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How to wear berets fashionably: photo. Style secrets: how to wear a beret

When it comes to hats, you often hear the phrase: “Hats don’t suit me!” and as a result, to see young ladies with their heads uncovered or in hoods. Such tricks don’t work for me, because I feel uncomfortable in a hood, and it’s cold without a headdress.

During my school and student days, I made attempts to do without a hat, but at some point I realized that such sacrifices, like frequent colds, did not make me any more attractive or happier, so I was puzzled by the search for a “tolerable” headdress.

Having tried on what I found in my mother’s wardrobe and everything, I emphasize, EVERYTHING, presented in the hat department of a large department store of that time, I discovered that about a dozen models looked very good on me. Some of them were a little “out of age” for me, some did not fit into my style at that time, but I still chose some.

Years have passed since then, but the conclusions made then still determine my attitude towards hats:

  • There are many more styles of hats than the average woman can imagine;
  • Ladies who are convinced that “nothing fits” them most likely simply didn’t try on enough or, even more likely, tried on the SAME type of hats;
  • Material, color, shape, size, decorative elements. Everything, even the smallest details, is of fundamental importance and can radically change the overall impression;
  • When making a choice, we limit ourselves, focusing on what is fashionable. At the same time, we do not take into account the fact that designers provide a fairly wide selection every season, but stores that offer the same thing everywhere, on the contrary, “narrow the horizons”;
  • Forgetting about our own individuality, we often focus on what suits our friends and acquaintances. This is fundamentally wrong, because what is good for one... you yourself know what will lead to another.

We can talk about hats for a long time, but today we will focus on BERET. Everyone who knows me has long guessed about my attachment to this headdress. One of my close friends still calls me “Murzilka”, in memory of the hero of a children’s magazine who always wore a black beret with a “belly button” on top of his head.

I don’t like categorical judgments, so I won’t try to convince you that berets suit everyone. Instead, I offer a small selection of celebrity photographs for your consideration. There are older ladies and very young creatures, recognized beauties and those who simply “have something special” about them. They dress differently, have different hairstyles and face shapes. What unites them is that they are all beautiful and they all wear berets!

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As you can imagine, a stylist's job is to create an attractive and memorable image that contributes to the presentation of a particular product, person or character. I have chosen only a few photos, but I assure you that many, many celebrities have appeared on the screen or on the pages of a magazine wearing a beret at least once in their lives. Accident? Don't think.

BERET is not only a functional headdress. It doesn’t just warm you up, but actually helps shape your image, allowing you to “get into character.” But more on that in the next article. Today we'll focus on close-up. That is, on how to combine a beret with hair and makeup.



I want to warn you against advice regarding HOW TO WEAR a beret correctly. It’s not that they are bad, but rather subjective, and often have nothing to do with fashion or style. Experiment with different options and choose the one that suits you:

  1. Tuck all hair under the beret;
  2. Release a few strands or bangs;
  3. Pull the beret over your forehead to your eyebrows;
  4. Leave your forehead open;
  5. Move the beret to one side;
  6. Slide the beret back;
  7. Tuck the “rim” inward, putting on the beret with a soft “pie”;
  8. Release the “rim” out and put on the beret with a “fungus”;
  9. Lower one side of the “mushroom” to the side;
  10. Try different styling options;
  11. Try on the beret with earrings of different shapes and sizes;
  12. Try it on with different shaped glasses, etc.

Review the photographs offered in the article again. Perhaps among them you will find some other options not included in the list. Every little thing and detail can completely change the impression you make.

Do a photo shoot for yourself and try to detachly evaluate all the resulting images. If you don’t trust yourself, then show the photos to those whose opinion is important to you. I insist on photographs because pictures can be reviewed and it is easier to evaluate impartially.


Be careful with the “rules” for choosing the SHAPE and SIZE of a beret. Before you follow the directions on which style suits your face shape, try on ALL available beret options:

  • Knitted and felt;
  • Large knit and patterned;
  • Volumetric, medium size and small “tablet”;
  • With a “pimply”, a bow and a brooch, etc.

Don't limit yourself to "fashionable" models. EXPERIMENT!


How to choose the COLOR of a beret? Undoubtedly, the palette of your wardrobe matters, but your “color type” is much more important: the shade of your hair, skin and eyes.

If we talk about trends, you can’t go wrong by choosing one of the classic colors: black, anthracite, dark blue, dark green, burgundy. Choose based on the impression you want to make. Dark shades look elegant and sophisticated, bright colors look playful and bold, pastels look gentle and touching.

Now a little subjectivity. This is my personal opinion at the moment, and I admit that it may change:

I really respect things made with my own hands. I sew myself. But for my taste, knitted and self-felted berets, as well as berets with fabric with do-it-yourself decor, give the impression of being “cheap” and are very forgiving of the look. There are exceptions, but they are rare.


It was a kind of introduction. And now about how to actually combine a beret with HAIRSTYLE and MAKEUP:


It's easiest for those with long hair. Whether you wear your beret slightly to one side, pulled down over your forehead, or pulled back, romantic curls and straightened strands will softly frame your face, balancing out your headpiece and adding definition to your look.

Courtesy of


When wearing a beret, you can put your hair in an elegant bun, braid it, or make a low ponytail or even two. It all depends on the image and style of clothing you choose.

Courtesy of


A medium-length hairstyle will also look great with a beret. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a strict bob or soft curls.

Courtesy of


For a short haircut, it is important to choose the “right” size beret. Large volume combined with an open neck will create strange proportions. A small, compact beret will look proportional and harmonious.

Courtesy of


Wearing a headdress draws attention to the face, so don't underestimate makeup. And the first thing people will notice is your eyebrows. Give them special attention! Fortunately, there are plenty of means for this. Choose your main focus. For everyday makeup, it is better to limit yourself to just one thing. These can be expressive eyes, emphasized by eyeliner, or bright lips. If you prefer to use cosmetics in minimal quantities, then “correct eyebrows”, a little mascara and lip gloss will help give your image expressiveness without excesses.

In 2019, women's berets achieved unprecedented and well-deserved popularity among designers. Their ideas are worth taking a closer look at even for those who, in principle, do not wear any clothes.

The undoubted advantage of current models is that they suit almost everyone, unlike fashionable caps and hats that are more difficult to select. In addition, the femininity inherent in their style is a win-win chance to add charm to your own image.

Color scheme of fashionable berets 2019

This season, designers skillfully play up the classic ones with the help of original materials and a rich range of colors. For the first time in many years, models made of leather, suede and textiles returned to the catwalks. Sewn from several - six or eight wedges - and complemented by a wide band, berets were announced in seasonal shows as key models in 2019.

They open up a huge range of possibilities for creating a stylish urban look. Casual and practical - adding charm and individuality, and emphasizing the respectability of business.

The fashionable color scheme is designed in trendy shades and this provides a good opportunity to finely select the colors of outerwear and fashion accessories. But what should be excluded right away is an exact match of colors, for example, with your favorite coat or scarf, and even more so with a bag or gloves.

This season, with the help of such models, original color combinations are created. The range of fashionable colors is huge - from turquoise-blue to red-orange, and you can choose your color to your own taste.

Women's knitted berets

But the most popular and undisputed hit are knitted models, which have amazing versatility. This season, designers paid tribute to spectacular and expensive materials.

Wool, cashmere, angora and mohair are used in models for autumn and winter - it is not only beautiful and fashionable, but also comfortable. Summer trends include silk, cotton and bamboo knitwear, as well as spectacular materials with the addition of lurex.

Notice how diverse the styles of women's berets are in these photos:

Which model to choose depends only on whether you are looking for a headdress as an addition or as the main accent of the image. Women's berets will successfully perform in any of the roles assigned to them.

Moreover, there is a whole range of non-trivial color solutions and original ideas for decoration in fashion.

Fashionable women's berets for spring 2019

In spring, designers suggest forgetting about rich colors and shades, as well as practical materials. A classic model made of fine wool in delicate colors is considered a must-have attribute of a fashionable wardrobe this season. Conservatively, you will say and you will be wrong - they are the ones who will best complement fresh and new images in spring.

Mint, peach, lavender, delicate tea rose are the perfect tones for berets for spring 2019.

This is the simplest and most universal solution that designers offer. It is complemented by openwork and richly decorated models - one of the most current and sophisticated fashion proposals. Many girls are wary of such models, fearing that they will simplify the image too much and add age. And completely in vain.

