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How to celebrate your 18th birthday. Coming of age scenario for a girl

Eighteen years is a special date in the life of any person. It is to this age period that most people give such definitions as “freedom”, “youth”, “joy”, “recklessness”. Eighteen years is the official age of majority. The age when boys and girls graduate from school and enter higher education educational establishments. And, of course, it is customary to celebrate the eighteenth birthday on a special scale.

What will you need to organize a special event in honor of your child’s eighteenth birthday? Firstly, the birthday scenario is 18 years old. Secondly, a special keepsake. And thirdly, most importantly - positive attitude and a great mood.

Birthday of an 18 year old girl - sample scenario

Turning eighteen only happens once in a lifetime, so you need to celebrate this day with imagination. For example, organize a gala event in the style of a children's girls' party. Ask the invited girls to come to the celebration in little girls' outfits: knee socks, lush bows, patent leather pumps, dresses with polka dots or small flowers.

Boys should also dress in the spirit of little boys: shorts, baseball caps and the like. Decorate the birthday girl’s room with balloons, and place them on the bed and other furniture. Stuffed Toys, balls, dolls. Decorate the walls with childhood photographs of the birthday girl. The more there are, the better.

Write invitations for the birthday girl's friends in childish handwriting or in block letters, decorate them with children's drawings or kisses and hearts. Build a small fence from whatman paper. When all the guests gather at the festive table, the host takes the floor, he congratulates the birthday girl, and then asks the guests to write on her “fence” with colored markers the most best regards to her address.

Then the host of the birthday party invites everyone gathered to have a little fun and play: climb on a chair and read a poem to the hero of the occasion, build a small hut out of bedspreads and chairs, and climb in there to gossip and keep secrets, and the like. This is followed by a game of forfeits, the task of which is to depict how the birthday girl took her first steps, asked to buy her a doll in the store, and learned to write and read.

Don't forget about taking photos. Be sure to capture how your daughter and her friends draw on each other’s faces with lipstick, tie bows for each other and play “mother-daughter.” This celebration should end with the traditional blowing out of the candles on the birthday cake. Try to find out from the close friends of the hero of the occasion what she dreams of most of all, and give her this gift, which you should not skimp on; turning 18 is a special date.

Birthday of an 18 year old guy - sample scenario

An eighteen-year-old young man is already a completely independent person. Therefore, you can organize his birthday in the style of a holiday called “All roads are now open for you.” As soon as the birthday boy wakes up, invite him to go into the corridor, where arrows on the floor with the inscriptions facing down will be waiting for him. The task of the hero of the occasion is to choose any of them and read what kind of road awaits him ahead. The arrows can be as follows: “the road of goodness”, “the road of luck”, “the road of happiness”, “the road of love” and the like.

When all those invited to the holiday gather together, offer the birthday person two glasses of sparkling water: one will contain sweet soda, the other will contain salty soda. If the hero of the occasion chooses a “salty” glass, then his adult life will not be easy, but as a result everything will work out, teaching is not always simple, but if he chooses a “sweet” glass, then everything is simple: his adult life will be very sweet and very happy .

Before entering the room reserved for celebration, extend a red satin ribbon and hand the birthday boy scissors with which he will have to cut it. The ribbon symbolizes the beginning adult life, the door to it. Afterwards the hero of the occasion and his friends will be waiting festive table, where all guests, starting with parents, will be able to raise a glass of champagne to the health of the birthday boy and wish him all the best.

After each toast, you can arrange a gift-giving ceremony. And after that, organize several fun competitions that do not require special preparation, that is, using items already available in the house. Of course, you shouldn’t overload your birthday with competitions; five or six games will be enough. The birthday will end with a birthday cake with candles.

Congratulations on your 18th birthday

Wishes for a girl:
  • Our dear daughter, today you are celebrating not an ordinary birthday, today is your anniversary! We sincerely wish you Siberian health, great and bright love and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires!
  • Eighteen years is the first serious date in your life, daughter. Coming of age. From now on you can be considered a full member of society. We believe that this is a very important event in life. We love, appreciate you, and value you incredibly, our dear. Once again, happy eighteenth birthday to you.
  • Our dear man, you are now eighteen years old. You have been waiting for this day and it has come. At this magical age, it seems that there are no barriers or obstacles, that everything is possible. We wish it to be so. We wish you to be able to overcome any difficulties and obstacles on your way. We wish you love for many, many years, because this is the most important thing!
Wishes to the young man:
  • Congratulations on a wonderful holiday, son! Turning eighteen is a new milestone in your life. You are entering the age of majority, still very young, but already so mature. We wish you that any of your wishes will have the opportunity to come true, and that any of your dreams will become a clearly thought-out plan for action! Happy Birthday again!
  • A birthday, not just a simple one, but a special one, is an excellent occasion to tell a person what’s on your heart. So, our beloved son, our hearts are warm, light and joyful because you are in our lives. You decorate our lives simply by being you, simply by the fact that you breathe, simply by the fact that you are nearby. Thank you for everything. We love you so much that words cannot express it!
  • We cannot avoid loud phrases on this day, because today you are eighteen! Our incredibly smart, generous, kind, courageous and purposeful son, we know that everything will work out for you, but still, it wouldn’t hurt to wish you to see only the sun, the sky and kindness in people. Be kindly treated by your loved ones and friends, appreciate every day you live, look to the future with hope. Be healthy, successful and loved!

For many people, turning eighteen is a major milestone in life. In many countries, the age of 18 is considered the beginning of adulthood, as well as the emergence of new rights and responsibilities, so this date should be well celebrated. By learning how to throw a party the right way, whether you want to gather with family at home in a casual setting or head out on the town, you can celebrate it all in style.


Throw a party

    Release the child who lives inside of you. Forget the usual house party, why not invite more friends and throw a birthday party! It can be a lot of fun. Hang streamers, balloons, eat birthday cake, play games and watch a movie! Just because you are now legally an “adult” does not mean your youth is over. Enjoy the time you spend with your loved ones, try it!

    Consider a quiet party option. Some people don't want to have a big gathering when they reach adulthood. Spend a few quiet hours with your family? Opening gifts? Eat cake? If this worked for 17 years in a row, then there is no need to change it now. Spend time with those who love you and just relax.

    • Enjoy your time. You could go to the spa with a friend or your mom, or spend time with your dad working on the car. Do what you usually do, but take your time and try to appreciate the time. Most people believe that once you turn 18, it's time to start partying, but this is not entirely true. You may have done this before, even if you now have new responsibilities.
    • Make a list of all your favorite childhood activities, and use your 18th birthday as an opportunity to do them all. Take your brother to a samurai movie night, or take your family to a place where they sell your favorite ice cream. Remember that at 18 you have more responsibilities, but that doesn't mean you have to stop being a child.
    • Consider a less typical option - for example, go hiking or pitch a tent right in your garden (if you live in your own house or have a summer house).
  1. Invite guests in a reasonable number. One more in a good way To celebrate your 18th birthday is to host a big party at home for yourself. Depending on the type of home you have, you may want to host a large or small gathering to suit your goals. Whatever you choose, make sure you invite the appropriate number of guests to avoid creating a large crowd on your lawn that would attract the attention of the police.

    Come up with your own topic. Organize a themed party according to your individual preferences. You can decorate it elegantly and tastefully beautiful flower arrangements, photographs and corrugated paper, or you can install a smoke machine, a disco ball and invite a DJ to a costume dance party. You might want your party to be full of lemonade, country music, and hay bales. Decide what kind of atmosphere you want to create at the party.

    • Tip: Swap out your standard house light bulbs for red or yellow ones for a quick, clean, and cheap way to set the tone for a house party.
    • Prepare your home properly by putting all valuables and items that could break in a safe place, such as a garage or shed.
    • Try to think through and eliminate all possible consequences parties. If you have to scrape something sticky off the floor after the jelly spills from your wrestling tank, you might not have the best start to your adult life. Try to control all this.
  2. Provide entertainment for the evening. It's important that your guests have something to do at the party, and when you turn 18, there's almost nothing better than dancing.

    • Choose something that you and your guests enjoy doing. If you are a gamer, purchase a gaming glove for your video game and move from room to room in a common chain. Super Nintendo in the attic and X-Box in the living room. Move from floor to floor without stopping the game.
    • If you want, hire a DJ, just be sure to give him a list of songs that you like and your guests will appreciate. As your guests arrive, ask them to write down two or three of their favorite dance songs to ensure they'll be dancing.
    • If you invite a musical group, it is very important to provide them with a spacious room, access to electricity and other necessary facilities for the performance, especially if you will be paying for the performance. They must arrive early to set up their instruments.
  3. Warn your neighbors. Nothing can ruin a party faster than calling the local police and knocking on the door. Be polite - warn your neighbors about the impending party and explain specific details. Go around to your neighbors to explain everything to them exactly.

    • Pro tip: This shouldn't sound like a warning, try to make your words sound more like an invitation. Tell your neighbors that you are going to celebrate your coming of age and would like them to stop by. Give a casual explanation like, “There won't be many people, but there will be some music. We will try to complete everything within a reasonable time. I hope to see you at the party too!”

    Go somewhere

    1. Invite only selected friends. Turning 18 is a big milestone in life, so gather a few friends and spend the evening with them. Invite no more than 5 or 6 people - only close friends - and go conquer the city. If you're going out, always go in a group.

      • If you are planning a large party at a restaurant, club or other public place, make reservations in advance. If you need tickets, buy them in advance. If you have to pay admission, make sure everyone has money.
      • Depending on when you turn 18, this event may be one of your last opportunities to gather close friends before going to college or before starting work. It's a great idea to head to a loud disco club as a group, but you can just quietly get together and chat peacefully. Do what you like best.
    2. Find a club for ages 18 and up. If your city has one, visiting it can be a good way to explore the city and have fun. Typically these clubs are not much different from most dance venues, but there is no alcohol. Most of these places only allow people over 18, and if there's an event happening around the same time as your birthday, it's a great way to celebrate the day.

      • Don't forget about those who are under 18. Don't plan to go where at least one of you can't go, or just gather only with people who are already 18 years old. Plan everything so that no one is left behind.
    3. Provide yourself with transportation to get from one place to another. Before you go, make sure you know the route and have all your travel organized. It's better to have someone else drive, especially if you're going to drink. Without worrying about transport, you can have fun.

      • The safest option is to call a taxi or organize a trip so that one of your parents or close friends is driving, but if you want to celebrate your coming of age on a grand scale, you can order a limousine.
      • You can use a service like Uber. Agree with the driver on the time and place of waiting.
    4. Take lots of photos. In a couple of years, you will probably want to remember how it all went. These days it's easier than ever, but remember to take enough group shots to capture everything you did that evening. These photos will be priceless.

      Have fun, but don't forget about safety. Your 18th birthday should be a night of freedom and fun, but if you're going out on the town, you need to be extremely careful. Always stick to a group, be sure to exchange phone numbers before you start, and let your parents or other loved ones know where you plan to go and what you'll be doing. Don't forget to get up on your right foot in the morning on your birthday.

    Discover new possibilities

      Think about what's new and legal in your area. Depending on where you live, there may be a variety of new sanctioned activities for you to try and explore as a new adult. No matter how you plan to celebrate your birthday, it's best to include something in the celebration that you couldn't do when you were 17 years old.

      • In some countries, you can drink alcohol from the age of eighteen. If you are going to buy some alcohol for a party, make sure it is safe and you will not be under the influence of testing your limits. Remember, you have your whole life ahead of you. Don't try to take it all in at once.
      • The ability to purchase lottery tickets, tobacco products, obtaining a marriage license, enlisting in the military, the right to vote, and much more is suddenly at the disposal of those who have reached the age of 18 in most regions and countries. Research what's available in your country and plan how to celebrate becoming an adult.
      • In many countries, turning 18 makes a person eligible to obtain a driver's license. They differ in color and designation depending on the region and country. While this may not be the most fun way to celebrate the day, you might like the idea of ​​getting your license as soon as possible.
    1. Buy a lottery ticket. The first thing many 18-year-olds do is buy lottery tickets. Buy a scratch card (where you need to erase protective layer) or a lottery ticket and allow yourself some innocent fun. Who knows, maybe you can win some money and use it to throw a party.

      Consider getting a tattoo for your birthday. To get a tattoo, those over 18 years of age do not need parental consent. Of course, it is not recommended to get a tattoo just because you have the right to it, but if you have already decided on a design a long time ago and are serious about it, then this way to celebrate your birthday is considered common. Look for a good tattoo artist in your city, meet with him, discuss the design of your future tattoo and arrange a meeting on your 18th birthday.

Every year people face a serious problem - how to celebrate a birthday. This holiday accompanies us from the first day of life, but first it is organized by our parents, and then this responsibility is shifted onto our shoulders.

How to spend your only day of the year? Of course, sometimes you just want to sit with your family with a cake and candles, without noise and loud feasts. But there are years when the soul asks for a real holiday, and it’s stupid to deny yourself this!

The editors of InPlanet have prepared a list of 15 original ideas for a birthday celebration!

1 Costume party

Classic version birthday celebration - party in costumes. The beauty of this option is that you can choose many ideas that will please any guest. For example, you can make a Hawaiian, pirate or rainbow party. You can use your favorite TV series for the theme of the evening, for example, "Game of Thrones", or make it a party.

2 Quest

Another exciting option for a holiday is to arrange a real quest for yourself and your guests. You don’t have to bother yourself with preparation, but simply choose one of the quests that this moment are coming to your city. Or create something unique and conduct a quest right at home or in a restaurant. Then you will have to write a script and prepare a real adventure!

3 Role play

You can turn your holiday into a theater stage with the help of role playing game! The birthday boy will have to try a little, but then the evening will only become unforgettable. You need to agree on the list of guests, choose a script and assign roles. And it’s better to let it be a surprise for the guests! For example, you can act out a scene from your favorite book or find a ready-made script online.

4 Picnic in nature

True extreme sports enthusiasts can spend this day in nature, and the celebration options will depend on the time of year. Those born in the summer are luckier - you can have a picnic in the forest, a trip to a river or lake, or an outing in the mountains. Winter birthday people are less fortunate, but they can rent a house in the forest and have plenty of skiing. And in the evening, sit by the fire or fireplace and have a cozy conversation with your loved ones.

5 A dream come true

Once a year you can arrange a real holiday for yourself and do something you could only dream of. For example, skydive, go to the dolphinarium, visit, have a shopping day or go horseback riding! In general, everyone has their own dreams, so it’s better for the birthday person to know what to do on this day to make their dream come true!

6 Sports party

Those who love an active lifestyle can choose a sports party. The most popular ideas for such a birthday are paintball, a rope park or a climbing wall. A large and noisy company will have a great time and spend this day with health benefits. And only pleasant memories will remain in the memory of this day! The main thing is to warn guests about the location of the party in advance so that they dress in sportswear.

7 Alone birthday

No, no, it’s not sad at all, but on the contrary, fun and interesting! If the birthday boy is tired of everything and everyone, you can have a great rest and devote your birthday only to yourself. You can do whatever your heart desires - even go to Paris for a day to walk along the winding streets and enjoy the romantic atmosphere. Or treat yourself to a day at the spa, shopping, beauty salon, or go to your favorite show or concert.

8 Photo shoot

A great way to combine business with pleasure is to celebrate a birthday with a photo shoot. All it takes is to make an agreement with the photographer for the whole day and invite guests. You can prepare a bunch of outfits and arrange a themed photo shoot, shooting in nature or in daring images. This day will remain not only in memories, but also in hundreds of fun photos with friends and family!

9 Holiday at the amusement park

How long have you been to an amusement park? You can fill the gap on your birthday - give yourself a real trip back to childhood. You can enjoy the rides, carousels and swings to your heart's content in any amusement park. Another creative option- a joint trip to the water park. Then this day will definitely be remembered for a long time, because it will be spent not only fun, but also usefully!

10 Restaurant

A classic option for celebrating a birthday with your family is going to a restaurant or cafe. Such a holiday will help you enjoy the company of loved ones and sincere conversation. And if you’re already tired of going to regular restaurants, you can choose an establishment that you haven’t been to before. For example, having dinner at a restaurant on the roof of a high-rise building - what could be more exciting?

11 Club

For real partygoers, birthdays can be celebrated in a nightclub. This is a great way to bring all your friends together and remember the carefree years! You can safely dance the night away to the light of strobe lights and the sounds of your favorite music. True, in the morning it is better to sleep longer, otherwise you may not feel good!

12 Party at the spa

For girls, an excellent option for celebrating a birthday would be a whole day at a spa or beauty salon. You can gather your friends together and spend your holiday in a relaxing atmosphere, enjoying the procedures. Spas have a special opportunity to rent space for the whole day. Such a birthday will not only be memorable, but also healthy!

The wonderful milestone in life, called the eighteenth birthday, should be celebrated in such a way that the memories of this day remain for many years. This is especially true for guys who are more adventurous and carefree by nature.

Celebration options: how and where to celebrate a guy’s 18th birthday?

Depending on the time of year, this could be skydiving, snowboarding, rafting or a beach party. Guys are unlikely to agree to anything less. Modest home or restaurant gatherings are the lot of calmer representatives of the fair sex.

Of course, a lot depends on the budget. It is possible to organize something grandiose at this age, perhaps, with financial assistance parents. Whereas a student is more likely to be able to organize a simple outing with friends or a buffet in the hostel.

An alternative option is going with friends to a rock concert, cinema or bar, when everyone pays for themselves. Or organizing a themed party so that the holiday does not turn into boring gatherings.

How to spend a guy's 18th birthday with his girlfriend?

If the option with relatives and friends does not suit you, and you want to spend this day only with your beloved, there is definitely a smell of romance here. In this case, it is ideal to climb onto the roof of a high-rise building and organize a table there for just two with candles and champagne. The girl should rather take care of this when she arranges for the birthday boy.

Another option for celebrating a guy’s 18th birthday is to go on a trip with your partner. Even if it’s just for one day and not abroad, but just to a beautiful place. Perhaps the couple already has such a treasured place that is associated with their first meeting or other memorable event.

Or you can go on an adventure together, tripling the same parachute jump or flight hot-air balloon. The main thing is that you both want it and are ready for such adventures.

Eighteen years is a special date in the life of every person, with the onset of which a new stage begins - the time of coming of age. From this moment on, the hero of the day becomes a full member of society with all the ensuing consequences. For some, 18 years is complete freedom of action, for others it is a time of balanced actions and adult reflection.

Of course, turning 18 must be celebrated cheerfully, so that this date will be remembered forever in a good way. A banal feast at home or in a cafe will not bring you a sea of ​​positivity and pleasure, and your birthday, apart from vanity and worries, will not be remembered for anything.

Possible scenarios and best places to celebrate the first important date in your life.

1. Night club. After all, you have dreamed of going with your friends for so long night club, but until today you couldn’t get there because of your age. The moment has come when your cherished dream will become a reality. Book a table in a nightclub in advance, invite your closest friends with whom you want to share your holiday.

3. Picnic outside the city on the shore of a lake, river, or at a tourist base. Barbecue, songs around the fire, active games in the air - what could be better for young people. Such a picnic can be arranged in summer, early spring, and winter.

4. Karaoke bar. To the cheerful songs of your youth, in a pleasant room, you can simply unforgettably celebrate your 18th birthday.

5. Sauna or bathhouse. Often, in addition to a good steam room and swimming pool, the sauna also has billiards, a separate meeting room, and darts. You definitely won't get bored in this place.

6. Water park, cinema, skating rink.

The main thing is to approach the celebration of the 18th anniversary correctly and cheerfully, as with any date.