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The illusion of what appears to be real. Quotes pictures about love

The world we see is the world painted by our thoughts. The objects that surround us, the people with whom we communicate, our mental states and experiences are only pale reflections of our thoughts. The Greek philosopher Plato once wrote about this. However, this is not philosophy at all. This is what we feel and what we live by. We live with pale reflections of thoughts.

Some readers may disagree with this. "How so? - they will say. - If I see a table or a chair, then I do not see some ideas or thoughts, but very specific objects. And if a chair falls on my leg, then the leg itself will confirm to me the physical reality of this chair! - This is our thinking at the level of ordinary consciousness.

However, how much opportunity and happiness does our ordinary consciousness give us? Ordinary consciousness is not what we need. This is too little for a person to successfully use his life. If we want to achieve something more than a daily lunch and a soft pillow at night, we must, in addition to ordinary consciousness, arm ourselves with facts, logic and a system of scientific thinking.

What do facts and science say about the reality we perceive? We say that if a chair fell on our foot, then this is irrefutable evidence of its physical reality. But what can we say if we remember A. Kashpirovsky’s method of pain relief during surgical operations? Can we say that if there is no pain, then there is no scalpel?

Pain relief occurs through verbal suggestion, and, by the way, Kashpirovsky is not the only one who uses this method. Is the absence of pain evidence of the unreality of the scalpel and surgical operations? Or, for example, Bulgarian and Australian healers who know how to walk on the burning coals of fires. Does the absence of burns on their legs indicate the unreality of these fires, on which any other person can get burned?

On the other hand, there are known stigmatic Christians who, every week on the day of Christ’s crucifixion, open wounds on their palms, where, in their opinion, nails were driven in during the crucifixion. Nothing hurts their palms, but wounds appear. Where are the nails that leave these wounds? Where is the reality of these nails? Their reality is in the mental field. Mental nails can hurt much more than physical nails.

Here we should examine another misunderstanding that exists in the sphere of ordinary consciousness.

Almost all people unfamiliar with modern psychology, are confident that human senses act in the same way as physical devices. For example, vision. It is believed that the lens of the eye, just like glass lenses in optics, projects an image onto the retina, and from the retina the image is transmitted (in much the same way as in a television camera) along the nerves to the brain (which, in addition to everything, is identified with consciousness). With such an absurd understanding of vision and perception in general, it is not surprising to assume that our consciousness directly deals with physical reality.

In fact, the eye “feels” optical objects. Just as a hand feels unfamiliar objects of touch in the dark. Both the hand and the eye, like other sense organs, thus collect certain data about the objects of perception - the so-called “raw sensory material”. In principle, consciousness can build anything it wants from this sensory material. Any objects and any realities. Different people looking in the same direction, they see the same objects. However, this fact does not at all indicate the reality of these objects. Rather, it testifies to the same mental structures, the same attitudes of perception, which create the same images of the surrounding world from sensory material in the minds of different people.

Professor V.P. Zinchenko characterizes the process of perception as follows: “... in the process of becoming familiar with an object, the observer begins to single out one property or a small number of properties as the most informative. In other words, it transforms some properties of objects (or complexes of properties) into operational units of perception. By operational units of perception we should understand the content highlighted by the subject when performing a particular perceptual task.

Such units can be, for example, gradations of brightness, outlines, other characteristics of objects or their complexes, whole objects and, finally, collections of objects and the relationships between them.” We can say that in the process of perceiving an object a new representation is formed. But it is not formed out of nowhere.

It can only be formed in a form that corresponds to existing ideas, which can fit into their system, into the worldview and into the worldview of a person. We have already seen that a person's ideas reflect the needs of a person and his innate and acquired forms of behavior. The needs, forms of behavior and ideas of an adult are finally formed in the process of communication, in the process and as they master the language of human speech.

“Perception depends not only on irritation, but also on the perceiving subject himself. What perceives is not an isolated eye, not an ear in itself, but a specific living person, and perception is always, to one degree or another, affected by the personality characteristics of the perceiver, his attitude to what is perceived, needs, interests, aspirations, desires and feelings. The dependence of perception on the content of a person’s mental life, on the characteristics of his personality is called apperception.

