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Where can you meet men today? Where can you meet a man?

Where can you meet a decent man? If you hope to meet him in a nightclub, discotheque and other places of entertainment, we hasten to disappoint you: most likely, decent men will not go there, and if they wander into such an establishment, it will only be by chance or for company... So if His Majesty Chance brought you together at a night out, which means you just happened to be at the right time and in the right place, both of you. Are you looking for your soulmate at art or science exhibitions, libraries, chess clubs, etc.? Perhaps you are right, here the percentage of well-educated and intelligent people is much higher, however, what is unfortunate is that they are surprisingly inert and have a hard time getting closer to each other. Well, decent men also have their shortcomings... Let's finally go look...

The most important thing in the event of a happy meeting is not to get confused at the right moment. If you see the man of your dreams, don’t be shy. Don’t stand on the sidelines, secretly sighing and waiting for him to come to you. Most decent men are even more indecisive than women. An important point in dating and an application for continuation is a business card. Nowadays everyone has business cards, so don't be an exception, design a cute design with your name and phone number, print a hundred to start with and use it. Napkins and pieces of paper with phone numbers are no longer relevant and even ridiculous. Yes, we won’t argue, at one time it was very romantic. But everything changes and so does the lifestyle. Having a business card will immediately give you the image of a serious and modern woman. And it is precisely such women that attract the attention of decent men. A business card doesn't have to have all the information. A name, phone number and email address will be sufficient. In addition, business cards are simply irreplaceable for shy women. After all, if you have it, it will be enough just to smile at the man, hand him a business card, and you don’t even have to say anything.

So, the places where you are most likely to meet a decent man:

1.Car exhibitions

The likelihood of meeting your prince at car shows is very high. But free is a completely different question. Men prefer to go to such events without their chosen ones, that is, either alone or with friends and companions. Therefore, here you are required to be attentive and able to correctly evaluate people. In order to avoid getting into an awkward situation, you hardly want to eke out a miserable existence as a third wheel. Therefore, a simple test drive at the very beginning of dating to see if there is a vacant place nearby will not hurt. For example, the following compliment is appropriate: “Luxurious tie, apparently your wife has excellent taste.”

2. Theater

This option is also not bad, although it is unlikely. After all, the theater is a place for leisure, where people usually go in pairs. But still, free people who love art are not averse to visiting the theater even alone. Moreover, when meeting in such an environment, you can be 100% sure that your chosen one is an intelligent and educated person. True, you should be prepared for some character traits that distinguish people who value art from everyone else. This can be either excessive emotionality, reaching the point of exaltation, or unbearable snobbery towards people. Here, as in any other cases, special female intuition will help you.

3.Science exhibitions

As at other exhibitions, people who come are not always free. They attend these events based on their interests and love for science. Therefore, you should be careful. And once you have seen your ideal man and think that he is probably free, do not remain idle. Come over first and get acquainted. After all, you came to the exhibition in order to find a suitable chosen one. But he came to her from completely different motives. Therefore, all his attention will be directed to something completely different. Well, under the guise of a potential client or partner, you can fully count on making an acquaintance under a plausible pretext.

4.Among friends

The option that is considered the most likely, although there are not so many pairs created in this way. Don't sit at home, within four walls. Accept invitations from friends and acquaintances to celebrate various events together. In a friendly company there is always a high probability of meeting a good person. After all, your friends, like you yourself, maintain relationships with good people. An additional bonus: you immediately receive reliable and complete information from the very first hands about the man you like, just like he does about you. So there will be much fewer pitfalls here.

5.At work

In fact, this option is almost the most common for us. Nowadays, when people spend almost all their time at work, office romances that turn into strong families have become a common and frequent occurrence. And the opinion that it is inappropriate to have affairs at work is gradually fading into oblivion. But, again, it is worth exercising caution and prudence. If you are not sure about the seriousness of the relationship, then you should not start it. Light flirting at work will not end well. Work romances are only appropriate if the feelings are truly real and lasting.

6.Exhibitions of various types of arts

Once again we return to the same exhibitions. Art is a hobby or work of educated and even secular people. Therefore, the probability of meeting a good person at these events is quite high. The main thing is not to hesitate. Take your first steps. Shy and indecisive? Smile and hand over your business card.

