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How to starch crocheted napkins with starch. How to starch a napkin (crocheted and fabric): create lace snowflakes and calico swans How to starch a crocheted tablecloth

Despite the popularity modern styles interior design, many housewives decorate their home with knitted napkins, thus adding comfort to their home and creating a pleasant atmosphere in it. In order for the product to maintain a neat appearance and the desired shape, you need to be able to starch the napkin correctly. For this, different methods and means are used.

The importance of using starch

To knit napkins, you can use yarn of different thicknesses and compositions. The most popular are threads with the addition of viscose, silk and lurex. Not only does it depend on them appearance, but also the density, texture of the thing.

Even if the thread is evenly tightened, the product becomes slightly deformed and loses its shape as a result of use. Regular washing without additional fastening can only aggravate the situation, because the threads can stretch or under the influence high temperature pull together.

  • the product becomes dense and elastic even after repeated use;
  • a whitening effect occurs;
  • threads get dirty less due to the surface being protected by a film of starch.

If napkins are made of synthetic, silk threads or wool yarn, then they should not be starched so as not to disturb the texture of the threads. Wool and synthetic yarn do not react to starch. Needlewomen do not recommend using powder for working with dark items, as the threads may become stained. Starch a napkin crocheted, it is necessary so that the product does not lose its softness and retains beautiful shape.

Recipe with starch

For the procedure, you will need a paste of water with starch, in which you should hold a napkin so that the threads are saturated with liquid and a film forms on their surface. The cost of starch is low, it gives the necessary thick consistency and has a whitening effect.

Potato starch is most commonly used, but corn or rice powder may also work. A paste made from corn and rice starch will have a lower viscosity, so you can change its consistency by adding more product to the water. The hardness of the product depends on what type of mixture was used:

The process of forming a paste for work is the same for all types of products. The required amount of starch is diluted in a glass of cold water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then the liquid is poured into boiling water in a thin stream and stirred constantly. If you add starch directly to warm or hot water, lumps of undissolved powder will form on the surface.

The result should be a consistency reminiscent of sour cream. The mixture should be cooled to a temperature of 30-35 °C, then used for starching.

If other components are found in the powder that can affect the color of the product, you must first filter them using water. After three or four procedures of draining the dirty liquid, the product will become clean and can be used for work. The starching process is simple:

To prevent the product from losing its shape, it is necessary to straighten it on a flat surface and secure the edges with pins. There is no need to stretch the openwork knitting, because after drying the item may lose its appearance. A slightly damp product should be ironed with a hot iron through cotton fabric so as not to compress the threads.

Real gloss

Using starch you can give the product a beautiful shine. To do this, you can use two recipes. In the first case the following applies:

  • rice or wheat starch - 5 tablespoons;
  • 3 spoons of talc;
  • 1 spoon of borax (the component can be bought at the pharmacy);
  • cold water.

When using borax powder, you need to be careful not to get any of the particles into your eyes or upper respiratory tract. It is recommended to use a mask and wear gloves. The skin may also be affected by the chemical.

For the second recipe you will need:

  • 10 tablespoons of borax;
  • 2 tablespoons of boric acid;
  • 8-9 tablespoons of rice starch.

If you need to make a denser solution, then the amount of starch can be increased by two tablespoons.

Mix all ingredients and add a little water. The result should be a creamy consistency. Moisten a brush in the solution and apply a little mixture to the surface of the product, then spread it evenly. After processing, the napkin must be ironed with a hot iron through gauze. If this is not done, the item will become covered with tubercles from starch. In this way, you can process not only the entire napkin, but also its individual parts.

If you don’t have time to prepare the mixture, you can use the dry method. To do this, sprinkle starch on the surface of the napkin and spray water from a spray bottle. Then cover the napkin with a white sheet and iron it well until completely dry. The disadvantage of this method is that its effect will be short-lived.

Processing by other means

You can starch crocheted napkins without using potato, rice or corn powder. An alternative to it would be sugar, PVA glue and gelatin. Of course, the effectiveness of the procedure will depend on the amount of ingredients and the density of the threads, but knitted products respond well to the effects of these components. To starch a napkin with sugar, you will need:

  • 3 cups sugar;
  • 1.5 glasses of water.

To prepare the solution, sugar is diluted in water, the resulting syrup is boiled a little. Dip a napkin into it and leave for a few minutes. The product is removed and distributed in the same way as with regular starching.

You can replace this technique with using a regular spray. In this case, it is enough to spray a little substance over a napkin and iron it well.

To add rigidity using PVA glue, you need to combine it with water in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture needs to be mixed, then dip a napkin into it. Wait a few minutes for the fibers to soak, then dry the product naturally. This way you can starch things that do not come into contact with food, but serve as decorative elements.

The gelatin method is considered the safest and simplest. For it, 1 large spoon of powder is poured into 100 ml of water and mixed. The mixture must be left so that the gelatin particles can swell. After this, 200 ml of water is added to it and heated until completely dissolved. The gelatin solution should be allowed to cool slightly, then soak a napkin in it.

The result will be the same as from starching with powder. This method is suitable for processing bulk products, since gelatin particles do not crumble.

Features of drying and ironing

After the napkin has been dipped into the solution, it must be placed on a flat surface and be sure to secure the edges with pins so that after drying the product looks symmetrical and neat. If glue was used for the procedure, be sure to cover the surface with cling film.

The fringe on the product must be combed and straightened. Craftsmen do not advise drying the item in direct sunlight, as this will cause yellowness to appear on the surface. Ideal option will dry in a well-ventilated area.

The napkin should be ironed; the remaining moisture is still stored inside the threads. The iron should not be too hot so that the threads do not melt. The procedure should be quick so as not to dry out the product.

If you need to make a candy bowl from a knitted item or beautiful vase, then an object for the mold is selected, the napkin is distributed on its surface and then the outside is covered with starch. The product should dry naturally without using a hair dryer or iron.

Dry napkins and napkins already treated with starch must be folded so that their shape is maintained. For flat products, storage in a stack is suitable, for round ones - in an empty basket. Hats are stored in a glass jar, a large skein of thread or a blank.

In order for openwork knitted and fabric table napkins to retain their shape and stay clean longer, it is necessary to starch them after washing.

Types of starching

To give textiles shape and fabric fibers additional density, starching is used. After washing, the material is immersed for several minutes in a solution prepared from potato starch. There are several types of processing:

  • soft;
  • average;
  • tough.

Soft processing involves soaking the fabric in a solution with a minimum concentration of starch. It is used for thin fabric napkins.

Medium starch is used for thick fabric and openwork knitted napkins when you need to give them some kind of shape. After this treatment, table textiles can be folded into shapes.

Soaking in a concentrated starch solution is considered harsh. After this treatment, the napkins become dense and hold their shape well. Hard starching is ideal for openwork fabrics: lace, knitted napkins. If you make the starch solution more concentrated, you can give the fabric the shape of a vase.

Classic method with starch

A classic option for processing textiles and knitted items is soaking them in potato starch. Before this, the napkin must be washed to get rid of stains and dirt.

Solution concentration

The concentration of starch in its aqueous solution may vary. Depending on the purpose of starching the product and the characteristics of the fabric, you can focus on the following recommended proportions:

  • soft - 1 hour. l. dry starch per 1 liter;
  • average - 1 tbsp. l. dry starch per 1 liter of water;
  • hard - 2 tbsp. l. starch per 1 liter of water.

These proportions are relevant for dry potato starch. Corn starch has less pronounced properties - when using this product, you can achieve only a slight starching of the fabric.

Starching algorithm

Only pure starch, without impurities, is suitable for processing. The presence of foreign substances can spoil the appearance of the napkin. If the powder seems dirty or has a grayish tint, you need to pour it cold water and let it brew. Clean product will settle to the bottom, and all impurities will float to the surface or dissolve. The water must then be carefully drained.

Stages of preparing the paste:

  1. In a separate bowl, mix starch with a small amount of water. The consistency of the solution should resemble liquid sour cream.
  2. Pour the remaining water into a saucepan and put on fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the starch solution into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly. There should be no lumps in the paste.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat when the paste reaches a homogeneous consistency and cool it.

If lumps still remain in the starching composition, the cooled paste can be passed through a sieve.

Dip a clean napkin into the prepared composition. If it is not completely cool, use a wooden spatula to avoid getting burned. The product must be completely immersed in the paste. To evenly saturate the fabric fibers, it is advisable to straighten the napkin.

After a few minutes, the fabric can be removed from the paste container, gently squeezed out and straightened.

Additives table

To give the product additional properties and improve its appearance, the following additives are used when starching:

Alternative methods

If starch is not on hand or you want to experiment with fabric processing, you can use one of the alternative methods. You can add extra rigidity to the fabric using gelatin, sugar and even glue.


Sugar adds shine and additional elasticity to fabric fibers. To starch a napkin in a solution with the addition of this product, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Dissolve 6 tbsp. l. sugar in a liter of water. Place the pan on the fire and cook sugar syrup.
  2. Dissolve 1 tsp in a small amount of water. potato starch and pour the solution into the syrup in a thin stream while stirring constantly.
  3. Mix the composition thoroughly again. When bubbles appear on the surface, you can remove from heat.
  4. Place a napkin in the slightly cooled mixture for a few minutes, remove, straighten and dry.

The composition with added sugar is suitable for starching knitted napkins used for interior decoration. It is better to treat table textiles with a clean paste made from potato starch. Sugar attracts rodents, so products starched in this way cannot be stored in basements.

With glue

PVA glue gives rigidity to the fabric. It is good for knitted openwork napkins, since soaking products in a solution with the addition of PVA makes them very durable. You can choose the concentration of the glue solution yourself. If you need starching medium degree, PVA is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. When you need to shape a napkin or make a vase out of it, it is better to dilute the glue with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Place the product in the solution for 15 minutes, remove, shake and gently squeeze. In this case, you can iron the napkin only through a thin fabric. PVA can also be used to process dark products.


Gelatin also gives products additional rigidity and protects them from contamination. To treat a napkin with it, you need:

  1. Post 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in a glass of water for 15–20 minutes. During this time, the granules will swell.
  2. Add another glass of water to the container. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath or in a microwave oven. At this stage it is important not to bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Place the napkin in a slightly cooled gelatin solution for 10 minutes, then squeeze and straighten.

The concentration of the gelatin solution can be adjusted independently depending on how hard the napkin should be.


Aerosol starching is very convenient way imparting rigidity to fabric and knitted products. There are ready-made aerosols on sale that contain talc and starch particles. It is quite simple to treat the product with them: you just need to spray the aerosol on the outer and back surfaces of the napkin, and after a few minutes iron the product on both sides through a thin cloth or gauze.

The product for dark products can be used to treat black, gray, green, and blue napkins. Light stains will not appear on the products.

Dry method

The dry starching method involves treating products with talc or potato or corn starch. To process the product you need:

  1. Lay the napkin on a clean cloth.
  2. Sprinkle dry starch or talc evenly over the surface of the product and sprinkle with water from a special sprayer.
  3. Cover the napkin with a second layer of thin cloth for 10 minutes.
  4. Iron the product on both sides with a hot iron through gauze.

Dry and aerosol starching methods are not suitable if you want the napkin to be very hard. In terms of effectiveness, these processing methods can be compared to light starching.

Features of drying and ironing

To make the napkin smooth, neat, hold its shape well and look attractive, you need to dry it properly. Fabric products can be laid out on a flat surface. A horizontal dryer will do. It is important to dry textiles in natural conditions, and not on radiators - too dry air contributes to overdrying. This fabric is difficult to iron out.

When the product becomes slightly damp, you need to iron it on both sides through a layer of gauze. In this case, gauze or thin cloth is needed to protect the material.

If the starch concentration was low and the ironing mode was gentle, it is not necessary to use gauze. But you should iron things carefully. When heated strongly, the starch darkens, and this can ruin the appearance of the fabric.

Openwork napkins need to be stretched after washing and starching. Place the wet napkin on a blanket covered with fabric, stretch the product and pin its edges to the blanket safety pins. After drying, the pins should be removed and the napkin carefully ironed without using the steaming mode.

Why starch napkins?

During the process of starching fabric, its fibers are saturated with polysaccharides, and a protective invisible film is formed on the surface. Napkins hold their shape better and wrinkle less. Starch bleaches fabric.

The protective film also protects the fabric fibers from contamination. Starched napkins stay fresh and clean much longer.

Not all napkins can be treated in this way. Products made from synthetic fabrics cannot be starched. Items made from dark fabrics can only be treated with special aerosols.

During the soaking process, starch is washed out of the fabric fibers, so after each wash you need to starch the napkins again. This does not negatively affect the quality of the material, so you can safely use both classic paste and alternative methods.

No special care is required for starched items. It is recommended to wash the napkins regularly. If you follow this rule, over time the fabric will not acquire a grayish tint. You can add additional whiteness and shine to the product by adding a small amount of blue directly to the paste. It is permissible to replace water with milk when preparing the solution. This also helps give the napkins extra whiteness.

How to shape a napkin

In order for the fabric to hold its shape better, it is necessary to dry it properly. Once dry, it will be impossible to change the shape and you will have to wash and starch the napkin again.

If you need to give the napkin the shape of a vase, after hard starching it must be squeezed out well and, while wet, wrapped around the bottom of the vase or candy dish, securing the edges. When the product is completely dry, it needs to be removed and placed on the table.

After ironing, a starched fabric napkin can be folded beautifully and it will keep its shape.

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Similar materials

Despite the popularity of the modern minimalist style in the interior, many housewives prefer the traditional interior decoration of their rooms. Knitted napkins are an integral part of it. They add the finishing touches to a homely atmosphere of warmth and comfort. But handmade products themselves do not hold their shape well and have a somewhat untidy appearance. This problem can be solved by starching. Let's figure out how to starch a crocheted napkin using starch, sugar, gelatin and glue.

To create napkins, cotton threads of different thicknesses are used - “Iris”, “Snowflake” and others. They are produced in pure form and with the addition of various fibers - viscose, silk, lurex. Products made from mercerized cotton look beautiful. It undergoes a special treatment, as a result of which it acquires shine, wrinkles less and becomes stronger.

Regardless of the material, the product wrinkles during the knitting process. In addition, due to the openwork weaving, it does not hold its shape. During starching, the fibers of the napkin are covered with a thin film, as a result:

  • their density and elasticity increases;
  • slight whitening occurs;
  • the threads become less susceptible to contamination - the film prevents dust and moisture from penetrating deeper.

Considering how to starch knitted product, you need to know what can be useful for this:

  • starch;
  • sugar;
  • gelatin;
  • PVA glue.

Note: Do not starch napkins made of synthetic, silk or wool fibers, as well as dark-colored items. Such processing can lead to disruption of the silk structure. Wool and synthetics do not accept starch. And on dark napkins there are whitish spots.

Traditional recipe with starch

The answer to the question of how to starch a crocheted napkin is simple - you need to prepare a paste from water and starch and hold the product in it. Potato processing product is usually used as a raw material. It is inexpensive, gives the solution a thick consistency, and also has a whitening effect.

But you can also use starch from rice or corn. It is worth considering that it has a lower viscosity, so more is required.

The final hardness of the product depends on the concentration of the starch solution. Main methods:

  1. Soft. Water – 1 liter, starch – 1 small spoon. Used to add elasticity to napkins, the ends of which should hang down, knitted tablecloths, and curtains.
  2. Average. Water – 1 liter, starch – 1 large spoon. It is used if the problem arises, how to starch lace, openwork collar, cuffs, napkins.
  3. Hard. Water – 1 liter, starch – 2 large spoons. Allows you to give the product hardness and a clear shape. Suitable for small items, individual parts, vases, plates, flowers and other crafts created using openwork knitting.

The process of creating a solution and starching napkins is the same for all methods.

Stages of preparing the paste:

  1. Dilute starch with cold water (a small amount). Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. If they appear, filter the solution. Its texture should resemble liquid sour cream.
  2. Boil the rest of the water. Pour starch into it in a thin stream. Stirring constantly, bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Turn off the fire. Leave the paste to cool to 30-35 °C.

Important: If the starch has foreign impurities, it is necessary to fill it with water without heating, mix and let stand for a while. Then you should drain the dirty water. The steps must be repeated until the substance becomes pure.

Let's look at how to starch knitted napkin so that it takes on a beautiful shape. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour the cooled paste into a bowl.
  2. Dip a clean and bleached napkin into it so that the threads are completely saturated.
  3. Wait a while. It is selected depending on the type and thickness of the fibers. Thin threads - 5-7, medium - 10, thick - 15 minutes.
  4. Pull the napkin out of the paste. Squeeze lightly.

Other recipes with starch

To starch napkins and other openwork products, starch can be supplemented with various components - salt, milk, sugar, borax, talc. Textile processing is carried out according to the previously described scheme.


Salt gives a glossy shine to the threads. Preparation of the solution:

  1. Make a paste as described above.
  2. While it's hot, add a pinch of salt and mix thoroughly.


Milk provides a matte finish to knitted items and increases the volume of the fibers. For the solution you will need 1 liter of low-fat milk and 1 large spoon of rice starch.

  1. Combine starch and 1/2 cup milk (cold). Stir.
  2. Boil the remaining milk. Add starch liquid to it, stirring constantly. After boiling, turn off the heat.


Sugar increases the hardness of the starch solution. You will need 3 large spoons of sugar, 1 large spoon of starch and 1 liter of water.


  1. Heat 1 glass of water. Dissolve sugar in it.
  2. Pour 1 cup of cold water over starch. Mix.
  3. Boil the rest of the water. Pour sugar syrup and starch into it. Boil. Remove from heat.


Let's find out how to hard starch a decorative crocheted napkin with starch and give it shine. Gloss-starch is intended for this purpose.


  • rice starch - 5 tablespoons;
  • talc – 3 tablespoons;
  • borax powder – 1 tablespoon;
  • cold water.

Cooking and starching steps:

Dry method

If you do not want to cook the paste, you can use the dry processing method. Action plan:

  1. Place the napkin on a sheet of white thick paper. It is better to secure the edges of the product with pins.
  2. Sprinkle a thin, even layer of starch on it.
  3. Spray water from a spray bottle on top.
  4. Cover the napkin with pure white paper sheet and iron with a not too hot iron or leave for 2-3 hours to dry naturally.

You can buy an aerosol with starch in the store. Just sprinkle it on a damp cloth and iron it through a layer of fabric with a warm iron. The method is very simple, but gives a short-term effect.

Woven serving and openwork knitted napkins create a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the house. They always look fresh and beautiful if starched. There are different ways to do this using different available funds. It is important to correctly follow the recommendations below, then starching a napkin will be easy and simple.

Why starch napkins?

After washing, any fabric, even very dense, loses its original shape. For table setting, they usually use napkins made of light, soft material; the same applies to openwork items that housewives use to decorate rooms. Made from cotton and viscose threads, the products are very vulnerable during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to give them density, elasticity, and hardness at the same time. The starching process will help with this.

After it, serving napkins are beautifully laid out in the form of a fan, flower and other interesting shapes. A crocheted napkin can easily be turned into an original, stylish basket or vase for sweets, fruits, and pastries.

You can starch cotton and linen products of different colors. They respond well to this process and easily tolerate it with the help of such agents as sugar and starch.

Important! Silk products are not starched, as after this they turn yellow and may even crumble, since the material is capricious and delicate.

The best means

There are different ways to help starch a knitted product and give it the desired shape. They are similar to each other, but each of them has its own nuances. Which method is better to choose is up to the individual to decide. You can try several different ways and choose the most suitable option for yourself.


This classic way, which involves the use different types starch: corn, potato, rice, wheat and their mixture. When preparing the solution, the amount of substance taken varies depending on what type of starch is needed. There are 3 types of them:

  1. Soft. For 1 liter of water you will need 1 tsp. potato starch.
  2. Semi-rigid. This type is suitable for tablecloths and napkins made of textile fabric. In this case, 1 tbsp should be diluted in 1 liter of water. spoon of the original component.
  3. Hard. This look is great for crocheted or individual parts. 2 tbsp. spoons of starch are dissolved in a liter of water. The resulting paste gives the desired shape, which lasts for a long time.

Important! Starch contains impurities that contaminate it. Therefore it should be cleaned.

To do this, you need to thoroughly dissolve the main ingredient in cold water, let it sit and then drain the water. The procedure is repeated several times until the solution becomes clear. After this, you can prepare the desired mixture.

To do this, perform the following actions:

  • pour 15 grams of starch into a small container, add a little water, stir;
  • the resulting mixture is poured in a thin stream into a container with one liter of boiling water;
  • mix well until a transparent paste is obtained.

If the solution turns out cloudy, boil it for several minutes. The resulting lumps are removed through gauze. The napkin is lowered into a pan with the prepared and slightly cooled mixture. After 15 minutes, take it out and squeeze it lightly. The more paste remains on it, the more rigid it becomes.

Fabric products are dried on a line. For crocheted items, another drying method is suitable. They are spread on a flat surface, for example on a table or thick paper, carefully stretched and secured with pins. The napkin, which has absorbed the starch but is still damp, is ironed through the fabric on the wrong side.

This method is not suitable for dark products. It is best to carry out the treatment using a special spray that is sold in the store. This method is quick and simple, but it does not give a long-term effect.


You can starch a crocheted napkin with starch at home in such a way as to give it a shine and a matte finish. Gloss starch is prepared using two recipes, including the following ingredients:

  1. Talc (3 spoons), wheat or rice starch (5 spoons), borax powder (1 spoon).
  2. Borax (10 spoons), boric acid (2 spoons), rice starch (1 spoon).

This is done as follows:

  1. All components are thoroughly mixed, and enough water is added to obtain the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Moisten a small piece of cloth in the resulting mixture and apply it to a napkin, after which it is immediately ironed. As a result of such actions, the surface will become shiny.

The procedure should be carried out carefully, as the borax present should not be inhaled, as it can cause skin allergies.

If lace white, you can use milk instead of water. It will have a beautiful matte finish. Using these two recipes you can starch a crocheted collar.


The recipe for preparing the composition is quite simple. The active components contained in sugar quickly harden, thanks to which the crocheted napkin acquires the necessary rigidity and holds its shape perfectly. First you need to prepare the concentrated syrup:

  1. For this, 3 tbsp. Mix spoons of sugar with 100 ml of water, put the mixture on fire, add 1 teaspoon of starch and cook until it becomes a paste, making sure to stir the solution.
  2. As soon as bubbles appear in the pan, remove it from the stove and allow the contents to cool.
  3. The napkin is lowered for a few minutes, then taken out and wrung out.
  4. After this, it is placed on the table, having previously laid a clean cloth on it.
  5. The product is carefully leveled and ironed with a damp iron. Its rigidity makes it possible to take the shape of any vase, cup, or other vessel. It should not be forgotten that sugar attracts insects and small rodents.


Regular PVA glue perfectly starches crocheted napkins. The product acquires good elasticity and hardness and can take any shape:

  1. Dilute half a glass of glue in 200 ml of water and mix thoroughly.
  2. The product is dipped into the resulting solution and allowed to soak well.
  3. After this, it is taken out, squeezed out, laid out on a flat surface, secured with pins and left to dry. If desired, it can be ironed with an iron.


If you decide to crochet a napkin or any other product using a crochet hook, it is recommended to starch it. In addition to the above methods, you can use gelatin for this purpose:

  1. The solution is prepared according to the recipe indicated on the package.
  2. First, the ingredient in the amount of one tablespoon is combined with 0.5 cups of water and left to swell for several hours.
  3. After this, add water to the edge of the glass, pour the solution into the pan, heat and stir until the gelatin dissolves. If lumps appear, strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  4. The product is lowered into the container as soon as the resulting composition has cooled slightly.
  5. Leave until thoroughly soaked, remove, squeeze out, level on the surface and dry.

Remember that before you start starching, a napkin or other things must be washed and rinsed well. Iron any product from the center to the edges.

Crocheted napkins are beautiful, spectacular, and elegant. They will create coziness and comfort in your apartment. If you look at the napkins that have just been knitted, although they are openwork, their appearance is not very attractive: not ironed, wrinkled, with wavy, uneven edges. How to give napkins a brilliant look, make them harder, with smooth edges?

In order for soft napkins to be exquisite, elegantly hold their shape, and give the impression of a stylish, creative piece of furniture, you need to starch the napkins with starch.

We will add whiteness and hardness to the napkins using:

  1. starch;
  2. Sahara;
  3. gelatin;
  4. glue.

How to starch a crocheted napkin with starch

Starch is:

The quality of starch determines in what proportions it should be added. Corn starch has a thinner consistency than potato starch. Therefore, you need to add much more of it.

There are three types of starching. The amount of starch that needs to be added to starch the napkins will depend on the type and purpose of using the napkin.

Types of starching

  1. Soft starching. Add 1 teaspoon per liter of water;
  2. For tablecloths, semi-rigid starch is used, in which 1 tablespoon of potato starch is added to 1 liter of water.
  3. To give strength to the product and transfer it to some form with napkins, hard starching is used.

How to properly starch a crocheted napkin?

To starch napkins at home, pour water into a 4-liter saucepan, a little more than half, to add the starch solution. We put it on the fire and wait for it to boil.

In the meantime, let's do the laundry crocheted napkins: pour in gel or shampoo. We soap the napkins and wash them to remove dust.

Then rinse thoroughly and leave in a bowl. Meanwhile, we dilute the starch. Pour 1 glass of water into a cup and add 4 tablespoons of starch to it, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps and pour into boiling water.

