensive gifts for friends
  • Symbolic and mini-gifts
  • Top best gifts for friends

Original do-it-yourself gifts

A product made with your own hands is very pleasant to give, no less pleasant to receive as a gift, and especially interesting to imagine and make. New Year comes once a year, and giving snowmen and Christmas balls, which will sadly stand on the shelf with souvenirs, is both reluctant and somehow too trivial. But when choosing gifts for friends for the New Year, you can stylize simple things according to the New Year theme, so that on December 31 they will bring pleasant moments and then be used usefully.

Even simple sweets and drinks can be decorated this way:

Make a beautiful bottle out of a champagne bottle Christmas tree with sweets (glue it with sprigs of pine needles or fancy cut paper);
from the beer hall, make a Rudolph the reindeer (Santa Claus's main reindeer), using wire, ribbons, colored braid, superglue and paper;
make an original candy bouquet from sweets and Christmas tree paws, which can be complemented with various New Year’s accessories;
glue together three beautiful glass jars with lids New Year's snowman with sweets, dressing it in an original way, and coming up with a hat that will cover the top cover:
cover a potholder bought as a gift with beads and rain and fill it with sweets;
a simple jar of jam, homemade or store-bought, can be labeled with New Year wishes, a corrugated hat made of colored paper, colored braid or a small toy made with your own hands (the same jar can be given as a gift with honey);
Santa Claus's sleigh made from a box of chocolates and runners made of colored wire, decorated New Year's tinsel, or a thick cardboard with wooden runners, on which shiny candies are placed in a pyramid, fastened together.

Of course, from what to give to friends for the New Year 2019, all these things can be simply presented without any ceremony, and at the same time say something ordinary, like “Happy New Year.”

When deciding what to give to friends for New Year, you need to remember that beautiful packaging for any gift is not only an additional decoration, but also another sign of attention. This is a means of showing a person that they thought about the gift and designed it with care. sincere feelings, and not just grabbed into the food basket at the last minute.

Inexpensive gifts

If sweets and drinks are not included in the amount calculated for the gift, DIY gifts for friends for the New Year are the best way out. You can give a beautiful trinket, which costs much less money. You can add uniqueness and originality to a gift by working a little on it:

Decorate a banal photo frame with a Christmas tree branch, a ball, pine cones or rain;
Make a snow globe from a simple glass jar with a lid, placing a figurine on the bottom, pouring small sparkles into it and pouring water;
sew a funny snowman from a new white sock and semolina;
glue and sign a New Year's card (you can use illustrated magazines, last year's New Year cards, photographs, scribbled stickers, and everything your imagination can do;
bake a pig from simple puff pastry - a symbol of the coming year, decorate it with gouache, and decorate it with beads, tinsel, seed beads or confetti;
make an improvised fragrance from pine cones, dry lavender, Christmas tree paws, cinnamon sticks and anything natural and aromatic you can find at hand (this can be hung on the Christmas tree, or used to scent the air, hanging in the bedroom or above the desk);
Even simple soap can be put in a shiny New Year's chest made of cardboard and covered with multi-colored foil, and the gift will be much more valuable than the most expensive perfume set.

Advice! When making New Year's gifts for friends, you can use the simplest available materials, for example, rice painted with paints for painting, old beads and buttons, seashells, food foil and candy wrappers.

The main thing is imagination and love with which a person decides what to give to friends for the New Year, uses worthless nonsense, his own time and a good attitude. If you want to give a gift to an old and good friend, you can always take joint photos in funny or memorable moments of life. They can be placed in an already painted frame, in a glass globe or on a chest in which they will lie, and it will immediately be clear with what love the gift for your best friend was chosen for the New Year.

Expensive gifts for friends

If your financial condition allows it, and you have a long-standing and wonderful relationship with your best friend, you can demonstrate your affection and feelings for him by significant expenses. The main thing when choosing what to give a friend for the New Year, if you want to buy something significant and meaningful, is to take into account his preferences, hobbies, passions, or the urgent need for the item being purchased. You can give a man a tablet, good leather gloves or a wallet, an exquisite business card holder, or something that is related to his occupation or favorite hobby.