Numerous data show that the picture perceived by the subject is not a simple sum of instantaneous sensations; it often contains details that are not even in this moment on the retina of the eye, but which a person seems to see on the basis of previous experience.”

Consequently, a person sees not only and not so much what is in front of his eyes, but what is in front of his mind's eye. A person sees first of all what he thinks about, but an ordinary person cannot stop thinking for a moment.

Moreover, the word “think,” as we already found out at the beginning of our presentation, means that a person does not control thoughts, but is in their power, in the power of words, which are the bearers of these thoughts. For example: “When you talk to adults; “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, there were geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof” - they just can’t imagine this house. Mmm, you have to say: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”

Many will say that Antoine de Saint-Exupery is exaggerating, but in fact there is not the slightest exaggeration here. People see not what is in front of their eyes, but what is in front of their mind's eye. People look not with their eyes, but with thoughts that constantly flow through their consciousness and take the form of internal dialogue.

Man does not see physical reality, man sees mental reality. This is the difference between humans and animals. The animal looks with its eyes, and if it goes blind, it will not be able to survive independently in its natural conditions and will die. A blind person in his natural conditions (among people) can not only survive, but also occupy a prominent position. The eyes are just an auxiliary organ for him. This is man's great strength, but this is also his greatest weakness!

Basic illusions of life


The illusion of a separate “I” - implies a feeling of separation from others, and in life can manifest itself as “I am me, and you are you.” This sense of separateness is usually perceived as “I am a separate being and have nothing in common with the other six billion people, as well as with all these things and phenomena.”

Life as we know it begins with this illusion. This illusion is the main and very powerful one; all the other illusions of life are layered on top of it, which only strengthen it. Therefore, we can say that “me and not me” is a basic duality. As soon as a separate “I” appears, separate “others” immediately appear.


Identification. I am the body, I am the mind, I am the feelings, spirit, soul, etc. - all these and other identifications appear after the emergence of the illusion of separation, or simultaneously with it, detailing it.

But I note that all these identifications are simply thoughts and perceptions that arise periodically and have one or another degree of apparent reality, and this degree is not always the same.


This illusion (of personal authorship) arises due to the presence of the two previous illusions, and manifests itself in the form of sensations (thoughts, perceptions) like “I thought, I decided, I did,” etc. I note that there is no illusion of separation and identification yet , the idea of ​​personal causation cannot arise.

It can also be noted that the illusion of personal causality is not always present, but only in those moments when it is important “who thought, decided or did it.”

Man tends to lose sight of the fact that he himself is the result of genes, upbringing, training, environment and other factors, and by missing all these previous conditioning causes, the mind (ego) arrogates all causality to itself, which is an important illusion of life .


From time to time, every person has a feeling of freedom of choice, and this is normal, because creating the illusion of freedom of choice is part of the functioning of the mind. There is nothing you can do about it, this is how it happens, and this is how it should be - for the time being.

The illusion of freedom of choice is so strong and desirable that the part of the mind that considers itself “I” does not even want to think that it is just an illusion. The mind must maintain its own existence and will not destroy what it itself creates. But is there really freedom of choice?

Is this real freedom of choice, or is it just a banal conditioning disguised by an ambitious mind as freedom of choice? This can be found out through self-inquiry.

Now let's consider what consequences the illusion of freedom of choice leads to in the life of every person.


It can be noted that the feeling of responsibility depends entirely on the presence of previous illusions, and cannot arise without them. You consider yourself (you have such perceptions) as a separate being who is someone (something) who has a sense of personal causality and freedom of choice.

Therefore, you are responsible for your thoughts, decisions and actions—responsibility to yourself and/or to others. The idea and mechanism of karma is based on the illusion of personal responsibility.


When the idea of ​​responsibility is present in actions, and the actions lead to a “bad” result, harm “oneself” and/or “others,” a feeling of guilt automatically arises. “It’s my fault because I made that decision and acted on it.” The illusion of guilt makes a person suffer in one way or another.


