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How to starch a napkin with sugar syrup. Openwork napkin: the best ways to starch

Creating comfort in the house is the first thing every housewife should be able to do. Skillfully arranged napkins are an attribute that has been passed down through centuries. Snow-white patterned crocheted products look especially beautiful.

Therefore, women should know how to starch napkins. After all, with them the room becomes especially cozy.

Classic method

This one is passed down from generation to generation. It is considered the most optimal and simple option imparting rigidity. After using it, the product keeps its shape.

Using potato starch is also the cheapest method, but effective. Grandmothers successfully use it, which inspires confidence in this procedure.


The solution can be prepared in several concentrations, it all depends on how hard the product should be.

Crocheted tablecloths can be liquid with the following concentration:

  1. Soft - 1 tsp per liter of water. starch. A solution of this concentration is great for napkins and tablecloths that need to hang down. The soft method can also be used for knitted curtains.
  2. The average concentration of the solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, which are diluted in 1 liter of water. Great for cuffs, collars, lace doilies.
  3. Hard concentration is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. starch per 1 liter of water. This method is used to impart rigidity and hardness. For example, this way you can starch knitted vase for fruit, a plate or flowers made of yarn. The hard method is also suitable for others volumetric crafts, which are crocheted.

These concentrations are suitable if potato starch is used. When using corn, you should know that it is not as viscous, so you will need half as much.

That is, to prepare a solution of soft concentration you will need 1.5 tsp, medium - 1.5 tbsp. l., hard - 3 tbsp. l. The steps for preparing the paste are the same.

Stages of paste preparation

Before using starch, pour it into a separate dry container and check for lumps and debris. If you notice foreign inclusions, do the following: fill the product with water, and after 2 hours use it for starching. All debris will rise to the top, and pure starch will remain at the bottom.

How to prepare the solution correctly:

  1. Prepare two containers. In the first, starch is mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a creamy consistency. There should be no lumps.
  2. The remaining water is poured into the second container and placed on the stove. After waiting for it to boil, pour the liquid in a thin stream into a container with prepared starch.
  3. Then the first container is placed on the fire and brought to a boil. The paste must be constantly stirred to prevent lumps from forming.
  4. After boiling, remove the container from the stove and leave to cool. The temperature of the paste should be 30–35 degrees.

Now you can starch the knitted napkins.

The process itself

A knitted product is not difficult if you follow the steps of the procedure. Especially when the procedure is performed for the first time.

How to starch a napkin, crocheted, starch - algorithm of actions:

  1. The finished paste is poured into a basin; it must be clean and dry. Take care of this in advance.
  2. The product is dipped into the liquid, it must be completely saturated with the composition. Remember, if starching is carried out, more solution will be needed for the tablecloth, not 1 liter.
  3. The product is kept in the composition depending on the thickness of the thread. If they are thin - 7 minutes, medium - 10-15, thick - 15-30 minutes.
  4. Then the product is removed from the solution, the excess liquid is carefully squeezed out, and laid out on the table.

The napkin must be straightened and given the correct shape. When it becomes slightly damp, iron it through several layers of gauze. The temperature of the electrical appliance should be minimal.

You need to act quickly, and at the same time do not forget to watch the edges of the product so that they do not bend and the appearance does not deteriorate.

If we make a vase from the product, then smooth the soaked napkin onto a bowl of suitable volume and leave it to dry in this form. If possible, then it will be on the selected item.

This method does not require the use of an iron. The product must dry on its own, which takes 24 hours. If the threads are thick it may take longer.

Other recipes

For starching, you can use not only starch. For this procedure, milk, sugar, gelatin, salt, PVA glue or a commercial aerosol are suitable.

Of all the methods, the worst is the last one, and the best is the use of milk and office glue.


Light products can be perfectly starched using skim milk. This method will make the napkin more matte and visually increase its volume.

To prepare the paste you will need 500 ml of milk and 0.5 tbsp. l. rice starch.

The solution is prepared as follows:

  1. Starch is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. milk in a separate container.
  2. The remaining amount of the dairy product is placed on the stove and boiled.
  3. Then both solutions are mixed and the starching procedure begins.

The napkin is placed in such a paste for 20 minutes, and then immediately shaped. It is important to do this when the product is wet. If it dries out, it is unlikely to achieve the desired result.


Sugar makes it tougher. This method is suitable if it was tied to make a vase or plate.

Like a knitted napkin with sugar:

  1. Add 6 tbsp to 1 liter of warm water. l. product.
  2. Syrup is made from sugar. The liquid must be stirred constantly. The syrup should be light brown in color.
  3. Separately in a bowl, while the syrup is boiling, dilute 1 tsp. starch in cold water.
  4. When both products are ready for use, they are combined. The starch is carefully poured into the syrup, stirring constantly.
  5. Bubbles should appear along the edges, which means the solution is ready.
  6. The liquid is cooled and the product prepared for starching is dipped into it.
  7. After 15 minutes, the item is squeezed out of excess moisture and shaped, only then sent to dry.

The desired shape must be given before drying. Because then it will be problematic to correct it in order to obtain the required result.

PVA glue

Stationery glue also gives napkins rigidity and elasticity. It perfectly shapes the product, but it is better to keep such things away from curious kids.

How to starch napkins:

  1. You will need to dilute 100 grams of glue in 1 liter of water. The consistency should be homogeneous. You can add 50 grams more if the solution is very liquid.
  2. Place the product in the paste and leave to soak for 15 minutes. During this time, the glue will have time to penetrate even the thickest fibers of the fabric.
  3. After 15 minutes, take out the napkin and carefully squeeze out the remaining paste.
  4. Give the product the correct shape and leave to dry. If it just lies on the table, then when it becomes slightly damp you can iron it.

PVA glue is a great way, but a little more expensive than starch.

Dry method

These are some of the most simple methods how to starch a napkin with starch. For the dry method you will need starch, water and a spray bottle.

How to starch correctly:

  1. The napkin is placed on a flat surface, and a sheet of paper or plastic film must be placed under it so as not to stain the table.
  2. The product is sprinkled with dry starch. You don’t need a lot of product, the main thing is that it covers the entire napkin and is distributed evenly.
  3. The starch is sprayed with water from a spray bottle and covered with a second sheet of paper or plastic wrap.
  4. The napkin is moved to another place and left to dry. The process will take approximately 2–3 hours.

All that remains is to shake off the remaining starch. The napkin is ready for use.

Only use a white sheet of paper. If you use newspaper or colored paper, water may leave streaks on the product.

There is another option for the dry method, with which the napkin becomes more rigid. To do this, starch is diluted with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, boiled liquid is added and the product is dipped into the paste for 15 minutes.

Then take out a napkin and dry it on paper. It is not necessary to observe the entire process; during soaking and drying, you can simultaneously go about your business.

Gelatin is used not only for baking and making jellied meats. This product is also capable of imparting beautiful shape openwork thing.

Preparation of paste:

  1. In a clean container, mix 100 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. gelatin.
  2. The baking product is poured in slowly, stirring constantly, otherwise it will remain at the bottom and you will end up with 1 large lump. The consistency should be uniform.
  3. Then add 1 glass of water and put on low heat.
  4. When the solution boils, remove it from the stove and cool.

The product is dipped into the paste and left in the solution for some time. Then they are carefully squeezed out, shaped and starched and placed in a cold place to dry.

Under the influence of heat, gelatin can melt again, so the product should be dried and kept away from sunlight and heating devices.


In the shop household chemicals You can buy a special aerosol that you can use to starch napkins. This is the most convenient way.

However, the aerosol does not have a long-lasting effect.

The product is laid out on the table, a plastic film is placed under it and the product is sprayed. Don't worry, you won't be able to overdo it in this case, since the napkin won't hold its shape well even if it's heavily coated with aerosol.

Then immediately iron the product with a hot iron, under which they place cotton fabric. Iron until completely dry.

The described starching methods are only suitable for napkins made of white threads; black things will have stains and will have to be washed again. In such cases, it is better to buy the appropriate product in the store.

Openwork napkin crocheted can add a touch of grace and sophistication to the design of a room, but for this the lace must have a perfectly neat appearance. By the end of the work, the product usually looks crumpled and unkempt. Give the napkin the desired shape, which will last until the next wash.

What napkins can be starched?

Not all types of threads that are used to create knitted napkins can be soaked in. The procedure should not be subjected to:

  • wool products;
  • silks;
  • floss;
  • synthetic threads.

In some cases (synthetics, wool), the treatment will be useless, since starch does not penetrate well into the fibers of these materials, and for a silk napkin it is even dangerous, fraught with damage to the structure of the threads. Colored and dark products should not be starched - after drying, whitish spots may appear on them.

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It is allowed to starch napkins crocheted from cotton threads, including those mixed with other materials - viscose, acrylic and even silk. This will make the lace stronger, since the density and stiffness of the threads will increase due to impregnation. The starch film prevents particles of dust and dirt from penetrating deep into the fibers; as a result, the napkins become dirty more slowly and are easier to wash. Products look especially impressive after starching white, acquiring a pure snow-white hue.


Using starch, you can give a napkin not only the usual flat shape, but also attach waves and folds to the lace, creating an original decorative item in the shape of a ball, cube, plate, etc.

Classic recipe

To prepare the solution, you can use rice or corn starch, but potato starch has the best fixing qualities. It is important that the raw materials are clean, without impurities. If the starch is contaminated, before preparing the paste, pour cold water over it, mix and leave for 2-2.5 hours, then drain the water without touching the layer of thick sediment at the bottom of the dish. The procedure must be carried out several times until the drained water becomes clear.

Preparation of starch solution:

  1. If there is no need to purify the raw materials, the powder should be diluted with a small volume of water.
  2. The homogeneous substance, making sure that there are no lumps left in it, should be poured into boiling water.
  3. Bring the solution to a boil, stirring continuously.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool to a temperature of +30...+35°C.


The proportions of water and starch in the recipe determine the requirements for the product. According to the strength of action, the solution can be:

  1. Weak (a teaspoon of starch per liter of water). Suitable if you need to maintain the elasticity of the product. For example, the edges of the napkin should hang freely from the table.
  2. Medium hardness (tablespoon per liter). Prepared to produce hard, “crispy” napkins that hold their shape tightly.
  3. Hard (2 tablespoons per 1 liter). Used to give napkins three-dimensional shapes.

Dosages are indicated for potato starch. The share of rice or corn must be doubled for the same volume of water.


You can enhance the fixing effect or give the product additional qualities by adding some ingredients available at home to the starch solution.

  1. Salt. Gives cotton lace a glossy shine. After removing the boiled solution from the heat, you need to pour salt into it at the rate of a pinch per liter and mix.
  2. Milk. Makes the threads matte and snow-white, increases the volume of the lace. In this case, rice starch should be used, and skim milk, in a volume sufficient to immerse the entire napkin. Bring 3/4 of the milk to a boil, dilute a spoonful of starch in 1/4 and pour the mixture into the boiling milk, stirring constantly. Let the solution boil and cool.
  3. Borax and talc. Using these products you can prepare “gloss-starch”. The product treated in this solution acquires shine and increased rigidity. You need to combine 5 tablespoons of rice starch with 2 tablespoons of borax and 3 tablespoons of talc and dilute the mixture with water to the consistency of sour cream. In this form, the solution is ready for use.
  4. Sugar. Using this additive you can make the napkin very hard. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar in 250 ml of hot water. In a separate container, pour a tablespoon of starch into 250 ml cold water and stir. Pour both solutions into 0.5 liters of boiling water, stirring, heat to a boil and leave to cool.

