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What is the name of the fairy tale about the fool. Alexander Afanasyev - Emelya the Fool: Tale

or there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - a fool Emelya. Those brothers are working, and Emelya is lying on the stove all day, she doesn’t want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and the women, daughter-in-law, let's send him:
- Go down, Emelya, for water.
And he told them from the stove:
- Reluctance ...
- Go down, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the bazaar, they won’t bring you any presents.
- Okay.
Emelya cried from the stove, shod, dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.
He cut ice, scooped up buckets and set them, and he looks into the hole. And Emel saw a pike in the ice hole.

He contrived and grabbed a pike in his hand:
- That ear will be sweet!
Suddenly the pike says to him in a human voice:
- Emelya, let me go into the water, I will come in handy for you.
And Emelya laughs:
- What do you need me for? No, I’ll carry you home, I command my daughters-in-law to cook an ear. The ear will be sweet.
Pike begged again:
“Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do everything you wish.”
“Okay, just show me first that you are not fooling me, then I will let go.”
Pike asks him:
- Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?
- I want the buckets to go home themselves and the water would not splash ...
Pike tells him:
- Remember my words: when you want it, just say:

According to the pike command
According to my desire.

Emelya and says:

According to the pike command
According to my desire -
go buckets yourself home ...

Just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put a pike in the hole, and he went for buckets.

Buckets are walking around the village, people are amazed, and Emelya goes behind, chuckles ... The buckets went into the hut and themselves stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.
How much, how much time has passed - the daughter-in-law tells him:
- Emelya, why are you lying? I would go chopped wood.
- Reluctance ...
- You can’t chop wood, the brothers from the bazaar will turn back, they won’t bring you gifts.
Emely reluctance to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

According to the pike command
According to my desire -
go, ax, chop wood, and firewood yourself go into the hut and put yourself in the stove ...

An ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let's chop wood, and the woods themselves go into the hut and climb into the stove.
How much, how much time has passed - the daughter-in-law again say:
- Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Take a ride to the forest, chop.
And he told them from the stove:
“What are you doing?”
- How are we on what? .. Is it our business to go to the woods for firewood?

I'm reluctant ...
“Well, there will be no gifts for you.”
Nothing to do. Emelya tears from the stove, shod, dressed. He took the rope and the ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sled:
- Women, open the gate!
Daughter-in-law told him:
- Well, you fool, got in the sled, but the horse did not harness?
“I don't need a horse.”
Daughter-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya said slowly:

According to the pike command
According to my desire -
go, sled, into the forest ...

The sleigh themselves drove into the gate, but so fast - they could not catch up on the horse.
And I had to go to the forest through the city, and then he squeezed a lot of people, suppressed. The people shout, "Hold him!" Catch him! ” And he knows the sleigh is driving.

Arrived in the forest:

According to the pike command
According to my desire -
an ax, cut dry woods later, and you, firewoods, fall into the sled yourself, get in touch yourself ...

The ax began to chop, chop dry wood, and the woods themselves fell in the sled and knitted with a rope. Then Emelya ordered the ax to cut down a club - such as to raise a force. I sat on the cart:

According to the pike command
According to my desire -
go, sled, home ...

The sleigh rushed home. Again, Emelya drives through the city where he had just crushed, crushed a lot of people, and they are waiting for him there. They grabbed Emelya and dragged with a cart, scolded and beat.
He sees that it’s a bad thing, and slowly:

According to the pike command
According to my desire -
come on, baton, break off their sides ...

The club popped up - and let's pound. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.
How long, how short - the tsar heard about the Emelyn tricks and sends an officer for him: to find him and bring him to the palace.
An officer arrives in that village, enters that hut where Emelya lives, and asks:
“Are you Emel's fool?”
And he is from the stove:
- What do you want?
“Get dressed soon, I'll take you to the king.”
- But I am reluctant ...
The officer became angry and hit him on the cheek.
And Emelya says slowly:

According to the pike command
According to my desire -
baton, break off his sides ...

The baton jumped out - and let's pound the officer, he took his legs by force.
The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emely, and sends his greatest nobleman:
- Bring me to the palace of the fool Emelya, otherwise I'll take my head off my shoulders.
He bought the greatest nobleman, raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, arrived in that village, went into that hut and began to ask his daughter-in-law that he loved Emelya.
- Our Emelya loves when he is kindly asked and the red caftan is promised, - then he will do everything, whatever you ask.
The greatest nobleman gave Emele raisins, prunes, gingerbread and says:
- Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.
“I feel warm here too ...”
- Emelya, Emelya, the king will be well fed, watered - please, let's go.
- But I am reluctant ...
- Emelya, Emelya, the king will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

In some there was a village: a man lived, and he had three sons, two were smart, and the third was a fool, whose name was Yemelyan. And as their father lived for a long time, he came to a very old age, called his sons to himself and told them: “Dear children! I feel that you will not live with me for long; I leave you a house and cattle, which you will divide into parts evenly; I also leave you money for each one hundred rubles. ” After that, their father soon died, and the children, burying him honestly, lived well. Then the Emelyanov brothers decided to go to the city to trade for those three hundred rubles that their father refused them, and they told the fool Emelyan: “Listen, you fool, we will go to the city, we will take your hundred rubles with us, and when we bargain, we will profit in half, and buy you a red caftan, a red hat and red boots. And you stay home; if what our wives compel you to do, and your daughter-in-law (for they were married), then you do it. ” The fool, wanting to receive the promised red caftan, red hat and red boots, answered the brothers that he would do everything that he was forced to. After that, his brothers went to the city, and the fool stayed home and lived with his daughter-in-law.

Then, a few times later, on the same day, when it was winter time and there was a severe frost, then they told him daughter-in-law to go over the water. But the fool, lying on the stove, said: “Yes, but what are you?” The daughter-in-law shouted at him: “How, fool, what are we? After all, you see how cold it is that it’s time for a man to go! ” But he said: "I am lazy!" The bride again shouted at him: “How, are you lazy? After all, you will want to eat, and when there is no water, you can’t boil anything. ” Moreover, they said: “Well, we’ll tell our husbands when they arrive that although they will buy a red caftan and everything, but that they don’t give you anything,” that hearing a fool and wanting to get a red caftan and a hat was forced to go, he cried from the stove and began to shoe and dress. And when he was completely dressed, he took buckets and an ax with him, went to the river, for their village was near the river itself, and as he came to the river, it began to cut through an ice-hole and cut through an extremely large one. Then he scooped up water in buckets and set them on ice, while he himself stood beside the ice-hole and looked into the water.

At that very time, the fool saw that a large pike was swimming in that hole; and Emelya, no matter how stupid, however, he wished to catch that pike, and for that he began to come up little by little; He came close to her, grabbed, suddenly with her hand, pulled him out of the water and, putting in his bosom, wanted to go home. But the pike told him: “What are you, fool! What did you catch me for? ” - “How on what? he said. “I'll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook.” “No, you fool, do not carry me home; let me go back into the water again; for that I will make you a rich man. ” But the fool did not believe her and wanted to go home. Pike, seeing that the fool would not let her go, said: “Listen, fool, let me go into the water; I’ll do it for you: whatever you wish, everything will be fulfilled according to your desire. ” The fool, hearing this, was very happy, for he was extremely lazy, and thought to himself: “When the pike makes it so that whatever I wish - everything will be ready, then I will not work anything!” He said to the pike: "I will let you go, only you do what you promise!" - to which the pike replied: "First, let me into the water, and I will fulfill my promise." But the fool told her to fulfill her promise first, and then he would let her go. Pike, seeing that he did not want to let her into the water, said: "If you want me to tell you how to do what you want, then you need to say now what you want." The fool told her: “I want my buckets of water to go up the mountain themselves (for that village was on the mountain) and that the water should not splash.” Pike immediately said to him: “Nothing, it will not splash! Just remember the words that I will say; that’s what these words consist of: at the command of the pike, but according to my petition, go, buckets, yourself to the mountain! ” The fool after her said: "By the command of the pike, but according to my petition, go, buckets, to the mountain yourself!" - and immediately the buckets and the yoke went themselves up the mountain. Emelya, seeing this, was very surprised; then he said to the pike: “Will it all be so?” To which the pike replied that “everything will be what you wish; do not forget only those words that I told you. " After that, he launched a pike into the water, and he went for buckets. When his neighbors saw this, they were surprised and said among themselves: “What is this a fool doing? Buckets of water go by themselves, and he goes after them. ” But Emelya, without saying anything to them, came home; the buckets went up into the hut and stood on the bench, and the fool climbed onto the stove.

Then, after some time, the daughter-in-law again told him: “Emelya, why are you lying? You would go chopped wood. ” But the fool said: “Yes, but what are you?” “How are we? cried out his daughter-in-law. “It’s winter now, and if you don’t go chopping wood, it will make you cold.” - "I'm lazy!" said the fool. “How lazy? - said his daughter-in-law. “After all, you will become cold.” Moreover, they said: “If you don’t go to chop wood, we’ll tell our husbands that they don’t give you a red caftan, no red hat, no red boots.” The fool, wanting to get a red caftan, hat and boots, was forced to chop wood; but as he was extremely lazy and didn’t want him to get off the stove, he said slowly, lying on the stove, these words: “By the command of the pike, and according to my prayer, come on, ax, go get some firewood, and you, firewood, yourself go to the hut and put yourself in the oven. ” The ax, wherever it came from, jumped out into the yard and began to chop; and the woods themselves went into the hut and were put into the stove, which, seeing his daughter-in-law, was quite surprised by Emelyanova’s cunning. And so every day, when only a fool is ordered to chop wood, then the ax will chop it.

And he lived with his daughters-in-law for some time, then the daughters-in-law told him: “Emelya, taperich, we don’t have firewood; go to the forest and logs. " The fool told them: "Yes, but what are you?" “How are we? - answered the daughter-in-law. “After all, the forest is far away, and now it’s winter, it’s so cold to go to the woods for wood.” But the fool told them: "I am lazy!" - “How, are you lazy? - said his daughter-in-law. - After all, it will be cold to you; and if you don’t go, when your brothers and our husbands arrive, we don’t tell them to give you anything: neither a red caftan, nor a red hat, nor a red boot. ” The fool, wanting to get a red caftan, a red hat and red boots, was forced to go to the woods for firewood and, getting up, got down from the stove and soon started to shoe and dress.

