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We knit a white owl description. Mittens with owls knitting needles: a detailed description with diagrams and video

It's no secret that any pattern made on a knitted product can turn a completely ordinary thing into a real work of art. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have vast experience in knitting - most patterns, with their apparent complexity, are quite easy to perform. For example, mittens with owls can be knitted by any needlewoman who has at least a little idea of \u200b\u200bhow the simplest harness is knitted. Well, if you do not know this yet, then a detailed description of the work, which is presented in this article, will help you.

The owl pattern is made with face loops against the backdrop of the seamy surface by crossing the loops and is perfect not only for decorating mittens, but also for sweaters or hats. The pattern looks like this, but do not be intimidated by it right away - check out the presented master class and everything will fall into place.

Let's move on to a master class on knitting mittens with an original owl pattern, which is not difficult at all and is suitable even for novice needlewomen.

Studying a master class on knitting children's mittens with owls knitting needles

Required materials and tools:

  • Stocking needles;
  • Yarn;
  • Additional knitting needle or special pin for removing loops;
  • Yarn needle;
  • Four beads for the eyes;
  • Thread and bead sewing needle.

The mittens are knitted in two threads, which makes them very warm.

We collect 32 loops on the stocking needles, distribute them on four needles and knit 10 rows with a regular elastic band 1 * 1.

We knit the first row after the elastic with completely front loops, in the 12th row we add two front loops on each knitting needle from the broaches; Knit rows 13 - 18 with front loops.

Starting from row 19, we proceed to the formation of the pattern itself. The pattern is formed on the third and fourth knitting needles, that is, those with which the upper part of the mitten is knitted, the loops of the palm are knitted with the front stitch. An owl drawing is formed according to the scheme:

19 row: third knitting needle - knit 4, purl six; fourth spoke - 6 out. n., 4 persons. P.

Row 20: repeat the same pattern.

21 row: third needle - 4 persons. n., 2 out. n., 4 persons. P.; fourth knitting needle - 4 persons. n., 2 out., n., 4 persons. P.

At the same time, on the first and second knitting needles, do not forget to make a hole for the thumb in any way convenient for you.

Rows 22 and 23: third knitting needle - 4 persons. n., 2 out. n., 4 persons. P.; fourth knitting needle - 4 persons. n., 2 out. n., 4 persons. P.

24 row: 4 persons. n., 2 out. p., remove 2 loops on an additional knitting needle at work, knit the next 2 loops, then knit loops on an additional knitting needle; fourth knitting needle - remove 2 loops on an additional knitting needle before work, 2 persons. n., then loops with additional knitting needles, knitted, 2 out. n., 4 persons. P.

Rows 25 - 31: third knitting needle - 4 persons. n., 2 out. n., 4 persons. P.; fourth knitting needle - 4 persons. n., 2 out. n., 4 persons. P.

32 row: we repeat the scheme of 24 rows.

From 33 to 35 rows on the third and fourth knitting needles we knit 4 persons. n., 2 out. n, 4 persons. P.

36 row - also 24th and 32nd.

37 row: third knitting needle - 4 persons. n., 2 out. n., 2 persons. n., 2 out. P.; fourth knitting needle - 2 out. n., 2 persons. n., 2 out. n., 4 persons. P.

From 38 to 41 rows we knit according to the scheme: third knitting needle - 4 persons. n., 6 out. P.; fourth spoke - 6 out. n., 4 persons. P.

Starting from row 39, we proceed to decrease the loops. To do this, on the first knitting needle, we knit the first two loops together with the front one behind the back wall, on the second knitting needle we knit the last two front loops, but behind the front wall, the third knitting needle - again the first two loops behind the back wall, the fourth knitting needle - the last two loops behind the front wall. All subsequent rows are knit according to the pattern.

When there are only eight loops left on all the needles, we pull them together with a thread and a needle and thread the end of the thread to the wrong side.

We start knitting the thumb - for this, the six loops that you removed on the pin, we transfer to the knitting needle, we collect six more loops from the opposite typesetting edge and two loops on the sides. We knit twelve rows in a circle.

Then we distribute all the loops into two knitting needles and begin to decrease: on each knitting needle we knit the first two loops together behind the back wall, and the last two loops behind the front. After only eight loops remain on the knitting needles, pull them together with a needle and hide the end on the wrong side. The mitten is ready.

It remains to sew beady eyes to the owls and you can wear beautiful, warm and original mittens.

As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated about knitting this pattern. The only difficulty may be in the central position of the pattern when knitting larger mittens or if you want to enlarge the pattern, for example, for a hat or vest. But in any case, the pattern is based on the harness pattern, and in order for the owl to look harmonious on any item of clothing, you will have to separately knit a pattern with a pattern (and perhaps more than one) and estimate how many rows and loops you need to retreat from the bottom and sides of the product.

Related videos

In conclusion, we suggest you watch a few videos on how to knit the "Owl" pattern so that you can not only decorate with it not only mittens, but also a hat, scarves and other products that you want.

Needlewomen have an undeniable plus - they can independently make the missing accessory for themselves and their family at any time. For example, mittens with owls are a hit of this season. If you still don't have such a cute model, then it's time to pick up the knitting needles.

Beginning needlewomen who have not achieved some extraordinary skill can cope with the manufacture of this little thing.

Many novice needlewomen are afraid to take on the manufacture of products with drawings. But do not worry, it is only at first glance that the pattern is difficult to knit. In fact, the scheme is simple, and a novice craftswoman can handle it. In addition, making mittens with owls takes a minimum of time. And believe me, it will only bring you positive emotions.

Knitting density

First of all, you need to knit a small sample measuring 10 x 10 or 10 x 5 cm. This will take a little time, but you will be sure that the size will fit exactly, and you will not have to bandage the product. After all, mittens are an accessory that must fit exactly in size. It is only in a sweater that such an error is not so obvious. Therefore, mittens with an owl must exactly match the size of a fashionista's palm.

Before proceeding, you need to calculate according to the sample how many loops will be in 1 cm.If there are 19 loops in 10 cm of the sample, then there are 1.9 loops in 1 cm.

Yarn and necessary tools

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of yarn. It is better to give your preference to threads, the composition of which will contain a large percentage of natural wool. But it should be remembered that owl mittens should be comfortable and warm for women's hands. After all, if you do not take care of your hands, the skin on them can age ahead of time.

Do you want such a chic thing to appear in your wardrobe? Then take the yarn and knitting needles in your hands! On average, for the manufacture of "owl" mittens with knitting needles, you need 150 g of yarn. Also prepare stocking needles of the required size, additional for yarn, beads for the eyes.

Right mitten

We determine the volume of the wrist, use the sample to calculate the required number of loops and collect them on the knitting needles. Let's say you need to cast 33 loops on the needles. Since the mittens are knitted in a circle, the last loop must be used to close the work into a circle. Be sure to mark the beginning of the new row with a marker. Now you can start knitting an elastic band 1 x 1, or 2 x 2. Experienced needlewomen advise to knit an elastic band on knitting needles, which is 1 size smaller than those that will knit the main fabric of the product. For example, an elastic band at No. 3.5 mm, and a mitten pattern at No. 4.0 mm.

It is recommended to knit 10 rows with an elastic band. If you want it to be higher, knit with a pattern to the desired size. Now you need to start working with larger knitting needles. You can also lengthen the elastic so the mittens are slightly taller. To do this, you just need to increase the number of rows knitted with a 1 x 1 pattern. Having reached the required length, move on to knitting with a larger number of needles. In this case, after every 4 loops, it is necessary to make an increase: knit two from one loop. Thus, there should be 40 loops on the needles.

Making a pattern

Knit 6 rows with front loops.

In the 19th row, you can start forming the pattern. It is better to knit the pattern on the third and fourth knitting needles. The rest of the loops must be knitted with the front stitch.

The pattern itself is knitted clearly according to the pattern. Needlewomen recommend to separate the pattern with 1-2 purl loops from the front surface.

The scheme is quite simple. The main thing is to carefully monitor the sequence of the loops. Particular attention should be paid to rows 2, 10 and 14 according to this scheme.

