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Children's game program in African style “Journey to Africa”. My Oscar-themed birthday What to serve at an African-style party

Anna Belaya
Scenario for a holiday or birthday "Safari". Africa. Animals of hot countries

What's happened safari? Initially under safari meant hunting in the eastern Africa, but these days in a word « safari» are called travel, excursions, trips into the wild, most often - African.

preparation for holiday

1. Invitations. In invitations, of course, you need to indicate the theme holiday. Then the children will look forward to the day with even greater excitement. birth, yes and on holiday they will come prepared.

It is better to choose or make your own invitations with images of the jungle, African animals, safari, etc.. n. You can take a photo of the hero of the occasion in a suit for safari and use this image for the front of the invitation card.

Invitations can be issued as tickets to safari, which indicate the date, time and location of the event safari. In such an invitation, you can indicate what clothes children need to wear to the event. holiday(For example, "tourist costume" or "suit for safari» ).

You can leave one side blank on your invitation ticket. Let the kids take their tickets to holiday. If possible, on holiday an adult will take a Polaroid or digital photo of each child holding hands with the birthday boy (in this case you will need a color printer). Ready-made Polaroids or printed images while the kids have fun on the holiday, one of the adults will paste it into personalized invitations. At the end holiday invitation tickets should be returned to the children as souvenirs.

2. Costumes. When signing invitations, you can ask guests to come to holiday in safari style clothes. However, costumes can be prepared on one's own: for example, make helmets out of paper safari. They can also be made from plastic deep plates with a rounded bottom and wide edges. After making the holes, tie ties - for example, from jute twine. If you don’t want to do handicrafts, buy simple and very inexpensive panama hats in the style of khaki safari.

Also buy cheap plastic binoculars and hang them up for those who come holiday for children. You can also make binoculars with your own hands together with your child, preparing for holiday. If you glue two plastic cups By cutting off the bottoms and gluing cellophane or tape in their place, you will get funny binoculars. Don't forget to attach a string or string to your homemade binoculars so kids can put them around their necks. In addition, boys can be offered bandanas, and girls - scarves with predatory prints.

3. Venue Decor holiday. Try to create an atmosphere African jungle and a tourist camp set up in it. It will turn out bright festive and cozy. For this you can use green fabric draperies, green Balloons, posters with images of the jungle, a couple of artificial palm trees, etc.

Hang from the ceiling, on curtains and toy walls animals, masks animals and balloons of predatory colors. If you're not too lazy, make some signs and also attach them to wall: Zimbabwe – 4000 km, Sahara Desert – 5000 km, Ngorongoro Crater – 500 km.

Traces can be glued to the floor using double-sided tape. animals, cut out of paper. Festive The interior decoration can be the following: items: compasses, binoculars, old suitcases, slingshots, backpacks, etc.

To create a themed table setting, you can use "tarpaulin" tablecloth or tablecloth with a predatory print (zebra, leopard, etc.). Dishes can be "camping" or festive with African themed decor. Place fruit baskets and bowls of crackers in the form on the tables. animals.

Download nature sounds from the Internet and use them as background - this will allow children to plunge into the atmosphere of the jungle.

At the entrance to the birthday person’s house, hang a poster with images of the jungle and the inscription "Welcome to safari.

children's day safari style birthday: holding holiday

Children are allowed to safari presenting tickets (invitations). To everyone who arrived nurse(it could be brother, sister or the parent of the birthday boy in a medical cap) hands over a pill to prevent malaria. Buy lollipops and plastic bottles; put one lozenge in each bottle; attach a cool label. Instead of a bottle, you can wrap a lollipop in paper with the inscription "Antimalarin". Besides, "health worker" glues a colored sticker to each child on any part of the body, calling it "A patch to protect against yellow fever". When all the children have gathered, you can invite them to drink cocktails called "Snake bite vaccine".

