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DIY flowers made from jeans. DIY denim flowers

Don't want to throw away your favorite old jeans? Give them new life, creating a stylish and elegant decoration from them. From denim You can make a lot of accessories that will decorate your other outfits. In this article we will reveal to readers several manufacturing techniques. DIY flowers made from jeans - the master class will be very simple. And no one else will have such jewelry.

What do we need?

In order to make our exclusive accessory, we will need the following items:

  • Fabric from old jeans.
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue.
  • Decorative elements.

Important! You don't have to use denim fabric at all. Acceptable use old bag, jacket or other item of clothing made from this material.

We make a stylish accessory

There is a huge amount of conversion old clothes in decorations. We have prepared for you several creative master classes on DIY denim colors.

Method 1

This flower making technique is the simplest. Even a child can make such an addition to clothes. So, to make such a flower, we have to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Cut a 6 cm wide strip of denim to the desired length. The longer the strip, the more magnificent the bud will be.
  2. Fold it in half lengthwise and roll it into a rose shape.
  3. We secure the rose at the base with a needle and thread of the same color as the material.

The delicate rose is ready!

Important! You can attach this decoration to new jeans or other items of clothing made from this fabric.

Method 2

This method is also not difficult, and it takes a little more time. But believe me, your efforts will have a great impact on the result. Ultimately, you will have to make lush and neat flowers from jeans with your own hands.

In order for everything to work out, you need to follow several steps:

  1. Cut out 5-6 flowers of the same shape and different diameters. Templates can be found on the Internet or made yourself.
  2. We stack them on top of each other according to the principle “from largest to smallest,” and fasten them with a button, bead or pebble in the middle.

Important! If you don’t want to sew the petals together, you can glue them together with regular PVA glue.

Method 3

This master class on DIY jeans flowers requires a lot of patience, desire and accuracy on the part of the needlewoman, because each petal will be individual.

Important! To make them, it is not at all necessary to look for templates on the Internet and waste paper on printing them. It’s enough to just draw petals on old jeans different sizes, then cut and sew them together.

Let's consider the manufacturing process in detail:

  1. We draw 15-20 different petals on the fabric we use. There may be more or less of them - it all depends on the desired splendor of the decoration. The sizes of the petals should vary: 4-5 large, 5-6 medium and the same number of small.

Important! If you want to make the flower more realistic, we recommend drawing petals that resemble the shape of a drop.

  1. Cut out the finished petals. The edges can be processed in different ways: loosened (to form a fringe), or carefully stitched.
  2. We begin to sew the future rose. To do this, you need to take the smallest cut petal, twist it so that it resembles the core of a rose and sew a piece to it, the size of which is slightly different from the previous one. Next, the following petals, increasing in size, are sewn to the core from below until you get an accessory of the desired size.

Video material

This master class on making flowers from jeans with your own hands showed you several basic methods transforming old and useless things into something beautiful. Next, use your imagination and develop these ideas in accordance with your aesthetic taste and the clothing for which you are preparing the accessory.

Since time immemorial, women have been looking for ways to beautify their appearance. Over the centuries, shapes, colors, materials have changed, but one thing has remained unchanged: the presence in female image colors. Since fresh flowers are short-lived and cannot decorate a lady’s outfit or hairstyle for a long time, invariably fading, inventive craftswomen came up with ways to recreate natural grace from scrap materials. Modern needlewomen, using the most affordable fabric - denim, have come up with simple ways to make a flower that can be used to decorate even evening dress. Refresh them appearance you can use simple decor - make beautiful and bright flowers quickly and easily from denim.

Denim clothing today rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the wardrobe of every fashionista. And if not everyone has sundresses, overalls and dresses made of this fabric, then jeans and a denim jacket are sure to be found. You can refresh their appearance with the help of simple decor - flowers made from ordinary denim fabric, made by yourself. Let us consider step by step what stages this process consists of.

Making flowers from denim with your own hands

To create a denim masterpiece, you will need very few materials.

  • Denim;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Accessories.

To create one, it is not necessary to buy denim fabric, because in the wardrobe there will always be old jeans that have served their purpose, but it is a pity to throw them away. Their time has come!

There are endless ways to turn old pants into a beautiful rose.

