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Make beautiful diagrams. Filling a corner using the Isothread technique

Isothread technique, diagrams for beginners.
Works using isothread technique - exciting activity not only for adults, but also for children. At first glance, it seems that this technique is very complicated, but in fact you just need to learn the pattern and everything will work out great.
You need to master the technique of filling a corner, a circle, a web. After this you will be able to perform quite complex paintings in isothread technique.
teach this art to your child, it is not only interesting, but also useful. This hobby develops the child’s perseverance, eye, imagination and abstract thinking, coordination of hand movements and fine motor skills, fosters accuracy and attention.
Filling a corner using isothread technique:

1. Draw an angle on the cardboard.
2. Divide each side of the angle into the same number of equal segments.
3. Number the point (on one side of the corner - start from the top, on the other - vice versa)
4. Use a needle or awl to make punctures at all points except the top.
5. Thread the needle and make a knot.
6. Fill in the corner according to the diagram above.

Filling a circle using isothread technique:

1. Draw a circle.
2. Divide the circle into equal parts.
3. Make punctures at all points obtained.
4. Fill the circle according to the diagram.

Schemes of work using isothread technique:

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Materials for embroidery using isothread technique

Materials and tools for thread graphics are available in every home. Therefore, even for novice craftsmen, it will not be difficult to find everything you need.

Basic techniques for isothread embroidery

Any string graphics schemes have similar methods for filling out elements. Let's look at the main methods.

Corner Filling

You need to draw an angle on a piece of thick paper. The size and severity do not make a difference. Each side of the isothread drawing must be divided into equal sections. To do this, use a ruler to measure intervals of 5 millimeters. We start work from the top of the corner. We mark each distance with a dot and a number. In these places, using a backing and an awl, you should make holes. The corner is sewn up as shown in the diagram. Embroidery begins from the inside out.

Filling a circle

Draw a circle on thick paper using a compass. It must be divided into twelve identical segments. We also mark the points with numbers and make punctures in these places. The peculiarity of filling the circle is that the smaller the distance between the punctures, the more beautiful the image will be. The main thing is that there are an even number of holes.

As for the length of the isothread stitches, long stitches fill the element more than small stitches. And accordingly, the central hole will also be smaller. The circle is embroidered according to the pattern.

Arcs and spirals

Embroidery of these elements is carried out using the same method as for the circle. But the length of the stitches should be short. The size of one stitch should be less than half an arc. The width of the embroidery directly depends on the stitch size. The smaller it is, the thinner the arc will be.

As for the peculiarities of embroidery of spiral figures, it is done all the time in only one direction. The stitch length of this isothread can only be from 3 to 5 punctures. After you have figured out the basic methods of embroidery using the thread graphics technique, you can proceed directly to the product. We offer a small master class of a children's pattern.


This one is easy. A master class of such work is quite suitable for children’s first creativity.

For embroidery you will need:

  • black thick paper;
  • white floss threads;
  • thin white paper;
  • pencil;
  • pin;
  • clamp;
  • glue;
  • needle.

Manufacturing process

On white paper, use a sharp pencil to draw an outline of the cat. The photo shows what such a scheme looks like.

We attach the sheet to dark cardboard and secure it with clamps. If you use paper clips, finished product It will leave dents that won't go away. Therefore, it is better to take special paper clips.

On the outline of the image, dots with numbers must be placed at regular intervals. In these places we pierce holes with a pin. Before you start making holes, place thick, dense material under the workpiece. He won't let it hurt work surface. We thread the thread into the needle, but do not make a knot. Isothread embroidery should begin from the reverse side. After making a couple of stitches, the end of the thread should be secured on the wrong side with glue.

The ears and part of the tail are embroidered using the corner filling method. All other elements - by filling the circle. Separately cut from multi-colored materials eyes, nose, antennae and glue them to the cat. The embroidery is ready!

You can also conduct a master class with children on embroidery using the technique of threading dandelions. It's not difficult, any child can handle it.

Spring dandelions

This master class does not require any special skills. This image is an excellent option for inking diagrams for beginning craftsmen. The picture is created using the simplest stitches.

For embroidery you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • green paper;
  • glue;
  • needle;
  • pencil;
  • awl;
  • yellow and green threads.

Manufacturing process

You need to glue green paper onto the cardboard. A color scheme is drawn on it. At equal distances, you need to mark points with numbers with a pencil. Using an awl, holes are made along the contour of the design. We start embroidering from the wrong side, securing the tail of the thread with glue.

The flower and dandelion bud, which are shown in the photo, are embroidered with yellow thread using the method of filling the arc with triangles. The stem is created with stitches of green thread. The leaves are made by filling the corner with green threads. The finished embroidery can be framed or decorated with a baguette.

Tone thread graphics

Creating tonal isothread is considered the highest degree of skill. But it’s also easy to do. The main thing in this art is to choose the right materials and place all the elements beautifully and harmoniously.

In nature, all shades are divided into two groups: warm and cold. Visually warm ones are perceived as protruding forward, cold ones - receding back. Using such tricks, a unique volumetric embroidery is created.

In addition, shades are divided into light and heavy. Heavy ones include dark, saturated ones, light ones include cold, light ones. If the composition is embroidered correctly, the top part of the image will be “lighter” than the bottom. It is also necessary to ensure the harmony of the combination of color shades and fabric. In the photo, such paintings have unique artistry and originality.

The tone embroidery is very beautiful. It is particularly elegant and picturesque. The master class of such works is based on the correct relationship of color schemes.

The isothread technique is an ideal activity for children of any age. It is not difficult to perform, but very exciting. The very first classes allow you to create attractive and artistic works, which young needlewomen really like. In addition, this embroidery method develops attention, thoroughness, and fine motor skills in the child. Isothread for beginner craftsmen, The best way get involved in handicrafts such as embroidery.

Isothread for beginners schemes with numbers flowers step by step

Isothread for beginners schemes with numbers flowers step by step

allows you to create true masterpieces. It’s so easy to master that even every novice needlewoman will soon be able to become proficient in embroidery beautiful cards, still lifes, ornaments and even portraits. In order to bring this moment closer, you need to learn how to create beautiful flowers using this technique.

Necessary equipment

To work with the isothread technique, you will need to prepare the following “ingredients”:

  • Base (it is assumed to use velvet cardboard or paper);
  • A safety pin (it is advisable for novice craftswomen to “arm themselves” with an awl);
  • Sewing threads (any);
  • Igloo;
  • Foam plastic (for lining).
  • Basic Rules

    The pattern with numbers you choose will help you make beautiful flowers, as well as tips for beginners that our master class offers. If you already know how an angle and a circle are worked out, then you will have to act as follows:

    Enhancing the effect Once you start working with the isothread technique, you will soon see that it, like no other, is perfect for creating truly luxurious products. If you are initially in your hands complex circuits, then to enhance the decorative effects, act as it tells you. Otherwise, our master class for beginners will help you.
    You have to do the following manipulations:

    Schemes always indicate each of the stages with Roman numerals.
    Petal elaboration
    A flower petal embroidered using the isothread technique should be worked out like incomplete stitching of an oval. You should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • work should begin from the sharp end of the embroidered element;
    • work should end there;
    • choose the distance between 2 points equal to the line that touches the bottom of the embroidered element.

    We embroider flowers for the holiday

    How about embroidering using the isothread technique? delicate flowers daisies, forget-me-nots and cornflowers? Choose the schemes that suit you and act boldly!
    To make a chamomile flower using the isothread technique, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

    • embroider several petals;
    • in the middle of each of the resulting flowers, sew a beautiful bead;
    • work out the buds (the diagrams will tell you exactly how to do this);
    • work the leaves and stems in the same way.

    Forget-me-not You can get a beautiful and delicate forget-me-not that will decorate your interior by following these steps:

    • embroider flowers;
    • carefully work through the leaves (as indicated in the diagrams);
    • draw stems in steps of one to three.