Presenter's opening speech:

Brave and very smart young scientists went to Africa on safari. What is it safari? (children give answers) Safari– this is not only hunting, but also any trip, an excursion into the world of wild nature Africa. So, several brave and very smart young scientists went to Africa on safari, not only to have fun, but also to conduct scientific research. When the young scientists arrived in Africa, it turned out that today is their leader Vanya’s day birth. He turned 5... years old. Well, young scientists, do you want celebrate birthday?

The children answer that they really want to. Leading continues:

However, the known African folk wisdom reads: "Abraka kadabraka blablablaka", which translates as “Do the job - walk boldly”. You need to do your research first and then have fun. Here is the list of tasks (the presenter shows a sheet with tasks). After completing them, you can find the main gift for the birthday boy and a lot of goodies. Ready? Then let's begin.

But for this we will need a lot of strength. To have them, I suggest having a snack and refreshment for the trail.

The leader gives the children a list of tasks. For each completed task, children receive a magical totem from the leader.

The totem is a piece of the puzzle. The puzzle should eventually form some kind of meaningful image, which will serve as a hint to children where to look for gifts and sweets. For example, all this can be hidden in the mezzanine, on the door of which a vinyl sticker depicting a hippopotamus is pasted. Accordingly, to make a puzzle you need to draw or find a picture of a hippopotamus, print it out and cut it into six pieces.

List of tasks for children:

1. Set up camp.

2. Test your tourism knowledge.

3. Go to the savannah.

4. Identify animals.

5. Study habits, lifestyle and other features African animals.

6. Return to camp through the snake gorge.

Completing tasks

Exercise 1: Set up camp

The game will require quite a lot of space. This game works great outdoors, but you can also play in a large room.


You have just arrived in Africa by boat. You need to carry your things from the boat to the jungle where the camp will be set up. You need to transfer the cubes from your backpack to the camp, taking one cube at a time. And in Africa, you know, it happens dangerous: lions, crocodiles, snakes... I will observe the situation. As soon as I speak "A lion!" you squat and raise your arms above your head. When I say "Snake", you jump. If I say "Vultures", you lie down on the floor and close your eyes, and if I say "Monkey", you stand on one leg and wave your hand. The last person to complete the command is eliminated.

Next, you need to repeat the commands several times so that the children remember. Two need to be noted lines: boat and camp. Children stand on the line "Boat" and at the command of the leader they begin to slowly walk to the side "camps". The leader suddenly pronounces a command, and the children must follow it. Whoever did it later than others is eliminated. Children constantly go back and forth from boat to camp and from camp to boat, along the way following commands and dropping out one by one. The one who remains last wins - he gets a prize. The team receives the first totem.

Task 2: Test your knowledge


Before we begin safari, you need to make sure that you are well versed in tourism topics. Are you experienced tourists? Now let's check how much.

The quiz can be held among teams, dividing children into two groups. Or ask questions to everyone at once and let the one who raised their hand answer first.


1. Name the cardinal directions (North South West East)

2. From which side does the sun rise? (East)

3. Which way does the sun set? (west)

4. Is it possible to drink raw water from rivers and lakes? (no, the water needs to be filtered and boiled)

5. What is the most convenient way to carry things if you go hiking or safari? (in a backpack)

6. Utensils for cooking over a fire (bowler)

7. With the help of what object can you determine where is north, south, west or east? (compass)

8. What is the name of an object that allows you to carefully examine objects that are even very far away? (binoculars)

9. Is bamboo a tree or a grass? (grass)

10. Do lions live in the jungle? (no, lions live in the savannah)

This is a continuation script children's day birth of “SAFARI”. Start script here.

Task 3. Go to the savannah


The path to the savannah will not be easy. You will have to go through many obstacles. And you need to move faster, because there are still so many tasks to complete!

You can play the game in the form of a group relay race, dividing the children into two teams, or arrange individual races. Needs to be organized obstacles:

Lake with crocodiles (you can put the hoops on the floor)– you need to jump over it;

Poisonous bush (stool covered with green cloth)– it should be walked around in a circle;

Log bridge over a deep gorge (long strip of paper as wide as a child’s foot)– you need to walk along it carefully, without taking a single step past.