7.In the church

Oddly enough, many couples meet in church. Especially those who attend services every Sunday. Believers are always distinguished by their serious intentions and good conduct. It is not surprising that such marriages are the most successful and lasting, because you are throwing in your lot with a person who obviously has similar life principles and beliefs to yours. Often, believers live together all their lives, finding compromises, love and mutual assistance.

8.On the Internet

A meeting of fate can happen on one of the online dating sites. This process requires patience and significant effort, primarily due to preparation, because it is necessary to take good photographs, preferably professional ones, in order to stand out from the crowd of “husband hunters.” And in addition, it will be necessary to massively screen out unsuitable “rejected” candidates. In the end, you need to be careful not to fall into the hands of marriage scammers; there are a great many of them on dating sites. Otherwise, it’s a completely viable and modern way to meet a decent man.

And remember - you can meet your destiny anywhere. Even in a pedestrian crossing. The main thing is not to miss your chance for happiness because of your indecision. Good luck to you!

It's no secret that on planet Earth there are many more women than men, and even fewer real men. The female sex suffers from such injustice and constantly asks the question - where to meet a worthy man and how to conquer him? In the article we will reveal some “secret” gathering places of such “knights” and talk about how a woman should behave when she finds that same man, so as not to miss him.

Repeatedly, every woman has heard that all normal men have already been taken apart, the rest are either abnormal or gay. However, this is just an unreasonable stereotype.

In fact, it will really be difficult for a woman to meet a worthy and real man if she:

  • sits at home and doesn't go out anywhere
  • doesn't take care of his appearance
  • unsociable
  • looking for men exclusively in nightclubs
  • rushes at everyone

No one claims that you cannot meet the love of your life in a club or just on the street; today we will talk about the theory of probability, about which places there is a high probability of meeting the one that every woman dreams of.

In order to calculate in which places certain men are located, it is necessary to analyze them:

  • occupation
  • hobbies
  • hobby
  1. Unfocused and lazy men spend time in:
  • pubs
  • at home on the computer or TV
  • in the garage
  • in the country
  1. Men who want to develop and strive for something more will prefer:
  • seminars
  • various types of trainings
  • conferences
  1. Already accomplished men visit:
  • industrial and automotive exhibitions
  • auctions
  1. Business men can be found in:
  • airport
  • airplane
  • near large business centers

The principle of searching for men is, we hope, clear.

A woman always paints an ideal picture in her head, in which she is next to a rich, handsome, successful and loving man. No one can stop dreaming, but women should also learn to look at things more realistically.

First of all, a woman must understand:

  • what level is she at?
  • is she worthy of a successful and rich man?
  • will she be able to attract the attention of such
  • what to do to make worthy men turn their gaze in her direction

A place, as you already understood, where you can meet a successful man is not so difficult to find - it is more difficult to fit into this “picture”, look natural and feel “at ease”.

Women who are not very confident in themselves and are modest girls can try their luck on dating sites. I would like to warn you right away that very rich and promising individuals are unlikely to visit such sites.

Before looking for a place where to meet a successful man, sensibly assess your chances and have a good understanding of the “rules of the game”, because a successful man will not build a relationship with a simple, “gray” and too naive girl.

Where to meet a rich man?

This question has been relevant at all times and for all women, even if they did not say it out loud. Everyone is chasing wealth, but not everyone manages to achieve their goal, but many, even if they don’t succeed, do not stop, and spend their entire lives in search of a rich and respectable man.

I would like to note right away that in order to meet a respectable man with a lot of money, you need to spend a lot of time surrounded by wealthy people:

  • expensive clubs
  • restaurants
  • private parties
  • Exhibitions
  • casinos, etc.

Even if you end up in one of these places, it is not a fact that they will notice you and want to get to know you, so coming to a place where there are a lot of rich men does not mean that a woman will leave arm in arm with one of them.

No one is trying to say by this that meeting and having a serious relationship with a rich man is unrealistic for an ordinary woman; you just need to sensibly assess your chances of winning.

The rich vacation at expensive resorts, and this is another place where you can meet a wealthy man. By the way, on vacation it is easier to meet and attract the attention of such a man, because it is on vacation that everyone:

  • as relaxed as possible
  • don't think about work
  • want something romantic and intimate

One more detail - women should understand that there are not so many young and rich people, because, according to statistics, men can earn their fortune already in middle age, so finding a rich twenty-year-old millionaire is much more difficult than a respectable guy who is over 55 years old .

Where and how to meet a man for a serious relationship?

Meeting a rich man is one thing, but building a serious relationship with him is completely different. Even if a rich man has paid attention to you, this does not mean at all that he is considering you as a woman for a serious relationship, so every girl should remember that getting acquainted and starting a relationship are not the same thing.

So, some practical tips for finding and winning a rich man:

  1. In order to find a promising and wealthy man as a partner, it is not enough to be beautiful and young; here a woman will need to have important information about how and where to “hunt” for rich individuals.
  2. If you have a friend who has successfully married or is in a serious relationship with a rich man, you need to conduct a thorough interrogation about:
  • where she met him
  • under what circumstances
  • how you behaved
  1. Decide on a place where respectable men go. It’s stupid to think that you can find them in a park or in a bar, here the level is higher:
  • thematic exhibitions
  • restaurants
  • private clubs
  • charity evenings, in general, where the local elite gathers
  1. If you have a respectable man or a promising guy among your friends, this will play into your hands. Ask him about where he likes to spend his evenings, and, if possible, ask him to attend some private reception or an interesting contemporary exhibition with him. If a friend agrees to introduce you to interesting and respectable people, this will be an ideal situation.

  1. Rich people spend most of their time at work, especially men, so women need to conquer various business centers and skyscrapers.
  2. In order to match a respectable man, a woman must be educated, intelligent and cunning. Going to various trainings on personal growth, as well as business trainings, will help a woman develop, and also increase the chances of meeting a respectable and enviable groom.
  3. Today, the correct lifestyle is relevant and popular. Serious businessmen try to keep up with fashion, and therefore women should visit nutrition stores, where they can meet a worthy man who is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Don’t forget about sports sections and fitness rooms, which are so fashionable to visit regularly today. Be sure that there is a high probability of meeting a rich chosen one, and, among other things, getting your body in order. You should not spare money on this activity, because it is good for both your health and your personal life.

  1. Never be intrusive, because even if a man “falls for” this, your relationship will not be very long-term and can fit into one night, so act like a smart and prudent woman.

Be that as it may, rich men are a fastidious people, so you need to meet their requirements so that they pay attention to you and you need to try even harder so that they want to build a serious relationship with you.

It is worth noting that rich men can look different, and they cannot always be recognized among the crowd. On top of that, there are two types of rich men, and the places they visit will depend on this. So:

  1. Men who became rich and achieved respectable status without making any effort. This could be receiving an inheritance, or the son of a rich father stole from someone, or was involved in fraud. These are the rich men who go out of their way to show how rich they are:
  • drive the most expensive and exclusive cars
  • visit nightclubs, various parties
  • are constantly surrounded by many women
  • everyone wears gold and other jewelry

  1. Men who achieved everything in their lives on their own, without anyone’s help, who went from an average person to a rich one (and this path was not easy). Such men are categorically different from the first type of men:
  • for them, a car is just a means of transportation (that’s why they choose a quality car rather than a fashionable one)
  • they dress stylishly and without any frills
  • they are constantly at work
  • attend business exhibitions, charity evenings, etc.
  • they look like ordinary men

What type of men you would like to win and with whom to build a serious relationship is entirely up to you, but choosing in this case is not as difficult as turning your plan to win a rich man into reality.

If you don’t have the opportunity to visit too expensive establishments and social events, then you can try your luck in car dealerships, where everyone is allowed, and supermarkets, where all mortals buy their groceries (unless we are talking about some unreal oligarch).

Where can you meet a man in adulthood?

You shouldn’t think that women only want to see a young man next to them. In fact, many women dream of a mature partner, they are attracted to:

  • seriousness
  • solidity
  • life experience
  • representativeness

It should also be noted that rich grooms visit different places, depending also on their age. Let's look at this in more detail.

Where to meet a serious man after 30?

For a man, 30 years old is quite a bit. After the third decade, men are just beginning to “mature” and become real men. At this age, they try to look more respectable and representative, but at the same time remain very young. Therefore, there are quite a lot of places that they visit, and these are a wide variety of places:

  • nightclubs and exhibitions
  • charity events and casinos
  • restaurants and bars

A rich man of 35 years old can be found everywhere - both at a social event and at a youth party.

Where to meet a serious man after 40?

Those rich men who have “passed” 40 no longer pretend to be serious people, because they already are. Of course, some people even after 40 can attend some parties, but most often, rich men of 45 years old can be found:

  • at auctions and trades
  • in operas, theaters and museums
  • at various kinds of events

Such men, more often than not, have already had a good time and are now enjoying a mature life. It is not so easy to meet rich single men at this age, because, in most cases, by this age they find their chosen one, because they are already quite mature for family life and are thinking about offspring. So those who want to see a millionaire around 43-45 years old, hurry up before the milestones are sorted out.

Where to meet a man after 50?

If we can say that men over 40 are quite calm, balanced and logical in their actions, then this is quite difficult to say about 50-year-olds. At this age, all men, especially rich ones, begin their “second youth” (so they think).

Have you noticed that many famous and rich people divorce their spouses at this age?

Rich men after 50 years want to live a full life and enjoy it, and for this they often choose a young beauty as their companion (so here youth and beauty are a woman’s main trump card). It is impossible to say for sure that an elderly rich man will marry a modest and beautiful girl, but the fact that he will spend some time with her is certain.

Whether you want such a relationship or are counting on a long-term one is up to you, but for a rich man to want something serious with you, you need to be perfect everywhere and in everything, especially when your chosen one is well over 40.

As for their gathering places, history repeats itself here as with 30-year-olds - they can be found everywhere:

  • they continue to visit places with a concentration of business and important people, but after such meetings they go to nightclubs and casinos to take a break from this hustle and bustle;
  • They spend a lot of time at work, but at the same time, they do not forget to pay attention to entertainment and other pleasant things, so you can find a respectable man of 50 years old both in the office and in the casino, in company with beautiful young ladies.

These are just statistics, and you shouldn’t think that finding both a good and a rich man is impossible. Everything is in the hands of the woman, and it depends only on her what kind of man she will be with.

Don't forget about the principles:

  • one is looking for a worthy
  • the other is rich
  • someone strives to be close to their loved one
  • someone with success

In the article we talked about where you can meet rich men and what kind of women they like. Every woman deserves happiness, but for each, happiness includes different concepts. Whether you will be next to a rich man or not is a matter of time. Whether you will be happy with him is a question for you personally.

Video: “Where can a woman meet a man?”

From an early age, mothers told us that decent girls should be modest, not talk to strangers on the street, but sit quietly and wait for their prince. But the years go by, and the prince is still not there.

Today, there are a bunch of dating sites where you can fill out a questionnaire and set the status “I’m looking to meet a man in Moscow.” If you intend to look for your destiny on the Internet, keep in mind that this is not a quick or very easy task. But, however, even in ordinary reality, the second half is not found immediately. It's up to you to make a choice: hope for a miracle or go in search of your happiness yourself.

Remember that representatives of the opposite sex are everywhere. You can meet a man in transport, on the street, in a restaurant, in a club, at work, on the beach, and even at the doctor’s. You never know where you will meet your destiny. It is important to be prepared for this meeting and not miss your chance.

Every day a large number of young people pass by us.easiest way?

There are places in Moscow where men come in search of girls for relationships without any obligations. If you meet them in this place, then it will be difficult for you to change the format of communication and move on to a serious relationship. There are places where men come to relax only in the company of men. Usually in such places they are not in the mood to meet girls. You need to realize that not everyone is equally disposed to communicate in any place. One is comfortable chatting in a cafe over a cup of coffee, while the other is comfortable on the dance floor. Choosing the right place where you can meet a man is already one step towards success.

If you decide that you need an avid party-goer, then you need to go to a nightclub to find him. Having chosen the club where you should meet, think: do you meet the level of this institution or not? Lovers of workaholic men should visit restaurants near business centers. Such men have no time to spend time preparing food, so they do not have lunch or dinner at home. If you decide that your man is a man of art, then go to the theater or art gallery to meet him. If you are looking for a book lover - go to bookstores, a football player - go to a match, a musician - go to a concert, a banker - go to the bank, a doctor - go to the hospital. You can make acquaintances with young people everywhere. But in order for your meeting to be pleasant for both of you, you need to decide who you are looking for and why exactly.

We figured out where to meet a man in Moscow. How to get his attention? In order for a man to meet a girl, she needs to present herself competently. Young people are interested in sexuality, femininity and figure in girls. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear loose styles that hide all the advantages of your body. Shoes with heels will add flexibility and grace to your look and will not go unnoticed by any man.

Dating at the CityDate party

If you choose this place for dating, you will have several advantages:

1. The romantic atmosphere of the restaurant where the meeting takes place promotes rest and relaxation after a hard day.

2. At a separate table you are given each other with a young man for exactly 7 minutes.

3. After the specified time has passed, the participants move to the next table. In your sympathy map, you mark your impression of the person who was just in front of you.

4. In a situation where it is obvious that you want to get to know a man better, you can exchange your contact information immediately.

5. The age group of participants is determined during the announcement of the event. This will guarantee you the average desired age of the group.

Now you know where to meet a man in Moscow. We wish you good luck in love and a pleasant acquaintance in the way that you choose.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 13 minutes


Many representatives of the fairer sex are tormented by the question of where to meet a good man. Of course, we are talking about that meeting, which is followed by a serious relationship and Mendelssohn's march. Young ladies rarely think about this: beauty and youth do their job - fans are always next to them. But what should older single girls do? Where to look for him - this single, attractive, worthy man?

Rating of the best dating methods and places

It is becoming more and more difficult for a modern woman to arrange her personal life. The career ladder takes away those years during which all the girlfriends manage to get married and have children. And there is almost no one left around the business woman in whom she could see a serious and, most importantly, single life partner. Often there are candidates for marriage, but the woman is not sure what. Where are the best chances of meeting your other half?

Finding a partner on online dating sites

Online dating does not limit you by age, place of work, or geographic location. There are a lot of shortcomings (inadequate personalities, insults, people who like to cheat, etc.). Therefore, you should choose only reputable dating sites that have a positive reputation, and, of course, present yourself in the right light. Of course, frivolous behavior, flirtatious comments and candid photos are unlikely to attract a serious gentleman. Also, do not be overly frank in personal correspondence.


Internet. Interest forums, thematic sites (for example, literary or automotive), social networks, blogs, etc. A huge number of unmarried serious men today “hang out” on the global network. Smart, successful, interesting and free. Relationships transferred from the virtual to the real have long ceased to be something fantastic. This is a completely normal phenomenon and a much more effective way to find that same man than in real life. Find your niche and go for it! A successful photograph, maximum creativity, humor and communication, a minimum of female stupidity - and He himself will notice you.

Trainings and courses are the best place to meet people of similar interests.

Even complete strangers can be brought together by common interests in an extremely short time. In such places you broaden your horizons, meet a lot of new people, increase your self-esteem and get the opportunity to meet someone who will go further with you hand in hand. These could be courses in programming and Photoshop, a foreign language, directors, etc. Such courses and trainings are usually attended by mature, ambitious people who know what they want from life. It is clear that the more expensive the seminar (courses, training), the more serious people you can meet there. The main thing is that you must be seen and heard. Be active, timely and smart.

Serious clubs for serious dating

Specialized, youth and other clubs. A respectable man may be interested in an interesting show program or the visit of a famous person - a singer, a DJ. It is clear that it is important to choose the club wisely (a representative of the golden youth is completely unsuitable for the role of a future husband) and it is unlikely that a respectable man will be interested in a mouse with a dull look. Although a too excited look will not bring good luck - a man should feel like a hunter, not a game.

Marriage agency services, dating services

They are usually divided into real, telephone and virtual. Dating through this “system” greatly facilitates the search. It is clear that you will have to pay for the service, but, according to statistics, a considerable part of women find their soul mates through modern “matchmakers”. The advantage of this option (not for everyone, of course, but for many) is the opportunity to find a soulmate abroad.

Dating over a cup of coffee

Business lunches in expensive restaurants, hotel lobby bars. In such places it is quite possible to meet a successful, interesting man. And the habit of “drinking coffee” in a hotel bar can do a good job.

To the supermarket - to make acquaintances

One of the most effective ways to meet a man. The main thing is to choose the right time (preferably Friday evening or weekends), choose the right place (the largest supermarket in the city), and take your time. It is necessary to allow a man to help you choose a product or “decipher” an incomprehensible label.

Sports clubs, fitness clubs for health and happy dating

It’s clear that successful men don’t sit there around the clock - they are busy with work. The best chance of meeting them is after eight in the evening and around eight in the morning. Of course, all attempts to get to know a man who is engaged in strength training are pointless. It is most beneficial to do this in the break room or locker room.

Foreign dating is a chance for happiness

A great option to combine business with pleasure. Celebrate some date or, for example, Christmas, abroad, and at the same time get a chance to make a new fateful acquaintance. In particular, in Germany, you can visit a special cafe, which usually organizes blind dates for singles.

Auctions, exhibitions for intimate dating

Thematic, automobile, book, etc. However, an auction is associated with the risk of accidentally acquiring something you don’t need at an exorbitant price. Exhibitions are a more economical and intellectual option; at exhibitions you can meet an intelligent, passionate man who is interested in art or, for example, modern cars.

Dating in sports bars, football, boxing

Options for acquaintance are a carriage and a small cart. There are a lot of worthy men in such places. But this method is only suitable if you are absolutely sincerely a fan of the roar of the stands and bloody, broken faces in the ring. If you don’t like it, it’s better to look for another way to meet the man of your dreams.

Fishing is a great hobby to get acquainted with

As in the previous point, successful dating while fishing is only possible with your unearthly passion for jigs and spinning rods. Do you have such a hobby? Have you also succeeded in it? This means that you may well catch not only a pike or a large bream, but also a man with whom you can share this hobby for the rest of your life.

Office romances

Why not? Look around, looking for your destiny on the Internet, and this time he, the same one, sits in the chair opposite you and waits until you finally pay attention to him. What will your colleagues think? Who cares! If both of you are not burdened with family obligations, then who can stop you from becoming happy?

Dinners at a restaurant for better dating

Yes, yes, even there you can meet an interesting, pleasant man, and not just a lover of meaningless flirting. Not all men have wives waiting for them at home with delicious dinners, and many bachelors while away their evenings in a restaurant alone. Perhaps even in the hope of meeting a nice lonely young lady.

Dating in auto stores, stores for hunters and fishermen

Starting a conversation with a man in such a place is easy. What kind of man would refuse to explain to a beautiful lady what bait is needed for bream, and what lures are needed for pike? No! All you can do is listen with your mouth open and be amazed at his competence. Even if you know more about it than him.

Resorts for romantic dating

A place where you even have to fight off new acquaintances. But do single men go to resorts to find their significant other? Not at all. More an exception than a rule. A bachelor at a resort is a person who wants to relax to the fullest. And nothing more.
Meeting a man is a very simple task. You can meet someone anywhere, if you step on your shyness and timidity a little. Another question is how long this acquaintance will be. According to statistics, resort dating is the most doomed (of other options) to fail in a relationship. On the other hand, you never guess where you will find your happiness - in which shop, at which traffic light and on which bus. Matter of chance. Probably the most important point in this search process is not to make acquaintances with married men. Because, a priori, nothing good can come from these relationships. And we are looking for happiness and only happiness from relationships.

Meeting a serious man to start a family is the dream of every single girl. This article will tell you where to meet a suitable man and how to get to know him.

  • Even the most independent, self-sufficient, proud and unapproachable woman secretly dreams of meeting her prince. But with one condition: the prince, as they say, must match
  • Meeting your betrothed is not so easy, because every now and then you come across uninteresting, unattractive males along the way
  • To bring the desired acquaintance closer, a woman can take the initiative and take the first step towards her own happiness

Where to meet a serious man?

Obviously, meeting a single, serious man is unlikely to take place in public transport, a bar or a nightclub. Where, then, do decent, respectable bachelors “live”?

Visit shops with luxury men's clothing and accessories. Carefully examine the product, pretend that you cannot make a choice. Maybe the man who happens to be nearby will help you choose a “gift for the boss.”

IMPORTANT: Do not linger near the shelves with underwear. Men may think that you are choosing things for your boyfriend.