If your best friend is a woman, then the choice is much wider. Favorites good perfume, Jewelry, a set of kitchen utensils from a famous manufacturer, a dishwasher and even a new car. As for expensive things, the choice of what you can give a friend for the New Year is unlimited: from a bouquet of unearthly beauty to a trip to the Maldives, a certificate to a spa salon, tickets to a concert of a visiting celebrity that are impossible to get.

Note! Before spending a significant amount, you can unobtrusively ask about coveted items, or ask people close to a friend if he has expressed any wishes for things that he likes or needs, but in this moment it is too expensive.

Symbolic and mini-gifts

On the New Year you have to congratulate many people, not all of whom are friends. There are work colleagues, people with whom necessary business contacts are maintained, those who will celebrate the holiday in the company, but are not close to them because they were invited by one of the guests.

For such cases, there are mini-gifts that do not have a specific recipient, gender, and are quite inexpensive. These are simple items that can be purchased at the nearest store, and are regarded as signs of attention from a tactful person. These things usually include:

New Year's perfume sets collected in the store and tied with a ribbon;
handles with original design;
cute cups with saucers, spoons, or teapots;
a set of inexpensive glasses;
napkin holder with napkins;
oven mitts or towels;
stress toys or massagers;
champagne or chocolate;
soap self made;
original computer mice or mouse pads for them;
calendars for use in the new year;
photo frames and more.

Such gifts are given every year in large quantities, and if you want variety, then the cups can be with images of piglets, just like calendars, you can buy the same themed key rings or New Year's soft toys. A good idea in such cases is a box of inexpensive New Year's sweets, or a bottle of high-quality alcohol. You can also give tea or coffee in a beautiful package, but these are things in which people have their own preferences, and it’s difficult to guess with this.

For reference!
For those who smoke, you can always give an original ashtray, lighter or cigarette case. What if this close person who wants to give up bad habit- electronic cigarette.

Unusual and original gifts

The scope of imagination for those who love to surprise is unlimited. More recently, baskets and parcels sent by courier or by mail have become fashionable. To especially surprise an adult, you can send Father Frost or the Snow Maiden to him with a gift.

In the basket you can put a set for mulled wine, sweets and citrus fruits, New Year's delicacies, fresh flowers and New Year's gingerbread cookies baked with your own hands. There are ready-made things that are especially nice to receive New Year's Eve– New Year-themed aprons, animal hats, illuminated whiskey glasses, chocolate weapons or non-spillable thermal mugs. Among the new products this year you can purchase as a gift:

Scooter suitcase;
set for barbecue lovers;
soft toy for secrets and stashes (this year - a pig);
bath set;
a blanket with sleeves for those who are always cold.

Interesting: In special stores that sell unusual and cool things for life hacks, you can see completely unexpected solutions to everyday problems that will amuse any company, but will become a favorite and necessary item. Funny and cool gifts It’s hard to give advice, but when you see some of the products in such stores, certain people immediately come to mind.

Top best gifts for friends

From what you can give to friends for the New Year, the best gifts in the new, coming 2019, according to surveys and publications in the New Year's press and glamor magazines, you can make the TOP 5 best, unforgettable categories:

Hand-knitted items - from a mug cover to a mini blanket large knit;
mini Christmas trees - candy bowls with a selection of New Year's sweets;
funny decorative refrigerator magnets, with the symbol of the year or New Year's theme, - best gift DIY for a friend for the New Year;
flash drive in the shape of a pig;
any beautiful, necessary and useful thing that you had to go shopping for, looking for what to give your best friend for the New Year (especially the one that he has been dreaming about for a long time).

The average person buys or makes several thousand gifts during their lifetime just for the New Year holidays. Sociological surveys have shown that 70% of them experience no less pleasure when preparing and giving gifts than in the moments when they receive them.

When choosing New Year's (and any gifts) for family and friends, friends and acquaintances, you should take into account certain points that psychologists call ethical. You should not give things that may seem like an offensive hint (for example, cosmetic accessories to a girl with bad skin). It is not customary to give intimate items to strangers. New Year is very soon, it's time to pick up gifts for your loved ones and friends!

New Year - special holiday for each of us. On this day, unity with dear people - family and friends - is especially strongly felt. And to cheer everyone up, you must definitely choose good New Year's gifts. And we will try to help with this and offer advice on what you can give a friend for the New Year - a list of ideas and recommendations. With them, the search for a gift will be easier and more enjoyable.

What to consider when choosing a gift, list of bad gift ideas

At first glance, choosing a gift for a good friend is not difficult - after all, all his interests and preferences are known. But you shouldn’t relax, it’s better to not only remember in advance about your friend’s hobbies, but also think through other points such as:

  • Acceptable value of the gift. Overly expensive gifts, even between close friends, are not a good idea. Even if you can afford a lot, you should not put your friend in an awkward position, especially if he cannot respond with the same luxurious gift. It is better to give something inexpensive, but pleasant and sincere.
  • Friend's field of activity. Gifts that are useful at work are also a very good idea.
  • Marital status of a friend. If your friend has a family, you can prepare souvenirs for them too. And if this is a gift from a girl to a married male friend, consider the possible reaction of his significant other.

When going in search of a gift, rule out in advance the options that are not suitable for you in any case:

  • Money. This is not a gift - this is financial aid, which can simply offend a person if it was not asked for.
  • Useless trinkets and souvenirs from travel. Think about it - where will your friend put all this “wealth”? It’s not nice to throw them away, and there’s usually nowhere to store them, so don’t create problems for your friend.
  • Gift sets sold in stores. Such a gift will directly tell the person that you didn’t bother looking for it, and this is insulting. Even if you are sorely short of time, it is better to just bring champagne or assemble the set yourself.

Try to make your gift as individual as possible, chosen taking into account all the wishes and preferences of your friend. Don't forget the postcard too. You can write on it funny congratulations and wishes or just something kind.

TOP 10 gift ideas for a friend for the New Year

  1. Snowblow or snow blaster
  2. Visit of a stripper dressed as the Snow Maiden
  3. Multifunctional knife
  4. Set of screwdrivers or wrenches
  5. Thermal backpack for picnics
  6. Car trunk organizer
  7. Bath set
  8. Multifunctional knife
  9. Virtual reality glasses
  10. Mouse pad with New Year's pattern

List of ideas for purely male gifts for a friend for the New Year

Only a good friend will be able to choose a truly necessary and interesting gift, a gift with a masculine character. These can be various repair tools, useful devices for the home and PC, items for hobbies and entertainment. The best useful “male” gifts from a friend:

  • Set of screwdrivers or keys;
  • A set of tools for car repairs in a compact case;
  • A drill or screwdriver, if your friend still doesn’t have such a device;
  • An organizer for the trunk of a car so that there is always order in there.

It is quite possible to choose one of the accessories. A good quality gift would be leather belt, wallet or purse. If a friend lives alone, you can show him concern and give him a multicooker. This will make cooking much easier, for which your friend will certainly be grateful.

A great idea is to choose something related to your friend's hobby. If you have a similar hobby, then this will not be difficult. The best gifts depending on your friend’s hobby:

  • Thermal backpack for picnics or thermos;
  • Mini vacuum cleaner for a car or for a computer;
  • Bath set with cool inscription on the cap;
  • Fishing box for storing bait and gear;
  • Computer or driving glasses;
  • New edition of your favorite author;
  • Folding grill;
  • Multifunctional knife.

If your hobbies do not coincide and you are afraid of making a mistake when choosing a hobby item, give preference to a gift certificate from a relevant store.

You can also give a good friend something just for Have a good mood, For example:

  • Magnetic darts for training accuracy and friendly battles;
  • Cool holder for toilet paper, for example, with a built-in clock or even a radio;
  • A drinking game, such as roulette or checkers;
  • Poker set;
  • Twister;
  • Snowblow or snow blaster.

The dream of all men is a radio-controlled helicopter. He will delight both the little boy and the respectable husband. You can choose something simple or a fairly solid quadcopter with a camera, if the cost of the gift is not too high. When presenting such a gift, remember that you can easily crash the party, because everyone will immediately run to launch the new toy.

You can also give a good friend a real masculine adventure and fresh emotions. Best ideas:

  • A visit from a stripper dressed as the Snow Maiden;
  • Snowmobiling;
  • Tasting whiskey or other alcoholic drink;
  • Master class on making cocktails;
  • Fighter simulator ride;
  • Tank driving lesson.

Such gifts will certainly be remembered by your friend for a long time and will make this New Year's holiday special. And they will definitely strengthen your friendship.