All this time, while passing the obstacle, the child needs to hold something round in the spoon - for example, Walnut, tangerine or tennis ball.

At the end of the race, distribute prizes to the winners and give the children another totem.

Task 4: Identify animals

This test can be carried out in two options:

1. Find pictures African animals and cut out only small fragments that show the color of the skin animal and any part of his body. The presenter shows the picture to the children, and they guess what it is. animal. The game can be played among teams or in uniform "Who raised their hand first".

Riddle picture:

Guess picture:

2. Download sounds animals. Turn on the sound and ask the children to guess which one the animal makes it. This game can also be played among teams or in uniform "Who raised their hand first".

Children receive another totem.

Task 5. Study habits, lifestyle and other features African animals

A game "zoopantomime". Give children cards with names or pictures. animals, living in Africa. Let the children go to the center one by one and, without using sounds, depict animal body language. Other children guess.

Which of the guys can guess their animal Having asked the least number of questions, he wins this game. Children receive the penultimate totem.

Task 6. Return to camp through the snake gorge

Children need to find hidden rubber bands around the room. (or sweet) snakes. There can be 10, 20 or 30 in total. When all the snakes have been collected, you need to count which of the guys found the most snakes. This winner receives a prize. The presenter gives the children the last totem and offers to assemble the puzzle.

Children collect the picture and, following the clue, look for the place where the gift and sweets are hidden. Having found "treasure", the guys go to the table celebrate african birthday.

Notes with wishes

A beautiful ending to anyone holiday

children's day safari style birthday: what to treat children

Children will definitely love the pizza - striped like a skin. African animals. To make a zebra pizza, use finely chopped black olives and shredded white cheese to garnish the pizza. Top the pizza, alternating olives with cheese, creating a zebra-like pattern.

For "tiger" For pizza decor, use grated cheese, carrots and black olives.

You can cook chicken fingers and serve them as "Lion's Fingers".

Prepare for a snack "tiger cubs" with red caviar. This dish is being prepared So: pancakes are fried and cooled. Each pancake is coated with cream cheese and rolled up. Next, the pancake tubes are cut like rolls and placed horizontally on a dish. Red caviar is placed on top of the roll in a thin layer. The rolls are decorated with stripes of black olives (the bright orange color of the caviar and the dark stripes of the olives create a pattern reminiscent of the color of a tiger).

Prepare for dessert "Monkey food"- banana boats. Take large bananas, peel them, cut them in half, and use a spoon to remove some of the pulp to make a hole in the banana. Prepare the filling - for example, curd cream ( butter, well-pounded cottage cheese, condensed milk and vanilla, add the removed banana pulp to the filling and mix. Fill the banana boats with the filling, place on lettuce leaves, and garnish with mint leaves.

Buy shaped cookie cutters animals. Prepare the jelly by pouring a thin layer of it into a large dish, then cut and decorate dessert plates with these jelly figures.

Notes with wishes

A beautiful ending to anyone holiday. Go outside or onto the balcony with balloons inflated with helium. In advance, ask guests to write wishes and attach them to the ribbon. Let's launch wishes into the sky!

Animals are always a popular topic among children. When children are very young: animals introduce them to new world when they grow up, animals already become an integral part of their environment, and when children grow up, animals are part of their active life, travel and wild adventures. Therefore, a safari-style birthday will be relevant at any age.

Holiday decoration

The theme is safari or zoo and is interesting to everyone and everything you need for a safari-style birthday decor is easy to come up with and prepare yourself. All ideas for the holiday lie on the surface.

Firstly, any striped elements will do - tablecloths, rugs, balls, napkins. Choose a striped color scheme according to your taste: black and white, like a zebra, and orange and black, like a tiger, will do. Add more greenery if you have a jungle: palm trees, vines, tropical plants.

The color of our African safari is brown in all shades, from sandy to almost black, and also green color grass and trees. For color variety, you can sprinkle spots of sunrises and sunsets.