And when he was completely dressed, he went out into the courtyard and pulled out a sled from under the canopy, took the rope and ax with him, sat in the sled and told his daughter-in-law to open the gate. The bride-in-law, seeing that he was riding in a sleigh, but without a horse, for the horse’s fool hadn’t harnessed, said to him: “Why did you, Emelya, sit in the sleigh, but didn’t harness the horse?” But he said that he did not need a horse, but only to open the gates to him. Daughters-in-law opened the gates, and the fool, sitting in a sleigh, said: “By the command of the pike, and by my request, let’s go, sled, step into the forest!” After these words, the sled immediately drove out of the yard, seeing that the peasants living in that village were surprised that Emelya rode in a sleigh without a horse, and so very flexibly: even if a couple of horses were harnessed, it would be impossible to ride faster! And as it was necessary for a fool to go into the forest through the city, he went through this city; but he didn’t know that it was necessary to shout in order not to pass on to the people, he rode and did not shout, so that they would be outsiders, and he transmitted many to the people, and although they were chasing him, they couldn’t catch him.

Emelya left the city, and when he arrived at the forest, he stopped and climbed out of his sleigh and said: “By the command of the pike, and by my request, you need an ax, chopping wood, and you, logs, put yourself in the sleigh and get in ! " As soon as the fool said these words, the ax began to chop wood, and the logs themselves were laid in a sled and knitted with a rope. After he chopped wood, he ordered another ax to cut down one club. As the ax was knocked out, he sat down on the cart and said: “Well, according to pike orders, and according to my request, go, sled, home yourself. Immediately they drove very very flexibly, and as he approached the city in which he had already transferred many people, they were already waiting for him to catch him; and as he drove into the city, they caught him and began to drag him with the cart; moreover, they began to beat him. The fool, seeing that he was being dragged and beaten, slowly said these words: “By the pike command, and by my request, cudgel, break off their hands and feet!” At that hour, a baton popped up and began to hit everyone. And as the people rushed to flee, the fool went home from the city, and when the baton killed everyone, then rolled after him. And as Emelya came home, he climbed onto the stove.

After he left the city, they began to talk about him everywhere - not so much about the fact that he conveyed a lot to the people, but about the fact that he was riding in a sleigh without a horse. Little by little, these speeches reached the king himself. As the king heard, he really wanted to see him, and for that he sent one officer and gave him several soldiers to find him. The officer sent from the king immediately drove out of the city and attacked the road along which the fool rode into the forest. And as an officer arrived in the village where Emelya lived, he called to the headman and told him: "I have been sent from the king for your fool to take him and bring him to the king." The headman immediately showed the yard where Emelya lived, and the officer went into the hut and asked: “Where is the fool?”, And he, lying on the stove, answered: “What do you want?” - “How on what? Get dressed soon; I will take you to the king. " But Emelya said: "What am I to do there?" The officer was angry with him for disrespectful words and hit him on the cheek. The fool, seeing that he was being beaten, said slowly: "By pike command, and by my request, cudgel, break off their hands and feet!" The club immediately jumped out and began to beat them and killed everyone - both the officer and the soldier. The officer was forced to ride back; and as he arrived in the city, they reported to the king that the fool had killed all. The king was very surprised and did not believe that he could kill everyone; however, he chose the king of an intelligent man whom he sent in order to bring a fool as soon as possible - even by deception.

The messenger from the king went and came to the village where Emelya lived, then he called the headman to him and told him: “I have been sent from the king for your fool to bring him; and you call me those with whom he lives. " The elder immediately ran and brought his daughter-in-law. A messenger from the king asked them: “What does a fool love?” The daughter-in-law answered him: “Our gracious sovereign, the fool loves - if you keep asking for something, he will refuse once or twice, and the third he will not refuse and will do it; he doesn’t love the one who is rude to him. ” A messenger from the king released them and did not tell Emele that he had called them to him. After that he bought raisins, prunes and wine berries, went to the fool and when he came to the hut, he went up to the stove and said: “What are you, Emelya, lying on the stove?” - and gives him raisins, prunes and wine berries and asks: "Let's go, Emelya, to the king with me, I will take you." But the fool said: "I feel warm here!" - for he loved nothing but warmth. And the messenger began to ask him: “Please, Emelya, let's go; there you will be fine! " The fool said: "I am lazy!" The messenger began to ask him: “Please, let's go; there the king tells you to sew a red caftan, a red hat and red boots. "

The fool, hearing that the red caftan was ordered to sew him, if he was going, he said: "Come forward, but I will follow you." The messenger did not bother him anymore, walked away from him and quietly asked his daughter-in-law: "Is the fool cheating on me?" But they assured that he would not deceive. The messenger went back, and the fool after him lay still on the stove and said: “Oh, how I do not want to go to the king; but so be it! ” Then he said: “Well, according to pike orders, but according to my petition, go, stove, right to the city!” Immediately the hut cracked, and the stove went out of the hut, and as she left the yard, the stove went so fast that it was impossible to catch up; and he still caught up on the road that messenger who had followed him, and came to the palace with him.

As the king saw that a fool had arrived, he went out 1 with all his ministers to watch him, and seeing that Emelya had arrived in the furnace, he did not say anything; then the king asked him: “Why did you give so many to the people how you went for wood to the woods?” But Emelya said: “I'm to blame! Why didn’t they step outside? ” And at that time the royal daughter came up to the window and looked at the fool, and Emelya accidentally looked at the window into which she looked, and seeing her fool very beautifully - he said quietly: “If by the pike command, and by my request, such a beautiful woman fell in love into me! ” As soon as these words were spoken, the royal daughter looked at him and fell in love. And the fool after that said: “Well, by the command of the pike, but according to my request, go, bake, go home!” Immediately I went home to the stove, and when I arrived, I again became in its former place.

Emelya lived after that for several time safely; but another thing happened in the king’s city, for according to foolish words the royal daughter fell in love and began to ask her father to marry her a fool. The king was very angry with the fool for that and did not know how to take it. At that time, the ministers reported to the king to send the officer who had previously traveled for Emely and did not know how to take him; for his guilt, the king, on their advice, ordered that officer be introduced. As an officer appeared before him, then the king told him: “Listen, my friend, I used to send you for a fool, but you did not bring him; for your fault I send you another time, so that you will certainly bring it; if you bring it, you will be awarded, but if you do not bring it, you will be punished. ” The officer listened to the king and immediately went for a fool, and when he arrived in that village, he called the headman again and said to him: “Here is money for you: buy everything you need, go to dinner tomorrow and call Emelya, and how he will have dinner with you, then sing him drunk while you go to bed. ”

The headman knew that he had come from the king, was forced to obey him and bought up all that and called a fool. As Emelya said that he would be, his officer waited with great joy. The next day, a fool came; the elder began to drink it and watered him drunk, so Emelya went to bed. The officer, seeing that he was sleeping, immediately tied him up and ordered him to pass the wagon, and as they gave it, they put a fool in it; then the officer sat in the wagon and drove him to the city. And as he approached the city, he drove him straight to the palace. The ministers reported back to the king about the arrival of that officer. And as soon as the king heard, he immediately ordered to bring a large barrel and that the iron hoops were full on it. Immediately a barrel was made and brought to the king. The king, seeing that everything was ready, ordered his daughter and fool to be put in that barrel and ordered them to be ground; and as they were put in a barrel and ground, the king ordered him to put that barrel into the sea. And at his order they immediately let her in, and the king returned to his city.

A barrel, launched by the sea, sailed for several hours; the fool was sleeping all the time, but when he woke up and saw that it was dark, he asked himself: “Where am I?” - for he thought that he was alone. The princess told him: "You, Emelya, are in a barrel, and I have been planted with you." - "And who are you?" - asked the fool. “I am a royal daughter,” she answered and told him why she had been planted with him in a barrel; then she asked him to free himself and her from the barrel. But he said: "I feel warm here!" “Do mercy,” said the princess, “take pity on my tears; save me and yourself from this barrel. ” - “Why not,” said Emelya, “I am lazy!” The princess again began to ask him: "Do mercy, Emelya, deliver me from this barrel and do not let me die." The fool, touched by her request and tears, said to her: "Well, I will do it for you." After that he said slowly: “By the command of the pike, and by my request, throw out the sea, this barrel in which we are sitting, ashore — on a dry place, only to get closer to our state; and you, barrel, as if you are in a dry place, you yourself will hurt yourself! ”

As soon as the fool managed to pronounce these words, the sea began to worry and at that hour threw the barrel to the shore - to a dry place, and the barrel itself crumbled. Emelya got up and went with the princess to the place where they had thrown them, and the fool saw that they were on a very beautiful island, on which there were a lot of different trees with all kinds of fruits. The princess, seeing all that, was very glad that they were on such a beautiful island; and after that she said: “Well, Emelya, where will we live? For there is no hut here. ” But the fool said: “Well, you really demand a lot!” - “Do mercy, Emelya, they led you to put up some house,” said the princess, “so that we can hide in the rain”; for the princess knew that he could do anything if he wanted. But the fool said: "I am lazy!" She again began to ask him, and Emelya, being touched by her request, was forced to do this for her; he walked away from her and said: "By my command, and according to my petition, be in the middle of this island a palace better than a royal one, so that there would be a crystal bridge from my palace to the royal one, and there would be people of different ranks in the palace." And only managed to utter these words, then at that very minute an enormous palace and a crystal bridge appeared. The fool went with the princess to the palace and saw that in the chambers there was a very rich decoration and a lot of people, both footmen and all the peddlers who expected the fool to give orders. The fool, seeing that all people are like people, and he alone was not good and stupid, wanted to get better and said: “By the command of the pike, and by my request I’ve done such a good job that I don’t have anything like it and that I extremely smart! ” And only managed to pronounce, then at that moment he became so beautiful, and, moreover, smart, that everyone was surprised.

After that, Emel sent from his servants to the king to call him to himself and with all the ministers. A messenger from Emely went to the king over the crystal bridge that the fool had made; and as he arrived at the palace, the ministers introduced him before the king, and the messenger from Emelya said: “Gracious sovereign! I am sent from my master with humility to ask you to eat for him. ” The king asked: "Who is your master?" But the one sent to him answered: “I cannot tell you about him (for the fool did not tell him to himself who he is); nothing is known about my master; and when you eat with him, at that time he will speak of himself. ” Curious to know who sent to call him, the king told the messenger that he would certainly be. When the messenger left, the king immediately went after him with all the ministers. The messenger, returning back, said that the king would certainly be, and only said - and the king goes to the fool over that crystal bridge, and with the princes.

And as the king came to the palace, Emelya came out to meet him, took him by the white hands, kissed sugar on his mouth, gently introduced him to his white-stone palace, put him at oak tables, for branded tablecloths, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks. At the table, the king and ministers drank, ate and had fun; but as they got up from the table and sat down in their places, the fool said to the king: “Gracious sovereign, will you recognize me who I am?” And since Emelya was in that time a rich dress, and, moreover, his face was very beautiful, it was impossible to recognize him, why did the king say that he did not know. But the fool said: “Do you remember, dear sir, how a fool came to you in the oven to the palace and you and his daughter, pitching in a barrel, were allowed to go to sea? So, now recognize me that I am the same Emelya! ” The king, seeing him before him, was very frightened and did not know what to do; and the fool at that time went after his daughter and brought her before the king. The king, seeing his daughter, was very happy and said to the fool: "I am very guilty before you and for this I will give my daughter for you to marry." The fool, hearing this, humblely thanked the king, and as at Emelya everything was ready for the wedding, on the same day they celebrated it with splendor. And the next day, the fool made a magnificent feast for all ministers, and for ordinary people, vats with different drinks were exhibited. And as the fun departed, the king gave him his kingdom; but he did not want to. After that, the king went to his kingdom, and the fool remained in his palace and lived safely.

1 At Afanasyev entered (Red.).

According to the pike, this is a Russian folk tale that is loved in almost every family. She talks about the peasant guy Emele. He loved to lie on the stove, and did any work with reluctance. Once, when he went to get water, a pike hit his bucket. To Emelya's surprise, she spoke in a human voice and even promised to fulfill his wishes in exchange for her own freedom. What has changed in the guy’s life after this meeting, learn with the children from a fairy tale. She teaches hard work, attention, dexterity, responsibility for her words and the ability to understand her desires on time.

Once upon a time there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

Those brothers are working, and Emelya is lying on the stove all day, she does not want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and the women, daughter-in-law, let's send him:

- Go down, Emelya, for water.

And he told them from the stove:

- Reluctance ...

- Go down, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the bazaar, they won’t bring you any presents.

- Okay.

Emelya cried from the stove, shod, dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

He cut ice, scooped up buckets and set them, and he looks into the hole. And Emel saw a pike in the ice hole. He contrived and grabbed a pike in his hand:

- That ear will be sweet!

- Emelya, let me go into the water, I will come in handy for you.

And Emelya laughs:

“What will you come in handy for me? .. No, I’ll carry you home, I command my daughters-in-law to cook.” The ear will be sweet.

Pike begged again:

“Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do everything you wish.”

“Okay, just show me first that you are not fooling me, then I will let go.”

Pike asks him:

- Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

- I want the buckets to go home themselves and the water would not splash ...

Pike tells him:

- Remember my words: when you want it, just say:

"According to the pike command, according to my desire."

Emelya and says:

- According to the pike commandment, according to my desire - go, buckets, yourself home ...

Just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put a pike in the hole, and he went for buckets.

Buckets are walking around the village, people are amazed, and Emelya goes behind, chuckles ... The buckets went into the hut and themselves stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much, how much time has passed - the daughter-in-law tells him:

- Emelya, why are you lying? I would go chopped wood.

- Reluctance ...

- You can’t chop wood, the brothers from the bazaar will turn back, they won’t bring you gifts.

Emely reluctance to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - go, ax, chop wood, and firewood yourself go into the hut and put it in the oven ...

An ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let's chop wood, and the woods themselves go into the hut and climb into the stove.

How much, how much time has passed - the daughter-in-law again say:

- Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Take a ride to the forest, chop.

And he told them from the stove:

“What are you doing?”

- How - what are we on? .. Is it our business to go to the woods for firewood?

“I'm reluctant ...”

“Well, there will be no gifts for you.”

Nothing to do. Emelya tears from the stove, shod, dressed. He took the rope and the ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sled:

- Women, open the gate!

Daughter-in-law told him:

- Well, you fool, got in the sled, but the horse did not harness?

“I don't need a horse.”

Daughter-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya said slowly:

- By pike command, according to my desire - go, sled, into the forest ...

The sleds themselves drove into the gate, so fast - they couldn’t catch a horse.

And I had to go to the forest through the city, and then he squeezed a lot of people, suppressed. The people shout: “Hold him! Catch him! ” And he, you know, drives the sled. Arrived in the forest:

- By the pike commandment, in my desire - an ax, chop woods dry, and you, firewoods, fall into the sled yourself, get in touch yourself ...

The ax began to chop, chop dry wood, and the woods themselves fell in a sled and knitted with a rope. Then Emelya ordered the ax to cut down a club - such as to raise a force. I sat on the cart:

- By pike command, according to my desire - go, sled, home ...

The sleigh rushed home. Again, Emelya drives through the city where he had just crushed, crushed a lot of people, and they are waiting for him there. They grabbed Emelya and dragged with a cart, scolded and beat.

He sees that it’s a bad thing, and slowly:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - come on, baton, break off their sides ...

The club popped up - and let's pound. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

How long, briefly - the tsar heard about the Emelyn tricks and sends an officer after him - to find him and bring him to the palace.

An officer arrives in that village, enters that hut where Emelya lives, and asks:

“Are you a fool of Emelya?”

And he is from the stove:

- What do you want?

“Get dressed soon, I'll take you to the king.”

- But I am reluctant ...

The officer became angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says slowly:

- By pike command, in my desire - a club, break off his sides ...

The baton jumped out - and let's pound the officer, he took his legs by force.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emely, and sends his greatest nobleman:

- Bring me to the palace of the fool Emelya, otherwise I'll take my head off my shoulders.

He bought the greatest nobleman, raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, arrived in that village, went into that hut and began to ask his daughter-in-law that he loved Emelya.

- Our Emelya loves when he is kindly asked and the red caftan is promised, - then he will do everything, whatever you ask.

The greatest nobleman gave Emele raisins, prunes, gingerbread and says:

- Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.

“I feel warm here too ...”

- Emelya, Emelya, the tsar will feed you and drink well, - please, let's go.

- But I am reluctant ...

- Emelya, Emelya, the king will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought, thought:

- Well, okay, go ahead and I will follow you.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - come on, bake, go to the king ...

Then the corners cracked in the hut, the roof swayed, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, directly to the king.

The king looks out the window, wonders:

- What kind of miracle is this?

The greatest nobleman answers him:

- And this Emelya goes to the furnace to you.

The king came out onto the porch:

- Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You crushed a lot of people.

“Why did they climb under the sled?”

At this time, the royal daughter Marya Tsarevna was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said slowly:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - let the tsar’s daughter love me ...

And he said more:

“Go, bake, go home ...”

The stove turned and went home, went into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya again lies, lies down.

And the king in the palace scream and tears. Marya Tsarevna misses Emele, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Then the tsar became bedridden, pent up, and said again to the greatest nobleman:

“Go, bring Emelya to me, dead or alive, otherwise I'll take my head off my shoulders.”

I bought the greatest nobleman of sweet and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to regale Emelya.

Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a wagon and drove him to the king.

The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled up. Emelya and Marya Tsarevna were put into it, milled and thrown a barrel into the sea.

How long, how short - Emelya woke up, sees - darkly, closely:

“Where am I?”

And they answer him:

- Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! They ground us into a barrel, threw us into the blue sea.

- And who are you?

“I am Marya Tsarevna.”

Emelya says:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - violent winds, roll out the barrel to the dry shore, to the yellow sand ...

Wild winds blew. The sea was agitated, the barrel was thrown onto a dry shore, onto yellow sand. Emelya and Marya Tsarevna left her.

- Emelyushka, where are we going to live? Build a hut.

- But I am reluctant ...

Then she began to ask him even more, he says:

“By my command, according to my desire, line up, a stone palace with a golden roof ...”

Only he said - there was a stone palace with a golden roof. Around is a green garden: flowers bloom and birds sing. Mary the Princess and Emelya entered the palace, sat at the window.

- Emelyushka, but you can’t be handsome?

Here Emelya did not think long:

- According to the pike commandment, according to my desire - to become me a good fellow, a beautifully written man ...

And Emelya became such that neither in a fairy tale nor a pen to describe.

And at that time, the king went on a hunt and sees - there is a palace where there was nothing before.

“What kind of ignoramus has my palace set up on my land without my permission?”

And he sent to know-ask: "Who are they?" The ambassadors ran, they stood under the window, they asked.

Emelya answers them:

- Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, sets him at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and does not choke on:

“Who are you, good fellow?”

- Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to pitch in a barrel, to throw in the sea? I am the same Emelya. I want - I’ll burn and ruin all your kingdom.

The king was very scared, began to ask for forgiveness:

- Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but do not destroy me!

Then they arranged a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Mary the princess and began to rule the kingdom.

There lived an old man, and he had three sons - two smart ones, and the third, Emelya, was a fool.

The two older brothers are working, and Emelya is lying on the stove all day, and she’s beating. The brothers left for the bazaar, and let the daughter-in-law Emelya ask:

- Emelya, go get the water.

And he told them from the stove:

- Reluctance.

- Go down, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will turn back and make a show.

- Well, oh well, so be it, I'm going for water.

Emelya cried from the stove, shod, dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

Emelya made an ice hole in the ice with an ax, filled the buckets with iced water, and he looks into the water.

Look - and in the ice hole pike!

Emelya contrived and grabbed a toothy fish.

- That ear will be glorious!

And suddenly take a pike and say to him in a human voice:

- Don’t kill me, Emelyushka, let me go, I’ll come in handy for you.

And Emelya laughs:

“What will you come in handy for?” No, it’s better I’ll take you home, I command my daughters-in-law to cook an ear.

And pike him again:

- Let me go, Emelyushka, I’ll fulfill everything you wish.

- Well, pike, only you prove first that you are not cheating. Make the buckets go home themselves, and the water would not splash ...

Pike replies:

- Well, just before making a wish, say the magic words: "By pike command, according to my desire."

Emelya and says:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - go, buckets, home ...

He just said - the buckets themselves went up the hill. Emel lowered the pike into the hole and went after the buckets.

There are buckets in the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya goes behind, chuckles. The buckets went into the hut and themselves stood on the bench. And Emelya climbed onto the stove again.

