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Dostoevsky about the Slavs. Unexpected

And let them not object to me, do not challenge me, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! And you are not my brother, and I am not your “buddy”! But these people, especially at the beginning, will appear in such a miserable minority that they will be subjected to ridicule, hatred and even political persecution. III. One very special word about the Slavs that I have long wanted to say // F.M. Dostoevsky. They have it. of course, from the very beginning, constitutional government, parliaments, responsible ministers, speakers, speeches will appear. They will find this extremely comforting and delightful.

Of course, the question now arises: what is Russia’s benefit here, why did Russia fight for them for a hundred years, sacrifice its blood, strength, and money? Dostoevsky F.M. Writer's Diary. This is not serious. Representatives of such “many” like to call Dostoevsky a schizophrenic. Moreover, they will even talk about the Turks with more respect than about Russia.

By the way, I’ll say one special word about the Slavs and the Slavic question. Oh, I’m not talking about individuals: there will be those who will understand what Russia has meant, and will always mean to them. Isn’t it F.M. Dostoevsky himself!? F.M. Dostoevsky in a specific article talks about the Slavs from the Balkans! In the same work F.M. He also wrote that he is FOR Europe! What struck me most was how F. Dostoevsky, more than 140 years ago, felt and predicted the behavior of some “Slavic tribes”.

And who dares to say that F. Dostoevsky is not a Russian GENIUS!? On the Internet there are countless “shits” about Dostoevsky’s personality. About what the “road to hell” is paved with, I think, Comrade. Dostoevsky heard perfectly well. Dostoevsky does not have chauvinism, but regret that the freedom of the Slavs will turn out to be Russian Empire troubles (World War I for example). It is not for you to draw such far-reaching conclusions if you cannot even see yourself in these lines of Dostoevsky.

1877, and this is possible (!) was considered normal).. and it was not considered, but it was so, judging by Yandex/Google dictionaries... Serbs/crests/Bulgarians/Belarusians/thousands of them... that's what we're talking about... Oh, of course , there are different scientific and even poetic views even now among many Russians.

And they won’t understand Slavic unity in brotherhood and harmony for a very long time either. Explaining this to them continuously, by deeds and by great example, will be Russia’s constant task in the future. Again they will say: what is all this for, finally, and why should Russia take on such concern?

Then scan this QR code directly from your computer monitor and read the article. Right here, among the fans, Kinchev sang his song “Sky of the Slavs.” Where is the power of the Slavs? And Russia did not always “babysit” the Slavs - unfortunately, many Lusatians’ appeal to the USSR authorities after the Victory remained unanswered. Well, you remembered his illness in combination with the word “sage”, and besides, we were not talking about his illness, but his words.

F.M. Dostoevsky about the “Slavic brothers”

Among our troubles and failures, this one is the most malignant. Well, yes, I myself do not like the mournful soap operas from Tolstoy or the depressive psychological dramas of Dostoevsky.

Regarding the “unloved classic by many” - as much as they don’t like it, they love it. I think the latter are still in the majority. And I love them. If you don't like it, it's your right. There is no need to attribute this dislike to MANY people. You can also attach a diagnosis. But it’s no coincidence that many of Tyutchev’s poems are now banned, as are Dostoevsky’s “diaries.” I got carried away with something: I wrote “a lot of beeches.”

Note: in fact, regarding the real attitude of the Slavic countries towards Russia and vice versa - no one except me could say anything... And for a long time I wanted to say it. Now, all of a sudden, we are all talking about the imminent possibility of peace, that is, therefore, about the imminent possibility of at least somehow resolving the Slavic question.

This cunning doctrine probably already exists among them even now, and subsequently it will inevitably develop among them into a scientific and political axiom. What and where do you see nonsense? Justify. If the fact is that you do not like the thoughts and ideas expressed in the diary of the Great Russian writer, then this is not at all a reason to declare them nonsense.

However, with the article everything is extremely clear, every word in it hits the bull’s eye and no honest and sensible person will argue with Dostoevsky about what is said here. And they all end with the same conclusion. This is why he is hated and spat upon by all the “benefactors” of the Russian people. And he spoke about it openly and clearly. He did not foresee this - he knew about it, that this is exactly how it WILL BE! And this was not said by a genius, but simply by a MAN, AND THIS IS AN ORDER OF ALL HIGHER THAN GENIUS. EVEN MAYBE MANY ORDERS OF ORDERS.

Maybe this is the reason for such wild dislike for Russia? The conclusion is this: before teaching your “Slavic brothers” to be wise, you should have looked in the mirror more often and kept your own “holiness” infallible.

And in general, put all these wretched slogans in one place, along with your wretched anthem “Belarus” - fap on it yourself. For your information, the basis of old Lithuania (ON) is modern Belarus. This is all your, no, now yours, original “culture”. Russia, Little Russia and Belarus are parts of the single GREAT RUSSIAN PEOPLE and will remain so until the end of time.

Don’t bother yourself with writing on this post; I won’t read, let alone answer, any more - you’re not interesting. In fact, Russia exists - a huge cuttlefish with contents from the Slavs, Slavicized Finno-Ugrians, all sorts of Chukchi, Mordovians, Tatars, Caucasians and others, etc. And there are Belarus and Ukraine, which are characterized by relative ethno-national unity (albeit with reservations, but not to the same extent as in Russia).

These people of the earth will forever quarrel among themselves, forever envy each other and intrigue against each other. I won’t expand on this, but I know that we by no means need to demand gratitude from the Slavs, we need to prepare for this in advance.

...According to my inner conviction, the most complete and irresistible, Russia will not, and never has had, such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees to recognize their liberated! And let them not object to me, do not challenge me, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! On the contrary, I love the Slavs very much, but I won’t defend myself, because I know that everything will come true exactly as I say, and not because of the low, supposedly ungrateful character of the Slavs, not at all - they have this character in the same sense as everyone else, namely because such things in the world cannot happen otherwise.

I won’t expand on this, but I know that we by no means need to demand gratitude from the Slavs, we need to prepare for this in advance. Upon their release, they will begin their new life, I repeat, precisely because they will beg from Europe, from England and Germany, for example, guarantee and patronage of their freedom, and even though Russia will be in the concert of the European powers, they will do this precisely in defense of Russia. They will certainly begin by declaring to themselves, if not directly out loud, that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude; on the contrary, that they were barely saved from Russia’s lust for power at the conclusion of peace by the intervention of a European concert, and not If Europe had intervened, Russia, having taken them away from the Turks, would have swallowed them immediately, “meaning the expansion of borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire on the enslavement of the Slavs to the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe.”

For a long time, oh, for a long time, they will not be able to recognize the selflessness of Russia and the great, holy, unheard of in the world, raising the banner of the greatest idea, one of those ideas by which man lives and without which humanity, if these ideas cease to live in it, becomes numb , cripples and dies with ulcers and impotence.(...)

Perhaps for a whole century, or even more, they will continuously tremble for their freedom and fear Russia’s lust for power; they will curry favor with European states, they will slander Russia, gossip about it and intrigue against it.

Oh, I’m not talking about individuals: there will be those who will understand what Russia has meant, and will always mean to them. They will understand all the greatness and all the holiness of Russia’s cause and the great idea, the banner of which it will raise in humanity. But these people, especially at the beginning, will appear in such a miserable minority that they will be subjected to ridicule, hatred and even political persecution.

It will be especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs to express and trumpet to the whole world that they are educated tribes, capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a gloomy northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, a persecutor and hater of European civilization.

They will, of course, have, from the very beginning, constitutional government, parliaments, responsible ministers, speakers, speeches. They will find this extremely comforting and delightful. (...)

Russia must seriously prepare for the fact that all these liberated Slavs will enthusiastically rush to Europe until they lose their identity and become infected with European forms, political and social, and thus will have to go through a whole, long period of Europeanism before comprehending at least something about their Slavic meaning and in its special Slavic calling among humanity. These people of the earth will forever quarrel among themselves, forever envy each other and intrigue against each other.

Of course, in a moment of some serious trouble, they will all certainly turn to Russia for help. No matter how they hate, gossip and slander us to Europe, flirting with it and assuring it of love, they will always feel instinctively (of course, in a moment of trouble, and not before) that Europe is the natural enemy of their unity, was and will always remain so, and that if they exist in the world, it is, of course, because there is a huge magnet - Russia, which, irresistibly attracting them all to itself, thereby restrains their integrity and unity. There will even be moments when they will be able to almost consciously agree that if it were not for Russia, the great eastern center and the great attractive force, their unity would instantly fall apart, scatter into shreds, and even so that their very nationality would disappear in European Ocean, as a few individual drops of water disappear into the sea.

For a long time Russia will have the melancholy and concern of reconciling them, admonishing them and even, perhaps, drawing a sword for them on occasion. Of course, the question now arises: what is the benefit of Russia, because of which Russia fought for them for a hundred years, sacrificed its blood; strength, money? Is it really just because of a little funny hatred and ingratitude?

Oh, of course, Russia will still always be aware that the center of Slavic unity is it, that if the Slavs live a free national life, it is because it wanted and wants it, that it has accomplished and created everything. But what benefit will this consciousness bring to Russia, other than work, annoyance and eternal care?

F.M.Dostoevsky. Writer's Diary. PSS, vol. 26, p. 77-82.

Written for events in the Balkans. But today it is important to remember this.

“... according to my inner conviction, the most complete and irresistible, Russia will not, and never has had, such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes, As soon as Russia frees them, and Europe agrees to recognize them as liberated!

And let them not object to me, do not challenge me, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! On the contrary, I love the Slavs very much, but I won’t defend myself, because I know that everything will come true exactly as I say, and not because of the low, ungrateful, supposedly, character of the Slavs, not at all - they have the character in this sense, like everyone else, namely because such things in the world cannot happen otherwise.

After their liberation, they will begin their new life, I repeat, precisely by begging from Europe, from England and Germany, for example, guarantee and patronage of their freedom, and even though Russia will be in the concert of the European powers, they are in This is what they will do to protect themselves from Russia.

They will certainly begin by declaring to themselves, if not directly out loud, that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude; on the contrary, that they were barely saved from Russia’s lust for power at the conclusion of peace by the intervention of a European concert, and not if Europe had intervened, Russia would have swallowed them immediately, “meaning the expansion of borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire on the enslavement of the Slavs to the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe.”

Perhaps for a whole century, or even more, they will continuously tremble for their freedom and fear Russia’s lust for power; they will curry favor with European states, they will slander Russia, gossip about it and intrigue against it.

Oh, I’m not talking about individuals: there will be those who will understand what Russia has meant, and will always mean to them. But these people, especially at the beginning, will appear in such a miserable minority that they will be subjected to ridicule, hatred and even political persecution.

It will be especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs to express and trumpet to the whole world that they are educated tribes, capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a gloomy northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, a persecutor and hater of European civilization.

They will, of course, have, from the very beginning, constitutional government, parliaments, responsible ministers, speakers, speeches. They will find this extremely comforting and delightful. They will be in ecstasy reading telegrams about themselves in Paris and London newspapers, informing the whole world that after a long parliamentary storm the ministry has finally fallen in (... a country of their choice...) and a new one has been formed from the liberal majority and that some of theirs (... surname according to taste...) finally agreed to accept the portfolio of the President of the Council of Ministers.

Russia must seriously prepare for the fact that all these liberated Slavs will enthusiastically rush to Europe, become infected with European forms, political and social, until they lose their personality, and thus will have to endure a whole, long period of Europeanism before comprehending at least anything in its Slavic meaning and in its special Slavic calling among humanity.

These people of the earth will forever quarrel among themselves, forever envy each other and intrigue against each other. Of course, in a moment of some serious trouble, they will all certainly turn to Russia for help. No matter how they hate, gossip and slander us to Europe, flirting with it and assuring it of love, they will always feel instinctively (of course, in a moment of trouble, and not before) that Europe is the natural enemy of their unity, was and will always remain so, and if they exist in the world, it is, of course, because there is a huge magnet - Russia, which, irresistibly attracting them all to itself, thereby restrains their integrity and unity...”


Writer's Diary.

September - December 1877.

And now russiay 1871 days ago

“It just so happened” that Russia has owned vast territories and natural resources since time immemorial. Who, our Ancestors, conquered and mastered, united and strengthened, with only one goal -


Here you have ISIS, and an ever-increasing (of course not by itself!) multitude of religious denominations and sects!

Writer's Diary. September - December 1877: .... According to my inner conviction, the most complete and irresistible, Russia will not, and never has had, such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes, just their Russia will liberate, and Europe will agree to recognize them as liberated! And let them not object to me, do not challenge me, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! On the contrary, I love the Slavs very much, but I won’t defend myself, because I know that everything will come true exactly as I say, and not because of the low, supposedly ungrateful character of the Slavs, not at all - they have this character in the same sense as everyone else, namely because such things in the world cannot happen otherwise.

I won’t expand on this, but I know that we by no means need to demand gratitude from the Slavs, we need to prepare for this in advance. After their liberation, they will begin their new life, I repeat, precisely by begging from Europe, from England and Germany, for example, guarantee and patronage of their freedom, and even though Russia will be in the concert of the European powers, they are precisely in defense Russia will do this. They will certainly begin by declaring to themselves, if not directly out loud, that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude; on the contrary, that they were barely saved from Russia’s lust for power at the conclusion of peace by the intervention of a European concert, and not If Europe had intervened, Russia, having taken them away from the Turks, would have swallowed them immediately, “meaning the expansion of borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire on the enslavement of the Slavs to the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe.”

For a long time, oh, for a long time, they will not be able to recognize the selflessness of Russia and the great, holy, unheard of in the world raising of the banner of the greatest idea, of those ideas by which man lives and without which humanity, if these ideas cease to live in it, becomes numb , cripples and dies with ulcers and impotence.(…)

Perhaps for a whole century, or even more, they will continuously tremble for their freedom and fear Russia’s lust for power; they will curry favor with European states, they will slander Russia, gossip about it and intrigue against it.

Oh, I’m not talking about individuals: there will be those who will understand what Russia has meant, and will always mean to them. They will understand all the greatness and all the holiness of Russia’s cause and the great idea, the banner of which it will raise in humanity. But these people, especially at the beginning, will appear in such a miserable minority that they will be subjected to ridicule, hatred and even political persecution.

It will be especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs to express and trumpet to the whole world that they are educated tribes, capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a gloomy northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, a persecutor and hater of European civilization.

They will, of course, have, from the very beginning, constitutional government, parliaments, responsible ministers, speakers, speeches. They will find this extremely comforting and delightful. (...)

Russia must seriously prepare for the fact that all these liberated Slavs will enthusiastically rush to Europe until they lose their identity and become infected with European forms, political and social, and thus will have to go through a whole, long period of Europeanism before comprehending at least something about their Slavic meaning and in its special Slavic calling among humanity. These people of the earth will forever quarrel among themselves, forever envy each other and intrigue against each other.

Of course, in a moment of some serious trouble, they will all certainly turn to Russia for help. No matter how they hate, gossip and slander us to Europe, flirting with it and assuring it of love, they will always feel instinctively (of course, in a moment of trouble, and not before) that Europe is the natural enemy of their unity, was they will always remain, and if they exist in the world, it is, of course, because there is a huge magnet - Russia, which, irresistibly attracting them all to itself, thereby restrains their integrity and unity. There will even be moments when they will be able to almost consciously agree that if it were not for Russia, the great eastern center and the great attractive force, their unity would instantly fall apart, scatter into shreds, and even so that their very nationality would disappear in European Ocean, as a few individual drops of water disappear into the sea.

For a long time Russia will have the melancholy and concern of reconciling them, admonishing them and even, perhaps, drawing a sword for them on occasion. Of course, the question now arises: what is the benefit of Russia, because of which Russia fought for them for a hundred years, sacrificed its blood; strength, money? Is it really just because of a little funny hatred and ingratitude?

Russia will not, and never has had, such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees to recognize them as liberated! And let them not object to me, do not challenge me, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs!

After their liberation, they will begin their new life, I repeat, precisely by begging from Europe, from England and Germany, for example, guarantee and patronage of their freedom, and even though Russia will be in the concert of the European powers, they are precisely in defense Russia will do this.

They will certainly begin by declaring to themselves, if not out loud, and convincing themselves that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude, on the contrary, that they barely escaped Russia’s lust for power...

Perhaps for a whole century, or even more, they will continuously tremble for their freedom and fear Russia’s lust for power; they will curry favor with European states, they will slander Russia, gossip about it and intrigue against it.

It will be especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs to express and trumpet to the whole world that they are educated tribes, capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a gloomy northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, a persecutor and hater of European civilization. They will, of course, have, from the very beginning, constitutional government, parliaments, responsible ministers, speakers, speeches. They will find this extremely comforting and delightful.

Of course, in a moment of some serious trouble, they will all certainly turn to Russia for help. No matter how they hate, gossip and slander us to Europe, flirting with it and assuring it of love, they will always feel instinctively (of course, in a moment of trouble, and not before) that Europe is the natural enemy of their unity, was they will always remain, and if they exist in the world, it is, of course, because there is a huge magnet - Russia, which, irresistibly attracting them all to itself, thereby restrains their integrity and unity.

There will even be moments when they will be able to almost consciously agree that if it were not for Russia, the great eastern center and the great attractive force, their unity would instantly fall apart, scatter into shreds, and even so that their very nationality would disappear in European Ocean, as a few individual drops of water disappear into the sea.

Of course, the question now arises: what is Russia’s benefit here, which is why Russia fought for them for a hundred years, sacrificed its blood; strength, money? Is it really just to reap a little funny hatred and ingratitude?