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Felt flowers: fashionable DIY decorations. DIY felt flowers: templates and patterns Felt in making handmade cards

Master Class. Postcard – a magnet made of felt with a pocket with your own hands with step by step photos.

Meshcheryakova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes, MBOU secondary school No. 108 of the Sovetsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Description: This master class is intended for children from 9 years old, teachers, educators additional education, teachers, parents.
Purpose: A decorative magnet - a felt bouquet will be an excellent gift for March 8th.
Target: performance decorative decoration from felt.
introduce felt to the material, improve skills in working with scissors, a needle, and a hot glue gun;
develop skills to freely use the techniques of “back stitch”, “buttonhole stitch”, sewing on buttons, develop fine motor skills, imagination, eye;
cultivate accuracy in work, attentiveness, perseverance, diligence, instill aesthetic taste;
develop the ability to use acquired knowledge in labor activity and life.
felt (green, white, light pink and red);
buttons (5 pcs.);
threads (yellow);
magnets (2 pcs.);
pot and flower templates;
floss threads (green and shades of pink);
hot glue gun;


Safety rules when working with a needle, scissors and hot glue gun.

Tradition of giving flowers arose before our era. Because it is impossible not to pay attention to the beautiful plants that surrounded a person, not to admire, and not to convey one’s admiration through flowers to another person. IN Ancient Greece flowers were presented to the winners olympic games, philosophers and poets as a sign of their deification, because flowers were placed on the altar of the gods as an offering and to appease them. This is where the tradition of giving flowers came from beautiful women as a sign of admiration for their beauty, which the gods awarded them.
On International Women's Day, our students can give a bouquet of felt flowers primary school.
Felt- dense compressed wool mass, which is cut into sheets of certain sizes. Density is achieved by treating wool with hot steam. Felt is a close relative of felt, but it is usually made from more delicate wool or animal down.
Pros of felt:
has a wide range of colors;
produced in sheets of various thicknesses;
easy to sew and glue;
does not have a front or back side;
the edges of the felt do not fray, there is no need to bend them;
Ideal for making jewelry, accessories and decorative elements for the interior.
Today we invite you to do a bouquet of flowers made of felt on a magnetic base with a pocket for wishes or a gift.
During our work, the following skills will be useful to us:
1. Seam "Back needle"

- Draw a line on the fabric. Bring the thread to the front side at point A, stepping back slightly from the end of the drawn line.
- Pass the needle through point B at the end of the marked line and bring it out at point C. The distance from point A to point C should be the same as the distance from point A to point B.
- Pull the thread
- Pass the needle through point A and bring it out at point D. The distance from point C to point D should be the same as the distance from point A to point C.
- Continue making stitches in the same way, trying to make them the same length.
- To finish the stitch, pass the needle to the wrong side through the hole at the beginning of the previous stitch. Pull the thread and secure it.
2. Loop seam(edge ​​processing)

- Bring the thread through the fold at point A.
- Pass the needle through point B under the hem until the point of the needle is behind the hem of the fabric. The thread should be under the needle.
- Pull the thread. Pass the needle through point C under the hem and make a second loop. The thread should be under the needle.
- Continue stitching in the same manner. After making the last stitch, bring the needle over the loop and through the fold. Pull the thread and secure it.

Progress of the master class:

1. We trace the hand on the felt so that the fingers are slightly open. Cut it out. We also outline and cut out 2 parts of the pot, 5 large and 5 small flowers.

2. We make a composition: we put flowers, buttons on our fingers, and put a pot on it.

3. Sew buttons and flowers on fingers - the basis of our work

4. We apply the finished bouquet to one part of the pot. We cut off the excess length.

5. We sew two parts.

Part 1 of the product is ready.
6. On the second part of the pot we draw a pattern. We chose diamonds and straight lines. This will be the wrong side of the product.

