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Geox (Geoks) - the history of the brand from Italy. Where to buy in Russia, store addresses

The story of one of the richest people in the world, Italian Mario Poligato begins in 1963. It is during this time period that the future millionaire arrives in one of the states of America - Nevada. The purpose of his arrival is not related to the production of the Geox shoes, which are popular today. Then Mario was still engaged in wine. He inherited a winery. In Nevada, a conference of winemakers is held, at which novelties of the international wine market are discussed.

As a person leading healthy lifestyle life, Mario runs daily in the morning. In Nevada, where the climate is significantly different from Italian, during one of the traditional morning marathons, he suddenly realizes how hard it is for his feet in sneakers to stay under hot sunbeams desert area. This prompted a successful winemaker to implement a new business idea - the creation of lightweight breathable sports shoes through the presence of holes in them.

Immediately upon his return to Italy, the enterprising Mario invests in the production of the first series of sports shoes with holes, based on his family's leather goods business.

New sports shoes for a long time not put on the market. Only a few years later, Mario decides to present his new technology. Sports shoe consumers instantly appreciated the breathable technology. Very soon, everyone who is related to sportswear and shoes, the new brand GEOX, founded by Mario Poligato, became known. The brand name was not chosen by chance. Translated from English, the word geo means “earth”, and the letter X stands for the use of innovative technologies.

The slogan of the new shoe brand GEOX Mario chose "shoes that breathe".

Despite the many positive reviews about the new proposal in the field of sports shoes, there were also cases where GEOX technology was not taken seriously. However, other, newly opened businesses also face similar difficulties. However, Poligato found a way to prove otherwise. He released a small series of GEOX children's shoes. The product was instantly appreciated by parents who want the best for their children. The entire batch of children's shoes that breathe literally scattered. This prompted Mario to start large-scale production of GEOX shoes.

Footwear production volumes grew every day. Numerous GEOX studies have shown that over 95% of sports shoes consumers are not satisfied with the quality of the products, primarily because they are based on a dense rubber sole.

Assessing the quality of "breathable" shoes trademark GEOX, more and more people wanted to buy a pair of these boots. Wholesale orders grew every day. As a result of the increase in profits from the sale of GEOX products, the owner of the company, Mario Poligato, decided to invest in the development of technologies that would increase the level of comfort in shoes and clothing. By the end of the 90s, Mario's business entered the world arena of "breathable" sports shoes, and then clothes.

Today, GEOX is a leading manufacturer quality shoes known all over the world. The company's annual profit is about $60,000,000. There are GEOX factories on three continents of the world. The products of this manufacturer are known all over the world.

About a hundred countries of the world sell GEOX products. The trading network of the companies includes more than one thousand branded stores and about eleven thousand retail outlets.

Mario Poligato never rested on his laurels. In order for his business to develop, he introduced a franchising system into it.

In 2009, GEOX products took second place in the Lifestyle Casual footwear ranking - the best casual footwear. A year later, GEOX received the Grand Prix in the Innovator of the Year nomination. Mario's business was then named innovator of the year.

Now the main part of GEOX is owned by Mario Polegato (71%), about 5% - by Capital Research and Management Company, the rest - by Nordea 1 SICAV. GEOX is often a participant in sponsorship projects. So, in 2011, a cycling tournament was organized with her participation. According to analysts, this type of activity has a positive effect on the promotion of the company's products. Similar measures are taken by the main manufacturers of sports goods - ADIDAS, NIKE, etc.

By the way, GEOX often acted as a partner of the Formula 1 racing team organized by Red Bull Racing.

Geox (Geoks)- Italian famous brand that produces the so-called "breathable" shoes, as well as clothing for men, women and children.

The history of the shoe brand Geox

The brand began its existence in 1995 thanks to the chance and ingenuity of its founder, Mario Polegato. Mario himself had no idea to get involved in the shoe business, because he was born into a family that has been involved in wine for more than one generation and, as an heir, was also going to become a famous winemaker. However, fate decreed otherwise, inspiration descended on Mario on one of his trips to Reno: the city is famous for its very warm climate, and after another run under the hot sun, Polegato, suffering from overheating and discomfort, decided that a slight modernization of his shoes would not hurt and did There are several holes in the sole for better ventilation.

Mario was so pleased with his own invention that he decided that something could come of it and went with his original idea to the largest Italian manufacturers shoes. However, they did not share his enthusiasm and simply refused to cooperate, then Mario decided to start making shoes himself.


Italy Italy: Montebelluna, Treviso

Key Figures

Mario Moretti Polegato

Industry Products turnover Operating profit Net profit Number of employees Website

history of the company

The company was founded by Mario Moretti Polegato in 1995. The name of the company comes from a combination of the Greek word Geo (earth) and the letter "X", symbolizing modern technology.

Polegato was born in 1952 into a family of winemakers and developed the family business. One day he went to a wine conference in Reno. During early morning runs in the hot Nevada desert, he felt the discomfort of overheating his feet, and he had the idea to make several holes in the sole of the shoe to improve ventilation. Based on a small leather business owned by his family, Mario began manufacturing breathable shoes. After several years of adapting the product to market requirements and improving production technologies, large-scale production of shoes under the Geox brand began. In 1999, the company began to produce clothes in addition to shoes.

Research and development

The production of composite materials that are permeable to air, but impervious to water, requires serious technological and scientific developments. Geox holds several patents in this area. In addition to its own research center, where scientists study the characteristics of human sweating and heat transfer, Geox collaborates with a number of major universities and laboratories to develop and test new technologies.

Since 2013, Geox has improved its membrane, it has become 6 times more breathable, 3 times better water repellent, 3 times more abrasion resistant and 10 times more wear resistant.

Current state

Currently, Geox is one of the leaders in the production of footwear and clothing. The company's products are represented in more than a hundred countries around the world. Geox has a network of 1,150 stores and approximately 11,000 multi-brand outlets. At the same time, the franchising system is widely used.

According to the industry magazine Shoe Intelligence, in 2009 Geox ranked second in the world in the Lifestyle Casual footwear sector (casual shoes). In 2010, Geox won the Innovator of the Year category at the CNBC European Business Leaders Awards.

Major Shareholders

  • Mario Polegato Moretti - 70.98%
  • Capital Research and Management Company - 4.95%
  • Nordea 1 SICAV - 2.06%


In 2011, Geox sponsored the Geox-TMC (formerly Footon-Servetto-Fuji) cycling team. The team failed to obtain a UCI ProTeams license, but its rider won the Vuelta a España. During the off-season, Geox management unexpectedly announced that they were ending their sponsorship of the bike project. The team's managers no longer had enough time to find a new general sponsor, and the team was disbanded.

In 2011, the company began working with the Red Bull Racing Formula 1 racing team, creating equipment (clothes and shoes) for the riders and team staff. And in 2012, the company became one of the main sponsors (Team Partner) of the team and placed its logo on racing cars.

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An excerpt characterizing Geox

- Full. Nonsense! The main thing is to try to be respectful and prudent with the old prince.
“If he scolds, I will leave,” said Anatole. I can't stand these old people. BUT?
“Remember that everything depends on you.
At that time, the arrival of the minister with his son was not only known in the maid's room, but appearance both of them have already been described in detail. Princess Marya sat alone in her room and tried in vain to overcome her inner agitation.
“Why did they write, why did Lisa tell me about it? After all, this cannot be! she said to herself, looking in the mirror. - How do I get into the living room? Even if I liked him, I could not be myself with him now. Just the thought of her father's gaze horrified her.
The little princess and m lle Bourienne have already received all the necessary information from the maid Masha about what a ruddy, black-browed handsome minister's son was, and about how papa dragged their feet by force to the stairs, and he, like an eagle, walking up three steps, ran after him. Having received this information, the little princess with m lle Bourienne, still audible from the corridor with their animated voices, entered the princess's room.
- Ils sont arrives, Marieie, [They have arrived, Marie,] you know? - said the little princess, waddling her stomach and sinking heavily into an armchair.
She was no longer in the blouse in which she sat in the morning, and she was wearing one of her best dresses; her head was carefully removed, and on her face there was a revival, which, however, did not hide the drooping and dead outlines of her face. In the attire in which she usually went in society in St. Petersburg, it was even more noticeable how much she had grown ugly. On m lle Bourienne, too, there was already imperceptibly some improvement in the outfit, which made her pretty, fresh face even more attractive.
- Eh bien, et vous restez comme vous etes, chere princesse? she spoke. – On va venir annoncer, que ces messieurs sont au salon; il faudra descendre, et vous ne faites pas un petit brin de toilette! [Well, are you staying, what were you wearing, princess? Now they will come to say that they left. You will have to go downstairs, and at least you dressed up a little bit!]
The little princess got up from her chair, called the maid, and hurriedly and cheerfully began to invent an outfit for Princess Marya and put it into execution. Princess Marya felt insulted in her self-esteem by the fact that the arrival of the groom promised to her excited her, and she was even more offended by the fact that both of her friends did not even imagine that it could be otherwise. To tell them how ashamed she was for herself and for them meant betraying her excitement; moreover, to refuse the dress that was offered to her would lead to lengthy jokes and insistence. She flushed, her beautiful eyes went out, her face became covered with spots, and with that ugly expression of the victim, which most often stops on her face, she surrendered to the power of m lle Bourienne and Lisa. Both women cared quite sincerely about making her beautiful. She was so bad that the thought of rivalry with her could not come to any of them; therefore, quite sincerely, with that naive and firm conviction of women that an outfit can make a face beautiful, they set about dressing her.
- No, really, ma bonne amie, [my good friend,] this dress is not good, ”said Lisa, looking sideways at the princess from afar. - Tell me to file, you have a masaka there. Right! Well, after all, it may be that the fate of life is being decided. And this is too light, not good, no, not good!
It was not the dress that was bad, but the face and the whole figure of the princess, but m lle Bourienne and the little princess did not feel this; it seemed to them that if they put a blue ribbon on their hair, combed up, and lowered a blue scarf from a brown dress, etc., then everything would be fine. They forgot that the frightened face and figure could not be changed, and therefore, no matter how they modified the frame and decoration of this face, the face itself remained pitiful and ugly. After two or three changes, to which Princess Mary obediently obeyed, at the moment she was combed up (a hairstyle that completely changed and spoiled her face), in a blue scarf and masaka elegant dress, the little princess walked around her a couple of times, straightened a fold of her dress with her small hand, tugged at the scarf there and looked, bowing her head, now from one side, then from the other.
“No, you can’t,” she said decisively, clasping her hands. - Non, Marie, decision ca ne vous va pas. Je vous aime mieux dans votre petite robe grise de tous les jours. Non, de grace, faites cela pour moi. [No, Marie, this definitely doesn't suit you. I love you better in your gray everyday dress: please do it for me.] Katya,” she said to the maid, “bring the princess a gray dress, and see, m lle Bourienne, how I will arrange it,” she said with a smile of artistic anticipation joy.
But when Katya brought the required dress, Princess Marya sat motionless before the mirror, looking at her face, and in the mirror she saw that there were tears in her eyes, and that her mouth was trembling, preparing for sobs.
“Voyons, chere princesse,” said m lle Bourienne, “encore un petit effort.” [Well, princess, just a little more effort.]

Geox is the brand that gave the world breathable shoes

The Italian company Geox designs and manufactures outerwear and footwear for women, men and children. calling card each collection of the brand are breathable and waterproof properties of shoes and clothing, the use of advanced technology and modern wear-resistant materials.

The creation of breathable technologies involves continuous research, experimentation and innovation. It is a philosophy that combines creativity and performance, style and technology, care for people and the environment.

Using technologies protected by more than 60 patents, Geox shoes and clothing have characteristics that provide instant comfort in any season and in any weather.

Geox is one of the world's leading brands in the International Lifestyle Casual Footwear Market (Shoe Intelligence, 2014).


"Shoes that breathe" is an idea, a special approach and a promise of well-being and absolute comfort, which have become the mission of Geox since its foundation.

Almost 25 years have passed since the founder and president of Geox, Mario Moretti Polegato, came up with the revolutionary idea of ​​making holes in the rubber sole of his shoes. Then, under the sizzling Nevada sun, he experienced unbearable discomfort in his legs. “Why not design a shoe that combines the flexibility and durability of a rubber outsole with increased wicking and breathability?” - thought Mario Moretti Polegato and, returning to Italy, brought his intuitive idea to life in a small shoe shop that belonged to his family. The technology was immediately patented by him, and so the first "breathable shoes" appeared. Polegato offered his invention to well-known shoe companies, but they were not interested in it. Then, having successfully passed the market test with the created line of children's shoes, Mario Moretti began his own production. The number of patented technologies has increased over time, and the Geox product range has expanded first to men's and women's shoes, and later to outerwear.

Every Geox collection combines modern casual style with cutting-edge technology, and even the name of the brand reflects its connection with nature and life. The name Geox is formed from the ancient Greek word Geo ("earth") and the letter "x", which symbolizes modern technologies developed in Italian laboratories and protected by international patents. Our name reflects our efforts and energy, our passion and know-how, care and attention to detail. Geox is science at the service of quality and everyday elegance. The whole path from the idea to its implementation, despite its duration, was passed quickly enough. This is evidenced by the successes inscribed in more than a quarter century of the company's history. High-tech solutions used in the production of shoes and clothing successfully pass internal and external tests in real and extreme conditions– from racing arenas to ski slopes. The company's patented "breathable shoes" technology with rubber soles with a special membrane that is permeable to water vapor, but not to water, has also been applied in the manufacture of shoes with leather soles, which are also able to repel water and remove moisture. The new generation of Geox shoes are made using Amphibiox technology - better protection from rain and bad weather, combined with maximum breathability and natural thermoregulation. This technology provides a range of Geox models with an unrivaled level of waterproofing and protection.

AT last years The Geox family of technologies joins the unique Xand cushioning system, the Xense soft anatomical sole, the Nebula line that is lightweight and flexible, the Side Transpiration System and the Net Breathing System for amazing breathability.

The Italian company Geox designs and manufactures outerwear and footwear for women, men and children. The hallmark of each collection of the brand is the breathable and waterproof properties of shoes and clothing, the use of advanced technologies and modern wear-resistant materials.

The creation of breathable technologies involves continuous research, experimentation and innovation. It is a philosophy that combines creativity and performance, style and technology, care for people and the environment.

Using technologies protected by more than 60 patents, Geox shoes and clothing have characteristics that provide instant comfort in any season and in any weather.

Geox is one of the world's leading brands in the International Lifestyle Casual Footwear Market (Shoe Intelligence, 2014).


"Shoes that breathe" is an idea, a special approach and a promise of well-being and absolute comfort, which have become the mission of Geox since its foundation.

Almost 25 years have passed since the founder and president of Geox, Mario Moretti Polegato, came up with the revolutionary idea of ​​making holes in the rubber sole of his shoes. Then, under the sizzling Nevada sun, he experienced unbearable discomfort in his legs. “Why not design a shoe that combines the flexibility and durability of a rubber outsole with increased wicking and breathability?” - thought Mario Moretti Polegato and, returning to Italy, brought his intuitive idea to life in a small shoe shop that belonged to his family. The technology was immediately patented by him, and so the first "breathable shoes" appeared. Polegato offered his invention to well-known shoe companies, but they were not interested in it. Then, having successfully passed the market test with the created line of children's shoes, Mario Moretti began his own production. The number of patented technologies has increased over time, and the Geox product range has expanded first to men's and women's shoes, and later to outerwear.

Every Geox collection combines modern casual style with cutting-edge technology, and even the name of the brand reflects its connection with nature and life. The name Geox is formed from the ancient Greek word Geo ("earth") and the letter "x", which symbolizes modern technologies developed in Italian laboratories and protected by international patents. Our name reflects our efforts and energy, our passion and know-how, care and attention to detail. Geox is science at the service of quality and everyday elegance.

The whole path from the idea to its implementation, despite its duration, was passed quickly enough. This is evidenced by the successes inscribed in more than a quarter century of the company's history. High-tech solutions used in the production of footwear and clothing are successfully tested internally and externally in real and extreme conditions - from racing arenas to ski slopes. The company's patented "breathable shoes" technology with rubber soles with a special membrane that is permeable to water vapor, but not to water, has also been applied in the manufacture of shoes with leather soles, which are also able to repel water and remove moisture. The new generation of Geox shoes are made using Amphibiox technology - the best protection against rain and weather combined with maximum breathability and natural thermal regulation. This technology provides a range of Geox models with an unrivaled level of waterproofing and protection.

In recent years, the Geox technology family has been expanded to include the unique Xand cushioning system, Xense soft anatomical midsole, the lightweight and flexible Nebula line, the Side Transpiration System and the Net Breathing System for breathtaking breathability across the entire surface of the foot. But that's not all. The basic concept of comfort and wearability, which is the basis of Geox's corporate vision, is constantly evolving and improving, embodied in all brand products. Shoe manufacturing techniques allow you to give breathable properties and outerwear. Geox jackets are breathable and will not allow water to get inside, even in direct contact with a wet surface. The combination of fabric and a special breathable membrane provides complete protection against cold, water and wind. The jackets also have a high-tech and incredibly light lining, which is highly wear-resistant and thermally insulating.

Thanks to the Geox Respira system, clothes remain dry, and its owner does not run the risk of getting wet and catching a cold, even with excessive sweating in cold and windy weather. The comfort and benefits of this technology have become the hallmarks of our products, providing Geox apparel and footwear customers with ease and freedom of movement in any situation, bringing a sense of joy to life with every step. Each new collection Geox reflects the current trends of the season. These are clothes and shoes for those who are looking for something comfortable and at the same time multifunctional, for everyday use from morning to evening, in the city and in nature. For those who love lightness and naturalness, not only in casual, but also in more formal clothes. For those who are interested in new developments and who want to look stylish and modern without sacrificing comfort, quality, and above all, well-being. For those who love style in action. But above all - for those who want to breathe. Everywhere and always.


At the heart of Geox's strategies are innovative ideas aimed at delivering superior product quality and customer wellness.

We believe that the application of ethical principles of solidarity and environmental responsibility is essential for the long-term development of both our company and the world around us. By guaranteeing the quality of our products, we do our best to ensure that the process of its creation is environmentally friendly.


Geox is a 100% Italian company with international recognition. Today, the company reaches more than 65% of its turnover outside of Italy in 110 countries around the world. Geox shoes and clothing are available in more than 1,200 of the company's own stores and in about 11,000 multi-brand stores, including the world's leading department stores.

In Russia, Geox products are widely represented throughout almost the entire territory: from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, and has more than 60 single-brand stores. In addition, shoes and clothes of the famous Italian brand can now be found in more than 200 multi-brand stores.