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How to do retinoic peeling at home. Retinoic peeling (yellow) at home

For facial cleansing procedure modern women Retinoic peeling is often used. It received the second name “yellow peeling” due to the fact that the active substance in its composition is retinoic acid - a lemon-colored substance that gives the skin a yellowish tint for a while.

The effectiveness of this cosmetic procedure A large number of women have already experienced it. To all positive qualities she has one more thing - the ability to do retinoic peeling at home.

Women over 25 who have the following problems should use this skin cleanser:

  • the skin becomes flabby
  • fuzzy oval face,
  • Availability age spots,
  • the presence of scales on the skin,
  • acne,
  • presence of keratomas.

After exposure to retinoic acid, the skin acquires a healthy color, the texture of its upper layer becomes denser, the relief improves and acquires clear boundaries. This procedure has a healing effect on the epidermis, regulates blood circulation, increases hydration in the skin, and promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

Senile pigmentation that spoils appearance and stubbornly indicates advanced age, gradually disappears. In general, the condition of the skin improves, and the woman gains a second youth.

This method of cleansing the skin is a beneficial alternative to glycolic peeling, which has more contraindications and can lead to complications.

Beauty salon at home

Every woman who has little time or no money for expensive salon treatments, can do yellow peeling at home. But for this you need to prepare. First, you should carefully study the procedure for applying masks, and perhaps get advice from a specialist.

Do not forget that this procedure has contraindications. They are the same as for professional retinoic peeling.

Those who have done this procedure at home note that it is not at all difficult, convenient (can be done at any convenient time), cheap (costs only for material) and no less effective. Of course, the work of a cosmetologist is more professional and it will not be possible to completely replace it, but at least once you should try to do the peeling yourself. The result will still be noticeable.

Peeling technique

The retinoic peeling procedure requires preparation. 2 weeks before the procedure, do not expose your face to sunlight, do not visit the solarium, sauna or bathhouse.

The upper stratum corneum of the skin must be softened during this time. This can be done using glycolic acid creams.

To make yellow peeling, you need to purchase Differin cream, it rids the skin of acne. Before using it, be sure to do an allergy test. If there is no burning sensation, rashes or other uncomfortable sensations, begin the procedure. If you don't find this cream at the pharmacy, buy azelaic acid, tretinoin or benziol peroxide.

First, cleanse your face and apply 2 layers of cream. It will help remove dead cells. Next, use the peeling substance directly. The acid should even be applied to the skin around the eyes. Without washing off the retinoic mass, cover it with a mixture of baking soda and water (1:2 ratio). This is a neutralizing mixture. It can be washed off after 7 – 8 hours.

During this time, you may feel a burning sensation. Don’t be alarmed, this is a normal reaction, the cream just interacted with the skin and the cleansing process began. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature and apply the moisturizer that you usually use.

After a few hours, the skin will begin to exfoliate and get rid of the dead layer. This process is very active. There is no need to speed it up by helping to remove skin particles manually. In this case, it is better to use moisturizing creams and thermal water.

During the recovery period, slight redness will be observed, which usually lasts up to 4 days. And after 7 days you will see pleasant changes on your skin.

Each procedure requires a system to consolidate its effect. Retinol peeling at home must be done 3 times (once every 3 weeks), and repeated after six months.

Post-peeling care

You need to constantly monitor the condition of your skin, especially after any cosmetic procedure. This is necessary so that pigment spots do not appear, the healing process is accelerated, and there is no inflammation.

Care involves the use of moisturizing cosmetics, as well as drugs with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating properties. In order not to irritate the skin and soothe it after chemical exposure, it is advisable to use thermal water, creams that do not contain dyes, fragrances and preservatives.

The skin after exposure to reninoic acid is very vulnerable and requires special care. It cannot be substituted under straight lines Sun rays. She needs to restore her water balance. Therefore, be sure to use masks and creams with moisturizing function daily.

Before going outside, apply a high-protection cream (SPF over 30) to your face. Taking antihistamines at this time will not hurt.


Experts do not advise women under 25 years of age to resort to such effects on the skin, since at this age it is possible to use more gentle cleansing products with no less success.

In addition, there are also such contraindications to this procedure:

  1. Allergy to aspirin.
  2. Diseases of the liver, respiratory system and heart.
  3. Skin injuries.
  4. Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  5. Herpes.
  6. Warts.
  7. Cuperosis.
  8. Pregnancy and lactation.

Retinoic peeling It’s not called the long weekend procedure for nothing. This is due to the fact that you will not look very presentable during the week (peeling, redness and, accordingly, uncomfortable sensations). It’s unlikely that you come in and be seen by your co-workers or friends like this. Therefore, think in advance about when to choose the time for such a procedure.

Be careful with your face, perhaps you should choose more gentle procedures:

  1. Use .
  2. completely safe at home.
  3. - very popular among our women.

What does it take to be happy? The question is complex and ambiguous. But one thing can be said – a happy person is a confident person. How can we gain confidence if sometimes we are afraid of our own reflection in the mirror? Wrinkles, haggard appearance, puffiness under the eyes, painful grayness. How to become younger? Cleanse and renew your skin regularly. Peeling procedures have long been firmly established in full-fledged anti-aging care. But peeling is different from peeling.

The well-respected acid peel, for all its profound effect on the skin, is still quite traumatic, since part of the epidermis is completely removed. What to do?

Who is the smartest person in the world?

Someone who knows how to look for an alternative. Maybe we should make our skin cells work more actively and speed up our metabolism? This requires a gentle chemical procedure that will not only thoroughly cleanse the keratinized epithelium, but also activate the work of fibroblasts and promote the efficiency of oxidation and reduction processes. Have you ever heard of retinoic peeling?

  • a full range of healing effects on the epidermis;
  • maximum regulation of blood circulation, increased immunity;
  • effective production of elastin and collagen;
  • maximum lifting effect, restoration of the relief and structure of the surface of the skin;
  • increased hydration in the skin structure;
  • healing assistance for various skin problems (acne, pigmentation, dryness, wrinkles, peeling, enlarged pores, blackheads, hyperkeratosis);
  • good prevention of the appearance of malignant formations on the epidermis;
  • powerful resistance to the effects of many viruses and bacteria.

This is just a small list of what the procedure is capable of. The retinoic peeling contains several healing organic acids: retinoic (the active form of vitamin A), ascorbic (vitamin C) and azelaic (oxidized oleic acid).

Velvet tenderness

This is exactly what one can call his action. This peeling is also called “sun peeling”. Due to the light tan shade that the skin acquires for several days after the manipulation. Thanks to its gentle, soft, completely painless effect, retinoic peeling at home is suitable for almost everyone who wants to look good.

Leading cosmetologists do not recommend chemical peelings (including retinoic peeling) for young girls under 20 years of age. Skin of this age does not require aggressive measures. The most optimal age for this procedure: 30-50 years.

This cleansing procedure is superficial-medium in depth of impact. It is especially useful for problematic, fading, aging skin, with dullness and wrinkles, pigmentation, and acne.

Attention! Exposure to retinoic peeling mass can aggravate the body’s condition in the presence of certain factors:

  • acute chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the liver, heart, respiratory organs;
  • allergies to aspirin;
  • rosacea and herpes;
  • skin injury (wounds, cuts, abrasions, burns);
  • existing flat warts, rosacea, spider veins and rosacea;

Also avoid this peel during pregnancy and breastfeeding if you are taking any retinoids or undergoing radiation therapy.

Carrying out retinoic peeling at home

Stage 1. Preparation

If you are a fan of solariums, saunas and steam rooms, forget about it two weeks before the procedure, and also put aside exfoliating products during this time. On your cosmetics shelf, the main place should be taken by caring creams with glycolic acid - we will use them constantly before the start of the process to soften the stratum corneum.

A retinoic peel is sometimes called a “long weekend treatment” because it takes up a fair amount of your time.

Topical retinoids for peeling can be purchased freely at pharmacies (they are available without a prescription). Some of the popular ones are: Differin cream, azelaic acid, tretinoin, benziol peroxide. So let's begin.

Stage 2. Application

Cleanse your face thoroughly. Then apply a solution of glycolic acid (it will soften the epidermis well and prepare it for the main procedure). After which we immediately apply the peeling mass, which we keep for up to 45 minutes, depending on the desired effect.

If you decide to use Differin cream, apply it in two layers. The first should be rubbed into the skin, the second should be applied to the face with a thicker layer.

Stage 3. Finish

Without removing the retinoic composition, apply a neutralizing mixture to it (mix baking soda and water in a proportion of 0.5 x 1). The mask does not wash off until 7-8 hours.

Attention! You may experience a burning sensation from the neutralizing composition. It's quite normal.

Then wash your face thoroughly and carefully with warm water and apply a protective, deeply moisturizing cream suitable for your skin type.

Stage 4. Recovery

Immediately after peeling, you will enjoy the softness and silkiness of your skin, but be prepared for the fact that after 12 hours to 2 days the epidermis will begin to actively get rid of the dead layer. Often, after exposure to retinoic acid, persistent hyperemia appears at the site of exposure (redness will subside within 2-4 days). The face will be completely restored after a week.

The maximum effect of the procedure will be if it is carried out in a course: once every three weeks. At home, retinoic peeling is designed for three sessions. A repeat course is carried out six months later.

The exfoliation process will be quite active. Be prepared that the peeling of the skin will last about a week. At this time, do not assist natural peeling manually in any way. You will benefit much more if you use moisturizers, enzyme masks and thermal water.

Stage 5. Care

The epidermis, which has undergone the retinoic acid test, needs special care. Protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, help it restore its water balance (creams, masks, compresses). Before going outside, use protective equipment with a high SPF filter (more than 30 units).

Read more about retinoic peels here.

Sharing our experience

We not only give advice, but also receive numerous letters from our readers. One of them will interest you.

Tatyana, 38 years old. « I did this peeling once about six months ago, in January. It generally needs to be done in winter time. My friend experimented with this over the summer and got strong pigmentation. Even though I spent it in the cold, I still used Kose Sunscreen sunscreen milk.

My cosmetologist recommended purchasing yellow peeling Mediderma or INNO-PEEL made in Spain. I was able to buy Mediderma at the pharmacy (by the way, I thought it was more expensive). When I held the mask, there was a feeling of a hot compress (a very pleasant feeling). In general, I’m writing how it went for me:

  • The first day. As soon as I took off the retinol, I felt tightness, and my complexion was yellowish-orange. I liked the shade – it was like being in a solarium. True, after two days he became the same.
  • Second day. Terrible peeling began - the skin came off in sheets, starting from the center of the face.
  • Day three. The peeling intensified even more.
  • Day four. Adding to my torment were red spots that itched. I took Zyrtec (an antihistamine for allergies).
  • Day five. Hooray! Finally, the peeling ends and the spots have disappeared. These days were the most difficult for me. Homeopathic ointment Traumeel S saved me from peeling.
  • Day six. I can't move away from the mirror. The skin is great! Clean, smooth – like a baby’s!

In general, my verdict. It's worth it! Retinoic peeling at home saved me a lot of money (in a salon the same procedure would cost two to three times more) and I got an amazing effect. The most gorgeous thing is that the skin felt velvety smooth to the touch, the pores narrowed and the wrinkles smoothed out a little! Now I'm planning to repeat the rejuvenation«.

With age, every woman begins to notice unpleasant changes on her face - wrinkles become noticeable, the skin loses its elasticity, the oval of the face “floats”. You can get rid of these phenomena or at least reduce their manifestation with the help of peelings. Today we will talk about the so-called “yellow peeling”, which is done using retinoic acid.

Retinoic peeling: for whom and what is it suitable for?

This peeling procedure is somewhat unique. It is suitable for any woman age category: It can be done by both young girls and old ladies. Compared to other peels, this one has a great advantage - it is completely painless. At the same time, peeling with retinoic acid can solve the problem of aging skin on the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

Retinoic peeling can be performed to solve the following problems:

  • Age-related skin aging.
  • Presence of age spots.
  • Presence of small scars.

The main age of women who use the retinoic peeling procedure is from 35 to 50 years. At this time, age-related changes on the skin of the face already appear, which are successfully eliminated with the help of this type of peeling.

At a younger age, you can also peel with retinoic acid. It will help remove the effects of acne or age spots and scars. For older women, retinoic peeling will have less effect, since age-related changes are already very noticeable and require more radical measures to eliminate them.

Retinoic peeling at home

The retinoic peeling procedure has a very gentle effect on the skin; it does not damage the deep layers of the skin. Because of the yellow color the skin turns after peeling, it is also called “yellow peeling.” Due to its non-aggressive effect on the skin and completely painlessness, retinoic peeling can be done independently at home.

This peeling will be useful for skin with initial signs of aging, as well as for solving oily problems. The procedure will eliminate skin laxity and cope with age spots and acne.

But you should still avoid retinoic peeling if you have the following conditions:

  • Chronic diseases during the acute phase.
  • Diseases of the respiratory organs, heart or liver.
  • Aspirin intolerance.
  • Herpes or rosacea.
  • Skin wounds.
  • Presence of warts, rosacea or spider veins.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not undergo retinoic peeling.

Compositions for the retinoic peeling procedure can be purchased at the pharmacy.

A couple of weeks before the scheduled date of retinoic peeling, avoid visiting the solarium and similar establishments. Do not use scrubbing compounds. And to soften the stratum corneum of the skin, start using creams with glycolic acid.

The retinoic peeling procedure begins with cleansing the skin. After this, lubricate your face with a solution of glycolic acid and apply peeling mass. Keep it on the skin for up to 45 minutes. During this time, prepare the neutralizing mixture. To do this, mix regular soda with water. For 1 part baking soda, take 2 parts water.

Now, without removing the peeling composition from your face, apply a mixture of water and soda directly on top of it. This mask must be kept on the face for a very long time - up to eight hours. This may cause a burning sensation. Don't be alarmed - this is a completely normal reaction. After waiting the allotted time, wash well using warm water. Now lubricate your skin with a moisturizer suitable for your type.

About a day after the procedure, active and... Hyperemia will last up to four days, and full recovery It will take about a week. Under no circumstances should you tear off loose pieces of skin. Peeling should go away naturally. During this period, you can alleviate your condition by lubricating your skin with moisturizing creams and sprinkling your face with thermal water.

After the retinoic peeling procedure, it is necessary to protect your face from exposure to the sun and use masks and creams that actively moisturize the skin. To protect yourself from the sun, you must use day creams with a high degree of ultraviolet protection.

Retinoic peeling: before and after photos

According to many experts, retinoic peeling gives the best effect among all peeling methods. It allows you to noticeably lighten the skin, eliminate small wrinkles, and significantly reduce deep ones. After this peeling, acne scars disappear, the oval of the face is strengthened, and the skin looks more youthful and radiant. All this is confirmed by photos of women who have tried the retinoic peeling procedure.

Retinoic peeling: reviews

According to many women, it is best to do retinoic peeling in winter. In the summer, after this procedure, severe pigmentation may appear. The most unpleasant sensations await you when applying a retinoic mask - a burning sensation appears.

On the second day, the skin begins to exfoliate. Some ladies noted that dead skin comes off in almost whole layers. For others, the peeling was much less. Approximately on the fifth day after peeling, the peeling ends and you can already evaluate the effect of the peeling.

Almost all women note the narrowing of pores and smoothing, the skin becomes very pleasant to the touch, velvety. Many people want to repeat the procedure after some time.

Retinoic acid is a well-known agent used in cosmeceuticals and in the treatment of dermatological diseases. It is also used in cosmetology to treat acne, to combat age-related changes, photoaging, and pigmentation. It is also a powerful stimulator of the production of your own collagen. Yellow retinoic peeling is made based on this acid. It evens out the relief, exfoliates the top damaged layer of skin and improves complexion. Magazine home care Medvyana will tell you about the properties of retinoic acid and the effect of retinoic (retinol) peeling. We will also do yellow peeling at home.

About retinoic acid

Vitamin A (retinol) enters the human body from animal products as retinol esters, and is also formed from b-carotene, a plant precursor of this vitamin. In cosmetology and medicine, retinoids are mainly used - synthetic analogues of the vitamin, which have its biological activity. These analogues include retinoic acid (tretinoin).

No retinoid has been studied as thoroughly as this acid for improving skin turgor and smoothing wrinkles.

Retinoic acid is a biologically active form of retinol that can act on nuclear receptors and thus influence the physiological processes occurring in the skin. The acid showed its most pronounced effect in the fight against fine wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin texture. Moreover, it begins to act faster than retinol, but at the same time has a high irritating potential.

Retinol derivatives such as retinyl acetate (Vit A-acetate) and retinyl palmitate (Vit A-palmitate) have a lower irritating potential. However, these esters have low permeability through the stratum corneum of the skin, while retinoic acid esters penetrate the dermis and have physiological effects.

Numerous clinical studies have been conducted that have shown that retinoic acid is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of skin with age-related changes, the fight against photoaging, wrinkles, age spots. The study found that a cream with a concentration of 0.05% retinoic acid improved the condition of skin with fine and deep wrinkles.

Retinoids have been studied for more than twenty years. It has been proven that regular use cosmetic preparations with retinoids improves skin structure, reduces the number of wrinkles and age spots. It was concluded that retinoids are in second place in terms of effectiveness in protecting the skin from signs of aging after sunscreen. And we are talking specifically about prescription drugs with retinoic acid.

Retinoic peeling is also called yellow peeling due to the specific color of the composition - the solution is yellow. It is also called that because after the procedure in the beauty salon you will go home with red and yellow face. And you will have to keep the composition on your face for several hours!

So, what are retina peels done for?

Effect of acid in yellow peelings

Yellow peels are divided into retinol and retinoic (the latter are acid-based). It is clear that the former are milder in their effects and are easier to control, while acid can give an unpredictable reaction. What are their differences?

Retinol peels are more suitable for anti-aging mature skin and at the first age-related changes. They can be used even on dry skin as they restore moisture balance and elasticity.
Retinoics are stronger, they are more suitable for oily acne-prone skin.

The group of these peels gives a pronounced effect comparable to the average procedures.

  1. Retinoic peels are effective for hyperpigmentation. Acid reduces the appearance of persistent pigmentation. To completely remove stains, especially if they are severe, it is necessary to undergo a course of peelings. Acid accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells and activates the loss of pigment during the maturation of new cells. Face after yellow peeling noticeably better: the spots become lighter after the first procedure, and after the course they can be completely removed.
    2. Retinoic facial peeling reduces the depth of wrinkles by stimulating the production of procollagen, which is involved in the formation of collagen. Therefore, the result of yellow peeling is more elastic and dense skin.
    3. Retinoic peeling at home and in a salon reduces the roughness of the skin and evens out its surface.
    4. Yellow facial peeling reduces sebum production and promotes the “opening” of closed comedones.
    5. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the skin’s ability to fight purulent processes.
    6. Stimulates the healing process of damaged skin.
    7. Affects the structure of the skin, “smoothing” its inner layers.
    8. Stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, which helps improve skin elasticity.

Yellow peeling - superficial or medium exfoliation

Is yellow facial peeling superficial or medium? What is the difference between retinoic acid and exfoliants such as AHA and BHA?

This acid cannot be called only an exfoliant, since it is multifunctional. AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids), such as glycolic, and BHAs (beta hydroxy acids), such as salicylic, work like traditional exfoliants, targeting the epidermis (the surface layer of the skin) and the inner surface of the pores. They exfoliate and dissolve the surface layers of cells, activate regeneration processes, stimulate collagen production, and eliminate pigmentation.

Retinoic acid, as an acidic form of vitamin A, also has this effect, since it eliminates the processes of keratinization, pigmentation, makes the stratum corneum thinner (this is especially true for mature skin), and stimulates the renewal of the epidermis. In this sense, acid can be classified as an exfoliant.

However, the yellow facial peel does not exfoliate individual dead cells like AHA and BHA, but rather connected groups of such cells. Another important difference is that tretinoin has an intracellular effect, stimulating fibroblasts in the dermis, which is where the production of collagen and elastin occurs.

Thus, yellow facial peeling is not just a superficial exfoliation, but a mid-level procedure.

Medium retinoic peeling affects a deeper layer - the dermis itself, in which the formation of new cells occurs.

Therefore, the effect of yellow peeling is not only the removal of the surface layer. Thanks to the effects of retinoids, normal (non-photodamaged) cells are formed. The face after yellow peeling looks younger and refreshed. This is what distinguishes retinol peeling from AHA and BHA, which only affect the epidermis.

Does retinol peeling thin the skin?

Many people are afraid to do retinoic peeling at home or in a beauty salon because they have heard that it thins the skin. This is true, but it does not thin the skin itself, but the superficial stratum corneum. What it is?

This is the outer layer of dead cells that thickens and dehydrates with age. why skin becomes wrinkled, withered, and has an unhealthy color. Therefore, many anti-aging procedures are aimed at removing this damaged “old” layer.

Yellow peeling at home and in a cosmetologist's office thins this layer. This stimulates the thickening of the thick layers, where collagen and elastin are produced. It is these layers that are important for youth, beauty and health of the skin. In addition, yellow peeling stimulates the production of collagen and new cells in the dermis.

Indications for use

  1. Yellow peeling is indicated as an anti-aging procedure for the first age-related changes: loss of tone, the appearance of wrinkles and folds, decreased elasticity and firmness of the facial skin. If you have started anti-aging skin care, it makes sense to consult with a cosmetologist about this procedure.
  2. Yellow facial peeling is one of the most effective for hyperkeratosis - thickening of the stratum corneum. As a rule, this is characteristic of mature skin.
  3. Photoaging and pigmentation after sun exposure are also indications for yellow retinol peeling.
  4. Hyperpigmentation is an increased manifestation of pigment. After retinoic peeling (a course of procedures is required), even stubborn spots are eliminated.
  5. Acne, uneven relief.

Because this chemical peeling, there are contraindications. A fairly impressive list of contraindications is one of the significant disadvantages of retinol peeling.

Contraindications for use

The most important thing: retinol and yellow peeling at home and in a beauty salon are prohibited from being used even in small concentrations at any stage of pregnancy and even during pregnancy planning, since this is a teratogenic component (can cause fetal malformations).

Other contraindications include:

  • viral infections;
  • allergic reactions to retinol;
  • taking medications that increase skin photosensitivity;
  • eczema, seborrheic dermatitis;
  • liver diseases.
  • the presence of open inflammations and pustules on the face.

If you are being treated for any disease and taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor about their compatibility with retinol!

Take precautions!

Cosmetics with retinol and yellow peeling at home should be used with caution when very sensitive skin with pronounced areas of redness. It is also advisable to reduce the intake of vitamin A orally during the period of peeling.

Important: remember that it is necessary to do yellow peeling during the period of least solar activity. If you are planning to do a retinoic peeling course, then start at the end of October and finish in March - during this time you will have time to do 3-6 procedures.

What happens after the procedure

As we have already said, the procedure gives an effect comparable to the average effect. Therefore, after retinoic peeling there will be redness, a feeling of dryness of the face, itching, swelling, and the temperature may even rise. This condition can be observed for 3 days, severe peeling will last on average 4-8 days.

A specific feature of the procedure: after retinoic peeling, you will notice that all the impurities and blackheads sitting in the pores will come to the surface. This is due to the fact that the procedure removes the top layer of the epidermis, revealing all these impurities.

Therefore, if you notice that there are more clogged pores on your face, do not rush to quit the course - it is better to sign up for a facial cleansing when the peeling goes away.

Yellow peeling as a procedure for rapid rejuvenation and treatment of acne is suitable for both men and women.

Pre-peeling preparation

Many people cannot do yellow peeling because it causes pain: some people feel as if their face is on fire. Indeed, the procedure can be painful, so it is better to undergo pre-peel preparation.

The yellow peeling procedure will be more comfortable and less painful if before the course you prepare the skin with almond or glycolic peels - they are softer and more gentle. Another option is to use within three weeks cosmetical tools, for example, creams with retinoic acid, or preparations with AHA acids, which weaken intercellular connections in the epidermis.

Procedure at home

A question that interests many: is it possible to do retinoic peeling at home? The peeling we are discussing is classified as medium. In addition, acid can give an unpredictable reaction, so it is better to carry out the procedure not at home, but under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Since retinol peeling has contraindications, the doctor at the first consultation examines the skin, notes its type, the presence of inflammation, pigmentation, and signs of photoaging. The cosmetologist collects all the necessary data: has the patient ever taken medications with retinol, what reaction was observed, how sensitive is it? skin covering how often allergic reactions occur. Afterwards, a decision is made about whether peeling with retinol can be done.

Therefore, retinoic peeling at home is not recommended. If you have already done this procedure and know how your skin reacts to it, then Medvyan’s home care magazine will show you the recipe.


As already mentioned, the basis of this radical cleansing is the natural effect of retinoic acid (one of the forms of vitamin A). And her testimony to cosmetic use extensive:

  • acne of various localizations;
  • age spots;
  • removal of small stretch marks that form wrinkles.

The active component of such a peel can be purchased - absolutely without difficulty - at a regular pharmacy. But for effective use, retinoic acid should be mixed with pharmaceutical salicylic acid (formula 1:1). This combination is indicated for increased oily skin and acne.

We get a yellow mask, as shown in the photo.

Lightly blot the skin with the freshly prepared solution (using a special cosmetic brush). Leave for 20 minutes - the mixture should reach (dry) to a thin film. And it (this film) will need to be “detained” on the face for 7 (!!!) hours.

Attention: the yellow mass can burn, depending on your pain threshold, the pain may be severe.

After the allotted time, wash off the composition from your face. You can purchase a special soothing cream after peeling, and also lubricate your skin with panthenol.

On the second day after the procedure, intense peeling may begin, but it usually begins on the third day. Do not peel off the peelings under any circumstances, otherwise you will damage the skin! Intense peeling usually lasts from 3 to 8 days after the procedure.

Advice: To speed up the healing of the skin, you can lubricate it daily with creams containing panthenol. If you go outside during the day, be sure to use a cream with SPF protection.

The standard peeling course is 4 procedures with an interval of 1 month.

After this peeling procedure, there is no need to use preparations (cosmetic) containing vitamin A for 2 weeks.

Where to buy acid

Peeling acid is sold in professional stores. However, you can choose organic creams, serums and peels with retinol.

What effect can you expect?

You can look at the before and after photos to evaluate the result.

The effect of retinoic peeling in most cases, judging by the reviews, corresponds to expectations: the skin is renewed, evened out, pigmentation and acne marks go away, and wrinkles are smoothed out. We hope that our information will be useful to you. Tell us in your reviews what results you achieved using retinol.

It’s quite easy to do at home and it’s not at all necessary to seek help from a specialist. Unlike acid peeling, retinoic does not have such a negative effect on the skin and at the same time has a fairly good effect.

Retinoic peeling at home - the effect of the procedure

Every woman dreams of eternal youth and wants to keep her skin intact. perfect form as long as possible. Many people resort to this plastic surgery, But surgical intervention can cause serious harm to health and does not always bring the desired result.

As a rule, retinoic peeling is used not only to rejuvenate facial skin, but also to get rid of some skin problems. Retinoic facial peeling at home can improve collagen production and blood circulation, get rid of pigmentation, acne, fine wrinkles, blackheads and flaking.

The photo shows the result of retinoic peeling:

The effect of retinoic peeling

This facial peeling contains many healing acids, such as ascorbic, azelaic and retinoic. Some people call retinoic peeling a sun peel because of the slight tan that the skin of the face may acquire after several similar procedures. It works painlessly, softly and gently, so this procedure is suitable for almost everyone who wants to make their facial skin velvety and healthy.

Also read about what it is.

This procedure is not recommended for girls under 20 years of age, because the skin at this age does not need such strict rejuvenation measures. The optimal age for retinoic peeling is considered to be between 30 and 50 years.

This procedure is not recommended for people suffering from various chronic diseases of the kidneys, respiratory tract and heart during exacerbations, herpes, allergies to aspirin and any injuries to the facial skin (for example, burns, cuts or scratches). Women who are expecting a baby, during breastfeeding or undergoing radiation therapy should not use retinoic peeling.

On video - what is retinoic peeling:

How to make at home

You need to know how to do this peeling correctly at home. You can carry out the peeling procedure at home in several stages. First you need to carefully prepare for it. 2 weeks before the appointed day, you need to stop visiting the solarium, bathhouse and stop using exfoliating products. The skin must be gradually prepared and begin to use moisturizers containing glycolic acid, which will soften the stratum corneum of the skin on the face. It should be noted that peeling is a fairly lengthy procedure, so it is better to set aside weekends for it.

You may also be wondering what glycolic is, more on that.

Retinoids, which will be necessary for the procedure, can be purchased at almost any pharmacy without a prescription. They are contained in special creams, the names of which can be checked with the pharmacist.

After the preparation stage and purchase of the cream necessary for the procedure, you can begin applying peeling. First you need to cleanse your facial skin. To do this, you need to apply a solution containing glycolic acid, followed immediately by a peeling mass. You need to keep the mask on your face for about 45 minutes.

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On video how to do retinol peeling at home:

Next you need to prepare a special neutralizing mixture. For this you will need to mix soda and cool water (0.5:1). Without removing the retinoic mask, you must apply the prepared mixture and do not wash it off for about 7 hours. A slight burning sensation may be felt after applying this additional mixture. As soon as the allotted time has passed, you need to wash your face thoroughly with warm water and apply a high-quality moisturizer that will suit your skin type.

After peeling, you need to move on to the recovery stage. After the procedure, the skin will be velvety and silky, but after a few hours or a couple of days the dead layer will begin to actively peel off. In some cases, redness may appear on the facial skin. In this case, there is no need to worry; the skin will gradually recover in about a week.

To achieve maximum effect, you need to do retinoic peeling at least once every 3 weeks, in 3 sessions. It will be possible to repeat the peeling course only after 6 months.

The skin will peel off actively, which can last at least 7 days. You should not exfoliate it yourself during this period. It will be useful to use a moisturizer and a variety of softening masks.

But the retinoic peeling procedure does not end at this stage. Facial skin that has been exposed to retinoic acid requires careful care and hydration. She must be protected in every possible way from ultraviolet rays and try to restore the water balance as soon as possible using various masks and compresses. Before going to open air It is imperative to use protective creams and other means.

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Retinol procedure

In addition to retinoic peeling, you can use a similar retinol procedure. It may sound like they are talking about the same type of peeling, but this is not so. What these 2 procedures have in common is that both retinoic and at home are quite simple to do.

Retinol peels contain vitamin A (in other words, retinol). Its action is much more powerful, unlike retinoic, so many cosmetologists recommend using it for those who want to achieve more quick effect from the procedure.

This procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing, dermatosis, allergies to vitamin A and herpes.

Carrying out the procedure at home will not be difficult. The skin again needs to be treated with glycolic acid, then immediately apply the solution and after 15 minutes - a neutralizing mixture. Care after retinol peeling does not differ from that carried out with retinoic peeling. Regarding products that will help with care after the procedure, it is better to first consult with a specialist so as not to end up with a low-quality product that can ruin your facial skin.

The procedure can also be carried out using ingredients that every woman can find in her refrigerator. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to consult a cosmetologist, since such a procedure is not capable of causing severe harm to the skin of the face. This peeling is ideal for those with sensitive skin.

The procedure will require aloe vera leaves, cucumber, green tea, gelatin and chamomile. First you need to brew half a glass of green tea and the same amount of chamomile infusion, then add 1 tbsp. l. aloe and a packet of gelatin.

The cucumber must first be cleared of seeds, and then turned into pulp. The resulting gruel and decoctions must be filtered. Gelatin must be placed in a small saucepan and pour in 0.5 cups of broth. Place the container over low heat and heat until the gelatin has completely melted. The mixture should not be brought to a boil. Then you can add a mixture of cucumber and aloe and mix everything thoroughly. Next, you need to leave the mixture to cool for 20 minutes.

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Video of retinol facial peeling at home:

After the allotted time has passed, the resulting mixture must be applied in a thick layer to previously cleansed skin. The area around the eyes and lips should be avoided when applying. The mask should be left on the face for about 20 minutes.

Removing the peeling mask is quite simple. It should be washed off carefully with slightly warm plain water. At the same time, the standard terry towel It is not recommended to use it; it is better to remove the mask with a soft linen cloth.

A little conclusion

Peeling, both retinoic and retinol, is still a fairly serious procedure that must be approached with all responsibility so as not to develop unwanted problems with the skin of the face in the future. There are quite a lot of positive reviews about retinoic peeling at home. Those women who have tried this procedure on themselves confidently claim that it has a very beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenates it, making it soft and velvety. In addition, peeling done at home is much cheaper than a similar procedure in a salon.