Cut a strip of jeans 5-8 cm wide and of any length (depending on the desired volume of the flower), fold it in half lengthwise and twist it in the shape of a rose. The base is sewn together with threads. The simplest flower is ready and looks as shown in the photo.

The creation process is no more complicated than for the previous decoration, but the result is a lush, airy flower. It is necessary to cut out 5-6 flowers of the same shape, but of different sizes. For example, 5 pointed flowers with five petals in size from largest to smallest. Stack them on top of each other and fasten them in the center with a button, decorative pebble or fittings. If you want to avoid unnecessary elements, then the flowers can be glued together.

Below are diagrams that, by printing them on cardboard, you can easily make such beauty.

You can draw the template yourself.

As the name suggests, this decoration will require a little more time and patience as each petal will require individual attention. To do this, it is not necessary to use diagrams or templates. You can independently draw petals of different sizes on the fabric, cut them out and sew them together. The step-by-step process is as follows:

  1. We draw 10-15 petals on denim, depending on the desired splendor of the flower. The petals should be of different sizes. 3-4 large, 4-5 medium, 3-4 smaller and a couple of small ones. To make the flower more vibrant and voluminous, the shape of the petal should resemble a drop: wider at the top, narrower at the bottom;
  2. Cut out the resulting petals. Moreover, the edges can either be folded and hemmed, or left unfinished, or gutted to form a fringe;
  3. Sew the flower, starting from the center. We take the smallest petal, twist it into a tube, sew the next largest petal to it by the base, then take the petal slightly bigger size and sew it to the resulting core. In this way, all the petals are sewn on until a flower of the desired volume and size is obtained;
  4. You can trim the edges of the flower with a hot knife, bending the petals outward to create the effect of a living rose. Decorate the resulting product with beads, rhinestones or accessories if desired.

The result may be a product like this.

In our MK we showed only the basic ways of making a flower from the most ordinary denim fabric quickly and easily with your own hands, by modifying which you can create your own unique works that no one else will have. Your imagination can suggest your own options for creating an accessory, and all of them will be correct, and the result will be original. Add mesh or chiffon fabric, beads, petals, chains with pendants - experiment. The most important thing is not to be afraid to create, because if you don’t like something in the end, you can always redo it.

Video on the topic of the article

For inspiration, here is a video selection of interesting master classes on creating interesting flowers. Happy creativity!

From time immemorial, representatives of the fair sex have been looking for and finding various ways to decorate their appearance. Change over a long period of time fashion trends, clothing styles, popular colors, but flowers are always present in women's toilets. The real ones fade very quickly, and there is no way to decorate the image with them, but women have found a way out here too! Resourceful needlewomen began to create wonderful accessories in the form of flowers from available materials. And the most creative craftswomen even came up with the idea of ​​using jeans for these purposes! Who would have thought that you could make flowers from denim with your own hands, so much so that you wouldn’t be ashamed to decorate with them? Evening Dress or clutch!

For jeans, you can use all known technologies for working with fabric: folding, twisting, cutting, piercing, stretching, etc.

Let's try to create flowers from denim with our own hands - believe me, it's not difficult at all!

Complex flower made from scraps

Let's figure out how to make flowers from denim.

For creativity we will need:

  • jeans scraps;
  • metal or wood beads with a wide hole;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

To give rigidity and shape to a flower made of denim, it is necessary to soak it in gelatin or starch solution, dry it and iron it with a hot iron.

Cut out 10-15 petals from scraps of material. They can be of any shape and size. We will also prepare 3-5 narrow strips for the stamens (their size will be 0.5 cm by 7 cm), leaves and stem.

The cut petals need to be given a shape close to natural. To do this, use a very heated knife to pull them out in the center and bend the edges.

We make stamens like this: we thread a strip of fabric into a bead and glue it in the middle. We bend the sides opposite the bead and glue them together. We form 5 pieces.

We wrap them with the middle petal and glue them - this is the base of our flower. We take 5 petals and attach them to the base. The following rows are located with a slight shift relative to the previous one. The flower is ready.

Using the same method, you can make another, smaller one; cut out the leaves and glue everything to a hairpin or pin to assemble the composition.

A flower that looks like kanzashi

To create a flower from simpler scraps of denim, you need to cut out 11 circles. There will be 2 times more petals - accordingly, 22 pieces. Cut all the circles in half. If you have very small scraps, then immediately cut out a semicircle. In our flower - kanzashi, the leaves will be arranged in 3 rows.