A little time passed, and the daughter-in-law approached him again:

- Emelya, chop wood.

- Reluctance.

- Puncture, Emelya, or else the brothers will turn back and make a fuss.

- Well, oh well, so be it, I will chop wood. According to the pike commandment, according to my desire - go, ax, chop wood, and you, firewood - go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven ...

He just said - an ax is skok from under the bench - and chop wood into the yard and let the firewood go into the hut and climb into the stove.

A little more time passed, and again the daughter-in-law of Emelya was asked:

- Emelya, the firewood is over. Take a ride to the forest, chop.

And he told them from the stove:

- Reluctance.

“Take a ride, Emelya, or else the brothers will turn back and make a show.”

- Well, oh well, so be it, I’ll go to the forest for firewood.

Emelya tears from the stove, shod, dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in a sled:

- Women, open the gate!

And the daughter-in-law told him:

- Well, you fool, got in the sled, but the horse did not harness?

- And I do not need a horse.

Daughter-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya whispers to the sleigh:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - go, sled, to the forest ...

He just said how the sleigh went, so fast that you couldn’t keep up with the horse.

I had to go through the village, and Emelyn sleigh crushed a lot of people along the way, beat off many of their sides, set up cones for many. He angered the people on Emelya, shouting at him, cursing.

But Emelya doesn’t blow in her mustache, know that she’s driving a sled.

Came to the forest and says:

- According to the pike commandment, in my desire - an ax, chop wood on dry land, and you, firewood, fall into the sled yourself, get in touch yourself ...

He began to chop dry wood with an ax, and the woods themselves fell in a sled and knitted with a rope. Soon, a whole fire was accumulated. And then Emelya ordered the ax to cut down a heavy club, sat down on a cart and said:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - go, sled, home ...

And the sleigh rushed home, but faster than before. Emelya drives through the village, where he has crushed a lot of people the other day, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged with a cart, scolded and pounded.

Emelya sees that it’s a bad thing, and whispers to himself:

- According to the pike commandment, according to my desire - come on, baton, get them their sides ...

The club is skok with carts and let the people chase, so much so that everyone fled. But Emelya came home and climbed onto his favorite stove again.

Soon the news of the Emelyn tricks reached the Tsar Father. He called for an officer and ordered him to take Emelya to the palace.

An officer enters the Emelyn hut and asks:

“Are you a fool Emelya?”

And Emelya him from the stove:

- What do you want?

- Dress up more lively, I'll take you to the Tsar.

- Reluctance.

The officer was angry and how he knocks Emel on the top of his head.

And Emelya whispers to herself:

- According to the pike commandment, in my desire - a club, crush his sides ...

The club crashes from under the bench and let the officer pound. Forcibly that leg took. The Tsar was surprised, called to himself the most important nobleman and said:

“Take Emelya the Fool to me at the palace, or I’ll take my head off my shoulders!”

He bought the most important nobleman raisins, prunes, gingerbread, came to the Emelyn hut and let his daughter-in-law ask him what he says he loves.

- Our Emelya loves when he is kindly asked and the red caftan is promised.

The most important nobleman gave Emela raisins, prunes, gingerbread cookies and says:

“Emelyushka, why lay on the stove to no avail?” Let's go to the king.

- And I feel warm here ...

- Emelyushka, the Tsar will feed you and give you a drink.

- Reluctance.

- Emelyushka, the Tsar will give you a red caftan and a hat with boots in addition.

Emelya thought, thought and said:

- Well, oh well, so be it, I’ll go to the King. You go ahead, and I will go after you.

The nobleman left, and Emelya said:

- According to the pike commandment, according to my desire - go, stove, to the Tsarev Palace ...

The corners crackled in the hut, the roof creaked, the wall drove off, the stove rolled out into the courtyard and went along the road directly to the Tsar.

The king looks out the window, wonders:

- What kind of miracle is this?

And the most important nobleman answers him:

- And this Emelya the Fool on the stove goes to you.

The King came out onto the porch:

- Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! Like, you suppressed a large number of people.

“Why did they climb under the sled?”

At this time, the Tsar's daughter looked at him through the window - Marya Tsarevna.

Emelya saw her and whispered under his breath:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire - love me, Tsar’s daughter ...

- And you, oven, take me back home ...

The stove turned and went home, rolled into the hut and returned to its original place.

The emelya lies again, lies down and beats the bucks.

But the Tsar’s cry and tears in the palace: Marya Tsarevna dries of Emelya, she cannot live without him, she prays to the father to marry her to Emelya. Then the Tsar was in charge, he made an effort.

He called to himself the most important nobleman and says:

“Go right now for Emely, bring him to me, or I’ll take my head off my shoulders!”

I bought the most important nobleman of sweet wines and various snacks, I came to Emelya and let it treat me with sweets.

Emelya ate, got drunk, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a sled and drove him to the King.

The tsar immediately ordered that a large barrel with iron hoops be rolled up and Emelya the Fool and Marya Tsarevna put in it. Then they closed the barrel with a lid, ground it and threw it into the sea.

How much time has passed, you never know, but Emelya woke up. He sees - it is dark and crowded.

- Where am I?

And in response he hears:

- Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! They ground us in a barrel and threw us in the blue sea.

- And who are you?

“I am Marya Tsarevna.”

And Emelya whispered under her breath:

- According to pike orders, according to my desire, - violent winds, roll out a barrel on a dry shore, on a yellow sand ...

Wild winds blew, the sea was agitated, foamy, threw the barrel on a dry shore, on a yellow sand. Prisoners got out of the barrel, and Marya Tsarevna says:

“Where are we going to live, Emelyushka?” Build a hut.

- Reluctance.

And she asks him more than ever before, speaks sweet words.

- Well, oh well, so be it, I’ll build it.

And whispers under his breath:

- By my command, according to my desire - a stone palace with a golden roof will line up ...

Just said - there was a stone palace with a golden roof. Around - a green garden: flowers bloom and birds sing. Marya Tsarevna and Emelya entered the palace, sat at the window.

- Emelyushka, but can you become a handsome man?

Here Emelya did not think long:

- According to the pike commandment, according to my desire - to become me a good fellow, a handsome man written ...

And Emelya became such that neither in a fairy tale nor a pen to describe.

And at that time, the Tsar was on a hunt and sees - there is a palace where there was nothing before.

“What kind of ignoramus has my palace set up on my land without my permission?”

The ambassadors ran, they stood under the window, they asked.

Emelya answers them:

- Ask the Tsar to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, sets him at the table. They begin to feast.

The king eats, drinks, and does not bother:

“Who are you, good fellow?”

- Do you remember Emelya the Fool - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to pitch in a barrel, to throw in the sea? I am the same Emelya. I want to - I’ll bring ruin to your whole kingdom.

The Tsar was frightened unspeakably, began to ask forgiveness:

- Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but do not destroy me, old man!

On that and agreed. And they made a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya Tsarevna and began to reign. Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened is well done.

Three brothers lived, two were smart, and the third was a fool: smart brothers went to the lower cities to buy goods and say to the fool:

Well, look, you fool, listen to our wives and read as you would your own mothers; we will buy you red boots, and a red caftan, and a red shirt.

They gave the fool an order, and they drove to the lower cities; and the fool lay on the stove and lies. The daughter-in-law tells him:

What are you, fool! The brothers told you to read us and for this they wanted to bring you a present, but you are lying on the stove, you are not working; at least get some water.

The fool took the buckets and went to get water; scooped up water, and a pike hit him in a bucket. Fool and says:

Thank God! Now I will at least get this pike, I myself will eat, but I will not give my daughters-in-law; I'm angry with them!

Do not eat me, fool; let go into the water again, you will be happy!

The fool asks:

What is happiness from you?

But what a happiness: what you say, it will be! Tell me: according to the pike commandment, according to my request, go, buckets, home yourself and put yourself in your place.

As soon as the fool said this, the buckets immediately went home themselves and put into place. Daughter-in-law look and marvel. “What a fool he is! - they say. “But how cunning that his buckets came home and put in their place.”

The fool came and lay down on the stove; daughter-in-law again began to say to him:

Well, you fool, lay down on the stove! There is no firewood, follow the firewood.

The fool took two axes, sat in the sleigh, the horse did not harness.

According to the pike, - he says, - by order, according to my request, roll, sled, into the forest!

Sled rolled soon and very hard, as if someone was chasing them. It was necessary for a fool to go past the city, and without a horse he crushed so many people that horror! Then everyone shouted:

Hold it! Catch him! But they didn’t catch him. The fool drove into the forest, got out of the sled, sat on

well and said:

One ax, cut from the root, the other - if firewood! Here the firewood was chopped and laid in a sled. Fool

Well, one ax, now go and chop me a cookie so that it’s what it was to lift.

The ax went and chopped him a cookie; Kukova came, went to cart. The fool sat and rode; rides past the city, and in the city the people gathered, he has long been guarded. Then they caught a fool, began to gain and pinch; fool and says:

According to the pike commandment, according to my petition, go, cook, caress!

Kukova jumped up and went to break, pound and nail a lot of people; people, like sheaves, roll on the ground! The fool got off of them and came home, put down the firewood, and he himself sat on the stove.

So the townspeople began to beat him with a brow and told the king: “So, de not to take him, you need to get a hoax, but it’s best to promise him a red shirt,

red caftan and red boots. " The royal messengers followed the fool.

Go, they say, to the king; he will give you red boots, a red caftan and a red shirt.

Here is a fool and said:

According to the pike command, in my petition, the stove, go to the king!

He sat down on the stove, the stove and went. A fool came to the king. The king really wanted to execute him, but that king had a daughter, and she was painfully pleased by the fool; she began to ask her father to give her a fool to marry. Father became angry, married them and ordered to put both in a barrel, to grind the barrel and put it into the water. And so it is done.

For a long time a barrel sailed on the sea; became the wife of a fool to ask:

Make us be thrown ashore. The fool said:

By my command, according to my petition - throw this barrel ashore and tear it!

They left the barrel; the wife again began to fool to ask him to build some hut. The fool said:

By my command, according to my petition - a marble palace was built, and so that this palace was just against the royal palace!

Now everything is fulfilled; the king saw in the morning a new palace and sent to find out who such lives in it? As soon as he found out that his daughter lives there, at that very moment he demanded her with her husband. They came; the king forgave them, and began to live and live together and make good.