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Hatake kakashi quotes. Quotes from naruto

Kakashi Hatake (Japanese: はたけ カカシ) is a fictional character from the Naruto manga series, created and drawn by Masashi Kishimoto, and series of the same name in the anime genre. The hero first appears in the story in the third chapter of the manga.

Manga - Japanese comics

Kakashi Hatake is one of the most talented ninjas of Konoha, at first he is the mentor and teacher of team No. 7, consisting of young students - Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, and later leads the already matured ninjas. He has a reputation as a strict and unyielding teacher.
The manga hero says the following phrase about himself:: “My name is Hatake Kakashi. I don’t want to tell you what I like and don’t like... My dreams... Hmm... As for my hobbies... I have many hobbies...” .
One of his hobbies is reading novels from the Icha Icha series, which have a comedic genre and are based on the love affairs of the characters in the novel. He always carries one of the books with him and reads it regularly, even when talking to someone.

Hatake Kakashi constantly reads a book

Despite the fact that the character seems fearless and indifferent, he has strong leadership qualities and is regularly approached for advice and help.
Hatake is nicknamed the "Copy Ninja" due to his ability to copy his opponent's fighting techniques in a split second.
He hides his left eye, damaged in battle, under a bandage.
A notable feature of Hatake is that he is chronically late always and everywhere. He tells his students in one of the chapters, “Sorry for being late!” Today I got lost on the road of life.“

Hatake Kakashi is a famous Japanese comic book hero.

Some of the most common phrases belonging to Hatake Kakashi are the following:

.“I won’t tell you what I love. And I won’t tell you what I don’t like either. “
“You think you understand it, when in fact you only think you understand what you are thinking about. “
“Being different does not mean being better. In other words, the nail that sticks out will be hammered down first. “
“No matter how many illusions you create, they will never fill the hole in your heart!” “
"Those who break the laws of the shinobi world are called trash, but those who abandon their comrades in the lurch are worse than trash."
.“The next generation is always superior to the previous one. This is one of the never-ending cycles of life.”
.“Walking along a path without knowing where you are really going... Having such a delay is not so bad. But if this is all you can do, you will face obstacles that you cannot overcome.”

  • If we had met in another place and at another time, we would have become friends. (Naruto)
  • I can be your helper! And in return you will teach me your seduction jutsu!!! I need to defeat my grandfather!
  • Knowing the past, we can look into the future - this is what history teaches us. From it we know that people will never be able to open their eyes and understand each other.
  • Best quotes and phrases from Naruto

    • The love that dwells in the body will draw a person into the light, rejecting darkness and shadows.
    • There were days when I couldn't stand Sasuke. Even though neither of us had a family, he was always the elite and I was last in class.
    • Quotes from Naruto in Russian- Don't hide your wounds from me! I will always take care of you... (Nohara Rin)
    • We will be the last to die - we will not give up. Let's defend Konoha Savings Bank.
    • Whether you are a man or a beast, there is no difference. As long as your heart has a friend, you can always find inner peace.
  • There are no hopeless situations. There are situations from which you are not happy with the way out. (Nara Shikamaru)
  • Eyes speak more than words. So when it hurts, we turn away.
  • Never give up... Standing up when everything has collapsed is true strength.
  • Any of my students can easily become Hokage!
  • In the world there are those who use and those who are used. (Zabuza Momochi)
  • Pass by when you visit our locations.
  • I wonder if it’s always so quiet and calm up there? When I look at the night sky, I have a strange feeling: how can such a beautiful light come from the abyss of darkness? Where did he come from? Will I ever be able to visit there?
  • I'd love to invite you to come over for a drink, but I'm afraid you'll agree. (Jiraiya)
  • Love is a feeling in which you want to please and help the person you care about, as well as care for and protect.
  • I don't understand anything! Okay, I'll pretend I understand...
  • The Hokage must fully understand the principles of humanity, justice, wisdom, loyalty, sincerity, common sense, brotherly friendship, he must master more than a thousand jutsu...
  • A person who hides the truth lacks courage.
  • There are no pockets in the coffin, and the dead do not take their wallets to the grave. (Kakuzu)
  • Sakura, I bet your feelings for Sasuke are much different now than they were back then. You still love him, but in a different way.
  • If we had met in another place and at another time, we would have become friends.
  • Every person you give trust to, you give a knife to. With it he can protect you or destroy you.
  • It is very easy to fold your hands and say, “This is impossible.”
  • Quotes and phrases from Naruto- This guy has always been the most popular in the class.
  • I just want to live according to my conscience so that I don’t regret anything anymore.
  • Love is suffering that gives rise to hatred, which leads to severe pain. (Paine)
  • idea for your story

    Desired characteristics

    Directions: Jen - sexual relationships are not described or mentioned or do not play a decisive role.">Jen, Get - romantic and/or sexual relations between a man and a woman.">Get, Slash - romantic and/or sexual relationships between men.">Slash, Femslash - romantic and/or sexual relationships between women.">Femslash, Article - A journalistic text about fandom or the art of writing, built in the form of “thesis, arguments in its favor, conclusion”>Article

    Rating: G - fan fiction that can be read to any audience.">G, PG-13 - fan fiction that may describe romantic relationships at the level of kisses and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments.">PG-13, R - fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description.">R or NC-17 - fan fiction in which erotic scenes, violence or some other difficult moments can be described in detail.">NC-17

    Description of the idea

    So I went into the quote book and came across my favorite fandom.
    There's so much beautiful quotes, that I really wanted to read poetry based on them.

    It is not necessary to write poetry about the fandom.
    Originals are welcome. It’s even more interesting that way)

    I chose the most interesting ones))
    Choose and write.
    Just indicate in the header the quote you chose for your poem, please))

    Rhythm, rhyme and meaning are a must!

    1. The more time you spend with someone, the stronger the connection becomes. This is human nature.
    2. Your home is where people think about you. Jiraiya.
    3. Although, if you think about it, there is no time to think. Deidara.
    4. I hate people who lie to themselves. Naruto.
    5. Eyes say more than words. So when it hurts, we turn away.
    6. People in their lives are tightly connected to what they accept as truth. That's how they define "reality"... But what does "truth" mean? Undefined concept. And this means that their “reality” is perhaps just a mirage... Uchiha Itachi.
    7. Love gives rise to suffering, gives rise to hatred and makes one know pain. Payne.
    8. We live in the present, mourn the past and wonder about the future. That's the nature of history. Payne.
    9. We know what pain is, and we try to be kinder to others... This is what makes us human. Jiraiya.
    10. It doesn't matter how strong you look. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Sasori.
    11. Every person you give trust to, you give a knife into their hands. With it he can protect you or destroy you.
    12. Art is something that blooms just a second before it evaporates forever. Deidara.
    13. A person, knowing love, risks knowing hatred. Madara Uchiha.
    14. The only one who can understand a beast is another beast. Tsunade.
    15. An ardent moment captured in a calm mind... Art is a boom! Deidara.
    16. My eyes have been closed for a long time, because my goal lies in the darkness... Uchiha Sasuke.
    17. Even if a snake dreams of flying in the sky, it is still destined to crawl on the ground. Uchiha Sasuke.
    18. It is human nature to make mistakes, and he uses this property often and with pleasure. Naruto.
    19. Perhaps ideals do not exist in the whole world. Sometimes two completely opposite things turn out to be different sides of the same coin. And they can only succeed when they work together. Itachi Uchiha.
    20. The love that lives in a person will never allow his heart to wallow in darkness. Naruto.
    21. If you don’t want to lose your head, please take it out of your ass! Saeji.
    22. A long tongue indicates a weak brain of the owner.
    23. Tears only increase sadness, like rain. Yahiko.
    24. The next generation always surpasses the previous one and takes their place. Kakashi.
    25. A friend cannot be bought, but he can be sold. Kakuzu.
    26. I believe that the time will come when people will be able to truly understand each other. Minato.
    27. Life is beautiful only because it is so fleeting and not permanent. Deidara.
    28. Initially, reality is a set of accidents, which we call fate. We can't predict it. Itachi Uchiha.
    29. The stronger the common goal, the stronger the bonds that bind us. Kankuro.
    30. Love leads to sacrifice... which leads to hatred. Payne.
    31. Throughout life, we will change our masks more than once and pretend to be someone we are not. But remember: changing your appearance will not change your essence. Obito Uchiha.
    32. Sometimes life brings surprises that no book is capable of. Tsunade.
    33. If you want to know yourself so much, know this whole world completely, to the last drop. Orochimaru.
    34. Even hell costs money. Kakuzu.
    35. By manipulating the darkness in the hearts of people, you can easily subjugate them. Madara Uchiha.
    36. War brings pain, wounds and death to everyone. Payne.
    37. You can fill the emptiness in your heart yourself. Without anyone's help. Obito Uchiha.
    38. Luck never smiles on a ninja who seeks death from his own sword and demands the same from others. Neji Hugo.