Don't forget to leave a thumb hole on the first or second spoke. All loops must be removed with a thread or a pin. When knitting the next row, these loops must be recruited. Thus, we get a hole for the thumb.

2nd row of the pattern: remove 2 loops on the auxiliary loop, leave it to work. We knit 4 front loops. We remove the next 2 loops on the auxiliary loop and leave them before work. We knit with the front ones.

We knit rows 10 and 14 in the same way.

There are other patterns of the "owl" pattern. They are a little thicker, and the body is knitted not with a front satin stitch, but with a "rice" pattern. But the principle of knitting remains the same.

Decrease loops

If the main fabric, after knitting the pattern, has reached the level of the little finger, you can start decreasing the loops from row 39. If the height of the product is not satisfactory, you can knit the required number of rows with the front loops.

The decrease should occur evenly. To do this, on the first knitting needle, knit the first 2 loops together with the front one, make sure that the slope is to the right, on the second knitting needle we subtract the last 2 loops with a tilt to the left. We knit the third and fourth needles in the same way. Decreases are made in each row. They form a clear line of product width. We continue to make the decrements until the total number of loops is 8. A working thread is pulled through them. You can use a crochet hook or needle. We hide the thread and fix it from the seamy side.

Finishing the finger

We return to the formed hole, we knit the thumb. To do this, transfer all the loops from the pin to the knitting needle. From the opposite typesetting edge we collect 6 loops and 1 on both sides. We knit 12 rows in a circle. After the loop, distribute it on 2 knitting needles and begin to make decreases. On each knitting needle, we decrease the loops in the same way as on the mitten: from the beginning of the row with a slope to the right, at the end - to the left. As soon as 8 loops remain on the needles, they must be pulled together and the thread hidden on the wrong side.

The mitten is ready.

Left mitten

The description is very simple. The left mitten should be done according to the same principle. When doing this, make sure that the thumb hole is symmetrical.

Product decor

To complete the product, you should sew the eyes on the owl. To do this, you can use beads, rhinestones, buttons on the leg, faceted beads. Each needlewoman chooses a more acceptable option, because everyone has different tastes. You can also cut out felt circles of the required diameter, and sew beads inside. In a word, you can decorate mittens with an owl for every taste. The main thing is to include your imagination in the work.


The description of mittens with owls will help everyone to quickly and easily cope with the task. Difficulty can arise when positioning in the center of the pattern, if you make a larger product. If you want to enlarge this pattern for making a hat, scarf or sweater, you need to know that it is based on a harness pattern. Needlewomen recommend first to enlarge the pattern, draw its diagram and knit a pattern. If everything suits you, you can safely use the prepared scheme. If not, it is enough to correct the scheme, having estimated how many rows and loops you need to retreat from all sides.

Knitting an owl pattern is very simple and even novice craftswomen can handle it. The whole secret of the pattern is in crossing the loops, using an additional knitting needle, as when knitting a braid. You can decorate with this pattern both children's and women's clothing.

The owl pattern with knitting needles is great for knitting hats, mittens, mitts and even socks and bracelets. You can diversify the pattern with beads, buttons and color contrast. With a little fancy, you can create a whole look with this simple pattern.

owl pattern scheme1

Owl pattern description

The owl pattern report, for the ornament, is 12 loops along with the background of the purl. For a single pattern placed on a hat, pocket or other product, the number of pattern loops \u003d 8 + the required number of purl loops on both sides of the owl. There are only 16 loops in our diagram; 8 loops of a relief owl and 4 loops of the purl surface on both sides.

Knit the pattern according to the suggested pattern. In rows 7, 17 and 23, do crossing the loops as follows:

Remove the 2 knit stitches on the auxiliary knitting needle and leave to work, knit the next 2 knit loops, and after the loop from the auxiliary knitting needle. The next 2 knit stitches, again remove on an additional knitting needle and leave, now before work. Knit 2 front loops, and after the loop from the additional knitting needle. That's the whole secret of the pattern.

If you understand the principle of weaving the loops for the owl pattern, it will not be difficult for you to slightly change the pattern by making the owls larger or more embossed. In the ornament, you can simply decrease or increase the number of purl stitches between the owls. As an example of changing the pattern, try crocheting the owls using the second option.