This is the other side of the illusion of guilt. It is also based on previous illusions. “What a great fellow I am for thinking that thought, making the right decision and doing such and such. Now I deserve such and such.” This illusion is also a part of most people's lives.


I am a consequence, a victim - arises from the illusion that “others” are also separate, identified beings with personal causality, freedom of choice and responsibility. Of course, if there are these illusions in relation to oneself, then they also exist in relation to others.


All illusions, both those listed above and those not mentioned here, create the illusion of personal participation in life. It seems to a person that he is an active participant in life - he feels, thinks, does, then receives results and consequences, pleasures and pains.

And nothing can be done about it, because the perceived illusions of life seem real - until they no longer seem so; and this happens to everyone sooner or later, as they grow spiritually and self-knowledge.

“Punishment” - you accurately described THIS creature, smeared from head to toe with plaster. Love normal girls, of which there are a great many, and not dolls :)

Only Russians not only have a difference between simply “not allowed”, “not allowed at all” and “categorically prohibited”, but also have a specific attitude:
You can’t - well, you can’t, you can’t do that.
It’s not possible at all - why?
strictly prohibited - I don’t give a fuck..!

Sometimes you lose the meaning of life, but you can’t give up, remember your childhood, what did you dream of? Why were you born? In order to lose yourself because of one person? No! So go ahead!!!

You can't kiss a girl on the lips - your lipstick might smudge.
You can't kiss your eyes - it can smudge your mascara.
You can't kiss cheeks - the powder may fall off.
You can't kiss the neck - there must be perfume that only she likes.
You can't bite her ear - there are earrings there.
Do not touch the breasts - the silicone may move.
You can't caress your belly - you can get an infection, there's a piercing there.
You can’t touch your thighs; anti-cellulite cream is rubbed there.
You can't touch your hands - you can ruin your manicure.
Tell me, Lord, why are we being punished like this?!

Good Friday, hangover morning
xxx: what can’t you do on Good Friday?
uuu: yes, nothing is allowed: you can’t drink, you can’t have sex... You’ve probably already jerked off in the morning?
xxx: no
uuu: there you go, you can’t lie either

Friends were relaxing at the seaside.
Attraction "Gorki". With each descent, the rules of behavior were explained to them.
- You can’t try to drive off while standing!
- You can’t slide down on your stomach, head first!
- You can’t slide down on your stomach feet first!
- Two or more people cannot move out!
- You can't do somersaults!
- You can't make a bomb!
- Throw out the cat!

Xxx: You can’t sleep... you can’t sleep...
xxx: Say something invigorating, please.
uuu: I'm pregnant
xxx: Don't scare me like that O_o
uuu: Yes, I almost blew it myself;[

Dad and son are traveling on a bus. The son sees pads in the woman's bag.
- Dad, I know why these things are needed. These are diapers for aunties.
- You can’t discuss such topics in public.
The son was offended and declared even louder.
- You can’t, you can’t... Mom tells you that you can’t go to the bathroom, but you do!

xxx I can't fall in love with you@#$*!
xxx always liked this word in chat)
yyy you can't relax @#$*!
zzz And I won’t use swear words anymore@#$*!t

xxx that's it yes

ttt wow!)
xxx uh
ttt I thought the filter would work

xxx I can't fall in love with you@#$*!ts
xxx always liked this word in chat))
yyy you can't relax @#$*!
zzz And I won’t use swear words anymore@#$*!t
yyy why can’t you use @#$*! such words?)
zzz That's what the captain of this kor@#$* said! - moderator
xxx that's it yes
xxx for 3 ru@#$*! can this issue be resolved
xxx I'm not a captain, I'm a commander and I have a @#$*! naked!
ttt wow!)
xxx uh
ttt upch
ttt I thought the filter would work

She: Don’t you understand, you can’t remain indifferent, you can’t pass by! Otherwise, this bastard will continue to screw us over! I have to change something!
Him: yesterday this desire of yours almost changed my face, but yes, it’s a good idea

Mom, can I take your mink coat?
- It is forbidden!
- Ma, can I take a couple thousand dollars from the closet?
- It is forbidden!
- Mom, can I take dad’s Mercedes?
- You can’t, daughter! Dad is a policeman, when he quits, then it will be possible!


