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Why do you dream about something that didn’t happen? Why do you dream about your own wedding? Dream Interpretation own wedding

Dream interpretation of a failed wedding

Wedding - a grand affair In human life. Two loving hearts legitimize their relationship before God and people.

Ideally, this holiday should happen only once in everyone’s life. But in modern world people can marry several times. And in night visions it is possible to relive this solemn moment again and again.

Oh this wedding

Dreaming about a canceled wedding

In a dream, we can simply attend a wedding or act as the bride or groom. We can easily dream of a situation where, for one reason or another, the celebration did not take place.

Why do you dream of a failed wedding? Is such a dream negative?

The wedding did not take place

The dream book believes that a failed marriage prophesies difficulties in business for the sleeping person. Although there is simply no clear interpretation. The fact is that prediction must be approached from the position of what role the dreamer himself played in the dream, remember emotions, the environment and a number of other related factors.

Someone else's wedding

The Dream Interpretation believes that if you are simply invited as a guest, then such a vision predicts that you will receive some kind of offer. You will be asked to participate in a rather dubious matter. If you want to save your reputation, then it is better to immediately refuse to participate.

Own wedding

If your wedding is cancelled, then the dream book advises you to first monitor your reaction to this event:

  • You felt relieved and were not upset - in real life you have to do something you don't like at all. You want to get rid of this obligation.
  • Have experienced grief - the dream book believes that if such a vision visited you on the eve of a real wedding, then you should think about your relationship with your other half. Perhaps you want to throw in your lot with absolutely the wrong person.

Although the dream book does not exclude that such visions on the eve of the wedding may simply reflect your experiences before such a crucial moment.

When a wedding that gets canceled at the last moment is not a dream married woman, it is believed that she will soon have a fan. But your flirting will be short-lived and will not lead to anything serious. If you dream that you are preparing for a wedding, but at the same time you really want it not to take place, then there is a high probability of getting sick soon. Be more attentive to your health.

Reasons for the disruption of the celebration

In a dream, as in reality, a wedding may not take place due to various reasons. The dream book tries to consider each of them and make a certain prediction.

Escape from the ceremony in a dream

  • At the last moment you ran away - in real life you will act unreasonably, which will lead to dire consequences.
  • If you are late - unfortunately, you are not a punctual person. Your lack of composure and carelessness irritate the people around you.
  • The second wedding participant was late - you distrust one of your relatives or close friends. The dream book says that this is not without reason, since they will let you down at the first opportunity.
  • The cause was natural disasters - the interpreter warns that you may make a fatal mistake. Its consequences can be fatal.

Canceling a friend's wedding

If the marriage was supposed to take place between your loved one and another person, then you have a serious discord in your relationship. You will have to make a lot of efforts to preserve your union.

There was a disruption of the celebration, where your child acted as the bride or groom - you are against the relationship of your child. You do not like his chosen one or chosen one, or perhaps you are simply not satisfied with the company in which your son or daughter revolves.

Watching in a dream how the wedding of a friend or girlfriend is disrupted - in real life everything will be fine with them. They are on the verge of positive change.

At times, a disrupted wedding can indicate your indecision. In real life, you do not know how to make firm decisions; you always try to get outside advice.

I present to your attention

Interpretation (meaning) of the dream Wedding.

Try on Wedding Dress for a quick wedding. Seeing yourself in a white dress at someone else's wedding is a sign of serious illness. However, if this is the wedding of a friend, friend (acquaintances) or the wedding of a daughter, son, mother (relatives), then the dream does not bode well for you.

If a girl dreams of someone passing by her wedding procession- a secret rival is harming her relationship with her lover. Seeing yourself supporting the bride's veil or train means envious women are spreading gossip about her.

If in a dream a girl sees herself as a bride (her own wedding - seeing her wedding), it means that the object of her love is infatuated with another. A bride in a dream of an elderly woman foreshadows minor domestic quarrels with her husband.

If she dreams that she is catching bridal bouquet, it means that her lover is faithful to her, or, if this is not the case, she will soon meet true love. If in a dream you receive an invitation to a wedding or dreamed of preparations for a wedding, then dream books interpret this dream as a sign of a profitable acquisition. Also, an invitation to a wedding or preparations for a wedding in a dream may foretell the receipt of a valuable gift.

A wedding feast at which a girl is present as a guest promises her many fun entertainment. If she is at the wedding feast as a bride, in reality she will be disappointed because of her lover. Seeing a wedding celebration foretells a woman pleasant household chores. Perhaps the husband will receive a promotion, and she will delight him with a festive dinner.

If a woman dreams that she is talking to her groom, she will soon receive the thing she has long dreamed of. If she is considering or trying on a wedding dress, in the near future she will have to listen to unpleasant news about the behavior of her husband and children. If a girl dreams of a secret wedding, she should watch her habits. Such a dream suggests that her character traits need to be adjusted.

If a girl dreamed of her own wedding and her parents were against her marriage, in reality her relatives would not approve of her engagement (marriage).

If a girl dreams that someone in mourning attire is present at her wedding, it means that her marriage will not be successful. A dream in which a girl sees that her beloved is marrying someone else promises her anxiety and unsubstantiated fears. Running away from a wedding in a dream means that you will get involved in some dubious business.

Running away from a wedding is a sign of questionable actions. If you dreamed of being late for a wedding, it means that your wishes will most likely not come true.

A wedding without a groom in a dream promises an extraordinary event that you will remember for a long time.

If you dreamed that the wedding did not take place (failed wedding), or to cancel your own wedding (broken wedding) - the dream promises difficulties in some matter; to overcome the difficulties you will have to make a lot of effort.

A young man who sees a wedding procession in a dream should be wary of false friends in reality. The dream warns him that someone from his close circle is doing a lot of harm to him. Seeing yourself as a groom means a quarrel with your mother or lover. If he dreams that he takes part in wedding celebrations and communicates with the groom, he will easily cope with his opponent. If he talks to the bride, his rival will separate him from his beloved.

A man who sees a wedding procession in a dream should prepare for the fact that his wife will be jealous of him. The dream warns that he should try not to give his wife reasons for jealousy, otherwise peace in the family will not come soon.

Talking to the groom or just seeing him means competitors are trying to ruin him. A conversation with the bride, on the contrary, foreshadows that he will successfully cope with the machinations of ill-wishers; if he is feasting at a wedding celebration and feels drunk (or drinking alcohol), he can completely go broke.

Such a dream is a warning that you need to take the fight against competitors seriously. If a man sees in a dream that he himself is the groom, this is a warning that he is at risk of a serious illness. You should consult a doctor immediately.

As a rule, dream books claim that a failed wedding symbolizes difficulties in business. But it's not that simple. Much depends on whose wedding it is, what role the dreamer himself plays in this plot, and how he feels about the disruption of the event. It is also important what is the reason that the wedding did not take place.

If the wedding in a dream is someone else’s, and the dreamer is just a guest at it, then such a dream foreshadows an offer that the person will receive from someone he knows. This proposal will concern participation in dubious transactions. You should stay away from this proposal, since participation in shady dealings will only lead to loss of reputation, time and money.

If the dreamer’s own wedding did not take place, then it is important to pay attention to what emotions the person experiences due to the cancellation of the wedding. If he is not upset and feels only relief, then this means that in reality the dreamer has to do something that disgusts him to the core, and he would be glad to get rid of it. By the way, if in real life a person is going to get married, then such a dream indicates that this marriage is unwanted and that it is not worth entering into.

If the dreamer in reality is preparing for a wedding, then it is not difficult to understand why he dreams of a failed wedding. Of course, the experiences associated with such an important event make themselves felt. especially if a failed wedding is perceived as a tragedy or grief.

If the wedding in a dream did not take place because the dreamer himself ran away from it, the dream foreshadows the commission of extremely rash acts that will cause serious troubles and tangible losses.

If the dreamer is late for his own wedding, then this indicates his characteristic irresponsibility and lack of composure. But if in reality the dreamer does not possess such qualities, then we can talk about unfortunate accidents that can interfere with achieving success in any business.

If the event did not happen because the second party to the wedding disappeared or was late, then the question is that the dreamer does not trust one of his loved ones: his spouse or fiancee, colleagues or business partners. And he has reasons for this: he can be let down at the most crucial moment.

If the wedding was prevented by the intervention of the elements - a hurricane, an earthquake, the end of the world began - then the dream warns against making serious, literally fatal mistakes. The dreamer should think three times before getting involved in a planned business.

If you dreamed that the dreamer’s loved one was going to get married, but not with him, but with someone else, then a dream about a failed wedding speaks of a possible serious conflict between lovers, and the relationship can only be saved from a breakup by a miracle and love.

If in a dream the wedding of the dreamer’s son or daughter does not take place, then this indicates that the parent is against the wedding for some reason. If a married lady dreams that she is getting married, but at the last moment the wedding is canceled, then this foretells her an exciting flirtation that will not lead to adultery.

A wedding can be dreamed of even by those who have never gotten married and do not intend to do so. A wedding in a dream can symbolize any union: friendly, commercial, creative. And a failed wedding foreshadows difficulties that may arise in this union.

If the dreamer lives in anticipation of the wedding day, and he suddenly dreams that long-awaited wedding didn’t take place - no need to be upset. In such a dream, emotions simply manifest themselves, which are quite understandable. And a situation that the dreamer is afraid of may be played out. But in reality everything will be fine. You just need to believe in it.

Wedding according to the dream book

A wedding is a magnificent holiday that remains in the hearts of lovers for a long time, but even married people sometimes have to take part in such a solemn event again. Our dream book will answer the question of why you dream about marriage.


If you are satisfied with everything in life, all problems and conflicts are resolved on their own, then you may well receive an invitation to a wedding in a dream. This symbolizes the perfect harmony of your state of mind. Another such plot may foreshadow news that, according to the interpretation of the dream book, will report a very important event.

If you have to prepare for a wedding in a dream, then everything depends on the person you are marrying or getting married to. If the future groom or bride is unpleasant to the dreamer in real life, then the dream book foretells a complete cessation of all intersections with him. When preparations for a wedding include preparing a gala table and decorating an apartment in a dream, then in reality you can expect success in business.

The future bride, most of whose time is occupied with such dear chores, pre-wedding affairs, menu planning and much more, may dream of preparing for the wedding, and this only means that she is very worried about the upcoming events, all thoughts and actions busy only with the upcoming holiday. To the future wife you should be calmer, otherwise by the scheduled day she will be completely exhausted - this is what the dream book advises.

Why do you dream of getting ready for a wedding? According to the interpretation of the dream book, such a plot means a global change in the dreamer’s life, and the more fun the training camp is, the more positive the changes will be. Plus, it sometimes promises a small but fun party in reality.


In a dream, you can be not only a direct participant in the holiday - the bride or groom, but also just a guest, or a witness, or see everything from the outside. The dream book interprets such dreams based on some details. So, a wedding in a dream is a very favorable sign for a girl; one can call such a picture prophetic if she also dreamed about it on a significant day.

If a young girl was a witness at a wedding in a dream, then, according to the interpretation of the dream book, she will face big changes in her personal life. Perhaps she will find herself a young man, if she doesn’t have one, or she will soon be offered a marriage proposal. For a guy, being a witness at a wedding means almost the same thing as for a girl - significant changes in his personal life.

The dream book gives an ambiguous answer to the question of why you dream of walking at a wedding in a dream: this is a harbinger of a noisy and cheerful holiday in the circle of old friends, if the picture was pleasant, kind, and left behind only good, joyful feelings.

Simply being present at a wedding in a dream, without getting the feeling of a holiday, without feeling fun, without mood - the dream book interprets it as a catastrophic lack of money in the future - the dreamer, unfortunately, will spend the already missing funds only on essential things.

Why do you dream of being a guest at a wedding? Again, it all depends on the emotional coloring of the dream. Joy and a good mood in a dream are foreshadowed in the dream book by the same emotions in reality, at some kind of festivities. Perhaps at a holiday in reality the dreamer will meet a person who will radically change his life for the better.

In a dream, a rich feast and a wedding at which you were an honored guest, but it was not a joy, but a burden, the dream book interprets as meaning that an unbearable burden of caring for a person who needs it will fall on your shoulders. At the same time, in reality you will not be able to help.

Not being a direct participant, but seeing a wedding from the outside in a dream is not a very good sign, but not for the dreamer, but for the place where he lives. This dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, often foreshadows political instability and unrest in a country or city, which, fortunately, will not directly affect you, but will fully affect your emotions.

According to the interpretation of the erotic dream book, seeing a wedding in a dream is a symbol of an upcoming conversation with a fairly close person, which will affect your past intimate relationships, but will not lead to any significant outcome.

Someone else's wedding

In dreams about marriage, the dreamer does not always take part in the role of the bride or groom. Often, in a dream you can see a union of relatives or close friends. Why do you dream about your daughter’s wedding? The dream book interprets such a plot as getting rid of everyday worries and responsibilities, an idle, unburdened life.

The dream book interprets what the sister’s wedding means in a dream depending on the situation. Most often, this plot signifies grandiose changes in the future, which will occur not without the participation of the sister. If a sister is unmarried, then this can symbolize a serious illness of a relative; for a married sister, it means achieving goals and fulfilling her innermost desires.

The dream book clearly explains why you dream about your son’s wedding. In the dreamer’s life there will be an opportunity to protect himself and his son from various adversities and misfortunes. This is news from your guardian angel, which reminds you that there is someone to protect you, so do not be afraid of anything and boldly walk through life.

When you see your brother’s wedding in a dream, the dream book promises the courtship of an unpleasant person who will be annoying and persistent, his attention will be unpleasant, and it will be very difficult to get rid of the persistent gentleman.

Parents' wedding in a dream is a good sign. The dream book promises a long and carefree life for a couple, in which they will always be surrounded by the love and care of loved ones. Perhaps the dreamer’s parents will suddenly experience a “second wind” of love, a second youth. Let them live for their own pleasure.

What you dream of about your mother’s wedding is a warning for you. Be attentive to her, do not allow overwork and unnecessary worries. It is necessary to protect the mother by all means from depression, which in the current situation can very easily be taken by surprise from the slightest stress and have a detrimental effect on health.

According to the legends of the dream book, what you dream about the wedding of relatives is a prediction of a good and carefree period of life, in which no one will bother you, and all problems will be solved easily and naturally.

A very unpleasant dream about a loved one’s wedding to another. Unfortunately, this vision does not bode well; getting into such a situation in a dream is a sign of a big quarrel, which may well lead to separation. Therefore, be vigilant and do not enter into open conflict if you do not want to destroy your happiness.

A friend’s wedding in a dream is a symbol of future fruitful cooperation, which, with proper material support, can develop into a good and profitable business. Why do you dream about a friend’s wedding? The dream book interprets this plot depending on the smallest details of the dream.

The color of the bride's dress is of great importance. If it is virgin white, it means that things will be in order, but a red, or even worse, a black wedding dress is a symbol of the fact that they will envy you, weave intrigues, and spread dirty rumors. Gloomy and sad guests at a wedding mean the appearance of ill-wishers.

Your own wedding

The answers from different dream books to the question of what it means if you dream of a wedding are not always unambiguous, and even go as far as complete opposites. And what interpretation to choose - positive or negative - is up to you. Remember - thoughts are material, and fate can be changed, therefore, regardless of messages from the kingdom of dreams, everything is in your hands.

According to Miller's dream book, a wedding means a way out of a difficult life situation. The power from above will give the dreamer the strength and means to pass all the tests and emerge victorious. Why does a girl dream about a wedding according to this dream book? A secret wedding is a symbol of the dreamer’s hot-tempered, capricious nature; perhaps this is a warning that you need to curb yourself before it comes to trouble.

According to the women's dream book, the interpretation of dreams contains, basically, only a positive key. A cheerful holiday in the arms of Morpheus foreshadows the same joyful and reckless celebration among friends. At a party in reality you can meet your one and only, this is the prediction of the dream book.

A wedding in a dream for a man who is married, according to Azar’s dream book, is a harbinger of a worsening relationship with his wife, a flash of former passion and newness. But according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, on the contrary, such a dream promises quarrels and squabbles in the family, misunderstanding between spouses.

Why a guy dreams of a wedding depends entirely on the circumstances of the dream. If a guy saw a festive motorcade in a dream, then the dream book foretells that someone from his circle will harm him. Preparation for the solemn event promises drastic changes in living conditions, and they will be positive.

The Muslim dream book interprets a wedding as a special sacrament. According to his predictions, you may witness some significant event that will be forbidden to talk about. Accordingly, this will make significant changes in everyday life.

Pleasant conversations about a wedding in a dream can turn into not very pleasant moments in reality. The dream book promises an event that will plunge the dreamer into sadness and melancholy, and most likely it will be a serious illness of one of the relatives.

According to Vanga’s dream book, a wedding in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful, cheerful event, a wonderful and unforgettable party with your closest friends. And if this is also your wedding, then take heart, you will soon have to make a fateful, and therefore very difficult, decision.

Girls in an “interesting position” can also see their own wedding in a dream, and what a pregnant woman dreams of is interpreted unambiguously by the dream book: the birth will be easy, and recovery after it will be very fast.

Such an essentially negative plot, like a wedding in a cemetery in a dream, actually promises married couple long and happy life, “soul to soul.” Why do you dream about a wedding and a funeral at the same time? This picture, according to the interpretation of the dream book, also does not carry any negativity for the dreamer, and portends good health for the married couple and children. Bride and groom

What kind of wedding can there be without a groom? But in a dream, this also happens, and despite the confusion that will be felt throughout the dream, the dream book does not promise anything bad: rest assured, what such a plot means in a dream foreshadows only a memorable event that will have a positive impact on life in general.

Seeing your wedding in a dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a harbinger of a pleasant acquaintance that will change your whole life. If a married woman saw a wedding with her husband in a dream, then, depending on the mood of the dream, positive or negative, this means either a rapprochement between the couple or a disagreement or quarrel, respectively.

According to the worst predictions, a wedding for a married woman is a harbinger of a serious illness of the spouse, which will only bring closer and strengthen family relationships. If the impressions from such a dream are so realistic and lead to the fact that you want to shout: “My wedding, I am the bride,” then expect a grandiose gift that will be a sweet surprise for you, and you will rejoice like a child.

Why dream of a wedding where the wedding dress is visible in all the smallest details? This promises the dreamer’s participation in active, group events, where new, interesting acquaintances. If the dress is dirty, torn, untidy, then in the near future you will break off your relationship with your lover.

Despite the negative feelings, crying at your wedding is a very good sign, as it combines two positive omens. According to the dream book, this plot foreshadows fun party in a circle of friends, where they will tell you good news that can change your living conditions for the better. It is also possible to meet an influential person who can influence your destiny.

Why do you dream about a gypsy wedding? Although such a celebration is cheerful and lively, such a picture does not bode well. Gypsies dream of deception, theft, and loss of a large sum of money. And getting married with them is a warning against crowds where you can easily be robbed. In the coming week, avoid markets, demonstrations, and other crowded places, listen to the warnings of the dream book.

Seeing wedding scenes in a dream, every girl wants to know when this long-awaited event will happen to her in reality. To find out this, the dream book interprets dreams foreshadowing a wedding. All paired finds in a dream, such as shoes, gloves, socks, earrings, promise a quick marriage. The main thing is that the things found are new and beautiful, then the marriage will be strong and happy.

What other dreams do you have about your wedding? Combing your hair, receiving a ring or other jewelry as a gift, running away from a bear, buying a beautiful new carpet - all this foreshadows a joyful event in the dream book. Again, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of the things you see in your dream. Only new and beautiful things promise a successful marriage, and shabby, old, holey items are a bad sign.

Failed holiday

In real life, it is very disappointing and regrettable if your wedding does not take place for some reason. Why dream of a wedding that didn’t take place in a dream? The dream book interprets that this picture comes to those who receive a tempting offer to make money through deception. It is better for the dreamer not to agree to such an event, because by borrowing a dishonest idea, you can make money quite legally.

Canceling a wedding may also mean that they want to deceive you. Don’t fall for the scammers’ bait, no matter what tempting offers are voiced, the dream book has warned you. Also, refusing a wedding in a dream can symbolize the dreamer’s reclusive life, literal asceticism and low demands on a partner and living conditions.

The dream book gives different interpretations of what it means to dream of escaping from a wedding in a dream. It all depends on who saw this story. A man who escaped from a celebration needs a subtle analysis of his life positions. Your reputation may suffer because of your views and principles. And first of all, this will affect family relationships

For a woman to run away from her wedding in a dream means committing rash acts in reality. Another meaning is the dream where you happened to be late for a wedding in a dream. This picture brings with it material losses and health problems.

In general, being late for your wedding in a dream is a bad sign. All the desires, plans and dreams that you have nurtured in your head for so long may never come true. To prevent this from happening, change your life positions, constantly look for ways to achieve your cherished goal. Dreams cannot create destiny; a person himself creates the conditions for everything to work out.

Why do you dream of an unsuccessful wedding? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this plot gives a hint that you need to reflect on your actions and actions; perhaps you are doing something wrong, in many ways you are not inferior to close people, you are being excessively persistent when it is not necessary. Be gentler. and be more tolerant, you will see, everything will work out in life.

A broken wedding in a dream means difficulties in a business venture in reality. Beware of ill-wishers who are trying to ruin your reputation and spread bad rumors. The dream book interprets more positively what it means to dream of crying at a wedding in a dream. This is a harbinger of very good news that will help in your business.

Dream interpretation of your own Wedding

Why do you dream about your own Wedding in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about your wedding? We should expect positive events in the future. You will be lucky in business, and your relationships with loved ones will delight you.

Your own wedding without a groom - get ready for an unexpected incident that will be a great surprise for everyone and will be remembered for a long time.

Who dreams of their own wedding? Who do you dream about your wedding with? Did you have your own wedding in a dream? How many times have you dreamed about your wedding? Did you make it to your wedding in your dream? What did you do at your wedding in your dream?

Who dreams of their own wedding?

An unmarried girl dreams of her own wedding

An unmarried girl dreamed of her own wedding - anxiety and resentment are expected. Take care of your own health, it is possible that you will get sick.

The girl dreamed of her wedding

For a girl, her own wedding, according to the dream book, means minor troubles, some deterioration in well-being, a mild illness. Be more attentive to the signals given by your body, do not miss the disease at the initial stage.

A married woman dreams of her wedding

A married woman dreams of her wedding - she will have to make an important decision that will change her whole life. You should carefully weigh everything, think through the smallest steps and make a decision.

The guy sees his wedding in a dream

For a guy, a dream about his own wedding indicates the need for independent decision-making in vital matters. You should rely only on yourself; there will be no outside support.

The man dreamed about his wedding

A man sees his wedding in a dream - a new wave of troubles is to be expected, sadness and loneliness are coming. The dark streak will not end soon, accept it courageously.

Who do you dream about your wedding with?

Dreaming of a wedding with an ex-boyfriend

Why do you dream about a wedding? ex-boyfriend? There are troubles ahead in various areas of life. Hope for the best, negative events will end soon.

I dreamed of a wedding with a friend

If you dreamed of a wedding with a friend, you are subconsciously trying to find a person who contains the qualities of your friend. The search may be crowned with success, your wishes will come true.

Dreaming of your wedding with your unloved one

The dream book interprets a wedding with an unloved person as the onset of changes in your personal life, bringing with them unpleasant events. Be prepared for new difficulties and troubles in life.

Did you have your own wedding in a dream?

I dreamed about my own failed wedding

If you dream of your own failed wedding, significant changes will occur in reality. A change of job, relocation, or the appearance of a lover is possible. If the wedding was disrupted due to someone else's fault, expect difficulties and obstacles along the way.

Run away from your wedding in a dream

A dream about escaping from your own wedding promises joyful events, a happy coincidence of circumstances. Positive changes are expected, a positive mood is guaranteed.

How many times have you dreamed about your wedding?

I dream about my wedding many times

Seeing your wedding many times in a dream - expect it to happen unpleasant events, troubles, failures. If you can prepare for them in advance, the effect will not be so negative.

Did you make it to your wedding in your dream?

Being late for your wedding according to the dream book

Why do you dream of being late for your wedding? Serious losses and failures in financial affairs are possible. You should remain vigilant and exercise caution when resolving money issues.

What did you do at your wedding in your dream?

Walking at your own wedding in a dream

If you dreamed that you were walking at your wedding, expect prosperity in business and happiness in your personal life. Also, a dream may foreshadow an illness or deterioration in the condition of one of your close relatives.

Your own failed wedding

Dream Interpretation Your own failed wedding dreamed of why you dream about your own failed wedding? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your own failed wedding in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Own wedding

If in a dream a girl sees herself as a bride (her own wedding - seeing her wedding), it means that the object of her love is infatuated with another. A bride in a dream of an elderly woman foreshadows minor domestic quarrels with her husband.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Being at someone's wedding - you will successfully find a way out of the situation that was the cause of your anxiety;
for a woman - to see a secret wedding - you should learn to restrain your desires and impulses;
for a girl - agree to get married - you will grow greatly in the eyes of people who have influence on your destiny, and you will justify their trust;
for a girl - your parents do not approve of your choice - a real engagement will cause condemnation from relatives;
for a girl - your lover marries someone else - you will suffer from empty anxieties and groundless fears;
for a single person, being married is misfortune;
for a girl - at your wedding someone is dressed in mourning - you will be unhappy in your marriage;
This happens at someone else’s wedding - an unenviable life awaits your friend or relative.
Also see Parents, Mourning.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life.

To be at your wedding in a dream is evidence that you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your entire future life will depend on this decision.

If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To take part - for unmarried people - a quick marriage; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of the other sex; your own wedding - happiness in marriage; to be at a wedding in the company of men or women - your affairs will become confused

Failed wedding

Dream Interpretation Failed wedding dreamed of why you dream about a failed wedding? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a failed wedding in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Failed wedding

If you dreamed that the wedding did not take place (failed wedding), or to cancel your own wedding (broken wedding) - the dream promises difficulties in some matter; to overcome the difficulties you will have to make a lot of effort.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die. If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family. To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death. Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of people from the opposite direction; seeing your own wedding is family happiness; being at a wedding among men or women means confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; food at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hearing or taking part in a conversation about a wedding in a dream means sadness and chagrin. To be at a wedding or church ceremony in a dream is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation.

For those getting married, such a dream predicts imminent death.

If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, then you will soon learn about the death of a loved one. If in a dream you marry your husband (wife), then the dream predicts death for you.

Seeing wedding guests in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they are dressed in black, then sadness or a message about the death of a relative awaits you. If this happens in a dream at your own wedding, then the dream predicts an unhappy family life for you. If the table is empty at the wedding, then you will face a collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding congratulations in a dream foretells receiving news of success in business.

If you dream that someone asks in a dream if it is true that you got married, then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have new lover(beloved).

Being at a friend’s wedding in a dream is a harbinger of imminent news of his death.

Talking to someone at a wedding or eating at a wedding means illness or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red but poor”, “Blizzard on the wedding train - the whole blizzard will blow away”, “Under Throw money at the wedding footstool - the newlyweds will be rich”, “They take care of the wedding candle, but light it to help with the first birth”, “There is no wedding without divas” (without miracles), “When the newlyweds meet, a fire is laid out at the gate (from damage)” . A wedding could have appeared in your dream because some changes happened to you in real life.

To be a bride or groom at a wedding in a dream is a sign that you will soon accept a very important decision, which will affect your entire subsequent life. Perhaps it will contribute to changes in your life for the better.

If you are present at a wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life in any way. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but your attempt will be in vain.

If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness to one of the young people, then quick changes await you in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better.

If you dreamed that you were a toastmaster conducting a wedding, then in reality you need to wait for now with entertainment and finish your difficult work, otherwise you will for a long time you will not be able to achieve your goals.

Seeing a wedding cortege in a dream is a prophecy that no changes are expected in your life in the near future.

Interfering with a wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone around you is hostile towards you and wishes you harm.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If you see yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.

A young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding most likely does not have a very good disposition.

If a girl accepted the proposal in a dream, then in reality she will earn everyone’s respect. In addition, all the promises made to her by her lover will come true.

If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then in real life they will react poorly to the engagement.

A dream in which a loved one marries someone else portends you unreasonable suffering and empty fears.

If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen.

A young woman who sees someone in mourning at her wedding will not have a very successful family life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a wedding as follows.

Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although it will not be directly related to you, will still affect you too.

If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Walked in a dream at a wedding - waiting for you fun party in the circle of my old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life.

If you were at your wedding in a dream, you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your future life will depend on this decision.

If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To be at a wedding means to experience troubles, sadness, perhaps the loss of a friend or illness.

Being a groom at a wedding means danger.

If the marriage takes place, this is a very bad omen.

For a sick person, a dream about a wedding predicts death.

For a woman, dreams about a wedding do not have such a dark meaning.

But they still mean anxiety and sadness, especially if you dream of a secret wedding or a wedding without parental consent.

If in a dream someone is in mourning at a wedding, in reality the marriage of the person who saw such a dream will be unsuccessful.

Sometimes a dream about a wedding for a man is a prediction of the appearance in his life of a woman who is spiritually close to him, and for a woman - the appearance of a man for whom she will experience passionate love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Funeral, not good, quarrel, betrayal (married), sadness (single), loss; to get married yourself - nothing will happen, the soul shows off // to get sick, the wife or husband will die, the husband and wife will quarrel, illness or death (married); to marry your husband is death; to be at a wedding - birth of children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing; dance at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women is confusion in life; wedding train - love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

The wedding didn't take place

Dream Interpretation Wedding failed dreamed of why you dream about a wedding that didn’t take place? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a failed wedding in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Failed wedding

If you dreamed that the wedding did not take place (failed wedding), or to cancel your own wedding (broken wedding) - the dream promises difficulties in some matter; to overcome the difficulties you will have to make a lot of effort.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die. If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family. To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death. Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of people from the opposite direction; seeing your own wedding is family happiness; being at a wedding among men or women means confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; food at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hearing or taking part in a conversation about a wedding in a dream means sadness and chagrin. To be at a wedding or church ceremony in a dream is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation.

For those getting married, such a dream predicts imminent death.

If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, then you will soon learn about the death of a loved one. If in a dream you marry your husband (wife), then the dream predicts death for you.

Seeing wedding guests in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they are dressed in black, then sadness or a message about the death of a relative awaits you. If this happens in a dream at your own wedding, then the dream predicts an unhappy family life for you. If the table is empty at the wedding, then you will face a collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding congratulations in a dream foretell receiving news of success in business.

If you dream that someone asks in a dream if it is true that you got married, then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have a new lover (beloved).

Being at a friend’s wedding in a dream is a harbinger of imminent news of his death.

Talking to someone at a wedding or eating at a wedding means illness or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red but poor”, “Blizzard on the wedding train - the whole blizzard will blow away”, “Under Throw money at the wedding footstool - the newlyweds will be rich”, “They take care of the wedding candle, but light it to help with the first birth”, “There is no wedding without divas” (without miracles), “When the newlyweds meet, a fire is laid out at the gate (from damage)” . A wedding could have appeared in your dream because some changes happened to you in real life.

To be a bride or groom at a wedding in a dream is a sign that you will soon make a very important decision that will affect your entire subsequent life. Perhaps it will contribute to changes in your life for the better.

If you are present at a wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life in any way. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but your attempt will be in vain.

If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness to one of the young people, then quick changes await you in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better.

If you dreamed that you were a toastmaster conducting a wedding, then in reality you need to wait for now with entertainment and finish your difficult work, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals for a long time.

Seeing a wedding cortege in a dream is a prophecy that no changes are expected in your life in the near future.

Interfering with a wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone around you is hostile towards you and wishes you harm.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If you see yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.

A young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding most likely does not have a very good disposition.

If a girl accepted the proposal in a dream, then in reality she will earn everyone’s respect. In addition, all the promises made to her by her lover will come true.

If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then in real life they will react poorly to the engagement.

A dream in which a loved one marries someone else portends you unreasonable suffering and empty fears.

If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen.

A young woman who sees someone in mourning at her wedding will not have a very successful family life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a wedding as follows.

Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although it will not be directly related to you, will still affect you too.

If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party awaits you with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life.

If you were at your wedding in a dream, you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your future life will depend on this decision.

If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To be at a wedding means to experience troubles, sadness, perhaps the loss of a friend or illness.

Being a groom at a wedding means danger.

If the marriage takes place, this is a very bad omen.

For a sick person, a dream about a wedding predicts death.

For a woman, dreams about a wedding do not have such a dark meaning.

But they still mean anxiety and sadness, especially if you dream of a secret wedding or a wedding without parental consent.

If in a dream someone is in mourning at a wedding, in reality the marriage of the person who saw such a dream will be unsuccessful.

Sometimes a dream about a wedding for a man is a prediction of the appearance in his life of a woman who is spiritually close to him, and for a woman - the appearance of a man for whom she will experience passionate love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Funeral, not good, quarrel, betrayal (married), sadness (single), loss; to get married yourself - nothing will happen, the soul shows off // to get sick, the wife or husband will die, the husband and wife will quarrel, illness or death (married); to marry your husband is death; to be at a wedding - birth of children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing; dance at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women is confusion in life; wedding train - love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Funeral, not good, quarrel, betrayal (married), sadness (single), loss; to get married yourself - nothing will happen, the soul shows off // to get sick, the wife or husband will die, the husband and wife will quarrel, illness or death (married); to marry your husband is death; to be at a wedding - birth of children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing; dance at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women is confusion in life; wedding train - love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If in a dream you are zealously preparing for the upcoming wedding, sewing a wedding dress and all that stuff, then in reality you will be so nervous that the wedding ceremony itself will pass by your consciousness like a cloud of fog.

Seeing yourself in a dream wedding table means that in reality you will have luck in everything except love. If you are arranging a wedding contrary to the wishes of your parents not to allow this marriage, it means that in reality you are in danger of an illness that will undermine your strength and lead to complete mental exhaustion.

A dream in which you are present at the wedding of your friend, who took your fiancé away from you, foreshadows the insincere attitude of friends who are clearly hiding something from you. A dream in which you are getting married a second time speaks of a danger that you will have to confront with all your courage and self-control.

A sad wedding is a sign of a future dysfunctional family life, cheerful - in real life you will be the subject of constant adoration of your beloved. If in a dream your wedding procession passes through a cemetery, it means that in reality this threatens you with widowhood in the prime of life due to a tragic incident with your husband. A dream in which you go on a honeymoon means harmony in your intimate life.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Seeing your wedding means a painful year, trouble in the house.

To be at someone else's wedding is a fulfillment of desires.

To be at the wedding of a loved one means regrets, secret suspicions about her, danger to her life.

Organizing a wedding for someone means obstacles.

Dream of a failed wedding


I recently dreamed about preparing for a wedding. My boyfriend and I submitted an application to the registry office, the next day we were supposed to be registered, but we overslept, began to quickly get ready, my future husband I got ready and went somewhere, meanwhile I continued to rush around the apartment and get ready. Then, when I realized that I was completely late, we met with my boyfriend and informed each other that we were postponing the wedding, citing the lack of funds for the wedding.

Failed wedding

Dream Interpretation Failed wedding dreamed of why you dream about a failed wedding? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a failed wedding in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Failed wedding

If you dreamed that the wedding did not take place (failed wedding), or to cancel your own wedding (broken wedding) - the dream promises difficulties in some matter; to overcome the difficulties you will have to make a lot of effort.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die. If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family. To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death. Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of people from the opposite direction; seeing your own wedding is family happiness; being at a wedding among men or women means confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; food at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hearing or taking part in a conversation about a wedding in a dream means sadness and chagrin. To be at a wedding or church ceremony in a dream is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation.

For those getting married, such a dream predicts imminent death.

If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, then you will soon learn about the death of a loved one. If in a dream you marry your husband (wife), then the dream predicts death for you.

Seeing wedding guests in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they are dressed in black, then sadness or a message about the death of a relative awaits you. If this happens in a dream at your own wedding, then the dream predicts an unhappy family life for you. If the table is empty at the wedding, then you will face a collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding congratulations in a dream foretell receiving news of success in business.

If you dream that someone asks in a dream if it is true that you got married, then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have a new lover (beloved).

Being at a friend’s wedding in a dream is a harbinger of imminent news of his death.

Talking to someone at a wedding or eating at a wedding means illness or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red but poor”, “Blizzard on the wedding train - the whole blizzard will blow away”, “Under Throw money at the wedding footstool - the newlyweds will be rich”, “They take care of the wedding candle, but light it to help with the first birth”, “There is no wedding without divas” (without miracles), “When the newlyweds meet, a fire is laid out at the gate (from damage)” . A wedding could have appeared in your dream because some changes happened to you in real life.

To be a bride or groom at a wedding in a dream is a sign that you will soon make a very important decision that will affect your entire subsequent life. Perhaps it will contribute to changes in your life for the better.

If you are present at a wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life in any way. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but your attempt will be in vain.

If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness to one of the young people, then quick changes await you in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better.

If you dreamed that you were a toastmaster conducting a wedding, then in reality you need to wait for now with entertainment and finish your difficult work, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals for a long time.

Seeing a wedding cortege in a dream is a prophecy that no changes are expected in your life in the near future.

Interfering with a wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone around you is hostile towards you and wishes you harm.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If you see yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.

A young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding most likely does not have a very good disposition.

If a girl accepted the proposal in a dream, then in reality she will earn everyone’s respect. In addition, all the promises made to her by her lover will come true.

If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then in real life they will react poorly to the engagement.

A dream in which a loved one marries someone else portends you unreasonable suffering and empty fears.

If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen.

A young woman who sees someone in mourning at her wedding will not have a very successful family life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a wedding as follows.

Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although it will not be directly related to you, will still affect you too.

If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party awaits you with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life.

If you were at your wedding in a dream, you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your future life will depend on this decision.

If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To be at a wedding means to experience troubles, sadness, perhaps the loss of a friend or illness.

Being a groom at a wedding means danger.

If the marriage takes place, this is a very bad omen.

For a sick person, a dream about a wedding predicts death.

For a woman, dreams about a wedding do not have such a dark meaning.

But they still mean anxiety and sadness, especially if you dream of a secret wedding or a wedding without parental consent.

If in a dream someone is in mourning at a wedding, in reality the marriage of the person who saw such a dream will be unsuccessful.

Sometimes a dream about a wedding for a man is a prediction of the appearance in his life of a woman who is spiritually close to him, and for a woman - the appearance of a man for whom she will experience passionate love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Funeral, not good, quarrel, betrayal (married), sadness (single), loss; to get married yourself - nothing will happen, the soul shows off // to get sick, the wife or husband will die, the husband and wife will quarrel, illness or death (married); to marry your husband is death; to be at a wedding - birth of children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing; dance at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women is confusion in life; wedding train - love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Funeral, not good, quarrel, betrayal (married), sadness (single), loss; to get married yourself - nothing will happen, the soul shows off // to get sick, the wife or husband will die, the husband and wife will quarrel, illness or death (married); to marry your husband is death; to be at a wedding - birth of children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing; dance at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women is confusion in life; wedding train - love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If in a dream you are zealously preparing for the upcoming wedding, sewing a wedding dress and all that stuff, then in reality you will be so nervous that the wedding ceremony itself will pass by your consciousness like a cloud of fog.

Seeing yourself at a wedding table in a dream means that in reality you will have good luck in everything except love. If you are arranging a wedding contrary to the wishes of your parents not to allow this marriage, it means that in reality you are in danger of an illness that will undermine your strength and lead to complete mental exhaustion.

A dream in which you are present at the wedding of your friend, who took your fiancé away from you, foreshadows the insincere attitude of friends who are clearly hiding something from you. A dream in which you are getting married a second time speaks of a danger that you will have to confront with all your courage and self-control.

A sad wedding is a sign of a future dysfunctional family life, a cheerful one - in real life you will be the subject of constant adoration of your beloved. If in a dream your wedding procession passes through a cemetery, it means that in reality this threatens you with widowhood in the prime of life due to a tragic incident with your husband. A dream in which you go on a honeymoon means harmony in your intimate life.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Seeing your wedding means a painful year, trouble in the house.

To be at someone else's wedding is a fulfillment of desires.

To be at the wedding of a loved one means regrets, secret suspicions about her, danger to her life.

Organizing a wedding for someone means obstacles.

Failed wedding for husband

Dream Interpretation Failed wedding for husband dreamed of why you dream about a failed wedding for your husband? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a failed wedding for your husband in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Failed wedding

If you dreamed that the wedding did not take place (failed wedding), or to cancel your own wedding (broken wedding) - the dream promises difficulties in some matter; to overcome the difficulties you will have to make a lot of effort.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die. If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family. To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death. Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of people from the opposite direction; seeing your own wedding is family happiness; being at a wedding among men or women means confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; food at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hearing or taking part in a conversation about a wedding in a dream means sadness and chagrin. To be at a wedding or church ceremony in a dream is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation.

For those getting married, such a dream predicts imminent death.

If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, then you will soon learn about the death of a loved one. If in a dream you marry your husband (wife), then the dream predicts death for you.

Seeing wedding guests in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they are dressed in black, then sadness or a message about the death of a relative awaits you. If this happens in a dream at your own wedding, then the dream predicts an unhappy family life for you. If the table is empty at the wedding, then you will face a collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding congratulations in a dream foretell receiving news of success in business.

If you dream that someone asks in a dream if it is true that you got married, then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have a new lover (beloved).

Being at a friend’s wedding in a dream is a harbinger of imminent news of his death.

Talking to someone at a wedding or eating at a wedding means illness or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red but poor”, “Blizzard on the wedding train - the whole blizzard will blow away”, “Under Throw money at the wedding footstool - the newlyweds will be rich”, “They take care of the wedding candle, but light it to help with the first birth”, “There is no wedding without divas” (without miracles), “When the newlyweds meet, a fire is laid out at the gate (from damage)” . A wedding could have appeared in your dream because some changes happened to you in real life.

To be a bride or groom at a wedding in a dream is a sign that you will soon make a very important decision that will affect your entire subsequent life. Perhaps it will contribute to changes in your life for the better.

If you are present at a wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life in any way. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but your attempt will be in vain.

If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness to one of the young people, then quick changes await you in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better.

If you dreamed that you were a toastmaster conducting a wedding, then in reality you need to wait for now with entertainment and finish your difficult work, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals for a long time.

Seeing a wedding cortege in a dream is a prophecy that no changes are expected in your life in the near future.

Interfering with a wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone around you is hostile towards you and wishes you harm.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband when meeting or seeing him off is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously familiarized yourself with its contents secretly from your spouse, this foreshadows a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and also sick, such a dream foreshadows troubles and lack of money. A cheerful and energetic husband returning from hunting or fishing means prosperity in the home and new acquisitions.

A dream in which you accuse your husband of cheating speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream your husband leaves his family in your care, and himself disappears for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanation, such a dream means a temporary discord in the relationship between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband because of your addiction to alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream foreshadows the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking establishment.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big troubles in real life due to your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream your husband goes on a business trip, and you act according to classic scheme, receiving your lover on your marital bed - in fact, your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If you see yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.

A young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding most likely does not have a very good disposition.

If a girl accepted the proposal in a dream, then in reality she will earn everyone’s respect. In addition, all the promises made to her by her lover will come true.

If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then in real life they will react poorly to the engagement.

A dream in which a loved one marries someone else portends you unreasonable suffering and empty fears.

If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen.

A young woman who sees someone in mourning at her wedding will not have a very successful family life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a wedding as follows.

Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although it will not be directly related to you, will still affect you too.

If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party awaits you with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life.

If you were at your wedding in a dream, you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your future life will depend on this decision.

If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To be at a wedding means to experience troubles, sadness, perhaps the loss of a friend or illness.

Being a groom at a wedding means danger.

If the marriage takes place, this is a very bad omen.

For a sick person, a dream about a wedding predicts death.

For a woman, dreams about a wedding do not have such a dark meaning.

But they still mean anxiety and sadness, especially if you dream of a secret wedding or a wedding without parental consent.

If in a dream someone is in mourning at a wedding, in reality the marriage of the person who saw such a dream will be unsuccessful.

Sometimes a dream about a wedding for a man is a prediction of the appearance in his life of a woman who is spiritually close to him, and for a woman - the appearance of a man for whom she will experience passionate love.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream may also portend some troubles outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason, in reality this means a short-term cooling of the relationship, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and agreement.

If you dreamed about your husband being sick or tired, this means that one of your relatives is ill.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not all is well in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in it.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but when leaving home he seemed to become taller - the dream foreshadows that close people will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman is involved, this means divorce or significant losses.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come to the family.

If a wife caresses her husband, it means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

For a woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that separation and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you are calling him, and he has turned his back to you and does not respond, or that he has left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream as painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles await you, because of which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (without frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since your husband is currently dissatisfied with his life with you. Quarreling and swearing, fighting with him in a dream is the opposite dream, which foreshadows joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by divorce. What a man should do in his dream women's work- a sign of troubles, losses, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. Seeing a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you will be able to find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your worries and troubles will soon end. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. Seeing a lot of men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young, pleasant-looking man and speaks to her, then changes in her personal life will soon await her. Remember this person's words and what he looks like. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then such changes will occur. And vice versa. Seeing a freak in a dream and getting scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that close person will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, and looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with your husband - to peace and harmony.

If your husband leaves you in a dream without a reason, in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, as your relationship suffers from this.

Leaving your husband and falling in love with someone else means loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feasting with your husband means separation.

Intimacy is someone else's interference in business, someone else's influence.

Traveling with your husband means loss of property.

Giving your husband something to drink is good luck.

Why do you dream of a failed wedding? Guides to the world of dreams will tell you the answer to this question. Of course, it is important to remember the details on which the interpretation directly depends. Your own or someone else's wedding did not take place, due to whose fault the ceremony was canceled - every little thing matters.

Why do you dream of a failed wedding: Miller’s dream book

What interpretation does Miller's handbook provide? Why do men and women dream of a failed wedding? Such dreams most often bother people who are prone to meaningless experiences. A person attaches too much importance to a problem that is not worth a damn.

Another explanation is possible. A man or woman is about to have an unpleasant conversation. The conversation should not be postponed, as it will help resolve the problem. There will be no misunderstanding between the dreamer and his interlocutor.


Why dream of a failed wedding if someone else was supposed to marry? If the ceremony, at which the sleeper was present only as a guest, was disrupted, then in reality some kind of proposal awaits him. There is a high probability that someone will try to convince the dreamer to take part in a dubious business. If a person agrees, this may negatively affect his reputation. It is best to refuse the offer.

There is another interpretation of such a dream. If a person dreams that he was a guest at a disrupted wedding, this is a sign that something went wrong in his real life. It is possible that he should reconsider his priorities and pay less attention to details.


Why do you dream about your own failed wedding? The answer to this question directly depends on what emotions the sleeper experienced in his dreams.

  • Did the news about the disruption of the ceremony bring relief to the person? Such a plot indicates that in reality the dreamer is doing something that he does not like. He dreams of getting rid of his duty, but he fails.
  • Is the sleeping person seriously upset about the failed celebration? This may be a sign that in reality the dreamer is preparing to throw in his lot with a person who is absolutely not suitable for him. Especially those who are preparing to get married in reality should pay attention to such a dream.
  • For lonely girls, such dreams promise a new admirer. Unfortunately, this relationship will be fleeting, even if it leaves pleasant memories.

Dreams about breakdown wedding ceremony often seen by brides and grooms. Such dreams should not always be given importance. They may be due to the fact that the sleeper was worried in reality.

With the unloved

What other subjects does the dream book consider? Why do you dream of a failed wedding with unloved person? If in his dreams the sleeper is preparing for the ceremony and at the same time dreams of it being disrupted, then such a plot should be taken as a warning.

This warning most likely concerns the health of a man or woman. Now is the right time to give up bad habits, start exercising and eating right. If you have alarming symptoms, you should never postpone a visit to the doctor. The earlier the disease can be diagnosed, the greater the chances for a successful and rapid recovery.

Being late, running away

Why do you dream about your failed wedding? This directly depends on what caused the disruption of the celebration.

  • Did the sleeper dream that he was late for his own wedding? Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s unpunctuality and carelessness. This attitude to life prevents him from achieving success, and also causes irritation among others. A person needs to seriously start working on himself, correcting his shortcomings.
  • Is the other party late for the wedding ceremony? This plot hints that the sleeper does not trust his immediate environment. The dreamer's intuition tells him that he may be let down at the most inopportune moment. Most likely, a person’s suspicions are justified.
  • Does the groom leave the bride, or does she run away on her own? Such a dream has a negative meaning. Most likely, the plans that a person makes are not destined to come true. There is also the possibility of trouble at work.
  • Does the dreamer himself, in his dreams, abandon his other half at the altar? Such a plot predicts an unreasonable act in real life. The consequences of a mistake can be very dire.

With ex-lover

What other subjects are covered in guidebooks to the world of dreams? Why dream of a failed wedding with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend? Let's assume that the separation occurred recently and not on the initiative of the sleeper. The plot of the dream may indicate that the person regrets the breakup and dreams of returning everything.

There is another interpretation of night dreams, which involve a failed marriage ceremony with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. The plot may hint that a bright streak will soon come in the dreamer’s life. A person is ready to leave the past behind and start all over again. He just needs to make some efforts, and his situation will begin to change for the better.

With ex-husband or wife

Why do you dream of a failed wedding with ex-husband to a woman? Many dream books regard such a plot as a good sign. It indicates that the sleeper was able to learn from mistakes made in the past. It is unlikely that they will be allowed by her again. The dream may also hint that the woman is ready to start a new relationship.

For a man, a failed wedding with ex-wife has a similar meaning.

Various stories

Above we talk about why you dream of a failed wedding with your ex. What other options are possible?

  • The dreamer may dream that a marriage ceremony (his or someone else's) is disrupted due to the fault of third parties. Such a vision prophesies big troubles for the sleeper. Most likely, problems will arise due to the machinations of ill-wishers.
  • The disruption of a wedding due to the fault of third parties may also indicate that in the coming days the dreamer risks becoming a victim of deception. There may be scammers on the horizon who will try to deceive him. You should not accept offers that come from new acquaintances. The consequences can be extremely unpleasant.
  • Was the wedding upset for reasons beyond the person's control? For example, this may be due to natural disasters or accidents. The dream book prophesies to the sleeping person making a decision that will affect his entire future life. A man or woman risks being faced with a choice that will not be easy to make.

For guys and girls

Why does a girl dream about her failed wedding? Interpretation depends on details that should definitely be remembered. If in her dreams a young lady runs away from her future husband and abandons him at the altar, then this promises her rash actions in real life. The celebration is canceled because the bride is late? In reality, you should be afraid of loss material assets. The dreamer should also pay close attention to her health, as problems with it are possible.

Let's pretend that young man I dreamed that he met someone else and abandoned his bride at the altar. Such a plot warns that global changes await the guy. Soon fate will give him an amazing chance, which he should definitely take advantage of.


A person may also dream that the wedding took place, but was extremely unsuccessful. Such dreams warn that he should exercise extreme caution in the near future. The danger threatens not so much his life and health as his reputation. The dreamer must carefully consider his words and actions, as there is a possibility of a fatal mistake.

The wedding took place, but turned out to be extremely gloomy and boring? In this case, dream books recommend not going on a trip in the coming days. You should refrain not only from long trips, but also from visiting nearby places. On the way, a man or woman will face serious danger.

This dream has two main interpretations. On the one hand, your own wedding, which you planned and it fell through or was postponed, on the other, a wedding, which is a plot only in a dream.

The dream book interprets these dreams differently, depending on thoughts, plot and various turns. Sometimes the dreamer may see in a dream a failed wedding of acquaintances and friends. This is how the dream book interprets such stories in various variations.

Experiencing reality

As a rule, these are dreams about real events and what could have happened in life. For example, a guy dated a girl and wanted to marry her, but the relationship went wrong and the marriage did not take place. But in a dream he sees her as a bride and walks at his own wedding. Girls may dream of their wedding or celebration with the guy who was hers. ex-lover, those to whom she refused marriage or the limit of her dreams. The dream book interprets such turns in a dream differently.

Why do you dream that you are getting married to a past love? The dream book writes that there are 2 options here. He or she will get married and finally put an end to the relationship, or you will soon reconcile or get married.

The dream book also psychologically interprets the dream to mean that very soon you will subconsciously regret breaking up and want to get back into the relationship. But such a turn in a dream shows that there is only one of two ways: either a final separation without regrets or grievances, or reconciliation and a quick wedding.

What is this dream about, in the role of your fiancé, a guy whom you refused and who is unpleasant? Such a dream predicts troubles and the danger of deception in personal relationships. Most likely, your fiance will not show himself at his best. the best side or will begin to behave like an unpleasant ex-lover.

The dream book predicts the same thing for guys. Often, after such a vision, you find out that the admirer has not yet cooled down, has hopes, or he will make an attempt to return again or take revenge on you. So you should be careful and put an end to your relationship with him.

Why do you dream of a failed wedding of a friend, friend or acquaintance? The dream book writes that soon the personal life of these people will improve.

You worry in vain about an option that will no longer exist. Such stories are not uncommon if you know a couple and would like them to become husband and wife. And the subconscious shows unrealized expectations with such plots in a dream.

Although in rare cases, this story shows that couples can make peace and submit an application to the registry office. Often the details of such a dream are unexpected and in the dream exactly the same as at a future wedding.

Broken wedding

In such stories, the dreamer usually attends his own wedding with his bride and groom, but the marriage breaks down. The dream book advises to carefully interpret such dreams, as they speak volumes. The subconscious also shows doubts about the decision taken living together and fear of marriage.

Why do you dream that the bride or groom did not come to the registration? Most likely, this person will change his mind or the dreamer will be disappointed in him and the wedding will be postponed for an indefinite time or will not take place at all. Run away with someone else's bride or groom - you will change your decision at the last moment. Most likely, a few days before the wedding you will meet another person or an old love will remind you of itself, which will become destiny.

Why do you dream that your bride is ready to run away with another groom? Such a dream usually occurs when there is mistrust of her. It is possible that the girl is really playing a double game and is not as simple as she might seem. She can change her decision and the subconscious reflects such behavior.

However, if the bride dreams that she left her fiancé and ran away, it means doubts and fear of a change in life. Most likely, she will regret the hasty decision and postpone the wedding.

Meeting another bride in a dream and running away from your own wedding is a sign of rare luck and a dizzying change in life. Such a dream suggests that you will definitely not miss your chance.