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Dima Peskov's condition. “Moos and doesn’t talk”: Dima, found in the forest near Reftinsky, has dehydration and pneumonia

IN Sverdlovsk region Volunteers and rescuers combed the forests for five days in search of 4-year-old Dima Peskov, who came with his parents to nature and got lost. For the first three days, investigators and police interrogated Dima’s parents and the fishermen whose tent he entered. The publication tells in detail about the search.

A family (mother, father and child) came to the village of Reftinsky on vacation. We moved by boat to the other side of the reservoir. We pitched the tent. After that, dad and child went fishing (according to another version, to get firewood), and mom stayed by the tent. According to the head of the family, the child became capricious and asked to return to his mother. The father let his son go alone. The distance was about 10 meters. But apparently the boy got lost.

The mother of missing Dima works as a teacher in kindergarten, which the child himself went to. The common-law husband has several criminal records, including, according to preliminary data, under Art. 222 and 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “ Illicit trafficking weapons" and "Theft". They have a common child.

Criminal investigation detectives used a lie detector when interviewing the child’s legal representatives. The detectives were alerted by the fact that the mother, having learned about the disappearance of the child, left the scene after some time, citing the fact that she was cold. The father remained at the scene and assisted the police.

Dima's parents passed lie detector tests twice. Both were calm.

A little later it became known that the criminal investigation detectives managed to obtain another important information. They found the fishermen who were approached by the baby on the day of his disappearance. The men confirmed that the boy went in the opposite direction from his tent.

To search, emergency workers flew a drone, which discovered the bear.

Rescuers, military personnel, and volunteers searched for the boy for five days. And finally found!

The volunteer said that he saw a tubercle near a birch tree, went behind the birch tree - a child was lying. It seemed to him that he was not alive. When he started talking into the walkie-talkie, the child began to move,” the boy’s father said about how the volunteer found Dima.

The baby was transported by helicopter to a hospital in Yekaterinburg. At the hospital, five ticks were removed from the boy. About 20 bites were found on his body, and Dima was also suspected of having pneumonia.

There is serious hypothermia and severe stress. He talks, but with difficulty. The boy drinks willingly, we’ve put him on an IV, and we’ll feed him little by little,” said the head doctor of the hospital.

The head doctor said that Dima had general hypothermia. He caught a cold at night. The boy was bitten very badly by mosquitoes, especially his face. Also, my face was sunburned. The head doctor of the hospital noted that the boy was saved warm jacket, which he was wearing when he got lost.

The boy's father admitted that he believed until the end that his son would be found alive.

Yesterday, not far from this den, Dima's footprint was discovered! Dima himself was found a little further than two and a half kilometers towards the power line! Man, Dimka is a good fellow, alone among mosquitoes, terrible creatures, bears! Thank God, the little one was found,” wrote Vladimir Sarvarov, a participant in the search.

It became known that Dima walked 8 km, then found shelter and began to lie down more. Dima told the doctors: “It was very scary. I ate grass and berries.”

He never got lost, never ran away, I can’t even understand why he ran away,” said Dima’s mother. - He never walked alone, only with me by the hand. I was always sure that he was alive. I had the feeling for five days that he was alive.

His parents believe that Dima’s self-preservation instinct kicked in, so he decided to eat grass and ultimately survived. His parents never discussed what to do if Dima got lost, because they couldn’t even imagine that this would happen.

For more than four days in the Sverdlovsk region they searched for four-year-old Dima Peskov, who was lost in the forest. The hope of finding the child alive was fading hour by hour. And yet they found him!

About Dima Peskov, who was vacationing with his parents on the shore of the Reftinsky Reservoir, the search engines, who were intensely following the search in different parts of the country, joke that he was born not just in a shirt, but in a whole down jacket. Judge for yourself.

Dima’s family was relaxing on the shore of the Reftinsky reservoir. Dima and his dad were fishing, the child became capricious, and dad, without stopping from fishing, sent him to his mother’s tent, which was literally a few meters away from them. But the boy did not reach his mother.

First danger. When the special services and volunteers arrived at the search site when called, they immediately had bad feelings. The fact is that the tent stood right next to the water on a prominent cape, surrounded on all sides by a reservoir. In addition, in the forest, which began behind the road (which, as it turned out later, Dima had crossed), there were two serious swamps. When the search begins for a child missing near the water, unfortunately, the worst assumptions are often realized. Moreover: water is the greatest danger for children who find themselves in the natural environment.

However, naturally, the search and rescue operation was fully launched. The police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters, cadets, the local population, and volunteers from the Sokol and Lisa Alert search and rescue teams arrived to search for Dima. Divers and dog handlers worked all four days. And, I must say, the way government services and local residents worked during the search is an amazing example of human concern. Every day, about 600 people searched for Dima; representatives of the special services were taken off duty and called back from vacation.

The curator of “Lisa Alert-Ekaterinburg” Stanislav Kovalev says that the Ministry of Emergency Situations almost in its entirety stayed overnight during the search after the end of the shift, that many police officers, having completed their task, continued to search for Dima voluntarily, that the local administration at the search site organized field kitchen and the deputy head of the administration stood at the distribution of food, and the head of the administration himself walked through the forest with search groups.

Stas notes that this is a very important step forward in the attitude of government services to the search for children, because two years ago, in a similar situation in the search for one and a half year old Sasha Zolotina, in the same place, in the Sverdlovsk region, who also disappeared near the big water and was never found, Representatives of the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations worked their shifts and went home. Search engines found children's tracks from time to time, but it could not be reliably stated that they belonged to Dima, because, for example, on the first day of the search, local residents were looking for Dima, and some of them were with children.

Second danger. Upon entering the forest, it was immediately discovered that there were many animals in it, and they rightfully felt like masters in it. The searchers saw moose and smaller animals nearby, but what was most alarming were the numerous tracks of bears. Near large cities they do not pose a danger and do not approach people, but in a real forest they may well attack an adult or child. Therefore, each search group went into the forest on a mission, accompanied by a hunter with a gun.

Third danger. The longer the search lasted, the less hope remained of finding the child alive. In addition to water and wild animals, there are two more dangers for a person, especially a small or elderly person, in the forest: dehydration and hypothermia. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a lost person to die for these reasons a few tens of meters from a populated area. A child who finds himself in the forest without food, drink or warm shelter risks his life, especially in bad weather and at night, when the temperature drops and clothes get wet. Dima Peskov was lucky with the weather - the temperature at night did not drop below ten degrees, and it rained only once - on the night from the third to the fourth day of the search, although it was heavy. Dima, as it turned out later, drank water from puddles and ate grass...

On the fifth day of the search, when, it seems, the entire Sverdlovsk region was already cheering and praying for Dima, in the course of expanding the search area, one of the groups set off to carry out the next task. There were eight people in the group, including representatives of the police, the Sokol search and rescue team and the Lisa Alert search and rescue team. During the combing, one of the search participants noticed a boy lying on the ground. At first it seemed to him that the boy was not breathing, and they reported to headquarters that he had been found dead, but Dima opened his eyes...

The baby was emaciated, exhausted and bitten by ticks, his condition was critical, although he sat down himself, delighting the searchers. According to those who found him, he looked wild: dirty, wet, five ticks on his body...

After consultation with headquarters, a decision was made to immediately evacuate. The group that found him made a stretcher and carried the child several kilometers to the nearest country road, where a car was waiting for them. On it, the boy was taken to a clearing, where a helicopter was already waiting for him to be transported to a hospital in Yekaterinburg.

After the examination, the doctors said that internal organs the boy is not injured and Dima is no longer in danger.

Dima was saved by a miracle and hundreds of caring people. But there are quite simple safety measures that will save the life and health of children and the health of parents.

“Lisa Alert” reminds:

Whenever you go into the forest with your child, dress him in bright clothes. He should have a whistle hanging around his neck, a fully charged phone in his pocket, and a bottle of water and a candy bar in his backpack. Teach him the main rule of being lost: if you are lost, stop! This is a dangerous illusion that the baby will not go far - four-year-old Dima was found 7 kilometers from the place of his disappearance, and even children less than three years old can go several kilometers away, and searching for a child within a radius of several kilometers can require the actions of hundreds of people and take dozens of precious hours .

A child should not go into the forest alone or only with peers.

A child in a natural environment should always be in front of adults.

A child should never go near water alone, even if he or she is a good swimmer. Teach him that the main offenses in his life are related to safety, and this is one of the worst.

If you are hiking or camping in the forest, your child should not leave the camp alone.

Children should be supervised when sleeping in the forest. An adult should always know if a child leaves the tent and monitor his stay outside the tent or his return.

Published June 16, 2017 |

Views: 921


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The story of four-year-old Dima Peskov, who survived in the forest, did not leave, perhaps, a single Sverdlovsk resident indifferent. Every day people bring gifts and treats to the house in the village of Reftinsky, where the boy lives.

WITH balloons and gifts, alone and with whole families - about a hundred people flock to the entrance where Dima Peskov lives. They came from different cities to arrange a real holiday for the child who survived in the forest. Even the rain didn't stop us. The hero of the occasion smiles and willingly accepts gifts. It seems that Dima has already gotten used to people’s attention. The organizers of the meeting themselves did not expect so many people wanting to visit the boy. Vladislav Knyazev admits: at first he was going to come only with friends and relatives, but all the neighbors supported the idea.

Vladislav Knyazev, a resident of Reftinsky: “Everyone was terribly worried about these days, they were looking, but now everything is fine, I wanted to wish Dimas that he would grow up to be a normal man in any case, that everything would work out for him. I’ll keep an eye on you, Dimon, when you grow up.”

Natalya Kadochnikova and her family came to Reftinsky from Asbest. The trip was initiated by her daughter Galya. All these days the girl followed the news and wanted to see Dima.

Natalya Kadochnikova, a resident of Asbest: “We worried about him all these days and are still worried about him. My daughter watched all the videos on the Internet directly, more than once, and wants to go to Dima, to Dima, to Dima.”

The little girl was too shy to approach the hero. But the other guys were not at a loss. Yulia Salyakhova went in search of Dima almost from an airplane. The girl lives in Indonesia and when she flew to visit Yekaterinburg, she immediately joined the rescuers. She combed the forest for three days, and now she came to personally wish Dima good health.

Yulia Salyakhova, participant in the search operation: “The first thing I saw was consolation. My tears started flowing now, because when they found him, I cried too. Now I shook hands with this little guy with great pleasure, may God grant him health, strength, and high fives. The kid is great, he has very strong guardian angels.”

Gifts to the Peskov family arrive almost daily. People hope that new toys will help Dima distract himself and forget everything he experienced during four days in the forest.

Andrey Peskov, Dima Peskov’s dad: “Well, of course, I was happy, he played with these gifts all evening yesterday, and, of course, thank you all so much.”

Dima’s story united the people of Sverdlovsk. True, some believe that such overprotection can harm the boy. But psychologists are sure: if everything is explained to Dima correctly, it will benefit not only him, but also other people.

Dima has something to tell. He got lost on June 10 near the Reftinsky reservoir and wandered alone in the forest for four days without food or water. More than six hundred rescuers, police officers, and volunteers searched for him. On the fifth day, the bitten and exhausted child was discovered by search engines of the Falcon detachment. Now Dima Peskov is completely healthy and has finally returned home.

Daria Trofimova

Two thousand volunteers, rescuers, police, military, dogs and even a drone. For four days they all tried in vain to find 4-year-old Dima Peskov in the wilderness. And on the fifth day a miracle happened. Experienced search engines cannot give any other name to the fact that the boy was found alive.


On the morning of Saturday, June 10, Dima, together with his mother (a nanny in a kindergarten) and father (a laborer at a poultry farm), went on a hike. The family pitched a tent, and the father and son went to collect firewood. But soon the boy became bored with collecting branches, and he asked his mother.

I did something incredibly stupid. “I sent Dimka alone,” dad Andrei Peskov lamented in a conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda. – There we only had to walk about 50 meters. I foolishly thought that my son would get there in a straight line.

But Dima never came out to the tent... The Peskovs tried for three hours to find their son on their own. When they realized that something was wrong, they called the Ministry of Emergency Situations...


On the second day of searching, the volunteers were frightened by the brown owner of the forest. Mikhailo Ivanovich came out of the windbreak, reared up and growled sternly. Immediately there was talk that it was the bear who dealt with the boy.

Quite a long time has passed since waking up from hibernation. The bear could attack, but not eat the boy, but strangle him and hide him in a den, the forest rangers speculated.

Dima was found a kilometer from the bear's den Photo: Social network


And on the fifth day, Dima was found seven kilometers from his parents’ tent. Despite the fact that 150 square kilometers of forest were surveyed (!). So why wasn't the boy discovered earlier?

We found traces of Dima on the first day of the search,” admitted Sergei Shirobokov, head of the Sokol search team, to KP-Ekaterinburg. - We followed this trail. But they lost him in the swamp area. I was sure that the child was there. But the foresters assured that the boy could not have walked through the swamps. He is already 4 years old. Like, the boy should have guessed that it’s better not to go towards the swamp - you’ll get stuck. Therefore, search parties were sent in the opposite direction. But 4 days led to nothing. Then I collected at my own risk small group of his employees and still walked through the swamp. And after a few hours we came across a child’s boot print. It was fresh! And an hour later, my employee found the boy.

Pasha serves in the special forces Photo: Social network

The child was found by special forces soldier Pavel Karpenko, who joined the search only in the morning. The guy came on leave from the army and decided to help the rescuers.

“I came across the root of a fallen tree,” explains Pavel. – I looked into the hole from him. And there the boy lies! We started providing first aid and gave him something to drink. They immediately built a stretcher from trees and clothes, and carried Dima out of the swamp.

The boy was carried out on a makeshift stretcher Photo: