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Colored tattoos. The meaning of color tattoos

How do you imagine a tattoo? I think the answers to this question will be very diverse, but, undoubtedly, the color of the picture will become the points of contact. We are used to the fact that a tattoo is a monochrome illustration on a human body. I don’t know what it’s connected with ... Perhaps with prison tattoos, which are performed in one, bluish-gray, shade. Well, it is understandable, where did the prisoners get an abundance of colors? But progress does not stand still and the times when the tattoo was of the same color are long gone!

Actually, Japan is considered to be the birthplace of color tattoos. They came to Europe at the end of the nineteenth century, at a time of fashion for Eastern culture. The Japanese had a number of popular tattoo characters, which subsequently took root well with us. These are dragons and tigers - symbols of strength, fish and flowers, butterflies and birds. The Japanese applied tattoos on arms, legs, neck, and sometimes covered the whole body with them. It looked very extreme, but at the same time beautiful.

They say that in Russia the first colored tattoos appeared in the mid-80s in Moscow and Leningrad, and by the mid-90s they became popular among informal youth throughout the country. The abundance of colors (compared to a conventional one-color tattoo) allows one to express oneself more vividly (a tattoo is, as you know, one of the ways of self-expression), attracts attention.

I think this is the reason for the popularity of colored tattoos. But, at the same time, this type of tattoo has quite a few opponents who believe that depicting a symbolic drawing using different colors is a kind of childishness. Here, of course, there is something to think about. After all, when a person fills a tattoo in color, all attention is focused on the aesthetic side of the drawing, and the symbolism fades into the background (after all, the semantic side should be a priority).

Getting a colored tattoo is, of course, more difficult than a regular one. Like any tattoo, a color tattoo begins with a sketch, but there are a number of features in its creation. First, the size of the picture must correspond to the selected colors, that is, it may not be possible to pin the selected pattern on one or another part of the body due to insufficient surface area. For example, an image applied to the shoulder should be clearly visible, no less than from an arm's length. Secondly, the choice of tattoo color is subject to certain patterns.

The outline is usually applied with black or gray(although there are a number of nuances here, for example, if you need to create a transparency effect, then special whitewash is added to the paint), and the drawing is filled in depending on the theme of the tattoo. For example, a bright red color is associated with blood, so it will not be correct to fill any drawing with it. In general, it is better to use soft colors - blue, yellow, green and the like.

To create a colored tattoo, different dyes are used - some give the image dull shades, thereby making the tattoo embossed, others are able to play on the skin with all the colors of the rainbow (though then the image will look like a frame from a cartoon). In the production of paint, mainly natural ingredients are used, so the risk of irritation is minimal. In addition, dyes are now under strict control. Ink for a color tattoo consists of two components - a pigment and a thinner, due to which the color is evenly distributed in the skin. The most common and safest thinners are ethyl alcohol and distilled water.

The master applies the contour of the drawing with the help of the so-called contour needle - a bunch of three tightly welded thin needles. If the contour line should turn out thin and graceful, then "one" is used. The color space is filled with a "magnum" - a bunch of 5 - 7 needles (background needles).

A color tattoo usually fades after 5 to 7 years. It all depends on the type of skin. Then you can either refresh it or leave it as it is.

Today, the popularity of colored tattoos is getting higher and higher, but I would not call this fact positive. The tattoo, in fact, turns into an ordinary decoration, which means that the true purpose of this type of art comes to naught. Although, someone may not agree with me.

Excavations in the glaciers, in the cold, revealed Otzi to the world. That was the name of the inhabitant of the century. His body has been preserved to this day without decomposition.

The man lay in the ice for about 5,000 years. Frozen covers of Otzi. Body drawings are monochrome.

Ancient people, archaeologists note, had only those made in one, different shades of it.

Color tattoos first appeared in. Dyes based on plants in the land of the Ascendant began to be driven under as early as the 18th century.

Then, on the islands, yukie-e became fashionable. These are wearable drawings depicting landscapes, festivals, pictures of everyday life.

Naturally, there were such color tattoo sketches... The Europeans adopted them, like everything else in the East.

Asian fabrics, costumes, furniture, carpets and more became popular in the West in the early 20th century.

By the same time, Europeans had invented neutral dyes, which helped to fully appreciate the advantages of body painting in.

Advantages of tattoos in color

This type of tattoo is used when painting unsuccessful ones. It is possible to make them invisible under the new pattern only with the help of dyes.

They allow for maximum detail. In a monochrome tattoo, there is only one, and therefore one contour.

In a multi-colored plot, there may be several contours. One, for example, is solid, the other is dotted.

Color tattoo - photo characteristic of women. They choose colorful patterns more often than men.

- the gamut is strict, too harsh, according to many ladies. Their main qualities are tenderness, elegance, kindness, passion.

These properties express the color of spring grass, shades of scarlet, colors of the sky and the sea.

Colored tattoos for girls- a way to demonstrate, emphasize your femininity. In other words, tattooing in paints expands the possibilities of self-expression.

Colored tattoos for men- pictures of a certain emotional color. sea ​​and sand in - the range is not perceived as a piece of paradise.

Danger, rage, will only be expressed by those who burn. Popular with gentlemen and colored dragons - tattoo in the traditional oriental.

The Japanese version of the beast assumes the presence of colors. They symbolize the wisdom of the aquatic, its close connection with nature.

A selection of modern paints allows you to create masterpieces on bodies, even in the literal sense.

Some clients order reproductions of famous paintings and their elements. The copy will not be a copy if made in different colors.

Venus de Milo Sandro Batticelli has red hair. Van Gogh's sunflowers are yellow, and Edvard Munch's Vampire is the key color.

- the ability to apply your favorite paint to the body. People tend to count certain colors. Scarlet is passion.

Lilac iris - hope. Dandelion yellow is devotion, and simply yellow is joy of life, positivity and eccentricity. hiding secret meaning- here is the second "" of colored tattoos.

Disadvantages of color tattoos

Color tattoo on arm,, or somewhere else is always more expensive than a monochrome tattoo of the same area.

Also, colorful drawings tend to hurt more. Drawing nuances of tones, color transitions requires more punctures of the skin, which means more pain.

Despite, what is the price color tattoo , it is not more durable black -. Fading is less noticeable on monochrome tattoos.

Colorful paintings lose their charm, losing their richness of tones. Colored patterns are afraid of ultraviolet radiation, household chemicals and other aggressive influences. Correction of the underwear picture is required every 5-6 years.

The disadvantage can be the excessive flashiness of the color. In it, the external form prevails over the content and attracts attention.

This quality is any, but colorful options are more informal. They try to avoid business people, civil servants, conservative citizens.

Celebrity Colored Tattoos

Color tattoos for girls - photo Nicole Richie. On her there is an -orange scale.

The tattoo of Vanessa Hungens is also made in color. She drew a pattern on the neck. There flaunts -green

In Europe it started in the 20th century. However, in Africa, Asia, on the Polynesian islands, colorful patterns existed before. Pigments were obtained from plants, minerals. Even animal excrement was used. In particular, the blue-green dye was made from oyster feces.

Due to the natural origin of "ink" color tattoo antiquities were not as contrasting and rich as modern ones. There were no neon, glowing pigments either. They were invented in the West in the 20th century. At its turn, the fashion for everything oriental came to Europe.

So, new dyes began to be purchased for salons. There are clients who want tattoos in japanese style, and the Land of the Rising Sun was one of the mainstays of color tattoos. We learn the old secrets of the Japanese, as well as the advantages and disadvantages modern tattoos in colour.

History of Japanese color tattoos

Tattoo sketches colored appeared in Japan for a reason. The love of the inhabitants of Asia for paints is known. For everyday life, robes were chosen bright and rich colors. White in the region, unlike in Europe, is a sign of mourning. Black is treated neutrally, considering it the privilege of scientists.

Everything positive is associated with yellow, green, blue, red. Scarlet tones, for example, personify prosperity, holiday. Therefore, the outfits of the inhabitants of Asia are colorful. Silk in pastel colors was not produced here.

Clothes were associated with color. The geisha took this into account. They were forbidden to show their naked bodies. But, at times, this promised the ladies a solid profit. So the geisha began to order color tattoos for girls... They were recognized for imitating outfits.

Firefighters also had to work naked in the land of the rising sun. The firefighters did not have uniforms. Instead, they used tattoo color men... Colorful drawings of a certain theme were striking.

The people respectfully parted, letting the firefighters go to the place of the fire. By the way, the servicemen did not have garments, since there were no fire-resistant fabrics either. They were invented later.

Colored dragons - tattoo developed in three Japanese provinces on the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido and Shikoku. At the beginning of the 20th century, one of them was visited by Nicholas II.

The last Russian emperor returned from a trip abroad with a tattoo on his back. The dragon, the symbol of power, was chosen as the hero of the picture. In the drawing, according to eyewitnesses, there were bright colors.

Given the tragic death of the royal family, Nicholas did not manage to enjoy the tattoo for a long time. However, experts say that a colored pattern can be not only fun, but also troublesome. Let's get acquainted with the cons of the colorful ones.

Cons of color tattoos

Color tattoo on arm, and not only, requires more detail than most black and white tattoos. As a result, flaws are more visible in colorful paintings.

Those who know this, entrust the work on color subjects only to well-known masters. The work of famous artists is naturally not cheap. The standard answer to the question, how much does a color tattoo cost: - more expensive than monochrome.