Today's trend includes knitted, lace-imitating textures and pastel shades. And besides, active, sometimes provocative decor - voluminous flowers knitted or sewn from thin felt, as well as beautiful brooches with rhinestones. A little more elegant than it should have been – this is exactly the trend that designers are proposing to follow this spring.

Look how luxurious the decor of fashionable berets 2019 is in the photo from the new collections:

Women's berets with decorations

A spectacular decoration in the form of a flower brooch or a buckle with rhinestones will become the center of attraction for the views of others. Moreover, it can absolutely contradict the overall style of the ensemble. And don't forget about fashionable rivets and spikes! Such decor, especially with rhinestones, is one of the paradoxical, but most fashionable trends of this spring.

In the spring of 2019, designers invite us to wear women's berets not only as an addition or a necessary accessory “according to the weather,” but also as decoration. Such models have taken on the slightly forgotten but elegant role of a woman’s hat, which is coming back into fashion again.

It is this that allows you to give the image completeness, femininity and style. Therefore, this spring berets should be worn not only with coats and jackets, but also with sets with jackets and jeans.

Fashionable women's berets for autumn

With the arrival of autumn, you want to combine even the highest style with comfort. By the way, it can be seen as an independent trend in all seasonal collections. The first thing that attracts attention is women's berets for autumn, knitted with large English elastic or complex openwork made of dense and voluminous types of yarn.

The fashion for handmade and exclusive work is not losing ground. Therefore, at least one such model must be in your autumn wardrobe. But any fashionista knows that knitted items often simplify the overall look, so you should immediately exclude other knitted items from it and combine such models with avant-garde coats or leather raincoats. This is exactly how the couturiers themselves put together their catwalk looks.

Women's fur berets 2019

Another key trend for fall is feminine fur berets. This season, designers have focused on finding the ideal texture for such models. Short-haired and smooth furs best meet the requirements of today's trends.

For a beautiful autumn model, it doesn’t matter at all what exactly is taken as a basis - mink, beaver or rex rabbit. The soft and flexible style of the model is emphasized only by elegant materials that hold their shape well.

A contrasting trend for autumn is fashionable women's berets, models in the men's “English” style. Thin knitwear with a classic Windsor check or a delicate black and white pepita perfectly emphasizes the softness of the shapes of medium-sized models. It will simply be impossible not to go unnoticed in them, and this is exactly the thing that will become the main thing in a fashionable ensemble.

A beret is not just a cap without a visor, as the dictionary says. This is a very popular headdress in which you will look stylish regardless of the trends of a particular fashion season. They will be especially popular in 2019 fashion.

The history of this headdress is rich and very amazing. The beret managed to become the officially accepted headdress of many military services in Russian and foreign armies, and a real symbolic attribute of French bohemia, and perhaps the most popular accessory of Hollywood stars.

The beret first became fashionable in the Middle Ages, when it was worn by both women and men. This simple and practical headdress became part of the military uniform of soldiers of some units during the First World War. In the second half of the last century, this headdress became a truly iconic attribute, because it was the one that could invariably be seen on the head of the Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara.

Fashion designers first made this headdress one of the main attributes of their women's collections in 2007-2008. Since then, the beret in more and more new interpretations has been an integral part of any seasonal fashion show.

Berets can be different - strict and laconic, emphasizing the shape of the head or, conversely, voluminous, from thin knitwear, thick woolen fabric, leather, short fur, coarse knitting... The only rule when wearing any beret is to never tuck your hair under your head attire On the contrary, they must frame the face. Classically, this headdress is worn a little above (2-3 cm) the hairline, but this is no longer so important. This attribute should be kept loose on the head - if it fits tightly to the head it does not look attractive at all.

Watch the video: How to make a beautiful hairstyle under a beret.

How to wear a beret in 2019 to look irresistible?

You can wear the same headdress in completely different ways - pulled down to the middle of the forehead or, conversely, on the back of the head, flirtatiously moved to the side. It all depends on your mood and desire to create this or that image. A beret, slightly shifted to one side, will give your look a special twist and emphasize your individuality.

The beret is a surprisingly versatile accessory that suits almost everyone, regardless of height, build and head shape. With it you can wear almost any outfit - coats or jackets, evening dresses, classic trousers or.