Balloons, flowers, lampshades can be used, the same as on other birthdays, but color harmony should be observed.

For Safari's birthday, stock up on green paper and paper bags. You will need this in large quantities. Cut large leaves with slits out of paper, and let your birthday boy twist the bags into bundles, inserting the bags into each other and additionally lubricating them with glue. And then use glue or a stapler to connect the leaves and stems. All that remains is to figure out where to hang the vines...

Of course we need animals. Here is a partial list of animals participating in the holiday: tigers, lions, monkeys, elephants, zebras, giraffes, leopards, rhinoceroses and buffaloes...

The safari themed holiday provides you with the perfect opportunity to replenish your wall decor and purchase beautiful pictures wild animals or draw them yourself. It will be especially colorful. You can knit animals from balloons or just buy them, you can cut out wild animals from cardboard or paper and hide them in secluded places or, on the contrary, put/hang/glue them in the most visible place. And if you already have a collection of toy animals, then it will definitely come in handy at a safari-themed birthday party.

And animal tracks on the floor, table and walls will add the right mood. Let the apartment turn into a place for a safari: hang signs - Zimbabwe, the Sahara Desert, Kenya or elephants, giraffes, tigers.

Game equipment

If there are adult children at the holiday, they can be equipped for the trip with binoculars, compasses, backpacks, slingshots and cameras.

For a trip you may need a tent, and the first task is to break up a scarf or build one from scrap materials.

On the way to the safari, the children will be able to play a crocodile game: one person pretends to be an animal, while the others guess and conduct a photo hunt for it.

Little guests can transform into animals using masks or facial designs. They will happily take part in a simple quiz, such as a “believe it or not” quiz.

The further adventure may contain many dangers - an attack by lions, a fight with monkeys and a search for missing animals.

Anything involving animals is appropriate for a safari themed party. Children can play, for example, snake, when everyone lines up in a line, the first one shows the movement, and everyone must repeat it.

And at a birthday party in Safari style, children might also enjoy acting out some small scenes from the cartoons Madagascar, The Lion King, Rio, The Big Journey...

Table setting

Nowadays there are many different cutlery depicting wild animals of hot countries. So here, the task is simplified. But the opportunity to show originality remained.
Use the main one on the table color scheme. Add a striped tablecloth. And so that the goodies don’t get lost among the stripes, use contrast - cover the top with a plain napkin or vice versa, let the napkin be striped and the tablecloth plain.
Wicker baskets, trays or plates for candy will look good on such a table.
Place small and large toys on the table.

And, of course, the cake will not leave children indifferent. Animals in any design will cause delight.

Themed invitations and gifts for guests

Animals will become central figures here too. Invite your children on an exciting trip to Africa.

You can sew small felt figures as souvenirs for your little guests. Or get the kids involved in creating gifts on a stick. And you can make prints with images of animals.

Let your guests leave your birthday party Safari style with a “trophy”.

Animals are always a popular topic among children. When children are very small: animals introduce them to a new world, when they grow up - animals already become an integral part of their environment, and when children grow up - animals are part of their active life, travel and wild adventures. Therefore, a safari-style birthday will be relevant at any age.

Holiday decoration

The theme is safari or zoo and is interesting to everyone and everything you need for a safari-style birthday decor is easy to come up with and prepare yourself. All ideas for the holiday lie on the surface.

Firstly, any striped elements will do - tablecloths, rugs, balls, napkins. Choose a striped color scheme according to your taste: black and white, like a zebra, and orange and black, like a tiger, will do. Add more greenery if you have a jungle: palm trees, vines, tropical plants.

The color of our African safari is brown in all shades, from sandy to almost black, and also the green color of grass and trees. For color variety, you can sprinkle spots of sunrises and sunsets.

Balloons, flowers, lampshades can be used, the same as on other birthdays, but color harmony should be observed.

For Safari's birthday, stock up on green paper and paper bags. You will need this in large quantities. Cut large leaves with slits out of paper, and let your birthday boy twist the bags into bundles, inserting the bags into each other and additionally lubricating them with glue. And then use glue or a stapler to connect the leaves and stems. All that remains is to figure out where to hang the vines...

