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Presentation with creative continuation of an amazing woman. Cheat sheet: All presentations

Bakhrushin devoted himself, his energy, work and a large share of his fortune to the service of the theater. He collected a rich library on the history of the theater.

Guests walked around the halls of the museum, looking at theatrical antiquities. Bakhrushin, if he was there, would take the shoes of the famous ballerina of the 50s of the last century, Asenkova, out of the window, smack his lips and say: “Here, I found it, I’ve been looking for a long time,” then the genealogy of the rarity would go on, the show gradually turned into a conversation about this or that artist , theater or an entire theatrical era. Bakhrushin seated the new visitor and opened an album bound in brocade in front of him and asked him to leave a memory of himself.

In 1913, Alexey Alexandrovich donated his collection to the museum of the Academy of Sciences. He said: “When the conviction became firmly established in me that my collection had reached those limits at which I no longer considered myself entitled to dispose of its materials, I thought about the question whether I, the son of the great Russian people, was not obliged to provide this collection for the benefit of the people " These words of Bakhrushin summed up his many years of collecting activity. Bakhrushin was appointed honorary trustee of the museum and remained its director until the end of his days.

(I. Bondarenko. Patrons and collectors.) (455 words.)

Red Square in Moscow is majestic and beautiful. Everyone who comes to the capital is in a hurry to walk along its stone pavement. Here the past and present, inextricably linked, are intertwined in its architectural appearance. In front of the multi-domed stone St. Basil's Cathedral there is a sculptural monument in memory of the victory of Russian weapons in 1612 in the fight against Polish invaders. On its granite pedestal is inscribed in bronze letters:

“Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky.”

It was a troubled time. The earth was burning. The walls of ancient cities collapsed under the onslaught of foreigners. Many Russian lands, with the help of traitor boyars, frightened by the uprising that broke out at that time under the leadership of Ivan Bolotnikov, were given over to foreign invaders without a fight. The troops of the impostor False Dmitry II, thirsting for the royal throne, ruled Moscow. And at this critical moment, the patriotism of the Russian people, their holy love for the fatherland, manifested itself with particular force. In the name of saving the homeland, the cry “do not spare your bellies” was thrown out for the liberation of Moscow and the entire Russian land. This fiery appeal was made from the banks of the Volga by the Nizhny Novgorod elder Kuzma Mini-Sukhoruk (15??-1616).

Led by him and Dmitry Pozharsky (1578-1641), the people's militia army moved with battles to Moscow. On October 27, 1612, the capital was liberated, and the final expulsion of the interventionists from Russian soil began, ending in complete victory.

For the 200th anniversary of this event, the outstanding Russian sculptor I. P. Martos created a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It was opened on Red Square in 1818. It was significant event not only for Moscow, but for all of Russia. The monument became the first sculptural monument of the city and the first work of Russian monumental art, where the prototype was not a tsar or an emperor, or even a great commander, but a simple citizen, a man of the people.

Wearing a shirt with a Russian pattern, Nizhny Novgorod elder Kuzma Minin stands in front of the prince. The imperious gesture of his outstretched hand is directed towards the square, towards the people. He calls on the governor D. Pozharsky to lead the Russian army and save the fatherland. Leaning on the shield and slightly rising, Pozharsk takes the sword from Minin’s hands.

The pedestal under the figures of fiery patriots of the Russian land is made of red Finnish granite, decorated with bronze reliefs on both sides. One of them depicts Nizhny Novgorod residents bringing their donations to the altar of the fatherland. On the other - one of the episodes of the valiant campaign of the people's militia.

There is one noteworthy detail in the first of the reliefs. A man (the figure on the far left) gives two sons to the people’s militia. Here Martos portrayed himself. This author's freedom is not accidental. One of Martos’s sons, Alexey, was a participant in the War of 1812, the other, the architect Nikita Martov, died in France, where he, being a pensioner of the Academy of Arts, was detained by Napoleonic troops.

Initially, the monument was erected in the center of Red Square, in front of the Trading Rows (now the GUM building). In 1930, in connection with the reconstruction of the square, the monument was moved to St. Basil's Cathedral, where it now stands.

(R. F. K Zhevnikov. Monuments of Moscow.) (423 words.)

Some national holidays are celebrated No. 65 Eastern legend

Who in Baghdad does not know the great Jiaffar, the sun of the universe?

Once, many years ago, when he was still a young man, Jiaffar was walking in the outskirts of Baghdad.

Suddenly a hoarse cry reached his ears: someone was desperately calling for help.

Giaffar differed among his peers in his prudence and thoughtfulness; but he had a compassionate heart - and he relied on his own strength.

He ran towards the cry and saw a decrepit old man pressed against the city wall by two robbers who were robbing him.

Giaffar drew his saber and attacked the villains: he killed one and drove away the other.

The freed old man fell at the feet of his deliverer and, kissing the hem of his robe, exclaimed:

Brave young man, your generosity will not go unrewarded. I look like a wretched beggar; but only in appearance. I'm not a simple person. Come early tomorrow morning to the main bazaar; I will wait for you at the fountain - and you will be convinced of the truth of my words.

Giaffar thought: “This man looks like a beggar, for sure; however, anything can happen. Why not try? - and answered: “Okay, my father; I'll come.

The old man looked into his eyes and walked away.

The next morning, as soon as it was light, Giaffar went to the market. The old man was already waiting for him, leaning on the marble bowl of the fountain.

Silently he took Giaffar by the hand and led him into a small garden, surrounded on all sides by high walls.

In the very middle of this garden, on a green lawn, grew a tree of an extraordinary appearance.

It looked like a cypress tree; only the foliage on it was azure in color.

Three fruits - three apples - hung on thin, upwardly curved branches; one of medium size, oblong, milky white; another large, round, bright red; the third is small, wrinkled, yellowish.

The whole tree made a faint noise, although there was no wind. It rang thinly and pitifully, like glass; it seemed to sense Giaffar's approach.

Young man! - said the old man. - Pick any of these fruits and know: if you pick and eat the white one, you will be smarter than all people; pick and eat the red one - you will be rich, like the Jew Rothschild; If you pick and eat the yellow one, old women will like you. Make up your mind!.. and don’t hesitate. In an hour, the fruits will wither, and the tree itself will go into the silent depths of the earth!

Giaffar lowered his head and thought.

He did just that; and the old man laughed with a toothless laugh and said:

O wisest youth! You have chosen the good part! What do you need a white apple for? You're already smarter than Solomon. You don't need a red apple either... And without it you will be rich. Only no one will envy your wealth.

Tell me, elder,” said Jiaffar, perking up, “where does the venerable mother of our God-saved caliph live?”

The old man bowed to the ground and showed the young man the way.

Who in Baghdad does not know the sun of the universe, the great, famous Jiaffar?

(Ya. S. Turgenev. Poems in prose.) (440 words.) No. 66

Bim ran for a long time. And finally, barely catching his breath, he fell between the rails, stretching out all four paws, gasping and whining quietly. There was no hope left. I didn’t want to go anywhere, but he couldn’t, I didn’t want anything, I didn’t even want to live.

When dogs lose hope, they die naturally - quietly, without complaining, in suffering, unknown to the world. It’s not Bim’s business and it’s not his ability to understand that if there was no hope at all, not a single drop on earth, then all people would also die of despair. For Bim, everything was simpler: it hurts a lot inside, but there is no friend, and that’s all.

There is not a single person on earth who has heard a dog die. Dogs die silently.

Oh, if only Bim could have a few sips of water now! And so, he probably would never have gotten up if...

A woman came up. Strong, big woman. Apparently, at first she thought that Bim was already dead - she leaned over him, knelt down, and listened: Bim was still breathing. He had weakened so much since saying goodbye to his friend that, of course, he should not have made such a run as he did behind the train - it was reckless. But does reason really matter in such cases, even in humans!

The woman took Bim’s head in her hands and raised it: “What’s wrong with you, dog?” What are you talking about? Black ear? Who were you running after, you unfortunate thing?

This rough-looking woman had a warm and calm voice. She went down the slope, brought water in a tarpaulin mitten, raised Bim's head again and brought the mitten, wetting his nose. Bim licked the water. Then, shaking his head helplessly, he stretched his neck and licked it again. And he began to lap it up. The woman stroked his back. She understood everything: someone she loved had left forever, and it was scary, terribly difficult to see her off forever, it was like burying a living person.

An essay about
"The amazing is nearby"
7th grade students
Maksai Anna.

"Amazing woman."

At the beginning of this summer I met one old woman eighty years old. For a woman with gray hair sparse hair and by her slow gait you cannot tell that she is an active woman. All its advantages and good qualities I started to find out already in the first lesson Italian language, which I take from her to this day.

I went down to the second floor of my house and rang the doorbell. Then I was with my grandmother, who came to agree on the details. Nina Ivanovna Podgornaya opened the door for us a few minutes later and smiled brightly. Her grey eyes lit up, and she moved around the house no slower than me, so I immediately wanted to get to know her better and get to know her. Walking through the apartment to the room where she led us, I could not take my eyes off the numerous paintings by different artists, graceful figurines and books with colored spines.

From the first conversation I liked this woman, and it seems she reciprocated - Nina Ivanovna gave us her book called “Is it easy to be a princess...”. It tells the story of Princess Mafalda of Savoy, who has not had an easy road in life, as befits a princess, but, on the contrary, far from being fabulous. A few weeks later, another book of hers came into my possession - “For Love and the Fatherland,” which tells about the cavalry ladies of the smaller cross.

I was satisfied with my first Italian lesson - in an hour I learned a lot of new things for myself, both in terms of knowledge, and also got to know Nina Ivanovna even better. She loves to joke, never complains about her illnesses and misfortunes, and always cheers her up...

Up to this point we have already had 26 lessons. During all this time I realized that she is very good woman and to be so vigorous at such an old age is truly amazing.

I was very sad when I found out how life had treated her - her son was born and died, her husband began to drink in his old age and his body could not cope with it... But she does not lose faith, she did not become evil and selfish after everything that happened to her. Her favorite color is black, but despite this she loves to talk about everything pleasant, loves to be happy for others and, together with others, can sympathize. In my opinion, this is very important in modern world, because there are not so many truly kind, non-selfish, happy and honest people left in our world.

I thank fate for introducing me to such a beautiful and amazing woman. I will never forget her smile, her hands shaking with old age, pleasant words who constantly encourage me to go up and not stop at anything; and most importantly, I will not forget this summer, which will be remembered for the rest of my life. This is truly an amazing woman!

Uv. fellow literati!

We are starting to prepare for the State Final Certification in the Russian Language.

We offer creative assignment options, completed by students and teachers of Russian language and literature.

Read, adjust, correct, make changes, suggest your options!

Creative assignment for the text “Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov”

There are many types of art: arts and crafts, architecture, cinema, photography, literature, music, choreography, theater. But I prefer fine art.

When I was still very young, my parents noticed that I had the ability to draw. They took me to an art studio. And there I plunged into a wonderful world visual arts, where through drawing I learned to convey the beauty of the world around me. I was especially interested in painting. After all, how much can be depicted with one stroke, the play of light, color and shadow! It was fine art that opened up for me new world and gave me an interesting, rich life. I am constantly engaged in painting and graphics, participate in various exhibitions and competitions, and visit art museums. I am especially pleased to visit the Art-Donbass art gallery in my hometown, where there is a feeling of being in some mysterious world. It seems that all the portraits here are talking, and the painted people can step towards you straight from the frame. Walking further, you can clearly hear the singing of birds or the sound of a waterfall from some landscape. Looking at some paintings, I understand how great nature is and how small we are in comparison with its forces.

Fine art is not only a hobby for me, but also the basis of my future profession, which will be related to design.

Creative task for the text “Wonderful Woman”

Popular wisdom says: “Good does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.” Therefore, the best thing a person can do in his life is to do good. In fact, it's really not that difficult. To be a truly kind person, you need to be able to give a piece of your heart to others, to those who need help, care, and warmth. And a kind person cannot be indifferent to someone else’s misfortune. Have I met truly kind people in my life? Of course I did! These are my family, teachers, and friends. People who are constantly together probably cannot relate to each other differently. After all, kindness is a continuation of friendship and love. It is much more difficult to help people you don’t know. After all, real goodness does not require anything in return. At the end of last year, Elizaveta Glinka, known as “Doctor Lisa,” died in a terrible plane crash. Her life is an example of boundless kindness and selfless service to people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Elizaveta Glinka created a charitable foundation, provided medical care children from the war zone. Elizaveta repeatedly came to the DPR, brought food and medicine, and organized treatment for seriously ill children in Moscow.

The best thing a person can leave behind is his good deeds. Hurry up to do good!

Amazing woman

Which people do you think can be considered kind people? Have you met such people in your life? Complete your presentation with a short story about them.

“Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see,” said Mark Twain. What is kindness and who are kind people?

Goodness has many faces: someone fed the birds in winter, collected toys and books for children in an orphanage. Smile at a passerby, say a kind word - and this is also kindness. Warm sympathy can replace a gift on a holiday, help a patient recover faster, and cheer up in a sad moment.

They say that a bright person is best seen in the dark. And in our difficult times, we are seeing examples of real kindness. People with big hearts share their last piece of bread and shelter with those left homeless, donate blood to help the wounded, and organize volunteer centers to help displaced people.