Owl knitting needles 2

The second version of the owl pattern knitting needles slightly different from the previous one, but the principle of knitting is the same - crossing the loops. The main difference is the embossed abdomen of an owl, it can be knitted using rice knitting or putan.

Description of the scheme 2 of the owl pattern

For a sample of the pattern, 20 loops were taken without taking into account the edging, please note that the diagram shows both the front and back rows.

1st and 2nd rows: knit all loops;
3rd row: purl 1, knit 18, purl 1;
4th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th rows knit according to the pattern;
5th row: 2 purl, 4 front loops cross to the right (crossing loops, as in the previous pattern); the next 8 loops we knit alternately 1 front, 1 purl (for a relief abdomen, later on these loops knit a pattern or rice knitting , that is, shifting the pattern by 1 loop in each row or through the row); Cross 4 front loops to the left, 2 purl;
6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th rows: 2 front loops (for the background of the purl surface), 2 purl loops (owl sides); the next 12 loops we knit alternately 1 front, 1 purl (for a raised abdomen (putanka pattern); 2 purl loops (owl's sides), 2 facial (background);

7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th rows: 2 purl loops (for the background), 2 front loops (sides), the next 12 loops we knit with a knitted pattern; 2 front (sides), 2 purl (background);
17th row: purl 2, cross 8 loops to the right, knitting with knit stitches as follows: put 4 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle and leave at work, next. Knit 4 loops with knit stitches, then knit 4 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle; cross 8 loops to the left: put 4 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle and leave now before work, next. Knit 4 loops with the front ones, and after 4 loops from the auxiliary knitting needles, 2 purl;
25th row: purl 2 (background), cross 8 loops to the right, 8 loops to the left, purl 2 (background);
26th row: knit 2, purl 4, knit 8, purl 4, knit 2;
27th row: 2 purl, 4 front, 8 purl, 4 front, 2 purl loops;
28th row: knit all loops;
29th row: purl all loops;

owl pattern scheme 2

By decreasing or increasing the number of loops in the report, you can slightly change the pattern itself, making it larger or wider. For example, the 3rd version of the pattern is very similar to the 2nd, but still different.

owl pattern 3

Description of the scheme 3 patterns owl

To knit a sample of pattern 3, dial 24 loops on the knitting needles: 22 loops of the scheme + 2 edge loops (the edge loops are not indicated on the diagram) and knit according to the proposed scheme and symbols.

Edge hinges - this is the 1st and last loop of the row. As a rule, the last loop in each row is knitted with a purl, and the 1st loop in each row is removed without knitting. In this case, the loop is removed, like a front loop, that is, in such a way that the working thread does not create a knot. Then, along the edge of the product, an even spikelet is obtained from elongated loops. They knit edge loops in other ways, but this does not affect the main pattern in any case.

owl-3 pattern scheme

1st row: knit all loops;

2nd row: purl all loops;

3rd row: 1 out., 20 persons., 1 out;

4th row: 1 persons., 20 out., 1 persons .;

5th row: 2 out., 6 loops cross to the right (3p. Remove on extra knitting needle and leave behind work, wire 3 persons. ., 1 persons. *), Cross 6 loops to the left (remove 3 sts on an additional knitting needle and leave BEFORE work, check the next 3 persons, and after 3 persons with additional knitting needles), 2 out;

6th row: 2 persons., 3 out., 11 loops with a knitted pattern (* 1 out., 1 person. * 1 out.), 4 out., 2 persons;

7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th rows: 2 out., 4 persons., 11 loops with a knitted pattern (* 1 out., 1 person. *, 1 out.), 3 persons., 2 out;

8th, 10th, 12th and 14th rows: 2 persons., 3 out., 11 loops with a knitted pattern (* 1 life., 1 person. *, 1 life.), 1 person., 3 out., 2 persons .;

16th row: 2 persons., 18 out., 2 persons.;

