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An interesting kindergarten graduation scenario. Cool scenario for graduation party in kindergarten

Scenario for the preschool graduation party "Carousel of Childhood"

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director of the GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention the graduation party "Carousel of Childhood" for children preparatory group. This development can be used by music directors and preschool teachers. The holiday scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age.
Subject:"Children's graduation to school"
Presenter educational field: artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: instill a love of learning, develop curiosity, and the desire to independently acquire knowledge.
- expand children’s knowledge about school traditions;
- develop children’s musical, dancing, and singing abilities;
- encourage children to active participation in dramatizations;
Activities: communicative, gaming, musical.
Participants: preparatory group children, music director, teachers
Preliminary work:
- selection of musical repertoire;
- learning poetry, dances
- learning songs

Carousel of childhood

Oh, how many times in the spacious hall
We celebrated the holidays with you!
But we've been waiting for this one for so many years -
And now the solemn moment has come!
Children enter the hall
1. Today is a spring day, bright,
So exciting for us.
Summer will fly by unnoticed,
We will be greeted by school, first grade!
Are you ready for school, friends?
2.Yes, I'm ready!
3-4.And us!
5.Me too!
6. We take the briefcase with us
And a pen and a notebook.
Let's take the primer and pencils.
7.Can I take dolls?
8.No, you can’t take dolls to school,
Let's say goodbye to kindergarten, friends.
To everyone who taught us good things,
Who fed us
Who treated us
And to those who simply loved us we say:
Together: THANK YOU!

Farewell song
Presenter: It's a pity to part with friends,
But I think we'll meet again
When in love, kind kindergarten
We will see our grandchildren off.
Grandfather and grandmother come out

Grandfather: Nastya, hello, is that you?
How glad I am to meet you!
I remember our beloved kindergarten so often.
Grandmother: Hello, I'm glad too,
For recognizing me, my friend.
Remember, we didn't divide younger group pie.
Grandfather: The pies were great
Good, so good.
I still remember them, we ate them with all our hearts.
Grandmother: Ah, what years these were!
You can't bring them back, you can't catch up with them.
Even in our venerable old age we will remember the kindergarten.
Grandfather: How they played, how they played pranks,
How they didn’t listen at times.
Together: We will remember you for a long, long time, dear kindergarten!

They perform the song “Top-Top”, then leave hugging.
1 Presenter: Dear guests, today the Museum of Unusual Things opens its doors to you. Here are exhibits that we collected over the course of five long years, while our children were in kindergarten.

So, the first exhibits /the children take out the exhibits: a pacifier and a jar of tears/

When we, boys and girls, came to kindergarten,
Moms recently took off our diapers,
From, papillae drank, pacifiers sucked
We wanted to see our mother and cried loudly
But then another week passed,
And we realized that life here is different.
2 Presenter entertainment and holidays are an integral part of the life of the kindergarten; it was during the holidays that we saw parents’ admiring eyes and enthusiastic smiles (bears huge eyes and a smile on a stick)
There is so much joy in the world: sun, rainbow, flowers,
Strawberries, warm wind, mom, dad, me and you.
Kindergarten, my toys, in the picture there is a dragonfly.
A steaming mug of milk, dad's kind eyes.

Dance with dads.

1 Presenter The next exhibit of our museum is a Book. Let's see
fairy tale "The Best Pupil"

Dad is reading the newspaper, mom is on the phone, sister is at the computer, grandmother and son are behind the scenes)
(phone call soundtrack)

Mother: Hello! Girlfriend, how are you doing? (shakes his leg, files his nails)
The 103rd episode has already passed.
I watch our series every day
Yes, it’s very interesting, believe me.
Daughter: (pulls a heavy backpack from behind the scenes):
- Hello, mommy, they asked so much, (throws it on the table)
That I can’t move my backpack from the threshold.
Help me do my homework. (hugs mom)
Mother (stands up and picks up the backpack): Better take care of your health. (Gives the backpack to his son)
Sorry, daughter, important conversation,
Eat and go for a walk in the yard.
Daughter: Do you hear me, dad, help me solve the problem. (throws the backpack into dad's lap)
Because the lessons almost make me cry...
Dad: You know, daughter, (gets up and gives the backpack to his daughter), there is a hurricane in Europe,
Finally reached our countries.
Such an interesting article
It was not for nothing that I brought the newspaper home.
Then I’ll run to watch football
I won’t help you, daughter, in any way.
Daughter: Sister, (tapping his shoulder), don't leave me in trouble.
Sister: Don't distract me with any nonsense.
A neighbor gave me a new CD to listen to,
Then I need to get on the Internet.
In short, I’m busy with something important,
Your grandmother will help you.
Daughter: Grandmother!
Grandmother Run Run! (comes out, comes to the fore)
Daughter: Grandma, you have to save me.
I'm so tired, I want to go to bed.
Grandmother(takes away the backpack) Well, okay, I'll complete the tasks,
Granny still has some knowledge left. (raises his hands to the audience)
(Grandmother sits down, takes out a textbook,

Daughter: Thank you, grandma. Oh! I completely forgot:
We need to take waste paper to school
And bring your uniform to physical education.
Today we are taking a cross-country speed test.
Grandmother: I wish you, grandson, had already grown up. (puts the textbook in his backpack)
The daughter is skipping with the “diary” (postcard), all the characters come to the fore)
Daughter: They gave me a medal, (addresses grandmother) a diary for you
Together: Let's see who is the best student?

Open the diary:“Grandma – 5+.” (bow, leave)
the mouse crawls out
Educator: Guys, look, the mouse probably also wants to go to school with you. Wait, where are you going? Runs to catch up with the mouse
Mouse runs out: I am a difficult mouse, so cheerful,
Computer and wireless.
I am the most important in computer country
And everyone obeys only me.
Presenter: In my opinion, you are the main braggart.

Mouse: No, no, I can do anything. And I have no need to study - I can find everything I need on different sites.
Presenter: What sites can you invite us to?
Mouse: I invite you to the Stone Age,
At that time people wore skins.
People hunted and rested
The children were escorted to the ancient school.
Dance of the Savages

1. Hello. Where are you from?
2. What kind of miracle is this?
3. How strangely you dressed up.
Presenter: We were in a hurry to get to you.
Your outfits are strange, we are happy to play with you.
4. No, it's not time for us to play.
It's time for us to run to school.
1. We study herbs, roots,
We will need this teaching.
2. You must study the habits of animals,
Otherwise you may be punished by them.
3. After all, the tiger and the wolf have sharp teeth.
4. Guys, stop talking incessantly.
Savages: Here are gifts for you, friends.
Well, it's time for us to go home. Ran away
Presenter: You see, Mouse, even ancient people want to learn, but you don’t want to.
Mouse: Yes, I can find out everything, I just press a button ( takes out a tablet and starts pressing buttons, shaking it).
Oh, he seems to have caught a cold - the Trojanus Virus has infected him.
Virus-Trojanus comes out:

So who's in charge here, do you understand? I!
What can you do with me, friends?
Now you won't know anything
All sites on the computer are the same!
Mouse: I wanted to invite the guys to different sites, what should I do now?
Virus-Trojanus: No, I won't let you go anywhere!
The holiday is over, goodbye friends!
Presenter: We are not afraid of the Virus, no!
We will give any answer to questions and tasks,
Our knowledge will help us!
Virus-Trojanus: I'm quietly falling apart
But I don’t want to give up!
Very complex tasks
Now I'll teach you a lesson!
Math problems

Virus-Trojanus: Oh, save me! Help! I'm completely dissolved!
I'm disappearing, I'm flying away, I'm leaving for good! (spins and runs away)
Presenter: Now you understand, Mouse, how everyone needs knowledge.
Read more books, get ready for school!
Mouse: I’ll go to school with you, just what will I take with me?
You guys tell me, and you will teach me.
Presenter: We'll play together. train our mouse.
And we will ask parents to help in this matter.
Game "September 1" 2 families are invited to play: mother, father and child. Each family stands in front of a table on which there are school and other supplies, a balloon, and several branches of artificial flowers. Next to the table school bag. The presenter announces the conditions: at the alarm signal, the child must collect a school bag, dad must inflate and tie a balloon, mom must collect a bouquet, tying it with a ribbon. Whoever is the first to say the words: “We are ready for school!” wins.

1 Presenter: Dear mothers and fathers, dear grandparents! Today we are all a little sad because it is time to part. Very soon the first school bell will ring for our graduates. There is a difficult road ahead into the world of adult school life.

2 Presenter: And today they, solemn and excited, are rushing to the first in their lives prom. So let's support them with our applause!

To the music “Where does childhood go?” children with balloons enter the hall.

Children: 1. -The holiday is not easy for us, it only happens once,

And today it’s not in vain that guests are in a hurry to visit us in kindergarten.

2. This holiday is our fun, because school is coming soon.

It’s just a pity - we have to say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten.

3. Here we were friends, we played, we learned the first letters,

They grew up imperceptibly and became quite big.

4. This is a holiday - a day of farewell, sad and cheerful.

Our kindergarten - goodbye, Hello, hello, school!

5. It’s light and elegant in our hall now,

And there are lush bouquets everywhere.

Today we invited guests to the holiday

We are leaving for school Children in chorus: Goodbye kindergarten!!!

Song “Goodbye kindergarten” (sit down)

1. Presenter: guys, today we will take a trip. Hear…..A voice is heard from the loudspeaker: - Attention! Attention! Fast train No. 12, following the route “Goodbye, kindergarten, hello, school,” departs at 9:20 a.m. Moscow time.”

1. Presenter: You will be accompanied by a train crew led by the head of the train - the head of the VMM kindergarten (stands up).

2. Presenter: The driver is the methodologist of the ERM kindergarten, and those without whom traveling in the carriage is impossible are the conductors (the teachers introduce each other). Music will accompany you during your journey. In the restaurant you will be served by cooks, a train foreman - a supply manager and a nurse.

1. Presenter: Who will be the main participants in the trip?

2. Presenter: And the main participants in the trip will be children!

Q-1: So, the passengers are all in place. The train crew is in place. The mourners left the carriage. We can go. Let's remember the past, see the present, look into the future.

Q-2: So, the train departs from the Detskaya station. The final station will be "Shkolnaya".

1. Be careful, the doors are closing, (train) the next station is "Yaselnaya".

1: So, the first station is the nursery. Do you remember five years ago when you went to kindergarten?

1st child. What are you talking about, we didn’t go

They carried us in wheelchairs.

We often sat on our arms,

They didn’t want to stomp their feet!

2. I remember crying every day

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window,

And ..... walked with a pacifier,

And..... wore diapers.

3. Sometimes I ate poorly,

Spoon fed me

The bib saved us from the porridge,

From tea, soup, yogurt.

4-. And if we didn't sleep,

We were rocked on our arms,

After listening to “bayushki-bayu”

We closed our eyes.

5th child. Do you remember how I built big cities out of sand?

6th child. Oh, boys, don't! We all baked Easter cakes, not as smoothly as we could,

And we played with you, treated each other!

7th child. We loved to throw sand, Andryushka loved to hug,

They were such naughty people, they fought with their hands and feet.

The 1st leader enters the nursery. Just like these kids who came to visit you.

Congratulations from nursery group.

2nd presenter. This is how you came to us as little kids, cute and funny. You didn’t know how to do much, you played pranks all the time, you could turn everything in the group upside down. They asked thousands of questions to which we could not always find an answer! Child of the preparatory group (comes out, holding a doll in his hands):

Katya, Katya, goodbye, how I love you!

But now I give it to the New Mother to raise.

You see, they bought me books, it’s time for me to go to school.

Be good, be exemplary, don’t contradict the new mother,

And she will probably try to save you. Gives the doll to the nursery.

1st presenter. Oh-oh, the train is leaving, take your seats!

2. Station - Factory.

2nd presenter: Guys, I wonder what kind of station this factory is, what do they produce here?

1 child But what kind of factory is this: come on, guess!

Now we will tell you what kind of plant this is!

2 reb. What are the secrets here, we will reveal it to you,

What amazing and joyful people here!

Children take turns: - But what is happening there? - And what do they produce there?

Probably clothes? -Or maybe irons?

Or maybe pills? -Or maybe pots?

Are the candies very sweet? -Pies with jam?

3 children Or maybe this factory is a special factory.

Where talented people study and dance.

4 children Where straight from the kids, girls and boys,

Little stars will rise into the sky.

2.Ved. This is our kindergarten - “Star Factory!”

1st presenter Well, no stars, but only stars.

Who will come to us completely ignorant?

He will become a bright and smart child.

And we, teachers, work hard

We forge stars from pure gold!

Song “Star Factory..”

Q1: And now it’s time to introduce the leaders of the “Factory”, who worked for five long years on the education and training of our “manufacturers”. Children: give flowers.

B2 - Director of the Star Factory project - VMM

1- Senior educator and creative inspirer - ERM

2- Teacher in English– KRA

1 Created comfort for project participants - VM

2 The factory workers were fed deliciously by storekeeper M

1 They were helped in the kitchen by cooks

2 Doctor of children's hearts - Alsou...

1 Provided comfort and everything for this - Gulgena...

2 I sewed costumes for our manufacturers - Guzel

1 Sponsor of stars - caretaker - A.

2 Our second mothers: Reb: Our nanny, thank you for the suns of smiles,

For attention, for comfort, for heartfelt good work.

Thank you to the teachers for your kindness and warmth.

We were next to you and it was light on a gloomy day.

Dear Kindergarten Employees, From the noisy and loving children

Please accept this award - Our smiles and our flowers!

Dance "Factory Girls"

1st presenter. The train is leaving, take your seats!

3. Station – native language. The children are met by a Tatar language teacher. (poems in tat, tat dance and “kelepushem kalfagym”)

4. Speech therapy and physical education station Children are greeted by a speech therapist and a physical education instructor. (tongue twisters with a speech therapist) Song “It will happen again”

At the party yesterday I shouted “Hurray” louder than anyone else!

“R” and I were in a quarrel for a long time, I didn’t want to be friends with her,

And all the time in conversation I replaced it with “l”.

I decided to make peace with the “r”, I tried, but I couldn’t,

The Good Doctor helped me become close friends with the letter!

I'll tell you a secret: This doctor Alfira .................... is a speech therapist!

This doctor teaches children to speak without mistakes,

We must thank him for this! (flowers to the speech therapist)

Let's sing ditties now, Children, are you all ready?

Children: -Yes! There are ditties about the letter “R” (the girls go to change clothes)

Children boys: We realized long ago that a sound mind is in a healthy body.

The children's muscles are growing, Sports and physical education are in honor here. Boys' sports dance

Let’s say “Thank you” to the physical education instructor.

We’ll show you that we’ve become strong! After all, without sports, friends, we are neither here nor there. .(flowers physical)

A game. If you agree, then shout YES, YES, YES!

And if you don’t agree, then NO, NO, NO!

Attention, let's begin:

We'll go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes.

We'll find friends there - Yes, yes, yes

We will study at school - Yes, yes, yes

And with friends we will fight - No, no, no

We'll sleep in class - No, no, no

We will take the diary to school - Yes, yes, yes

To get deuces - No, no, no

Let's play with dolls - No, no, no

We will solve problems - Yes, yes, yes

We will become students - Yes, yes, yes

We'll do our homework themselves - Yes, yes, yes.!

I ask you to answer me,

What will we take to school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase, Yes, yes, yes

We also need slingshots No, no, no

Album for drawing Yes, yes, yes

Matches to set the school on fire, No, no, no

Notebooks to write Yes, yes, yes

Let's take outfits for the dolls, No, no, no

Felt pens and paints are needed Yes, yes, yes

Call your mom's mobile Yes, yes, yes

Plasticine for sculpting Yes, yes, yes

We'll take the kitten to school No, no, no

We put the gun in the briefcase No, no, no The textbook will definitely come in handy... Yes, yes, yes!

East Dance

Attention holiday station

1st presenter: Guys, what kind of station is this?

Child: Remember the holidays we had! And how we loved the holidays!

And how beautifully they danced! What balls we gave!

Autumn enters.

Autumn: Hello, friends! Here I am. Hello from Autumn, friends!

Remember, we played here! The harvests were collected. They were taught to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, edible and inedible mushrooms. So I came to you again, you are already big, help me count how much it would be to add 2 carrots to 3 carrots? (Children: Five!)

Autumn: And how many watermelons: if I had 9 of them, and my neighbor took one? (Children: Eight!)

When I arrive, the birds are flying south. But I see, one day, four birds remained sitting on a tree: two sparrows, the rest tits. How many tits were sitting on the tree? (2).

Autumn: Well done, now let's play. Who's smart here? We'll find out in a moment!

GAME WITH NUMBERS. To any music, the presenter takes turns raising cards with different numbers, 1,2,3,4,5. Depending on which card is raised, children should stand in fives, fours, threes, twos or one at a time, facing the audience./.

Autumn: You played very well, well done. Do you know the numbers? You will need this at school.

Hey guys, don't yawn, I'll give you a loaf of bread

It has luck, joy, strength, it has warmth of the heart.

How many hands raised it, watered it, took care of it! Goodbye! I'll be waiting for you at school!

The children thank autumn and she leaves.

The song "Santa Claus" is playing. Children recognize the song and actively sing along. Suddenly Santa Claus enters the hall.

Presenter: Santa Claus came here. He must have gotten lost!

Santa Claus: I came from the past and became a welcome guest!

I can't sit still in Antarctica, I like to have fun.

Academic year like New Year He's always waiting for the kids.

Host: Where is the school year, guys?

Santa Claus: I suppose he doesn’t know?

Children: At school! D.M. Do you know what they teach there? The song is taught at school.

The presenter invites the children to make up the word “School” from cubes for Santa Claus.

Ved. And now for you the game “September 1st”, we will learn to get ready for school, whoever is faster! (2 children sit on a chair, “sleep”, alarm rings,

1- Put on slippers 2- Put on briefcase

3- Bouquet of flowers 4- Return to the starting position, say: “Ready for school.”

Santa Claus: Oh, well done – our graduates

Aren't you afraid of me?

Children say a teaser: We are not afraid of Frost, we are not afraid of Santa Claus

In summer it doesn't sting your ears, in summer it doesn't sting your nose. Game "Trap" to music. Haydn.

Santa Claus: I haven’t forgotten Frost for you. Bring a cartload of gifts

Let them lie there for now and look at the kids.

Oh, oh, oh, what’s wrong with me - I’m melting, melting. Where is the sleigh? Gonna fly Now!

Santa Claus runs away from the hall. Meet me at school!

Station "Control".

The controller enters and at this time the old woman Shapoklyak (the teacher character) is quietly hiding among the children. The controller checks whether children have tickets. Children say they travel from kindergarten to school. The controller reaches the old lady:

Please show me your ticket.

Shapoklyak: -By the way, I am a benefit recipient; I have been riding the train as a “hare” for 50 years.

Controller: -If you don’t have a ticket, leave the carriage.

Shapoklyak: I tell you this way and that, I am the beautiful Shapoklyak.

Controller: Where are you going on this train? To school?

Shapoklyak: School years terrible, the most, the most terrible.

Of course, I congratulate you and give you our gifts.

Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot at birds,

Here's a noisy pistol to scare each other.

Here I offer you some buttons to put on the chair.

Controller: -Children, do you really need such gifts?

Shapoklyak: -How smart. And here I am opening my own school of harmful sciences. Admission without exams, training is free.

Who wants to sign up?

Controller: -What sciences will the children study there?

Shapoklyak: -I will teach you to smear benches, quarrel, fight, sneak,

Blame someone else, be talkative, talk rudely.

Controller: -Our children will not go to such a school, they were preparing to study at real school and even learned how to assemble a briefcase.

Game "Collect a briefcase". Shapoklyak takes part, knocks everyone down, but cannot collect the briefcase herself.

Controller: -You see, Shapoklyak, you don’t even know how to do this. Go study and don't get on our train again without a ticket.

Shapoklyak: Fu-you, well-you! Then I have nothing to do with you, he leaves. (silence)

A pause, leading to confusion, whispers: Regina Ilyasovna, play music!

Suddenly there is laughter

Well, I’ll play for you, we’re dreaming here again.

Presenter: What is it? I don't understand! Who you are? Why are you here?

Tosca: Quiet, quiet, I started screaming! Let me get some sleep! I'll take a nap with you for now. I'm Green Melancholy.

Presenter: Sleep? So this is not a bed. You need to play music here.

Are we having a holiday or what? We can't live without music! Addressing the children: I don’t recognize R.I., but you do.

Tosca: Well-ooh! I turned the one who was sitting here into a rattle (shows),

So that it doesn't make noise. (addresses the rattle)

Why are you silent, aren’t you ringing, aren’t you cheering your children?

Presenter: What nonsense? You're clearly delusional. Is this Regina Ilyasovna? (approaches, examines)

Longing: She, my dear, she. (examines the rattle) You're no longer scary to me!

Presenter: Guys, apparently an evil wizard bewitched our RI and turned it into Green Melancholy, what should we do, we need to save RI.

2 Presenter: I think I know how Tosca doesn’t like laughter, fun, and R.I. on the contrary, he loves songs and dances, which means we need to make some noise. (hands out noise instruments to the children)

Melancholy: Quiet, look, you've gotten noisy. And where did the courage come from?

You will remain a toy. A wonderful rattle.

(puts the rattle to bed) There is no music, it’s gone, I lay down under the blanket. A-A-A, A-A-A (rocks the rattle)

Presenter: No! This won’t happen! You’re sad, you’re in trouble!

One, two, three, four, five, we begin to play. (start playing)

Tosca: Just think, fun! As long as the children don’t clap their hands or stomp their feet, I, Toska Green, can live in peace. (the children make more noise, melancholy gradually sheds its costume)

Presenter: I came up with an idea! In a whisper: After all, we have a tape recorder, but Tosca is guarding it. Now we will distract her and I will quietly turn it on.

Hey Tosca, we need your help. Go put the guys to sleep, they're tired.

Toska approaches the children, repeating “Sleep,” at which time the presenter turns on the tape recorder.

General dance.

Melancholy runs away, the music comes out. hands Musical director:

Well, thank you, friends! Your dancing, laughter, fun

They helped me without a doubt. And let Green Melancholy remember it for centuries

Your cheerful friendly dance, There is no place for her among you! I am very glad to see you, I invite you to first grade!

Host: Our journey has ended!

1 child: Last time in the festive hall

We were in the spotlight.

Well, goodbye to our beloved hall,

You often invited us here for holidays.

2 child: Farewell to our group

And in the bedroom there are cribs,

Now they are waiting for us

Notebooks at school.

Child 3: Wardrobes in the locker room

A little sad

It’s as if they want to go to school with us.

4 child: Our beloved garden,

Don't be sad, don't be sad,

And with us and the kids

You say goodbye.

We'll go to school

And for your replacement

The kids will come - a change of toddlers.

7 child: We will no longer be sad, grieve, or suffer.

It's time, graduates, for us to dance the waltz.

The graduates' "Preschool Waltz" is performed.

Word to Parents

The song "Small Country" is playing

All the children: “The holiday is over for us, we are leaving for first grade.”

Graduates go to a celebratory tea party.

Antonida Taphaeva
Graduation script 2015

Characters: presenter, five, four, master, photographer

The hall is festively decorated with balloons,

Lyudmila Viktorovna: Dear moms and dads, dear employees! Today our Graduates, solemn and excited, rush to the first in their lives prom. And they see off our dear ones graduates Wonderful teachers - the second mothers of your children - are even more excited and a little confused by the upcoming separation! Meet Marina Semenovna, Anna Anatolyevna, Alexandra Vasilievna!

There's a song playing "Educators". Teachers enter the hall graduating groups.

Presenter: Today it is impossible to contain the excitement.

Your last holiday in kindergarten,

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school!

I really want this day to be remembered for a long time by both children and adults. So, everything is ready for the holiday. Meet our graduates!

There's a song playing "Where does childhood go", included Graduates.

Children of the first preparatory group go to the central wall.

1st child: Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning -

It is a holiday today high school graduation!

And we are proud of our garden,

After all, it is like home to us!

2nd child: We lived here as a friendly family,

We played and were strong friends,

Sometimes we were naughty,

But everyone loved their own kindergarten.

3rd child: We flew by unnoticed

Carefree days.

We have grown stronger, matured...

Soon we will be students!

4th child: Dreams finally come true -

Ahead - study!

Bright flowers everywhere

Today is a special day.

5th child: Our kindergarten, goodbye!

We are leaving for first grade.

Although the parting is sad,

Don't worry about us.

6th child: We say goodbye to the garden

Let's sing the song together.

Never, nowhere, guys,

We won't forget about him.

(children leave, presenter announces song)

Song “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Presenter: Today we have special holiday. And if you really want it, then any wish can come true, guys.

Child: I want to see how little I was when I came to kindergarten.

Presenter: What do you guys want? Then close your eyes and ask for this wish to come true.

To the song “Stomp, stomp, the baby is stomping!” Children of the 2nd junior group enter the hall.

Presenter: Oh, funny, funny! You were like that too.

And when they grow up a little, they will also come to school with you.

1st baby: Hello, kids - girls and boys!

You are already very big, and we are still babies.

2nd baby: We guys, kids, came to congratulate you all!

Enroll in first grade and don’t forget about us.

3rd baby: We wish you to study and get straight A's!

And my favorite kindergarten to remember more often.

Song "We came to congratulate you"

The presenter thanks the kids and escorts them out of the hall.

Music is playing. Grades - Four and Five - come into the hall and greet everyone.

Four: Hello, Pyaterochka!

Five: Hello, Four! I told you that we are on the right path! There is a celebration here graduates?

Four: I look and it seems to me that everyone is somehow gloomy and sad. They need to be cheered up.

Five: Come on, let's see if they know how to say hello? Hello guys! I can’t hear, louder, even louder.

Four: Oh, now stand near the chairs and we’ll have fun (Four has a tape recorder in her hands, she puts it on the floor, as if she turns it on, and the children dance according to the ratings)

Five: We heard that you guys are going to school?

Four: Come on, Five, let’s announce a casting - selection of the best of best children to our land of knowledge.

1. The hedgehog walked along a forest path,

He carried two saffron milk caps in a basket,

I found six honey mushrooms on a stump.

All the mushrooms in the end...

2. At the rabbit Styopka

There are three carrots.

At the rabbit Fili

Four carrots.

They folded them, leaving them for the fall,

And the rabbits got carrots...

3. For Tanyushka and Vanyushka

Grandma was baking cheesecakes.

Five with sweet cottage cheese

And with jam five later.

Well, there will be enough cheesecakes for everyone,

After all, there are only cheesecakes...


Well done boys! You passed the first test.

Leading. So we have become a year older,

And the time is coming.

Today we are our pigeons

We see you off on your farewell flight.

Oh, look at Chetverochka and Pyaterochka, our children can still do a lot.

"Dance with Doves"- II preparatory group

Five: And now the second test (in a solemn voice). (Khitrenko) Now we will check if you are ready to go to 1st grade.

If you agree, then shout YES, YES, YES! and clap

And if you don’t agree, then NO, NO, NO! and stomp

Attention! Begin:

We'll go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes.

We'll find friends there - Yes, yes, yes

We will study at school - Yes, yes, yes

We'll sleep in class - No, no, no

We will take the diary to school - Yes, yes, yes

We will solve problems - Yes, yes, yes

We will become students - Yes, yes, yes

We will do the homework ourselves - Yes, yes, yes. !

We also need slingshots No, no, no

And an album to draw on Yes, yes, yes

And notebooks to write Yes, yes, yes

We put the gun in the briefcase No, no, no

The textbook will definitely come in handy. Yes Yes Yes!

"Tango"- III preparatory group

Four: And now the third test (in a solemn voice) not only for children, but also for their parents. The game is called “Go to school on alarm clock”.

A game “Go to school on alarm clock”. ("Five" And "four" help organize the game)

2 families participate: mother and child. When the alarm clock rings, mothers pack breakfast and children pack their backpack. The winner is the family that runs to the first place. "school" and ring the bell

Five: Well done! The casting was excellent.

Ready for school! (say the grades together).

Four: Goodbye, guys, we are waiting for you in the Land of Knowledge.

Four and Five leave.

The Master of School Science enters to the music


Greetings future

First graders!

I am the Chief Master,

All School Sciences!

I am both a mentor and a friend to schoolchildren!

Rumor has spread throughout the Land of Knowledge that you passed the casting perfectly, but I want to make sure for myself.

The case is strange! A rare case! The numbers are in conflict! No one wants to stand with their neighbor! Make sure the numbers are in order, one after the other.

"Place the numbers in order"

2. Game "Put the word".

There are letters on the board, the master suggests folding

word "Mother", "world", "school".


And now to you guys and your parents

you need to give me a solemn oath in this hall, first listen to it carefully and repeat everything me:

I swear not to lose heart and not to be discouraged!

Do not retreat before the threshold of knowledge!

Leading. Guys, I propose to show our guest how well we can sing, dance and read poetry.

Children of the II preparatory group

Child. It's good that we're all close

Only sad this time

What's wrong with your favorite kindergarten?

We say goodbye now.

Child. There were mothers at work

We are not in their sight

Still warm and caring

We grew in our own garden!

Child. All our questions are answered here

We found the answer

And such wonderful porridge,

It’s like nothing in a garden.

Child. You accepted us as kids

Kindergarten is our home

We've become big now

And we say goodbye to you.

Child. Today is our last time together

Old, reliable friends

Our song flies to the stars

It's time for us to say goodbye to the kindergarten.

Dance "Fidgets"- I preparatory group

The master says goodbye to the guys.

Music is playing. Runs into the hall Correspondent: Really, late?

Correspondent: Just a moment! Smile! I'm filming! Ready!

(takes photos of parents and graduates)

Well, everything is fine!

I am a cheerful correspondent,

I want to take you to school!

I'll connect my microphone,

I will interview you.

I want to ask a question

What do you want now?

Are you your teachers?

After the interview

And now, dear parents, I bring to your attention a verbal school lottery. To my question, pull out the ticket and say the answer out loud!

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who will take the first grader to school?


Mom, dad, the child himself, Vaska the cat, Zhuchka the dog, neighbor, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.

Leading: Dear correspondent, listen to the song.

Children perform a song “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Correspondent: Well, now, guys, it’s time for me to go to another kindergarten, there is also a matinee there and I need to do an interview. (leaves)

Children of the III preparatory group

1 child. We say thank you very much

For the fact that you led us through life,

Because they loved us with all their souls,

That you always forgave our pranks!

2 child. So may the sun shine on you more generously,

From all the guys that are near and far

To you, those who are going to school released the pets,

We send our bow - from heaven to earth.

3rd reb: Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

We will remember you for a long time.

Everything is ahead of us, but only with kids

We will never be again!

4th reb: Our holiday high school graduation, we've been waiting for you!

But I don’t have the strength to part with the garden.

We will not forget those we recognized

Who loved us, educated us, raised us!

5th reb: "Thank you!" we speak tenderly

We are our educators.

We also confess to you,

You look like our mothers.

Thank you a hundred thousand times!

All: We will remember you all our lives!

Song "Our teacher"

Leading: Fairy tales end and childhood flies

The school bell will ring for you in the fall

But let the years rush by in succession,

We will never forget you, friends.

1 child: Our kindergarten, goodbye,

The time has come to part with you.

And let us say goodbye

IN Great love you have to confess.

2child: Just one word we want

Fold from capital letters.

And only him for you today,

Speak with love.

3child: It was written for everyone:

For nannies and watchmen,

For our dear nurse

And good cooks.

4child: For those who protected us

And he taught good things

Who always washed our clothes

And I washed the floor diligently.

5child: Who bought us toys?

Who sang songs with us?

We know what's in everyone's garden

There are many different things to do.

6child: And now we are from all the guys

"Thank you" we talk

Your favorite kindergarten

And to all the employees!

Children pick up the letters that say "Thank you!"

Leading: We are preschoolers today

We'll see you off to 1st grade.

We invite you to say goodbye

Dance a farewell waltz!

Farewell Waltz

Leading: And now the most solemn moment of our holiday. You will be awarded the very first diplomas in your life.

Congratulations to the manager

Thank you to parents

To the music, children make a farewell circle and go outside to launch balloons. "Wish" into the sky.

Very soon the end of spring will begin and touching holidays will begin in kindergartens - children's graduations. Especially for this day, we have prepared an unusual and fun scenario for a kindergarten graduation. It contains poems, songs, fiery dance, and a real pirate! Watch and make the holiday better for children too.

Hello dear mothers, fathers, grandparents! Do you know why you and we have gathered here today? That's right - today we will say goodbye to the kindergarten together, and bid farewell to your children, grandchildren and granddaughters for more adult life- school.
Don't you think that someone is missing here? Of course, there are not enough young graduates, our children. And so, welcome – graduates of kindergarten number (kindergarten number)!

But no one enters the hall. Silence.

What's happened? Why are there no graduates?

The Pirate enters the hall.

Half-hearted! All hands on deck! What, are you expecting your kids? But you can’t wait!

Who are you? And why don't the children come out?

I'm the most famous pirate in this area! And the children don’t come out because I kidnapped them!

How did you steal it? So what should we do now?

What to do? Don't know. But I have a chest (shows the chest), there are treasures in it. But there is no key to the chest. But I know that one of you has the key (points to parents).

No, you are confusing something, dear pirate. Your parents don't have the key to your chest.

And we will check this now!

The pirate approaches the parents and, one by one, kicks them out of the place. He lifts the chair and looks underneath it. A key is taped under one of the chairs. The pirate shouts joyfully and takes the key.

Aha! And here it is - the key to the chest! And they said that you don’t have it! So, let's see if all the treasures are in place.

The pirate opens the lock with the key and opens the lid of the chest. Instead of treasures, the chest contains school textbooks and notebooks, books, and so on.

What?! And these are the treasures I have been hunting for for five years!

Dear pirate! So this is what you need! This is a real treasure for our graduates. They are just about to go to school and these books and textbooks will be very useful to them!

Yes? What should I do?

And you need to let the children out and spend this holiday with us!

The pirate agrees and leaves to let the children out.

After some time, the stomping of feet is heard and children run into the hall. To the sound of cheerful music, they run several circles around the hall, waving to their parents.

But the Ionians are our beautiful and already adult graduates! Well, guys - let's spend the last day in kindergarten bright, beautiful and noisy?! Then let's begin!
And first, let's listen to beautiful poems in which children will talk about their plans for the summer before the long first school year.

Children recite poems.

That's the children's plans! And this is good - in the summer you need to rest and gain strength so that you can immediately start studying at school in the fall.

Yes, the poems are good and the plans for the summer are excellent. But I prefer to sail in the sea on a ship. When I swim on the sea, it's like dancing on the waves!

Are you dancing? Well, we have a dance.

Children's dance.

If you can't come up with your own dance, watch next video, where graduates of one kindergarten staged an excellent, cheerful dance:

That's how to dance! Thank you very much to our girls and boys.

Yes, the dance is great. And the holiday is not boring. But something is missing. But I can't figure out what exactly.

Games and competitions!


Games and competitions for children and parents.

Game 1.

We spent the whole year preparing for school and learned a lot of interesting things, including about the rules of the Russian language. Children, do you remember which letters are vowels and which are consonants? We'll check this now. So listen carefully and help me cheerfully:

Game 2.

Did a great job. Now let's remember the alphabet. Now I will divide you into two teams. I will give each team letters and you will have to form a word from them. So, let's begin.

The leader divides the children into two teams and gives each team a set of letters. Teams must form words.
The first team should get: GOODBYE, and the second team should get: KINDERGARTEN.

What a great job you all did!

It was great and I loved it! I also have some lying around Balloons, which I will gladly share with you.

The balloons are inflated with helium and the resulting inscription is attached to them. Then we release the balls so that they fly up to the ceiling, and above the ceiling there will be an inscription: GOODBYE KINDERGARTEN. And the balls will complement the beauty.

What a beauty we have!

Listen kids, I'm a pirate. What do you want to become when you grow up?

ABOUT! they have big plans!

Children recite poems.

That's your plans. I even started thinking about whether I should change my profession?!

Well, a pirate is not a profession. Let's find out from the children what professions their parents have.

The presenter, together with the pirate, asks the children what their parents do.

This is the choice of professions! It's worth thinking about.

Think think. While you're thinking, let's take a look at your treasure chest.

The presenter shows the chest to the children.

I don’t need such treasures, but they will definitely be useful to you. But I won’t just give them to you. Let's play them.

The presenter asks riddles, and whichever child guesses correctly receives a book as a gift. And so all the children take turns receiving their gift.

Thank you, pirate, for such treasures. Now children will have more knowledge and will be even better prepared for school.

I have to go. Adventure awaits me and the sea is calling. But I promise that I will not forget you and will definitely come to your school in 9 years to see what you have become and whether my treasures have helped you. Bye!

The pirate leaves.

And our solemn official part also ends. But we have one last song left, which we will all perform together.

The final song of kindergarten graduates and teachers. Song reworked to the tune of Kirkorov's song - snow:

Kindergarten graduation scenario for a mixed-age group.

Compiled by the teacher of MDOBU kindergarten No. 2 in the village of Inzer (Assinsky branch) of the municipal district of Beloretsky district of the Republic of Belarus. Yulbarisova Lena Minisagitovna

Description: The scenario is intended for holding a graduation party in a kindergarten for a mixed-age group.
Target: Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere of cooperation between kindergarten and family.
Tasks: To uncover Creative skills children. Cultivate a sense of gratitude to the kindergarten staff for their care. Prepare children for the transition to school, to first grade.
This scenario was compiled for three graduates of a different age group.

Scenario for graduation at a preschool educational institution. Scenario

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.
Graduate 1:
We've grown, we've grown,
We need to go to school.
Thanks to the teachers,
Thanks to our nannies.
And I’ll lie to the doctor,
We will say thank you to everyone
This day is special -
Both sad and cheerful
We have grown, we have grown
Let's go to school.

They sing the song “Goodbye kindergarten.”

Dear mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. Today we gathered for our last holiday concert. May he give smiles, laughter and good mood!
Graduate 2:
We will tell you today
We'll even show you something
How fun we played
What did you read, what did you draw?
Everyone knows that every hour
We have it scheduled minute by minute
The arrows are running merrily -
They don't let us get bored.
Graduate 3:
10 o'clock is our time:
We sit down to eat porridge
10:30 am-
It's time for us to get busy
For music class
We invite you
Here we dance, sing and play.

Song "They teach at school"
Issue 1:
We love to draw
We have no shortage of skills.
In kindergarten we were taught
To understand beauty and create it.
We painted pictures here,
And then revive them.
And at the appointed time,
You have been invited to the exhibition.

Exhibition of drawings by graduates
Graduate 2:
“On the way to the ABC” - an important lesson
After all, everyone should be able to write letters.
We don't just know letters
From them we make words
We don't pester mothers
We'll read the story ourselves
We can write our names too
We all need diplomas
She will help everyone.
Graduate 3:
We'll go to school
Let's become friends with the alphabet
They will soon say: “This class is
The most literate we have!”
And now a math lesson! Listen carefully to funny tasks:

Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries
But one kid was tired:
Left behind my comrades
Now find the answer
How many bears are there ahead? (5)
Granny fox gives
Mittens for three grandchildren
This is for the winter, grandchildren,
Two mittens each
Take care, don't lose
How many are there, count them! (6)
To the gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived
And of them only three are magpies
Prepared lessons
How many quitters - forty
Arrived for class? (4)

Well done! It is clear that everyone is friendly with mathematics. After such a difficult task, let's take a rest...

Game "Collect a briefcase".

...we played well. And now our youngest children will say their wishes to our graduates.

Child 1:
Ilgiz, you are already a daredevil
You're great in everything
Feel free to go to school
And comprehend science.
Loves to build, tinker,
Talk a lot, a lot
We wish him from the bottom of our hearts
Best to count and write
Read a lot of books.
Child 2:
Golden sun
In our group we have
Golden sun-
There are countless rays
We wish Vika
And shine for everyone at school
Bring good grades from school
Child 3:
Ralif grew up quickly
He managed to learn everything
He strives for new knowledge
This will be useful at school.
Child 4:
You were swinging on a swing
They called you kids
And now you've grown up
And you will go to first grade.
Child 5:
Vika don't worry
Go on a good journey
And with your toys
I'll figure it out somehow
For you I am our doll
I'll become a mother anywhere
And we’ll come to the holiday with a doll
To you on the first of September.
Child 6:
Don't be afraid boys
I'm staying here
And now the cars
I will have everyone.

Graduate 1:
I played with dolls yesterday
And I sat in the sandbox,
I didn't know the alphabet
And I didn’t know how to write.
And now with the crib next to it
I have a briefcase
-We need to get ready for school!
Granny tells me.

Graduate 3:
Goodbye, cheerful garden!
I'll go to school in September
In the meantime, I’ll hide the notebooks
And I’ll go to the dacha!
I've been a student since September!
Mom will buy me a diary
And also a briefcase and books
We're not boys anymore
We are schoolchildren now,
Grown up: believe it or not!
Graduate 2:
I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys
One two three four five…
It's a pity that we can't count them all.
Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we're together.

Graduates' dance "Waltz of three"

And now I would like to say a few words about our kindergarten employees:

Assistant teacher
So that children grow up faster,
You need to feed them more often.
Trust the teacher,
You can't live without an assistant.
And the cleaning needs to be done,
Wipe dust everywhere
And run to the warehouse for something
And help dress the children
Change linen, beds,
How did you sleep, refuel...
Keep the group in order
In general there is no time to be bored
Our Aunt Agiba is on time
Get everything done quickly
Never gets discouraged
That she came to work in the garden.
Known by many in the area
About her invaluable work.
In her group it’s like in her home
Cleanliness, comfort, coziness.

To the cook
Who comes to the garden in the morning?
This is Aunt Fanuza
The porridge is ready for breakfast
The porridge is cooked. Hooray!
Who cooked the fragrant soup
And a side dish of different cereals?
Who baked us buns
Or apple pie?
This is Aunt Fanuza
He has been working since eight in the morning.
Our dear cook
Adults and children
They say thank you
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For borscht, cutlets, porridge...
We appreciate your work!

To the caretaker
Working day at the caretaker's
It's very difficult to predict.
The flood is a threat,
Then the plumbing again,
The battery burst here,
There's an audit going on
We didn’t have time to look back,
The garden is closed for renovations
Can't live without a caretaker?
We hasten to thank you, Aunt Gauhar.

Word to the director and parents!

You all did a very good job on this. academic year. We learned a lot about our world, learned to count, solve problems, learned to be polite and well-mannered. We took our first, difficult steps into school life. I would like to wish you to continue to be the same hardworking, kind and caring people; so that while studying at school, you could please both your teachers and your parents with your successes, just as you pleased me.
Here are some small gifts from me as a souvenir (presentation of gifts to graduates)

Graduates together:
“Thank you,” we say tenderly
We are our teachers
We also confess to you:
You look like our mothers.
Thank you a hundred thousand times,
We will remember you all our lives.
Children give flowers to employees