Fold the semicircles in half and sew the straight side. We do this with all the petals. Then we turn them inside out and iron them.

We take a needle from strong thread to match the color of the fabric, make a stitch, sewing 9 petals in order and tighten everything. By adding or subtracting the number of petals, you can adjust the size of the flowers. We collect the subsequent rows of petals in the same way, only in the second we sew 8 pieces, and in the third - 5.

Let's cut a circle out of jeans - this is the base of the flower. We fasten all the rows on it, attaching them in order.

Now let's take a small button with a stem and cover it with fabric - maybe the same one the flower is made from, or maybe a bright contrasting one. Let's sew (or glue) it to the center of our product. The sides of the leaves are neatly fastened together.

Here's another denim flower ready!

Simple layered flower

The formation process is very easy, and at the end of the work the flower will turn out lush and airy.

For this decoration you need to cut out several flowers that have the same shape but different sizes. Let's say we have 7 flat flowers with five petals. Let's stretch the fabric strongly along the edges - you'll get a wave with fringe. Let's fold them in order - from large to small, and secure the middle with a bright button.

The simplest way to make jewelry

This version of creating a flower is based on the method of twisting a rose from a satin ribbon.

Let's cut out a strip of old jeans (the more scuffs there are, the better) with a width of 6-9 cm, and the length will depend on the size of the rose you want. The longer the ribbon, the more voluminous the flower will be.

So, take a denim ribbon, fold it in half lengthwise and twist it, giving it the appearance of a rose. Sew from the bottom at the base with strong threads. Finally, decorate with beads or rhinestones.

IN modern world Jeans are an integral part of any wardrobe, male or female. We carry them everywhere - be it everyday life or a party, on holidays and during holidays.

Sometimes they wear out to holes, but you still don’t dare throw them away. So old jeans lie in our closets and wait in the wings...

So cut them up and get creative - create wonderful flowers from denim that can become a unique decoration for your things!

DIY denim flowers are fun and easy crafts for girls aged 7 years and older. Such " Jewelry» can be used to decorate hair bands or headbands. And if you sew a safe one safety pin, will serve as a perky brooch. Working with denim is made easier by the fact that you don’t have to process the edges, but simply pull out the threads and get a very nice fringe. Like any homemade jewelry, flowers made from jeans will be unique and individual, which in our time of mass production cannot be ignored.
We suggest taking fabric for such crafts from old jeans.
There are probably jeans in every house now; they tear, become too small, in a word, they become unusable. Don’t rush to throw them away, look at what spectacular and simple things you can make from old jeans. For example, or make bows and use them to decorate regular hairpins and elastic bands.
Read on for our master class on making flowers from denim. We offer you several easy color options from old jeans.
can be viewed via the link.

Simple DIY denim flower No. 1

Cut a straight strip of fabric from old jeans. To do this, cut the fabric on one side, pull out the threads until the thread is pulled out along the entire length of the flap. Then use scissors to trim the resulting fringe. Do the same on the other side, measuring the required width of the denim strip.
For our simple flower you can take a strip of 2x15cm.
Pull out a strip of thread from one long side - this will be the side of the flower.
On the other side of the strip, sew stitches with a needle using a “Forward needle” stitch.
Pull the thread so that the fabric gathers like an accordion.
Secure the edges of the flower together with one or two stitches.
Make the middle of the flower by sewing a bead, rhinestone or button there.
A simple DIY denim flower is ready.
A denim version of this simple flower. To make it, take a strip of fabric 2-3 times longer and gradually reduce the end of the strip.
We also collect the flower on a thread and tighten it. The fabric is laid in a circle in several layers.

Option for designing the middle of a flower made of denim.
This option does not require additional accessories (buttons, beads, etc.), but is made from denim. To make the middle a different color from the main flower, you can use the wrong side of the denim.
We cut a circle out of jeans, then put stitches around the circumference and tighten it. To make the center of the flower more voluminous, you can put a little padding polyester or other stuffing into the circle.
We sew the denim center to the flower.

DIY multi-layer denim flower No. 2.

Cut denim into squares the size of your future flower or smaller. There should be 5-9 squares. The fabric does not have to be the same color: this flower looks good different colors jeans.
Fold each square into quarters and cut out flower petals.
Flip some of the individual flowers over so the wrong side is facing up.
Thread the needle and make a knot. Pierce the first one big flower in the middle. Next, collect the remaining parts of the flower, stringing them on a needle and turning them a little so that the petals look in different directions.
Decorate the central part of the flower with a bead, button or rhinestone.

DIY denim flower No. 3

Take a narrow, even strip of denim and pull out 3-4 edge threads from each wide side of the strip.
Cut 5-7 pieces of the required length from the strip. Keep in mind that the flower petal is folded in half.
Fold each petal in half and sew along the edge with the seam facing forward.
Pull the thread together, gathering the petals into a flower.
Decorate the middle of the flower.

Since time immemorial, women have been looking for ways to beautify their appearance. Over the centuries, shapes, colors, materials have changed, but one thing has remained unchanged: the presence of flowers in the female image. Since fresh flowers are short-lived and cannot decorate a lady’s outfit or hairstyle for a long time, invariably fading, inventive craftswomen have come up with ways to recreate natural grace from scrap materials. Modern needlewomen, using the most affordable fabric - denim, have come up with simple ways to make a flower that can be used to decorate even an evening outfit. You can refresh their appearance with the help of simple decor - make beautiful and bright flowers with your own hands quickly and easily from denim.

Denim clothing today rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the wardrobe of every fashionista. And if not everyone has sundresses, overalls and dresses made of this fabric, then jeans and a denim jacket are sure to be found. You can refresh their appearance with the help of simple decor - flowers made from ordinary denim fabric, made by yourself. Let us consider step by step what stages this process consists of.

Making flowers from denim with your own hands

To create a denim masterpiece, you will need very few materials.

  • Denim;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Accessories.

To create one, it is not necessary to buy denim fabric, because in the wardrobe there will always be old jeans that have served their purpose, but it is a pity to throw them away. Their time has come!

There are endless ways to turn old pants into a beautiful rose.

Cut a strip of jeans 5-8 cm wide and of any length (depending on the desired volume of the flower), fold it in half lengthwise and twist it in the shape of a rose. The base is sewn together with threads. The simplest flower is ready and looks as shown in the photo.

The creation process is no more complicated than for the previous decoration, but the result is a lush, airy flower. It is necessary to cut out 5-6 flowers of the same shape, but of different sizes. For example, 5 pointed flowers with five petals in size from largest to smallest. Stack them on top of each other and fasten them in the center with a button, decorative pebble or fittings. If you want to avoid unnecessary elements, then the flowers can be glued together.

Below are diagrams that, by printing them on cardboard, you can easily make such beauty.

You can draw the template yourself.

As the name suggests, this decoration will require a little more time and patience as each petal will require individual attention. To do this, it is not necessary to use diagrams or templates. You can independently draw petals of different sizes on the fabric, cut them out and sew them together. The step-by-step process is as follows:

  1. We draw 10-15 petals on denim, depending on the desired splendor of the flower. The petals should be of different sizes. 3-4 large, 4-5 medium, 3-4 smaller and a couple of small ones. To make the flower more vibrant and voluminous, the shape of the petal should resemble a drop: wider at the top, narrower at the bottom;
  2. Cut out the resulting petals. Moreover, the edges can either be folded and hemmed, or left unfinished, or gutted to form a fringe;
  3. Sew the flower, starting from the center. We take the smallest petal, twist it into a tube, sew the next largest petal to it at the base, then take a slightly larger petal and sew it to the resulting core. In this way, all the petals are sewn on until a flower of the desired volume and size is obtained;
  4. You can trim the edges of the flower with a hot knife, bending the petals outward to create the effect of a living rose. Decorate the resulting product with beads, rhinestones or accessories if desired.

The result may be a product like this.

In our MK we showed only the basic ways of making a flower from the most ordinary denim fabric quickly and easily with your own hands, by modifying which you can create your own unique works that no one else will have. Your imagination can suggest your own options for creating an accessory, and all of them will be correct, and the result will be original. Add mesh or chiffon fabric, beads, petals, chains with pendants - experiment. The most important thing is not to be afraid to create, because if you don’t like something in the end, you can always redo it.

Video on the topic of the article

For inspiration, here is a video selection of interesting master classes on creating interesting flowers. Happy creativity!