Overpaying for tattoo sleeve color, you will have to spend money on maintaining their aesthetics. Bright colors are stronger than standard inks susceptible to the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation, household chemicals, moisture.

The drawing may fade after 5-10 years. The contours will "float", and you will have to go to the salon to correct them. The service is not guaranteed and also costs money.

Colored shoulder tattoo, neck, face must be "adjusted" to the color type of appearance. In some people, cold pigments naturally predominate in the skin, hair, white of the eyes.

For other citizens, tan, curls, and blush are cast in warm tones - peach, golden, red. Place other colors next to your face - you will visually age yourself, give your skin an unhealthy earthy or greenish tone.

Color tattoo - photo often displayed by girls. Their bodies are decorated with bright patterns, emphasizing the emotionality of nature. Finding an adequate plot in color for a man is not an easy task.

Guys prefer rich pigments. In large quantities, they look like bruises or bruises on the skin.

Therefore, masters use saturated colors only in the elements of paintings. Men have to come to terms with the presence of pastel colors in their sketches.

Pros of color tattoos

Colors make it possible to reflect in a drawing a person's mood, traits of his character and, even, make a reference to a certain era. So, purple is associated with the times of Ancient Rome. Gray is a symbol of the Puritan era. Queen Victoria's reign is marked by the dominance of emerald tones.

Color tattoos for girls - photo highlighting their style. Abundance saturated colors, contrasting combinations, for example, are good for ethnic groups. The predominance of a certain pigment will indicate the aspirations of a woman, and a man too.

The will to win, leadership, power is symbolized by red. He is also a sign of passion. Diplomatic inclinations, flexibility of character will give out yellow pigment. Pink is responsible for the romantic mood and refusal of aggression.

The ability to look at events from all sides, to weigh the situation is expressed in green. Superficial looks and excitement are conveyed through shades of orange.

Dreamers choose blue paint. She is also loved by religious people. The color of remorse is considered purple, and the color of stability, or striving for it, is considered brown. Modern salons offer dozens of shades of each color.

It is possible to choose not only the metaphysical meaning of the pigment, but also the degree of its saturation, mixing with other paints. Trusting a true artist, you will get a real work of art on your body.

The days when plant juices were used as dyes and the secretions of sea oysters are gone. Modern tattoo pigments are safe in terms of allergic reactions, neutral in composition.

When doing a colored tattoo, the chance of getting skin irritation is as small as when applying a black and white painting. So go for it, bright stories are in trend now.

Where does the tradition of making colored tattoos originate? Experts agree that this kind of bodypainting originated in Japan and was gradually popularized around the world. In the land of the rising sun, the tradition of color tattoos has existed for more than one century. It was there that natural colored inks, which were extracted from various plants, first began to be produced.

The 18th century can be considered the heyday of Japanese color tattooing. In those not so distant times, the main subjects of such tattoos were images of plants and animals, pictures of nature, scenes of traditional Japanese life. Over time, the plots have evolved, there is a cultural exchange. And already in the 19th century, colored tattoos began to be stuffed in European countries. The popularization of oriental culture contributed a lot to this. In the European society of that time, it was fashionable to stuff dragons, tigers, fish and flowers - the key motives for colored japanese tattoo... At the same time, artificial colored ink began to appear, the production technology of which has partly reached our days.

Features of color tattoo

Colored tattoos have their own advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include:

  • Create a brighter and more realistic image that is unattainable with a monochrome tattoo.
  • Application of reproductions of popular paintings, which, in principle, is impossible with the help of a traditional monochromatic tattoo.
  • Masking a monochrome composition on the body that is unsuccessful or irrelevant for its owner.

But let's not forget about the other side of the coin. A color tattoo has the following disadvantages:

A color tattoo is an excellent choice for the fair sex, since such tattoos on a girl's body do not look as vulgar and primitive as monochrome images. However, guys also have a soft spot for these kinds of tattoos, especially if they are adherents of the oriental school of tattooing. In fairness, we also note that not every girl is able to endure the painful procedure of applying a colored tattoo, so you should think seriously before getting such a tattoo.


Many celebrities are not limited to traditional monochrome tattoos. Among the ardent fans of color tattoos, we will mention such stars as:

  • Emma Watson;
  • Scarlett Johansson;
  • Benji Madden;
  • Travis Barker;
  • Britney Spears.

Every day more and more girls are trying to decorate their bodies with tattoos. At the same time, many prefer colored tattoos. In this article we will talk about just such "patterns". In particular, we will find out which colored tattoos are suitable for girls.

General information about color tattoos

History of creation

Japan is considered the birthplace of color tattoos. In the 18th century, they used natural dyes extracted from various plants. In those days, images called yukie-e were very popular, namely, "pictures" of nature, everyday life or holidays. Animalistic trends were also in vogue.

Later, in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, such tattoos began to be performed in European countries. Such popularity was explained by the fact that oriental motives came into fashion in those days. That is why Europeans began to decorate their bodies in this way. The most popular were the images of dragons, flowers, fish and tigers. For their application, they began to use more persistent dyes produced by artificial means.

For bird tattoo ideas, see the article.

on chest and shoulders

flowers on hand

delicate flowers and watch

interesting pattern on the chest

blue rose on the shoulder

skull, red flower and butterflies

fabulous drawing on the side

Pros of color tattoos

The main advantage of such a tattoo is its beauty. The monochrome counterpart cannot reproduce images as realistically. For example, a flower made multicolored paints a skilled craftsman, it can look like a living one, and thanks to this, the tattoo will attract many glances full of admiration. In addition, recently it has become popular to reproduce painting masterpieces on one's body. They can be done only with colored paints, and then such a "picture" will look like a world masterpiece.

In addition, with the help of such a tattoo, you can "close" an unsuccessful monochrome image. In this case, you can choose any "picture" and not even a trace will remain from the old tattoo.

wise owl on the leg

animals on legs

Cons of color tattoos

Among the disadvantages of these tattoos are:

  1. High cost compared to monophonic counterparts.
  2. Painful sensations. The fact is that the execution of the color involves a large number of punctures, therefore, the pain will be much stronger than that of the monophonic version. That is why such tattoos are not recommended for girls with a low pain threshold.
  3. Requires frequent adjustments. After about 5 years, you will have to contact the wizard for an update. The fact is that paints fade in the sun and are washed off under the influence of aggressive compounds. Naturally, this will not be immediately noticeable. Only after 5-6 years your "pattern" will fade and you will have to go for "reconstruction".
  4. May cause an allergic reaction. Note that monochrome images do not give such a result.

bright butterflies

bird with flowers

guitar on hand

The meaning and design of color tattoos

The meaning of color tattoos

Colored tattoos for girls, as well as for young people, must be chosen, knowing their meaning. You can learn about the meaning of this or that image directly from the master, but we will tell you about the meaning of the colors themselves.

  1. White color. It traditionally means purity and purity of thoughts. In addition, it symbolizes good, happiness and a counterbalance to evil. However, if we turn to the eastern meaning, then White color denotes the moon, west, and also death. That is why it should be used with caution in tattoos. Pay attention to the meaning of the image itself and only after that make a decision whether to use it in the tattoo or not.
  2. Black color. It is not difficult to guess that he is the opposite of white. It symbolizes evil, lust and black magic. If we take the eastern symbolism, then everything will be the other way around. Black is a symbol of goodness. In addition, it means that a person wants to increase his vitality and channel it in a positive direction.
  3. Red color. It symbolizes wisdom, a powerful charge of energy and an eternal source of vitality. Only a person with these qualities can use it in a tattoo.
  4. Yellow is the color of the sun. It stands for light and warmth. However, it also has other meanings. Sometimes yellow symbolizes betrayal, meanness, betrayal or illness. Note that if japanese dragon made with this shade, then such a tattoo has the meaning of the power of the sky. In addition, it is the hallmark of the imperial family.
  5. Brown color. The European meaning is sterility and humility. In the east Brown color symbolizes a rich harvest and a spirit of rebellion.
  6. Green and blue. In this case, there are no differences in Eastern and European symbols. These colors represent success, prosperity, luck, all kinds of earthly blessings, love pouring from the sky and an inexhaustible source of internal energy.
  7. Golden color. It symbolizes material wealth and superiority in everything.
  8. Silver color. Its meaning is purity, bright thoughts, wisdom and purity.
  9. Magenta color. Here again there is a division. For Europeans, this color denotes a thirst for power, and in the East, it symbolizes the nobility of thoughts and deeds.

Based on these values, it can be concluded that special attention should be paid to the directionality of the image. An oriental tattoo will have a completely different meaning than a western one. This should be taken into account when choosing an image.

If you are still thinking about design, we suggest looking at our review in articles and.

Tattoo design

In this case, there are no design restrictions. You can get a color tattoo in any style. In addition, it can be performed anywhere on the body. Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate your torso with paintings. Miniature tattoos also remain relevant. The choice of a picture depends only on your taste and capabilities. So, if you have strict rules at work, then you can make a small tattoo that will be hidden from others. You can boast about it in front of your loved one or demonstrate it on the beach in the summer.

blood red roses

big owl with lantern

pattern on the back

big flower and insects on the back

the little mermaid on the back

Colored tattoos for girls can be different sizes and direction, as we found out. Knowing their meanings, which we have given in this article, you can choose the option that suits you in temperament and image.