List of gift ideas for a friend from a female friend

Friendship between a man and a woman is not at all uncommon, but gifts in this case must be chosen carefully, especially if the recipient has a significant other. It is better to give preference to something neutral and not too expensive. Good gift options:

  • Beautiful speakers for your computer;
  • Good alcohol in gift packaging;
  • Mouse pad with a New Year's pattern;
  • A cool mug with a funny but not too personal inscription;
  • Air ionizer for home or car;
  • Solar battery charger;
  • Thermal mug of interesting shape;
  • Mini-fridge for a can of drink, powered by a USB port.

It is quite possible to give a friend something tasty from a friend, for example, a Christmas tree made of sweets or a small basket with his favorite delicacies. If your friend is lonely, you can make your own treat. Also, a bachelor can order cleaning of the apartment before or after the New Year. You can give a married friend two tickets to an interesting event so that he can go with his beloved.

If you want to friendly relations flowed into closer ones, you can choose more romantic gift. New Year holidays– a great time for the birth of true love.

List of ideas for original gifts for a friend for the New Year

If your friend is a true original and loves unusual things, it is advisable to find something appropriate as a gift. Good examples such gifts:

  • Unusual T-shirt. Good comrades are usually aware of each other's interests and tastes, and also know many secrets. Choose a print that will accurately reflect the recipient's mood or personality. For a 100% hit, you can order a T-shirt with an original design.
  • A site with your general photos collected over the past year. These could be photos from parties, walks, or general adventures. It will be nice to review them and remember interesting moments.
  • Tabletop fountain or waterfall. If a friend works a lot and is tired physically and mentally, then the relaxing murmur will help him relax and calm his nerves.
  • Money box, which “swallows” or otherwise takes away coins, making funny or scary sounds.
  • Box in the form of a book, in which you can hide a stash or a bottle of alcohol.
  • Cool alarm clock. It can run away, fly away, require some kind of active action to turn it off, or simply be huge in size and make scary sounds. Such a gift will come in handy for a sleepyhead who is often late for work or school, or for meetings with friends.
  • Beer mug, allowing you to raise the delicious foam if it has sank. This is a great gift for a lover of a fresh and aromatic drink.
  • Funny covers for documents. You can also give a gadget case as a gift.
  • Virtual reality glasses. This is a great gift for a modern technology lover.
  • Drunk or dancing piles. If a friend sometimes drinks alcohol and treats his friends, then such a gift will definitely come in handy.

When choosing a cool gift, remember the peculiarities of your friend’s sense of humor. Under no circumstances should you joke about topics that could cause painful reactions.

List of ideas for interesting and useful gifts for a friend for the New Year

As you know, most men prefer useful gifts, so it’s a good idea to combine usefulness and originality. Good ideas such gifts:

  • Table for a laptop in the bathroom. He will help his friend take a bath and watch his favorite movie at the same time.
  • A coughing ashtray or a chic lighter with engraving will please your smoking friend.
  • Massager for back or head. It will help you relax, relieve tension and even get rid of headaches.
  • Cool car stand for your smartphone. It will free your hands and decorate the interior of your car.
  • Massage cover for the driver's seat. It will come in handy for a man who spends a lot of time driving.
  • Inflatable car pillow for head and neck– another device for the car enthusiast. You can also give the driver a useful device - antisleep.
  • Gaming headphones. This good gift for a lover of computer toys.
  • Unusual flash drive. Choose a flash card with an interesting shape, such as a bottle or a weapon. You can also choose a metal flash drive with engraving.

Choose how to please your dear friend this New Year. Don't forget about presenting too. It must be beautifully packaged and signed. The gift can be hidden under the Christmas tree or handed from hand to hand. But it would be much more interesting to organize a competition for friends or dress up as New Year's characters and demand poems from everyone. Make jokes, have fun and make each other happy, celebrate the holiday cheerfully, and the whole next year will pass just as easily.

Pleasant bustle, anticipation of something mysterious and exciting... On the eve of the holiday, the question arises: “What to give for the New Year 2019?” Among the many different options, it is difficult to decide and choose a really good gift that will pleasantly surprise its owner and lift his spirits. We have prepared for you interesting ideas gifts for the New Year 2019, which one to choose is up to you.