This accessory gives a special femininity and attractiveness. It can both perfectly complement a romantic image and “smooth out” the image of a mischievous girl. The selected color of the beret can be combined with shoes and a handbag, as well as with outerwear. Don't forget about jewelry (in particular earrings), which will also highlight your femininity.

Knitted berets are a real hit today. In glossy magazines you can often see domestic and foreign celebrities wearing such a headdress.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose a headdress decorated with faux fur, rhinestones, flowers, a bow, decorative buttons, pompom or embroidery and in any solid color – black, white, blue, grey, yellow, red or multi-colored.

Don't you like berets? You just don’t know how to wear them!

Add French chic and mystery to your look with this cute and undemanding headdress.

A little history

And why exactly French? Most stylists are inclined to believe that the French were the first to wear a beret. If you look at French films or images of the French, you will notice that they rarely do without berets. True, sometimes historians notice that the beret was part of the costume of the Celts, the ancestors of the British. Be that as it may, history remains history, and modern autumn and winter looks are unthinkable without berets.

2. General style of clothing

The good thing about a beret is that different models can be perfectly combined with different styles. Your everyday look will be decorated with models of muted tones made of knitwear or made with medium-sized knitting. For an extravagant evening look, feel free to choose models made from unusual fabrics, decorated with embroidery or rhinestones.

3. Color features

Berets in white, gray, black and beige colors are classics that look organic with almost any outfit. But don’t be afraid to experiment with bright colors that can liven up your look and refresh your face. The main thing is to choose the right beret for your hair and skin color, combining warm shades with warm ones, and cold ones with cold ones. Don’t forget about combinations with clothes - choose tones from the same range, boldly play with contrasts or use classic combinations: yellow and blue, black and red.

4. Styles and shapes of berets

In this choice you need to start from the shape of the face and its features. Classic and modern models are perfect for girls with an oval shape and regular facial features. Medium volume berets will help visually narrow a round face, while voluminous models made from light fabrics are suitable for a long and thin face.

5. Size

It is the selection of the wrong size that often becomes the reason for the complete rejection of this headgear. The thing is that it takes more than you need, the size does not keep its shape and hangs on your head like a bag. Conversely, a small or narrow model spoils the hairstyle, squeezes the head and creates a feeling of discomfort. The beret of the correct size should not press, for this purpose two fingers should be placed under its edge.

How to put on a beret correctly: remember the signs

So, first, remember, a correctly worn beret:

  • does not completely cover the forehead– only covers it a little;
  • covers both ears completely or partially– even when the beret is put on one side, it should cover both ears. When one ear is completely open, it may not look aesthetically pleasing and slightly ridiculous;
  • not pushed far to the back of the head– it’s not very beautiful and uncomfortable;
  • located with the posterior edge closer to the back of the head– pay attention that the back edge of the beret does not rise to the top of the head or close to it;
  • does not cover all hair– female beauty should be visible;
  • located at some distance from the hairline– for volumetric models this distance should be as large as possible.

What to combine the beret with

To easily select a beret, use the tips from this plate. Just choose what outfit you are wearing today and see which beret will be the perfect complement to your look.

Namely, the beret, the fashion for which reached its peak in 2019. Fashion catwalks have not seen such an abundance of diverse models as this year for a long time.

You can choose your own version in any style and for any type of face. In 2019, women's berets can be combined with both classic and casual outfits. And it’s almost impossible to imagine romantic feminine images without this model.

Stylish berets for winter 2019

Designers took the model’s shape this winter as a basis and filled it with new content. Luxury is the main definition for winter models. Primarily due to the use of natural furs, both natural colors and bright fashionable colors. Designers consider sheared or “knitted” fur one of the best options for creating winter models.

It provides the headdress with soft shapes, and its owner a noble and respectable appearance. Fur models go perfectly with cashmere or tweed coats, as well as sheepskin coats. The only “taboo”: such models should not be combined with fur coats.

The democracy of today's fashion is reflected in winter berets 2018. Knitted models of simple and expressive styles are more popular than ever this season. They are defiantly voluminous, thanks not only to their size, but also to their texture - embossed openwork or classic English elastic are the most popular knitting options. The impression is enhanced by the fashionable color scheme, which includes many delicate floral caramel shades.

Original finishing elements - large pompoms and knitted floral brooches allow such models to look slightly frivolous, but very individual, which fully corresponds to the very idea of ​​the beret. According to the unspoken guidelines of winter fashion, such berets are worn in combination with elegant fur coats, even the most expensive ones.

Women's berets for spring 2019

With the arrival of spring, looks become more feminine and lighter; the French charm of berets will come in handy in creating them. Especially considering that for this season the designers have prepared elegant and at the same time intriguing ideas.

In spring, fresh versions of classic styles look especially advantageous. Lightweight and quite warm felt models allow you to experiment with different styles. The style is almost eternal, has stood the test of time and trends, this season it looks feminine and slightly naive.

You must choose such a spring beret 2019 strictly in accordance with your own color type. As when choosing any headdress, the only thing that matters is whether the color suits you or not. The right shade will give freshness to the skin, highlight the color of the eyes and hair and allow you to look fresh like spring.

This season, preference should be given to light colors and shades from your “own” color scheme. Designers recommend paying attention to delicate “floral” shades and fashionable accent colors of the season - bright red, blue and soft yellow.

Spring models pleasantly surprise with a variety of finishing options. Embroidery, rhinestones, beads, rivets, textile brooches - there are more than enough expressive means to emphasize the holistic style of the image and you can choose only according to your own taste.

In any case, fashionable berets 2019 with spectacular decor are an excellent addition to looks in casual, classic and even avant-garde styles.

Another popular and very “spring” texture is openwork, lightweight knitwear. Designers actively use it to create voluminous romantic models, literally created in order to enhance the femininity of style.

Fashionable berets for autumn 2019

Autumn trends combine all the best that was demonstrated at fashion shows throughout the year. Today, headdresses have a special role – they add completeness and expressiveness to images. They are worn not only to protect themselves from bad weather and the first cold weather, they act as an important stylistic detail that creates a single fashionable ensemble.

Models with active prints will add a bit of light irony and good mood to off-season outfits. “Cage”, flowers, polka dots – the most popular designs of the fashion season today also decorate hats. To unconditionally fall into the trend, you need to choose models with a medium-sized print, made from thin knitted fabric. It provides soft shapes and many wearing options.

This fall, hats are joining the global fashion trend - a passion for eye-catching materials and textures. Leather, tweed and velvet – this selection of materials distinguishes the most daring and even avant-garde models of the season. At the same time, you should not look for a “rhyme” with the textures and colors of clothes - such models should be a little “on their own.” Slight violations of the canons and the ability to mix things of different styles are a fashionable seasonal trend.

In the fall of 2019, berets are in demand in literally all current styles. They are more democratic than prim hats, but much more interesting and complex than knitted hats. If you want to maintain a neutral and elegant look, try on the classic felt model. It perfectly complements an outfit in any style and goes better than any other headdress with one of the main attributes of autumn - a voluminous scarf.

Such a simple and versatile choice will be in great demand in fashionable autumn looks. Moreover, there are no restrictions in the choice of color, decoration and style of wearing this season.

Fashionable berets 2019: how to wear?

Fashionable berets that are trendy in 2019 will decorate even those who are firmly convinced that hats absolutely do not suit them. Features of the style and variety of offers allow you to make an excellent choice. First of all, it is worth clarifying that voluminous models will ideally balance medium and large facial features.

The unique style itself allows you to wear any model in a variety of ways. As evidenced by fashion shows, today it is popular to wear berets, slightly moving them to the side - to the left or to the right, it’s up to you to decide. Models slightly shifted to the back of the head look impressive.

By the way, berets are better than other hats at keeping your hair in its original form. By removing or loosening your hair, you can get two more completely different, but fashionable looks.

How to effectively wear fashionable berets 2019 and photos

Designers warn that a model with a bright texture should appear in a “solo” look. For example, a large knitted beret should not be combined with a knitted sweater or cardigan, and a fur beret should not be combined with a fur coat, even the most fashionable one.

This headdress has a truly French reputation for good reason. The images that can be created with its help are always a little less elegant than required, and at the same time very elegant.

The most stylish models of fashionable berets from the 2019 collections are in the photo: