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How to beautifully tie a leather belt on a dress. How to tie a beautiful knot in a belt


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Even the most ordinary-looking image will sparkle with new colors if a girl knows how to beautifully tie a belt on a coat. We are sure that the style of any street outfit lies in the details, so we decided to put together a selection of interesting ways to tie a belt. Stay with us and you will learn how to add some flair to your coat and stand out among other fashionistas.

The most trendy belts

Surely, your coat included a strap of a similar color and material. How do you like the idea of ​​replacing it with something more contrasting and interesting? Designers are simply delighted with such combinations and fashion trends with the “combination of the incongruous” is excellent proof of this.

  • A narrow leather belt will be a wonderful decoration for a slender and petite girl. This fashion detail black in combination with light outerwear turns an ordinary girl into a modern lady with individual taste. This belt looks elegant when tied with a bow.

  • Wide leather items often have hidden fasteners and thus perfectly highlight the waistline.
  • An interesting trend is multi-tiered straps. This fashionable solution was seen at many shows from famous designers. They even dared to combine several different colored belts.
  • Fabric belt suitable for light coat. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to match the color of the outerwear. Contrasting combinations are always the most interesting.

Different belt options


Classic is always beautiful, restrained and elegant. A traditional knot on a coat is not a knot at all, but simply a cross of 2 ends. Usually the lady places it front and center, but you can experiment a little and change its position.

Note! This method is only possible if the belt is made of non-slip material. Otherwise, the idea won't even stick.

Romantic bow

If you want something more than a classic knot, master the simple art of tying a bow. This technique looks stylish and original, and an image with such a flirty detail becomes incredibly feminine.

You can repeat such a bow from a medium or even wide belt with some skill. Acceptable materials are wool, leather or satin.

So let's get started!

  • Direct one end of the belt to the second from bottom to top and wrap it from the inside in the same direction.
  • The second tip should be folded into a beautiful half of a bow.
  • Wrap the first tip around the second from the front and point back.
  • You should now have a loop. You need to pull the first end of the belt into it and straighten it in the form of half a bow.
  • Finally, you need to tighten the middle of the bow thoroughly.

Perhaps this method seemed too complicated to you. But we assure you - a little training according to our step by step photos, and you'll be able to tie this stylish bow correctly in just a few seconds.

Half bow

If the bow knot seemed too infantile to you, we bring to your attention a more strict version of it. The previous diagram will help you tie a belt with a half-bow, but with several caveats.

There is no need to make the first loop. The end of one edge, which is in the upper part, should wrap the lower edge and form only one half of the bow into the resulting ring. The final touch is tightening the bow. On one side, you will have a half bow, and on the other, 2 flowing ends.

Beautiful knot

This is another variation on the bow theme - it is an elegant knot as in the photo. When performing it, you also need to focus on the pattern for creating a bow. True, you shouldn’t make it in half, but thread the entire wrapped end into the ring.

Biedermeier knot

You can beautifully tie a belt on a coat using the Biedermeier knot, step by step according to our photos.

The main feature of this method is that one edge of the belt remains longer than the other, and this looks very creative.

  • Fold the edges of the waistband crosswise.
  • Wrap the long end around the short one and pass it into the loop under the cross that you folded at the beginning.
  • Repeat this sequence of actions with the short end relative to the long one.

Tie or belt?

It doesn't matter at all, because original ways Tying a tie can also be done on a belt. The result is an unusual knot that will definitely become the highlight of your outfit.

First way

  • The first step is to wrap the belt around yourself so that one end is much longer than the other.
  • The long half needs to be wrapped around the small one through the top.
  • The same long part should be brought upward and passed through the resulting loop.
  • Wrap the small end around the long end again.
  • All that remains is to pass the tip down through the loop and tighten the resulting beauty.

Second way

An alternative version of this knot was also spotted by enterprising girls from men's wardrobe. If the strong half of humanity ties a tie using this pattern, the most advanced fashionistas introduce this method for tying a belt on a coat.

  • Wrap the belt around your waist so that the ends are criss-crossed and one of them is longer.
  • Then place this long part behind the second half of the belt, moving from bottom to top.
  • Point the long part back and pass it under the flowing short end of the belt.
  • Lift it up again without bringing it by the belt.
  • Drawing an imaginary loop, wrap the belt and lower it down through the ring.
  • Tighten the knot to secure it.

Options for thin products

A thin belt also offers great opportunities for experimenting with your look. Let's reveal one little secret! There are many ways to tie belts. All of them can be safely used to tie a belt of small width.

First way

  • Wrap the belt around your waist and cross the halves in the center.
  • The half that is on top needs to be pulled up from the inside.
  • Fold the lower part up and then point it down between the raised half and the center of the knot.
  • Bend the second end and twist it into a loop.

Second way

  • Cross the waistband halves in the center so that one edge is significantly larger.
  • Fold the longer end in a zigzag shape.
  • The short edge should wrap around the center of the zigzag.
  • Bring the same edge to the back and through the top loop.
  • Tighten the knot to secure it.

The back of the coat

Fashionistas love to do this type of knot on a trench coat, but if your coat has belt loops, you can also repeat it.

  • The easiest way to tie this knot is before putting on your coat.
  • Pass the belt through the loops at the back and cross the ends.
  • Wrap the bottom end around the top.
  • Take him upstairs through the cross.
  • Thread the end through the center loop and tighten.

With such a knot, in the 2019-2019 season it is fashionable to wear a coat both buttoned and unbuttoned.

Now you know in theory how to beautifully tie a belt on a coat. All that remains is to practice using step-by-step photos and create interesting accents in the image. Agree, everything is important when creating the perfect stylish outfit! And even such a small detail as a belt matters a lot.

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Learn how to tie a belt in front beautifully

Let's look at how to tie a belt on the front of a raincoat to achieve a different effect every day.

Simple single knot

The ends of the same length must be tied to each other with a single knot so that one is located above the other. This simple, everyday option works well with mid-width accessories. The main thing is that they are made of non-slip fabric.

If the belt is long, wrap it twice. This will help highlight the waistline. This option looks impressive, but requires practice.


When thinking about how to beautifully tie a belt, many representatives of the fair sex pay attention to bows. They work well from accessories of different widths, densities, and lengths.

You can make a voluminous or hanging bow. Having studied simple instructions and with a little time of practice, you can transform even the most unremarkable outfit. It is better if the bow is on the side. This will enhance the effect.

With patience, you'll learn how to tie double and triple bows that look even more impressive.

Do you have a drawstring belt? Try tying a fancy bow with an odd number of loops.

Make a half bow where there is only one loop. This is the most common method after a single knot. It is tied like a regular knot with one loop so that it is on top and the ends hang down below.


If you have a medium-width belt made of lightweight fabric, try making an ascot. This is a simple double knot, tied so that both ends hang on opposite sides.

Biedermeier knot for a wide belt

A wide belt is an expressive accessory that does not need to be complicated with a knot. An exception is the Biedermeier knot, which is very easy to tie.

Long belt

Fold the accessory in half, wrap it around your waist and thread the ends through the resulting loop. They are displayed on one or different sides depending on individual preferences.

Tie the belt at the back

The raincoat is often sold with a belt threaded through loops on the sides and back. Are you used to wearing it unbuttoned? We will tell you how to tie a belt on a raincoat at the back, getting an additional decorative element.

tie knot

A simple method that can be easily repeated with a little time practical classes. The tie knot does not have to be tied every time. It will retain its presentable appearance for a long time.

Tie a classic tie knot with one turn. The length of the edges can be the same or vary at your discretion.

Bow at the back

The illustrated instructions we offer may seem too complicated. But you don't have to tie a bow in the back every day. The reward for your efforts will be a spectacular decorative knot that is sure to attract admiring glances.

Front knot variations

Any knot tied at the front can be repeated at the back to achieve an interesting effect.

Belt with buckle

If you are one of the owners, try tying each of the listed knots or experiment with where the free end will be. All these techniques will look impressive on thin, hard belts.


One of the most beautiful options:

1. The end inserted into the buckle is wrapped around the strap, coming from below.

2. The second turn comes from the top.

3. The end is threaded through the first loop.

Experiments with a belt

There are many options for where to leave the end passed through the buckle. It is wrapped twice around the belt and pulled out through a loop. A rigid belt is often twisted into a spiral. The knot can be formed before inserting the end into the buckle.

If the belt is medium wide and made of soft fabric, it is difficult to achieve a decorative effect using the above methods. It is better to use options for simple belts.

Alternative to a belt

When thinking about how to replace a belt on a raincoat, many settle on light, wide scarves, wrapping them several times to emphasize the waist or visually correct the proportions of the figure (for example, to highlight the hips, chest).

Brave representatives of the fair sex will love the classic sash. An accessory wide in the middle with narrow tips has long become a predominantly female element of the wardrobe. It can be tied at the front or back to achieve the desired effect.

The more decorative the belt, the simpler the knot should be. Experiment, but don't forget that you will be taking off your coat during the day. If the resulting element is too complex, you will feel uncomfortable. But for long walks in late spring and early autumn, the most intricate options are suitable.

Currently, the belt is recognized as a fashionable addition to the dress. Therefore, girls who want to look stylish simply must know how to beautifully tie a belt on their dress.

How to tie a long and wide belt on a dress

A wide belt can decorate any dress and highlight female figure. It's good to wear with flowy clothes. The main thing is to put it strictly on the waist. Fashion accessory does not have to be done in the form of a bow.

The long element can be wrapped around the waist several times, its ends crossed together and carefully straightened.

Or you can wrap it once and then tie it so that the ends of the strap hang down to the side. A buckle would also look great.

Ways to tie a fashionable bow

You can choose from several bow options:

  • classical;
  • French;
  • made from one loop.

With the first method, the pre-ironed ends need to be thrown over one another. The free tip is folded into a half-bow, and the second is wrapped around it and the second part of the part is pulled into the resulting loop.

The ribbon must not be pulled all the way so that only the central part fits into the loop, and the tip is at the bottom. In this form, the “ears” are tightened, aligned and straightened, like the wings of a butterfly.

The second method is carried out in the following sequence. First, the two ends of the belt are folded into identical “ears” with the front sides and overlapped in a cross. Next, the upper “eye” is threaded under the cross and tightened.

To make a bow from one loop, you should tie a half-knot and make an “eye” from the first end. Wrap the second tip and pull it into the loop formed. The bow will look more original if, when tightening, the loop is placed at the top, then the ends will look down.

How to tie a voluminous braid

From several thin belts you can weave a voluminous one. fashionable braid, which will look very attractive on the dress.

This strap can be tied with a single knot. To do this, you just need to pass the tip of the wardrobe part through the buckle, insert it under the strap, then insert it up, then down.

This belt will look good with summer dresses with floral prints.

By tying a belt on a dress, you can create new images every day and look beautiful.

After all, it is small details - jewelry, belts, hats, accessories - that give a girl her individuality.

A person who decides to go out on the tatami must certainly know how to tie a belt on a judo kimono.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, this is actually real art.

Let's figure out what secrets there are and what needs to be done to master them.

First, let's look at the history of its occurrence.

Historical reference

Jigoro Kano

This type of wrestling originated in Japan at the end of the 19th century based on techniques from several schools.

The martial art technique was invented by martial arts master Jigoro Kano.

The main difference between judo and jiu-jitsu was the presence of humanistic principles and the desire for steady self-improvement of the athlete.

For a new white belt, the main task is to learn how to fold a wrestling robe and tie the belt correctly.

Only after mastering such a skill is a person allowed to engage in full training.

It is important to know: In Japan, ancient rules, rituals and etiquette are sacredly respected, including the traditions associated with the attire of a judoka. The main clothing, a wrestler's training suit, is a kimono, and its belt (called obi) serves not only as an accessory that tidies up the suit, but also as an informant of the status and sporting achievements of the owner.

After a year of hard work, the student is allowed to take the exam for the next color belt - yellow. You need to overcome a lot of obstacles to achieve a black belt.

How to tie an obi

There are several ways to tie a belt on a kimono. We will describe the most common of them and accessible to perception.

Method No. 1

  1. We take the belt by the middle and stretch it across the stomach at waist level.
  2. We wrap it around the body so that after the turn the strip is on the back and stomach, and the ends are held with hands on the sides.
  3. We move the left end of the belt down, and pass the right one located on top from below so that we get a loose loop.
  4. We release the lower left end to contact the end of the loop, and thread the right end that formed it from above into the resulting hole (in this case, it lies parallel to the left one, which has already taken the right position inside the loop).
  5. Next, we pass the tip on the far left side from bottom to top into the loop formed by the top right end.
  6. We tighten the knot, which has the shape of a tie, only tightened from the side.

This is interesting: There is a lot of symbolism in any Japanese wrestling. Thus, the kimono belt contains the following meaning: the left end means a symbol of the spirit, the right end symbolizes physical development individual. Overall, a tied obi represents harmony, integrity and inner strength. The main thing not to lose sight of is that both ends of the tied belt are the same in length. This creates harmony of the fighter’s spirit and body according to the laws of existence and individual judo.

Method No. 2

The belt can be tied with another strong knot, so much so that it will not be easy to untie during the fight, but simply after it is over. Here's the procedure:

In martial arts, a position has been established according to which it is necessary to use belts 4-6 centimeters wide and 2-3 meters long. This length is quite enough to wrap twice the waist of not only a teenager or young man, but also an adult man.

It is important that after tightening the knot on the belt, the ends of 20-30 centimeters hang down on both sides. For a visual understanding, it is recommended to watch the video corresponding to the topic:

In wardrobe modern woman The belt performs a decorative function. It is only important to learn how to choose and wear it correctly.
The belt is usually sold or made with clothing included. Belts made of satin fabric look very beautiful and stylish.. If your waist is wide, it is better to use dark color, and if you are slim, then you can fantasize endlessly. You can tie such a belt beautiful bow , and it will give you romanticism and femininity. However, it should be noted that a bow always attracts attention. He is one of fashion trends this season. If you don’t want to focus on the waist, then you can simply tie the ends with a beautiful knot.

A very long belt that can be wrapped around the waist several times, cross the ends together once and straighten them beautifully.

A leather belt that is not very wide will complement any figure.. It is important to remember that it must be worn at the waist, otherwise the figure will look disproportionate. It is better not to tie such a belt, but to use a special buckle, which will be an additional decoration of the suit.

Thin belts are always in fashion, but they make the figure visually more voluminous.. Those with a wasp waist can wear one or more of these belts. They will focus on the waist and your figure will look even more perfect. Belts can be barely noticeable to match the clothes, or they can be contrasting.

Tied at the waist, a wide belt enhances the figure. It should not be worn by overweight women. A bow on such a belt secures it and decorates it. A wide belt is sometimes complemented with a narrow one on top, which is tied with a beautiful knot.

The belt can be tied on the hips. Then he can perfectly complement Short dress or tunic.
A bow tied on a belt under the bust will become the central decoration of the dress. You can vary the length of the ends. It is important to determine their length correctly. The belt should look harmonious and aesthetically pleasing with the outfit. Clothes with very long ends look ridiculous.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to decorate clothes with belts. You can wear the same dress, but I choose different decorative belts and shoes for it, each new outfit will be different from the previous one. Stop for a few minutes in front of the mirror and evaluate your image; perhaps it’s the belt that’s missing.