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How to teach an infant to follow a sleep and feeding schedule? The daily regimen of a newborn child in the first month of life Can a baby be accustomed to a regimen.

Caring for a newborn is no easy task. Many young mothers get knocked down and exhaust themselves, trying to give the baby enough attention. A clear daily routine will make life much easier. How to accustom a newborn to the regimen? All answers can be found in this article.

When to teach your child to sleep and nutrition

Many young parents think that a newborn baby is still too small for a clear daily routine. However, experts believe that a child at the age of two months old is already able to get used to sleeping and feeding by the hour.

Of course, do not rush. If the baby was born weak and premature, then it is better to consult a doctor about establishing a regimen. At first, weak children need to be fed on demand, not by the clock, to enable them to gain weight as quickly as possible.

When the baby sleeps, the mother must rest too.

Some parents begin to rush and accustom the baby to the routine from the first month. This is not entirely true. In the first month there is a difficult period of adaptation of the little man to the world around him. It is necessary to help him and be around as much as possible, feed him on demand, carry him in his arms. Daily regime month old baby a little chaotic. You just have to get through this period. It will definitely get easier.

Benefits of teaching your child to a daily routine

  1. Mom has more free time. During those hours when infant sleeping, you can take care of yourself, relax or redo the housework.
  2. A baby who sleeps well, is full and has a clean diaper, cries less, has good mood and provides more opportunities for development activities.
  3. There is an opportunity to plan the day. A clear diet and sleep schedule helps to set tasks for the day in advance, which is very convenient. This will make it possible to find time for all urgent matters, for example, for paperwork or social benefits.
  4. The baby develops the correct sense of time. If the schedule is organized correctly, then the child will never confuse day and night, which many young parents complain about.
  5. The regime lays a good foundation for future education. If you follow the daily routine in the future, of course, changing it to fit an older baby, then many problems can be avoided. For example, in the morning the child will wake up easily and without scandal to go to kindergarten, and go to bed on time in the evening.

How to organize your daily routine

The daily routine of a child up to a year is not particularly diverse. It consists of feeding, bathing, sleeping, changing diapers and being awake. First you need to watch the baby. An observant mother will notice that the baby may prefer certain times for sleeping or bathing. Many children like to bathe in the morning rather than at night. Also with sleep. There will probably be several hours in the day when the child sleeps every day at the same time.

Tip: Pay attention to such moments and take into account when organizing the schedule. To remember them, you can keep a small notebook for observing the baby.

Be sure to set an alarm and try to put your baby down and up at the same hour every day. If it doesn't work the first few days, don't despair. It won't be long before he gets used to it.

Feed your baby by the clock. Many doctors believe this is wrong, and feeding on demand is more rational. But in fact, there is nothing wrong with feeding by the clock, if the interval is chosen correctly. Some nursing mothers may say that the baby enters the diet sooner or later, even if it is not taught. But to make it happen faster, he needs a little help.

Tip: The optimal interval between feeding a baby of 2-4 months is every 2-2.5 hours. Then you can gradually increase the period of time, after consulting with the pediatrician.

It is very important to change the diaper on time. Some babies do not tolerate wet diapers and become restless. However, if the baby is sleeping, and the mother sees that it is time to change the diaper, then you need to wait for a natural awakening, and not wake the baby up with a change of diapers. Diaper changing can also be included in newborn mode.

Tip: Babies usually get their diapers dirty during feeding or after a short period of time. It is necessary to observe this and try to make the child fall asleep in a clean diaper.

Night feeding mode

Many mothers dream of establishing a night feeding regime in order to have several hours of uninterrupted sleep. Here we must act very clearly. You can not react differently to children crying at night. If sometimes the mother feeds, and sometimes she just cradles, then the baby can get confused and cry until she gets her food, no motion sickness will help.

Normally, healthy babies sleep fairly well, waking up only to feed. At first, you will have to get up quite often (every 2-3 hours). We must be patient. As the baby grows older, night feedings can be abandoned or reduced to one meal per night.

You need to feed the child at night according to his desire, and not according to the regime.

Tip: If it's time for feeding and your baby is still sleeping, don't wake him up. So, you can try to develop a feeding regimen that will be more gentle for mom. In a few days, the child will get used to sleeping longer. This will reduce the number of meals to one or two per night.

If the baby is artificial feeding, then you can safely increase the interval to 3-4 hours, because the mixture is absorbed much longer breast milk. Of course, you need to watch the baby. If he cries from hunger, then do not try to withstand time.

Some mothers prefer to take the baby with them so that they can feed him without getting out of bed. This is not entirely true. In a dream, you can harm the baby sleeping next to you. And as the child grows older, it will be difficult to accustom him to his own bed, because he will already get used to sleeping next to his mother.

Important: Do not give up night feedings until the child is six months old. But you don't have to force feed. If the baby sleeps well all night, then leave him alone and enjoy the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

Setting the newborn mode is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Young children quickly get used to and adapt to everything new. Spending a couple of weeks looking after the baby and organizing the routine, the new mother will receive many benefits and will be able to more fully enjoy the joy of motherhood.

The birth of a child brings dramatic changes to the usual daily routine of parents. Caring for a newborn is added to everyday chores, especially in the first months. Sometimes young parents, instead of joy from the birth of a baby, feel constant fatigue and lack of sleep. The negative emotions of the mother are transmitted to the baby, creating a vicious circle. How to accustom a newborn to the regime from the first weeks after birth? After reading the article, you will learn how to set up the process, taking into account the characteristics of the baby's body.

What is the routine of the day for the baby?

The daily routine is a properly thought-out process of sleeping, feeding and fulfilling other physiological needs of a newborn. It plays an important role in the formation of immunity and the overall full development of the baby. Thanks to the right daily routine, parents can plan their time to combine caring for the baby with household chores and communication with the rest of the family.

How to accustom a newborn to the regimen? A well-established process has the following main advantages:

  1. Helps to debug the process of digestion of the baby. If you accustom the body to nutrition at a certain time, then this contributes to the timely production of enzymes, gastric juice and improved salivation. All this facilitates the process of digestion. Habitual for infants, colic and gas formation quickly pass.
  2. The right one balances the baby's psyche. Indeed, at the age of one month, he assimilates a lot of information. If the baby falls asleep and wakes up at a certain time, then this gives him the opportunity to evenly distribute the load. This applies to the period of sleep, when the assimilation of the received information takes place. After waking up, the baby is ready to learn new knowledge.
  3. The baby, whose daily routine is established, has a calm and long sleep. A baby who constantly gets enough sleep is not capricious and does not cause unnecessary worries to parents.

A clear daily routine increases the efficiency of all life support processes. The baby's immunity is strengthened, there is energy for playing and exploring the world around him.

The process of accustoming to the correct daily routine begins in the hospital. Indeed, in the department, the regimen is common for all children, without taking into account the characteristics of the baby's body.

How to accustom a newborn child to the daily routine? As a basis, you can take a routine that applies to all children, but it is more advisory in nature. When drawing up an individual schedule, they usually focus on biological rhythms and characteristics of each child.

AT Soviet time the doctors insisted that everything be done by the hour. Pediatricians recommended taking a break between feedings for 3 hours, even if the baby is crying and wants to eat. Currently, medicine approaches such issues more flexibly.

Doctors most of all pay attention only to the sequence of the day: getting up, exercising, feeding, sleeping, walking, massage, and so on. It is allowed to make small deviations of 20-30 minutes. It is much more important to accustom the baby to the chosen daily routine without unnecessary worries. Well-known pediatricians believe that up to 6 months it depends on the desire of the child.

After returning from the hospital, parents need to take a closer look at the baby in order to understand his natural biorhythms. In the first 2-3 weeks, the baby only sleeps and eats. On average, feeding occurs 8-10 times a day. It is based on food intake that they make up the general regimen of the day and determine whether it is suitable for the baby.

What should be the regime?

In the first days after returning from the hospital, a young mother does not have enough time to complete all the necessary procedures. The daily routine of a monthly baby consists of the following:

  • waking up, diaper change, feeding, short waking hours;
  • sleep at home or on the street;
  • waking up, changing a diaper, feeding and a slight period of wakefulness;
  • sleep and everything repeats from the beginning;
  • bathing takes place in the evening, approximately from 7 to 9 o'clock.

When is the best time to train your child? This should be done in the most difficult first month. Despite all the difficulties, parents need to find the strength in themselves and create the right daily routine. The task is difficult, but doable.

How to accustom a child to sleep and nutrition?

Caring for a newborn is a complex task. Many young mothers get very tired, trying to give him more of their attention.

How to accustom a two-month-old child to the regimen? Parents sometimes think that the baby is still too small for this. Experts believe that 2-month-old children are able to get used to a clear daily routine.

Parents should not rush. If the child was born prematurely, then it is better to consult a doctor about establishing a regimen. In the first months, weak babies should eat on demand, not by the hour. This allows you to gain weight faster.

How to accustom a newborn to the daily routine? When the baby is sleeping, then the mother should also rest. Parents can begin to accustom the baby to the routine, starting from 1 month. It completely depends on the characteristics of the body of the child himself. In the first weeks, the baby is adapting to the world around him. Parents should help him, carry him in his arms and feed him on demand. The first month is quite chaotic, but then it will definitely be easier.

The role of feeding

How to accustom a newborn to a feeding regimen? The child, being in the womb, received food constantly, he did not feel a lack of it. After birth, he will have to be fed on demand, because the mother will not be able to endure constant crying.

In the first month after the birth of a child, you need to feed every 2-3 hours, and then the intervals should increase. For a child, frequent attachment is necessary not only to receive food, but also as a communication. Close contact with the mother gives him a sense of security. For a woman, constant application helps to establish the process of lactation, as well as avoid stagnation of milk in the breast.

Nutrition? At first, it is difficult to feed the baby after 4 hours, he will require food every 2-3 hours. No need to deny the baby in his desire to eat. The interval of 4 hours between feedings can be increased, starting from 3-4 months. If the child cries and demands food after 2 hours, then the mother can give him some water. Over time, he will be able to get used to a longer period of time between feedings.

The process is built differently with artificial feeding. The diet and the amount of the mixture is determined by the pediatrician. It depends on age, weight and physical condition. Feeding the baby does not occur on demand, but has certain time intervals.

Feeding at night: features

How to accustom a newborn to a feeding regimen? At this time, you should not turn on bright lights, and it is best to communicate with the baby in a whisper. In order for mother and child to have a good rest, it is necessary to arrange joint sleep. And the baby will sleep better if he feels her nearby.

Some babies may wake up at 2 am to get a meal. If this does not happen, then there is no need to wake him up, perhaps the feeling of hunger is not so strong and does not bother him.

If the child is naughty in the middle of the night, then the mother should not feed him, it is better to give some warm water. Perhaps he will calm down and fall asleep. If the baby cannot fall asleep within 30 minutes, then he needs to be fed.

Sleep process

How to teach a newborn to sleep? In the first 2 weeks after birth, the baby sleeps 18-20 hours a day. From about the 14th day, periods of wakefulness become longer.

The physiological rhythm of the baby does not obey the daily rhythm, but includes an interval from 90 to 180 minutes. At the 2nd month, his organs of hearing and vision begin to actively develop, he is able to distinguish between day and night by the light and noise level in the apartment.

Gradually, the baby is established. The duration of sleep depends entirely on the physiological maturity of the child, as well as on the measures to care for him, carried out at the same time.

On average, a child sleeps for 19-20 hours, waking up after 4 hours, and his wakeful period ranges from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Adequate sleep is necessary for the baby to maintain mental and physical health. With the right mode, the psychological protection of the body occurs.

After sleeping 16-17 hours a day. At the same time, the mode of sleep and feeding is very closely related. At night, the baby sleeps 9-10 hours, and during the day - 4-5 hours.

In the second half of the year there is a surge in muscle activity. The duration of sleep at night is 10-12 hours, and during the day he sleeps twice for 1.5-2 hours.

By the end of the first year of life, the infant develops a desire for independence, and he often protests against being put to bed. The duration of night sleep is 11-12 hours, and daytime sleep is 1.5 hours 2 times a day.

Hygiene procedures

How to accustom a newborn to the regimen? Parents should start a new day with washing, washing the baby and changing the diaper. This will signal the coming of the morning. After six months, parents should wash their hands before feeding and after returning from a walk.

Swimming in the evening is one of the the best means helping to make sleep sound. After the procedure, a tired and hungry baby is fed and put to bed. According to the pediatrician Komarovsky, this is an excellent option for newborns.

Bathing can be done immediately after returning from the hospital. The bath should be with warm boiled water and decoctions of herbs (chamomile, string). Temperature - 36-37 degrees.

The duration of bathing is 5 minutes. Then the parents should treat the navel and folds of the baby.

