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Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts. Congratulations to combat veterans When is a holiday for combat veterans

The history of every nation preserves the memory of bloody events, armed conflicts and wars, immortalizing the names of heroes who died in battles or emerged victorious from the deadly flames of battle.

Today, there are many veterans of the Great Patriotic War and World War II, internationalist warriors and courageous fighters against terrorism living around the world. Defending peace with arms in hand, these people have earned with their blood and health the right to enjoy privileges and have some additional social guarantees.

This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and to the memory of those who are no longer alive.

Combat Veterans Day encourages those living near these heroes to remember what they did for everyone. If there were no people ready to defend their Motherland and security with their breasts, the civilized world would have ceased to exist long ago, mired in strife. Caring for the future of their descendants, they boldly went against the enemy, which is why today they deserve respect and admiration.

This holiday provides a unique opportunity to say words of gratitude to veterans, whose merits cannot be overestimated.

On this day, military personnel and war veterans lay wreaths at the monuments of military valor and glory, concerts are organized and meetings of former fellow soldiers are held, where congratulations are heard on Combat Veterans Day.

For those who went into battle, leaving fears behind,
For those who defended their family, country, themselves.
For those who have long since atoned for their sins before the Lord.
For those who risked their lives, for the Motherland, loving.

Let me congratulate you on a wonderful holiday.
May you have a hundred more of them forever.
Forget everything that's in your memory, followed by blood red
All that remains is... Well, we will definitely remember that!

Happy Holidays, MEN!!!

P.S. Post your photos from the holiday in our group, or in

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Every morning, waking up under a peaceful sky, listening to the singing of birds, and not bomb explosions, walking with a confident step on the ground, covered with green grass, and not ashes from fires, we sometimes forget whose merit it is.

Fearless, strong people, risking themselves, entered into the fight against the enemy and prevented any encroachments of the enemy towards our Motherland. Many military conflicts of local and global significance were resolved thanks to these courageous people - combat veterans. Having exerted a lot of health, strength and combat skill, they earned a worthy right to respect.

Combat Veterans Day is celebrated in Russia on July 1. The holiday is unofficial, but among all other unofficial dates its importance is actually difficult to overestimate.

The holiday began to be celebrated in the Russian Federation only a few years ago. At the general meeting, more than 3 thousand veterans voted to celebrate memorable date on the first day of the second summer month. According to combat veterans, all participants in armed conflicts that occurred after 1945 should be united by a common day. And so that on this day we can honor not only veterans Armed Forces, but also combatants from the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies.

It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, Combat Veterans Day is celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. Thus, in Moscow, commemorative events begin with laying flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier on Poklonnaya Hill, and then concerts are held with the participation of famous artists.

In other cities, events begin with the laying of wreaths and flowers at the Eternal Flame and memorials: from Sevastopol to Vladivostok, from Makhachkala to Murmansk.

In Azov, on this day in 2004, a monument to fallen internationalist soldiers was inaugurated on Victory Square. The names of thirty-four city residents who laid down their lives in various conflicts that our country had to face are carved in gold letters on the monument: from conflicts on our own territory to military operations outside the country to provide international assistance to those who were officially considered allies.

It is important to note that such participation was often secret: Korea, Vietnam, African countries. Many names of deceased combat veterans remain classified secret to this day. This is the other side of protecting the Fatherland, when the family of the deceased may not know for decades where their son/husband/brother/father died and was buried.

Over the ten years of war in Afghanistan, about 750 thousand soldiers, officers, sergeants and warrant officers were involved. This is a whole army, many of whose representatives rightfully celebrate the holiday of military veterans today.

These people carried out their assigned tasks with outstanding courage and knowledge of their craft. More than a third of internationalist soldiers received state awards for military merits, and 90 people were awarded the high title of Hero Soviet Union and - later - Hero of the Russian Federation.

After the collapse of the USSR, a “favorable” situation was created for the development of new military conflicts and brutal wars. It was created, it must be admitted, not without external “help”. The Caucasus, the Balkans, Central Asia, and Transnistria caught fire. Millions of families found themselves separated by borders, new ideological principles, or a complete lack of ideas other than imposed pseudo-freedom. How many human destinies these conflicts have crushed is no longer calculable. How many people have lost relatives and friends, how many have become refugees, how many have been eaten by an asocial environment - as a variant of the syndrome of participation in hostilities.

Our people have their own history of participation in wars and armed conflicts, have their own list of names of heroes, both those who fell on the battlefield and, fortunately, those who lived to see the end of the armed confrontation. I would like to believe that the names of veterans of the fight against terrorism, internationalist fighters - those who gave peace - will never go down in history.

Since July 1, 2009, the tradition of celebrating the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans, or simply the Day of Combat Veterans, has taken root in Russia. However, government authorities in 2010 approved a different date - February 15 - the anniversary of the beginning of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. In the official calendar, this is the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland or the Day of Internationalist Soldiers.

The attitude towards the Afghan war and the decision to leave Afghanistan in Russia is ambiguous. The leadership of the Russian Federation has a positive attitude towards this event and is trying to give it legitimacy in the eyes of Russians and those who went through that terrible war. However, with all due respect to the “Afghans,” February 15 is not a very “correct” date in relation to participants in hostilities in other states.

Operations worldwide

In addition to Afghanistan, Soviet troops took part in countless foreign missions in dozens of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America after World War II. In particular, units of the Soviet army and detachments of forces special purpose carried out combat missions in Korea (1950–1953), Hungary (1956), Laos (1960–1970), Yemen (1961–1969), Cuba (1962), Algeria (1962–1964), Vietnam (1961–1974), Czechoslovakia (1968), Syria (1967–1973), Angola (1975–1979), Mozambique (1967–1969, 1975–1979), Cambodia (1970), Bangladesh (1972–1973), Lebanon (1982) and other countries of the world.

Since the late 1980s, our country has faced serious internal threats: there was an explosion of separatist sentiments and nationalism in the republics of the USSR. Soviet troops were forced to respond to events in Baku (1988–1990) and attempts to overthrow governments in the Baltic states (1990). In the first years after the collapse of the USSR, the peacekeeping efforts of the Russian Federation helped save tens of thousands of lives in Transnistria, Abkhazia and Tajikistan.

In the 1990s Russian army and special forces had to put out fires in Chechnya and Dagestan. In August 2008, in South Ossetia, Moscow carried out an operation to “enforce peace” against the unruly Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. In February-March, the “little green men” protected Crimeans from aggression from Ukraine. Since September 2015, Russia has been carrying out a military mission in Syria - the first large-scale foreign operation since the disappearance of the USSR.

Nowadays, new threats have appeared on the western borders of the Russian Federation, in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Central Asia. A difficult situation remains in the North Caucasus, where special forces (GRU and FSB detachments) are waging both covert and open struggle against the gangster underground. In addition, if Western media reports are to be believed, Russian special services are involved in the liquidation of field commanders who fled from Chechnya to the countries of the Middle East. It is likely that today Russia continues to search for and destroy bandits.

Something to be proud of

According to Russian legislation, military veterans are recognized as former or current employees of law enforcement agencies who participated in operations in the USSR, Russia and in almost 50 foreign countries. With the exception of WWII veterans, these are hundreds of thousands of people, most of whom are now on well-deserved retirement. An important addition to the legislation was recently introduced at the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin: participants in the Syrian campaign received the status of combat veterans.

July 1st in major Russian cities Veterans and citizens who are not indifferent to the history of the country pay tribute to the memory of fallen soldiers. As a rule, wreaths and flowers are brought to the Eternal Flame, monuments to internationalist soldiers and other memorial complexes. In Moscow, the gathering center for veterans is Poklonnaya Hill.

A huge contribution to ensuring national security was made by fighters better known as members of the Alpha anti-terrorism unit. The glorious history of special forces includes operations in Afghanistan, Jordan, Israel, Cuba, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Canada and the USA. Group “A” regularly fulfilled its duty in the North Caucasus: it captured the leader of the “army of Dzhokhar Dudayev” Salman Raduev and destroyed him. and also freed hostages in a Beslan school.

The President of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, Sergei Goncharov, believes that Combat Veterans Day should unite post-Soviet countries, like May 9. “Victory Day, unfortunately, is the only holiday that reminds us of our common history. They are more proud of nothing else, and, of course, this is unfair. After all, Soviet soldiers performed glorious military feats not only during the fight against Nazism,” said RP Goncharov.

Memorial event. Photo: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

According to him, veterans of military operations in Soviet and post-Soviet times did something that young people can and should be proud of. “The last one is, naturally, ensuring the process of reunification of Crimea with Russia. “Polite people helped Crimeans make a free choice and not at gunpoint.” The brilliant operation of our guys is a grandiose undertaking, the fruits of which we will remember for a long time,” Goncharov noted.

RP’s interlocutor is confident that the lightning-fast and professional actions of “polite people” will someday become a legend. Goncharov believes that July 1 is a day for those who know how to do “a man’s work” and remember what an officer’s honor and dignity are. Goncharov hopes that Russian security forces will eventually be able to restore complete order in the troubled North Caucasus.

This holiday, which is celebrated on July 1, is akin to Victory Day, because it is also “with tears in our eyes.” Oh, not all the soldiers who took part in hostilities or in eliminating local conflicts are alive today. Therefore, a bright moment in memory of the heroes is an obligatory tribute that veterans pay to their colleagues on July 1.

And even though at first the holiday was celebrated somehow spontaneously, uncoordinatedly, the main thing is that the initiative group achieved results. And now, on Combat Veterans Day, wreaths are laid in an organized manner at the Eternal Flame and at monuments to internationalist soldiers in various Russian cities. And in the capital, concerts are held, artists who sang for the wounded in military hospitals perform for veterans, and performers for whom the word “veteran” is not an empty phrase perform. Let our veterans live peacefully, with care and due respect.

Happy Combat Veterans Day,
I wish you a lot of happiness in life.
Let everything be as in your plans and dreams,
IN real life will come to fruition.

Let the family love you, but let everyone be friends
They give support, loyalty, respect.
Once again, happy holiday to you.
Know that you are worthy only of admiration!

You have passed the combat points
In Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
Fighting for peace in war.

They honestly deserved their awards
For hard, backbreaking work.
Because they didn’t spare their lives,
In the Fatherland they call you heroes.

Thank you, dear veterans,
For dedicating your life to the fight,
And we will not forget your names,
And let your glory thunder everywhere!

Please accept our congratulations and low bow for your services. We wish you only peaceful blue skies, green grass with clear dew and warm, gentle sun. Do not know troubles and sorrow, let difficulties pass you by. Let only good news come to your home. I wish you health and strength to work peacefully and no longer hear the sounds of war.

You are a veteran of combat actions,
You served at firing points,
With weapons in hand, I went through fire and water,
For the people, for happiness, for freedom!
You are a hero, a real man,
There is more than one reason to respect you,
Chest with medals and scars from wounds,
Still young, but already a veteran!
Happy holiday, Happy Veterans Day of all wars,
We congratulate you, our hero!

Those who have passed hot spots,
They celebrate their holiday today,
We congratulate them all from the bottom of our hearts,
We bow our heads before them,
They saved the world, but they took risks,
How much strength, patience, and courage they have!
We wish them peace, goodness,
They will never encounter troubles in life.

Being a veteran doesn't mean being old,
The wars on the planet cannot be counted, they cannot be appeased,
That's all we have left on this day,
What to pour, lift, remember...

Let's raise the first toast to you,
The rest follow him,
For what was scratching my soul,
For nerves, for steel,
For what was and is past,
But it was not forgotten at all,
During the time that knocks on the glass,
For the aching bones.
For combat veterans,
We push our speech,
Today we honor them
And we wish you good health!

Peaceful day, the sun is shining in the sky,
The wind plays through the leaves in the trees,
I'm on Veterans Day today
Congratulations on your silence.

The fighting has died down, the noise has ceased,
And only memory fights in a dream,
Fighting friends come with her,
What remained in someone else's war.

Let him not know the actions of combat
Neither your son, nor your grandson, nor your brother,
You repaid your debt to your Motherland honestly,
Combat veteran, soldier.

Happy Combat Veterans Day!
You protected from enemy attack
The expanse of fields, forests and native rivers.
May life give you peace and happiness!

Everything will be very good in fate,
May your family and friends love you very much.
And let the roar of war go away forever,
And may all your days be beautiful and peaceful!

You often can't sleep at night.
You are drowning in cigarette smoke.
The pain of mental wounds tears the body to shreds.
And greetings are unbearable to the memory...

Here is mother, home, beloved...And there -
I heard the breath of death constantly.
You are a veteran of a war in a foreign country.
We are tirelessly proud of you.

Not the sound of coins, just the word “debt”
It opened the way for the brave heart.
And you passed. You survived. You could.
Our deepest bow to you and glory!