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Voice Declarations of Love for Phone (68pcs). Declarations of love on a mobile phone Order a declaration of love by phone

Tender, short, musical, in verse, in prose, declarations of love by name in the voices of famous politicians or artists. Personalized love SMS in V. Putin's voice will help you choose the right words and express feelings. A woman will never get tired of listening to words of admiration and love, even if you send SMS every hour, but be careful with a man, it is important not to overdo it!

Confessing love is quite difficult... How will the person you adore perceive your words? What if he refuses? What if he gets proud and starts to manipulate you? So this is a very important and risky moment that needs to be considered from all sides with all seriousness.

We strongly advise you to order a humorous confession by name at the time of a date with your loved one or lover; a hit in this case will be a confession in the voice of V. Putin.
Send an audio postcard in advance by selecting a date and time. Let it be delivered at the moment when you can see the reaction of your girlfriend or boyfriend. A declaration of love should not be too long, but not too short. The name should be pronounced clearly and preferably in an affectionate form, that is, not Anastasia, but Nastenka, not Alexander, but Sasha, well, etc. This maneuver will help you not to lose control of the situation and will easily get out of your awkward situation if you see that your feelings are not shared.

It is better to order a declaration of love to a girl by name on the phone in verse

It will be more romantic this way. And for a guy or a man it is better to prefer confession in poetry or prose. Sometimes musical confessions over the phone can be associated with dialing, and a loved one may simply not understand what is actually being said.

We remember that women love with their ears, so we choose a very gentle, almost sugary-sweet audio confession for a girl or wife:

“Tanya! Your name is like music
Like sweet cherry jam,
Like a tent with watermelons in July,
As if beautiful skirt with folds,
Like a healing potion for a sick person,
Like a sausage shop for a hungry person,
Like Harry Potter's magic stick,
How wonderful sour cream is for a kitten,
How Winnie the Pooh a pot full of honey,
It’s like a mountain of chocolate for Carlson,
Like wet weather for woodlice...
In general, I love you, darling!”

Personalized confession for a boyfriend, husband or lover

Now let’s look at the preferences for our beloved men: boyfriends, husbands. Your revelation should take into account that a man likes to emphasize his importance, specialness, significance and masculinity.

"I want to tell you now that the heart every hour
Sings only about you - you are a gift to my destiny!
I love you madly! I’ll say, I don’t hide my emotions:
"Yes! You, Kirill, defeated me! I can’t go a day without you!”

Choose an audio SMS over the phone with a bit of female weakness and gullibility. Make it clear that this man is a support for you, a necessity, just the same “oak tree” to which you want to “move over.”

So, a personal voice declaration of love on the phone has been selected, all the peculiarities of the perception of a woman and a man have been taken into account, the time and date have been chosen correctly, now we are moving on a date and are looking forward to receiving our voice declaration on the phone of a loved one, that is, we are waiting for the cherished call!

Now you understand why our personal audio declarations of love on your phone will save your peace of mind, protect you from mental trauma and help you get out of an awkward situation.

The greeting you choose will be delivered as an incoming call to the recipient's phone. You can send Voice greetings both cell and landline phones.

Each of us has had to confess our feelings to another person at least once in our lives. This could be a declaration of love to a loved one, a declaration of love to a mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother and so on. Feelings are different, and we don’t always know how to admit them. We can’t always find the right words to express them correctly. Our service can greatly help you with this.

Audio postcard confessions by name

You will find confessions on your phone by name for every taste with us. This is a very convenient, interesting and unforgettable way to express your feelings. It’s especially original that the person’s name is spoken on the phone in the confession. You can also use name recognition on your phone in the voice of celebrities.

Declarations of love between a man and a woman

Confessing your feelings to your mother, father, sister, brother or other loved ones is very important. Especially if you live far from each other. Very often, due to various problems or many things to do, we forget about our family and friends. We see them very rarely, we rarely admit our feelings.

Ordering and sending an apology by phone

It will take very little time to order a confession on the phone of your family and friends. But it will bring them a lot of pleasure and joy.

Love is a feeling that connects two hearts, elevates to the skies, fills with passion and burning energy cool audio postcards for mobile phones. Lovers give each other their warm hearts, coupled with tenderness, care and affection and, inspired by each other, utter sincere and tender words of love.

And it also happens that we love a person, but we are afraid to admit it to him, we are shy when we meet and are not able to utter a single word about love. musical cards. If you want to express a declaration of love, but can’t figure out how to do it, for this special option we have wonderful audio declarations of love by name for your phone.

A personal declaration of love on the phone is the best method to express your true feelings without embarrassment in an original way and especially congratulations over the phone with a call. And sending such a confession is not at all difficult: select the name of your loved one or lover from the list of confessions and, after listening to the text of the confession, send it to a person dear to you, indicating his mobile number, the date and time of delivery of the confession.

Rest assured, your recognition will certainly be delivered to the recipient. Let your personalized declaration of love be heard and beautiful feelings will become mutual.

Declarations of love on a mobile phone are a wonderful way to show your feelings of love for someone dear to you via a cell phone. Beautiful and beautiful confessions in love with a loved one on a mobile phone will be an unusually tender and touching revelation to him of your love. Audio love message on cell phone, will beautiful expression your feelings for the person you love. You can send all romantic declarations of love to your mobile phone via SMS either immediately or at the specified delivery time of your declaration of love. Wonderful mobile declarations of love for your beloved girl or woman, a love revelation of your feelings for your beloved. Romantic and unusually touching declarations of love for your beloved boyfriend or man, this is undoubtedly a wonderful expression of your love feelings for your loved one and dear to you. By declaring your love with an audio confession on your mobile phone, you also give a wonderful love message that will warm the heart from your audio love message.

Musical declaration of love on a mobile phone

Declarations of love on a mobile phone with a musical revelation of your feelings with a romantic melody. A musical declaration of love with a gentle and romantic melody with beautiful words of declaration of love and your feelings for a person dear to you. A musical declaration of love for a loved one with a warm and gentle melody will undoubtedly be a good touching confirmation of your feelings for him in the form of a musical love message. With gentle words and a beautiful melody in a musical declaration of love on a mobile phone, convey to him your revelations of your feelings for your dear guy or man. A musical declaration of love for your beloved girl or woman with a beautiful romantic melody, or tender words of revelation to your beloved girl or woman with a voice declaration of love on a mobile phone, will become one of the most romantic and touching declarations of your high feelings for your beloved.

Voice declarations of love on a mobile phone

Voice declaration of love on a mobile phone from with gentle words conveying all the feelings of love for a dear and beloved person. Voice declarations of love on a mobile phone with beautiful and tender words in poetry or prose. You can confess your love to your beloved guy or man via mobile phone by declaring your love directly on your cell phone, which will be especially pleasant for your beloved guy or man. Beautiful poems about love or beautiful words love prose on a mobile phone will be a good confirmation of your love for your loved one in the form of a touching voice declaration of feelings over the phone. Declarations of love for a girl or woman by voice message will be a pleasant and touching revelation over the phone. Convey your feelings to a person dear to you with wonderful voice declarations of love on a cell phone, send your soulmate a piece of the sparkle of your love, and you will give the warmth and joy of love from your mobile love confession in feelings.

In relationships between two or more people, support, attention and constant maintenance of friendly, loving, and simply faithful, trusting relationships are very important. If we want to say something to a friend, girlfriend, the person we love... for example, about our feelings, to say that we miss you or just to say good night - we can use all the different thematic stickers, cards or pictures. After all, images can convey much greater emotions than simple plain text!

Pictures with cute animals with sad eyes in the "I miss you" section, photographs of lips folded in a bow), in the "Kisses" section, night landscapes of the starry sky and photos of evening cities in pictures with wishes " Good night", cookies with morning tea or coffee in wishes "With Good morning", declarations of love in many languages ​​around the world in the "I Love You" collection, as well as an excellent selection of photographs of couples in love and all the attributes romantic dates in the section "Pictures about love"! You can easily find all this and more on our website.

Don't forget to look at the voice declarations of love that can be sent to your phone, both cell and landline! Such calls are not only original, but also cool and unexpected! If you want to show originality, use the block with audio confessions at the top of the page.

To a man or a woman, a loved one or a loved one! A cool selection of pictures for everyone can be downloaded for free to your PC, phone or sent by email or instant messengers such as WhatsApp or Viber!

Declaration of love by name on the phone - select a name:

I love you sunshine, why are you silent!?
Maybe you love someone else or are you just sad?..
Why do you close your eyes when we meet?..
I love you, you hear, without you I am not me!!!

My dear, my dear, I love you.
Extend your gentle hand to me.

My dear and sweet - you are my love!
A person falls in love many times in life,
But true love comes one day
and I think I haven't missed my love...

At night, falling asleep, I think about you. And that’s why I have good dreams – colorful and colorful! In the morning, even before I fully wake up and open my eyes, the first thought that comes to me is about you. And that’s why every morning is good! All day long, whether in transport or at work, I remember that you exist. And that’s why I succeed! Every evening is a holiday for me. Because I know: we will meet in the evening!

I want to be next to you -
Always, everywhere, day and night...
You are the best, you are simply a miracle!
I like you very, very much!

I need your eyes, you know?
And the smile, and the words - you know!
Why are you silent and don’t write?
I love you, Baby, very much, do you hear?

All the gold of the earth and all the wealth of the world
I would give anything to be next to you.
Only from your love can I be happy,
And this will stay with me forever.

My distant and so close man. Strong, gentle, sensitive, attentive, caring. You are certainly not a prince. Because you are better... And since you appeared, capturing my heart, I can’t think about anything except you. I love you and will not give you to anyone. Don't even resist! Agree?

I never loved anyone before you
With such passion and such a soul!
I never suffered for anyone before you
How I suffer now for you.
You were the first to win my heart
You were the first to stir my blood.
I first learned from you
What in the world is LOVE!!!

When I see your smile, it’s like a splash of juice straight from an orange hits my face. Orange of our love for you. And you know, when this juice mixes with our souls, it becomes doubly sweeter for me... After all, I just love you, my dear.

My king, my lord, the most beautiful, strong, courageous, sensitive, generous, sporty, temperamental, passionate, beloved, humorous, ironic, inventive, sexy, sweet! I love you!

Hello, my beloved man! I wrote you several beautiful SMS declarations of love, but the mobile operator did not miss any of them, because... he was consumed with envy. Operator girl, finally find yourself a boyfriend! Envy is a bad feeling! Darling, if suddenly this SMS still reaches you, know that I love you very, very much and want you to be happy!

Love is limitless! My boundless love is only for you. I present it to you. When I met you, my heart sank and I felt a slight trembling. I couldn't avoid you. I want to tell you how boundless my love is for you every day every night every time for the rest of my life. I love you.

You can't get it out of my head,
And I can't forget about you.
You are constantly wandering in my thoughts,
And I only want to be with you.
If I see everything inside is burning,
Hands, knees and voice are shaking.
I hug your shoulders in my dreams,
Life without you is worse than hell!
This has never happened to me before,
Maybe I'm talking nonsense now
I just couldn't imagine
What will I tell someone that I love!

Darling…. You gave me wings, thank you. Your love brought me back to life. Now it's my turn. I want to thank you. Tell me what you want, what you dream of, and I will fulfill and do everything in my power. You can consider me yours gold fish. And my gold is you.

My dear, (NAME), I love you.
Extend your gentle hand to me.
Without love, without affection, I am lost.
My dear (NAME), you are my love!

The closest and the farthest,
The most tender and the most cruel,
The best and most dangerous
The sweetest and most beautiful.

For you I live and dream,
For you I hope and believe
I will open all doors for you,
for you, if necessary, I will die,

Because I love you madly!

My declaration of love to my husband is not original,
But it’s predictable and very banal.
It is not the form that is important, but the meaning and content:
"Darling - let's organize a romantic date?!"

I'm desperately waiting for reciprocity
Every time I see you.
You are like a dream, like a dream,
I miss you, loving...

I'm no longer afraid to admit it,
Whatever happens, I’ve already decided!
And I will boldly achieve reciprocity,
I am sure of this in my heart!

I want to see your smile every day. I want to see your (green) eyes under the dove sky. I want to hear “hello dear” from you, along with the sound of the wind, and then feel a sweet kiss on my right cheek with a small mole... I want to be only with you, beloved.

Confessions often fly like birds.
And I’m not in a hurry to catch at least one thing.
And I will repeat: there are many doubts in the world.
But I love it! Darling, doubts will disappear.

I will die for you, my love!
For me you are both the sun and the light!
My feeling for you, darling,
It will never go out, no!

I promise to always be with you.
Do you believe my promises?
I dedicate my life to you.
You will always be loved by me!

I love you tenderly - tenderly.
Very tender. Like no one!
All my love is snow-white!
She is all for you alone.

I can't describe in words

And only you need to be treasured.
And I will never forgive myself
If you, my love, I'll miss you.

It's like I'm in a fairy tale
When we met you.
All the words in the world will not be enough,
To express my love.

I've never loved so much
I've never flown like that.
You have become the sweetest thing for me,
Be with me forever!

It's two o'clock in the morning and I'm not sleeping,
I don't sleep because I love you.
I'm looking at your photos now
And I think how it was with us the first time.

The eyes are sad, there is no smile,
And the heart is looking for an answer to everything.
Why are you far away?
It was so good for us!

Are you looking for a friend and love?
But here's the problem again and again,
After all, I have already found you,
You are the sun - you are my love.

You are alone in my heart... My world, my Universe... You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster... You are everything that is most dear and desirable to me. Without you it is impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you so much!

Everyone creates their own world, their own love. We dream, invent something that probably doesn’t exist, and believe in it. Gradually, the world around me turns out to be completely different from what I wanted, the person who is dear to me occupies all my thoughts is not at all the same, although I invented him, drew him, for me you are ideal. When I think about you, tears appear in my eyes and something pierces my chest. I'm ready to turn the world upside down for you. I love you.

I love you. My dear, I love everything about you: the way you smile, hug me, get offended, get angry, kiss me. When I see your smile, I feel my heart skip a beat. It beats so hard in my chest that it takes my breath away.

It’s hard not to love you, because you have so many advantages! You are beautiful and smart, strong and determined, noble and responsible. Many people love you for this: parents, relatives, friends. But there is one more person who loves you, maybe even more than the rest. It's me.

My beloved, I love you so much!
I can't describe in words
Those feelings that will captivate me forever,
And your alluring, rebellious gaze.

Darling, you are as dear to me as life,
And only you need to be treasured.
And I will never forgive myself
If you, my love, I'll miss you.

I love you with a strange love
It’s as if your soul has merged with me.
As if with my own flesh and blood
We merge together with you.

You are my earthly soulmate
The one they are looking for for eternal love,
The one that only loses life,
The one that makes days bright.

There is tenderness in my eyes. There is warmth in my words. There is LOVE in my heart. I LOVE YOU DARLING.

Tender thoughts, sweet dreams -
Only about you.
You showed up changing everything
Darling, in my destiny.

Nights of thought, days of waiting -
All this for
To make sure: no more
I have no one in my life.

Don't let your feelings pass you by!
Love is always unique
Love is delight, love is flight!
Only the one who loves lives.
You are like the sun shining on me,
It's so sweet with you - like in heaven.
I hope that you will answer
With all my heart for my love.

I am not her. Forgot? Let me remind you.
Don't be offended: not out of malice.
You will fill your eyes with rain of tears.
I endured everything and didn’t leave.

I wanted to leave, I don’t hide it.
Love is stronger than a dream.
I don't blame you for anything.
You are together, in the past, forever...

I decided to confess to you
That I have loved you for a long time!
I forgot about everything in the world,
I always catch your every glance!
Could you love so purely
As selfless as I am?
And this feeling is so radiant
Love love love you!

Declaring your love to a guy is a serious act for every girl - proof sincere love. A declaration of love to your husband is a romantic proof of love and devotion, perhaps the main components family happiness. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they will sound in prose or in poetry - the main thing is that this recognition can help build or strengthen your simple feminine happiness.

You from the moment we met,
At night I see in my dreams.
Although they say that time heals,
But it won't help me.

And everything I need to be happy is
Make eye contact with you.
It's so hard to tame feelings
I want to be with you!