And if we “get personal,” then I would like to mention the person who did not leave me indifferent. I think that an example of a truly kind person for my contemporaries can be a resuscitator, founder of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Glinka. It was she who, for many years, provided palliative care, fed and clothed the homeless, and gave them shelter; It was she who, under bullets, took sick and wounded children from Donbass to the best hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg; It was she who organized a shelter for children with amputated limbs, where they undergo rehabilitation after the hospital.

I wish there were more truly kind people. After all, kindness is the basis of relationships between people. The world stands on it. It has stood and will stand.

211 words

The feat of Ivan Fedorov

Write a detailed summary.

Give a reasoned answer to the question: how do you understand the expression “book print culture” and why “time is the best judge”?

Book printed culture (that is, modern book printing) today, in the era of information technology, is undergoing significant changes, transforming the thinking of both the human creator and the human reader. Most of all, these processes are associated with the concept of clip thinking. Some researchers argue that modern young people do not like and do not want to read, preferring to experience the world not through text, but through videos and video games; it is easier for them to work with hypertext from short fragments than with long linear text. Such scientists predict that the book of the future will be a dictionary with short, referencing entries. Will it be so? Time will judge - the best remedy testing the strength of any innovation.

But today we can safely say that people continue to read books - thin and thick, for children and adults. Moreover, despite the competitive existence of electronic books, printed books and the printed press are not losing their positions. Many readers still prefer the printed word, the very process of communicating with a book. And the writers themselves believe that text posted on the Internet is perceived as a manuscript and cannot compete with a published printed edition, which provides them with real recognition and popularity.

170 words

Swan Temple

Write a detailed summary.

Tell a legend or story associated with a famous temple, including in your retelling a detailed description of the architectural structure.

Each Orthodox church, seemingly created according to certain general architectural canons, is unique and beautiful in its own way.

On Red Square in Moscow, in the middle of the 16th century, by order of Ivan the Terrible, St. Basil's Cathedral was erected. It was erected by Russian architects Barma and Postnik to commemorate the conquest of the Kazan Khanate. According to legend, so that the architects could not create anything better, Tsar Ivan IV ordered them to be blinded upon completion of construction.

St. Basil's Cathedral consists of nine churches on one foundation. The cathedral is built of brick. The central part is crowned with a tall, magnificent tent with “fiery” decoration almost to the middle of its height. The tent is surrounded on all sides by domes, none of which are like the other. Not only does the pattern of the large onion-domes vary; If you look closely, you will easily notice that the finish of each drum is unique.

The main thing in the appearance of the temple is that it lacks a clearly defined façade. Whichever side you approach the cathedral from, it seems that this is the main side.

More than once this unique monument of Russian architecture could have been irretrievably lost. It was mined, but the French were unable to blow it up in 1812. In the 1930s, Kaganovich, while clearing Red Square for parades, removed this temple from its layout, but Stalin commanded: “Lazarus, put it in its place!”

And today we see in its pristine beauty this monument to a person’s Faith and Talent, hopefully forever.

208 words

Lived in a small town nurse Alexandra Derevskaya. During the war, orphanages were evacuated to the town from frontline areas. Some kids were seriously ill and exhausted. Alexandra, seeing them in her hospital, realized: they needed maternal care. In an orphanage where there are many children, they will not survive. The nurse took them to her home and nursed them. And then they became so attached to her that there was no strength to part with them.

One by one she adopted and fostered children. kind woman. When the elders grew up and left home, new children appeared in the family. Alexandra’s husband Emelyan Derevsky understood his wife’s feelings and did not object.

The family lived very modestly, but amicably. My father worked a lot. The children helped their mother in everything. They planted potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, fed chickens, looked after two goats, and cleaned the house. There were also very difficult times, but the family endured them calmly and courageously.

One winter, the mother noticed that the supplies of flour and potatoes were running out. She decided to go to the village to exchange her only food for food. elegant dress and a gift from the mother - a ring. The older girl tried to dissuade her. After all, there are also cereals, dried carrots, salted cucumbers. You can hold out until spring. And now it’s freezing, it’s a long walk to the village. But Alexandra wanted the children to have butter, potatoes, and cabbage.

She dressed warmly, put a crust of bread and an onion in her bag, took the sled and bag and hit the road. The frost was severe, and then the wind blew. The road was completely snowy. The wind threw snow flakes in my face and chilled me to the bones. The woman was completely exhausted. Having reached the village with difficulty, she collapsed exhausted right in the middle of the village street. She lay unconscious for a week. Good people came out to Alexander.