    Would you like to have a flower in your home - a symbol of purity, tenderness and holiness? Then, without further delay, start embroidering the cornflower. This wildflower will fit perfectly into the interior or will be an excellent gift for a loved one. And you will need to do the following:

    • work out the core of the flower (steps one to ten);
    • carefully sew a bead along the contour;
    • depict the petals of a plant;
    • work through the leaves (steps one to eight);
    • embroider the stems (steps one to three);
    • finalize the remaining elements.

    The work is ready!

    To ensure your work is perfect, try to follow the tips below:

  • When you fill the corner, make sure that on the “face” of the embroidery the threads are pulled from one side of the element to the other (on the wrong side the stitches are arranged in the form of dashes);
  • On the wrong side, the contour of the circle should be exactly repeated;
  • If you need to make the thread longer, then, having secured it on the wrong side, you can safely introduce a new one;
  • To avoid tangling, do not measure the thread short.
  • Finally
    The finished picture with flowers can be pasted onto a cardboard sheet. If you wish, you can make a frame, and then give it as a gift or hang it on the wall.

    Schemes with flowers


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    Isothread for beginners diagrams with butterfly numbers (pictures)

    The master class is intended for older children preschool age(5-7 years).

    Isothread- this is embroidery on thick material (paper, cardboard, velvet paper, sandpaper, etc.). Works using this technique turn out to be unusual and exquisite. Using embroidery using this technique, you can decorate a wall panel, postcard, or packaging box. In this master class we will embroider a picture on the theme “Cockerel”; such a picture can be used as a gift for any holiday.

    Target: Strengthen the ability to create images with thread.

    Tasks: Develop fine motor skills of the hands. To cultivate children's aesthetic perception and independent drawing with thread.

    We will need a ready-made drawing diagram or draw it ourselves.

    For this embroidery we will need:

    sewing threads (blue, yellow, orange, red);

    sewing needle;

    sheet of cardboard (green);

    graphite pencil;


    a piece of foam for lining while piercing with a push pin.


    On a sheet of colored cardboard on the reverse side we apply a drawing of the Cockerel (circles, triangles) and I use stencils.

    Along the lines on the wrong side we apply markings for the holes (using a stencil). The number of holes on both sides of the corner should be the same.

    Having placed a plate of foam plastic, we use a pushpin to pierce holes according to the markings. There will be holes on the front side that repeat the pattern on the back.

    We thread the needle and begin to embroider the corner on either side according to the pattern. We embroider all the corners in the picture.

    We embroider all the circles according to the pattern.

    The picture “Cockerel” is ready.

    In the same way, you can embroider the following pictures (photo 9 - “Bunny”, 10 - “Cat”, 11 - “Sun”, 12 - “Soap Bubbles”, 13 - “Fireworks”).

    A little history:
    Isothread is original look arts and crafts, rooted in folk craftsmen England.
    English weavers came up with a special way of weaving threads. They drove nails into the boards and pulled threads onto them in a certain sequence. The result was openwork lace products that were used to decorate the home.
    Currently, the art of isothread is widely used for decorating products and household items, for interior decoration, and for making gifts and souvenirs.

    Isothread technology:
    The technique of performing isothread is simple and accessible to people of any age. To master it, it is enough to know two basic techniques:
    - corner filling;
    - filling the circle.
    And then - GO FANTASY! By combining just two techniques + imagination, we get amazing works!

    Tools required for work:
    * cardboard
    * threads of different colors (sewing, floss, iris), (Personally, I like it when they are colorful, bright, almost “poisonous”!

    * needle
    * awl (since I didn’t have one on hand, I used the tip of a compass, it will also work)
    * scissors
    * compass
    * ruler

    Corner Filling:
    * draw any angle on the wrong side of the cardboard
    * divide each side of the angle into an even number of equal parts
    * number the resulting points, starting from the vertex. The vertex of the angle is marked with the point “O”.
    * make punctures with a needle or awl at all points except the top (“O”)
    *thread the needle
    * fill the corner according to the proposed scheme

    Filling the circle:
    *draw a circle
    *divide the circle into an even number of equal parts
    *make punctures at all points obtained
    *thread the needle and fill the circle according to the diagram

    a B C- front side

    G- wrong side

    Here are some sample templates:

    And this is what the finished work looks like: