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Palm Sunday games for children. Entertainment scenario for children of senior preschool age “Palm Sunday”

"Palm Sunday" - a story about a holiday for children preschool age

Before entering the red spring, let's take a look at the whole wheel - the circle of the Russian year. A year is not just a time consisting of twelve months. The word “year” suggests that this is a suitable, acceptable, pleasant, fun time. But we ourselves make it so, fit for life, if we know how to turn the days of life into a holiday.
Since ancient times in Rus', spring was considered the beginning of the agricultural year. The arrival of spring brought joyful feelings for the peasants. “I saw a fluff on a willow - and spring came to the sixth” - says folk wisdom. “If the willow blossoms first at the crown, the first sowing will be good; you need to sow early; if the willow is solid, there will be a good harvest” (from the spring signs for the harvest).

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a blossoming tree, full of strength, can convey health, strength, and beauty to everyone who touches it. And the willow, especially the catkins and the blossoming buds, were considered healing. Therefore, there was a custom - cattle were driven out to pasture with willow branches. Grandmothers baked fluffy willow buds into bread and treated them to everyone who came to visit. And such breads were called differently: some “lamb”, and some simply breads. They ate, treated themselves, and gained strength. And whoever has this bread with a willow cone will be destined for happiness next year. Little children were playfully lashed with willow branches, saying: “As the willow grows, so do you grow.” Those who were older were whipped harder, but not painfully, saying: “The willow is white - it hits for the cause, the willow is red - it hits in vain, the willow - the whip hits you to tears.” They beat them so that the children would grow up healthy.

Even in folk medicine Don't forget about the willow. Its kidneys are given to chew by those who have toothache. After this, the pain subsides.
On Palm Sunday in Rus' organized palm bazaars or fairs. They were often called children's, because here you could buy, in addition to willow, all kinds of sweets and toys, whistles, rattles and squeakers. Gradually, palm bazaars became a favorite place for entire families to hang out. They were arranged in large areas. Here you could also see performances by traveling artists.
On Palm Sunday they held folk games where ropes, sticks, and twigs were used. On this day, the games were called “verbal”. The cheerful lashing of each other with willow branches took place with all their hearts. Those whose fluffy willow buds flew off the branch the fastest were eliminated from the game.
The game “Malecina-Malechina” was interesting. Each player has a willow twig in their hands. A presenter was chosen, and everyone said the following words:
How many hours
Do you have until evening?"
Children placed twigs on their palms (or on any finger of their hand). It was impossible to support the cripple with the fingers of the other hand. To prevent the branch from falling, it was necessary to make balancing movements with the hand and the whole body. As soon as the children placed the twigs, the leader began to count: “One, two, three...”.
The one who held the twig longer won. The presenter could give the children different tasks: walk, squat, turn.
ABOUT folk holidays said:“Every soul is glad for the holiday,” so adults, along with children, went out into the street, went to the palm tree fair, had fun and rejoiced at the arrival of spring. This is what “Palm Sunday” is like.

Palm Sunday, a day that many remember. But because it is he who tells the biblical story about how Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and people laid palm branches for him. Everyone should remember such a holiday and celebrate it always.

"Guess the answer correctly"
This competition is fun and interesting, and also educational. Its essence is to tell a story to the participants and test their knowledge. The competition will begin with the organizer reading a real biblical story. As soon as he finishes reading it, he will immediately hand out pieces of paper with different questions. These questions are located on the piece of paper in the order with the meaning in which they read the story. And then each participant will play only for himself. And therefore you will have to answer questions quickly and correctly. As soon as the participants who played this competition finish, they can immediately submit their answers to the jury. And then they will check all the answers and give the required deserved number of points. In this case, the participant who received the most points can safely be called the winner. And then the organizers will give him a small but pleasant surprise.

"Tear off the trick tag"
After the invited participants are a little tired, they will be able to warm up and have a good rest. This game will begin with the assembled participants dividing into two teams. In this case, they need to correctly distribute their forces in order to win. After the participants are separated, the two teams will go to different rooms. And then the teams will receive special sticky tags that stick to their clothes. Each team has a bomb card hidden under one member's tag. And the person who breaks this tag is automatically eliminated from the game, because he was blown up by a bomb. Also, one of the teams in the first level will have to hide, and the other will begin to catch them. Those who begin to catch will attach bells to their shoelaces so that they can be heard. And the task of the team that is hiding is not only not to get caught, but also to find the hidden special ticket. These tickets are all over the building, and only one of them is actually real. If the ticket is found, the game ends and the participants win. If this does not happen, then the second round will begin, where the participants will change places. And the team that catches must tear off the tags from the participants. Those participants whom they manage to neutralize are eliminated from the game.

"Blow the bottle with your nose"
The game will begin after the participants are divided into two teams. Then they will use a draw to determine which team they will be on. As soon as the participants decide on their team composition, then they immediately need to stand in certain places next to the tables. On these tables there are crumpled bottles that participants need to inflate using the nostrils of their nose. Every participant participates in this competition. And the team that completes the task faster will win. It is not easy to inflate nostril bottles, but if you put in the necessary effort, then it will be easy to do.

Participants will be divided into two teams using a random draw method. Once they do that, then they need to hide. Each team member has special colored ribbons tied to their sleeves. Participants must run after each other and try to tear the ribbons off their sleeves. There are no special rules here, but it is very important that in a team members work together and help each other if necessary. The game will end when, when the last participant remains. By the color of the ribbon you can determine which team won. Participants will win only if they agree to work harmoniously, amicably and at ease.

“Peel the orange and eat it quickly”
At the beginning of the competition, participants will stand next to each other at a large, long table. There are oranges with thin skin on it, which will not be easy to peel off. Then, at a signal, the participants must begin to peel the oranges, and then quickly eat them. And in this case, as soon as the first participant completes his task the fastest, then he will win such a competition. The competition is safe, which is why there is nothing to worry about at all.

“Draw the best picture in pairs”
Participants for such a competition will be divided into pairs. Then they need a network for the places provided by the organizers. One of the pair will blindfold himself and sit down, the other will remain so. Then the participant in the pair who remains with their eyes open will be given a piece of paper with a special design. Each pair will receive different, but equally complex drawings. And then, on a signal, the couples will begin to compete with each other. The person who remains with his eyes open will dictate to the one who sits in front of a blank piece of paper with eyes closed what exactly to draw. His instructions will be clear and correct, only in this case will it be possible to ensure that the one sitting blindfolded can correctly imagine the drawing and depict it as best as possible in the drawing. And after the participants finish their work, it will be submitted to the jury for verification. They will carefully study the results in order to give their assessment and determine who will be the winner this time.

"Relay race"
This competition will force all participants to be divided into two teams by drawing lots. And then when they do, the real game begins. Along the entire perimeter of the room there are different relay races, such as throw the ball into the hoop, jump rope, eat and peel an apple. In these small relay races, the first team will place its players. As soon as the organizer gives the signal, the participants will begin to act. They will do this one by one, but at the same time, trying to complete their task as quickly as possible. And when the last participant finishes, then the organizer immediately knows how much time has passed. And after this path, already traversed by the opposing team, other members of the other team will also go through. But, if halfway through the relay one participant makes a mistake, then the players have to go through the relay again from the very beginning. This will repeat exactly until the participants complete their mission. And the jury will choose the best team and reward its participants, giving them pleasant prizes and surprises.

"Put on a fairy tale"
Participants in this competition will not be divided into two teams. And all because together they will have to stage the desired fairy tale. To begin with, the organizers will issue closed sheets of paper, and the participants will randomly choose the one they like best. And then they will open the piece of paper to read on it the name of the fairy tale that they need to perform. And then they will distribute the roles among themselves, and everyone will be able to play the character that he likes. The fairy tale should turn out well, because its final show will be closely watched by the participants who did not want to participate and the jury. Then they will evaluate the result obtained in order to give the appropriate score and reward those who deserve it.

"Find the hidden object"
The organizers will dictate a description of the item they hid. And then the participants who listened carefully to this will begin their search at the signal. Since the item is hidden in completely different dreams, participants will have to try hard to find it. The organizers will also specially hide objects in various dreams that are so similar to the specified main item. This is why many will make mistakes in their searches. And at the end, the participant who can find the specified item first will become the winner of the competition. And the jury will definitely give him a nice prize, which is so joyful and pleasant to receive. Well, in order to be the first to do this, the participants must carefully observe what is happening and their surroundings in order to get a good opportunity to become the winner. But who exactly will be able to do this?

“Eat a lemon and don’t make a face”
This competition will show the ability of each invited participant to remain strong and keep their feelings under control. Each participant will stand in front of a table on which peeled lemons lie. Then the participants will take turns eating lemons, doing it as quickly as possible. And the organizer will time the time of each participant in order to determine who was the fastest. And the participant who grimaces or does something similar immediately loses the opportunity to become a winner and receive a nice prize.
The holiday will definitely take place in the best possible way, if everyone makes every effort for this and tries their best. It is in this case that everyone will be able to experience joy, happiness and inspiration from the holiday in which they have just participated.

MKDOU "Novokhopersky Development Center child - children's garden "1"

Orthodox holiday

Teachers: Ilyina N.V.

Bobrovich E.V.

Senior group


Goal: to introduce people to the origins of Russian folk culture.

Objectives: to introduce children to the holiday - Palm Sunday, to develop Creative skills children, imagination and ear for music.


Spring has been going on for a long time in secret

From the winds and cold,

And today - straight

Splashes through puddles.

Drives melted snow

With hubbub and ringing

To line the meadows

Green velvet!

“Soon, soon it will be warm!”

This news is the first

Drumming on the glass

Gray paw willow...

Presenter: So the red spring has come, and with it Palm Sunday with cheerful bird songs, with warm, bright rays of the sun, smiles.

All people rejoice in the sun, warmth, and spring. In the old days, girls gathered in the meadow, sang songs, danced in circles, and played Russian folk games.

Let us also enjoy the sun, warmth, snowdrops, blossoming

Willow and have a fun holiday.

From the cheerful warmth

All nature has blossomed

In the field and in the garden

Flowers bloomed

Come out to the round dance

To please the people

We'll walk around

And make spring happy.

Round dance "Vesnyanka"

Presenter: And now we will read poetry

"Smiles of Spring"

Streams in the blue sea

The sun's rays became

Snow was removed from the fields

Hot, hot

On the warm rays

In the forest clearings

Flowers have appeared

Like the smiles of spring.

Game "Birds and Spring"

Presenter: The willow grew big and beautiful, and today for the holiday it gave us its branches. In the old days, children took willow branches and played with them.

Game "Verba"

With willow, with willow

(Children walk in circles. The driver goes in the other direction, in his hand there is a willow twig; to the word “clap”, the driver hits one of the players with the twig)

I'm coming for you

I touch you with willow, run after me,


Presenter: In the old days, palm trees used green branches to greet kings returning after defeating the enemy. This is how the rescuer was greeted in Jerusalem.

In Rus', the palm branch was replaced by a willow branch, which, not afraid of the last spring frosts, produces fluffy earrings early. The willow blooms and thereby promises that nature will soon reward us and everything living on earth.

These willow branches are also medicinal. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a tree in full bloom and full of strength can convey strength, health, and beauty to everyone who touches it. And the willow, especially the catkins - the blossoming buds, were considered healing, endowed with special powers. That is why there is still a custom to drive cattle out for the first grazing with willow branches.

And on Palm Sunday, women baked willow cones into bread and then fed the cattle so that they would not get sick.

The sun is warming,

The rain is pouring down,

The breeze caresses

The willow is growing.

(7 boys and girls come out. In their hands they have willows, bright scarves and kerchiefs.. They stand in a checkerboard pattern, one boy in the middle with a lit candles and sing)

Boy: Willows, willows.

Snow on the fields

Willows, willows.

Are you cold?

(children raising their willows up)

We blossomed like snowflakes.

Children of a cold, harsh land.

The March frost does not scare us,

What do we care about the latest winter threats?

We are under our spring dress

We keep the secret of earthly hope.

(a candle is lit and the children sing)

Boys and girls

Candles and willows

Brought home

The lights are glowing

Passersby cross themselves

And it smells like spring.

The breeze is distant

Rain, little rain,

Don't blow out the fire.

Palm Sunday

Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up

For the holy day. (A. Blok)

Presenter: They bring the willows home from the temple and then “flog” their relatives and friends, saying….Lightly whips children and parents with willow, saying:

Willow, willow, willow whip

Willow whip hits me to tears

The willow is blue, it doesn’t hit hard,

The willow is red, it strikes in vain

Bela willow hits the ground running

Willow whip hits me to tears

The willow is left in the house until the next holiday.

Presenter: Willow, willow, willow, golden camel.

There is a willow tree over the water and over the Khopr River.

If anyone bows, if not everyone, turn away!

round dance song “Verbushka”

Parents and children stand in a circle, walk in a circle, the leader and teacher make gates from willow branches.

Presenter: Now let's play games.

Russian folk games “Jumping over the willow”, “Who will be the first to take a willow twig”, “Take a place” are held.

Presenter: Amused us many times

Russian dance "Pereplyas".

The presenter distributes willow branches to the children and says goodbye to the children and parents; everyone leaves the hall to the accompaniment of a Russian folk melody

This holiday is also called “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.” It is celebrated a week before Easter, on Sunday. On the evening before this day, green branches of trees, most often willows, are blessed in the church. The priest distributes them to everyone who comes to the church, and everyone stands in the temple with green branches and lit candles in their hands. What kind of holiday is this and what is it dedicated to?

According to the Bible, Jesus Christ knew not only that he would be killed, but even when and where it would happen. He told his disciples about this, and they tried to persuade him not to go to Jerusalem, because that was where it was supposed to happen. terrible event. But Jesus Christ also knew that he appeared on earth in order to suffer for the sins of people, and he still went to the city. When he approached the city, he called two of his disciples to him and said to them:

- Go to the village, there you will find a donkey tied to a tree and a young donkey, which no one has sat on yet. Untie them and bring them to me. “The students did just that.” Christ sat on a donkey and rode to Jerusalem. Seeing him, all the people ran towards him shouting: “Hosanna!” - that is, “long live!” People laid their clothes on the road along which he was traveling and threw palm branches at his feet. This is what Holy Scripture says about it.

Since the 4th century, this event began to be celebrated as a major Christian holiday, and since it is celebrated a week before Easter, this means that the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is, like Easter, one of the moving church holidays, that is, it is celebrated annually on different days, but usually this happens in early spring.

In Russia, this church holiday is better known as Palm Sunday. And that's why. Do you remember that when Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, people threw palm branches at his feet. During this holiday, priests in temples must also bless palm branches.

True, in different countries For this purpose, branches of different trees are used, but in Russia, as you know, in early spring, when this holiday is celebrated, only willow branches begin to bloom, becoming covered with gray fluffy balls. Therefore, in Russia, people have long come to Orthodox churches with willow branches in their hands and consecrated them, and this day and holiday itself was called Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday is a moving holiday.

Glorious Palm Sunday

They call it a spring day.

Six days before the crucifixion

Lazarus brought God's voice,

And this news said

That our savior is Christ.

And the Savior on a donkey

Entered Jerusalem.

People with joy on their faces

They appeared before him.

They cut branches from palm trees,

The whole road was strewn

And, “Hosanna!” saying

The Son of God was greeted like this,

How the king would be greeted.

We remember the Messiah

And saving news.

Palm trees don't grow in Russia,

But there is a willow here.

White fluffy tassel

The willow is the first to bloom,

Fresh, vibrant and clean

The image of a palm tree replaces.

Willow branches are blessed

A festive Sunday.

They save the whole year

And they protect the house.

The twigs remind

The person does not die.

How was Palm Sunday celebrated in Rus'?

On the eve of Palm Sunday, it was necessary to cut off bunches of willow branches covered with fluffy buds. The branches were blessed in the church. It was believed that the buds that bloomed on them and the golden earrings had special magical powers. The buds were picked and baked into special small loaves, at least nine in number.

A silver coin was placed in one of the loaves. Whoever gets it will have a prosperous year next year. If a girl found a coin, she would soon get married.

To protect against diseases, they whipped each other with branches brought from churches. At the same time, the sentence was pronounced: “It’s not I who hit, it’s the willow that hits.” All domestic animals and basic household utensils were also whipped with willow.

Hello, dear Club visitors caring mothers"Eliseyka"!

Palm Sunday
The willow blossomed
From the spring ray,
First heat.
Rolled with a bang
River ice drift,
Resounded like a bell
Holiday above the ground.
And tears are dripping
Paraffin candles,
From the sacred fire
The sun is hot.
Pale leaves
The willow will sprout
A bursting bud
The heart will come to life!

(T. Larina)

Tomorrow is a special day for Orthodox Christians - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or, as is more common for most - Palm Resurrection. Many of us, taking bouquets of twigs with fluffy white balls, the whole family will go to Church in the morning: stand at the Service, bless the bouquets of willow, so that it will illuminate our home with heavenly holiness all year long. On this day, church hymns are especially joyful, because this is the only day in the history of Jesus’ life on earth when he was recognized as the King. But you and I have heard this earthly story of Jesus more than once, but do your children know it?

Flowery Sunday.
There is quiet singing in the church.
Buds of willow twigs
Like soft flowers.
The suffering was voluntary.
Jesus decided freely
Visit a dangerous city.
He was glad to give his life for us.

It is necessary, of course, to tell it in advance so that in the Church they do not ask questions, but observe what is happening and take a conscious part in the celebration.

Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They took it home.
The lights are glowing,
Passers-by cross themselves
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain,
Don't blow out the fire!
On Palm Sunday
Tomorrow I'll be the first
For Holy Day.
(A. Blok)

Children about Palm Sunday

Jesus, the Son of God, had the future open to him, he knew what would happen to him. He knew that a painful death awaited Him, he knew that he would be betrayed and crucified on the cross.

*Crucifixion is a death penalty that was used in some ancient countries (Palestine, Greece, Babylon, Carthage, Ancient Rome) for especially dangerous criminals (traitors, rebels, runaway slaves, robbers). Jesus Christ, of course, was not a criminal, but I will tell you why he was also crucified in the next story (Parents, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates).

But Jesus also knew that he had to go through all this to save humanity. For this purpose He was sent to earth by God. He was supposed to come to Jerusalem for the Easter holiday - that’s what the prophecy said. A week before his martyrdom, Jesus ordered his disciples to bring him a young donkey.

* There were few horses in Palestine, and they were used only for military purposes, and to travel ordinary people had to do it on donkeys.

According to ancient Jewish custom, victors and kings rode into Jerusalem on donkeys or horses. They were to be met by people with solemn shouts and palm branches in their hands. And this is exactly how Christ was supposed to enter the gates of Jerusalem, but not as an earthly winner or king, but as the Conqueror of sin and death.

But the people, who yesterday saw Jesus Christ perform a miracle by resurrecting Lazarus’s dead friend and feeding 5 thousand people, today were ready to recognize the Wonderworker as their earthly king. The people were waiting for Jesus, people came out to meet Him, and, according to custom, laid palm branches and their clothes along the way. They joyfully shouted: “Hosanna! Hosanna!”, which in our language means: “Hurray! Long live!" Everyone thought that their earthly salvation had come, because they were tired of the cruel rule of the Romans. But only Jesus knew that he was bringing them much more - not an earthly kingdom, but a heavenly kingdom.

When Jesus Christ entered the temple of God, the first thing he did was drive out the merchants from there and overturn the tables of the barterers. He was outraged that the House of God had been turned into a house of commerce. People listened in admiration to everything that the Lord told them. But this was the only day that Jesus was publicly recognized.

In all of jubilant Jerusalem, He alone knew that tomorrow the week of His suffering would begin. What is this same crowd instead of - Glory to the Son of David! - In a week he will be screaming, - Take Him, crucify Him! But that's the next story.

Palm Sunday

The fast is steadily reaching its end,
And before Holy Week
On Sunday we go to church,
We carry willows in our hands.

We will consecrate the willows in the temple,
At home we will place icons.
Now we glorify the Entry of the Lord
To the city of Jerusalem.

The Lord went to the holy city,
Walked towards the torment of the godmother.
Knew that He would be crucified
He knew that on the third day he would rise again.

(S. Vysotskaya)

Children about Palm Sunday: why willow?

There are no green palm trees in Russia,
Only birch trees and maples,
Let it fluff over the water
Young willow branch.
The willow gives us branches -
Let's take them to God's temple,
And to the sound of the bell
We will place them near the icons.

(T. Shorygina)

Palm trees do not grow in Russia, so we cannot bring palm branches to Church on this day. But why exactly did the willow become in our country a symbol of the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem?

Everything is explained quite simply. In Russia, the week before Easter is usually still cold. The trees are just getting ready to wake up from sleep; the green leaves are still very far away. And only the willow released white-gray fluffy living balls from its buds on its branches.

We take fresh branches to the Church, where they are blessed by the priest, then we take them home and store them all year, until the next Palm Sunday.

After finishing the story, say: “When you stand with willow branches in the Church, think about Christ, about what he had to endure for your sake. Imagine that you meet Him and rejoice in Him.”

“...Evening is coming. For a long time now the boy had been besieging his mother with persistent requests to take him to church, where, in her words, everyone was so happy and happy, where everyone stood with willows and candles, from where everyone returned, having met Christ, with a smile and a song. Something unknown and mysterious appears in the temple to the young imagination: how good and light it should be there, how fun it should be to stand with everyone, holding a burning candle on a long branch in your hand. And finally, the mother, after several years of stubborn refusal, decides to take her child to church with her. My God - what a joy! “Mom, when will the candles be lit?” - asks the child, and cannot wait for the desired minute. Finally, she has arrived! His mother herself lit a candle for him, stuck it on a willow tree and gave it to him, and at first he stands in some embarrassment, but at the same time proud that he, like all the big ones, stands with a candle, and my heart jumps with excitement. “Pray,” his mother whispers to him, “Christ is coming.” A mysterious thrill of expectation for the first time attacks the soul, and it seems to the child that Christ is here, about whom his mother told him so much this morning, and he sees before him a picture from his big book, how Christ walks, sitting on a donkey, among the people, crowded on the street, clinging to fences and roofs, as they lay carpets and clothes for Him along the way, as mothers bring their children to Him, and the children shout to Him: “Hosanna!” And for a long time after that, the child imagines a solemn picture when the next day he plays with the willow he brought from the church and sculpts figures from his candle. And the next year, as soon as spring approaches, he impatiently asks his mother: will the willows come soon? Willows coming soon? Willows coming soon? Shall we go soon and light the candles again?

...Happy is the one on whom at least a reflection of this childhood feeling is reflected later in life church holiday Palm Sunday..." (Pobedonostsev K. P)
April 5, 1859
Magazine "Kupel" No. 2, 2000

If you doubt whether children need faith, read my article:. Perhaps the opinions of psychologists who discuss this topic will help you.

On a beautiful day, washed in spring,
What the Lord himself gave us,
Forget sadness, forget resentment -
I wish you to be cheerful.
Let this Sunday
What we call Palm,
Anxieties and doubts will go away
For the benefit of true spring!

Tell us in the comments how you spend Palm Sunday.

Subscribe to updates, very soon I will show you what kind of willow my children made for this day, tell you how they made it and who they want to give it to.