    39. Only people are capable of shedding blood for world peace. Madara Uchiha.
    40. If you set a ceiling for yourself, then you will never overcome it... Break down all your walls and fearlessly take a huge step forward. Neji Hugo.
    41. Cooperation is just a form of quiet conflict. Madara Uchiha.
    42. Women love to waste time on useless things. Sasori.
    43. Behind my back are wings whose name is perseverance. Sometimes persistence can take the form of wings and make even the impossible possible! Rock Lee.
    44. This world is full of things that you cannot change. The longer you live, the more you realize that the world consists of pain, suffering and emptiness. As long as there is light in this world, there will be darkness. As long as there are winners, there will be losers. The selfish desire for “peace” motivates wars, and hatred is motivated by love. Madara Uchiha.
    45. The only way to escape from a predator is to feed it something else. Orochimaru.
    46. ​​When friends you trust gather around you, hope becomes tangible and visible. That's what I believe. Kakashi.
    47. If there is no darkness, it can always be created. Madara Uchiha.
    48. It's too late to regret anything. Reality is merciless in its forward movement. Obito Uchiha.
    49. You should imitate in order to grow and develop, and not in order to abandon yourself. Itachi Uchiha.
    50. Heroes always die with a smile on their face. Neji Hugo.
    51. Everything you went through in life helped you become who you are now. Hashirama Senju.
    52. The only way to get rid of hostility between people is to turn your soul inside out in front of each other... And hug like brothers... But this is impossible. After all, it is impossible to discern what is deep inside a person. And understand what feelings are really boiling inside him. Madara Uchiha.
    53. While great countries bask in the rays of bright light, small countries are doomed to die in darkness. Obito Uchiha.
    54. People become stronger because they have memories that they will not forget. Tsunade.
    55. Those with power will always fight to increase it. Madara Uchiha.
    56. You know, people should talk to each other. At least a little. Otherwise their hearts become covered with darkness. By talking to people, you gain bonds, and thanks to this you do not regret that you live in this world. That's how people are made. Jiraiya.
    57. Confidence scares enemies more than anger. Kisame.
    58. Either this life is really cool, or I'm a masochist. Naruto.
    59. People will never lend a helping hand to someone who does nothing and runs away from difficulties. As long as you don't give up, there is always hope for salvation. Kakashi.
    60. If you don’t try to change something, then nothing will change. Hashirama Senju.
    61. I don’t want to regret anything anymore! Enough already - “what if...” Naruto.
    62. There is a difference between haste and haste. Rapid action is the path to inaction. Yamato.
    63. If you continue to retreat in the face of difficulties, you may lose not only your will, but also replace it with hatred.
    64. The strongest will take everything from those who are weaker. This is how everything works in this world.
    65. As long as your heart has a friend, you can always find inner peace. Bunbuku.
    66. Having been born in this world, we are doomed to eternal war, and only death will free us from this burden. Asuma Sarutobi.
    67. This reality is not worth saving. This world is already dead. Obito Uchiha.
    68. What is the point of shackling yourself with chains of friendship or family ties, if now you live, and in a minute you will die in battle? Kisame.
    69. Those who do not understand themselves lose. Uchiha Itachi.
    70. We are forced to make decisions to achieve our goals. But depending on what the goal is, we ourselves change. Hashirama Senju.
    71. Hatred is born from the desire to protect loved ones. Nagato Uzumaki.
    72. Diligence always bears fruit! Might Guy.
    73. Direct your thoughts where they should, otherwise they will direct you where they should not. Naruto.
    74. We are not made of stone... Sooner or later doubts arise. Orochimaru.
    75. Since childhood, I was taught to fight to the end. And it doesn’t matter if it’s lethal. Jiraiya.
    76. People change or die without changing. One out of two. Orochimaru.
    77. Even a little strength is important if used correctly. Shikamaru Nara.
    78. I thought that he was the one I was obliged to kill. I thought he was the one I should hate the most. I thought he was a heartless killer and my eternal enemy. But it turned out that he was someone I just had to understand, he was someone I just had to love. Uchiha Sasuke.
    79. What makes me feel true despair is this world itself... This whole world of deceivers! Obito Uchiha.
    80. You can only trust money. Kakuzu.


    You need to log in to the site to add fan fiction on request or subscribe to fan fiction written by others.

    Will of Fire 5

    Fandom: Naruto Pairing and characters: Jiraiya Rating: PG-13- fan fiction in which romantic relationships may be described at the level of kisses and/or there may be hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character."> Drabble, 2 pages, part 1 Status: finished Tags: Show spoilers

    Since childhood, I was taught to fight to the end. And it doesn’t matter if it’s lethal. ©Jiraiya (75 quote)

    He was someone I just had to love. 20

    Fandom: Naruto Pairing and characters: Sasuke, Itachi. Rating: G Drabble- fan fiction that can be read to any audience."> G Size:

    - an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character."> Drabble, 2 pages, part 1 Status: finished Tags:

    78 quote. 57

    Like eternity in a moment. Jiraiya's Reflections Rating: G Drabble Fandom: Naruto Pairing and characters: Jiraiya, Jiraiya, Naruto, Minato and Kushina are mentioned and others Rating: Show spoilers

    - an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character.">

    Since childhood, I was taught to fight to the end. And it doesn’t matter if it’s lethal. (c) Jiraiya 19

    This is what I believe! Rating: G Drabble Fandom: Naruto Pairing and characters: Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno Rating:

    - an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character."> Drabble, 1 page, 1 part Status: finished Tags:

    46 quote from application: "When friends you trust gather around you, hope becomes tangible and can be seen. That's what I believe in. Kakashi." 10

    I hate PG-13- fan fiction in which romantic relationships may be described at the level of kisses and/or there may be hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Size: Drabble Fandom: Naruto Pairing and characters: Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno Rating:

    Fandom: Originals Rating:

    I hate people who lie to themselves. With. Naruto

    [About Sasuke] Although I admit, you are head and shoulders above the rest. But! As they say, they hit exactly the nail that sticks out... Ha ha ha!

    Techniques must be used wisely, otherwise they can turn against you.

    Kakashi [pulled out a book during a training battle with Naruto]: Come on, attack...

    Naruto: But... hmm... hmm... Why the book?

    Kakashi: Why, why... Interesting, I want to know what’s next. Don’t pay any attention... The book won’t hurt me with you.

    [Team 7] It seems like you really wanted to kill me. Well, did you believe me? Hehe. I'm finally starting to like you.

    [About Naruto Uzumaki] It is often the weakling who boasts of his strength the most.

    Kakashi [talking about himself]: Me? Well, my name is Kakashi Hatake. I won't tell you about my passions. Dreams... well, you have to think here. And I have many hobbies.

    Sakura: Well, in the end, we only know his name?

    [Team 7, that is, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke] Hmm... How should I say this. The first impression is that you are complete idiots.

    Teenagers can be very stubborn and extremely obsessive in pursuing their goals.

    [To Team 7, that is, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke] Sakura... You didn’t see Naruto, who was right in front of you, but thought only about Sasuke, who was in God knows where. Naruto! You were just running around uselessly! Sasuke! And you decided that these two would only hinder you, and played the game alone. […] Of course, the individual abilities of a ninja are very important. But where work is more important in a team. Playing alone, at odds with your team's work, puts your teammates at risk. And it may even cost them their lives.

    [Conversation with Naruto about Haku] There are boys in this world who are younger than you... and stronger than me.

    Sasuke, don't be afraid... I will protect you, even if it costs me my life. I won't let anyone kill my comrades!

    Naruto, I'm sorry I didn't help right away. And you were wounded. But I didn’t think that you would stand like this.

    In our world, ninjas who break rules and laws are called scum. But the one who does not value his comrades... That's who is truly trash!

    Zabuza: You shouldn't show off your best skills to your opponent so often.

    Kakashi: Say thank you. You are the first to see my shiringan twice. There won't be a third time.

    [Dzabudze and Haku] You shouldn’t have underestimated our team, thinking that it was just kids. Don't judge by appearance. Sasuke is the best graduate of the Leaf Village School. And Sakura is the smartest in the village. And Naruto is a braggart and the most restless ninja in the world.

    [About Naruto] I have never seen him cry or complain about life. He always goes out of his way to be noticed, and in the name of his dreams he is ready to risk his life. He was probably just tired of crying. Therefore, he learned from his own experience what it means to “be strong.”

    Courage is to always do your duty.

    [About Sakura] Not only does she know the most about chakra, but she has also demonstrated that she is the best at controlling and maintaining energy. It is Sakura who is closest to the title of Hokage, and not the one who talks about it all the time.

    The body of a ninja can tell a lot about the secrets of ninjutsu known only in his home village, the types of chakra, the composition of the secret medicines used by this ninja, and much more.

    Kakashi: I became a chunin when I was 6 years younger than Naruto.

    Umino Iruka: But Naruto is not you! Have you decided to kill your children? After all, in order to pass the exam for the title of tyunin...

    Kakashi: They constantly beg me to give them a more serious task... A couple of scratches will only do them good. […] I understand what you mean. And maybe you won’t like what I’m about to say, but [...] it’s none of your business! They are no longer your students! Now they are my warriors.

    [Three hours late] Hey guys! I'm a little lost here...

    [Dzabudze] You have sacrificed too many people to your desires. A real shinobi... doesn't act like that.

    And that's all. Thank you for your attention, bye!