Original treats

If you are still looking interesting options New Year's surprises, make a choice in favor of a sweet gift, do not hesitate, interestingly decorated delicacies are what you need for the New Year.

If in the pre-New Year bustle you don’t have time to make sweets yourself, just buy them in a specialized store. Purchase additionally for decoration colored paper with ribbons, the color of which will correspond to the traditional color scheme for the next year.

Tasty present options:

  • Gingerbread House;
  • Sugar candies;
  • Cookies in the shape of pigs and snouts;
  • Candy bouquet;
  • Chocolate figures;
  • Cake pops;
  • Decorative basket with fruits.
Even despite the age of the recipient, the treats will be an excellent antidepressant, because we are all children at heart.

Don’t forget about drinks that “warm the soul” - a tea set or a pack of gourmet coffee will be an excellent addition to sweet gifts for the New Year. If you want something unusual, then choose winter mulled wine as a gift. A warm drink with bright spicy aromas will perfectly lift your spirits and warm you up in the winter cold.

Unusual things

We suggest you use your imagination a little, and you will definitely find what you can give for the New Year. You don't have to search at all gift set, pay attention to the useful “tricks” in the gift shop.

Great gift options would be:

  • Piggy bank safe;
  • Desktop anti-stress;
  • Tetris-shaped lamp;
  • Camera-shaped toilet paper holder;
  • "Flying" alarm clock;
  • A cozy projector night light for those who want to fall asleep under the starry sky;
  • Massage mat (for those who care about their health, the mat relaxes muscles, relieves back and lower back pain, improves blood flow);
  • A comb designed in the shape of a combat dagger.
Such unusual gifts your friends will definitely appreciate it for the New Year, you will undoubtedly really enjoy giving them gifts, funny little things will cause delight and joy. Now you know what to give your friends for the New Year. Present to each other wonderful gifts, in this way you will share your own positive emotions with others.

For colleagues and clients

Don’t forget that corporate gifts for the New Year will not only lift your spirits, but will also improve your work atmosphere and strengthen business relationships with clients. Undoubtedly, more difficulties will arise with the choice of mini-presents for clients. What gifts are best to give, think creatively, these could be:
  • Promotional souvenirs (this includes office items, small items for daily use, double-sided business card holders, memory cards, etc.);
  • Printing products (pennants, calendars, notepads, diaries);
  • VIP gifts (musical souvenir, watch stand, pens famous brands, tabletop sculptures).
Of course, a favorable atmosphere in a team is the key to productive work. So what to give your colleagues for the New Year? To cheer up employees and unite the work team, it is best to present special gifts; they can be divided into three groups: for creative individuals, for practical people, and universal gifts.

Gift ideas for creative people:

  • 3D construction sets with the company logo;
  • Notepads with original design;
  • Figurines with original designs;
  • Bowls in the form of keyboard buttons.
Practical people will like:
  • Book safe;
  • Exclusive lunch box;
  • Thermal mug;
  • Universal travel adapter with USB port;
  • Portable phone charger;
  • Alarm.
As for universal gifts that your colleagues will definitely like, these include:
  • Handmade soap set;
  • Collection of aroma candles;
  • Mini-items with the company logo (magnets, mugs, chips, calendars).
Thanks to such New Year's surprises, you can quickly create a mysterious festive atmosphere. Remember, corporate gifts for the New Year will never be superfluous.

Economy versions

On the eve of the long-awaited holiday, I really want to pay attention to everyone by presenting a gift. Thrift gifts will become a lifesaver for many. After all, even a simple thing can be useful and necessary. It is best to buy souvenirs in specialized stores, where there is more choice and a wider range.

Among the most affordable gifts for the New Year 2019, the most popular are:

  • Mini bath sets;
  • Illuminated fountain pens;
  • Christmas tree decorations;
  • Don’t forget about the “classic” winter gifts for the Christmas tree: warm woolen socks, mittens;
  • Cute accessories for gadgets are a great idea for the holiday: give a case for a phone or tablet;
  • pay attention to small gifts for the New Year 2019 with the image of a pig, pig - handbags, cosmetic bags, wallets, key chains or oven mitts.
Please note that all these cute, useful things are inexpensive. Small creative gifts on New Year's Day they will remind you of a wonderful time spent and, of course, of the person who gave them.

Cool gifts

Do you want to give your wonderful mood to others? Then choose cool gifts for the New Year; you can find many interesting, funny items that will cause delight and tenderness in its future owner.

Choose bright, special gifts for the holiday, make a real New Year's surprise for your family and friends, it could be:

  • Oscar "New Year";
  • A set of cookies with wishes;
  • Mood calendar;
  • Checkbooks of desires - for her and for him;
  • Snack cup;
  • Glow in the dark laces.
Now you know what to give your friends for the New Year, choose a surprise based on their sense of humor.

Unusual solutions

Looking at the winter landscapes outside the window, you really want to feel comfort and, at least for a second, return to the warm summer.

All this can be easily implemented thanks to:

  • A transformable blanket (festive colors and zippers will make a familiar accessory something unusual; it can be thrown over your shoulders and then transformed into an interesting item of clothing);
  • Cosmetic set (exquisite and exciting aromas of cream, shower gel or bath foam will envelop the body, bring back pleasant memories, fill with energy, and give unsurpassed sensations);
  • An original shaped headrest pillow with a bright print;
  • Set of board games;
  • An interesting teapot (can be given as a gift along with delicious tea or chocolate);
  • The New Year's "Winter Evening" set of bright colors and ornaments will create a cozy pre-New Year's atmosphere.

Simple and bright

Elegant, simple souvenirs can be the perfect New Year's gift.

Take a look at some of your own:

  • Coin case;
  • Beautiful photo frame;
  • Cup organizer;
  • Book with useful information or just for the soul;
  • Tie clip;
  • Tablet holder/stand;
  • A funny lunchbox and water bottle for those who play sports and take care of their health;
  • Original piggy bank.
Take care of the gift in advance. To make the prepared surprise a success, show your imagination, as well as the desire to please the people close to you. The finishing touch will be a bright message with warm wishes.

Jar with the best memories

This gift is suitable for both lovers and parents or best friends. Remember and write on small pieces of paper all the warmest and brightest memories associated with the recipient, then roll up the pieces of paper, tie each one with a ribbon and put it in a beautiful jar.

Handmade surprises

Everything that is made with one’s own hands with love and a great mood carries a special energy. If you have a little free time, you can dream a little, start creating interesting gifts for the New Year.

An excellent holiday gift would be:

  • Interior pillows with the image of a pig;
  • Soft;
  • Warmer for a teapot with a cute image;
  • Openwork tablecloth;
  • Housekeeper;
  • Apron with the symbol of the year;
  • Organizer for small items;
  • Bright Christmas tree made of gingerbread;
  • Photo album in scrapbooking style.
Today it has become very popular to make various compositions from candies; try experimenting and creating an unusually bright, unique edible craft. Not only children, but also adults will like it.

Fragrant original, packed in a beautiful wrapper, will cause real delight. If you want to surprise your family and friends, make such a cosmetic product, or original candles with your own hands:

There are many different ideas to create New Year's gifts with your own hands, choose the option that you like best. Make bright and original little things for your loved ones, your efforts will definitely be appreciated.

You can weave it - it is both an interior decoration and a talisman, which is used as a guardian of peace and well-being at home.

The original ones are a special story. You put something personal, interesting and unusually touching into your creation. In addition, during your work you will be able to recharge yourself with the New Year's mood. Get creative and enjoy the process!

Not many people can boast of having a best friend in their life. But those who are so lucky are truly happy. because there is someone nearby whom you can trust as you trust yourself. What can you give to your best friend?? We all want to impress a loved one with a gift. The search is really worthy gift can last for days or even weeks.

Let's try to solve this problem that is urgent for most of us by considering several gifts worthy of such an important person in your life as a Best Friend. But first, let’s find out what gifts the hero of the occasion, so close and dear to us, expects from us.

  • The gift must be unusual.
  • The presentation must be original
  • The gift must be chosen as relevant

These three facts are indisputable, so forget about the usual platitudes, or money in an envelope, or about the proverb that you need to prepare your sleigh in winter, and don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. No, focus on an individual approach when choosing, What can you give to your best friend?

So, let's begin. Here are several product categories, in other words, hints in which area to look for the perfect gifts for your best “friend.”