On a note!

Talc can be replaced with boric acid, for 2 tablespoons of which you should take 8 tablespoons of starch and 10 tablespoons of borax.

How to starch a napkin

Starching a knitted napkin is simple - you need to immerse it in a starch solution for a while, remove it and dry it, fixing the required shape. The exception is gloss-starch, which is obtained by mixing with borax and talc. In this case, the mixture is not used for soaking, but is applied to a napkin or individual sections of it using a brush or cotton pad. Immediately after this, the lace must be ironed through gauze with a warm iron.

Before the soaking procedure, it is recommended to wash the product so that the fibers are clean when they are covered with a film of starch. The entire napkin must be immersed in the solution so that all areas are saturated. For greater uniformity of impregnation, stir the solution with a soaked napkin with a wooden spatula from time to time.

Processing time depends on the thickness of the threads: from 7 to 15 minutes. When using a solution with milk, the soaking time is 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, the product needs to be taken out and easily squeezed.

Drying and ironing procedure:

  1. The wet wipe should be laid out on a flat surface covered with a clean cloth. It is convenient to use an ironing board in this capacity.
  2. Before drying, it is necessary to give the product the intended shape. A smooth napkin must be carefully straightened with your hands so as not to deform the loops, and pinned to the fabric safety pins, trying to avoid any tugging or loosening of the threads. If folds are expected on the lace, they should be formed on a damp cloth and secured with pins. Bulk napkins need to be pulled onto the mold and held until completely dry.
  3. Drying must take place naturally, it should be carried out in a warm room with good air circulation. Do not place the product near heat sources. Provided the threads are of average thickness, the lace will dry within 24 hours.
  4. It is recommended to iron a smooth napkin shortly before it dries completely, this will allow you to achieve a perfectly even shape. Ironing should be done through cotton cloth or 4-5 layers of gauze, otherwise marks will remain on the product. yellow spots. For the same reason, the iron must be warm.

Dry method

You can starch a napkin with starch without soaking. This method is simpler, but after dry processing the product quickly loses its rigidity and wrinkles, while impregnation with paste guarantees a long-lasting effect.

The napkin should be placed on a sheet of white paper, secured with pins. Sprinkle a thin layer of starch on top of the lace and spray with clean water from a spray bottle.


The product must be covered with starch as evenly as possible so that all its areas subsequently acquire the same elasticity. To obtain an even layer, use a flour sieve.

The napkin can be dried naturally (takes about 3 hours) or ironed with a warm iron through a sheet of white paper. After drying, the product must be cleaned of powder residues using a brush.


There are also aerosols containing starch, the ease of use of which makes them an indispensable tool in case of force majeure, for example, before the arrival of guests. But the effect of the solution does not last long, and in addition, to give the product high rigidity, a large volume of the product will be required. It is advisable to use an aerosol when the napkin only needs to be lightly starched.

Before applying the aerosol, the lace must be moistened and then ironed until dry. white paper or cotton fabric.

other methods

You can starch a crocheted napkin not only with starch; to give the product high rigidity, housewives also use PVA glue and gelatin. Glue is more reliable than starch when you need to firmly fix the shape, but it is more expensive. Gelatin is more suitable for bulk napkins than starch, since it does not crumble when dried.


To prepare the solution, dilute a tablespoon of gelatin in 150 ml of water. When mixing, the mass must be stirred, otherwise the powder may form a lump. Having achieved a homogeneous structure, you need to leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes, and then heat it in a water bath until the crystals dissolve. Without removing it from the heat, you must gradually pour 150 ml of water into the solution, stir and let it boil. Remove from heat and cool.

No matter how our modern world In terms of fashion and interior design, starched napkins and tablecloths will always remain unchanged in everyday life. They create unique beauty and comfort in the house, and can give your apartment a unique flavor and specialness.

Starching napkins and tablecloths is necessary so that they have a more beautiful and tidy appearance; in addition, starched items do not wrinkle longer, become less dirty and are easier to wash. To starch things, you can use different options, let's look at some of them.

Starch a napkin or tablecloth

This method has long been popular, it is quite simple and inexpensive. To starch things, starch from potatoes, corn or rice is used. The solution is prepared as follows: dilute the required amount of starch in cold water, stirring constantly (since starch has the ability to quickly settle to the bottom) and pour it into one liter of boiling water.

Continuing to stir, boil the resulting paste liquid and leave to cool to 30 - 40 degrees. Then carefully, using a wooden stick, lower the desired item into it. When the required amount of solution has been absorbed into it, the item must be wrung out, laid out on a flat surface and given the desired shape. After drying, the finished napkin or tablecloth must be ironed with a non-hot iron through a dry cotton cloth.

Important! If the item needs to be starched lightly, add 1 tablespoon of starch to one liter of water, if medium - 1.5 tablespoons, if strongly - 2 - 3 tablespoons.

To starch white items, you need to use skim milk rather than water to dissolve. Napkins made from black threads do not starch at home. To give a starched item a shine, add half a teaspoon of salt to the solution.

Starch things with PVA glue

To do this, the glue needs to be diluted with water (1:1), the necessary things should be immersed in the solution for 10-15 minutes, squeezed out, spread out and allowed to dry. Products starched with PVA glue cannot be used in contact with food.

We use food grade gelatin

You need to soak one tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of warm water. When the gelatin swells, stir it until it completely dissolves. Add another glass of water and boil. Let it cool to 30 degrees and dip the desired item into the solution, then squeeze it out, spread it on a flat surface and let it dry. Gelatin does not fall off the surface, this is its advantage over starch.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to starch things at home. So use these tips and create warmth and comfort with your own hands.

In the traditional style of interior design, knitted details are often used (“snowflakes”, napkins for a vase, flowerpots, etc.). These lace elements add coziness and warmth to the atmosphere of your home. However, such products do not retain their shape well and look untidy. To solve this problem, you need to familiarize yourself with how to starch a crocheted napkin with starch.

Why starch napkins?

Napkins are made from cotton threads, which can have different thicknesses. Additionally, they may contain lurex, silk or viscose fibers. Products made from mercerized cotton look attractive. This material undergoes special processing, as a result of which it becomes more durable and shiny.

Regardless of the material, the product may wrinkle when knitting. However, it does not hold its shape well. If you starch an item, a film forms on its surface. Due to her:

  • the material is bleached;
  • elasticity and density of threads increases;
  • the fibers of the material are protected from the penetration of moisture and dust.

To starch a knitted napkin, you can use PVA glue, sugar, gelatin and starch.

Experts do not recommend subjecting products made of wool, silk and synthetics to such treatment, otherwise the material may deteriorate. In addition, it is undesirable to subject dark knitted items to such treatment, because... They often leave white stains on them that are difficult to remove.

Traditional recipe with starch

You can starch a napkin different ways. The classic mixture is made from starch and water. In most cases, a potato product is used for this, because it is affordable and gives the paste an optimal consistency. In addition, this substance has a slight whitening effect. However, it can be replaced with corn or rice starch.

To give the product suitable rigidity, you can use the following options:

  1. Hard. To 1 liter of water you need to add 2 tbsp. starch. This mixture will give the napkin clear outlines and hardness. It is more suitable for miniature items made from lace.
  2. Average. In 1 liter of water you need to pour 1 tbsp. starch. Most often, this mixture is used to process napkins, collars, etc.
  3. Soft. Add 1 tsp to 1000 ml of water. starch. The solution is used to increase the elasticity of napkins and other products with hanging ends (curtains, tablecloths, etc.).

The process of preparing the working composition involves several stages. Among them:

  1. First you need to dilute the starch with cool water. The texture of the finished mixture should be extremely thick.
  2. Then the remaining water must be boiled. After this, the starch mixture is placed in it. The solution is brought to a boil and left to cool. You can start processing when it has cooled to a temperature of +30…+35°C.

If there are excess impurities in the starch, add water and stir. After this, you need to drain the contaminated liquid. The manipulation must be repeated until the solution is completely cleaned.

To starch a napkin with starch, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. The cooled mixture should be poured into a large basin.
  2. Then you need to lower the cleaned product into it. Do not wash such items in washing machine, otherwise their structure may collapse.
  3. After this you need to wait. The duration of impregnation of thick threads is 15 minutes, medium ones - 10 minutes, thin threads - no more than 5-7 minutes.
  4. Then the product is removed from the solution and gently wrung out.

After the procedure, the item must be dried naturally. During drying, it should not be exposed to direct Sun rays, otherwise the material will turn yellow.

Other recipes with starch

Starching knitted items can be done by different means. They are affordable and easy to use.


Salt crystals give the threads elasticity and shine. To obtain a working mixture you need:

  1. Prepare the paste according to the traditional recipe.
  2. While the mixture has not cooled, add 2 tsp. salt.

After this, the solution must be stirred. It is used in the same way as starch paste.


This product makes the surface of knitted items matte and also increases the fiber of the threads. The solution is prepared from 1000 ml of low-fat milk and 1 tbsp. rice starch.

First you need to mix half a glass of milk with a starch product. The mixture should be thick.

Then the remaining milk must be boiled and the starch composition added to it. After the product boils, the fire must be turned off. After this, the composition is cooled to a temperature of +30...+35°C, and a napkin is placed in it.


If you starch a napkin with sugar, it will become tougher and more durable. To do this you need to take 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. any starch product and 1000 ml of clean water. Main processing steps:

  1. First you need to heat 250 ml of water and dilute granulated sugar in it.
  2. Then you need to add 250 ml of cool water to the starch product and mix.
  3. The remaining water should be boiled and the starch and sugar mixture added to it. The solution is brought to a boil and cooled.

Another option for using sugar to shape a napkin involves the following steps:

  • 600-700 g of sugar must be poured into 350-400 ml of water;
  • the components are thoroughly mixed and cooked until the sugar crystals dissolve;
  • A textile item is dipped into the finished syrup for 5-7 minutes;
  • then the napkin is removed and dried.


This method allows you to make the napkin more shiny and beautiful. To prepare the product you need the following ingredients:

  • 5 tbsp. rice starch;
  • 3 tbsp. talc;
  • 1 tbsp. borax powder;
  • cool water.

First you need to mix all the ingredients. Then a small amount of water is added to the mixture until a thick consistency is obtained.

In the prepared solution, you need to moisten a piece of fabric or a brush and treat the napkin. Immediately after the procedure, the product must be carefully ironed with a slightly heated iron, placing several layers of gauze under it. At the final stage, the item is dried naturally.

Dry method

You can starch a napkin without boiling the paste. To do this you need to use the following instructions:

  1. To begin with, the knitted product needs to be laid out on a thick paper sheet. It is recommended to immediately secure its edges with pins.
  2. Then you need to evenly sprinkle a little starch powder onto the napkin.
  3. After this, the surface must be moistened with a sprayer and covered with paper.
  4. Then paper sheet you need to iron it with a warm iron and wait 2-3 hours until the napkin dries.

Nowadays you can buy a special starch-containing aerosol in stores. The product is simply sprayed onto a damp knitted item and ironed. However, the disadvantage of this method is the short-term effect. In addition, such compositions are more expensive than gelatin, sugar, PVA glue or starch.

Recipes without starch

To give shape to a knitted napkin, you don’t have to use starch. For this, gelatin or glue is used.

How to starch a napkin using glue?

The adhesive composition must be diluted with water in equal proportions. The mixture is mixed, after which the product is lowered into it. This method is excellent for hard starching items that will not come into contact with skin and food products.

Starching napkins with gelatin

For this treatment you need to pour 1 tbsp. gelatin in 100 ml a little warmed water. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed and left for 5-15 minutes. Then it should be heated in a water bath so that the gelatin grains are completely dissolved. 250 ml of water is added to the finished solution, after which it is brought to a boil and cooled. It is necessary to soak the product in the mixture and dry it.

Gelatin does not crumble, so it is more convenient and faster to process products. large sizes and volumes. This is its advantage over starch.

After the napkin is saturated with the working solution (starch, glue, gelatin, etc.), it must be carefully placed on a flat surface. To do this, you can use an ironing board, after covering it with a soft towel. If an adhesive composition was used to give the shape, then the material must be additionally covered with polyethylene.

To prevent the knitted product from falling off, it is recommended to securely fix its edges with needles or pins. In addition, this will prevent the napkin from deforming during drying. The ornaments of the product should be straightened out immediately and also secured while it is still wet. If there is fringe on the napkin, it is advisable to carefully comb it and lay it evenly.

You need to dry the starched product not in the open sun, but in a well-ventilated area. A slightly wet napkin should be ironed with a warm iron, placing 2-3 layers of gauze on it. It is necessary to iron the item quickly, but as carefully as possible, otherwise its edges will wrinkle and they will have to be additionally moistened. If the iron is too hot, the threads of the product will turn yellow and become less attractive.

If you need to make a decorative plate or vase from a knitted item, you should use a base in the form of a bottle, mug or bowl to give the shape. To begin with, the object is wrapped in a piece of polyethylene. Then you need to pull a moistened and starched napkin over it. After this, the product must be left to dry. This process lasts about a day.

Interior elements made from knitted napkins are an excellent decoration. When making such things, craftswomen spend a lot of effort and time. Starching is an important final stage. With its help, a textile item can be given attractiveness and the desired shape. After washing, the item requires re-starching.

Despite the popularity modern styles interior design, many housewives decorate their home knitted napkins, thus giving the home comfort and creating a pleasant atmosphere in it. In order for the product to maintain a neat appearance and the desired shape, you need to be able to starch the napkin correctly. For this, different methods and means are used.

The importance of using starch

To knit napkins, you can use yarn of different thicknesses and compositions. The most popular are threads with the addition of viscose, silk and lurex. Not only does it depend on them appearance, but also the density, texture of the thing.

Even if the thread is evenly tightened, the product becomes slightly deformed and loses its shape as a result of use. Regular washing without additional fastening can only aggravate the situation, because the threads can stretch or under the influence high temperature pull together.

  • the product becomes dense and elastic even after repeated use;
  • a whitening effect occurs;
  • threads get dirty less due to the surface being protected by a film of starch.

If napkins are made of synthetic, silk threads or wool yarn, then they should not be starched so as not to disturb the texture of the threads. Wool and synthetic yarn do not react to starch. Needlewomen do not recommend using powder for working with dark items, as the threads may become stained. You need to starch a crocheted napkin so that the product does not lose its softness and retains its beautiful shape.

Recipe with starch

For the procedure, you will need a paste of water with starch, in which you should hold a napkin so that the threads are saturated with liquid and a film forms on their surface. The cost of starch is low, it gives the necessary thick consistency and has a whitening effect.

Potato starch is most commonly used, but corn or rice powder may also work. A paste made from corn and rice starch will have a lower viscosity, so you can change its consistency by adding more product to the water. The hardness of the product depends on what type of mixture was used:

The process of forming a paste for work is the same for all types of products. The required amount of starch is diluted in a glass of cold water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then the liquid is poured into boiling water in a thin stream and stirred constantly. If you add starch directly to warm or hot water, lumps of undissolved powder will form on the surface.

The result should be a consistency reminiscent of sour cream. The mixture should be cooled to a temperature of 30-35 °C, then used for starching.

If other components are found in the powder that can affect the color of the product, you must first filter them using water. After three or four procedures of draining the dirty liquid, the product will become clean and can be used for work. The starching process is simple:

To prevent the product from losing its shape, it is necessary to straighten it on a flat surface and secure the edges with pins. There is no need to stretch the openwork knitting, because after drying the item may lose its appearance. A slightly damp product should be ironed with a hot iron through a cotton cloth so as not to compress the threads.

Real gloss

Using starch you can give the product a beautiful shine. To do this, you can use two recipes. In the first case the following applies:

  • rice or wheat starch - 5 tablespoons;
  • 3 spoons of talc;
  • 1 spoon of borax (the component can be bought at the pharmacy);
  • cold water.

When using borax powder, you need to be careful not to get any of the particles into your eyes or upper respiratory tract. It is recommended to use a mask and wear gloves. The skin may also be affected by the chemical.

For the second recipe you will need:

  • 10 tablespoons of borax;
  • 2 tablespoons of boric acid;
  • 8-9 tablespoons of rice starch.

If you need to make a denser solution, then the amount of starch can be increased by two tablespoons.

Mix all ingredients and add a little water. The result should be a creamy consistency. Moisten a brush in the solution and apply a little mixture to the surface of the product, then spread it evenly. After processing, the napkin must be ironed with a hot iron through gauze. If this is not done, the item will become covered with tubercles from starch. In this way, you can process not only the entire napkin, but also its individual parts.

If you don’t have time to prepare the mixture, you can use the dry method. To do this, sprinkle starch on the surface of the napkin and spray water from a spray bottle. Then cover the napkin with a white sheet and iron it well until completely dry. The disadvantage of this method is that its effect will be short-lived.

Processing by other means

You can starch crocheted napkins without using potato, rice or corn powder. An alternative to it would be sugar, PVA glue and gelatin. Of course, the effectiveness of the procedure will depend on the number of ingredients and thread density, but knitted products respond well to these components. To starch a napkin with sugar, you will need:

  • 3 cups sugar;
  • 1.5 glasses of water.

To prepare the solution, sugar is diluted in water, the resulting syrup is boiled a little. Dip a napkin into it and leave for a few minutes. The product is removed and distributed in the same way as with regular starching.

You can replace this technique with using a regular spray. In this case, it is enough to spray a little substance over a napkin and iron it well.

To add rigidity using PVA glue, you need to combine it with water in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture needs to be mixed, then dip a napkin into it. Wait a few minutes for the fibers to soak, then dry the product naturally. This way you can starch things that do not come into contact with food, but serve as decorative elements.

The gelatin method is considered the safest and simplest. For it, 1 large spoon of powder is poured into 100 ml of water and mixed. The mixture must be left so that the gelatin particles can swell. After this, 200 ml of water is added to it and heated until completely dissolved. The gelatin solution should be allowed to cool slightly, then soak a napkin in it.

The result will be the same as from starching with powder. This method is suitable for processing bulk products, since gelatin particles do not crumble.

Features of drying and ironing

After the napkin has been dipped into the solution, it must be placed on a flat surface and be sure to secure the edges with pins so that after drying the product looks symmetrical and neat. If glue was used for the procedure, be sure to cover the surface with cling film.

The fringe on the product must be combed and straightened. Craftsmen do not advise drying the item in direct sunlight, as this will cause yellowness to appear on the surface. Ideal option will dry in a well-ventilated area.

The napkin should be ironed; the remaining moisture is still stored inside the threads. The iron should not be too hot so that the threads do not melt. The procedure should be quick so as not to dry out the product.

If you need to make a candy bowl from a knitted item or beautiful vase, then an object for the mold is selected, the napkin is distributed on its surface and then the outside is covered with starch. The product should dry naturally without using a hair dryer or iron.

Dry napkins and napkins already treated with starch must be folded so that their shape is maintained. For flat products, storage in a stack is suitable, for round ones - in an empty basket. Hats are stored in a glass jar, a large skein of thread or a blank.