7. We embroider with floss threads using the “back needle” stitch technique.

Part 2 of the product is ready.
8. We connect our finished 1 part of the product with 2. We sew the edges of the pot using the “loop” stitch technique.

9. Using a hot glue gun, glue the magnet onto the pot so that the thread seams are not visible.

We cut out small rectangles from the second magnet and glue them onto the fingers, covering the threads from the sewn buttons.

Our magnet is ready! We put a small one in our pocket sweet gift and a beautiful poem for mom.

Here are more options for magnets - bouquets for the holiday:
The bouquet is made of paper and cardboard. Can be performed by children 4 years and older.

The bouquet is made of felt, half beads. The parts are glued with a hot glue gun. For children aged 7 years and older.

Felt is considered one of the unique and favorite materials used by craftswomen and needlewomen. For those who like to create products with their own hands, spending a minimum of time on it, felt is the most suitable material. At the same time, crafts made from it turn out to be original and beautiful.

Today you can find a lot detailed descriptions, master classes, ideas for inspiration on the topic of felt needlework, or by using their creative abilities, craftswomen make real masterpieces.

Feature of felt

The difference between felt (which can be natural, synthetic, or a mixture of artificial and natural fibers) from other fabrics is that when working it is similar to the process of working with paper, i.e. you can do anything with it: glue, cut, sew (due to its fibrous structure).

Felt products

In addition, felt fits perfectly and combines with any fabric, decor, accessories, due to this, DIY felt crafts turn out so bright and interesting.

It is used in a wide variety of products self made:

  • In the manufacture of toys: figurines, New Year's decorations, volumetric applications etc. Felt is easy to work with, so even a beginner can handle it;
  • In scrapbooking;
  • Felt is used to create covers for books, diaries, notepads, and also serves as decoration for photo frames and postcards;
  • As a creative material for collective work with children. Its multi-colored, bright colors will appeal to every child;
  • It will be an excellent handmade gift for any occasion or holiday: New Year, Easter, Valentine's Day, March 8, Christmas and Maslenitsa. Using the available master classes, you can create: flowers, valentine hearts, Easter eggs, Christmas decorations;
  • Felt is used for sewing accessories in the interior of a room, useful little things in everyday life: as coasters, hot napkins, towel holders, curtains, wallets, bags, cosmetic bags, key holders, needle cases, cases for scissors;
  • Educational felt crafts for children: crib mobiles, educational books, small rugs, shaped items in the form of numbers, letters, vegetables, fruits, animals, felt cubes, finger toys (puppet theater), calendars.

Is not full list what can be made from felt.

Let's look at a couple of ideas to create your own hand made product. First, let's look at instructions for beginners on how to make felt crafts with children.

Felt flowers

An adult with a small child can personally make a gift for a mother, grandmother, or teacher for a women’s holiday, for example, felt flowers.

To do this, use a ready-made, printed pattern. The paper parts are transferred to the material and cut out. Then they glue or stitch together according to the pattern.

Thus, you can create a bouquet of flowers big size, and from small ones they create a beautiful brooch, hairpin, and flowers for a hoop.

Such a product can be made on a pin, decorating it with braid, half-beads, a bow and other decorative elements.

Children can use felt to do homework for school or kindergarten, for various events, or simply to develop creative skills. The child can participate in the process of creating a future product: come up with a craft, choose one shade or another, discuss and add details.

You can entrust the child with more responsible work: tracing a template, gluing elements, cutting out a part.

For example, children can sew a full-fledged padding polyester toy or figurine themselves using a pattern that is freely available on special Internet resources for photos of felt crafts, or use their own imagination by drawing on a piece of paper.

Christmas tree toy

An older child will be interested in crafts that he can sew himself; for example, let’s take a Christmas tree toy.

Circles of the same shape are made from felt, connected in the center, attached to a ball, or to a conical shape made of foam plastic, felt circles are glued Green colour, you will get a small Christmas tree, decorating it with the same figures of fairy-tale characters - Santa Claus, a snowman, Santa Claus with deer.

Felt heart

You can give a friend or relative on Valentine's Day an original Valentine's card in the shape of a felt heart. Cut out patterns of felt crafts are sewn together and filled with filler.


The resulting hearts are decorated and presented in a beautiful package or basket.

Easter craft

For Easter, topiary, Easter eggs, pots and many other decorations and accessories can serve as a cute present. To make a flowerpot, the selected pot is trimmed with green felt material in the shape of grass, then a fence and flowers are glued on.

And in a pot they put a hen with chicks, a rabbit or eggs of different colors.

Felt owls

Of great interest are owls made of felt, which can be used as an ordinary toy or as a key holder, keychain, cover, stand, or, if desired, you can make a whole family of owls.

Felt books

Many handicraft mothers sew books on educational topics. Such a book is attached to rings, with ribbons, and the sheets are decorated with numbers, letters, animals, vegetables, fruits, pockets with fillings, decorative elements, buttons, snaps, and laces.

It is possible to create a lot of products from this material using these patterns and templates for felt crafts on this site.


Photos of felt crafts


This article will tell you how to create flowers from felt with your own hands, and will also provide master classes, patterns and diagrams for creating flowers. Felt is a versatile material that is well suited for creativity. You can use it to create a variety of accessories and interior items.

It is well suited for making gifts and souvenirs for loved ones. Felt does not fray, does not have a front or back side, you can easily sew the necessary item from it and glue it or glue it to other parts of the product without any problems.

DIY flowers made from felt are a great idea for interior decoration and more. With their help, you can embellish any outfit, giving it sophisticated elegance or a touch of colorful mood. With the help of such flowers you can make a decoration for wrapping any gift. The list of applications for crafts made from colored felt is extensive - from decorating postcards to making hair clips and headbands.

Before you start creating flowers from felt according to the master class, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • pattern paper;
  • scissors;
  • beads and beads;
  • needle and thread;
  • felt;
  • stationery knife.

On paper you need to print or draw a pattern for making felt flowers. You can make buds different sizes and types. You can also draw fantasy flowers that you created yourself. But in this case, you need to take into account your skills, without which complex flowers will not turn out the first time. Before printing the pattern, which is in an electronic version, you should adjust the dimensions so that they are suitable for realizing the idea.

To decorate a postcard or photo album with felt crafts, you need to adjust the width of the parts to the dimensions, which are maximum 2.5 cm. To decorate clothes, the width of the parts can be increased by several centimeters. You also need to take into account that when sewing, the dimensions will decrease slightly.

Master class of felt flowers

Many people are thinking about a unique gift for their loved ones. And most are interested in the question of how to make flowers from felt. To make flowers according to the master class, you must first prepare patterns for the petals.

You can download templates and patterns for flowers made from felt yourself on the Internet or draw it yourself, then cut it out along the contour from cardboard. At first glance, some petals will be very similar, but in fact they differ in their shapes and sizes. This is necessary for the correct formation of the petals in the bud.

Then you should arrange the petals in the correct order and sew or glue tightly, so that in the middle of the flower there is a small depression for the core.

The core can be cut out of a darker felt color and glued into the middle of the flower or sew on a beautiful bead. The flower can be decorated with additional fittings or an ornament can be embroidered on the petals.

The resulting craft can be used to decorate a hair clip or headband. Or you can make several of these crafts and form a bouquet. Even a beginner who does not have much experience in making felt crafts can make the flower that will be made using the given master class.

Master class roses made of felt

For work you need to prepare the following materials:

  • multi-colored felt;
  • regular and curly scissors;
  • glue;
  • thread and needle;
  • washable or disappearing marker;
  • template for a pattern;
  • multi-colored floss threads;
  • pins;
  • beads or buttons.

If a person does not have experience in creating flowers from felt, then the best option There will be the use of patterns and diagrams. They will help you choose correct proportions for flowers and do not make a mistake with the size of the petals.