Fate played a cruel joke
Shooting arrows at random:
My friend fell in love with a prostitute
When I arrived in Petrograd.
Lost sleep and speechless.
And thoughts of familiar ease.
What was confusing, however, was the meeting place.
And the reason for the meeting is indecent.
In a taxi, brothel or temple -
It’s impossible to talk about this.
The wife can't.
No need for Mom.
- That's what friends are for!

xxx: she can’t be around children, she definitely can’t. Of course she’s good and all that, but she won’t work((no(((
xxx: when her brother’s son was born, she asked on what day he would start opening his eyes.
xxx: children are not hers. definitely not.

Main contraindications for using an accountant:

1. You can’t shout at an accountant - he can withdraw, withdraw into himself and return from there with a riot police team.
2. You cannot settle scores with an accountant. You also cannot use a computer, stapler, scissors, electrical appliances or sharp objects with it.
3. An accountant should not be hand-fed during reporting season - at this time of year he does not understand where the food ends and where the hands begin.
4. An accountant cannot delay his salary - he will take it himself, and much more.
5. You cannot have human feelings towards an accountant - otherwise he will feel like a human and will cease to be an accountant.

xxx: All this bullshit you can’t hold a rally, you can’t drive around with blue buckets, you can’t have cars older than 20 years, schools and kindergartens are paid, down with libraries:) guys, what can you do???? :(((
yyy: you can pay taxes :)
zzz: but you can get together one by one

You'll definitely get it in the butt!
It is forbidden
not impossible but necessary)
They told me that my butt is fine
So you can't spoil it
I'll spank you carefully)
Nope! At the beginning, drive
*Catch up... blah... ((((

22:49 — REGNUM

Destroying Boeing's dominance in the global market is the task of the Russian aviation industry. Academician stated this on Tuesday (October 23, 2018) at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Pogosyan. And although today Russia does not have a competitive line of aircraft, by 2030 the situation should change fundamentally.

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

“We must bring products to market, ensure their competitiveness in the global market “, the scientist emphasized. — Currently we do not have a line in the field of civilian equipment. The task is to form such a line; efforts and funding are focused on this, which are organized through the Ministry of Industry and Trade, to break the monopoly that exists on the market today: the market is dominated byBoingand Airbus. Our joint project with China should be the foundation for the formation of a new player in the global market, which Soviet times was the Soviet aviation industry."

We are talking, first of all, about the creation, jointly with the PRC, of ​​a long-range wide-body aircraft CR 929. However, we must not forget about short- and medium-haul aviation. According to Academician Poghosyan, “The strategy is that we need to have a line of competitive combat aircraft and civil aircraft”, which provides “creation of a line of short-, medium- and long-haul civil aircraft competitive on the world market”.

The aviation of tomorrow poses new challenges. “Intelligence, not design, competes in the market”, noted Mikhail Pogosyan. Therefore, the on-board equipment and network architecture of the aircraft must become fundamentally different. Levers and buttons will become a thing of the past, they will be replaced by a display, and pilots will eventually become unnecessary, just like car drivers.

“Aviation network architecture - artificial intelligence, work on the transition to a single-crew flight deck for civil aviation complexes, work related to unmanned aerial vehicles, big data analysis - all this constitutes a different kind of synthesized and integrated vision promising projects. This is something without which it is impossible to compete today. It is practically intelligence, not designs, that compete in the market. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this direction" , stated the academician.

According to him, promising on-board systems are of particular importance, where the global trend is the electrification of engineering systems: “These are new high-capacity power sources, fuel cells, advanced power generation systems, consumption distribution, this is the management of the technical condition of products and the reconfiguration of control systems, the Internet of things and digital twins - this is what will determine the development of aviation systems.” . In other words, airplanes will become smart, since their most important part will be intelligent on-board systems.

This does not mean that motors and wings, new materials and other technical things are not needed. As it became clear from the report of the corresponding member of the RAS Alexandra Inozemtseva, Russia finally has a new domestic aviation engine, the PD 14. Experts began creating the engine 10 years ago. Then the government was tasked with making an engine in no way inferior to the American one. Done.