Of course we need animals. Here is a partial list of animals participating in the holiday: tigers, lions, monkeys, elephants, zebras, giraffes, leopards, rhinoceroses and buffaloes...

A safari themed holiday gives you the perfect opportunity to add some wall decor and buy beautiful photographs of wild animals or paint your own. It will be especially colorful. You can knit animals from balloons or just buy them, you can cut out wild animals from cardboard or paper and hide them in secluded places or, on the contrary, put/hang/glue them in the most visible place. And if you already have a collection of toy animals, then it will definitely come in handy at a safari-themed birthday party.

And animal tracks on the floor, table and walls will add the right mood. Let the apartment turn into a place for a safari: hang signs - Zimbabwe, the Sahara Desert, Kenya or elephants, giraffes, tigers.

Game equipment

If there are adult children at the holiday, they can be equipped for the trip with binoculars, compasses, backpacks, slingshots and cameras.

For a trip you may need a tent, and the first task is to break up a scarf or build one from scrap materials.

On the way to the safari, the children will be able to play a crocodile game: one person pretends to be an animal, while the others guess and conduct a photo hunt for it.

Little guests can transform into animals using masks or facial designs. They will happily take part in a simple quiz, such as a “believe it or not” quiz.

The further adventure may contain many dangers - an attack by lions, a fight with monkeys and a search for missing animals.

Anything involving animals is appropriate for a safari themed party. Children can play, for example, snake, when everyone lines up in a line, the first one shows the movement, and everyone must repeat it.

And at a birthday party in Safari style, children might also enjoy acting out some small scenes from the cartoons Madagascar, The Lion King, Rio, The Big Journey...

Table setting

Nowadays there are many different cutlery depicting wild animals of hot countries. So here, the task is simplified. But the opportunity to show originality remained.
Use a basic color scheme on the table. Add a striped tablecloth. And so that the goodies don’t get lost among the stripes, use contrast - cover the top with a plain napkin or vice versa, let the napkin be striped and the tablecloth plain.
Wicker baskets, trays or plates for candy will look good on such a table.
Place small and large toys on the table.

And, of course, the cake will not leave children indifferent. Animals in any design will cause delight.

Themed invitations and gifts for guests

Animals will become central figures here too. Invite your children on an exciting trip to Africa.

You can sew small felt figures as souvenirs for your little guests. Or get the kids involved in creating gifts on a stick. And you can make prints with images of animals.

Let your guests leave your birthday party Safari style with a “trophy”.

A safari-style children's birthday scenario is suitable for a holiday in honor of both a boy and a girl. But boys prefer this topic more often than girls. As for the age of children, by slightly adjusting the scenario, it can be used to celebrate the birthday of a child from 4 to 8 years old. The younger the birthday boy and his guests, the simpler the games should be and the less entertainment should be included in the scenario, since kids get tired quickly.

What is a safari? Initially, safari meant hunting in East Africa, but today the word “safari” refers to travel, excursions, and trips into the wild, most often African. Children of this age, as a rule, are interested in everything related to animals, travel, and the outside world, so a safari-style birthday party will definitely appeal to them.

Benefits of a safari-style holiday – the opportunity to make the nursery bright, hot and exciting, like a long hike. In addition, at the festival, children can learn something new for themselves and demonstrate their existing knowledge about African wildlife.

Children's birthday in safari style: preparing for the holiday

1. Invitations. In the invitations, of course, you need to indicate the theme of the holiday. Then the children will look forward to their birthday with even greater excitement, and they will come prepared for the holiday.

It is better to choose or make it yourself with images of the jungle, African animals, safari, etc. You can take a photo of the hero of the occasion in a safari suit and use this image for the front of the invitation card.

Invitations can be designed as safari tickets, which indicate the date, time and location of the safari. In such an invitation, you can indicate what clothes the children should wear to the holiday (for example, “tourist costume” or “safari costume”).

You can leave one side blank on your invitation ticket. Let the kids take their tickets to the party. If possible, at the party an adult will take a photo of each child holding hands with the birthday boy using a Polaroid or digital camera (in this case you will need a color printer). One of the adults will paste the finished Polaroids or printed images into personalized invitations while the children are having fun at the party. At the end of the holiday, invitations and tickets must be returned to the children as souvenirs.

2. Costumes. When signing invitations, you can ask guests to come to the party in safari-style clothing. However, you can make the costumes yourself: for example, make safari helmets out of paper. They can also be made from plastic deep plates with a rounded bottom and wide edges. After making the holes, tie ties - for example, from jute twine. If you don’t want to do handicrafts, buy simple and very inexpensive safari-style panama hats in khaki color from a hunting store.

Also buy cheap plastic binoculars and hang them around the necks of the children who come to the party. You can also make binoculars with your own hands together with your child, preparing for the holiday. If you glue two plastic cups together, cut off the bottoms and glue cellophane or tape in their place, you will get funny binoculars. Don't forget to attach a string or string to your homemade binoculars so kids can put them around their necks. In addition, boys can be offered bandanas, and girls - scarves with predatory prints.

3. Decor of the event venue. Try to create the atmosphere of an African jungle and a tourist camp set up in it. It will turn out bright, festive and cozy. For this you can use green fabric draperies, green balloons, posters with images of the jungle, a couple of artificial palm trees, etc.

Hang toy animals, animal masks and predatory colored balloons from the ceiling, curtains and walls. If you’re not too lazy, make some signs and also attach them to the wall: Zimbabwe – 4000 km, Sahara Desert – 5000 km, Ngorongoro Crater – 500 km.

Animal tracks cut out of paper can be glued to the floor using double-sided tape. The following items can become part of the interior: compasses, binoculars, old suitcases, slingshots, backpacks, etc.

Multi-page article: 1

All photographs used in the post were taken in the public domain from the Internet. I do not claim authorship.


Holiday color scheme in SAFARI/JUNGLE style:

1. Attributes/accessories for creating a thematic AR

Depending on whether the theme is JUNGLE or SAFARI, the accessories will be different. For example, invited guests can be in the role of the animals themselves, or they can be in the role of tourists who come on a safari.

But there are a number of accessories that are necessary regardless of the specific topic:

This is where they come in handy houseplants, especially green ones (not flowering) in the form of palm trees, and ficus trees and other things will do, the main thing is that the plants create a feeling of nature.

I really liked the idea of ​​decorating flower pots to give them a natural style. You will need dry branches, rope/string. Below is a small master class in photographs:

In addition to real greenery, you can also use artificial plants to create a jungle, for example artificial grass like IKEA:

Or artificial vines or vines from FIX PRICE:

By the way, on ALI EXPRESS a lot of these are sold for ridiculous money.

You can also make your own palm tree. I liked the master class on making a palm tree with your own hands.

You will need: a rod, cardboard rolls from toilet paper or paper towels, or from baking paper or foil roll, wrapping paper such as beige mailing or paper bags beige (torn into pieces), rope/string, green colored paper, pot. I think the barrel can be made from some thick stick, wrapping it with the same paper, or for thickness, wrap the stick with foam rubber and paper on top. Below is a master class in photographs:

Looks great!

To create a backdrop for a photo zone or a backdrop for a candy bar, bamboo blinds (if we have them, of course, by the way, we have just such hanging on the loggia) and also bamboo napkins for the table will be very appropriate. The blinds will become the background, and napkins can be laid on the candy bar table, or you can decorate it yourself festive table(under each plate for the guest) or place in the middle of the table under the salad bowls. And in combination with artificial leaves made from green cardboard it will work perfectly:

The money accumulated over the years will also come in very handy. Stuffed Toys or rubber/plastic figures in the form of JUNGLE or safari animals (crocodiles, monkeys, tigers, lions, hippos, giraffes, snakes, elephants, etc.). You can use your own and collect from relatives/friends, I’m sure you’ll get a whole collection:

They can be planted in thickets of plants, hung from vines, along walls, to curtains, etc.

For example, a snake or a monkey on a sign (made from cardboard, plywood, planks at the dacha) with an inscription like “WELCOME TO SAFARI” or “THE JUNGLE IS CALLING”, etc. will look original:

You can use soft toy or rubber snakes, or make a snake yourself by cutting it out of cardboard or sewing it from fabric:

Also suitable for entertaining guests and competitions are such improvised bells and whistles as: tents, tunnels, canopies (not necessarily IKEA ones like in the photo, but those that exist). They can be used for competitions as a refuge for tourists or a cave (tent) or as an obstacle in the form of a tunnel through which you need to crawl in the jungle, etc.:

If your child has some wooden racks for toys or racks on the loggia, you can also use them by placing plants on them, planting toys, etc.:

Small figurines of lizards or snakes will also come in handy, which can be used in the LIVING in the GRASS competition (more details in the post about DACHANY DR):

I don’t really like balloons, but this is a matter of taste, so you can inflate animals and use balloons with a tiger/lion/cheetah coloring. This will also add atmosphere:

Another accessory that adds brightness to the theme is, of course, garlands. Now there are so many templates on the Internet, and you can buy ready-made ones:

Also food toppers:

If the focus of the holiday is on jungle animals, the following accessories will come in handy (dish sets, animal masks, napkins, animal caps):

Masks and caps can be placed on each guest’s plate, the table will look colorful!

If, according to the idea of ​​the holiday, those invited will be in the role of safari tourists, then the following accessories will be available (hats, panama hats, glasses, belts, scarves around the neck. You can ask the guests to bring them with them or prepare them themselves from the available assortment at home or with relatives):

Tourists can also be given backpacks, cameras, and of course BINOCULARS (rolled from toilet paper rolls or cardboard and tied with strings):

By the way, these Panama hats are sold in the FIX price list, you can generally find a lot of things cheap there.

2. Room decoration

Well, it’s clear that all the accessories will give the room the feeling of a jungle, for example, you can make a vine yourself:

The photo shows that you need beige paper bags, cut them crosswise, roll these ropes, connect them with glue or a stapler, it’s better to glue the leaves on them at intervals (cut the leaves according to a template from green cardboard), and the garland is ready! Tie vines around a chandelier, curtains, etc.:

You can also make a vine from twine and the same cardboard leaves:

Lianas can also be imitated from corrugated paper in rolls (by the way, it is very inexpensive), twisting it around itself, and also from green satin ribbons:

Well, the plants themselves on the shelves will give the room a jungle feel:

If the child is very young, then you can design a high chair for the baby like this (pieces of fabric with leopard, tiger print, or simply in brown-orange tones):

Well, again the balls:

3. Festive/sweet/children's table/candy bar

3.1. Shared table

Bright tablecloths, jungle-themed dishes, balloons in the holiday palette

Another option is with READY-made suitcases in which there is already a set for each child (this is an option for children's table, for adults, of course, just food). Green leaves made of cardboard as napkins for plates, cardboard palms (ready-made for sale):

Another option: tiger-zebra-cheetah balls for chairs and backs, themed tableware, balls in the form of animal figures:

And one more thing: plates in the shape of animals (such sets are sold ready-made), felt or fabric covers in the shape of animals for chairs, a themed tablecloth, serving utensils made of wicker wood, caps for each guest:

And here I liked the idea of ​​decorating the THRONE of the birthday boy (draping his chair in zebra or tiger fabric, etc.):

3.2. Snack table/candy bar/children's buffet

There are a lot of examples of candy bars on the Internet, so I won’t show them here, I’ll only show individual ideas, that is, where I liked something specific on the table.

The main thing is to think about the BACKGROUND of the table (the wall behind it), for example, print out pictures and create bushes from cardboard:

Or use the same bamboo roller blinds or some kind of burlap or brown tones. Of course, the animals are on the table (figurines):

By the way, sweet straws look cool if you tie them into bundles or stand them upright in a pile. Or you can make a bundle like this from dry twigs:

And also put a live flower in the center of the table at the back. And definitely textiles in the holiday palette:

A Whatman coloring book can become the background, then use it for entertainment and competitions for children - everyone can color it together:

Here is an option for a more childish and cartoonish design: Just cut out cardboard figures or printed templates from the Internet and cut out:

And yet, animal toys add atmosphere to the holiday. By the way, in the last post I talked about artificial mini-lawns (these are sold for summer cottages to assemble a covering, they are available at a fixed price). Here you can use them as coasters:

3.3. Serving food

These horns with goodies:

Grapes on skewers in the shape of snakes:

Cookies in the form of animal figures or in animal colors:

Sandwiches in the shape of a snake:

Fruits in the form of palm trees:

Salads in the shape of animal faces:


Hang the vines on the wall, on the sides and top, hang a toy in the form of a monkey or parrot or snake:

Make a frame and decorate with accessories in the style of DR:

Cut out silhouettes of animals from whatman paper or large cardboard, paint them with paints or colored paper, and decorate their faces by cutting out wide mouths (for the faces of guests):

Against the background of a decorated room (choose the most decorated place):

I really liked the idea of ​​photographing guests as safari tourists, against the background of indoor plants, and against the background of toys in the form of animals. As if they were sitting in the thickets and looking out for the beast:


There are a lot of all kinds of competitions, I will focus on the most THEMATIC, interesting in my opinion and easy to perform.

Throwing bananas at a palm tree

You will need: a box (decorated to look like a palm tree) with a slot, bananas

Again, she is the one)) in the form of an animal (muzzle or completely) you can hang it in the doorway, inside candy/sweets/or confetti


You will need: small figurines of lizards, snakes, frogs, spiders, etc., jars for collecting. Who will find more


You will need: sheets with drawn tracks of different animals leading to the animal located in the shelter, you need to guess from the shape of the track which animal it is


You can even make a story-based series of competitions and tests if the guests are in the role of tourists. Organize a trip to the savannah: walk along the bridge (lay out a narrow rug made of fabric), jump over the lake (hoop), collect all the snakes (jelly worms or the same figurines of lizards, etc.), crawl through a tunnel (a tent, a tunnel climbing frame, etc. will come in handy here). jump from mat to mat as if from island to island (who has a sports corner and a couple of mats), etc.


For kids (3-4 years old), I think the competition “Oh, who is this? Oh, what is this? Guess all the animals in the pictures (beasts from the jungle and savannah) or by the sounds made by these animals (include the sounds of a tiger, lion, monkey, etc.).

For older children, this competition is suitable in a slightly different version: the child is given a picture of an animal, he must depict the animal with sounds and pose.


We put a hoop on the floor inside the toy animals, but 1 less than the participants. The guys sit behind the hoop. We turn on the music, the kids dance around. As soon as the music stops, each child needs to grab 1 toy; those who did not have time leave the game. 1 toy is removed again and we continue to play. Continue this way until there is only 1 winner left.

Effalumps GO!

The guys line up in 2 teams. The first participant is the elephant's head. With his left hand he pretends to be a trunk, and gives the second between the legs to his comrade from behind. To whom hands are extended, he takes the hand, and gives his second in the same way to the third, and so on until the end of the column. The last one needs to draw a tail, one of them holds on to the previous one, and the second one shows the tail.

Once the teams line up, at the signal they begin a fun race. Those who reach the finish line and do not tear the elephant apart are considered winners.


Conducted to music. Children are given commands that they must follow without paying attention to the actions of the adult. For example, the presenter says: “Sit down!”, and he jumps up, “Hands to the sides!”, and he bends down. Don't forget to take photos of the whole motley "flock"!

You can also turn on jungle-style music, sounds of nature, and birds in the background (on TV or laptop). It will be very atmospheric!

You can also interpret the jungle theme a little like this:

cartoon style MADAGASCAR


based on the game JUNGLE CALLING!

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