The Derevsky family raised children of different nationalities. This did not stop them from being strong friends and considering each other brothers and sisters. But one day a German boy appeared in the family. His name was Ralph. His parents died, and his neighbors brought him to the Derevskys.

The children shunned the boy, did not take him into their games, and called him a fascist. One day his mother found him in the storage room. He hid in a corner and cried bitterly. For a long time he did not want to say anything, but in the end Alexandra managed to get the boy to open up.

She gathered all the children in a large room. They had never seen their mother so angry. She spoke sharply and sternly: “Remember: only racists divide nationalities into good and bad. Ralph is a German, but he is not a fascist. It is not his fault that the German fascists attacked our country. And know: whoever offends Ralph is not my son , she is not my daughter."

Many years later. Alexandra and Emelyan Derevsky are no longer alive. All their children grew up and moved to different cities, but on their mother’s birthday they always gathered in the city that became home to them.

Now there is a boarding school named after Alexandra Derevskaya.

I once heard a story about a woman. She was the most ordinary, but at the same time amazing. She was a simple rural woman, without any special pretensions. But her personal life was not getting better. What happened can hardly be called happiness. And its amazingness was as follows. She allowed men without position, with problems, even alcoholics into her life. After some time, these men became chairmen of collective farms, party organizers, in general, bosses of various ranks (this was back in Soviet times).

After achieving a certain position in society, they left her. They no longer needed her.
I don’t know how her life turned out in the end, but the story stuck with me.

I just know such a woman now. She also practically lives alone.
Perhaps out of fatigue, “inspiring” another man.
Watching from the side, I tried to understand why this was happening?
I know this woman, and it is impossible to say that She is unpretentious and not demanding of her chosen ones. Apparently each time counting on the fact that this person (man) will understand and appreciate her. But it seems like nothing is working out for her. When She is exhausted, She leaves the man. Are men really that blind? To some extent, yes. But more on that later.

What is She doing, I wonder? I will try to understand this and tell you.
It is clear that everyone has their own problems. When She lets a man into her life (but she doesn’t do this so often, She’s not ready to let everyone in), She envelops him so much with attention and care (elementary love, if you want) that the man grows wings. She helps a man see himself in such a wonderful light: how handsome, great, etc. he is, that the man completely forgets that it was near Her that he became like this. New horizons open up for him, and he completely forgets that it is She who is the driving force. It was She who gave him Wings.

She becomes a burden to him. She also has her own problems. But the main one is the need to support Her. Yes, She gives Wings. But she herself needs understanding, Love and Protection. But the newly-made winged man has no time for this: how! the whole world is at his feet, and She is here with her problems...
It is clear that no woman, even a very strong one, can stand this. But the most interesting thing is that they don’t want to let her go. Somewhere on a subconscious level, realizing that the wings need Her. And they are trying to keep Her “on hold.”

She always waits for a very, very long time for understanding. The man is very angry. There are such opportunities here, he can turn the whole world upside down if he wants. And She is annoying, demanding (if you want, begging) for love and understanding. But when She realizes that it is useless, she leaves this person.

The most interesting thing is that no one wants to let her go. Everyone wants to keep Her, but live their own “full” life, with all the ensuing consequences.
This is where the most interesting thing is, when she leaves, they get terribly angry. Usually claims that She didn’t appreciate it, didn’t understand it. But more often from the position: how dare you?! That's who I am. She doesn’t mind, you are like that.
But the wings grew thanks to Her!

She's already tired. There is no end to this.
But there is one consoling moment. Although he does not make her happy, the fact remains a fact. Only after losing Her does a man realize (not always, though, and not immediately) why he grew wings. And She gave so much of herself and waited so much for reciprocal care that she was unable to even see him, fully aware of how she was preventing him from “living” his “full” life.

There is a second consoling moment. There are men who were able to appreciate Her. True, later, after a while.
But does She want to return?
Moreover, men change. They are ready to give Her what She once needed, knowing full well that (Whom) they have lost.
In principle, She is ready to accept, but will she answer?
Will She want to go through it all over again?
Where are the guarantees that everything won’t end the same way? Having patched up and strengthened his wings, wouldn’t a man rush into flight again, exchanging Her for cheap and temporary (and therefore endless) pleasures?

I'm very interested. How will this story end?
Will at least one of these men be able to wrap the wings they have received and protect Her? Will he be able to evaluate until the fateful moment from which there is no return? After all, near Her the wings constantly grow and strengthen. Will anyone be able to understand, appreciate, and find Her?