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How were they punished for adultery in Rus'? How they punish for adultery in different countries (10 photos) Shot for adultery.

1917th, most long year in the history of Russia, was also the most turning point. Including the abolition of punishment for treason.

In this regard, our country has found itself at the forefront of “humanization”. Sexual revolution, 1964, the International Congress in The Hague adopted a resolution: “Adultery cannot be considered a criminal offense and therefore not subject to judicial punishment.” In Italy and France, criminal penalties were abolished only in 1975. And before that, for example, Sofia Loren had to leave Italy due to an extramarital affair with Carlo Ponti. In Turkey, crawling with Russia in a race to the European Union, the law was repealed in 1996. In Switzerland, to this day it can be prohibited to enter into a new marriage for 3 years. Brazil abolished the punishment in 2005, and Mexico just recently, in 2011.

1. The Babylonian Talmud names four types of capital punishment: strangulation, cutting off the head with a sword, burning, throwing on stones.
Strangulation was considered the easiest form of death penalty. Its essence was that a piece of linen was wrapped around the neck of the convicted person and two witnesses to the crime or specially appointed persons pulled the ends of the linen in different directions. This death penalty was imposed by the court for crimes such as: beating the father or mother, as well as causing them bodily harm; capturing or kidnapping a Jew for ransom, selling him or her or forcing him into slave labor; having sexual intercourse with married woman(adultery); adultery against one's husband without the intent to discredit him before the Jews.

2. According to the so-called Middle Assyrian laws (XIV - XIII centuries BC)
A husband who found his wife with her lover had the right to kill them both on the spot. If he did not do this, then the court imposed on the adulterer the same punishment that the husband wished to subject his wife to.

3. In modern Turkey:
Behind adultery Since 1996, punishment has been provided not only for women, but also for men. Compared to the previous law, it is very lenient - five years in prison. For comparison: in Saudi Arabia people still get stoned for this kind of thing.

4. In Iran, Mauritania, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Nigeria (Islamic countries), according to Sharia, those convicted of infidelity are stoned. Stoning is a form of punishment applied only to married people, and exclusively to women. Men get off with public censure.
At the same time, the authorities are moving towards even greater tightening. Since 1990, Iran has had a law according to which a woman convicted of adultery, a male relative (not necessarily the husband himself) has the right to kill without trial.

5. In Pakistan, by decision of the Sharia court, women can be executed by hanging for adultery.

6. In Afghanistan, the transitional government has restored the religious morality police that operated in the country under the Taliban. The range of punishments for traitors is very wide: from public flogging to 10 years in prison.

7. In Indonesia, adultery is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

8. But the non-Muslim Republic of Papua New Guinea holds the palm in the severity of punishment for adultery. For example, in the Madang district, where ancient Papuan laws are still in effect, deceived husbands are not only allowed, but also ordered to behead their wives' lovers. The wives are not killed, but before execution the condemned man must eat the finger of his mistress.

9. In Germany in old times for adultery they were quartered. .According to one version, the custom of locking a woman with a padlock (chastity belt) appeared precisely in Germany among the aristocracy. Each time, going on a military campaign, the husband forced the blacksmith to put an iron belt on his wife, which he personally removed after his return.

10. In medieval Europe 15-16 centuries. wives caught in treason were punished by lifelong imprisonment in a monastery or disfigured by depriving them of their nose, lips or ears. The death penalty for treason was also common. The English king Henry XIII sent two of his wives to the scaffold - Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard. Only women were punished for adultery.
In Great Britain for a long time there was a law according to which the deceived husband had the right to a one-time monetary reward. Moreover, it must compensate not only the material costs of the husband for his wife for the entire life together, but also “the moral damage caused to his feelings and pride.”

11. In Bulgaria, alimony is also collected from the guilty spouse in the divorce - in favor of the innocent one. But in Switzerland they do not take money from adulterers, but the court can prohibit the cheating spouse from entering into a new marriage for three years.

12. In Northern Burma, the problem of punishing women is solved simply and technically: from childhood, girls are put ritual hoops around their necks. They greatly lengthen the neck and at the same time support the head, which can no longer support itself on the atrophied cervical vertebrae. If betrayal is discovered, the hoops are removed from the neck of a Burmese woman. This is enough for her to either die from a broken cervical vertebrae or remain crippled.

13. In some African tribes, a cheating wife was subjected to mandatory castration - her uterus was cut out.

14. In medieval Russia, the code of law of 1550 expanded the scope of crimes punishable by death. These included adultery.

15. In modern China: In Guangdong province, local legislators have banned extramarital affairs. The punishment for treason (for both men and women) is two years in prison and confiscation of half the property.

16. In 10 US states there is a prison sentence for going “left”. For example, in Minnesota, both husband and wife can receive 5 years in prison and be fined $1,000, or both.

In the old days, the Slavs married not out of love, but according to the will of their parents. As a result, spouses often started relationships on the side, although this was condemned by public morality.

The Charter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise mentions that for adultery there is a fine, the amount of which was determined by the prince himself. But in general there was a principle “if you’re not caught, you’re not a thief”: if no one talks about it, then nothing bad happens.

If the betrayal was revealed, in order to avoid shame and punishment, the husband should have divorced his wife, and done so immediately, so as not to aggravate the situation.

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The unfaithful wife after divorce (inevitable in this case) was forbidden to remarry. They reacted especially harshly to infidelity among the peasants (the nobles were more tolerant in this matter, allowing themselves similar pranks). Despite the inevitability and severity of punishment, there were still cheaters, which was reflected in the folklore of that time.

In other countries

Among the Danes in ancient times, marital betrayal was punishable by death, while murder was punishable by the usual fine. This showed how seriously this offense was taken in the Kingdom of Denmark. There was no talk of male infidelity.

The ancient Bretons flogged her until she died.

The Gauls smeared her body in mud and slop and dragged her along the ground through the entire city. Local residents, as a sign of reproach, could throw various things at her, insult her and beat her.

The Goths did not wait for a trial or permission from external authorities: the husband could independently pronounce a sentence on the guilty party with his own hands.

In China, the offender was coated with lard and thrown to hungry dogs.

The natives of Canada used their characteristic tradition of taking scalps: this was also done with infidels.

Greece has made revenge for such a sin available to any citizen. But in Sparta, going to the left was not a sin and was not even worthy of reproach.

In Islamic states, a beauty caught in treason could be stoned to death.

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Among the ancient Mongols, execution for treason was very cruel: only by cutting the sinner into several parts could she be sufficiently punished for her offense.

Punishment for treason in some regions of the Roman Empire assumed a commercial approach: the sinner was put up for sale on the market, and anyone could buy her.

The Germans worked on “preventing infidelity”: before a military campaign, the husband put a chastity belt forged from iron on his lady love, and took it off after returning from the campaign.

England created a law according to which the deceived husband had the right to a one-time monetary compensation. Moreover, the amount had to cover not only the material costs of the husband, which he incurred throughout the entire married life for the maintenance of his wife, but also include payment for moral damage that was caused to his pride as a result of his wife’s infidelity.

In medieval Europe, the penalty for adultery was also severe. Moreover, imprisonment in a monastery was not the worst punishment. And even cutting off lips, noses and ears was inferior to another measure of the fight against sinners. Young and not so young ladies were burned at the stake like witches, believing that only fire could save the soul of the wicked from the witchcraft that took her away from her family.

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No matter how scary all this may sound, there are still a dozen difficult ways to raise a spouse, even if she does not survive after.

Top 10 most terrible punishments for women

  • In Turkey, a wicked woman could be put in a bag, a cat was also placed there, and the bag was beaten with chains so as to hit the animal as much as possible. The procedure was performed until the unfaithful woman died in agony.
  • In Korea, they forced her to drink vinegar until the unfortunate woman swelled, and then she was beaten with sticks to death.
  • Some American tribes, when they discovered a traitor, threw her at the feet of the leader, beat her, crushed all the bones in her body, then chopped her into pieces and ate her with the whole tribe.
  • Pakistani women According to Sharia, they were sentenced to death by hanging.
  • In the small kingdom of Luango in Africa, according to ancient customs, lovers are thrown off a cliff.
  • In the East, those who were guilty were cut into the body in the thinnest sensitive places, lead was melted and poured into the resulting wounds and holes in the body. They could stick wooden nails soaked in sulfur into the body, which were then set on fire, and the flame was kept on for a long time due to the subcutaneous fat of the unfortunate victim.
  • In Siam, in ancient times, one of the most cruel executions existed - by elephant: the offender was put in a cage of a special design and the animal was brought to it. The elephant, being sure that this was a female of his species, killed her in the process.
  • In Northern Burma, female infidelity was dealt with in a very unique way. From early childhood, girls have rings placed on their necks, and under the number of rings, the neck gradually became very elongated. When the girl entered puberty, her neck was so long that she could not hold her head up on her own - all the muscles were so atrophied. If a wife cheated on her husband, these hoops were removed from her neck, and she died as a result of a broken neck, or remained crippled for life.
  • The so-called Central Assyrian laws gave the right to a husband who caught his wife with someone else to kill both her and her lover on the spot. If he did not do this himself, then the court punished the adulterer in the same way as a husband punished his other half.

  • In the most unusual way they punished in Papua New Guinea, and not even the mistress herself, she just remained alive. But a man who had the courage to seduce another man’s wife had his head cut off. But at the same time, before dying, he had to eat his mistress’s finger. The surviving mistress remained with her disadvantage, the whole tribe knew about her guilt and after that it was impossible for her to find a mate. This was her retribution for her action.

Probably, due to circumstances, it so happened that only women are executed for adultery, because a man was created to impregnate women and procreate. Judging by some rules in several countries, only female representatives, even lovers, can receive reprimand or punishment. It is unknown how things are now, but there used to be harsh laws. Do you think that only in Islam can a woman be beaten or driven to death? No, there are many different countries where people belong to different religions.

Today we will talk about those punishments that have become known to the public. On their basis, people's attitude towards women was often judged. It is impossible to say that the men were not executed. They got it too, but it was unfair to watch how they were given sentences - a month without marital intimacy, housework, taking care of the household, or something like a reprimand from the main “servant of the people.” Today we will tell you about the most sensational stories in the top 10 terrible punishments for adultery.

10. Türkiye

In Turkey, spouses could be punished in different ways. Naturally, men got by with simple punishments in the form of payment obligations - if you cheated, pay for your sins. Very rich men who loved only themselves could pay their wives every day for their infidelities, and on the carpet before God they prayed and repented for the fact that they could not restrain themselves, saying that the woman was guilty of tempting him by calling him to intercourse.

Women were punished much more severely - the culprit was put in a bag, 2-3 cats were thrown into it, and the bag was tied up. The animals were inside along with the woman, and then the “executioners” armed themselves with chains, trying to hit the animals. They beat them until the woman died from the wild scratches and wounds left by the animals. There has never been a single case of a woman surviving such torture. In principle, the punishment was death.

9. Korea

In Korea there are quite interesting ways to drive a person to suicide. But as for the punishment, they came up with an interesting torture. It’s strange that in Korea only women were punished; they are probably the biggest traitors, and the entire female race has a curse, otherwise how can one explain that torture was invented only for them? They're ungrateful people - they need to drink vinegar as punishment until they swell. Then they are finished off with sticks, and they do it slowly.

The punishment can last up to several days, and if during this time the woman does not die from vinegar poisoning, then she is slowly finished off, forcing her to drink vinegar again. Just a note - 200 ml of vinegar or more is a lethal dose for an adult if he is not given first aid. The trachea and esophagus narrow, the lungs and stomach swell, and coughing up blood appears. It is possible to save only in the first 10-13 minutes, otherwise intoxication occurs, and the person after treatment emergency care They are being treated for about another six months.

8. America

Previously, when there were still tribes in the majority, they occupied a large territory of the country, the leaders in the tribes solved the problem with cheaters very quickly - they forced them to crawl on all fours in front of the leader, then they were thrown at his feet for a performance. Tribes from neighboring territories, mostly women, gathered around to show them what adultery was like. After gathering all the people, those in charge took sticks and crushed the woman’s bones. As long as she remained alive, she was only beaten. As soon as death occurred, the victim stopped resisting, and relatives and husband were invited to the viewing. The husband cut his wife into pieces, cooked her over a fire, and treated her to all the gathered guests.

Men could not be executed, since they could cheat - this was not considered a sin. The fact is that in tribes, men must woo women - jump over fires, walk on coals and even risk their lives. So, while they get someone as a wife, they may not live to see that moment. And such weakness as another woman is just gratitude for the actions done. However, the one with whom he cheated was also punished, even though she was not married - it is a sin to sleep with other people's husbands. Therefore, it would be rare to find a man who would take not only himself to the next world. The woman's lover was luckier - he was expelled from the tribe.

7. Pakistan

Proving adultery is a very quick but complex process. As is known, in Pakistan and other countries where the religion of Islam reigns, laws are observed not according to the criminal code, but according to the requirements of Sharia. This is a branch of the religious direction. A woman should be seen at the moment of betrayal, but there even a conversation with another man is called betrayal. If your wife was examined by another woman, it’s worth thinking about - she may be examining her spouse for her husband, so that he can take a second wife to himself. Women generally go only with women, as the Koran itself prescribes this.

If a girl or someone's wife walks alone, this is a serious reason for punishment (not death). But for treason, women can be sentenced to death by hanging. Of course, the husband decides everything, even the wife’s relatives cannot influence his decision, because they received payment for her. The husband has the right to cancel the execution if he loves his wife very much, and there have been such cases. But then this family receives the status of “humiliated” in its own way - these are outcasts, where dirt in the family and mistrust reign. No one will communicate with such people, do business, much less connect them with family ties.

6. Africa

Luango is a small kingdom where adultery is considered the worst mortal sin. However, people have come up with a punishment for sin that cannot be compared with any other. Women and men have equal rights, and so that no one is offended, the punishment is the same for all people. If one of the spouses is caught cheating, or someone told, proved, provided facts, or the person himself confessed (which rarely happens due to fear of death), then the perpetrators and traitors, namely the cheater and his mistress, are thrown off a cliff. Whether they will survive later or not is unknown, but no one will kill anyone on purpose.

If a person can untie his hands and feet, swim out of the current and escape, then he is lucky. Very often women's lovers are not found, only cheaters are dumped. They fail to get out, but if they do, then no one throws them out again or kills them. Now, if a woman returns home to her husband and repents, he has the right to forgive her, since she has already received punishment. Then everything depends on the husband, because it is up to him to decide whether to accept his wife after punishment or not.

5. Siam

Here the punishment is cruel and imaginative. An amazing torture has been invented for women - this is the fear that torments her before a painful death. The unfaithful wife is subjected to torment and crushing - she is fixed in a special half-open box, then the elephant is invited to “meet” her. Naturally, the elephant is blindfolded, and the woman can watch his steps, approach and rapid meeting with that world. To prevent the elephant from being frightened, it is released to hunt and is shown the goodies that are placed behind the box. He walks already blindfolded, and the woman is uncovered to the waist so that he can see the beast rushing towards him.

If the elephant misses, does not step properly, or the woman does not die under the pressure of its weight, then the elephant is allowed to walk over her again. This continues until the elephant completely crushes the woman. Men who are traitors get off with a severe reprimand - they are forbidden to go out, they can eat at the table only with the permission of their wife, and they are kicked out of work. The inheritance and all the “goods” are given to the wife, and she can also come up with a punishment for him within 67 days after she exposes him for treason. This is probably more terrible, because after all the minor reprimands, the wife can sentence her husband to death.

4. Northern Burma

In this country, girls from an early age are given bracelets around their necks to stretch the vertebrae. The rings are not removed throughout life. The more rings, the more beautiful the bride is considered. After marriage, women wear rings less often, since there is no longer a need to stretch their necks. If a woman is caught cheating, all the rings are immediately removed from her neck. Doesn't this tell you anything? Stretched vertebrae and deformed non-working muscles that are not able to support an elongated neck are not able to get used to such loads overnight.

After the rings are removed, the woman's neck may break, and she either becomes crippled or dies from injuries and fractures. If a woman survives, her husband can pay for her treatment, but she will never wear rings again - this is the decoration of faithful and worthy women. And it is not common for traitors to wear gold and expensive gifts. The husband’s family will not be judged in any way, but they will know that his wife cheated on him and survived all the ordeals.

3. Afghanistan

In this state there are neither guilty nor executioners. But the laws there have changed somewhat - they have reintroduced the punishments that were in effect under the Taliban. All punitive measures are carried out under the supervision of the police and representatives of moral laws - the woman must be caught and proven that she cheated on her spouse. Cheating in Afghanistan is even the touching of someone else's hand (male), a narrowed gaze, which implies flirting, etc. The woman is sentenced to 100 lashes. Death by blows is not the same; they cannot kill a spouse. If she survives the blows, it will be a miracle. But such cases also happened, and no one has the right to finish them to death. Otherwise, it is punishable according to all religious laws. The man is not punished in any way.

If a wife saw her husband with someone else, then she cannot hold him accountable, since her eyes are not an indicator. And this is often perceived as slander - I saw an affair, told about my husband, and the wife receives lashes for deception, etc. So in this country it is better either not to get married or to remain silent all your life. Of course, you can bring witnesses with you who will spy on the guilty man, but it is not a fact that the testimony of several people is the truth and not a planned lie.

2. New Guinea

Among the Papuans there are still customs regarding traitors. It is common among people not only to humiliate traitors, but also to organize performances for other residents - neighboring tribes, villages, villages, but not cities. There, their customs are alien to people who are used to enduring infidelity or simply getting divorced. Divorce is a sin even for a Christian, so there can be no talk about it. A woman is expelled from her family for treason, wearing what her mother gave birth to. If a naked woman without jewelry is found in neighboring tribes, she may be eaten, since she no longer belongs to anyone.

A man is punished differently - he must eat the finger of his mistress, and he cannot simply pass off another homeless victim as her. The mistress will walk around without one finger, so look at the girls’ hands if you are going there on an excursion. After the meal the man is executed - killed different ways, depending on who has what offer.

1. UAE, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Iran

The law of Islam applies in these countries - if you cheat, it means death for you. The men receive a reprimand, nothing more. They do not face any fees or transfer of property. A woman can be killed by any relative (man) who thinks that his wife has cheated or is cheating. If a woman is accidentally touched by a stranger, she is a cheater. If she looked at another guy, she is a traitor. The rest is not even discussed.

Treason can be arranged on purpose, and no one has the right to listen to you. Allah can see everything, and since the man said that you are a traitor, then endure punishment. A woman who is a traitor (or so-called) is tied at the elbows, then buried waist-deep in the ground. All the people should come to the spectacle, relatives first of all. According to the rules, the first blow of stones must be made by the son. If there is no son, the wife's brother, father or relative throws the stone. The husband cannot throw the first stone, since he is not the executioner, but the victim.

These are the unusual and terrible punishments that exist for adultery. The worst thing is that these measures are prescribed in some books and unregulated laws, and they cannot even be called lynching.

Punishment for adultery in different countries. In France and Italy, criminal penalties for adultery for both women and men were abolished only in 1975, in Brazil in 2005, and in Mexico in 2011. But in many countries to this day there is a death penalty for adultery.


1. Germany

In Germany in the old days people were quartered for adultery. According to one version, the custom of locking a woman with a padlock (chastity belt) appeared in Germany among the aristocracy.

2. China
In modern China: In Guangdong province, local legislators have banned extramarital affairs. The punishment for treason (for both men and women) is two years in prison and confiscation of half the property.

3. Modern Türkiye
Since 1996, punishment for adultery has been provided not only for women, but also for men. Compared to the previous law, it is very lenient - 5 years in prison. For comparison: in Saudi Arabia people still get stoned for this kind of thing.

4. Afghanistan
In Afghanistan, the transitional government has restored the religious morality police that operated in the country under the Taliban. The range of punishments for traitors is very wide: from public flogging to 10 years in prison.

5. Indonesia
In Indonesia, adultery is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

6. New Guinea
In the Madang district, where ancient Papuan laws are still in effect, deceived husbands are not only allowed, but also ordered to behead their wives' lovers. The wives are not killed, but before execution the condemned man must eat the finger of his mistress.

7. African tribes
In some African tribes, a cheating wife was subjected to mandatory castration - her uterus was cut out.

8. Northern Burma
In Northern Burma, the problem of punishing women is solved simply and technically: from childhood, girls are put ritual hoops around their necks. They greatly lengthen the neck and at the same time support the head, which can no longer support itself on the atrophied cervical vertebrae. If betrayal is discovered, the hoops are removed from the neck of a Burmese woman. This is enough for her to either die from a fracture
cervical vertebrae, or remained crippled.

9. Pakistan
In Pakistan, by decision of the Sharia court, women can be executed by hanging for adultery.

10. Iran, Mauritania, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Nigeria (Islamic countries)

Since 1990, Iran has had a law according to which a woman caught in adultery or a male relative (not just her husband) has the right to kill without trial.

1. Papua New Guinea

2. Medieval Russia

We have already written about creepy medieval traditions Europe. But, by and large, Russia did not lag behind. Thus, in 1550, adultery was added to the list of crimes for which the death penalty is provided.

3. Iran

Once civilized Iran is increasingly mired in brutality and gender inequality. Since 1990, Iran has had a discriminatory law, according to which a woman caught cheating on her husband can be executed by any relative of her husband (though only male). But men will face inevitable public censure for adultery.

4. African tribes

There are cruel traditions here that are not controlled by any international laws. So, in some tribes, girls’ female organs are simply cut out for treason.

5. Indonesia

Another country with insane legislation. Here, partners of both sexes can be imprisoned for 15 years for adultery.

6. Türkiye

Türkiye has also moved not far from Indonesia. In the struggle for European integration and women's rights, the Turks decided to equalize the rights of spouses of both sexes. Since 1996, people here have been imprisoned for treason for 5 years, and this applies to spouses of both sexes.

7. China

But communist China only took 7th place in this ranking. Here, both men and women are punished for adultery. Unfaithful believers in the Celestial Empire will face up to 2 years in prison and confiscation of half of their property.

8. Switzerland

One of the most liberal countries is Switzerland. By the way, almost the entire adult population here is armed, so hardly anyone would risk cheating here. But they have a very interesting law - a cheater is prohibited from remarrying for 3 years.

9. Vietnam

But Vietnam, which has recovered from the war, is filling the budget with all its might. Unfaithful spouses are no exception. For treason, a fine of 1 to 3 million Vietnamese dong awaits. This is $50-150 (by the way, the average monthly salary in the country).

10. Mali

Who would have thought that Mali would be the most tolerant state towards betrayal. The territory of this African state is home to a huge number of different tribes, which have very unique sets of laws. But here we want to draw your attention to the liberal Dogon tribe. They allow adultery, except in cases of incest. But even in this case, lovers will only face expulsion from the tribe.