17th and 25th row: 2 out., Cross 8 loops to the right (remove 4 stitches to cn and leave behind work, check the next 4 knitting needles, and after 4 persons. From additional knitting needles), 2 persons., 8 loops cross to the left (remove 4p. To an additional knitting needle and leave BEFORE work, check the next 4 persons., And after 4 persons. From additional knitting needles), 2 out;

18th, 20th, 22nd and 24th rows: 2 persons., 18 out., 2 persons;

19th, 21st and 23rd row: 2 out., 18 persons., 2 out;

26th row: 2 persons., 4 out., 10 persons., 4 out., 2 persons.;

27th row: 2 out., 4 persons., 10 out., 4 persons., 2 out.;

28th row: 2 persons., 2 out., 14 persons., 2 out., 2 persons;

29th row: 2 out., 2 persons. 14 out., 2 persons., 2 out.

You may have been looking for a completely different owl knitting pattern. Then how do you like this idea?

multicolor owl pattern scheme

This owl is knitted with contrasting yarn, and the front or back stitch can serve as a background for it. Pretty creative in my opinion.

owl pattern with needles, knit owl pattern, description of the owl pattern pattern

A night bird with big eyes is a very fashionable symbol, its images can be found on clothes, accessories, jewelry and even in the interior. Perhaps this popularity is due to the appearance in 2012 of a collection of clothes with the image of an owl, or world-famous books and films about the young wizard played a role. But be that as it may, the owl is kept at the height of fashion, which means you need to create your own collection of knitted owls.

Knitting owl toy

For kids and adults, this toy in the shape of an owl knitted will be a great gift. Even novice craftswomen can cope with the creation of a bird, the main thing is to choose the right scheme. Owl toys are:

  • simple, in the form of a square;
  • more complex, with separately tied body parts.

You can knit a toy using a different number of knitting needles, it all depends on the pattern and skills of the needlewoman. The knit should be as tight as possible so that the owl keeps its shape, and the filler does not crawl out of the loops.

interesting selection on the site 22 models for girls only

Toy height: 21 cm.

You will need: 100 g white, 50 g gray and a little black; 5 needles # 3.5; hook number 3.5; 2 eye buttons, synthetic wadding and an embroidery needle.
The main pattern, needles number 3.5: front surface: faces. ranks of persons. loops; out. rows - out. loops .; for circular knitting, knit only faces. loops.

Knitted toy "Learned owl" with needles

For knitting you need yarn, knitting needles # 3, synthetic winterizer and cardboard.

Owl pattern with knitting needles, how to knit and patterns

Almost any knitted product can be decorated with an owl pattern; such a pattern is quite simple to perform, with the ability to knit front and back loops and make braids. The owl pattern made with knitting needles is perfect for decoration:

  • hats;
  • mittens;
  • sweaters;
  • bijouterie.

You can knit either one large image or a whole string of small owls that form an ornament, the owl figure is obtained volumetric thanks to the knitting technique. To decorate the eyes, you can pick up beads, and make brushes for the ears.

Yarn for hand knitting Nako Alaska. Soft, slightly fluffy yarn with camel hair in the composition is suitable for knitting by both adults and children.
Skein weight: 100 g
Thread length: 204 m
Composition: 15% camel wool, 25% wool, 60% acrylic
Manufacturer: Turkey
Brand: Nako

Mittens with "Owls". The mittens are knitted of yarn from Troitsk “Prostaia” (half-wool-200m / 100g) white in one addition - the main background. Ornament - "owl" - pure wool-50g / 200m-Vita crown (Germany), sectional dyeing - in two additions. “Owl” was knitted only on the front side of the palm, on the back side, a simple ornament, small

Hello! My name is Tatyana. I live in Veliky Novgorod. I knit and crochet. I knitted these mittens with owls from Kamtex yarn (Argentine wool). I wish all needlewomen light loops !!! For a detailed description, see the link. Knitting pattern for mittens:

Mittens Sovushki - the work of Lyudmila Anisimova

Mittens size: 2 years, palm girth 13cm, thumb length - 2.5cm, length from wrist to index finger - 10.5cm. Yarn Lana Gold Plus blue 100gr / 140cm - 1 skein, hook of any size, knitting needles No. 4. 1. Dial

Children's mittens with knitting needles with an Owl pattern, master class!

The owl pattern is very beautiful. Many people think that knitting is difficult. I also thought so at first)) It turned out that everything is easy and simple, if at least in principle you imagine how the simplest harness is knitted on the needles.

I present to your attention children's mittens with an "owl" pattern. Adults can also be linked by their pattern!

Knitted hat and mittens with an owl

Owl family. Hat and mittens for 1-1.5 years. Knitted from yarn Baby Wool - BABY WOOL, the weight of the skein is 50 grams, the length of the skein is 175 meters in two strings. It took 2.5 skeins in terms of consumption. Beanie description Beanie fits 80

The hat has the shape of a square, when put on the head, the corners become like ears. It is knitted on 4 knitting needles without increments-increments. Measure the volume of the head and calculate the number of loops and knit in a circle. In the middle she knitted an "owl" pattern. After closing the loops, the top of the hat is sewn with a knitted seam along with the inside.

Colds are approaching ... More and more often there is a desire to wrap up in a warm blanket in an embrace with a purring cat and a mug of warming tea or coffee. I want everything to be warm and fluffy, so why not tie a cover

A knitted hat with a relief image of an owl can decorate both women's and children's wardrobe. Triangular ears with tassels will only add charm. An owl hat is knitted with five knitting needles from woolen or semi-woolen yarn. The yarn can be selected as a single color or combined colors, highlighting the owl figurine with a contrasting color.

The owl pattern can be used when knitting accessories for children and adults, such as hats or scarves, snoods and mittens.

We found several models of owl hats with diagrams.

Owl hat pattern

Hat with owls from Tatiana Vladimirova

Hat with a lapel, knitted of ANGORA RAM yarn in two folds. Knitting needles number 3.

If you like to do needlework, namely, to knit, then read in the article how you can knit mittens, mitts, scratches of various designs for children.

In the cold, winter season, children cannot do without warm mittens. Kids love outdoor games: throwing snowballs or making a snow woman. Sometimes it happens that a child even lacks two pairs of mittens for one walk due to the fact that they get wet to the thread.

It is not a problem to buy mittens now, but it is much more pleasant if a caring mother-craftswoman knits warm, beautiful mittens for her beloved child on her own. However, not all moms know how they can be linked. More on this in detail.

How to knit double knitting mittens warm for boys and girls from 1 to 11 years old?

Double mittens will keep your little ones warm even in severe frosts.

In order to link them, you will need:

  1. Knitting needles - 5 pieces
  2. Threads for the product
  3. Safety pins - 2 pieces
  4. Hook

Working process:

  • Decide on. To do this, measure the widest point on your hand (near your thumb).
  • Dial a certain amount of loops... Spread them evenly on the sock knitting needles, and with the fifth knit the elastic in a circle.
  • Way knitting elastic choose according to your taste: two loops - front, two - purl, or one - purl, one - front, etc.
  • Rubber band height you can also knit whatever you like: 3-6 cm... It all depends on how long the mittens you want to make.
  • Next, proceed to the main drawing of the product. And where the thumb goes leave the loops on the pin, without knitting.
  • Make a small hole for your finger. Later knit mitten straight to the tip of the little finger.
  • Then start remove hinges evenly on both sides, so that the top is in the form of an isosceles triangle.
  • Bind with needles, hook separately thumb.
  • Crochet dial on the elastic band of the finished mittens hinges for internal parts products.
  • Place the loops over four knitting needles and bind the same twin mitten, which you then tuck inside the mittens.
  • According to the same description bind and second mitten.

How to knit owl mittens with knitting needles for girls: a diagram with a description

Tie pattern mittens Owlnovice needlewomen can also. The main thing is to master the technique of knitting on circular knitting needles of the mittens themselves. And the pattern is not difficult to create if you do it according to the scheme.

Gray mittens for girls with a pattern - Owl

So, to get these mittens, do the following:

  1. Dial definite number of loops, distribute them four spokes.
  2. Fifth spoke knit elastic (first row: two loops - facial, twopurl, second row and all subsequent ones: according to the picture).
  3. Knit with an elastic band 25-30 rows... On the front of the mittens start knitting patternas in the diagram below. Where: × - means cross the loops; - front loop; ǀ purl loop.
  4. Make the eyes of the owl from beads or buttons.