Boil for several minutes, stirring. Then pour boiling water into a bowl with napkins. It is necessary that the water with starch completely covers the napkins. To do this, mix the napkins with a stick, and dip the ends of the napkins that have come out into the solution with starch.

Let's wait 10 minutes for the starch to be absorbed into the napkins. The time for soaking knitted napkins in the paste depends on what threads are used in knitting and how thick they are. If the threads are thick, then put the knitted product in the solution for 15 minutes.

If the threads are of medium thickness, then soaking the napkins in boiled starch for 10 minutes is enough. Keep the thin, elegant threads from which the elegant napkin is knitted in the paste for no more than 5-7 minutes.

Cook until bubbles appear at the edges of the paste, then let the solution cool and put the napkin in the solution for a while.

Wring it out, place a beautiful knitted napkin on a clean cloth and level it. Iron it with an iron.

A hard sugar napkin will take the shape of any vessel: vase, cup, jug. Only sugar can attract insects: flies, ants, rodents.

You can also starch a napkin with milk. Milk will give the product a matte tint, give it rigidity and visually increase its volume.

You need to take a liter of milk and divide it into 2 parts. Boil the larger part, and add a teaspoon of rice starch to the smaller part. As soon as the milk boils, add it to the liquid solution mixed with starch so that there are no lumps.

Place a napkin in the hot milk solution for 10-15 minutes so that it is well saturated with the mass. Then wring it out and lay it out on a cloth to dry, using needles and pins to straighten the shape of the product, stretching the napkin.

Iron the napkin through several layers of gauze. Dry naturally. If after starching with sugar and completely drying there are still weak spots, then cover them with the solution using a brush.

Starch a napkin using glue

The most in a simple way starching the product is the use of PVA glue. Dissolve half a glass of white glue in a glass of water.

Stir well, put a napkin in it to soak in the solution, then dry on a cloth. Level it out. In this case, there is no need to iron. After drying, the napkin can take on any shape.

When using glue, you don’t have to flatten the napkin, but stretch it to the shape you want to give the product. For example, let's say you want to shape a napkin into a vase.

Take a vase and put it in plastic bag so as not to get dirty. Pour water and glue into a cup, mix, let it sit for a while, soak in the glue. Then wring out the napkin.

Set aside the napkin with the vase and let it dry naturally.

The next day we cut the threads, take out the vase and put it away. The napkin took the shape of a vase. You can bend the corners a little to make the shape more refined. The gracefulness of a vase made from a napkin will satisfy any sophisticated taste and create a unique interior in the room.

Starching napkins with gelatin

Any housewife knows how to starch a napkin with gelatin, crochet. If this is your first time starching napkins with gelatin, we will introduce you to the procedure.

Gelatin is used to hold the shape of a vase, basket, or hat brim. Unlike starch, gelatin does not crumble and lasts until the next wash. It is used only for light-colored napkins.

Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of warm water and wait a little for the crystals to swell. Then add another glass of liquid and put on low heat until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Then let it cool and put a napkin in it. You need to turn the napkin over in the solution so that it is completely saturated with it. Next, we take it out, squeeze it out and put it to dry away from heaters and direct sunlight.

Starched napkins look attractive; only natural ingredients: starch, sugar, gelatin.

Starching napkins is easy and the process does not take much time. Use a variety of starching methods, don't be afraid to experiment.

If you don’t want to burden yourself with washing products or boiling paste, but want to make the napkin harder, you can use the dry starching method.

To do this, place a napkin on a clean sheet of paper and spray it with water from a spray bottle, then sprinkle potato or rice starch on top and rub it into the napkin. Then iron it through gauze to make the product tougher.

But this method is short-lived; after a while you will need to starch it again. You can spray with an aerosol that contains starch. This quick way indispensable in extreme situations when you urgently need to cook beautiful napkins for guests.

Starched knitted napkins are a real masterpiece, because with their help you can create a unique apartment interior, make original baskets, vases for small items and flowers.

Coziness will live in your home forever. Comfort and harmony will create a favorable environment for creativity.

Knowing how to starch napkins with starch and other substances will give you new ideas for apartment design using chic knitted shapes for the interior.

And we told you how to starch them. If we helped you even a little in the appearance creative ideas, in creating a cozy atmosphere at home, write to us, or even better, send your photos, so that not only we, but also hundreds of our readers will rejoice with you, admiring your golden hands, clear mind and creative imagination and drawing on your knowledge, learning skill from you.