Gift for a car enthusiast

Avid motorists will always be incredibly happy and grateful when they receive a gift that is close to the auto theme. It could be a joke or serious gift, and one that will give you greater comfort behind the wheel, and one that will simply always remind you of you. Thinking that can be given to your best friend If you love cars and can’t imagine your life without a personal iron horse, opt for a functional travel kit. With such a gift, you can safely go on the longest journeys in your car, while your friend will look impeccable, elegant and neat.

Gift for a retro lover

If your good close friend is crazy about non-standard interior design items, or simply gravitates toward everything vintage with the prefix retro, the best option is what can you give to your best friend, there will be a Retro music center. This unique thing, combining modern technical data and antique design, will decorate any interior and the indispensable pride of its owner.

Gift for the outdoor lover

Don’t feed your friend bread, let him enjoy a rest in nature with aromatic barbecue and all the amenities that come with such a pastime? In this case, the optimal answer to the question is what can you give to your best friend, There will be some kind of device for preparing this most popular picnic dish. This could be, for example, a prefabricated grill with decorative casting, or a kebab set. If your friend already has everything he needs, give him a Game of Petanque (boccia). Then not only delicious kebab, but also exciting leisure time in nature you will be provided with everything.

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays in our country. Both children and adults look forward to it. One of the most pleasant moments is the exchange of New Year's gifts. If you have a lot of friends, you can count on a whole sea of ​​pleasant gifts. But in return you will have to prepare the same bunch of gifts. If you do not have the opportunity to spend a more or less large amount on them, you will have to use your imagination and come up with what to give your friends for the New Year inexpensively and pleasantly.

Gifts for your best friend or girlfriend

It is usually much easier to choose gifts for your best friends than for people you don't know very well. To my good friend or you can give it to a friend:

  • Mittens. It could be something funny and cute or something really warm mittens made of wool. The main thing is that they match the tastes of the recipient.
  • Computer accessories. You probably often visit a friend’s house and know well what he will need. Perhaps it will be a webcam or mouse of an interesting design, a comfortable keyboard, microphone, headset, or something else necessary and useful.
  • Unusual mug. She can heat or stir drinks herself, delight a friend with an interesting design, or original inscription. It won't be difficult for your best friend to choose the perfect mug as a gift.
  • Something from the office, for example, a notebook or diary. Surprisingly, many people in our technological age continue to take notes in notebooks, just as they did many decades ago. If your friend is one of them, please him with a new notebook.
  • A ticket to an interesting event. Invite your boyfriend or girlfriend to an event that will definitely interest him, because you probably know each other’s tastes well.
  • Original T-shirt. Usually good friends have secrets that only they understand. Order a T-shirt with an interesting inscription or print that only you two or a few of your closest friends can appreciate.

There are practically no restrictions when it comes to gifts for best friends. Anything that can bring joy to a loved one is considered decent. Therefore, it is better to avoid symbolic and impersonal gifts that do not demonstrate your good attitude.

TOP 10 inexpensive gifts for friends for the New Year

  1. Composition of sweets and champagne
  2. Fruit basket
  3. Kit good tea or coffee
  4. Useful items in the form of New Year's attributes
  5. PC Accessories
  6. Cosmetics and jewelry for a friend
  7. Gadget case
  8. Winter toys
  9. Fireworks
  10. Visit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

New Year's gifts for girlfriends

You can easily ask a good friend what she would like to receive for the New Year. But, if you decide to make a surprise, you will have to use your imagination a little. It’s more difficult if the gift should not only be good, but also inexpensive. The most successful gift options for a friend for the New Year:

  • A set of polishes for French manicure. You can also present one or more polishes of your friend’s favorite color, stencils or nail stickers, special rhinestones and decorations. The choice will depend solely on the girl’s preferences. If a friend does not paint her nails or gets her nails done exclusively at a salon, such a gift would be inappropriate.
  • Hair clip or hair tie. This gift is suitable for a girl who often does her hair and uses a variety of jewelry for this.
  • Handmade soap. Today it can be purchased in almost any cosmetics and perfumery store. This soap is relatively inexpensive, but it looks original and will definitely come in handy for a friend.
  • A pen or flash drive in the shape of a lipstick. This is a stylish and useful gift that will be useful to any girl.
  • Case for gadget. You can choose something cute and inexpensive. And since girls love to dress up not only themselves, but also their phones, tablets, etc., the present will definitely come in handy.
  • A set of spices or pepper in a pepper shaker with a mill. This is a great gift for a girl who loves to cook.
  • Natural facial sponges or makeup brushes. Such a gift will be useful to almost any girl who at least sometimes uses decorative cosmetics.

One of the win-win options for an inexpensive gift is something edible. It could be alcoholic drink, good coffee and, of course, sweets. It is advisable to decorate your gift in a festive way. For example, you can make a Christmas tree out of a bottle of champagne and sweets.

Many girls are fond of needlework, if your friend is one of them, give her any consumables. These can be threads, beads, paints and other useful things. Usually craftswomen run out of them very quickly, so such gifts are perceived more than favorably.

New Year gifts for a friend

Men usually give less importance New Year's gifts, but you definitely need to respect your friend. It is necessary to choose a gift based on the tastes and interests of the recipient. If you know your friend's preferences well, choose what will be useful to him, for example:

  • A car enthusiast will like a defroster key fob for a lock or an anti-slip mat for a car panel and will make his life much easier.
  • An original computer mouse, for example, in the form of a typewriter, will be useful to a person who spends most of his time near a PC.
  • A flashlight, a knife, and a grill net will appeal to lovers of outdoor recreation.
  • An anti-stress toy will be useful for a person who gets nervous a lot because of work or study.
  • A lighter or a stylish ashtray will be useful for a smoking comrade.
  • An active guy can be given a ball, wristbands or a headband.
  • A glass for beer or other alcoholic drink, stones for cooling whiskey, etc. useful for a guy who drinks alcohol at least occasionally.

Edible gifts are also relevant in this case. You can give your friend alcohol, coffee or tea. Fun compositions of beer and snacks are also appropriate. You can present some kind of delicacy, and girls can give unusual dishes prepared with their own hands.

You shouldn't give guys sweets. Although most of them have real sweet teeth, they prefer not to advertise it.

What to give to your friends' family

If you are going to a family of friends for the New Year, it is better to prepare a common gift. You can, of course, give small gifts to everyone, but this will be more expensive, and our task is to please the recipients without spending a lot of money. That's why the best options will be:

  • Fruit basket. Preparing such a gift will require a little money and a minimum of effort. You need to buy any cute basket and fill it different fruits. Don't forget about tangerines - the symbol of the New Year holidays.
  • A set of tea or coffee. Select several varieties of this wonderful drink and pack them in a box. If the family has children, be sure to include fruit-flavored tea for them. If you are putting together a coffee gift, you can add cocoa to it for the children.
  • Composition of alcohol and sweets. By using a little imagination, you can create an interesting composition, for example, with two bottles of Champagne in the role of Father Frost and Snow Maiden and decorations made of candies.
  • Winter toy for the whole family. This could be a snow blaster or a device for making snowballs.
  • Fireworks. Although your gift will be destroyed during the New Year celebration, it will certainly please your friends and be remembered for a long time.

A family with small children can be given a small holiday. Dress up as Santa Claus or, if you are not alone, a whole company of New Year's characters and come visit - the children will be happy, and the parents will be pleasantly surprised.

Inexpensive funny gifts for friends for the New Year

If you have a lot of friends, but don’t have enough money to buy New Year’s presents for everyone, give preference to small, funny souvenirs. They are inexpensive, but will perfectly help lift your spirits during the holidays. Such gifts include:

  • Ballpoint pens with interesting designs. They can remind you of the New Year or its symbols, repeat the shape of any interesting object, or have a built-in flashlight, comb or magnifying glass.
  • Tea bag holder. It is attached to the cup and will help make tea drinking not only more enjoyable, but also colorful.
  • Bubble sedative. This gift will be appreciated by joke lovers, as it is ordinary bubble film, but beautifully packaged and equipped with instructions for use.
  • Toothpaste squeezer. An unusual and useful device that allows you to use all the paste to the last drop.
  • Head massager “Goosebumps”. Simple and inexpensive gift, which will give many pleasant moments to a friend.

Even the most inexpensive things can become a source of sincere joy if they are chosen correctly and presented from the heart. Don’t be lazy to think and search a little, and you will definitely choose stunning gifts for your friends for the New Year.