Knitting pattern - Owl

IMPORTANT: When knitting, try to keep the loops the same size.

How to knit mittens with braids for girls?

Stylish pattern braids will decorate the girl's mittens and make them more voluminous. And if such mittens are trimmed with beads, then your baby will feel like a princess.

Delicate white mittens with braids

  • For a simple braid, you should use twelve loops.
  • First three knit purlthen six front loops and purl three.
  • Knit the next row according to the pattern, in total, before crossing the loops, knit six rows.
  • The image below shows how to cross the loops in order to make a braid.
  • For this three loops of the right harness move on the pin or extra spoke... After knit facial three loops left harness.
  • Then knit three obverse with pins and knitthe remaining purl loops.

How to independently knit braids on the needles?

How to knit mittens with knitting needles for girls and boys: pattern with a description

For older children, mittens with bright ornaments are well suited. Moreover, you can combine mittens with different tones of thread. Use two, three, four shades of yarn to create a whimsical pattern. There are many online patterns for knitting these ornaments. We'll consider norwegian ornament.

  • It is not at all difficult to tie such a star. It is enough to cross the threads on the back of the mittens and not confuse where to knit white and where to knit red.
  • The basis fits (satin stitch) white yarn... AND starred threads.
  • To create an ornament, you need to calculate rapport of 23 stitches in the center of the front side of the mitten, so that the pattern is beautifully located on the product.
  • Tie the elastic first.
  • And then knit according to the picture, as in the image below.

Knitting pattern for knitting with a pattern for children

How to knit mittens fingerless mittens with knitting needles for a girl and a boy: description

Mitts for a child are easier to knit than mittens. Such products are just right for mothers who are just beginning to master the knitting process.

How to knit fingerless mittens?

  • Decide on the size of the product. To do this, measure three quantities: the girth of the hand in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thumb, the distance to the base of the finger and the distance to the base of the other four fingers.
  • Cast on ten loops and knit a row or two to find out how many loops are there per 1 cm.
  • Next, based on the data obtained, dial a certain number of loops for mitts on circular knitting needles, bindthe usual gum (2 purl, 2 front).
  • Then select the pattern you like, knit according to the pattern to the place where the thumb will be. Leave a few loops on a pin.
  • Knit several rows, make a hole for it.
  • Tie the top mitts and edge decorate with an elastic band.
  • At the end, tie the thumb only without the top.

Transformers convertible mittens with knitting needles for a girl and a boy: a diagram with a description

Mitts are comfortable because the fingers are free, and nothing at all hinders their movement. However, in severe frosts, fingers must also be hidden so that they do not freeze. For this, resourceful needlewomen invented transformer mittens.

The sequence of knitting them is almost the same as that of mitts. You just have to tie one more detail - the top.

How to knit the upper part of the transformers mittens?

  1. Start with a rubber band... Knit two centimeters in the usual pattern: two front loops, two purl.
  2. Bind upper part any pattern you like to match the main one.
  3. Top smoothly round, gradually reducing the number of loops in the row.
  4. Sew on the top of the mittens to the elastic of mitts.

Knitted mittens for newborns: description

Mittens for newborns knit quickly, because the crumbs still have very small hands, and besides, there is no need to knit a thumb. Because putting on mittens knitted with thick threads will be problematic on your finger. The kid won't like the discomfort.

How to knit baby mittens?

  1. Dial 28 stitches on circular knitting needles. Bind three rows with front loops.
  2. Then knit six to seven rows rubber band.
  3. Then continue to knit row by row, without changing the number of loops, all the time with front loops. Tie the garment up to the tip of the crumb's little finger just yet.
  4. Then you can gradually decrease loopsso that the mittens are round.
  5. Decorate mittens can applique, embroidery... Down below insert tapeto prevent mittens from falling off tiny handles.

Video: Knitting mittens for newborns with a description

Mouse mittens with grass knitting needles for kids: a diagram with a description

These cute mittens should be knitted with two types of yarn. Use weed for the back of the hedgehog, and regular blue yarn for the main part.

Working process:

  1. Bind ordinary mittens on the needles of the right size
  2. Separately knit from grass knitting needles rectangle
  3. Sew on him to the mitten
  4. Black thread embroider the eyes of the mouse, and spout

Mittens hedgehogs with knitting needles from grass for babies: description

For these baby mittens, choose a gray thread. For the base - ordinary yarn, for the thorns - gray grass. Decorate the eyes of the hedgehog in the form of buttons or beads, and instead of the nose, sew a black bead.

Working process:

  1. Bind from dark thread mittens on circular needles
  2. Crochet dial on the back of a hedgehog loops and transfer them on the needles
  3. Knit plain viscous needlesuntil you tie the whole back
  4. Close the hinges and sew on the edges.

How to knit baby mittens with bumps for a girl 1-11 years old with knitting needles: diagram, description

If you like three-dimensional patterns, you can knit these mittens with knobs. To do this, take 100 grams of yarn, knitting needles, a hook and start the process.

How to knit mittens with knitting needles with a pattern - bumps

Working process:

  1. First, cast on the loops, knit the usual one for mittens.
  2. Main drawing do according to the scheme, as below in the picture.
  3. When you reach the base of your thumb, leave the loops on the pin and continue knitting to the end.
  4. Then reduce the number of loops on both sides to form a triangle at the top of the mitten.
  5. Tie your finger with a satin stitch.

Pattern scheme and description of the knitting sequence - Bumps

How to knit mittens Minions with knitting needles for a boy 1 - 11 years old?

For such funny mittens of Minions, prepare bright yellow yarn and threads of black, blue. Also, to knit big glasses, take white, gray yarn. Make eyes with black buttons.

DIY mittens - Minions

It remains only to tie the combined mittens with an elastic band and make glasses. Then sew them to the mittens.

Two-color mittens with knitting needles for a girl and a boy: a diagram with a description

If you have bright yarn of two colors, then you can knit beautiful mittens for the baby, combining them in the way, as in the picture below.

Knitted mittens for babies - two-tone

How to knit baby mittens kittens with knitting needles: diagram, description

We invite you to knit funny, striped kittens in the form of mittens. For such mittens, prepare:

  1. Light gray threads, dark yarn
  2. Knitting needles
  3. Safety pin, scissors

Cute baby mittens - kittens

Working process:

  1. Dark yarn tie an elastic band for mittens
  2. Next knit light threads two rows
  3. Knit dark yarn two rows
  4. Leave loops for thumb on a pin
  5. Knit a mitten further along the pattern until you reach the kitten's head
  6. Head do in bright colors
  7. When you start to close the hinges, leave place for ears
  8. Make them with dark threads
  9. At the end embroider threads eyes, antennae, nose

How to knit children's mittens chanterelles with knitting needles: diagram, description

  • These are the red chanterelles made from 80 grams of orange yarn.
  • You need very little white thread for the spout. We knit the ears, like the thumb (only smaller), after we finish with the main part of the mitten.
  • Sew the eyes and nose with black thread.
  • ... And sew the paws separately, having previously tied them with a crochet of red threads.

    How to knit children's mittens with knitting needles with bullfinches: diagram, description

    Any mother can knit very beautiful bright mittens with white bells for her child. It is enough to stock up on patience and time and prepare the material for the mittens.

    You will need:

    • White yarn, and red, black, green, gray threads
    • Knitting needles, scissors, hook

    White mittens with a patch - Bullfinches

    Working process:

  1. With white threads, start knitting with an elastic band
  2. Then go to the main part of the mitten.
  3. On the outer half, tie a bullfinch, as in the diagram below
  4. Tie a mitten and don't forget to place your thumb.
  5. Then finish the job

What mittens to knit for a teenager girl and boy

It is better for young men to knit mittens with ornaments or without any patterns at all. For girls, you can choose many options for mittens: openwork knit, with a volumetric pattern, bright pattern, appliqués, etc. Patterns and tips for knitting you can see