“14 ton class engine. From what flies in the world today, 15% of the higher efficiency is obtained, — Alexander Inozemtsev reported. — Environmental problems such as noise and emissions have been resolved to a large extent. And on October 15, after 10 years of intensive work, the aviation register of the Russian Federation issued us a certificate - a document that allows us to start selling the engine, allows us to start flying the MC 21 aircraft.”

Airplane MS-21(“mainline aircraft of the 21st century”) Russian short-medium-haul narrow-body passenger aircraft. Its first flight took place on May 28, 2017. Serial production is planned for 2019. The MC-21 aims to fill the same commercial niche as the Boeing 737 MAX, Airbus A220 and Airbus A320neo. According to the creators, it is unique in that it allows the use of both domestic and American engines.

“For the first time in domestic practice, an aircraft will have two engines - American and Russian; airlines will choose depending on priorities, characteristics, reliability, etc. an airplane with one engine or another. This has never happened in our country; this will be the first time on the mainline MS 21 aircraft.” , — Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences said.

To improve the engine and produce new models, it will be necessary to create an IT platform, because everything today is digital, from drawings to technology. Moreover, last year it was launched new project- a family of high-thrust engines. Such engines have never been produced in our country. The largest engine in the USSR was 23 tons, and now the task is to create an engine from 25 to 50 tons for long-range aviation. If 16 key technologies were specially created for the PD-14, then 18 more need to be created for the new engine. The peculiarity of long-haul aircraft engines is that all parameters are at the limit, which means a new generation of materials and a new level of design are required.

When asked when we will fly on unmanned aircraft, scientists answer - they are already actually unmanned, because man has turned into a kind of supervisor. And yet, a pilot is still needed, because when a meta-task arises - more complex than what was taught - only a person is able to make the right decision.

Most good teacher in life - experience.
True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up.
He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown.

We will never get what we want until we are grateful for what we have.

Calmness is stronger than emotions,
Silence is louder than a scream
Indifference is worse than war.

If no one is around, then the time has come when you should get to know yourself.

Over time, you get tired of reaching out to people who don’t take a single step towards you.

People say the right things, but often fail to follow their own advice.

A child surrounded by criticism learns to blame;
A child surrounded by ridicule learns to be distrustful;
A child surrounded by hostility learns to see enemies;
A child surrounded by anger learns to cause pain;
A child surrounded by misunderstanding learns not to hear others;
A child surrounded by deception learns to lie;
A child surrounded by shame learns to feel guilt;

But at the same time:

A child surrounded by support learns to protect;
A child surrounded by expectation learns to be patient;
A child surrounded by praise learns to be confident;
A child surrounded by honesty learns to be fair;
A child surrounded by security learns to trust;
A child surrounded by approval learns to respect himself;
A child surrounded by love learns to love and give love;
A child surrounded by freedom of choice learns to be responsible for his decisions.

Problems should force you to act, not make you depressed.

You can't lose what doesn't exist. You cannot destroy what is not built. You can only dispel the illusion of what seems real.
Think about what can make you happy. Do what you like. Be with people who make you feel good. Go where they are waiting for you.

How many people can you go to bed with?
There are so few people with whom you want to wake up...
And in the morning, parting, turn around,
And wave and smile,
And all day, worrying, waiting for news.

There are so many people with whom you can just live,
Drink coffee in the morning, talk and argue...
Who can you go on vacation with at sea?
And, as it should be - both in joy and in sorrow
To be close... But at the same time not to love...

There are so few people with whom you want to dream!
Watch the clouds swarm in the sky
Write words of love on the first snow,
And think only about this person...
And I don’t know or want more happiness.

There are so few people with whom you can be silent,
Who understands from half a word, from half a glance,
Who doesn’t mind giving back year after year,
And for whom can you, as a reward,
Accept any pain, any execution...

This is how this gimmick winds its way -
They meet easily, they part without pain...
This is because there are many people with whom you can go to bed.
All because there are few people with whom you want to wake up

Life is like riding a bicycle - if it’s hard for you, then you’re going up.