To create this craft you need a small amount of felt. On the prepared material you need to draw a circle, the diameter of which will be about 10 centimeters. It is worth noting that the larger the diameter, the greater the volume of the future rose. But still, you don’t need to make the rose too big, as the result will be a rough and sloppy flower.

Then you need to draw a spiral on the circle, starting from the outer edge and ending in the middle. The wider the line, the larger the petals will be. Using curly scissors, cut out semicircular petals in a spiral.

Next, the stage of assembling the rose begins. The resulting spiral must be rolled into a flower. You need to start from the middle, roll it up a little, coat it with glue to secure it and let it dry. After this, twist the entire rose to the end and strengthen the lower part with glue.

The ends of the petals can be trimmed with thread, but you can leave them as is. Because felt does not lint or fluff. This completes the master class on making roses. You can make many of these crafts in various sizes and colors and decorate your hair clip with them. Or add a few green leaves to the flower and attach it to a brooch base. This brooch will be an excellent decoration for any style of clothing.

Today, there are a huge number of different templates for felt flowers that you can use to create patterns. Such crafts will be an excellent decoration for clothing or interior design, for postcards or albums. They can breathe new life old things.

Hi all! The Spring holiday is just around the corner, and all the girls want to be beautiful and ready to accept gifts! But what will we be pleased with? And most importantly, what will we please all our friends, colleagues and teachers of our little ones? Let's do it together!

Felt is the ideal material

Felt is essentially a dense printed fabric, dyed in different colors. And this is its advantage. Since it can be:

  • Stitch and glue.
  • Cut out parts from it without sealing the edges.
  • Make flat and three-dimensional things.
  • Combine with any fabrics and objects, such as beads, bases for hairpins, zippers, pins, buttons.

And not only are they made from felt beautiful Stuffed Toys or trinkets. But also practical and elegant things, for example, hairpins, brooches, beads and even covers for notebooks and documents. We will talk about some of them now.

If you suddenly forgot how to make seams when working with felt, I recommend short MCs

What crafts can you make with your own hands?

Since the crafts will be designed together with our little ones, let's find those that he can master on his own or with our help.

Headphone organizer

A very useful thing. My headphones keep getting confused. I want to make such an organizer for myself, and maybe even combine it with a phone case so that everything is at hand.

Cool organizer in the shape of a taco - step-by-step master class.

Video lesson

By the way, you can use adhesive tape rather than a button. More options for organizers.

Cup stand

Orange or lemon coasters are the easiest to make, but look bright and appetizing.

Coasters with voluminous animal heads are very cute. The head is stuffed with cotton wool or padding polyester, and the body is flat.

You can also make watermelons, apples, leaves and other felt coasters. Mom will be very pleased. And production costs are minimal.


Flowers of different shapes, sizes and colors are cut out for him. They can even be made voluminous by inserting filler inside between two identical parts and stitching them together. You can also make them multi-layered so that each subsequent layer is different. All flowers are attached to sticks. You can also add leaves.

Or make such wonderful buds.


So practical and beautiful thing you'll definitely like it mom . But even a toddler can make it (of course, if you help him with the thread and needle). The shape of the keychain can be completely different: butterfly, mushroom, owlet, cat, mouse, house, etc.

Let's take a butterfly for example.

Patterns for the butterfly:

On photo you can see what kind of butterfly we can get. I’m sure it will turn out even more interesting for you and your baby!


Making your own cases for glasses, mobile phones and other things is much easier than it seems. You just have to cut the workpiece to the required size. Here you need to be especially careful. It is better to outline the phone, add another 0.5 cm on each side for the seam and another 0.5 cm for the loose fit, so that you can easily remove the smartphone. Choose for yourself what applique will decorate the case and how it will close. Of course, here is a real springboard for developing creativity, but the result awaits you amazing!