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An interesting scenario for a birthday boy at school. Games for organizing the birthday party

Every year, at school or at home, we adults gather many of his peers for our child’s birthday and don’t know what to do with them. We offer the most common birthday games for children 7 - 10 years old at home and at school.

In terms of time, it will take just two hours and you will save on the animator. Just prepare small souvenirs for the participants of the games (erasers, pencils, notepads, chocolates, candies). Children will especially like this.

Birthday boy's day - scenario with competitions and birthday games for elementary school children

  1. The most original congratulations birthday people. Children present pre-prepared congratulations to the birthday boy.
  1. Presentation of gifts and congratulations to birthday people.
  1. Competition "Drawing an Elephant"
  • We select 2 teams of 5 people. Every eyes closed draws part of an elephant's body:
  • torso
  • head, ears
  • tail
  • trunk

The team that did it better wins.

  1. Competitions."FIREWORK"

Balls are tied to the feet of 6 players. Whoever bursts wins. We burst the enemy's ball.


Who can bring a piece of paper faster without dropping it?


Who gets into the basket with a folded piece of paper. 2 players each.

"Help yourself"

Eat the candy, unwrapping the piece of paper using only your mouth. 4 players each.

  1. Game "Who is the most dexterous?"

We select 5 players, place 4 chairs, play music, when the music stops we sit on the chairs. Those who do not have time leave the game.

  1. Logic puzzles.

Grandmothers and kids

Three grandmothers each had one gray goat. They went for a walk in the forest, and there the wolves ate them. All that was left were the goats' horns and legs. How many horns and how many legs are left?

Answer: 12 legs and 6 horns.

Tiny Khavroshechka and sisters

Little Khavroshechka went into the forest with her sisters - One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed. How many eyes did this company have?

Answer: 8.

Uncooked scrambled eggs

The hen Ryaba laid an egg, and the mouse took it and broke it. Ryaba laid three more eggs. The mouse broke these too. Ryaba strained and took down five more, but the unscrupulous mouse broke these too. How many eggs could Grandpa and Grandma make scrambled eggs from if they hadn't spoiled their mouse?

Answer: out of 9.

What should you do when you see a green man? (Crossing the street is a pattern on a green traffic light)

What tree does a magpie sit on when it rains?

What is a wing without feathers? (airplane wing)

What does half an apple look like? (For your other half)

Which wheel does not turn while the car is moving? (Spare)

How do day and night end? (On a soft sign)

What is 2+2*2?

What can you cook but can't eat?

What insects have been domesticated by humans?

What is dirty when it is white and clean when it is green?


  1. Contest. "CRYPTER"

Guess the words

SELUBOR lumberjack

TSEDAPROV salesman

SIT CARD karateka

HABETLURG accountant

  1. Competition "LET'S MAKE A HISTORY"

Many centuries ago, the most educated people of the state wrote down the history of their country. So you and I will make up the history of our class.

  2. Game "RUCK"

Scenario for the birthday person “Magic birthday”

(For primary school: 3-4 grades)

The room is decorated in advance balloons, on the school board, congratulations to birthday people from classmates
The presenter is the teacher of this class, as well as a high school student - a young man in the role of a birthday wizard.

The presenter is the teacher of this class, as well as a high school student - a young man.


Our boys are the strongest
Our girls are the best
Everyone is cheerful, everyone is beautiful,
Very friendly and inseparable.

Every day someone is born on our planet. You know, guys, not even every day, but every minute. And in our class this month right away... birthday people. Do you know that there is a Birthday Wizard? You've probably never heard of this, but it exists. The Birthday Wizard goes with gifts to the children who have their birthday, and knows everything about them! That's why we have an unusual guest today. We have prepared a small congratulation, as well as educational stories about your names that your parents gave you, because every name necessarily means something.

The Birthday Wizard enters. The main thing is that he has a really kind face. You can even dress this character in modern clothes, but in his hands he will have small bags with each birthday boy. Or you can give it to him big big hat, and he will get gifts from there.


Hello guys. Today I came to you for a reason! Don't pay attention to my "modern" appearance - after all, wizards also change over the years. The most important thing is to remain kind and loving at heart, to try to give people warmth and joy, but sometimes it becomes completely unimportant - what and who looks like. I would like to remind you all of this rule, and I promise to be there every year and remind you of this. Now let's congratulate our birthday people!

Gift bags can contain not only a souvenir, but also a colorful postcard with a description of the name and a variety of wishes for the future. They can be written by a teacher who knows his students. When the Wizard gives gifts, he may first read out the description of the children’s names. For example: “Masha is Maria. The name Maria means "serene." Maria is responsible, does well in school, has a strong character, but is also affectionate. We wish our Mashenka that...”


And now, guys, I want to show you a small miracle so that you will believe that magic happens!

Shows "Magic Jar". Its essence is that the inside of the lid of this jar is painted with any watercolor paint. If you pour water into a jar, close the lid, and start shaking it, the paint will dissolve in the water and it will become colored. At the same time, you can say a “spell” - “Listen, listen to my voice, make the water blue...”, “There is always a place for a miracle, become green, you water,” “We all believe in a fairy tale, turn the water red.”


Yes, indeed, it’s just some kind of magic! Or maybe you can show us something else?


Yes, sure. Guys, let's all take part in the miracle. Let one of our birthday boys think of a number from one to five!

The trick is that five notes are written in advance, with the phrase: “I was already sure yesterday that you would guess the number 1” (2, 3, 4, 5), and the notes are laid out in the classroom, in various secluded places. When the child thinks of a number, he must be asked which one it is, and indicate the hiding place where the note is hidden, in which this particular number is indicated. You will get a mini-prediction.


Dear Wizard, now let the guys show you what they can do. After all, something made by human hands can be a real miracle! For example, our guys are great at modeling from plasticine. Give them the task of making some toy!

Competition "Make a Duckling" among the birthday people. The teacher can conduct a preliminary lesson in which he will show how to quickly make a duckling. And the guys, already knowing how to do it correctly, will cope with the task quickly. The wizard will have to determine the winner, but it is better, of course, to establish equal nominations so that no one is offended. For example:
The most colorful duckling
The biggest duckling
The funniest duckling
The most realistic duckling
The most cunning duckling


Well, you guys give it! For this I will show you another magic!

Focus: Take a hard-boiled egg (you can take a few in reserve, just in case) and a decanter with such a neck that the egg almost fits in there, but there is just a little bit of space. We should invite the children to try to push the egg into the decanter, and when they fail, light a few matches and throw them into the decanter while lit. In this case, it is important to quickly fill the neck of the decanter with the egg like a cork - the egg will be drawn in due to vacuum and heat, which, as is known, expands objects.


And we can also show you, Wizard, what a friendly class we have! We will sing a song for our birthday people, which we all prepared together.

The guys sing in chorus a song prepared in advance. You can even use a negative soundtrack. Wizard:

Yes, I see that your class is really friendly and fun. But I still want to make sure of this! Come on, let's hold one last competition and see how you can learn with each other!

Celebrating your birthday is always a pleasure, but celebrating a name day with a noisy group of classmates is doubly pleasant and much more fun. We offer excellent events school day birthday people. Good luck!

Scenario "Birthday boys at school"

The characters are the Leader, the Dwarf and teams made up of children, the composition of which is determined depending on the number of birthday people, but the team must necessarily include the birthday person.

The main character is the Dwarf, who will lead this event - this should be a cheerful, energetic, lively person. The presenter is the class teacher.

It is also necessary to think about the jury - it may include parents and the students themselves.


Good evening! We have gathered here to congratulate our birthday people. Today we are visiting summer and autumn birthday people.

What is a birthday?

I will answer without a doubt:

Day of Boxing, Pies,

Day of smiles and flowers!

And we have a little surprise for you, Birthday Boys.

All together (addressing those who do not have a birthday):

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday, dear classmates

Happy birthday to you.

A gnome comes in.


A gnome came to visit us to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

Hello! Congratulations to you, birthday people, on your birthday, which you have been waiting for many days, a whole year. I want to wish you everything, all the best. And I invite you to play!

Now let's divide into teams and choose a jury. So that we do not doubt your competence, dear jury, I will ask you to take an oath. Repeat after me:

“We, dear jury, in front of everyone present in the hall, swear:

Judge honestly and fairly

Take jokes and don't make jokes.

If I break my oath, then may I be punished by the harsh hand of a fan.

I swear! I swear! I swear!"

Birthday contests:

1. Competition for non-birthday people.

Before going to a birthday party, you need to prepare a gift and compose a beautiful and unusual congratulations for a postcard. Usually we write the same thing in gifts: dear, dear, etc. And how nice it is to hear original, not boring words on this day. Let's remember them. Then each team takes turns saying one word of wishes. The last one to name a wish wins.

2. Competition "Hairdressers" (Competition for all teams).

Now let’s remember what guests and hosts do before the holiday - try on outfits, comb their hair. So, the task is to do the hairstyle of one of the team members.

3. Competition "Cooks"

One participant from each team. We need people who cook well. Behind certain time You need to create a holiday menu, the names of the dishes in which begin with the letter "N". Then one participant from the team will come to the table and take turns announcing their list. Those who say the word last will win.

4. Competition "Gift"

While the chefs are preparing, let's think - what else are we missing..? Well, of course, gifts. Each team will think about what gift they would like to receive or give and let us know about it.

Now let's get back to our chefs. So:

Well, the table is set, let's get back to the gifts. Depict your gift with facial expressions and gestures.

5. Competition "Now let's dance."

One participant per team

Chair dance:

2) Rock and roll

3) Russian dance

6. Competition "Twins"

Two people per team: hugging each other around the waist, hands free You must first untie and remove the laces from your shoes, and then, on command, lace them up and tie a bow.

Autumn birthday party in 2nd grade

I. (Parents take their places in the classroom. Children stand in pairs outside the door. First, “children-guests” enter to the music and are seated in the letter “P”).

Autumn and spring pass,
Winter and summer.
In them every month, without a doubt,
It gives us something
What are we waiting for all year -
A wonderful holiday - Birthday!

Teacher: Meet the heroes of the occasion!

(Everyone stands up and greets the birthday people with applause. They sit “under the arch” decorated with balloons. We sing the song “Crocodile Gena” to the end).

A man like a star is born
In an endless foggy eternity.
Begins from infinity
And it ends at infinity.
Created by generations
Century after century the Earth is imperishable,
A person is born on Earth,
So that the Universe becomes brighter.

II. 1). Pupil:

All in a golden outfit
Autumn has come to our hall.
Like a beautiful queen
Opens the ball. (Student and student dance “Waltz”).

2). At our holiday today, in honor of the autumn birthday people, constellations are on duty (on the board there are drawings of the signs of the Zodiac, children stand up one by one):

3). Teacher: Autumn is a thoughtful time of year. Smoothly sailing out, the autumn season gains its golden power and disappears into the Russian snows. The first month of autumn (September) - the month of our birthday boy Denis - in ancient times was called “ruin” or “ruin” (revny) in Rus'. This word is associated with the animal call of love (roar) and the inviting sounds of the wind. Popular nicknames for September are deciduous, gloomy, goldenflower, veresen (melliferous heather blooms). This is a rich month. In September, “the sparrow has beer, and the crow has a head,” as people say. This is the month you were born in!

The second month of autumn (October) - the month in which Lisa, Nastya and Styopa were born - in Rus' is most often called leaf fall and leaf fall. The following sign is associated with the fall of foliage: a leaf has fallen completely - to cold winter, laid down with a smooth side - to a shortage (bad harvest), rough - winter crops will not freeze. The house is warm and cozy, but you look out the window - rain and dirt, hence October is a “dirty” month. “In a mud pit, a spoonful of water turns into a bucket of mud.” Looking at the dinner table, other nicknames were given: bread-maker, kiselnik. This month was known as a quiet, family time for household chores and weddings. That’s why they most often called him the wedding celebrant: “The month of bad weather is the beginning of family happiness.”

The third month (November) - the month of Katya - was called breast in Rus'. This ancient Russian word contains the whole picture of the pre-winter time: the frozen earth lies in piles, the twilight of the year is coming, the gates of winter are opening, the ice smiths are shackling the water: “The river cannot be shackled in winter without November the blacksmith,” “November nails, and December paves.”

4). That's how different they are - the autumn months!

For our birthday people and their guests, the “English Song” is sung by…. Meet!

Do you understand what this English song is about?

Guys, do you remember who is our oldest? And the youngest? And the autumn birthday boys are 8 years old! And according to tradition, on their birthday we pull their ears... 1, 2, 3, ..., 8! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

5). Today everything is for our birthday people - congratulations, treats, gifts, surprises. The most important, most responsible, most solemn and exciting moment, and in general the most, most, most long-awaited moment on a birthday is the presentation of gifts.

Bring in birthday gifts!

(Parents bring in gifts and hand them over; then they bring in a cake. Birthday people stand in a circle and blow out the candles). I send the cake to the dining room.

Treats on the table!
Have you all been waiting for him?
There are sweets and candied fruits,
And jam and jelly,
Donuts, cheesecakes,
Gingerbread cookies, crackers,
Chocolate and marshmallows -
There will be a holiday
To the whole world!

And again, according to tradition, we go to the dining room in pairs. A pair needs to be found: the boys received blue numbers, the girls received red numbers.

(Boys lead girls, first they come up to me with matching numbers).

1). Did your mother treat you deliciously?
Did you feed and drink?
And now it's time
Have fun, kids!

Did you know that Russian families have long been in a hurry to baptize newborns and give them names so that they would immediately be under the protection of God? This day - christening - was celebrated especially

In my parents' house. Those invited presented gifts to the baby and expressed good wishes. On this day, the newborn received spiritual parents who were called to take care of their godson. On the day of the name day, they baked, preferably, the largest possible birthday cake filled with porridge. When they started celebrating a birthday, they broke the pie over the head of the hero of the occasion. (Who is this about?) It was believed that the more porridge poured onto the birthday boy’s head, the happier he would live until the next name day.

2). So, the newborn received a name. Let's ask our birthday people what they know about their names. What do your names mean? Why were you given this name?

DENIS. A girl was born first in the Amirov family. Dad named her Gulya. And he entrusted the name of his second child, a boy, to his mother, whose maiden name was Irina Denisova. And Irina Vladimirovna decided that in order to continue the Denisov family, the boy should bear the name Denis.

LISA got her name this way: each of the parents wrote on paper the five most beautiful female names that were in tune with the patronymic (Romanovna). Then they compared them. The name Elizabeth appeared on both lists. They decided to name their daughter this name.

ANASTASIA is a Greek name that means “reborn, resurrected.” The name was immediately chosen unanimously; they wanted it to be beautiful and royal.

STEPA was named after his great-grandfather who died. And also because Stepa can be called differently: Stepochka, Stepashka, Stepan, Stepushka. A very beautiful Russian name.

KATYA was named after her great-grandmother. Katya was her first and only great-granddaughter. In addition, Katya can be called affectionately: Kitten, Kiska, Kat, which in English means “cat”.

3). This is what we now know about birthday people and their names. Now let’s see how mothers know their children.

I invite 2 couples here (mother and child). Stand with your backs to each other. I'll ask you a few questions. First, the child answers with a nod of his head, and then the mother answers out loud.

Does your child like semolina porridge?

Does your child wash dishes?

Does your child like to brush their teeth?

Does your child go to bed at 9 o'clock?

Does your child make his bed in the morning?

Does your child enjoy school?

(The pair that answers all questions correctly wins).

IV. Guys, do you remember the competition “Guess who I am?” from the birthday party in 1st grade, when you tried to recognize your classmates’ babies from photographs? Today this competition is becoming more complicated: we will see the kids again, but not in photographs, but on the TV screen.

For each birthday child there is a scenario according to the following plan:

A video clip about a baby so that classmates can guess “Who is this?”

"Secrets of the name"

An interesting case from life (ask your parents to write in advance)

A game or dance, a song as a gift for birthday people.

1) Our little “actors” know how to dance, squeal with joy and are already showing interest in each other. Please note: first the “heroine” tries to kiss our hero, but he pushes her away; Then the “hero” came to his senses and decided to improve, but that was not the case - now he is rejected. (Fragment of video recording).

A curly, fair-haired boy (just like little Volodya Ulyanov) is our Denis.

Denis, Denya translated from Greek - belonging to Dionysus.

Color - gray. Patron - calf.

Talisman stone - sapphire.

The Greeks had Dionysus, the god of wine and the god of nature.
And the Russian people have their namesake Denis.
The boy is very cute.
Like no one else, he is vocal.
Not always an excellent student at school,
But he’s definitely a good guy.
He is a very proud boy.
He has a strong character.
It’s not new for his family,
That he keeps his word firmly.
He hates deception
Our “iron” boy.
The crossword will be solved first
And he will compose a poem for you.
He greedily swallows books
And he understands everything in books!
He's not a fool, he's not a slob.
Denya knows the value of money.
Denis won't spend them
For some whim.
He will save money
To buy a house for yourself.
Who will our Deniska be?
Well, of course, a financier.

One day Denis came from kindergarten and asked to buy him a “syamka”. Guess what your parents bought. So for a long time they could not figure out that a “mask” was needed. And another time he asked for “hahal”. Well, at least it was at the table during breakfast and everyone guessed that “sugar” was needed for tea.

- “The sun is shining - the games begin.” Our “Entertainers” want to surprise and delight you: they have prepared games for everyone!

So, first game. Please, Vika. "Chain of paper clips." Three are given the same number of paper clips: whoever can assemble a chain from them faster. For the next three - who can disassemble the chain faster.

2) The next “heroine” really didn’t like kefir as a child, but she had to come to terms with it. At the age of one, she already knows how to read letters, although she has to put on glasses for this, and then she had to call her grandmother on the phone and, probably, say hello from someone. However, see for yourself.

Elizabeth, Lisa, Lizonka - God's help (translated from Hebrew).

Color - lilac.

Plant - lilac flowers.

The patron is the waxwing.

The talisman stone is amethyst.

What can I say about Lizaveta?
There is nothing better in this world!
This girl is smart
Patient and kind.
Since childhood, Lisa has been playful.
WITH early years hardworking:
Lizochka will buy groceries,
The dress can be sewn for a doll.
What else can I say about Lisa?
Not subject to whims!
Lisa wants to do everything:
Read and watch!
Lisa knits and draws!
Loves music and dances!
He often leads the group,
Starts new games!
Loves to be in the first rows!
Fear is unknown to her!
Energy is her strength.
That's why I started it!
That's what Lizaveta is like
In childhood! And in adulthood?

At the age of 2, Lisa had diathesis from sweets. And the mother, in order not to tease the child with candy, secretly took out a fragrant caramel for herself and, sucking on it, walked around the apartment. Lisa, smelling the candy, shouted: “Tyuyu, tyuyu, tyuyu, kamamelka!”

(They dance for everyone...and... - “Cha-cha-cha!”)

3) Do you want to see more kids? And here’s another little “actress”: she’s busily walking around the hall, managing grown-up things, smelling something in her bag, hurt by a kitty. And finally, he reads poems about autumn.

Anastasia, Nastya, Asya - resurrector (Greek) Name day - January 4 or November 11. Color - dark green. The treasured plant is the orchid. The patron is a Siamese cat. The talisman stone is malachite.

What is your name, Anastasia!
You are like clear-eyed Russia!
If the girl was named Nastya,
Parental happiness will live in the house.
These girls are usually beautiful.
Even in childhood they are very patient.
Among other pretty creatures
They are destined for less suffering.
Fate is very favorable to Anastasia.
They walk smoothly, rarely on an inclined path.
Do you want to know more about Nastya?
Like other girls, she loves sweets.
But her character is not very simple.
It happens that a trifle will cause a tear to roll,
Or maybe he won’t cry because he’s deeply offended
And even if it hurts, it won’t show it.
And Nastasya will grow up,
Learn to cook and knit
And he will be able to read many new books.
And then all the troubles and bad weather
Let's rush past our dear Nastya!

I'm going to "talk" with little Nastya, but I'll need a translator. Guys, can you help?

Started speaking at 10 months:

“top-top” - ... (boots)

“to be barefoot” - ... (big bear)

“says” - ... (says)

“golit” - ... (lit)

“zerkvaltse” - ... (mirror)

“mose, moze?” - ... (asks for permission: “Is it possible?” They tell her: “You can’t!” And she looks tenderly into the eyes: “Mose, Mose?”)

And again on our stage “Zateiniki”. Vanya plays his game. “Confusion”: everyone stands in a circle, holds hands, and the driver goes out the door. At this time, those nearby, without releasing their hands, become entangled. The driver comes in and tries to untangle everyone.

4) And now, guys, you will see two babies at once. One is your good friend, but you’ve probably never seen the second (a tiny puppy). They are so happy to meet each other, and each of them, in my opinion, is afraid of the other.

Stepan, Styopa, Stepushka - translated from Greek as “wreath”.

Color - carmine.

Patron - tarpan (horse).

The talisman stone is aventurine.

Observant boy Stepan.
He is an excellent organizer.
Will always carry out his plan
And Styopa will try to do everything great!
Of the “LEGOners” in kindergarten, he is the most talented of all.
Today Styopa is building better than yesterday.
Success in construction always awaits Stepan,
After all, Lego is his favorite game!
But Stepushka doesn’t build everything.
He strives for high quality.
From Lego he will build the Capital City,
Which, perhaps, someone will dream about...
IN primary school Styopa was the ringleader.
And his classmates always follow him.
An unknown force lurks in him -
She makes Stepan like this!
He is an interesting personality, no doubt.
He will prove himself in studies and business.
He can become a mountain pioneer,
Overcoming both difficulties and fear.
Or maybe become a factory director,
And he can lead the commander in chief!
Perhaps even in my younger years
He will be able to prove himself as a businessman!
But, to be honest, it has a flaw:
Our Stepan is very in love!
But for the sake of business, maybe a Persian princess,
Like Razin, throw it into the oncoming wave!

And again I need a translator:

"soldat" - ... (soldier)

“nuku nak” - ... (soft sign)

“iu-iu-iu” - ... (ambulance)

(For Styopa and all birthday people, dance “Barbariki”.)

5) Having seen the following story, I realized who to entrust the physical training to: head rotation, neck exercise, squatting, even a soft fall.

Ekaterina, Katya, Katyusha - translated from Greek - pure, immaculate.

Color - blue. The plant is a lotus.

Patron - termite. The talisman stone is chrysolite.

Katya stone - chrysolite.
And the cherished flower is the lotus.
For some reason it looks sad
She's always in the photo.
But in the life of our Katya
It's enough to be sad for a minute.
And then he will forget about sadness
And he will laugh again.
Super-thrifty, practical
And quite energetic.
But there is room for energy
Only where it's interesting.
If you suddenly smell boredom,
Katya will immediately wither away,
He will become sad and bored,
And maybe he'll get sick.
But if you like it,
The girl will get better
And the strength will suddenly appear.
Many Katyas are beautiful,
But they are proud and selfish.
And such is Katya’s character
It doesn't always come in handy.
Well, in general, Katerina is an interesting girl.
Time is precious for Katya: she simply doesn’t waste it.
This means that happiness will smile and she will achieve everything!

When she was little, Katya loved to throw things out of all the shelves in her closet. Then she put them on herself, and in large quantities. As a result, it turned into a multi-colored nesting doll. Katya's closet was her favorite place to play. She pulled out the top drawer with underwear, climbed into it, as if on the bridge of a ship, and screamed joyfully from there. You can see for yourself that the family still has a photograph. (Photo).

And finally, our third “Entertainer” Olya is ready to play her game. (Calls 4 guys, divides them into 2 teams, gives each an envelope containing big postcard, cut into small pieces. The teams' task is to collect the postcard as quickly as possible.)

V. “The sun is shining - the games continue.”

"Guess with your eyes closed."
I blindfold one of the children and bring them to the birthday boy, having first swapped them in places: guess! Then mothers also find their child with their eyes closed.

"Fun Ring"
In the middle of the class, four kids are holding a rope tied at both ends, simulating a “boxing ring.” They bring out balloons and 2 scarves. Two guys are invited to the ring. They are blindfolded, given balls in their hands, and a “mischievous fight” begins. The presenter records who will strike the most. The winner is awarded the “whole” ball. The fight continues with another pair of willing ones.

A gift for all birthday boys and guests: the dance “Dunno” performed by ....

Team game. Our time of year is now “dirty”, so for the game “Try, Overtake” we will need galoshes. At my command, put on your galoshes, run to the line, return, and pass on to the next one. The team that arrives first wins.

And again a team game. At the end of the class there are 2 ropes, each team receives one handkerchief and 2 clothespins. The first one runs, hangs up the scarf, pins it, the second one takes off the clothespins and scarf, returns and hands it to the third one. Etc.

"Dance with Ribbons" I call 3 boys and 3 girls at will, I hold 2 tied ribbons in my fist, boys are on the left, girls are on the right, they take the free ends of the ribbon, I unclench my fist and pairs are determined. They dance a slow dance. You can invite one mom or dad for a sample. The rest come out if they wish.


Did you guys have fun today? Interesting? I'm glad!
Be healthy and happy,
Have fun on weekdays and holidays!
Grow big, big,
Like this! Like this! Like this!


Extracurricular event Birthday boy's day

Progress of the event:

The classroom is festively decorated. Everyone in the class (except the birthday girl)



Today we have gathered for big celebration- Birthday. - Girls, who has a birthday today?

Today many guests came to the holiday.

Why do guests gather for a birthday?

What is a birthday?

Student 1:

What is a birthday?

I will answer without a doubt:

Day of Boxing, Pies,

Day of smiles and flowers!

Student 2:

Birthday is a special date.

This holiday cannot be compared with anything.

Someone wise once came up with

Give joy to the birthday boy.


We invited guests

Everyone came to the children.

Here we are in our family

Let's celebrate this day.

Student 1:

Guests and friends gathered

To congratulate the birthday girl,

But where is she? I don't see

Whom should we glorify with song?


Come out quickly, birthday girl,

And delight the assembled guests.

The birthday girl enters the hall to the music. Sits down.

The song “Let them run clumsily” is performed

There is a knock on the door.

(To the music “Three White Horses Winter Appears”)

Hello Hello!

Adults and little ones,

Put on your boots!

I am Winter, Winter itself,

I've come to you!

I know you were waiting for me,

But I just didn’t go.

The kids are naughty

Take care of your ears!

I am Winter, Winter itself,

I've come to you!

And I came to you for a reason. I heard that you have a girl who was born in winter. So I came to wish my December birthday girl a happy birthday.

I wish you health,

Happiness, great joy

Congratulations, congratulations

Thank you generously - with all my heart!

And I have a little surprise for the birthday girl and all her guests -

Journey to the land of "Birthday Boys"

We will travel in my white troika. And the names of these wonderful horses are December, January and February.

Who knows why?

So, get into the harness.

(The picture opens.)

II. Main part.

We will be with you today

Happy holiday to celebrate.

We will be with you, children,

Have fun and dance.


(To the music “Three White Horses”)

The guys are told

That the troika is leaving,

Leaves immediately

To the town "Pesenny"

1st city “Pesenny”:

Let's remember what birthday songs you know? (“Happy Birthday”, “Birthday”, “Congratulations”, “Let them run clumsily”)

What's the most important song?


Come on, stand in a big circle,

Play the music louder!

For our Anechka today

We baked a loaf.

(The song “Loaf” is performed)

Well done!


(To the music “Three White Horses”)

The guys are told

That the troika is leaving,

Leaves immediately

To the city of “Wishes”.

2nd city of “Wishes”.


Birthday girl, attention!

I'm glad to inform you

Now they want to congratulate you

Your best friends.

Classmates read poems and give gifts.

Student 1:

Anya, happy birthday

And I wish you never

You don't know about diseases

Be healthy forever.

Grow up as a good girl

To behave.

I want to wish you happiness

And never lose heart!

Be healthy and happy!

Be diligent and truthful!

Like a birch tree in a field,

Grow up free...

If life gets tough,

A friend's heart will help you,

His reliable hand

Will always reach out to you.

(Children give gifts made with their own hands)


(To the music “Three White Horses”)

The guys are told

That the troika is leaving,

Leaves immediately

To the city "Birthday Girl".

3rd city “Birthday Girl”:


Now we will find out everything about the birthday girl!

Anya, how old are you?

When were you born? What time of year were you born?

People born in winter are strong and resilient.

Girls, do you know that every person’s name means something.

The name Anna means sensitive, charming and attentive.

Girls named Anna know how to empathize and sympathize, faithful friends, good conversationalists, excellent housewives, sociable and always ready to help others.

Girls, what good words will you talk about Anya?

(Each girl names one good quality)

Curious, kind, smart, helpful,...

For such a good girl, let's sing the song "Happy Birthday to You"

(We sing the song “Happy Birthday to You” without music)


And now - a theatrical performance. Together we prepared the fairy tale “Turnip” for Anya and the guests in a new way.

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew big and big. The grandfather began to pull the turnip, but they couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called grandma.

Grandfather: Grandma, and grandma. Let's go pull the turnip.

Grandma: What a grandfather, the series is starting on TV, I don’t have time.

(Waving her hand and leaving)

The grandfather called his granddaughter.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, granddaughter. Let's go pull the turnip.

Granddaughter: You are like a grandfather. I painted my nails. I will pull your turnip.

(Blows on his nails and leaves)

Grandfather called Zhuchka.

Grandfather: Zhuchka, Zhuchka. Let's go pull a turnip

Bug: Why do I need your turnip? I don't eat vegetables, I like meat. Leave me alone.

(Waving her hand and running away)

Grandfather called the cat.

Grandfather: Cat, Cat. Let's go pull the turnip.

Cat: Grandfather, don’t you see? I'm resting, don't bother me...

Grandfather called the mouse.

Grandfather: Mouse, Mouse. Let's go pull the turnip.

Mouse: Here's another thing, I'll get my paws dirty. I go to karate. I-I-I

(Using a karate move, he drops a turnip; the turnip fell and pulled out).

This is where the fairy tale ends. And who watched - well done!


Did you like the fairy tale?

The heroes of the fairy tale did not want to help their grandfather - is this right or wrong?

We don’t have such indifferent people. We help each other. Well done!

This fairy tale is funny, that's why the characters look funny.


(To the music “Three White Horses”)

The guys are told

That the troika is leaving,

Leaves immediately

To the city "Dance".

4th city "Dance"


We're going to have some fun now

We'll dance and spin.

Congratulations to the birthday girl

And we'll make you dance with us!

(Balls are distributed)

Place the ball on the floor.

Show yourself dancing!

The music will stop playing

You need to grab the ball quickly.

Whoever doesn't get the ball sits down.

(To music)

Well done! We danced wonderfully.


(To the music “Three White Horses”)

The guys are told

That the troika is leaving,

Leaves immediately

To the city "Winter Fun".

5th city: “Winter fun”


Winter itself rules in this city. She will tell you the task.

All children like winter because of the winter fun.

Which winter fun You know?

We'll play with you now. The game is called "Make a Snowman".

(On the board is a sheet of blue paper with the outline of snowmen. Children take turns with pre-prepared snowman parts and assemble it.

Anya, the snowman turned out beautiful.

Summer birthday people love flowers, and winter ones love snow. That's why we made a beautiful snowman.

We give this card to you.

Well done everyone!


(To the music “Three White Horses”)

The guys are told

That the troika is leaving,

Leaves immediately

To the city of "Competitions and Games".

6th city: “Competitions and games”

1. YES and no

Listen to my first command

Help each other

Answer the questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Let me know your answer:

If "no" you say

Then knock your feet

If you say "Yes"

Clap your hands then.

Goes to school old grandfather. Is this true, children? ... (No - they knock their feet)

Does he take his grandson there? Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands)

Is ice frozen water? We answer in unison... (Yes - they knock their feet)

After Friday - Wednesday? We will answer together... (No)

Is spruce always green? We answer, children... (Yes)

Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)

Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? ...(Yes)

Are you okay with humor? ...(Yes)

Are we doing exercises now? ...(No)

Shall we congratulate the birthday girl? ... (Yes)

Or will we send it to grandma? ... (No)

Shall we give her some chocolate? ... (Yes)

A sweet-sweet kiss? ... (Yes)

Happy birthday! And, of course, we wish:

Grow bigger... (Yeah)

Be sure to be fatter! ... (No)

Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)

Both loud and pugnacious... (No)

So that everyone loves her! ... (Yes)

With a strap so they can hit you more often! ... (No)

To be fed ice cream! ... (Yes)

2. “Feed the birthday girl”

Each child gives the birthday girl a piece of fruit from the table, and she guesses what kind of fruit it is. The remaining pieces are divided among the children.

Leave a request to write a script


  1. Newspaper + photo + marker (write names and numbers)
  2. Pictures-emblems of the teams “Sun”, Tiger Cubs and Kittens
  3. Cards with the words: DOG, CAT, GOAT, RAM, ROOSTER, CHICKEN, CROW, DUCK, COW - 26 pcs.
  4. Three large beach balls (though beach balls are better for school)
  5. Picture with Eeyore + tail
  6. Newspaper postcard for summing up
  7. Balloons made of colored paper with tasks - 19 pcs.
  8. Letters and a sign where to attach them.
  9. Scotch tape (attach everything to the board)
  10. “Happy Birthday” cards, with an insert that means the names of the children and poems from the site “Sun”
  11. Bags with souvenirs - small boxes with puzzles and kinder surprises - 26 pcs. (one for each student). Note: it’s better to have a few in stock, we had the brother of one of the students present, and, of course, he was given a bag (it’s good that not all the guys were present that day, otherwise there would have been one disappointment)
  12. Pies (with meat, cabbage, apple), juice in separate bags, choco pie, etc. or just sweets in a bag with a souvenir.
  13. Balloons for classroom decoration
  14. Gifts from the parent committee - children's encyclopedias.
  1. Filling out the newspaper
  2. Dividing the class into teams.
  3. Game "Congratulations"
  4. Game "Wishers"
  5. Game "Monkeys"
  6. Game “Say the Word”
  7. Noisy competition.
  8. Relay race “Bring the ball”.
  9. Game "Know"
  10. Accuracy task
  11. Game "Pass the Ball"
  12. Summarizing
  13. Give gifts. The first stage is for the heroes of the occasion, the second stage is for all classmates
  14. Tea party.


Design - in the central ball there is a photo of the children whose birthdays we are celebrating, small balls - the dates of the birthdays. We arrange the balls according to the seasons (pink - summer, orange - autumn, blue - winter, green - spring), the background color under the balls is appropriate. Introducing the children celebrating Summer days birth, tell what their names mean, write their names and dates of birth into small balls (the child chooses which ball to write in).

Children can be given cards with the meaning of their names. We explain that name day is a name holiday (there may be more than one day a year, Orthodox names and dates of celebration can be clarified in the Saints), which rarely coincides with a birthday. The birthday boy is a person whose name day is celebrated, so on a birthday you can say - a newborn, the hero of the occasion, but it is incorrect to call the birthday boy. After that - the traditional “Loaf”, we played it and set it to “bake” (we’ll return to it when we go to tea party)

Dividing the class into teams

We divide the children into 3 teams and move on to competitions. The mothers call each of the children Sunshine-Tiger Cubs - Kittens, so the teams will also be called the same. A representative from each row holds out the team logo without looking.

The board is divided into 3 parts; pictures with the names of the teams (“Kittens”, “Tiger Cubs”, “Suns”) are glued to each part. During the celebration, each team's scores for questions answered and tasks completed are marked on the board.

Game "Congratulations"

Each team says one word:

  1. team - congratulations!
  2. team - happy day!
  3. team - birth!

The leader gives a hand sign, and the team says their word, while the leader periodically confuses them.

Game "Wishers"

Help each other

Answer the questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Let me know your answer:

If "no" you say

Then knock your feet

If you say "Yes"

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is this true, children? ... (No - children knock their feet)

Does he take his grandson and granddaughter there?

Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands)

Is ice frozen water?

We answer together... (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

We will answer together... (No)

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children... (Yes)

Is birthday a fun day? … (Yes)

Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? …(Yes)

Are you okay with humor? …(Yes)

Are we doing exercises now? …(No)

Shall we congratulate the birthday people? … (Yes)

Or will we send it to grandma? … (No)

Shall we give them chocolate? … (Yes)

A sweet-sweet kiss? … (Yes)

Happy birthday!

And, of course, we wish:

The boys need to grow up more... (Yes)

Be sure to be fatter! … (No)

Be healthy and smart! … (Yes)

And loud, pugnacious... (No)

So that parents love! … (Yes)

With a strap so they can hit you more often! … (No)

To be fed ice cream! … (Yes)

Maybe stop congratulating?

Should we play games? … (Yes)


To relieve some tension and move around (we don’t count points here). Children repeat everything that is said in the poem.

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

Game “Say the Word”

I have a learned dog -

Round button nose.

If I'm wrong about something,

He barks loudly: ... (woof-woof)

Nice crow bird

She's not fit to be a singer.

How he opens his mouth is a nightmare -

All you can hear is: ... (caw-caw-crash)

Who is mustachioed, like a robber,

Jumped over the windowsill

Scared away the neighbor's chickens

And purrs: ... (purr-purr)

The goose is noisy, with a long nose.

The neck is like a question mark.

The goose goes for a walk in the meadows

And cackles: ... (ha-ha-ha)

Piglet washes himself in a puddle

And he's in a hurry for dinner.

I'll cook bran for her,

She will tell me: ... (oink-oink)

Ringing a bell,

She ran away from me.

The meadow melts in the evening darkness,

Where to look for her: ... (meh-meh)

Slowly walking from the river,

She feels warm in her fur coat, like in a stove,

She will come to the hut

And he calls me: ... (ba-ba)

Zorka walks through the meadows,

He brings us milk.

Zorka would like to live in a mansion,

And she’s in the barn: ... (moo-moo)

Waddling is important

They bravely jumped into the river

And, speaking of something,

Splashing noisily: ... (quack-quack)

The cherry blossoms have just blossomed

A bee flew into the garden.

I've been following her for a long time

She is looking for honey: ... (zhu-zhu)

Noisy competition

Let's see if you have learned to read and can you guess what animal is written on your classmate's piece of paper? You can say: “You haven’t studied a foreign language yet, but do you know the language of animals and birds?” First, you need to explain to the children that as soon as the first “dog” barks, all the other “dogs” should bark too. Who is better and friendlier?

We distribute pieces of paper to each child, with a request not to show it to a neighbor, on which it is written: DOG, CAT, GOAT, RAM, ROOSTER, CHICKEN, CROW, DUCK, COW. The hero of the occasion (anyone) is the first to voice his piece of paper. Which of the children has the same animal written down - repeat after him. The class guesses who it was.

Relay race “Bring the ball”

The child must carry the ball to the chair on a (disposable) plate, place it on the chair and return to his team. The next participant runs with an empty plate to a chair, takes the ball, puts it on the plate, runs back and passes it to another team member.

Game "Know"

The presenter announces the topic “Mom, Dad and Baby.” The adult names the baby animal, the child names mom and dad. In this case, you can throw a balloon (inflatable ball) from hand to hand.

For example:

  • Duckling - father is a drake, mother is a duck
  • Kitten - cat and cat
  • Kid - goat and goat
  • Calf - bull and cow
  • Little fox - fox and fox
  • Foal - horse and horse
  • Puppy - dog and dog
  • Baby Elephant - Elephant and Mother Elephant
  • Chicken - rooster and hen
  • Lion cub - lion and lioness
  • Gosling - goose and goose
  • Lamb - ram and sheep
  • Bunny - hare and hare

We make sure that each team gets an equal number of tasks.

Accuracy task

On a piece of paper (attached to the board) is a picture of Eeyore. Children need to stick a tail to it while blindfolded. Which team will do it better?

Game "Pass the Ball"

Children stand one after another and pass the ball different ways. On the top, on the right side, on the left side, between the legs. The last player, having received the ball, passes it back. Which team is faster?

We count the points in chorus and sum up the results

Hang a newspaper in the classroom - a postcard summing up the results, and glue the emblems of each team. To say that friendship won!


And finally, the most interesting thing. The teacher gives birthday gifts from the class. Then you can announce that it is also customary to thank guests for their congratulations, so the parents and heroes of the occasion also prepared a surprise for them, but the children need to guess where it is.

To do this, balls cut out of colored paper are pasted on the board with questions and problems on them. Children take turns coming to the board, picking the ball they like, and the leader reads out the problem, which we solve as a whole class.

For the correct answer, children receive a letter with a number and attach it to a cell with the same number in a special table, which also hangs on the board. By collecting all the letters and composing a phrase, we will find out where the surprise is hidden.

The inscription was as follows: “Look for the teacher on the desk”

  • And - draw an elephant;
  • Shch - To dress your sons warmly, two socks are missing, how many sons are there in a family if there are six socks in the house? (4);
  • And - I have two toys, tomorrow I’ll give one to Vanya, it’s Vanya’s birthday, I’ll take him the horse, how many toys will I have at home tomorrow? (1);
  • T — Mom looks impatiently at the pages of the diary. Waiting for the coveted grade from his mischievous son. But again only fours. There is no beauty... (fives);
  • E - Seryozha has a pencil and Dasha has another one. How many pencils do kids have between them? (2);
  • N - jump on one leg six times;
  • A - I have two candies, I’ll give one to my sister Svetka. I'm not greedy, and my dad gave me two candies for that! And now there are even more candies than at first! (3);
  • S - Nadyusha has five notebooks, there are blots in them and a mess. Nadya needs a draft. Vasya, the first student, gave Nadya another notebook. How many notebooks does she have? (6);
  • T - runs around your row;
  • O - stomp twice, slam three times, jump once;
  • L - There were five boys in the class, Vasya also entered the class, and then Ilya and Misha. How many boys are there now? (8);
  • E - crow like a rooster;
  • U - I rocked my sister, I consoled Ksyusha, I put three dolls and a plush bunny with her. How many toys does my sister Ksyusha have? (4)
  • H - count from 5 to 1;
  • And - count from 5 to 10;
  • T - name all even numbers from 2 to 10;
  • E - I’m ready to make the whole world - a house, a car, two cats. Today I am the ruler - I have... (nilitsalp);
  • L - Glue together a ship, a soldier, a locomotive, a car, a sword. And the Multi-Colored One will help you guys...(agamub);
  • I am a figure that looks like a toy - a tumbler rattle. Don't hit it on the ground. Everyone understands - this is... (eight)

The guys all take out and hand out souvenirs to the kids. Then tea party.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Competitions. Before the holiday, hide the pieces of paper where you can sit down and wash your face. On every piece of paper...
  • Station "Fairy Tales". Children are asked how many fairy tales they know. This is an image bonus, on…


Games-competitions “Grandfather planted a turnip”

(The hall is decorated with balloons, photographs of birthday children, flowers).

Presenter: Sweet like candy,

Delicious like a cookie.

This holiday is bright.

Who is he? (children in chorus) BIRTHDAY!

(The birthday people come out to music and applause.)

As you know, it is customary to congratulate the heroes of the occasion and wish them all the best. Let us also congratulate our birthday people. Each student makes wishes.

And now it's time for musical gift. Children are selected

sheets, the rest are chorus. The choir sings the song “Let them run clumsily...!”, and the soloists pretend to be in motion.

So that the name day is not sad, we will arrange fun party, and for this let’s remember ourselves when we were the smallest. What fairy tales did your parents and grandparents read and tell you?

(“Kolobok”, “Chicken Ryaba”, “Turnip”).

What words do the fairy tale “Turnip” begin with? (Grandfather planted a turnip...).

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse).

Birthday people are participants in the game.

The second team is chosen by the leader using riddles.

1.Carlson’s favorite expression? (It's an everyday matter).

2. A fairy-tale beauty with an unusual appearance who loved everyone

whine? (Malvina).

3.Who ate the wrong sandwich? (Uncle Fedor).

4. When he twirls a colored umbrella, do children have colorful dreams? (Ole-Lukoie)

5.Name the musicians of the fairy-tale ensemble? (Cat, Donkey, Rooster, Dog - “Bremen-

Russian musicians").

6.Fairytale coachman with long tail? (Rat).

7. A very true thing from a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin? (Mirror).

So, “Grandfather planted a turnip...”


Participants put hats on their heads, arms at their sides. On command, “sparrows” wave their arms, “crows” clap their hands, “starlings” take off their hats to greet guests, because These birds are helpers to the gardener.

COMPETITION 2. Grandmothers. Head scarves. They rewind the balls. Who is faster?

COMPETITION 3. Granddaughters. There are bows on their heads. Grandfather and grandmother love to drink tea.

The granddaughters inflate the samovar - they inflate the balloons to a count of 10. Whoever has the most wins!

COMPETITION 4. Bugs. Bugs, cats, and mice have hats on their heads depicting animals. The most important thing for a dog is its sense of smell. The bugs leave the room and are given handkerchiefs with different scents of cologne. And the same smell is applied to two participants. The bugs must smell who the handkerchief belongs to.

COMPETITION 5. Cats.“Hide it quickly.” Use your teeth to pick up and transfer candy from one plate to another. Who is faster?

COMPETITION 6. Mice. The mouse's tail is very clever! Participants must insert a pencil tied to the back on a string into the bottle without using their hands.

Presenter: The turnip has grown big, very big. “Turnip” is selected by number

"gardeners" with the help of vegetable riddles.

1 turnip.

1.Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground. (potato).

2. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a scarlet head. (beet).

3. The child grew up - he did not know diapers, he became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. .(cabbage).

4. A woman is sitting in the beds, covered in patches; whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave. (onion).

5. Yegor lies over the boundary, covered with a green veil. (cucumber).

6. A green branch grows in the beds, and on it are red children. (tomatoes).

7. Round, but not the moon, with a tail, but not a mouse, red, but not a maiden. (carrot)

2 turnips.

1. He stands in clothes like a fire on a leg. Without clothes he will become a ball on a leg. (poppy).

2. At first it crawls, but it lives like a worm. Then it comes to life, like a bird flies.


3. Well, which of you will answer: it’s not a fire, but it burns painfully, it’s not a lantern, but it shines brightly, it’s not a baker, but it bakes. (Sun).

4. They often ask me, wait for me, and as soon as I appear they will start hiding. (rain).

5. White peas on a green stem. (lily of the valley).

6. The gardener Fedot lives with a long nose. As you bow, the rain will come. (watering can).

7. Looks like a wedge, unfold it like a damn. (umbrella).

-Tug of war “Pull-pull...”. Who is stronger? Gardeners or "Turnip".

-Relay game “Puss in Boots”, more precisely in felt boots. You need to transfer things and objects into the hoop, making a beautiful universal bow. The winners are greeted with meowing.

-Dance with balls. All children take part. They dance in pairs, holding balls with their foreheads. Whoever dances the longest gets a prize.

To the music, birthday people are given gifts, given a cake, invited to

"birthday cafe"