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What to do to find your soul mate. How to find your soulmate? Excellent advice from a psychologist

Incredible facts

Your soulmate will find you when you are ready.

The Universe knows the right time for this, and this meeting will happen no matter what you want.

Therefore, if it seems to us that we are ready for this meeting, and we are carefully looking for that same soul mate, but nothing works out, there are several reasons for this.

It may seem stupid to you, but you may be subconsciously hiding from the right person.

When you overcome the fears and obstacles that hinder you, you yourself will create the situation necessary for the person you need.

When will I meet my soulmate

1. You are never yourself

People often say, “I want to be loved for who I am.” But do you know what you really are?

Of course, your soulmate will accept you with all your flaws. But when we don’t know who we really are, our soulmate doesn’t have the opportunity to come into our lives.

Before you expect the right person to find you, try to better understand your life and realize who you are.

2. You subconsciously attract the wrong people.

Almost every person has repressed emotions because we were taught to be good, polite, calm and joyful.

Emotions that you didn't want to acknowledge, feel, or express have been building up throughout your life. Many of us carry feelings of fear, guilt and sadness within us for years.

These repressed emotions not only build a wall between you and other people, but they also translate into the environment.

According to the law of attraction, energy always attracts like energy.

This explains why we continue to encounter angry, sad, or fearful people in our lives.

3. Your relationship program repeats itself all the time.

The relationship program that you build with other people is a combination of your subconscious ideas about men, women, love, and trust that you have learned since childhood.

When a child's needs were ignored, adult life he begins to avoid close relationships, hides his feelings and maintains emotional distance.

Quite often, this program is repeated over and over again, and we attract the same problems in relationships, although they may take different forms.

4. You are not here now

Neuroscientists have proven that while awake, most people rely on their consciousness 5-10 percent of the time . This means that a person is completely in the present moment and makes healthy choices.

The problem is that 90 percent of the time our body is on autopilot, and our mind wanders into the past or future, constantly running through repetitive thoughts. Unfortunately, this closes you off from suitable partners.

5. You are in the wrong place

Your significant other is not looking for you in a bar if your hobby has nothing to do with drinking.

What are you interested in, what truly fascinates you? How would you like to contribute?

Instead of waiting, go out and do things that bring you joy and pleasure because your significant other will have the same passion and purpose in life.

6. Your ego chooses what is familiar rather than what is harmonious.

Although you may consciously seek out a caring and loving partner, our ego most often chooses what is familiar. Our ego is an outdated program that is part of our subconscious. It is a database of certain beliefs and programmed reactions.

Its job is to protect and maintain your early identity.

If pain and suffering are what you are accustomed to, you will subconsciously seek the same in others, rejecting the love you need.

7. You haven't let go of your past relationship.

Don't expect that new person will come into your life if you still have one foot in the past.

You need to start moving forward and letting go of those who brought you down and caused you emotional pain. Attachment to these kinds of people does not do you any good.

Remember that universal laws work in such a way that the right person appears in your life at the right time for you. Your soulmate will come into your life when you are ready, so don't rush things.

How to find your soulmate

1. Be positive about what you want in your significant other.

Every failed relationship teaches us what we want in a partner. The problem is that we often focus on the negatives rather than the positives.

Choose positive thoughts to tell the Universe exactly what you want. For example, “I want to meet a man who values ​​relationships and loves me unconditionally.”

2. Be honest with yourself

Do you know what exactly you want in a partner? Be honest about your desires and what you will not tolerate. You cannot attract the right person based on misconceptions and lies. You need to be sincere with yourself. Only you know what you are willing to live with and what you should not put up with.

3. Don't rush into a relationship

You won't be able to attract your soulmate if you immediately try to fill empty place anyone who comes across it. This doesn't mean you have to be alone all the time, but your life partner can't come if you're holding on to someone who isn't right for you.

4. Heal past wounds

It will be difficult for you to enter into a healthy relationship if you carry with you the burden of past hurts. You won't be able to feel love if you're still holding on to someone who only brings you disappointment and regret.

This will prevent a wonderful person from becoming a part of your life, and instead you will attract the same type of people, repeating painful lessons.

5. Enjoy life

Learn to enjoy life yourself before sharing it with someone else.

Create, learn, do what you love, enriching your life. Another person will not cure you of loneliness, but on the contrary can aggravate these emotions. Learn to entertain yourself and enjoy what you have.

6. Forgive yourself

Why is it so important to forgive yourself before finding your soulmate? Because forgiveness gives freedom. You forgive not for the sake of another, but for yourself. It is a way to let go of past emotions and traumas. Forgiveness makes room for love.

7. Let go of expectations

No two relationships are the same. High expectations of what a relationship should be can be irrational and get in the way of true love.

Expectations are also dangerous because they control our minds. You can't expect perfection. You can only attract someone who is like you.

Remember that the more you love, the more love you attract into your life.

Many people dream of finding love, but don't know how. If you are not in a long-term relationship, then here you will find the answer to how to find your soulmate.

Everything in the Universe is one. Every person, as well as animals, plants and even metals and elements are a projection of one global consciousness. All people are equally valuable on this planet, and at the highest level they are a part of each other.

Your character and your personality are just an illusion¹ created by the Great Consciousness for the expansion and knowledge of yourself.

Does this mean that anyone is equally suitable for you?

Not at all. Each person on earth is a unique manifestation of the highest global consciousness, has his own unique individuality and possesses only his own set of qualities.

When they appear in your life, they fill it, bring a sense of unity, and also help your growth and spiritual development. However, remember that even without them you are an absolutely complete person.

Why do people call their loved ones "soul mate"?

Many people want to find their true “soul mate” and believe that the one they are looking for is, in fact, their missing part. They are confident that having found their partner, they will be able to become one with him and live a full life together. This is where the term “soulmate” originated.

However, from the point of view of our existence, we are a full-fledged person. Beloved people only help each other to grow spiritually, reveal their qualities, and change for the better.

2 people who consider each other their halves have a strong connection at the soul level. It would be more correct to call such people, or soul mates.

How to understand whether the “right” person is with you?

How do you know if the right person is next to you? Is he your soulmate or soul mate? You can determine this by answering the questions below.

1. In the company of a kindred person, you experience a sense of unity, and since unity is one of our aspects at the highest level, the soul experiences a feeling of coming home. Listen to your soul, what does it say?

2. You see yourself in your loved one, which is also a manifestation of unity. You have similar interests, preferences, values ​​and life goals. You also complement each other harmoniously and help each other grow. Is it so?

3. Determine whether true, sublime (spiritual) love reigns between you?

Unlike physical and friendly love, spiritual love does not lose its strength over time. She is strong but calm, all-encompassing but blissful, gentle and unconditional.

It is with your “soulmate” that you will be able to experience such love most vividly, since you are connected at the soul level.

4. You can feel emotional states and each other's symptoms, even if you are at a distance?

5. When you are close to your partner and your relationship is harmonious, you become stronger in spirit, more energy flows into you, and you feel more capable of doing anything. Do you want to give, serve and help others?

6. It is emotionally, mentally and physically difficult for you when you are far from each other. Are you like two strong magnets being held at a distance?

7. You almost never quarrel, because in your relationships you strive to compromise, forgive and give. If, nevertheless, some kind of misunderstanding separates you from each other, then it will be extremely difficult for you to be in a quarrel with your loved one (compared to quarrels with other people), since this will go against the consciousness of your soul?

8. Do you feel like your loved one is part of your destiny (even if you look beyond this physical life)?

9. Looking back, you notice how your relationships with previous partners prepared you for a relationship with your “soulmate.” Your loved one may even have specific/special characteristics that you have also observed in your ex-partners?

10. You also begin to see how specific situations in your life lined up in a certain, necessary way, since you were still looking for your partner. Did you feel like you were being led to your “soul mate”?

11. Even if life on earth did not give you much pleasure and did not bring meaning, with your loved one you heal, develop spiritually, and the desire to live appears?

12. The longer your relationship lasts, the more time you spend together, the more you open up to the Higher Consciousness. You live more consciously, gain more life experiences and lessons, and your spiritual and personal growth accelerates.

How to find your soulmate?

When you say that you want to find your “soul mate,” you mean that you want to find a person with whom you will feel extremely good and who will love you no matter what.

In gender relations, real “other halves” clearly stand out from the rest of the environment. By nature, soul mates are very positive towards each other, and in their relationships they feel strong love for each other.

To attract a “soul mate” into your life, you need to significantly change your attitude towards yourself exclusively for the better.

Only after you accept and love yourself², feel good about yourself, and feel your worth, will you become a beacon for your “other half” and be able to attract them into your life.

If you want to change something about yourself, do it based on the intention of making yourself even better and happier, and not because you don’t like something about yourself. Do this because you love yourself, and not because you don’t accept yourself and think that if you change something about yourself, others will like you.

Notice how different these two approaches are. In the first case, you are based on self-love, and in the second, on dislike. If you don’t see ways to change any of your shortcomings, as it seems to you, or it takes time, try to find several positive aspects in it (your shortcoming).

Get on the same wavelength with your “other half”!

Try to understand and feel how your “other half” would feel towards you if you were already together. Tune in to this feeling, because like attracts like.

Don’t allow your thoughts and the thoughts of your “other half” to have different vibrations³.

To meet a person who loves you and has a positive attitude towards you, start experiencing love and positive emotions for yourself!


Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Illusion is a deception of the senses, something apparent, that is, a distorted perception of a really existing object, allowing for ambiguous interpretation (

Love, mutual understanding, a strong family - most people dream about this. But how to find your soulmate? It can be difficult. Often people just sit and wait for love to find them. Take the initiative into your own hands - and happiness will not keep you waiting!

Draw a detailed portrait of your significant other: tip 1

Be honest with yourself and at the same time realistic. Think about what is really important to you in a person, which shortcomings you can come to terms with and which ones you cannot. In our early youth, we succumb to the charm of media heroes, girls fall in love with movie and show business stars, boys dream of supermodels. This is a normal stage of sensory personality development. But if you've already passed puberty, dreaming that Johnny Depp or the Prince of Wales will be drawn outside your door one morning is not constructive.

Decide on the age, level of education and income of the person you want to find, think about what his goals are in life, how he should behave, what he can dream about. Do not consider that these are too rude and materialistic indicators that have nothing to do with love. Statistics show that alliances between people of the same circle are always much stronger and more successful than misalliances. Stories in the spirit of “the young lady and the bully” rarely happen in practice, but even if they do happen, as a rule, they do not lead to long-term harmonious relationships.

37% of women and 35% of men have posted a profile on dating sites at least once in their lives.

For someone to love you, you have to love yourself. Imagine the man or woman of your dreams - are you really a worthy companion for such a person?

Of course, spiritual qualities are very important, but the form of this content is no less important. Whatever one may say, it is appearance that we pay attention to first of all. So take care of yourself. If you have long wanted to get in shape, sign up for the gym without delay. Leave in your wardrobe only those things that you like yourself in. Go to a hair salon or spa. Try to look like you have a dream date every day. All these measures will not only help you look better, they will give you confidence in your irresistibility, and this is what makes a person attractive.

Go out in public more often and expand your social circle: tip 3

How to find your love, where is it waiting for you? Anywhere, but not at home on the couch in front of the TV. To meet new people, you need to go to new places. Go to exhibitions, lectures and seminars on any subject that interests you, join a sports section or look for a nice skating rink, go on a trip, even if there is no company. The more you interact with people you don't know well, the better your communication skills become. This is extremely useful, especially if you are not a naturally sociable person and sometimes get lost when talking with strangers.

According to statistics recent years, approximately 30% of relationships that ended in marriage began as a romance in the virtual space - future spouses found each other on dating sites, social networks, and Internet forums.

Even if you are very tired of loneliness and are determined to start a serious relationship, maintain a certain sobriety of mind. Fans or admirers will certainly appear after following the first three tips, but how to determine whether they are worth your attention? Is it love or not love?

The question is complex, especially since there is no single standard, there is no instrument capable of measuring the “truth” of love. This feeling is often confused with physical attraction, which can literally overwhelm and knock you down. But such hormonal storms do not last long - only a few months. And if you and the object of your passion have nothing to talk about, if his personality does not interest you and you as a person are also uninteresting to him, such a relationship is doomed.

Often, the choice is influenced not by one’s own hormones, but by the opinions of others. Your parents are delighted, your friends also like your chosen one, everyone begins to hint to you that you have finally met a couple, but this person does not evoke any special feelings in you - this is a very common situation. Do not allow public opinion influence your choice. It’s easier to endure the reproaches of others that you missed such a promising option than to connect your life with someone you don’t love, just so as not to disappoint your relatives and friends.

If you don't know where to find love, then a dating site is the most obvious answer to this question. Of course, there are also people on such sites looking for frivolous adventures, but the majority come to these resources with the goal of finding their soulmate.

British sociologist Geoffrey Gavin conducted a study in which he invited a group of randomly selected young men and women aged 19 to 26 to post their profiles on dating sites. It soon became clear that more than 70% of the subjects began relationships with their virtual acquaintances.

How to choose a dating site where you can meet your love

There are a lot of dating sites, but not all of them have a good reputation. Among the large resources, and are well known; the website provides good chances of finding your love, where you can find a person of a certain profession or religion. Those sites where the main functionality is available only to paid users can also be considered reliable - this immediately scares away frivolous people.

How to create a profile correctly

A user's profile on a dating site contains basic information about him and his photographs. Take your profile creation seriously and be honest. Provide only information that is true. What's the point of writing in the Hobbies section about your love of literature if all you read are business letters and food labels in the supermarket? Your profile should reflect your personality in order to attract the attention of the right people. Don't be afraid to seem weird or too original.

You should choose your photo especially carefully. Do not overuse filters and graphic editors - remember that this can result in awkwardness and disappointment in a personal meeting. A clear photo that clearly shows your smiling face is the most the best option. If your goal is a serious relationship, don't post too much candid photos. Experts on dating sites unanimously claim that the greatest interest is generated not by selfies or staged photographs, but by pictures in which a person is busy with some activity.

Natural selection: how to know you've found the right person

Most sites offer you likely candidates based on your profile data, as well as taking into account the wishes you have indicated. Therefore, when filling out your profile, be extremely precise, indicating age, geographic and other limits, otherwise you will literally be inundated with letters from people who are clearly not suitable for you.

However, you shouldn’t expect that you will find The One or The One in the first couple of days. Get ready to do the screening. It is quite obvious that people who from the very first lines offer you sex or send you candid photographs are not suitable for you - there are many men on dating sites looking for a girlfriend for the night and girls of a certain profession. But if you want to find love, these people are unlikely to interest you. Also beware of those who are clearly trying to extract as much personal information from you as possible, but do not say anything specific about themselves - this could be a sign of a scammer.

If communication goes smoothly and you are clearly interested in each other, you can make an offline date. Experts strongly recommend arranging the first meeting not at home, but in a public place - if things don't go according to plan, you can always leave with your dignity intact.

How to start a conversation and interest your interlocutor

Avoid template, faceless phrases and stock compliments. Your task is to stand out from the endless “Hello! How are you? And you’re cute.” Look at the profile of the person you are interested in - there are many tips on how to start a conversation. If he likes old movies, ask him to recommend something worthwhile from the “retro” category. If a person is posing with a dog or cat in a photo, ask what breed it is. There are many options for successfully starting a conversation, but there is a main rule - be sincerely interested in the person! Only in this case will you not look pretentious and fake and will be able to truly interest your interlocutor.

When communicating online, remember the basic rules of politeness. Perhaps the one you are interested in will remain indifferent to your charms. This is not a reason to be offended, much less insult a person. Remember that almost all dating sites have the opportunity to report a rude person.

We don't promise that by applying our tips you will find love, but you will increase your chances of finding love. The main thing is to believe in love, not to give up at the first unsuccessful attempt and to act. Remember: water does not flow under a lying stone. The clearest illustration of this law is the tragic story of Oblomov, who exchanged love for a sofa.

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Hello! In this article we will tell you how to find your soulmate and what you need to do for this. Does a soulmate even exist and where to look for it?

Where to begin

All people have different desires and life goals. But men and women have one common desire. Namely, to find your soulmate.

Your soulmate is your soul mate with whom you will live many happy years.

Some people don’t see anything difficult in finding “their” person. They easily get along with representatives of the opposite sex, easily start relationships and just as easily end them.

But we won’t talk about fleeting hobbies now. It's about finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

We are convinced that every person has a soul mate. Sometimes in order to find it you have to change more than one partner. Many people only feel truly happy in their third or fourth marriage.

Some women and men who have not had a serious relationship see their destiny in every acquaintance. This is an extremely wrong attitude. Such unions most often do not end well.

A soulmate or life partner is a person whose shortcomings you are willing to put up with.

Before you start actively looking for your soulmate, think about the fact that there are no ideal people. Each has its own pros and cons. Therefore, you will have to adapt to another person, change yourself and your life.

If this fact doesn’t scare you, we’ll tell you where to start your search.

Every woman wants a prince for her husband, and every man wants a queen. But in order for the person you like to pay attention to you, you need:

  1. Watch your appearance.
  2. Love yourself.
  3. Smile at people more often.
  4. Be a self-sufficient person.

These are the minimum requirements that must be met. Now let's take a closer look at each point.

Neat appearance

If you can go out into the street in unpolished shoes, slightly wrinkled clothes or with peeled nail polish, then it is unlikely that the people who are interested in you will like you. Most likely, a representative of the opposite sex with the same dirty shoes, unwashed hair, etc.

But you are looking for a prince, so think about what you must correspond to him. What do we mean by this?

  • Take care of your appearance and personal hygiene. It is unacceptable if it comes from you bad smell(for example, from the mouth, or from the feet).
  • Dress stylishly and tastefully. If you don’t have extra money for new fashionable things, try to give a second life to the ones you already have, especially since fashion for many things is returning. Review your wardrobe. There are probably things there that never go out of fashion. We are talking about business clothes. The main thing is to successfully combine the individual components of the outfit.
  • Don't neglect accessories. Accessories are a little thing that can complete an image and give it some zest. Well-chosen glasses, a brooch or jewelry will certainly give you self-confidence.

If you doubt your beauty and attractiveness, then try changing your image or hairstyle. Many women, changing their hair color, length, etc., are confident that by changing themselves, changes will definitely occur in their lives.

Love for yourself

In order to find a soulmate for a woman, she needs to learn to love herself. Think about the fact that it is difficult to love a person who does not love himself. People with a lot of complexes are eternal whiners with complaints about life, others and themselves.

If you can classify yourself into this category of people, then get busy urgently. You can attend several trainings or take care of yourself.

For example, if you have overweight and you are very complex about this, you can choose clothes that will hide your shortcomings. Also think about the fact that some men love very thin women, while others are delighted with curvy figures.

The moment you accept yourself for who you are and stop hiding your eyes and looking away, you will notice that people look at you with interest. And this, although a small one, is a step towards meeting your soul mate.

Sincere smile

Think about who you prefer to look at. For a gloomy or cheerful person? Surely positive attitude It lifts the mood of those around you too. From this we can conclude that if you smile more often and radiate optimism, people will be more willing to communicate with you.

A smile is not a simple muscle contraction. It is she who informs others about your openness and readiness to communicate. In addition, this lip movement is a great way to lift the mood of yourself and those around you..


Finding a soul mate is just as difficult for a man as it is for a woman. It is for men that such a quality as self-sufficiency is very important. In order to cultivate this quality in yourself, you need:

  • Find yourself a hobby. All people have their favorite pastime. Some people like to bake cakes, some like to fix cars, and some like to grow flowers. Find something you like, giving yourself to which you will feel boundless happiness.
  • Spend more time with your family. Relatives are people who can support you in any situation, cheer you up and simply listen. It is with these people that you will not feel lonely, and the absence of a soulmate will not hurt your heart so much.
  • Find interesting work, which will bring a stable income. If you like your profession and place of work, you will go to it with great desire, give it your all, and in return you will receive a feeling of satisfaction and the desired income.
  • Learn to believe in yourself and your strengths. Confident and strong-willed people stand out from the crowd. Therefore, it is worth thinking about cultivating these qualities in yourself.
  • Keep a diary and write down everything that happens in your life.. Psychologists say that it is the diary that clearly illustrates your achievements and the steps taken towards your goal.

Some women and men, not knowing how and where to look for their soulmate, turn to psychologists for help. The help of these specialists helps people find a soul mate.

We tried to collect the maximum number of tips that will be useful to both men and women.

Set a goal

We are not talking about the fact that you need to set yourself to start a family within the next 6 months. The point is that you must want to let another person into your life. There is no need to tell everyone that I don’t need anyone and that loneliness suits me.

This way, you will only push people away on a subconscious level. Just decide for yourself that you really want to find your destiny and you will definitely do it. You need to believe it, and then those around you will believe it.

Cultivate new positive qualities and character traits in yourself

Take a piece of paper and write down all your strengths and weaknesses, and also make a list of qualities that you would like to acquire. Evaluate the result of your work and think about how to correct shortcomings and what needs to be done to cultivate the missing qualities in yourself.

For example, you consider yourself a closed and uninitiative person. But you really want to make acquaintances with ease, like your other comrades. To do this, you will have to get out of your comfort zone, smile more often and learn to start a conversation yourself.

Stop looking for the ideal

Every person wants to find the ideal representative of the opposite sex. But this is impossible to do, because such people do not exist. If you have not yet met a person whose image suits you, you should not reject the courtship of people who fall short of the ideal.

Many women who have already found their soulmate claim that the first impression of their future husband was not the best. But they gave men a chance to open up, after which they forgot to think about the ideal.

Communicate more and be part of society

In order to connect your life with your soulmate, it’s not enough to just lie on the couch and wait for your soulmate to knock on the door.

You definitely need to develop social connections. We offer:

  • Attend various seminars and trainings . Think about what interests you and sign up for a seminar, training, or go to an exhibition. It is there that you can find a person with whom you will at least have common interests.
  • Find yourself a hobby. For example, you love to read, but you buy books electronically or read them online. We suggest visiting a bookstore, where you will be in your element, buy the printed edition that you like, and also have the opportunity to flirt with a cute seller or a buyer like you.
  • Become a volunteer . By doing good deeds, you not only help other people, but also feel needed and important. Who knows, maybe doing just this important work, you will be deservedly rewarded by fate itself.
  • Spend more time with family and friends . Think about the fact that your friends, knowing that you are single and looking for a soul mate, will introduce you to the person you need.

Agree to blind dates

If your friends want to introduce you to a member of the opposite sex, then do not reject their offer. Most often, such people only want the best for you and will definitely not introduce you to a maniac. Therefore, relax and try to get the most out of the upcoming meeting.

Don't lie about yourself

When filling out a form on dating sites, provide accurate information. If you decide to try your luck on the Internet, we advise you to provide the most reliable information possible. Of course, you may fall for not entirely honest users of this site, but at least no one will be disappointed in you when they come on a date.

Meet people in places where your heart rate increases

Scientists have proven that sympathy arises when excited. At the moment when the heart begins to beat faster, sweating increases, and all sensations are perceived more vividly. Thanks to this, interest in the other person arises.

  • Gyms or fitness clubs;
  • Extreme hikes;
  • Cinemas, watching horror films, etc.

Work on your relationships

If you have found your soul mate, but doubt that this particular person is your soulmate, do not rush to end this relationship in search of something better.

Understand that everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Surely it happens that some quality in yourself irritates you, and what can we say about a stranger.

If your chosen one is not indifferent to you, but some of his character traits do not suit you, try to talk about it and come to a compromise. Just remember that you may have to change too.

If you do not work on your relationship together with your partner, then you will not be able to create an alliance, even with an ideal one.

There are several techniques that will help you find your soul mate. These methods only work if you believe in the positive effect. If you are determined, then read carefully and start implementing your plans.

We place an order into the Universe

You've probably heard that thoughts are material and everything we think about sooner or later comes true. Based on this statement, we propose to ask you to find us a soul mate in the Universe.

To do this, you must imagine your ideal. After that, take a piece of paper and describe the appearance and qualities that this man should have.

For example, my future husband it should be:

  1. Tall;
  2. Brown-eyed;
  3. pumped up;
  4. Sociable;
  5. Attentive;
  6. Romantic, etc.

When you create this list, you have to put your heart and soul into it and really represent that person.

Read it again and burn it. The ashes can be scattered in the wind. The moment you get rid of the remaining paper, your request is activated and the Universe begins to work.

If you don't like the idea of ​​burning your list, you can roll it up into a tube and stick it in balloon, inflate it and hang it in a visible place. Once you find your soulmate (and this will happen sooner or later), you will be very surprised when you discover similarities real person with what is described on paper.

Wish poster

This method helps you visualize your dream. Its meaning is as follows. You imagine your man and think what you would like to receive from him as an addition. After this, take a blank sheet of paper (it’s better to take Whatman paper), several women’s magazines, scissors and glue.

Now find pictures that match your needs and cut them out. For example, cut out the man you like most, a car, a house, a baby, wedding rings.

After that, stick your photo in the center, and place your chosen companion next to it. After that, around your couple, glue a car that your chosen one will presumably own, rings symbolizing marriage, children - future offspring, etc.

This masterpiece needs to be hung in a prominent place so that every time you wake up, your eyes are drawn to the wish poster.

Thanks to him, you will not forget about your goal and will definitely achieve what you want.

Let us remind you once again that these methods really work if you truly believe in them.

What not to do when looking for a soul mate

Some women remain lonely because they are either constantly inactive, or use prohibited or unpromising search methods. We analyzed the main mistakes of ladies and compiled a list of the most senseless methods to get a man.


  1. Use any kind of magic. If you believe in the effectiveness of various conspiracies and love spells, then you must understand that they have the opposite effect. For example, your physical, mental or emotional condition may deteriorate.
  2. To take a person away from the family or to take someone away from them. As it says folk wisdom"On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built". There is a deal of truth in it. Think about the fact that if a person leaves his wife or girlfriend once, then this can happen to you.
  3. Use pathetic methods. For example, offering sex, and after sex using the same blackmail.
  4. Give up and wait for everything to work itself out. Each of us is the smith of our own happiness. In order to receive this very happiness, you need to earn it.
  5. Get depressed and suffer. If you are worried about your loneliness, then think about the fact that it is better to wait good man who will love you, than to marry the first person you meet, and then blame yourself for it.
  6. Do nothing. If you don’t change anything in your life, then you will be looking for your soulmate for a very long time, and perhaps you will never find it.

Where to find your soulmate

You can make an acquaintance that will develop into a serious relationship anywhere, even in traffic jams. But the most good places are considered:

  • Restaurants;
  • Cinemas;
  • Workplaces;
  • Celebrations of friends;
  • Airports, train stations;
  • The World Wide Web ( social media, forums, dating sites).


There are situations when women, trying to find a soul mate, are ready to try all methods. For example, they register on dating sites and go on blind dates. But here you need to be very careful not to fall for any scammers or people with mental problems.

We are not discouraging you from dating via the Internet, but simply warning about possible dangers.


Life is a very interesting thing and it constantly throws surprises at us. When you really, really want to find a life partner, nothing happens. But as soon as you give up on everything and let go of the situation, several suitors appear in your life at once.

Is it possible to find your soulmate?