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Quotes, sayings and proverbs about husbands and wives. About husband and wife: statuses, beautiful expressions About husband quotes, beautiful sayings

Most marital friction arises from the wife talking too much and the husband listening too little.

Kurt Goetz

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The domestic chicken has already pecked more than one eagle.

Zbigniew Wajdyk

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There is nothing worse than falling in love without reciprocity with your own wife.

Gabriel Laub

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Most men demand from their wives virtues that they themselves are not worth.

Lev Tolstoy

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We sleep in different rooms, we have dinner in different time, we spend our holidays apart - in a word, we do everything to save our marriage.

Rodney Dangerfield

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She married him so that she could always be with him. He married her to forget about her.

Elias Canetti

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It’s not so bad when a husband needs only one thing from his wife, it’s bad when he doesn’t need anything from her.

Konstantin Melikhan

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Two people combine, and the result is two times half a person.

Wayne Dyer

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Watching a couple sitting at a restaurant table, the length of the pauses in their conversation can tell you how long they have been living together.

Andre Maurois

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Dirty laundry is washed at home, but dried in public.

Leonce Bourliaquet

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A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.

Robert de Fleurs

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Some wives have the same blind and mysterious love for their husbands as nuns have for their monasteries.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

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We love our dog and don’t want him to change for the better, and we want to change a lot about the people we love.

Nadine de Rothschild

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Happy couple: he does what she wants, and she does what she wants.

Peter Altenberg

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The final decision is the decision you make before your wife decides.

Leonard Louis Levinson

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Husbands wouldn't lie so much if their wives didn't ask so many questions.

Yuzef Bulatovich

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Loving wife will do everything for her husband, with one exception: she will never stop criticizing and educating him.

John Priestley

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You study each other for three weeks, love each other for three months, fight with each other for three years and tolerate each other for another thirty years.

Andre de Misson

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Some spouses behave like a pair of blind people, each of whom does not see something else.

Irena Conti

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Four wives left me because I mistook them for my mother.

Cary Grant

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A man should be the master of the house, unless, of course, he is married.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

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According to statistics, women spend 85 percent family budget, 15 percent is spent by children, the rest by men.

Lucille Goodyear

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He who has two wives does not need a dog.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

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A well-informed man is one to whom his wife has just told everything she thinks about him.

Ray Fine

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What is the secret of our long marriage? No matter how busy we are, we go out to a restaurant twice a week. Candles on the table, dinner, pleasant music, dancing. She has dinner at the restaurant on Thursdays, I have dinner on Fridays.

Henny Youngman

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Your friends love you for who you are, your wife loves you and wants to make you a different person.

Gilbert Chesterton

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Polygamy is an attempt to extract more from life than is in it.

Elbert Hubbard

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After forty years, men are married to their habits, of which a wife is only one item on a long list, and not the most important one.

George Meredith

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Never be ashamed of what you think about your wife. She still thinks about you.

Jean Rostand

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If we are surprised by someone's choice of spouse, then the person had no choice.

Natalie Clifford Barney

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Try to praise your wife, it’s okay if she gets scared out of habit.

William Sunday

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In biblical times, a man could have as many wives as he could support. Exactly like today.

Abigail Van Beuren

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Why not love your wife? We love strangers.

Alexandre Dumas son

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My wife does what she wants with me, she even made me an academician.

Jacques Anselot

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If you don't succeed the first time, try listening to your wife.

Robert Orben

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A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Alfred Hitchcock

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Previously they were connected by at least the floor, but now only by the ceiling.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

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There are two types of marriage: when the husband quotes the wife and when the wife quotes the husband.

Clifford Odets

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You can inject your husband, but, for God’s sake, not in the place where everyone else injects him.

Magdalena the Impostor

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Courting his wife seemed as absurd to him as hunting for roast game.

Emil Krotky

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Very often, men owe their success to their first wife, and they owe their success to their second wife.

Jim Backus

By getting married, a man and a woman become one person - the only question is which one.

Henry Louis Mencken 134
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Many married couples look as if they met through a marriage advertisement.

A dissolute wife cannot be protected, but a chaste one should not be guarded.

Happy is he who can love his wife as a mistress, and unhappy is he who allows his mistress to love him as a husband.

Friends love you for who you are; your wife loves you and wants to make you a different person.

What is a reckless passion for one is just a wife for another.

Wives sometimes sound the alarm only to find out whether everything will go as it should in a moment of real danger.

It is not safe for husbands to tell the truth about their wives! It's funny, but wives can tell the truth about their husbands quite calmly!

The ideal wife is the one who knows when her husband wants to be forced to do something against his will.

The best sayings about your wife

Husband and wife end up looking alike.

She is so similar to her husband, as if she was created from his mouth.

Do not covet your neighbor's wife.

You get to know your wife or lover better in an hour spent with someone else than in twenty hours spent with her alone.

The best warm sayings about your wife

The final decision is the decision you make before your wife decides.

They are wasted in vain: a moonlit night, if you are sleeping; beautiful places if you don’t admire them; wife of a young rake.

Happiness is like a wife who is too rich and wasteful, who ruins the family to which she brings a rich dowry.

An invaluable advantage of a loved one: you can talk to her about everything. Try talking to your wife about your beloved’s shortcomings!

To avoid stress, avoid everything that has a stimulating effect on you; Spend more time with your wife.

It is better to make a mistake yourself than to point out the mistake to your husband.

One good husband is worth two good wives: the rarer the product, the more expensive it is.

It’s bad if the wife knows how to cook, but doesn’t want to; It’s even worse if she doesn’t know how, but wants to.

Cherished best sayings about your wife

A legal wife is an addition imposed by chance, which does not leave you until death; This is a noose that, once thrown around the neck, turns into a Gordian knot.

A wife who is unable to influence her husband is a goose. A wife who does not want to influence him is a saint.

For young people, wives are mistresses; for people middle aged- life partners, for the elderly - nurses.

When choosing a wife, try to imagine what she would look like if she were not blonde.

Don't judge a man by what his wife says about him.

All men are proud of their children. And the egoism of some men is so great that they are proud even of their wives.

There is nothing worse than falling in love with your own wife without reciprocation.

A wife who seeks power becomes a tyrant of her husband, and a master who becomes a slave becomes a ridiculous and pitiful creature.

Mentoring best sayings about wife

It's hard to protect something that many people love. It is annoying to own something that no one considers worth having, but still it is less of a misfortune to have an ugly wife than to cherish a beautiful one.

If the wife finds joy in saving money, the husband can only find joy in getting money.

Keeping secrets from other people's wives is necessary in our time. But trying to hide something from your wife is unforgivable frivolity. She'll find out anyway.

Going to Paris with your wife is the same as going to Tula with your samovar.

Everyone has the kind of wife they need.

The wife takes the name of her husband in marriage, just as a winner takes the name of a battle he has won.

Wife and children teach humanity; bachelors are gloomy and stern.

You can complain to a stranger about what you cannot complain about to a friend, and to a friend - about what you cannot complain about to your wife.

Take care of your wife, don’t give her free rein.

If your wife says to you: Oh, the horned devil! - don’t take the devil to heart, but think about the horns.

Luxury best sayings about your wife

Look at your wife as you looked at your bride, know that every minute she has the right to say: I’m dissatisfied with you, get away from me; look at her like that, and she will inspire you with the same poetic feeling as a bride.

We don't demand perfection from our wife; it is enough for her to know that she is not perfect.

Other people's wives don't get migraines.

For a wife, both her husband’s and his mistrust in her are terrible; she takes revenge for both.

To avoid mistakes and disappointments, always consult with your wife before starting an affair.

Choose a wife who doesn't believe what she sees.

As is the husband, so is the wife.

A man needs a wife, because not everything in the world can be blamed on the government.

If you don't succeed the first time, try listening to your wife.

If you are angry, don't analyze your wife's psychology; otherwise you will say too much that is true.

A wife should not make her own friends. She's had enough of her husband's friends.

By getting married, a man and a woman become one person - the only question is which one.
Henry Louis Mencken

Two people combine, and the result is two times half a person.
Wayne Dyer

Most men demand from their wives virtues that they themselves are not worth.
Lev Tolstoy

Happy couple: he does what she wants, and she does what she wants.
Peter Altenberg

Many married couples look as if they met through a marriage advertisement.
Ramon Gomez de la Serna

Marriage requires the most sophisticated insincerity possible between two people.
Vicki Baum

There are two types of marriage: when the husband quotes the wife and when the wife quotes the husband.
Clifford Odets

What is the secret of our long marriage? No matter how busy we are, we go out to a restaurant twice a week. Candles on the table, dinner, pleasant music, dancing. She has dinner at the restaurant on Thursdays, I have dinner on Fridays.
Henny Youngman

We sleep in different rooms, we have dinner at different times, we spend our holidays apart - in short, we do everything to save our marriage.
Rodney Dangerfield

A loving wife will do anything for her husband, with one exception: she will never stop criticizing and nurturing him.
John Priestley

Friends love you for who you are; your wife loves you and wants to make you a different person.
Gilbert Chesterton

We love our dog and don't want her to change for the better; and we want to change a lot about the people we love.
Nadine de Rothschild

My wife does what she wants with me; she even made me an academician.
Jacques Anselot, member of the French Academy

After forty years, men are married to their habits, of which a wife is only one item on a long list, and not the most important one.
George Meredith

Some spouses behave like a pair of blind people, each of whom does not see something else.
Irena Conti

Four wives left me because I mistook them for my mother.
Cary Grant

In biblical times, a man could have as many wives as he could support. Exactly like today.
Abigail Van Beuren

Polygamy is an attempt to extract more from life than is in it.
Elbert Hubbard

He who has two wives does not need a dog.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The new wife is a well-forgotten old one.
Gennady Malkin

Very often, men owe their success to their first wife, and they owe their success to their second wife.
Jim Backus

If a man's first marriage was a mistake, the second wife pays for it.

If we are surprised by someone's choice of spouse, then the person had no choice.
Natalie Clifford Barney

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.
Robert de Fleurs

Previously they were connected by at least the floor, but now only by the ceiling.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

I will not deny that a wife can become infatuated with her husband - after all, he is also a man.
Gerard de Nerval

Why not love your wife? We love strangers.
Alexandre Dumas son

There is nothing worse than falling in love without reciprocity with your own wife.
Gabriel Laub

It’s not so bad when a husband needs only one thing from his wife, it’s bad when he doesn’t need anything from her.
Konstantin Melikhan

Courting his wife seemed as absurd to him as hunting for roast game.
Emil Krotky

You study each other for three weeks, love each other for three months, fight with each other for three years and tolerate each other for another thirty years.
Andre de Misson

Some wives have the same blind and mysterious love for their husbands as nuns have for their monasteries.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

She married him so that she could always be with him. He married her to forget about her.
Elias Canetti

According to statistics, women spend 85 percent of the family budget, children spend 15 percent, and men spend the rest.
Lucille Goodyear

Fur for ladies' fur coats is in the vast majority of cases taken from males.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

But I do not allow a wife to teach, nor to rule over her husband, but to be in silence. For Adam was created first, and then Eve;
And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the wife, being deceived, fell into transgression.
Apostle Paul -
1 Timothy 2:12

A man should be the master of the house, unless, of course, he is married.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The final decision is the decision you make before your wife decides.
Leonard Louis Levinson

Don’t think about who is in charge in the family – she or you. It's better for you not to know.
Yuzef Bulatovich

Most marital friction arises from the wife talking too much and the husband listening too little.
Kurt Goetz

Almost any wife can talk faster than her husband can listen.