At 3-4 weeks, the newborn can be moved to a large bathroom using a special device - a circle.

Walking mode with baby

From the 7th day of a newborn's life in the warm season and from the 10th day in the cold, parents should walk with him on the street. Usually, the child sleeps better and longer in the fresh air than at home. With this in mind, parents should properly organize his feeding.

If the baby does not wake up at the appointed time, then the mother needs to gently wake him up and offer to eat. You need to find compromises to create a comfortable regime for feeding, sleeping and walking.

Positive sides

How to accustom a newborn to the regimen? If parents can adjust the baby's daily routine:

  1. A young mother has enough free time. In those hours when the baby is sleeping, parents can go about their business or themselves.
  2. The newborn is well-fed, in a clean and dry diaper, is in a good mood and cries a little. His good mood allows him to engage in developmental activities.
  3. Mom has every opportunity to plan her day. A clear schedule helps to distribute your time, which is very convenient. This allows you to deal with urgent matters (paperwork).
  4. The newborn develops the correct sense of time. If the daily routine is correct, then he will not be able to confuse day and night.

The regime lays an excellent foundation for future education. If you stick to it constantly, it will help to avoid problems in the future. In the morning, the child will easily wake up and get ready for kindergarten without scandals.


The correct regimen of the child's day is the key to his excellent health. The established routine will help mom to fulfill all the necessary homework and find time for full communication with the baby.

E.N. Korneeva "These mysterious kids"
(100 answers to parental "why").
Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1999.

Teaching a child to a routine is not just the formation of the habit of going to bed on time and getting up on time, eating and walking by the hour.

Teaching a child to the conditions of kindergarten

Let's try to figure it out together. For every hundred children, there are two or three cases of prolonged or complete maladjustment of children to the conditions of the kindergarten. As a rule, these are the only children in the family or often ill kids who have spent long time at home with mom or grandma.

My son never got used to kindergarten. You send him there with tears, you come to pick him up, they say he has been in bed since 11 o’clock, he doesn’t play with anyone, he refuses to eat. Three weeks tormented, and removed. How much can a child wag his nerves? My mother-in-law had to leave work to sit with him.

AT I have one girl in the group, so smart, she talks like an adult. And I don't know what to do with her. He sits all day at the window and only asks everyone: “And when will my mother come for me?” You sit down with her, read, look at books, it seems to calm down for a while. And then back to mine. But I can’t just do it alone, I have others, the children in the group are abandoned.

The best moment for a successful and speedy adaptation of the child to the mode of stay in kindergarten This is two or three years of age. During this period, there is a crisis of early childhood, usually referred to by psychologists as a crisis of three years. Children, trying to assert their I, are drawn to independence, the relative autonomy of existence. It is at this time that the kindergarten mode of life can favorably influence the formation of the personality of preschoolers and their adaptation to a new social environment.

The least favorable period is four years and a period of five to six years. Here, the development of the child is relatively stabilized, and a sharp change in lifestyle associated with the loss of privacy (the opportunity to be alone with yourself or a loved one who feels his mood well, knows his needs, desires and habits) can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Immersion in the atmosphere of the kindergarten community is perceived as violence against the person, the loss of one's own individuality. Difficult experiences entail the appearance of protest behaviors: tantrums, whims, incessant whining on weekends, and sometimes somatic disorders - fever, abdominal pain and loose stools, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Children resort to manipulation, shed bitter tears, flirt with their parents, demanding a return to their former free life at home. The child, as it were, involves adults in a protracted “war”, where the question of who is who is decided either in favor of the parents or in favor of the baby. The child’s actions line up approximately according to this scheme: first, requests and stories about how bad everything is in the kindergarten, if it doesn’t help, then tears and tantrums come into play, they don’t work either, there is one more remedy - illness. If, after the recovery of the baby, the intentions of the parents regarding him remain unshakable and they are again going to take the child to kindergarten, a relapse occurs.

Adults can ease the withdrawal process in two ways. The child should know from the first day that he has no choice - visiting the kindergarten is inevitable. Then he will direct all his efforts to finding something positive for himself in this situation and adapting as soon as possible. The main difficulty here is to withstand the character and not succumb to the provocations of the baby. The second way is to establish an agreement with the administration of the kindergarten and working staff about the required duration of your stay in the kindergarten.

You will need to be in the group for as long as it takes for the child to finally get used to and learn to do without your help and support. It may take a week, a month, or even more, but then you will be quite calm to leave your child in the garden.

Liberal actions only exacerbate the situation of breaking. If you sit in the locker room for an hour, listening to the heartbreaking cries of your child, or alternate several days of being in the garden with a week of staying at home, resort to the method of reducing the time your child is in a group with other guys to one and a half to two hours a day, then the situation will become even more difficult. for you, for the child and for the educational staff of the kindergarten.

Therefore, if the question of the need to send the child to the garden is finally resolved, then you should not wait until the moment when the baby grows up and becomes independent. Learning to eat, dress, tie shoelaces, make a crib is not necessary at home. Do not waste your efforts on drill and instructions. Better spend your extra parental leave on more useful and relevant things. If you do not become afraid of separation from the child, then most likely he will endure it more easily. Moreover, there is nothing to fear that contacts with other children will reduce the baby's attachment to you.

On the contrary, being in kindergarten strengthens children's love for home and parents.

Now let's talk a little about organizing ups and downs.

Parents often worry about how to raise their child early in the morning. Indeed, at home, many preschoolers are awake until 11-12 o'clock and go to rest with adult family members. Their rise is also not regulated and takes place at 10 am for some, and for some closer to dinner. The transition to a new regime, therefore, begins with trying to put such children to bed at almost 8 pm. Even if this succeeds, then sleep does not come and the parents are forced to spend several unpleasant hours at the bedside of their baby, harassing her with requests to close her eyes and sleep as soon as possible.

The body of young children is quite plastic. The restructuring of the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness occurs in two to three days. Therefore, it is only necessary to raise the baby at the right time, and he will make up for the deficit that has arisen over a longer period of time. daytime sleep and an early break. Then the mode of falling asleep and waking up will be without persuasion and violence, but based on the needs of the body. In a week you will not have to spend a lot of time and effort to collect your child in the garden. And to make it easier for the child to wake up in the morning, turn on cheerful music or come to wake him up with his favorite toy - a bear cub, a cat or a monkey.

The same goes for your favorite foods.

At first, you can give your baby an apple or carrot with you. If, having refused an unloved meal, he gets hungry, he will be able to eat this supply. Just don't give him chocolate, candy and cookies. Having eaten sweets, the child is unlikely to eat even his favorite dishes with appetite. And the other guys will look at him with envy. Subsequently, the children get used to eating unusual food and eat everything for company, even what they don’t eat at home.

A few tips for accustoming children to the regime from Dr. Komarovsky

Record your baby's routine. For starters, it would be a good idea to buy a notebook in which you will write down your child's daily schedule. This will help you determine if your new mode is working.

  • On the first page of your notebook, draw a simple table with the following columns: time, activity, note. Write down every major daily activity throughout the day, every day of the week. For example: 6:00: the child woke up, 9:00: the child ate, 11:00: the child fell asleep, etc.
  • Instead, you can record your child's routine in spreadsheets on your computer or use an online tracker like Trixie Tracker or any other.

Schedule according to your child's biorhythms. Try to find out if there is a pattern in your child's current sleep and eating patterns.

  • If you notice your baby needs a diaper change or becomes cranky at certain times of the day, you can incorporate this into your schedule.
  • This will help you create a new schedule and plan your day according to your baby's needs.
  • A child who sleeps well and is not hungry will be much happier and will be ready to play, cuddle and learn new things.
  • Try to set a wake up time. Babies usually sleep a lot during the day. For the first few weeks they should sleep 16 hours a day.

    • Since sleep is the primary activity for newborns, some order needs to be put into this "sleeping activity" so that they don't wake up in the middle of the night.
  • The first thing to do is to set the wake up time. Although it can be difficult, you should wake your baby at the same time every day. If he tends to wake up earlier than his preferred wake-up time, you will need to adjust his sleep schedule so that he falls asleep later.

    Feed, change diapers and play with your baby. As soon as the baby is awake, change diapers and dress the baby. Then take him to you and feed him. Whether you're breastfeeding or formula feeding, your baby needs closeness.

    • After feeding, play with your baby. Talk to him, sing him a song, hug him. He will enjoy your scent, voice and proximity.
    • After that, put the baby in the crib, let him sleep. Do this as soon as you notice signs of fatigue, for example, your baby is yawning, irritable, crying, rubbing his nose.
  • Let the child sleep for 2-3 hours. It is likely that the baby will wake up on his own in 2-3 hours. If he doesn't wake up, wake him up. A child who sleeps too much does not eat enough during the day; this can lead to dehydration and weight loss.

  • Repeat this cycle throughout the day. You can repeat the above cycle throughout the day, except feed your baby before changing diapers and playing. Many children take off their diaper while eating. This way you won't have to swaddle your baby twice. So:

    • Wake up the baby
    • feed
    • Change the diaper, play with the baby for a while, talk to him, sing a song, cuddle him.
    • Put the baby to sleep.
  • Distinguish between daytime and nighttime sleep. In order to accustom the child to the regimen, it is important to distinguish between night and daytime sleep.

    • You can do this by putting your baby to sleep in a brightly lit room during the day and in a dark room at night. If you put the baby to sleep during the day in a dark room, you will simply confuse him and the whole regime will be violated.
    • Also, don't be afraid to make noise when your baby sleeps during the day - he should get used to it. Leave the radio on, vacuum and talk normally.
  • Feed your baby when he is hungry. It's important to note that you should always feed your baby when he's hungry, even if it doesn't fit into your schedule.

    • It is unfair to leave a newborn hungry just because it is not the time to feed according to the schedule.
    • Signs that your baby is hungry are crying and sucking his hand.
  • We will try to help mothers properly allocate time so that they have time to deal with the baby, household chores and themselves.

    Newborn feeding regimen

    The time has long passed when mothers breastfed strictly by the hour, now the most popular mode of feeding is at the “first peep of the baby”. Just a few years ago, even in the maternity hospital, babies were brought in for feeding every three hours. Today, the newborn lies in the room with his mother, and she herself breastfeeds him as soon as he gets hungry. Someone may complain that the baby “hangs” endlessly on the chest and mom does not have time for other things at all. However, this state of affairs can be observed only in the very first days after the birth of a baby, and then newborn day routine will be established, your own nutrition schedule will be developed, and mom will have more time for her own affairs.

    Newborn sleep pattern

    At night, the baby sleeps eleven to twelve hours. Many babies wake up for night feeds, so some mothers prefer to have a baby. This is the most acceptable option for both a nursing mother and a baby. Firstly, a woman does not need to constantly get up, she will breastfeed her baby lying down. Secondly, a newborn baby feels his mother very strongly, he is calmed by his mother's breath and smell, so he feels much more confident and adapts faster.

    In the daytime newborn day routine almost consists of sleep. A healthy baby wakes up only to suckle the breast, and then goes back to sleep. Previously, our grandmothers believed that sleep is even more beneficial for a baby than food. And this is a completely correct statement, since during sleep a healthy nervous system is formed in a baby.

    A three-month-old baby can already clearly define three or four periods during the daytime when he sleeps. At this time, it is very useful to walk with him, is in the fresh air. After the baby turns one month old, relatives and friends begin to come to give him a gift and congratulate his mother. Many people do not know how to wish health to a child correctly, because there are many signs and popular beliefs, but you don’t want to get into trouble at all. Therefore, it is better to inquire about everything in advance, mothers are very superstitious people.

    Outdoor walks and baby hygiene

    It is necessary to walk with the baby, fresh air is simply vital for him. In addition to oxygen, the baby receives a prophylactic dose during a walk. ultraviolet rays. In the first month of your life, you need to walk with a baby for at least one and a half hours twice a day.

    Baby hygiene is very simple. All hygiene procedures are carried out during the day, when necessary. In the evening, the baby is bathed, usually this is done an hour before a night's sleep.

    How to set the day mode of the newborn?

    Any loving and caring mother herself will determine newborn mode, because she understands the physiological needs of her child best of all. After the birth of the baby, the periods of activity are short, if nothing bothers him, he will sleep peacefully. However, in those moments when he is awake, mom needs to give the baby maximum attention. It is advisable to take him in your arms, talk, do a massage. Let the baby feel in his mother's arms that he is the most beloved man in the world!

    • A newborn baby sleeps at least eleven hours a night.
    • The daytime sleep of the crumbs is from one and a half to three hours three or four times.
    • Morning washing and bathing at night should be mandatory.
    • You need to walk with the baby twice, at least one and a half hours.
    • Mom should always be next to the baby at a time when he is not sleeping.