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What to call the women's clothing department. How to come up with a store name - beautiful store names

Name for a fashion store and shoe salon.

Dear friends! Entrepreneurs and managers!

This page about the store name is visited by at least 200 people every day! The selection of titles is very interesting, but it has been available to everyone for five years. Therefore, everything has long been “plundered” into quotes and has lost its originality. If you are brave enough, you can contact the developers (contacts at the bottom of the page, price list at the top button). We can help you - our archives are full of good titles. Everyone wants to be the first and only owner. If not, then read on.....

What should the name of a fashion boutique be? Of course, stylish! Possibly Italian, because Italy is a fashion factory - with a population of seventy million people. Italy produces 400 million pairs of boots a year. Let's pick up a directory and write down the names of shoe salons and stores fashionable clothes. This is what we got.

Shoe store names

Name type

City Shoes, House of Shoes, Shoe Paradise, World Shoes, Intershoes, Your Shoes House of Shoes, Euro Shoes, Shoe

With the word

Stivoli, "Fabi", "Step", Broadway, Francesco Donni, Carlo Pazolini


Foreign words or shoe brands

Leader, Success, Snowstorm, Alice, Caprice, Dude, Elegant, Crew

Names without direct relation to shoes.

Seasons, Broadway, STEP, Heel

Names indicating shoes

Names of shoe store chains in Russia

Classification of names of fashion boutiques

Store names

Name type

Armani, Versace, Gucci, Yudashkin, Chanel,

By the name of the fashion designer

Mexx, Savage, Oggi, Moschino, Ferre, Versus, Ferre, Naf Naf, SASCH, Baldinini, Mango, Papi

Foreign stamps

Paradise, Caprice, Babylon, Byblos

Zarina, Mila, Katerina, Fashionista

Women's fashion

Collins, RIFLE, 5 pockets, Western, Legend, Jordache

Specialized brands of denim or youth clothing

Sela, Lapin house, Tomboy

Children's fashion

Hugo boss, Sir

Men's fashion

Nike, Reebok, Adidas


Yours, Motivi, Bravo, Kamelot

youth clothes

Big Fashion, Three Fat Men, Your Greatness

Clothes for obese people

Clothes for pregnant women

Wild orchid, Adam and Eve

All our fashion is foreign, so foreign words and motifs predominate in store names. Even domestic manufacturers prefer to give their brands foreign names. For example, men's footwear. Here's what we can offer to owners of newly opening boutiques and shops:

1. Surnames in shoe store names




Italian surname. Rotation is movement. Nowadays it is very fashionable to come up with surnames ending in. The name is a mockery of pseudo foreign brands, and the brand itself.


The surname of a great artist indicates fashion

Another artist could become a shoe store

Mara Donna

Suitable for men's or sports shoes store


Italian surname with root - shoe


The Count is a talented adventurer and traveler

Bon Marchais

That means, march to the store!

2. Names indicating shoes

3 .Store names men's fashion



The hero-lover managed everywhere thanks to good shoes and elegant suits.

Oliver, Amadeus

Miguel, Vincent

Stylish English, German, French and Spanish names, fashionable guys.

Friend of your image

Noble Spanish grandee. Sophisticated style.

Clothes and shoes from America.


Shoes for real men.


Clothes and shoes from Germany.

A person who takes care of shoes.

Valet, Viscount

Fashionably dressed men.

Part of the toilet.


A rich man buying expensive clothes.


Style and brand.


O. Bender wore stylish yellow shoes.

Conqueror, pioneer, Spaniard.

A courageous mercenary and traveler.

4 .Movement and travel in the name of the shoe store



A long journey, many feet, means a lot of shoes.


Geographical concept. Meridian - measuring shoes.


The name of the great navigator Columbus. - shoes for traveling!

Jig, Ballet Boston, Quickstep

It's all dancing. Movement is shoes

Name of the Far Eastern port, walk.


Relaxed movement, freedom of movement, simplicity, lightness, comfort.

Silk Road

A pleasant long journey.

5 .Foreign words in shoe store names



A date where you come to them in stylish shoes.

Fastway - fast way, easy way.

Nuance, NewAns

All the subtleties of style.


Pseudo-Italian and very fashionable


We will be capricious when choosing fashionable shoes.
In Italian. - where there is luxury and beauty.


Greetings in Italian and German.
A beautiful and short foreign word that carries a charge of individualism.
One-stop shop for women and men

6 .Creative names for a shoe salon




Shopping in shoe stores


Rest and exit.

Shoes for every occasion.

Fashion story

Centaur, Pegasus

Man and horse, winged horse, running and flying. Shoes that help you fly.

These shoes

A phrase that creates jargon.

The name is in two languages, written in Cyrillic, and the letter S is written in Latin.

7. Names for a youth fashion store



Teenagers have a nail in one place, they don’t sit.

A very fashionable word these days. Translated as - to follow somewhere, to move.


The root of the word (gender). Indicates a part of the leg. Sounds like. Shoe shop


It is better to jump in good shoes.


Feint with legs.


It flies and comes back.


Youth shoe store.


Shop for girls.

Changes direction.

Young people love to hang out and gather in groups.

Jumping and twitching is a must for teenagers.

Club youth hang out from night until morning.

Youth love to hum and buy T-shirts

8. Names for fashion stores



Simple to wear.

Nice gesture.

French word

French luxury style.

fashionable people

One-stop fashion store

The name is the capital of Cyprus.

Costume performance

Good manners.

High society dresses stylishly.

Shop of expensive brands and luxury items

Latin Quarter

Foreign clothing store

Gallant Age

Stylish clothing store

Fashion tag, company sign, quality guarantee.


Handbag, essential trinket

Mosaic - Russian word in English letters

9. Different names for different establishments

10. Names for a youth fashion store



A girl I know.

Who are fond of glamor and shopping.

This is a little feminine trick to pick up a guy you know

Madame KOO-KOO

A strict, classy lady who has cool clothes.


A butterfly flutters from store to store.
Girls love to decorate themselves with cheap jewelry
11. Names for a children's goods store 12. Names for the store women's clothing and accessories



The female image that inspires poets

Something light. Fabric or lingerie store.

Shop evening dresses or wedding dresses


Seductive lingerie

In Italian. . Women are happy when they go shopping.

Queen of Spades

Femme fatale. A store for Balzac's ladies.


Promoted female images beauty and style.


The place where Mary shops.
Forest beauty.
In tune with

How can you choose a name for a clothing store?

In the process of opening a clothing store, many entrepreneurs are faced with the question: “What to call a clothing store?” The store doesn't just need to be named. The name should be sonorous, bright, and memorable. Most businessmen do not attach much importance to this stage and give the store an ordinary name, similar to hundreds of other similar stores. But it's not right.

The name of the store also determines its future fate. If this were not so, then naming would not exist now, and marketers would not devote so much time to this issue. Therefore, to attract customers to your new clothing store, the name must be catchy, rare and relevant to the product range.

How to come up with an original name for any clothing store?

When choosing a name for each store, you need to take into account its assortment. The name must correspond to the products being sold. If all the clothes in the store are from Chinese suppliers, then the name “Fashionable Italy” or “Italian girl” will clearly be a loser.

If the store is a multi-brand store, then it will be quite difficult to come up with a name, since all the simplest and most banal phrases have already been sorted out by competitors. To make your task easier, you can rely on 7 groups.

Group 1: goods in general (clothing, fashion, style, outfit, style).

Group 2: scale (planet, world, country, gallery, home, salon, boutique).

Group 3: quality (economy, image, budget, exclusive, elite, class, chic, office, couture).

Group 4: relevance (stock, mania, discount, second-hand, collection, trend).

Group 5: division of the target group (by gender, age): lady, woman, macho, senior, teens, girl, drive, respectable, baby.

Group 6: product material/product group (linen, knitwear, coats, down jackets, dresses).

Group 7: buyers (family, ours, ours, ours, at home, in person).

You need to create a personal table with seven groups. Each of them should contain words that characterize your clothing store. Words from different groups are combined, and the desired option is selected using the selection method. But you cannot use more than three words from each group. Maximum two.

With a mono-brand store everything is simpler. Since he specializes in one brand, one brand of clothing, you can simply call it the same as the trademark. This gives two advantages at once:

1. There is no need to waste time and rack your brains over the name, it is already ready.

2. Brands are on everyone’s lips, therefore, if customers come to the Mango clothing store, they know that they will only find clothes from one manufacturer here, that is, their visit is targeted.

The stock store has one trap. The fact is that everyone associates stock with second-hand (in most cases) and if you give it another banal name “European stock”, then buyers will simply pass by, thinking that another second-hand store has opened. Therefore, it is better to choose a name for the stock according to the principle of multi-brand stores, so as not to mislead customers in advance.

When choosing a name for a second-hand store, it is better to focus on the fact that these are clothes for the lower and middle class of the population, that is, low prices. Again, you need to avoid the standard names “Clothes by weight”, “Just second-hand” and so on, and try to add a twist.

Naming and name generation

Naming is the creation of a name for a brand or a specific company. Its secret lies in understanding the idea, advantages of a company or product, which allows you to deeply study the market and target audience. After a detailed and thorough analysis, a phrase or word is created that fully meets the specified parameters and characterizes not only the assortment itself, but also the target group.

Naming has four stages.

1. Definition of goals, functional load, which the name should carry.
2. Selection of words that characterize the product or store from all sides. And the appropriate word is selected from the proposed options.
3. Evaluating the effectiveness of the developed name.
4. Check that identifies identical names.

An ideal result meets the following criteria:

1. Brevity
2. Significance
3. Uniqueness
4. Correct associations
5. Real opportunity to use it in different areas of business

You can come up with a name yourself, or you can contact naming companies. If in the second case everything is clear (the entrepreneur pays money to the company, gives it detailed information about the store and the target audience), then in the first case you can come up with ideas on your own, involve friends and relatives, conduct opinion polls on the Internet or, perhaps, among future employees, or you can use special generators that select a lot of synonyms and sometimes produce really worthwhile options.

The main thing is to take into account some aspects:

1. Features of word formation
2. Customer perception of the name
3. Possibility of incorrect association.

What do you call a women's clothing store?

To successfully name your clothing store, you need to analyze the trends of your competitors. What do they call women's clothing stores? Lately, more and more stores have appeared with borrowed names (Italian, French, less often Spanish). Female names, it would seem, they went through everything (“Angelica”, “Beatrice”). You can come up with names associated with European fashion (“Parisian”). But the assortment should be from Europe, not from China.

The following are considered successful options:

  1. "Vaudeville"
  2. "Mieux"
  3. "Cozy"
  4. "Best Brand"
  5. "Modesty"
  6. "Melisent."

When choosing a foreign word, you need to rely on a convenient pronunciation so that buyers do not have the question: “How is this read?!”

What do you call a men's clothing store?

If you need to think about what to name a men's clothing store, then you shouldn't overdo it. It is in this case that the rule applies: “the simpler, the better.” There is no need to come up with any complex foreign designs. It is better to opt for simple but meaningful Russian words.

1. "Gentleman."
2. "Sir."

Try to avoid popular words like "Dude" or "Casanova." The reaction of male buyers will be mixed.

1. "Aesthete"
2. "Forward"
3. "El Bravo"
4. Oscar

It is ideal when the name of a men's store does not include the words “fashion”, “style”, “fashion” and so on.

What do you call a children's clothing store?

Before you name a children's clothing store, you need to remember what can please children and be associated with them. Popular options are animals: “Buslik”, “Teddy Bear”.

But if you can come up with names for women's and men's stores that would cover the entire age group, then this is a little different. If the products are designed for children aged 10 to 15 years, then they are unlikely to go to a store called “Krokha”.

Therefore, if there are products for children on sale, then the following names will be suitable: “Sunny”, “Peter Pan” (for boys), “Little Fairy” (for girls), “Naughty Boy”, “Tot”.

For older people, you can use characters from popular cartoons or fairy tales. They are usually well remembered not only for children, but also for parents.

1. "Kingdom"
2. "Super Kids"
3. "Goofy"
4. "Children's Quarter"
5. “Wish Island”
6. "Lord"

What do you call clothing stores with a specific product?

Coming up with a name for a clothing store for a specific target group (office workers, teenagers) may be easier than it seems. Here the task is simplified by the fact that there is already a hint of the style of the store and its potential customers.

For example, if this is a store sportswear, then parents of children or older women will not look there. Its buyers will be, to a greater extent, young guys and athletes.

Therefore, names need to be invented based on the style of the clothes being sold. For example, for a sports store it could be “World of Sports”, “Winner”, “Sport-style”.

If this is a business clothing store, then suitable options There will be “Business style”, “Official”.

For a store with classic clothes, you can come up with many variations of the word “classic”: “Classic”, “Classic”, “ classic style", "Class".

If the clothing store is aimed at young people, then you can insert slang words that are quickly remembered by teenagers, or something bright and dynamic: “Creative”, “Fresh”, “Impulse”, “Oxygen”, “Ozone”, “Drive”. The main thing is that the name sounds youthful and not pretentious.

On the one hand, coming up with a name is not easy. You can spend a long time choosing, composing, asking friends and, finally, making a choice, but it turns out that such a store already exists and is quite successful. And again go through all sorts of names until something appears that is not occupied by anyone and is at the same time catchy. But you can actually come up with a great name without the help of specialists. The main thing is to know what your clothing store offers and to whom.

Watch an interesting video about naming:

The process of creating a business is based on several important stages. Each of them has its own specific nuances that can have a negative impact on the future activities of the entrepreneur. One of the important stages of creating a store is choosing a name for the future outlet. Many marketing experts say that the name of a business has a direct connection with the number of clients and the reputation of the project itself. In this article, we propose to consider the issue of coming up with a name for a women's clothing store.

Choosing a name for a clothing store - important stage opening a business

What makes a good store name?

Many people think that choosing a name for a trading company is quite simple. However, this opinion is erroneous, since many different factors need to be taken into account when developing a name for a project. A successful name for a retail outlet should not only reflect the nature of the business, but also be easy to remember. Since the chosen name is one of the advertising tools, it should be easy to pronounce and not have a negative connotation.

The considered stage of implementing a business project is as complex as the registration procedure. It should be noted that a well-chosen store name makes it easy to promote a project and make it recognizable. Information about such a store is easily spread among surrounding residents and can reach the media. This means that the choice of name for a retail outlet has a direct impact on its popularity, which is reflected in the volume of revenue.

What criteria should be taken into account for a successful choice?

An entrepreneur choosing a name for a store must take into account several important parameters. The first of these is the ease of memorization of the chosen word. To begin with, it is recommended to make a list in which various words will be entered. After this, you need to identify a few words that you could easily remember after a few days. When creating a project that can turn into a brand, it is necessary to use words consisting of two syllables. Examples of well-known names created on this basis are “Nike”, “Puma”, “Apple”. The chosen name should be easy to pronounce not only for adults, but also for children.

One of the rules for choosing a name for a retail outlet says that the chosen word should evoke associations with something pleasant among customers. As an example, we can say that the brand name “Puma” fully meets all of the above criteria. Some entrepreneurs put a certain story into the name, which they use as additional advertising for the project. So in many online stores you can see a link with the history of the creation of the resource, which describes in detail the moment of choosing the name.

Ideas for a women's clothing store name

Many people say that they are pleased to visit those retail outlets that have unique and inimitable names. The mistake of many entrepreneurs is to pay little attention to this stage of creating a business. A well-chosen name should make a person show interest in the products offered. Not every person is able to cope with this task. To simplify the process of choosing a name for your store, you should use several simple methods compiling the original naming.

It is best if the name is developed by professionals in the field of naming and branding

Combining words

Combining several words can significantly increase the effectiveness of a store name. Even if the chosen phrase does not reflect the nature of the product offered, a person may become interested in the outlet itself. Many entrepreneurs choose combinations of foreign and Russian words, creating unique phrases. However, when using this method, it is necessary to take into account that an association with the proposed product must appear in the minds of the potential buyer.

When choosing a name, some businessmen use a modified method based on the merging of several words. It is very important that the elements chosen as the name of the store are clear to everyone. This step allows you to create a level of trust between the seller and the buyer, strengthening their relationship. List of names for a women's clothing store created using a combination of several words:

  • "Dress code";
  • "Fashion Magazine";
  • "Brilliant"

Words to rhyme (alliteration)

Alliteration is one of the naming methods based on the repetition of several sounds. This method allows you to come up with not only unique, but also laconic names that can be “embedded” in human memory. Using this method, complex verbal structures should be avoided. Below are the most interesting options, complying with all naming rules:

  • "Inside out";
  • "Dear Mila";
  • "Clothes from Nadezhda."

Using existing brands (allusion)

Many women's clothing stores specialize in goods that do not have unique characteristics. Many product items may contain elements copied from famous brands. In order to increase the level of attendance at such a point, you can use the allusion method, based on a slight modification of the name of a popular brand. The need for modification is explained by the fact that complete copying of a brand may result in a lawsuit from its owners. This naming tool involves using not only existing brands, but also other sources to compile names. Examples of the use of allusion include names such as Abibas (Adidas) and MRS. X (MR.X).

When choosing a name for a clothing store, it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience and focus on what will cause positive emotions and trust

Substitution of syllables (metonymy)

Before analyzing this method, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the word “metonymy”. This term refers to the process of transferring the name of one object to another, based on an adjacent meaning. An example of metonymy is the phrase: “Silver and ceramics on the table,” where the names of materials are used to refer to specific objects. This naming tool allows you to significantly increase the level of consumer interest. Many experts recommend changing syllables in words when creating a name or using a combination of this method with the above methods. The name of the women's clothing store is original and simple:

  • "Shoe Kingdom";
  • "World of Bags";
  • "Women's Universe";
  • "Stylish wardrobe."

Abbreviations (abbreviation and acronyms)

When choosing a name for their project, many entrepreneurs use complex verbal structures consisting of four or five words. Such a move can have a negative impact on business, which forces one to resort to the use of abbreviations and abbreviations. When choosing an abbreviation, you should remember that the composed word must have a semantic meaning. One example of the use of abbreviations in naming is the name VTV, which stands for Be The Best.

An acronym is a type of abbreviation where the created word has its own meaning. This method is used in names such as “MTS” and “TSUM”. The main difference between these methods is that names created using acronyms received a second meaning and semantic load.

National character

Using this technique allows you to highlight the fact that the product offered has a certain specificity. As a rule, such techniques are used in the case of products that have distinct national characteristics. In this case, the mention of a retail outlet will cause customers to create associations with a certain region or state. Many stores specializing in the sale of national women's clothing use names such as “Star of the East”, “Russian Beauty”, “Asian Princess”.

Contrasting combinations (oxymoron)

The term "oxymoron" refers to a phrase consisting of several words that have the opposite meaning l. It is important to note that this naming tool is used not only in the trading sector, but also in other areas of business activity. Finding a good name consisting of several contrasting words is quite difficult, but this method allows you to arouse a high level of interest among buyers. “Ordinary Miracle”, “Passionate Angel”, “True Lies” and other titles created by this method can significantly increase traffic to a retail outlet.

You need to name the store so that the name is in harmony with the assortment, concept, style of the enterprise, and corresponds to the pricing policy of the establishment

Associated names

In order to create a positive rating for a store within a short period of time due to name recognition, it is necessary to use the association method. First of all, you need to analyze the product in detail in order to create an associative series. Many entrepreneurs use animal names, planet names, and even movie characters as store names. Beautiful names of women's clothing stores:

  1. Lingerie store- “Panther”.
  2. Shop women's shoes - “Heel.”
  3. Fur coats and other leather goods- "The Snow Queen".

Names associated with the identity of the owner

According to experts, using the personal name of the project manager in the title allows you to create a subtle connection between the seller and the buyer even before the moment the latter visited the retail outlet. Such names have indescribable energy and indicate that the business owner is completely honest with his clients. That is why in our country there are so many stores called “Tatyana”, “Elena” or “Nina’s”.

When choosing names that have a connection with the personality of the owner, you should show imagination and creativity. Many entrepreneurs prefer to use their last name as the name of the outlet, replacing the Russian ending with the American word off. It was thanks to this method that such trade marks, like “NemirOFF”, “Kablukoff”, “Tinkoff”.

Diminutive names

This naming technique allows you to give the chosen word softness and fill it with kindness. Such brands evoke positive associations and create goodwill. According to psychologists, diminutive words have a specific effect on women, making them feel more confident and calm. “Stilnyashka” is a stylish name for a fashionable women’s clothing store, filled with kindness. Having seen such a sign, every woman will want to visit the store in order to get acquainted with the product on offer.

Is it worth using plagiarism?

The use of plagiarism is a controversial method that has key advantages and disadvantages. Using the titles of films, books and music allows an entrepreneur to get closer to his audience. This factor is explained by the fact that the selected names are closely related to spiritual and cultural values. Plagiarism makes it easy to set the buyer to a certain level of emotional perception. As an example, we can say that the lingerie store “Fifty Shades of Gray” will be highly popular among women aged eighteen to thirty-five.

We have already noted above that there are significant disadvantages when using plagiarism. Incorrect naming can contribute to confusion and cause incorrect associations. This means that most people who visit a retail outlet will quickly leave without making a single purchase.

Name women's store clothing must be concise, succinct, positive, and not cause ambiguous associations

Existing requirements for clothing store names

Any word or phrase that the entrepreneur himself likes can be used as the name of the store. Experts in the field in question say that the chosen name must meet certain standards. Each word chosen must have a semantic meaning and a melodic sound. Professional agencies help entrepreneurs choose words that are associated with accessibility, tenderness, honesty and openness. The memorability of the chosen phrase or phrase plays an important role.

Using easy-to-remember phrases allows you to distinguish your business favorably from competing outlets.

The chosen word must necessarily evoke an association associated with the products offered, otherwise the client who visited the store will never return. The issue related to the legality of the chosen name deserves special attention. Speaking in simple words, the selected word must be available for registration.

Another important selection criterion is the advertising perspective. Such important components as the advertising slogan and corporate logo depend on the choice of name for the future point. That is why it is recommended to choose one word or simple phrases on the basis of which an advertising strategy will be built. Also, the chosen name must be exclusive. This parameter has a direct impact on the difficulty of finding a specific store via the Internet.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article we examined the questions: what to name a women's clothing store, options for successful trading and basic naming rules. A correctly chosen name puts the buyer in a positive mood and forces him to visit the outlet. A competent approach to the issue under consideration allows you to create a “word of mouth” effect when buyers begin to recommend the visited point to their friends and close acquaintances.

In contact with

Choosing a name for a clothing and shoe store is an important stage in starting a business. In this article we will look at how to choose a good name for a company and why it is important to approach this matter wisely.

Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes: where would you be more willing to buy a new pair of jeans - in “Fashionista”, “Dress Code”, “Lyubimchik”, “Alphonse”, “Tolstushka”, “Karina”, “Fashionable Magazin”, New Style ?

The first two names immediately tell us what the stores sell. They do not require special knowledge and are easy to remember.

The rest report absolutely nothing and are in no way related to the type of activity of the companies. Moreover, “Alphonse” and “Fat Girl” can cause negative associations among some clients, and “Lubimchik” does not at all resemble the name of a men’s fashion boutique, but rather a pet store.

“And before the Fashion Bazaar was called Che Sotka!”

Therefore, you should take the choice of a name for your company seriously.

How to choose a name for a clothing and shoe store

Introduce your target audience. Are all or part of your product premium? Then you shouldn’t confuse potential buyers with words that contain a hint of savings:

  • Discount
  • Discount
  • Cheap
  • For nothing
  • Budget

If the situation is the opposite, then it is worth informing customers about the benefits they will receive by shopping in your store.

Consider whether it is possible to use a geographic reference in the name of the store. What do you call a women's clothing store that is produced in St. Petersburg? Try Nevsky Knitwear. What if the store is located in the city center? As an option - “Shoes on Nevsky”. This will work better than “Svetlana” or “Raisin”.

Try creating an acronym. Add the first letters of your name or the name of a person close to you, combine several words into one, or just make it up beautiful combination- the abbreviation does not necessarily have to have a decoding.

Play association games. Imagine what is associated with your business: “Flash” - a clothing store large sizes, “Shoes according to the weather” - a shoe store for all four seasons.

Use real names. Name the shoe store “Chagall” or “Botticelli” in honor of famous artists, and the clothing store for men and women “Petrovsky Fashion House” in honor of a relative named Petrov. Turn on your imagination!

Remember harmony. “Royal style” will look out of place in an industrial area or semi-basement; “French fashion” will cause confusion if you sell Chinese consumer goods.

Research your competitors. Ten years ago, borrowed names evoked a feeling of elitism among both buyers and entrepreneurs: Luxury and Best Brand were sweeter to our ears than some “Sudarushka”. All this led to the dominance of Sapogoffs and Elite Shoes in all basements of the country. But now the trend has changed: businessmen are no longer ashamed of their “Russianness.” “Little Lady”, “Caravan”, “Globe”, “Planet of Clothes and Shoes”, “Daughters-Sons” and others appeared. English-language names began to sound pompous and cheap.

Remember to be unique. Knowing your competitors is also important in order not to give your business an already existing name.

Test it. We have chosen several options for the name - ask your friends to evaluate them and leave the best.

Mistakes when choosing the name of a clothing and shoe store

Remember once and for all: calling a store by its proper name or a foreign word is vulgar. From “Elena” and Best Dress you don’t expect high-quality women’s clothing and shoes, but Chinese consumer goods and a fitting room without a door.

Follow simple rules:

  • Keep it simple. A name that cannot be pronounced without hesitation is bad.
  • Don't imitate. Don't chase someone else's fame - the market doesn't need another Abibas
  • Don't be ambiguous. If the store “Cheap and Cheap” has expensive goods, then the name does not apply to the cash register
  • Avoid platitudes. The prefixes shop, top, vip, elite, best and the like set the teeth on edge, they reek of musty provincialism

If you are planning to make a website for your store, it is not advisable to use the letters Ш, И, И, Ж, Я, Yu in its name. Otherwise, the domain name will look unattractive.

Examples of successful names for clothing and shoe stores

Perhaps this list of names will inspire you and help you come up with a unique name for your business:

  • Yoke
  • Fashion bazaar
  • Baby
  • Top-top
  • Gentleman
  • shoe
  • 5 pockets
  • Golden heel
  • Ideal wardrobe
  • Thing!
  • A person
  • Provocateur
  • MarCo
  • TIK (You and Beauty)
  • Dress code
  • Shirt
  • Folk clothing
  • Modigliani
  • Sundress
  • Brand new
  • StiMod (Stylish and Fashionable)
  • Get dressed!
  • Outfit
  • Your own shirt
  • Inside out
  • Housekeeper

Coming up with an original name for a clothing and shoe store is difficult, but important. Part of the success of your business depends on it - the client meets the store by the sign. But neither “Economy shoes” nor “Boutique” will be able to retain the buyer French fashion"if the quality of the product and service turns out to be unsatisfactory. Therefore, you should not concentrate only on choosing a name for the “ship” - ultimately, popular rumor will spread the word about an excellent store, even if it is called “Cockroach Vasily”.