A well-informed man is one to whom his wife has just told everything she thinks about him.
Ray Fine

You can inject your husband, but, for God’s sake, not in the place where everyone else injects him.
Magdalena the Impostor

A well-matched couple is one in which both spouses simultaneously feel the need for a scandal.
Jean Rostand

Dirty laundry is washed at home, but dried in public.
Leonce Bourliaquet

The domestic chicken has already pecked more than one eagle.
Zbigniew Wajdyk

Husbands wouldn't lie so much if their wives didn't ask so many questions.
Yuzef Bulatovich

Try praising your wife; it’s okay if she gets scared out of habit.
William Sunday

If you don't succeed the first time, try listening to your wife.
Robert Orben

Some wives are so concerned about the happiness of their husbands that they look for the cause of this happiness with the help of private detectives.

Watching a couple sitting at a restaurant table, the length of the pauses in their conversation can tell you how long they have been living together.
Andre Maurois

Every husband is unhappy with the way his wife and the government spend money. The only difference is that he is not afraid to openly criticize the government.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.
Alfred Hitchcock

Never be ashamed of what you think about your wife. She still thinks about you.
Jean Rostand

A bad wife will make you old, a good wife will make you younger.

Russian proverb

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With a good wife, grief is half grief, but joy is double.

Russian proverb

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... everyone knows that if a husband and wife live harmoniously and happily, then their mutual affection increases every year, finally reaching such a development that they literally “cannot live without each other.”

N. Chernyshevsky

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Not every wife tells her husband the truth.

Russian proverb

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A widow is a woman who no longer finds a single fault in her husband.

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You can explain to others why you married your husband, but you cannot convince yourself of it.

George Sand

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A good wife and an honest husband.

Russian proverb

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What a wife doesn’t like, her husband can’t eat.

Russian proverb

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The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.

Russian proverb

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Finding a husband is an art; keeping it is a profession.

S. Beauvoir

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I don’t understand how a husband who gives free rein to a bad mood and bad inclinations, a husband who not only does not hide his shortcomings, but even boasts about them, who is stingy, unkempt, harsh, discourteous, cold and gloomy - how does he hope to protect this? the heart of his young wife from the onslaught of a clever admirer who is generous, well dressed, indulgent, caring, persistent and showers her with flattery and gifts.

Jean de La Bruyère

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But a wife with an old husband -

Like ivy hanging on its branches:

When the spreading maple

It will envelop both the trunk and the crown,

He is young and fresh, but the maple has withered.

Lope de Vega

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Women live longer than men, especially widows.

J. Clemenceau

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Ideal man: husband of the first widow.

L. Levinson

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A woman who is not and is not capable of being a friend to her husband cannot be a good wife.

T. Payne

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Is it really impossible to invent a means that would make women love their husbands?

Jean de La Bruyère

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A man loves to drink and fornicate,

Barely finding my way home,

About where he might be outside the house,

Only his widow can say.

A deceived husband sees deceived husbands everywhere.

Marcel Proust

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She married him so that she could always be with him. He married her to forget about her.

Elias Canetti

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Try praising your wife; Don’t pay attention if she gets scared out of habit.

B. Sunday

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After forty years, men are married to their habits, among which a wife is only one item on a long list, and not the most important one.

George Meredith

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A good husband is never the first to go to bed in the evening or the last to wake up in the morning.

Honore de Balzac

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At least the husband is smart, neat,

And there is no wear and tear for him in sex,

He will be unpleasant to his wife

If he doesn't bring a lot of money into the house.

E. Sevrus

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The less a woman brings to her husband, the more she demands from him, so the less she costs, the more she costs.

V. Klyuchevsky

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I will not deny that a wife can be carried away by her husband - after all, he is also a man.

Gerard de Nerval

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Wives who keep their home in exemplary order are wives who love the home more than their husband.

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Friends love you for who you are; your wife loves you and wants to make you a different person.

Gilbert Chesterton

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The wife is the one who repents of what she did, but will certainly do it again.

G. Mencken

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A wife sees in her husband both a strength that needs to be broken and a weakness that needs to be protected.

Jean Rostand

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A thin wife is an evil potion,

And a good wife is fun.

So that peace in the family is strengthened,

You must raise your wives.

G. Sachs

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May God help the one who is looking for the ideal wife;

And may He doubly help the one who found it.

Benjamin Tillett

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A wife should be smart enough to appreciate her husband's intelligence and stupid enough to admire him.

I. Zangwill

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Wife and children teach humanity; bachelors are gloomy and stern.

Francis Bacon

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The wife of a coal miner is more respectable than the mistress of the sovereign.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

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The wife consoles her husband in misfortunes that a bachelor will never have.

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A wife who seeks power becomes a tyrant of her husband, and a master who becomes a slave becomes a ridiculous and pitiful creature.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

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A wife who does not lead her husband forward certainly pushes him back.

D. Mill

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A wife, excluded from all the interests that occupy her husband, alien to them, not sharing them, is a concubine, housekeeper, nanny, but not a wife...

A. Rubinstein

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“I myself am good, but my wife is a snake!” - said the boa constrictor.

E. Sazonova

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Licorida buried every single one of her friends, Fabian: if only she could become friends with my wife now!


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Here are three things that are ruinous for everyone and the absence of which allows you to get rich: a wife, a child, and landed property.

Edmond and Jules de Goncourt

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There are many women who scream at the sight of a mouse or rat, but are capable of poisoning their husband or, even worse, causing him to poison himself.

Henry Fielding

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A stupid wife cannot compromise her husband - only one whom everyone considers smart can compromise.

Charles Talleyrand

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If all those with obstinate wives reached despair, then a tenth of humanity would hang themselves.

William Shakespeare

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If a wife finds joy in saving money, there is only one thing left to do: find joy in getting it.

E. Howe

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If a wife scolds angrily, this scolding is not dangerous:

There is more deceit hidden in the tears when she cries.


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Wives are husbands' inspectors; only some inspect their hearts, others inspect their pockets, and still others, the most intelligent ones, inspect their mouths.

B. Klyuchevsky

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There are wives who become furious for no reason,

The comfort of family becomes not pleasant to them,

When strangers come to them

They don't bother you in public places.

E. Sevrus

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Wives listen to us most attentively when we are talking with another woman.

Henri Thoret

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Wives are usually mentally weaker and spiritually stronger than their husbands - this torture to which husbands are subjected is twice as painful.

D. Herold

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Behind every successful man is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law.

Brooks Hayes

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Wives who prefer to push around a stupid husband rather than obey a smart one are reminiscent of those who on the road prefer to lead a blind man rather than follow a man who can see and knows the way.


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For an honest husband, the wife herself becomes honest.

G. Sachs

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Of all medicines, the best is a good wife.

K. Hubbard

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A wife should not make her own friends. She's had enough of her husband's friends.


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And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the wife, being deceived, fell into transgression.

Apostle Paul

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Intuition allows a wife to object to her husband before he can open his mouth.

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Some wives treat their husbands best when they are at work.

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When a wife takes her husband at his word, she becomes suspicious.

Henry Mencken

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As a rule, a man would rather see the table set for dinner than hear his wife speak Greek.

Samuel Johnson

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When the years are like a fog

They leave us forever,

The wife turns into a nanny

Comrade, friend and brother.

E. Sevrus

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A young man loves a woman, dreaming that she will be his wife.

The old man loves his wife, remembering that she was a woman.

V. Klyuchevsky

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Who got involved with a stupid, vicious wife,

He did not marry a woman - with trouble.

Muslihaddin Saadi

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A loving wife will do anything for her husband, with one exception: she will never stop criticizing and nurturing him.

John Priestley

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It’s better for a young wife to have an arrow in her side than for an old man at her side.

Muslihaddin Saadi

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My wife is called a dumb blonde, but that's not true...she's not a blonde.

Robert Orben

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The husband is a well-edited man.

Konstantin Melikhan

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The husband is deaf, the wife is also blind -

Then the marriage will be happy.

G. Sachs

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A husband loves his wife until he loves another woman. A wife loves her husband to the grave, and then to the grave of another husband.

Konstantin Melikhan

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If we are looking for pleasure on the outside that we do not find at home, it is because our wives do not sufficiently master the art of maintaining attraction in us, of loving each time in a new way, of reviving... the charm of possessing the charm of variety.

Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

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The husband is affectionate, since the wife is tender,

And he is harsh, since his wife is evil.

S. Brant

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A woman who talks about her husband with a stranger surrenders herself more or less to his power.

A. Knigge

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A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore.

Honore de Balzac

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Women usually hate those whom their husbands love, not out of malice, but by nature.

T. More

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Do not bring your wife into your house just because she is rich;

And if she becomes a burden to you, don’t hesitate to leave.


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Never be ashamed of what you think about your wife. She still thinks about you.

Jean Rostand

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But the wife is not a mitten:

You can't shake off the white pen

You can't put it under your belt.

A. Pushkin

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The best evidence of a man's character is the health of his wife.

Cyril Connolly

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Four wives left me because I mistook them for my mother.

Cary Grant

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Very often, men owe their success to their first wife, and they owe their success to their second wife.

D. Backus

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The French hardly talk about their wives: they are afraid to talk in front of strangers who know these wives better than the husbands themselves.

Charles Montesquieu

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Everyone has the kind of wife they need.

A. Fet

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Happy is he who can love his wife as a mistress, and unhappy is he who allows his mistress to love him as a husband.

B. Klyuchevsky

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The tactics of a prudent wife: torment, torment her husband all her life, to dirty and dirty him, and when widowed, cackle about the incomparable and unprecedented qualities of his mind and heart, count the money left after him and shed romantic tears over his grave, remember the day with tenderness and gratitude the hour of his death.

V. Klyuchevsky

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My wife has a terrible memory - she never forgets anything.

Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise

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A smart wife does not ask what her husband wants. She knows.

Wilhelm Schwebel

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Good wife- a crown for her husband and carelessness, and an evil wife - fierce grief... A worm wears away a tree, and an evil wife - fierce grief... A worm wears away a tree, and an evil wife... drains her husband's house... An evil wife ruins her husband's whole life.

Daniil Sharpener

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A good wife listens carefully to her husband's reasoning, not because they are so smart, but because she is so smart.

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A good wife works for you like a servant; gives advice as an advisor; beautiful as the goddess of beauty; calm and resilient, like the earth; feeds you like a mother and delights you like a hetaera. A good wife is six persons in one.

Ancient Indian saying

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Innocence is often difficult to prove

Notoriety like the lottery:

It can finish off the most honest wives

Slander with its mockery...

George Gordon Byron

This article contains best aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements about men.

Men! How much has been said about you, good and bad, kind and evil. Yes, and evil. Well, that’s nothing... However, it’s enough that the beautiful half of humanity dreams of their very own man.

The world, without a doubt, is ruled not only by love, but also by the most primitive stereotypes. Where do stereotypes come from? People think they know and talk, talk, talk.
This is how it appears folk wisdom, which is also called aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings.

About men: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

Every man, in the end, chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.

The calling card of a real Man is a happy Woman next to him.

From time immemorial, men have let women pass first to appreciate their butts, and kiss their hands in order to calmly look at their breasts.

The man next to you should be such that you want to listen and obey him.

On the personal front, it’s like at a banquet... I don’t take what they offer, I’m embarrassed to ask what I want... I have to pretend that I’m not hungry...

Men are afraid of girls that they need to grow up to... It’s easier to use those that you can stoop to.

You can’t understand a man with your mind, you just need to believe in a man! He must prove by deeds that he can be trusted with life!

Men are like taxis. When they are free, they turn on a green light. One fine day, a man decides that it’s time to start a family, children and all that, and lights the fire. And he immediately proposes to the first woman he meets. This is not fate. It's an accident.

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. This is why enterprising men are usually so successful, even though they are by no means the most attractive.

A woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melt in her hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not allowing you to fall asleep.

To calm down, a woman needs to take herself into strong male hands.

A woman loves a man because he loves her.
A man loves women in general...

Since mostly men knew how to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women.

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls.

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves.

The deepest misconception of a woman:
- “He will change!”
The deepest misconception of men:
- “She’s not going anywhere!”

Sometimes you look at men for whom you previously had sympathy, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy...

While men, being boys, play war games and cars, women, being girls, immediately prepare to manipulate people and play with dolls.

A man will never look stupid if he makes the first move.
It’s a pity, but many people don’t know that taking the first step is a man’s responsibility.

To be happy with a man, you need to understand him well and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her very much and not even try to understand her.

One day a man asked God: “Why are all the girls sweet, affectionate, gentle, and the women are all bitches and bitches?”
And he received the answer: “I create girls, and you make women from them!”

You can only give birth to the ideal man yourself.

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves; he either allows her to do so or sets an example with his behavior.

At least they talk about women's logic!
Nothing is known about men’s!

A real man has the right to hurt his beloved only twice: by depriving her of her virginity, and when she gives birth to their child.

The most precious thing that can give loving man to your beloved woman - this is your Time. Collected carefully, bit by bit, throughout the day. No other gifts, cars, furs or diamonds will ever replace the one who loves him - his time devoted only to her alone.
If your man, despite his hard and stressful day, still always finds his time for you, it means that he wants it that way. That means he loves.

If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent!

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already considered everything else.

A real man is recognized by a woman.

Men are illogical: they say that all women are the same, but they constantly change one for another.

Weak men take mistresses, and strong men- strong families.

A man who claims that a woman’s place is in the kitchen simply doesn’t know what to do with her in the bedroom!

Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor the man and deprives the woman of honor.

A real man opens the door with his foot... because his hands are full of flowers and sweets!

Men often miss out on what is worthy, choosing what is available.

Never show a man how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

It’s wonderful when your man combines such qualities as: husband, lover, provider, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel!

The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman at least for a minute...

A man should be like an expensive car - so that everyone wants it, but few can afford it.

The best smell in the world is the smell of the man you love.

Long live the man! If he wants, he can achieve anything in the world.
Long live the woman! If she wants, she can achieve any man.

I will be a man while real women still walk the earth, those women who do not smell of cigarettes and beer, who have natural charm and kindness, in whom the instinct of motherhood has not yet died.

For girls, childhood ends with pregnancy.
Men never grow up.

They say that men only want sex. Don't believe it! They also ask to eat!

A veil is a man’s white flag!

Cats and men are alike... If they suddenly become affectionate, it means they either need something from you, or have already done something dirty somewhere...

The last word should always belong to the man, and it should be like this: “Of course, beloved!!!”

The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and simply happy...

It shouldn't be fun or boring with a Man... WITH A MAN you should be WARM, RELIABLE, and CALM!

A man is the same as a child... only you can’t leave him with a nanny...

All men are hunters, no matter what kind of game is in front of them - an animal or a woman.

It is a woman who helps a man understand himself, she makes him better.

To keep a man in your hands, you must first of all keep yourself in your hands.

Only the military registration and enlistment office can accept a man as he is!

A single man definitely knows more about women than married man. Otherwise he would also already be married.

In the weakness of men is the strength of women.

“Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Marriage brings disappointment to both.”

“A man can be happy with any woman except the one with whom he is in love.”

A real man will always achieve what a woman wants.

There are men I could spend forever with. But not life.

A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else is thinking only about him.

A man's home is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside, this is most often a children's room.

I remain for a long time under the impression that I made on a woman.

Men usually don't listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they themselves are going to say.

There is no doubt: the more powerful a man is, the sexier he is.

Women without male society fade, and men without female society become stupid.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Most men love flattery because they have a modest opinion of themselves; most women love it for the opposite reason.

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.

A man deals with a woman like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes processes in her that are incomprehensible to him, which he himself produces.

At eighteen a man adores, at twenty he loves, at thirty he desires to possess, at forty he ponders.
Author: Vasily Klyuchevsky