If a man needs your advice, do not be shy and show your participation. Express your opinion, ask what he liked.

Take a look at favorite supermarket - in the department of semi-finished and ready-to-eat foods. Usually this is where bachelors buy food for dinner. True, their seriousness can hardly be judged by the contents of the basket. But you can easily start a casual conversation by advising a man about some culinary product.

You can meet a suitable man in a supermarket
  • A “casual” acquaintance with a good man can happen at a car showroom, but provided that you can attract attention
  • Men visit car shows with certain thoughts, so getting them to be interested in these moments will not be easy
  • Intelligent educated men will meet at exhibitions, athletes - in gyms. If you dream of meeting a musician, go musical instrument shopping, visit classical music concerts

On which site can I meet a man for a serious relationship?

Girls who prefer to communicate on the Internet and hope to meet the man of their dreams there are simply obliged to create accounts on the following sites:

  •– a site where you can not only meet a man, but also take a partner compatibility test
  •– social dating network
  • WITH– mobile dating site, convenient for smartphone owners
  •– online dating 24 hours a day
  • Photo Country– dating site with a huge user base
  •– one of the oldest dating sites
  •– a website with the ability to communicate via video chat
  •– a free dating site for users from all European countries
  •– a site with a multimillion-dollar database
  • eDarling– a site only for serious dating with the aim of developing relationships and starting a family. Flirting and looking for relationships “on the side” are not allowed on the site
  •– meeting foreigners

Dating sites have brought together many single men and women

IMPORTANT: If you register on a dating site to find a man with serious intentions, do not post your candid, frivolous photos. It is better to post several good quality photos in which you are openly smiling and in nature.

Dating sites for serious relationships

  • It’s better to immediately start looking for your soulmate on special sites where single people register to choose their future spouse. Such sites include and eDarling
  • However, it is not a fact that registering even on the most serious site will bring you success. Not at all. If personal information is presented incorrectly, men simply will not be able to understand you
  • Therefore, first of all, you need to carefully consider the content of your profile, prepare for video chats, clearly imagine the man you want to meet, and only then choose a site

Video: Dating sites Yes or No?

How to meet a serious man for a serious relationship for free?

  • You can meet a serious man for free anywhere:
  • free dating sites have huge databases and among the many applicants there are probably worthy serious men. You just need to stand out from the crowd of identical unremarkable ladies and win men’s hearts with your femininity and individuality
  • take a closer look to work colleagues. Here you will have the opportunity to first observe “from the outside” the behavior of your chosen one and study his biography
  • personal development trainings, seminars and conferences teeming with successful, motivated men. Try your luck by attending such an event
  • ask your friends introduce you to a suitable man. Surely one of your friends will have a lonely relative who dreams of meeting his soulmate
  • airport– a great place to meet people. Men who fly on airplanes are unlikely to drink beer behind garages or sit all day and night in front of the TV.

You can meet a serious man online

IMPORTANT: Wherever you meet, the main thing is to smile. Look the man in the eyes, show interest, support him in the conversation. Be open to communication, then your happiness will rush to meet you.

How to understand that a man is serious? Signs of a serious man

Wasting your time on love that will not lead further than bed is stupid. You can distinguish a man who is determined to continue the relationship by the following signs:

  • he tells you how he feels
  • plans joint vacations, trips, entertainment
  • doesn’t hide from you how much he earns
  • talks about his childhood, shows childhood photos
  • introduced me to my friends and relatives
  • During the working day he always finds time to call or write to you
  • takes care of your health
  • consults with you
  • is interested in your life, interests and work

IMPORTANT: If a man does not show much concern, does not take your interests into account, appears and disappears when it is convenient for him, try to get away from this relationship. It will not be possible to change or re-educate such a person.

  • The last piece of advice I would like to give to women in the “Actively Searching” status: when you finally meet the man who suits you, don’t rush things.
  • Enjoy every stage of your relationship, enjoy new dates, walks and travels together, while listening to your own intuition
  • If you feel good and comfortable next to this man, you don’t have a feeling of causeless anxiety, you want to spend all your free time with him - feel free to step forward to a bright future

Video: How and where to meet a man? Dating for a serious relationship