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How to dye your hair dark blue. How to dye your hair blue: step-by-step instructions

I have been living in unnatural color since March 2010. I am often asked how to apply color, how to maintain it, what it feels like to live with bright hair, and now it’s time to tell.

Our task is to get healthy hair pure color, which look good not only in photoshopped photos, but also in real life. I'll tell you about how to paint, how to maintain it, about paints, pros and cons.

My input data:

  • His light brown hair, straight.

  • Discolor easily.

  • Very resistant to painting.

That's why: I speak only from my experience . Evaluate your capabilities regarding your hair type!

So, first:

to get pure pink/blue/purple/green etc hair color, you need to bleach it to platinum blonde. Only this way and no other way. If the yellowness remains, the color will be ugly, it will wash off quickly and remain the shade of a worn washcloth.

When the base is perfectly white, even the color will wash off beautiful shade, tender.

It is clear that if you are a natural brunette, your hair is more likely to fall off than to become discolored. On a yellowish base, dark purple, red, dark orange look more or less decent ( and, perhaps, no other). So I wholeheartedly recommend it to brunettes: you want crazy color and keep your hair - it’s better to bleach the ends, dye them purple/red/orange, but not the whole head, there’s too much risk of turning into a washcloth... And if your hair is still curly, forget it altogether, there are a million other ways to look diversify.

Second: paints

I tried a lot of colors. Best for home dyeing -Directions.
Directions has a lot of shades, you can mix them together, it turns out great. Pink and purple are great, but blue is just awesome. I really love the mixture of Lagoon Blue+Atlantic Blue+Neon Blue. [ upd from comments: orange Directions washes out instantly]

Stargazer also has beautiful purple and pink colors, but blue is a quiet horror.

Is there some more Manic Panic, their pink is generally something indistinct, it does not hold up at all. But I saw yellow from Manic Panic on one girl - super!

Сrazy Color They don’t last very well, but they are easy to apply, the shades are normal, although not very bright.

These dyes do not damage your hair at all.
The shabby colored washcloths on your head are not due to color, but due to cheap, bad bleaching and lack of care.

Although no. There is such a paint Tonic.... Either Russian or Belarusian made... Theoretically, it gives unnatural shades to the hair. Don't come close to her! I don’t know what’s in it, but even my resistant hair has become coarse and dry, and I’m generally silent about the shade... sickening crimson... just from one use! The second time I was afraid... [ upd from the comments: the red tint of Tonic is not so vibrant]

I tried L"Oreal Colorista- their blue s green tint, the hair from these dyes is not a fountain of quality. After Directions they are absolutely silky, there is something to compare with :)

Paints are also popular now Anthocyanin (Anthocyanin)- a huge palette of colors, they hold up great, they don’t damage my hair, they even treat it, my hair has never looked better than after this dye. There are two problems with them:
- This is not a home option. A long multi-step heating/cooling process... this is best done in a salon. Not every city has salons with this paint.
- If you dye it a rich color from the roots, then the scalp gets dyed too, it looks terrible and takes a very long time, several weeks, in pieces, and washes off. Can't be cleaned off with special paint products. But for ends, Anthocyanin is a great choice!

Still very popular Pravana. It does not flow one onto another, it can be painted in layers, stripes, stars, leopard print. If anyone has tried it, please tell me.

Third: colors and shades

Soft pink, soft lilac, gray

- When dyeing, you mix it with a mask or balm, and at the same time you treat your hair and dye it. Win-win:)
- Saving paint is fundamental
- All this beauty is washed off instantly. It looks good only immediately after painting or in a photo with the right light and increased saturation. In life, after the first wash, there is shabby trash on the head.
- Any imperfections in the discoloration will be very visible!
- Growing roots, even blond ones, are very visible and look very ugly.

For the last reason I switched to more dark color: bleaching your hair once every two weeks is unrealistic, but walking around with this particular parting for two weeks out of four is terrible.

Hot pink

- At first it’s bright, then it washes off beautifully into a candy-like color... I washed my hair - a new shade!
- He's painting the bath! And in general everything is beautiful! Curtains, clothes in the rain...
- They need to paint very evenly. Spots (brighter or paler) are visible.
- The growing roots are still visible... Not so much, but visible.

For the same reason, I decided to paint the roots purple and the ends pink.

Bright purple

- It covers up light brown hair. Growing roots up to a centimeter are invisible.
- Even if the hair is not bleached very well, purple forgives a lot
- Also, purple forgives not very even painting
- The combination of purple roots + pink ends was, perhaps, optimal for me in terms of maintenance. You need to apply makeup less often and wash it off more slowly.
- Like hot pink, it colors everything.

And then the store where I always buy paint didn’t deliver either purple or pink. I saw Directions Neon Blue, and in the jar it's quite purple. I took it, painted it, and... turned blue :) And I really liked it!
But blue is the finish. The most difficult one I've ever had.

Blue color

- Washes off slowly. Stable as purple. I go for a month without wearing makeup.
- With it, growing roots are ABSOLUTELY invisible
and this is where the objective advantages end...
- Do pink and purple paint everything? Ha! Have you tried blue? It's terribly vigorous and corrosive, the bathtub needs to be scrubbed with something like Cilit Bang. The neck and ears have a blue tint, the temples of the glasses too... Well, and the nails :) It is not recommended to get caught in the rain in light-colored clothes. At all. You must take your own towel to hotels/overnight visits.
- You need to bleach it well, any yellowness mixed with blue “comes out” as green.
- You have to paint very, very, very carefully and carefully. In small strands, brush it well with a brush, otherwise you will get an unsightly spot.

And yet, the blue one has a big fat plus: I love it. That's why I tolerate blue ears, blue nails and a blue bath. Blue outweighs all of the above colors in terms of attention, compliments and acquaintances. Something about men apparently works for him :)

Fourth: How to live with pink/blue hair, etc.

Before you paint, you need to think carefully:

1. Can you devote enough time to maintaining your hair color and appearance:
1.1 Bleaching every 4 weeks
1.2 Renew color every 3-4 shampoos (applies to light shades)
1.3 Care and cutting are twice as thorough as with regular hair. On bright ones, any defect is visible.

2. Can you live with negative consequences. And they are as follows:
2.1 Will they pay attention? Yes. A lot of? Yes. Will they look sideways? Yes. Will they look at you judgmentally? And how. And also snort, sometimes even too loudly, roll your eyes, purse your lips. In regions remote from the center, children will point fingers.
2.2 Even when you really want to, it is impossible to turn invisible. There’s a pimple on your nose, you’re dressed haphazardly, there are circles under your eyes from lack of sleep, and in general it’s Sunday and you want to be homeless-style - but everyone is still staring at you.
2.3 Prejudices and stereotypes in large quantities. Get ready for people to start classifying you as anyone possible. In the eyes of those around me, I was a punk, and a goth, and an emo, and a Barbie-obsessed, and an anime girl, and a drug addict, and a stupid teenager (they said openly)... The logical chain also automatically works, that since the hair is non-standard, it means a fool with internal problems. Or doesn’t know how to attract attention.
2.4 Most people around you will not like this change. It took my dad two years to get used to it. To my best friend- five years (this is an update from 2016). Why haven’t I heard enough on the Internet!!! For more than a year, I regularly read comments from “it was better as a blonde” to “what an ugliness, why did you do that.”

However, there are solutions to these points:
2.1.1 After about six months, I stopped noticing the increased attention altogether. My friends and parents notice (" Those girls over there turned their heads and stumbled...."), me not.

2.2.1 For me, being pink/purple is like being brown-haired, completely natural. What if I had by nature blue hair? Well, what can you do? I look like crap, I’m not in the mood to put on makeup or get my hair done - oh well, I’ll go like this :)

2.3.1 I was very afraid of negative stereotypes. And then I accepted it as inevitable. Now I am confident enough in myself as a person to not make excuses for my appearance.

2.4.1 At this point, only patience and confidence in your decisions help. 2011-2012: Vogue with Lady Gaga with pink hair on the cover, InStyle cover with Katy Perry with violet hair, Chanel advertising campaign... everyone rushed to dye their ends, multi-colored hair began to appear in all the glossy magazines... Actually, I I clearly fell into the trend, well, a year earlier :) I was so absolutely sure that this decision was mine, real and correct, that the comments did not hurt, but rather surprised. I'm very interested in what these critics would say now :)

3. Why do you need to wear bright colors?

That's true, why? This is so much work, effort, problems.

To stand out? To avoid being “like everyone else”? To cope with depression and change something in life? To forcefully put on an image so as not to blend in with the crowd or to push oneself through external appearances internal changes? If this is not YOUR image, you will be unhappy and dissatisfied. With the most perfect and beautiful pink hair that everyone turns their necks at. Happiness does not lie in being unique in appearance, especially since multi-colored hair is no longer exotic. Not a single personality has become more multifaceted because of pink hair. The maximum is a painted pacifier.

If the desire to change your appearance so radically comes not from problems, but from the heart, then it is correct!

In general, I hope I talked those out of their nonsense and warned them of difficulties, and helped those who wanted to decorate reality with their hair. practical advice! :)

update from 2017:
- I got tired of bleaching my roots every month, and I switched to highlighting once every four months. My scalp thanked me. The growing roots look adequate, smoothly turning into blue. The optimal solution, I don’t even know how I didn’t think of it before!

- I paint Directions Midnight/Neon Blue both with strong purple tint, which corrects yellowness (and it sometimes happens even with the most thorough bleaching). This shade goes away in three washes and turns out like the photo above.

- I mix the paint with any white balm or mask (one or two teaspoons per jar of paint). The color turns out quite bright, but practically does not stain the scalp (as well as clothes and the bath).
- One painting is enough for a month (however, by the end of the month the color becomes noticeably lighter, but you can still live with it).
- If you want to freshen up between paintings, without bothering with the perfect application, I use Crazy Color. It is so pale that application errors are not visible, but the color becomes much more vibrant.

I tried L'Oreal Colorista - their blue with a green tint, the hair from these dyes is not a fountain.

Blue-black hair is a kind of infinity stone among hair shades! This color has become a trend in Lately. There are several shades of this color that women love to show off. Here are the 20 best.

How to dye your hair black and blue

Lighten hair

  • If you have dark hair, you need to lighten it to get the exact color you want. On dark hair the paint may not look the same as on light colored ones. The set of lightening products always comes with instructions. Be sure to follow it.
  • If you want highlights or balayage, use foil to keep your dyed hair from blending with your natural hair.
  • If you have residual color on your hair, use a color remover. It will wash away color pigments, leaving your natural hair color.
  • Use a deep cleansing shampoo to cleanse your hair of any hair extensions or remaining dye.
  • Use conditioner. It helps hydrate and nourish your hair.

Dye your hair

Before you start coloring your hair, be sure to protect your skin. Apply a small amount of Vaseline along the hairline. This will prevent staining. Also use gloves when applying paint. Put it on old clothes, since the dye may also stain them. Last but not least, make sure you have the exact hair dye you want. The hair dye comes with instructions in the kit, and if you follow them correctly, you should get the color you want. Also, if you are coloring your hair for the first time, do a test on a separate strand of hair first.

  • Wash your hair with shampoo. Do not use conditioner.
  • Mix the paint according to the instructions on the box.
  • Apply the dye to your hair as desired. If you are going to dye the entire length of your hair, start from the ends. Otherwise, your roots will be a different color (unless that's what you intended).
  • Use clips to separate sections of hair. If you just want to highlight natural hair, use foil to separate colored hair from uncolored hair.
  • After this, let the dye stay on your hair for as long as indicated on the dye package. Using a shower cap or plastic bag (material that will not stain), cover your dyed hair. Set a timer and you can read or do something else.
  • Rinse your hair cold water. If your paint kit includes shampoo and conditioner, use those. Otherwise, just rinse your hair until the water runs clear. Some stylists say that using vinegar when rinsing helps maintain color for longer. long time. Mix equal portions of water and vinegar and rinse your hair, but do not overdo it.
  • Allow hair to air dry for best results.

How to Maintain Blue-Black Hair Tint

  • Wash your hair a maximum of twice a week. The more often you wash your hair, the faster the color will fade.
  • Use shampoos for colored or damaged hair, as they nourish your hair.
  • When using conditioner, wash your hair with cold water as it helps lock the moisture from the conditioner into the hair structure. Colored hair needs more moisture.
  • Use dry shampoo if you feel like you need to wash your hair more than twice a week.
  • Avoid thermal exposure. Heat treatment can cause color to fade quickly. Try natural ways to curl or straighten your hair.
  • Over time the color will fade. You will need to update it in about a month. Bright colors colors like blue tend to wash out because they don't last, so you'll need to dye your hair again.

Now that you know how to dye and care for your hair after dyeing it, here are 20 fantastic ways to dye your hair blue-black.

20 fantastic ways to dye your hair black and blue

  1. . This hair color is very cheerful. Color layers create a stunning hairstyle.
  2. Black and blue hair. This blue and black color combination leaves us wanting more. This is a perfect example of subtle shades that make a statement.
  3. Blonde black-blue hair. Blonde blue-black hair looks amazing! Have you ever looked at blue hair and not admired it?
  4. Dark black-blue hair.
    The deep sea blue looks mesmerizing. This deep colored part blue shade is definitely on my list.
  5. . Blue and purple look so good together, so why not combine them on your hair? This hairstyle looks absolutely amazing.
  6. . The mix of colors like blue and blue looks fantastic. Try dyeing strands if you are not confident in dyeing the entire length.
  7. . Metallic blue and black hair looks elegant.
  8. Two is better than one! Why limit yourself to one shade of blue when you can use both? And let's be honest, these blue and blue waves only remind us of the sea! Just awesome!
  9. . This blue hair and silver combination is gorgeous. If you have dark, fair or fair skin tones, be sure to try this color!
  10. . I love how the blue just disappears into the purple. This blue-black hair color is beautiful!
  11. Waves of black and blue hair. You could drown in these blue and black waves! Dark blue hair with black stripes looks incredible. The two shades of blue used here blend together so well.
  12. Purple black blue hair. Purple blue-black hair is beautiful. No matter your skin tone, you can choose this hair color for yourself.
  13. . Matte blue hair adds just the right amount of bling to your outfit! This color is so elegant that you can even wear it to the office!
  14. Frosty black and blue hair. The matte black color is simply stunning and the amazing blue highlights can take away from everything.
  15. Black-blue hair with greenish tones. Shades of blue-green look stunning on dark-skinned women. This hair color is sure to turn heads.
  16. . Blue tones on black hair give you that ethereal unicorn feel. Light yet intense, these shades are impressive.
  17. . Shiny black hair with blue undertones is amazing! They look incredible, no matter your skin color.
  18. . This balayage is popular all over the world. It looks bright and lively - make it if yours allows it. workplace. Beautiful!
  19. Purple Pink Black Blue Hair. Nothing can stop this fun color combination. Dark waves of pink, purple and blue look amazing. These colors will look good on all skin tones.
  20. Denim shades of blue-black hair. The denim blue-black hair craze will never end—at least I pray it doesn't! Definitely try this style, it will go with all skin tones.

This is our 20 best solutions for blue-black shades. The advantage of using blue dyes is that they are elegant and acceptable in most cases. So don't brush them aside.


Surely everyone has heard about indigo people - gifted with superpowers, the glow of a blue aura and the talent to communicate using telepathy. For those who want to look unusual, it will be enough to have blue hair color.

Who loves blue

It's no secret that creative people with creative thinking try to stand out from the crowd with the help of unusual styling. This should not be regarded as a statement of one’s uniqueness, as immodest behavior that goes beyond the generally accepted framework. It’s just that such people think and feel a little differently, therefore, for spiritual comfort, they need other ways of expressing their “I”.

They are pleased with their extraordinary appearance in the same way as an ordinary accountant is happy with a successful permanent. And it may turn out that in their eyes it is the blue color that is the most organic, as it merges with the aura of those gifted from above! So you shouldn’t throw stones either at a teenager who is looking for himself, or at an adult woman who has suddenly realized that she is different and decided that one of the signs of her “awakening” will be blue hair color.

To each his own - besides, the blue color is amazingly beautiful and goes very well with light eyes and white matte skin. Who said that unnaturally white hair is good and blue hair is not? Is it really impossible to dye your hair blue just because such hair does not exist in nature? But the blue color is present in flowers, the sky, the plumage of birds - and how can we be sure that in a few years the ecology will not lead us to it?

Blue hair is beautiful, fantastically stylish, and if you have already decided on such an experiment, then hold your head proudly, it is not proper for innovators to hide their eyes! Of course, there will be dissatisfied people and protesters all around - but personally, I am more disgusted by aunts with hair cut by the “Sovdepov” chemicals than by the charismatic blue-haired elves of big cities.

At one time, while studying to become a director, I dyed my hair indigo, using an inexpensive plant-based dye, which was called “indigo.” It was powdery and made from henna and basma, with the addition of plant blue pigment. The effect was simply amazing, even despite the fact that everyone on the course was far from being “good boys” and did all sorts of things with their hair! But when leaving the university walls, I had to withstand the sidelong glances of passers-by, gloomy grins and frankly negative remarks - but everything was immediately forgotten when I caught the admiring glances of my peers! At that time, not everyone could decide to do this - the spirit of conformism was still strong in our parents, and even an additional earring in the ear was considered by them as an attempt to rebel!

So today I look with great pleasure at the colorful youth, who are not prevented from expressing their inner world with bright colors! It’s a different matter for those who work in an office - everything is more complicated here, although as they say, “you can’t cover your wings with a jacket,” and even there you can manage to get the desired blue color. How to dye your hair blue if there is a strict dress code? You can try to “get out” by explaining to the boss that this is the result of the hairdresser’s inept manipulations; you can say that by mistake, instead of shampoo, you poured a bottle of blue solution on your head. Or tell the truth - after all, you need to be able to defend your principles!

If we talk about the purely technical side of the matter, then today you can buy the vegetable paint that I once used, but she has one by-effect– she paints the pillow great while she sleeps! But at least it doesn't ruin your hair. They say that Schwarzkopf has a permanent blue dye that fits perfectly on hair of any shade. There are also tinted shampoos, for example Fructis, and tinted balm Tonic can give a beautiful blue color to bleached hair. Choose the shade “Wild Plum” - it looks very unusual.

Secrets of successful coloring

If you are planning to radically change the color of your hair to blue, remember the rules, if not followed, your appearance may suffer:

  • Be sure to lighten your curls before applying blue dye. This rule is necessary for owners of hair with dark shades. If you skip this stage, it is possible that you will get an unexpected and hardly desired result: your hair may turn green.
  • Protect the forehead and cheek area. To do this, use thick cream or apply medical tape. Otherwise, you may show up to work (school) with blue spots on your face. Agree, the image is far from ideal.
  • Review the contents of your cosmetic bag. If you like warm colors in cosmetics (peach lipstick, beige eye shadow and brown mascara), then while you “wear” blue, you will have to give them up. For a Malvina girl, a cool palette (blue, metallic, silver, white, gray) is suitable.
  • A few more rules regarding the combination blue tint and your color type. Light-skinned blonde with blue or gray eyes gentle variations will go: blue or light lilac.
    If your skin is olive or dark, you tan easily and quickly, and your eyes are black or dark brown, choose rich blue shades.
  • Bright brunettes can dye their hair blue without bleaching. True, then the black color of the hair will not change significantly, but under certain lighting the curls will look bluish black. Beautiful and mysterious!

Caring for colored hair

In most cases, unless she is a burning brunette or natural blonde, she has to pre-lighten her hair. This dries them out, makes them brittle and fragile, and contributes to split ends. Therefore, try not to “overdo it” when washing your blue hair. Usually washing once every 4-5 days is sufficient. Don't forget to use caring masks, for example, using the recipes from this article.

How to wash off

If you are tired of the blue color and it takes a long time for your hair to grow back, try getting rid of it in a simple way: paint in dark shade. Another method is washing. But it is only done in salons, since it can ruin your curls for a long time.

Sometimes it is recommended to use at home:

  • medical alcohol;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • laundry soap;
  • vegetable oil.

These products help “wash” the blue dye out of your hair. True, you are unlikely to see immediate results.

Blue color can look different, it can be provocative and gentle, provocative and bewitching. It all depends on what you want to tell this world: that you are a romantic Malvina, stuck in childhood for a long time, or a daring Violet (remember how she was played by Milla Jovovich?), who goes towards her goal, despite any obstacles.

Fashion constantly presents new trends, and today it is blue hair color. Toners and other coloring products are available in stores to create a bold look. So, if your spiritual impulses require radical transformations, why not take a closer look at such an unusual proposal?

Selecting a shade

Before you come to the salon for painting, you should decide on the tone. Shades of blue are multifaceted. Of course, it is impossible to say in advance with 100% accuracy whether the chosen tone will suit your face, so you need to take into account some nuances:

  • dark blue can give the owner mystery and some mystery. Suitable for beauties with fair skin, blue-blue or gray eyes and regular facial features;

  • black and blue glitters and plays with unimaginable tints in the sun. It suits almost everyone, regardless of appearance and age, but goes better with dark skin and dark irises. Having chosen this tone, it is not necessary to use the services of a colorist; you can color yourself. A good solution for brave individuals would be to dilute their hair with bright contrasting strands;

  • pale blue with a barely noticeable ash tint will be a gentle start to a radical transformation. Looks fascinating on fair-skinned, blue-eyed blondes;
  • Azure and turquoise - these soft tones make facial features softer. Recommended for ladies over 30 years old, as they skillfully rejuvenate a woman;

  • indigo is the trend of the coming season. Deep color it looks catchy, the main condition for its use is the ideal condition of the hair;

  • blue-gray - it is not as flashy as the previous options, it makes the beauty look like fairy fairy with hidden wings. Suitable for fair-skinned fashionistas with defined eyebrows;

  • creative combinations - combinations of blue with other tones are chosen by creative and imaginative individuals who are not accustomed to being left without attention. We'll look at popular and fashionable designs a little later.

Advice! Such bright hair attracts attention, so everything in a girl’s image must be perfect: the face, the skin, the makeup and the hairstyle itself. Don't allow even the slightest mistakes. In makeup, it is better to focus on the eyes: shadows with pearlescent tints, coal-black mascara and eyeliner will help with this. All you need to do is apply balm or clear gloss to your lips.

Partial coloring for short and long haircuts: what's fashionable this season?

To obtain a short-term effect, you can use colored crayons; with their help, you can easily paint individual strands or ends in extravagant colors. They do not affect the condition of the hair at all; the color lasts until the next contact with water. In stores you can easily find cosmetic crayons, with which you can diversify your appearance.

If you want long-term results, contact a master colorist who, in addition to monochromatic painting, will be able to offer more interesting options quick transformation without changing the basic tone. The following techniques are popular this season:

  • Blue-blue highlighting is one of the ways to diversify the image. Looks good on armored, brown and black hair. Suitable for short haircuts and bobs with perfectly even styling;
  • Ombre – light azure ends look amazing on large Hollywood curls. Combines with ash, charcoal and blond;
  • highlighting individual strands is often used with avant-garde and ultra-modern haircuts. The master can use up to 5 half-tones of blue, which creates deep color transitions that skillfully emphasize the dynamics of styling.

Advice! If monochromatic coloring can be done at home without much effort, then highlighting and ombre should be trusted exclusively by a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and unexpected results.

Interesting color combinations: red-blue and blue-pink curls

Fashion sometimes offers crazy solutions. This year, rich candy shades are especially popular, among which various variations of bluish show themselves favorably.

The basis for choosing your future hair color is your skin tone. A pair of shades should be in harmony with each other. First, decide on your color type. Skin undertones can be warm with a yellowish glow or cool with a pinkish glow. The brighter the contrast, the more striking the image will be in the end. By choosing shades that are similar to your skin or eye color, you get a more natural look.

Hairdressers satisfy the extravagant desires of fashionistas by dyeing their hair in blue-red and blue-pink colors, because they combine perfectly with each other. To bring this method to life, the ombre technique is best suited, when two rainbow colors smoothly flow into each other. Looks beautiful on long curls.

What do they offer for short haircuts? Fine highlights of red and bluish strands on a dark base look very attractive. Nowadays, such decisions are made not only by girls, but also by boys. They are mainly representatives of modern youth movements.

Also, bold color combinations look great on layered haircuts like a cascade or bob, in which red paint is chosen as the base layer and the cap is deep blue, or exactly the opposite.

Advice! Such combinations have gained popularity due to the fact that the cold tint of bluish undertones is exquisitely softened by red-pink reflections, giving the hairstyle a rich and alluring look.

How to dye your hair at home

As mentioned earlier, monochromatic coloring is easy to do yourself. To achieve a clean and high-quality result, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

To begin, prepare the following set of available tools:

  • comb;
  • a plastic or ceramic bowl;
  • gloves;
  • a cape on the shoulders;
  • vinegar;
  • brush;
  • coloring preparations;
  • bleaching cream;
  • head cap;
  • fat cream.

Now let's begin the painting process itself.

Brunettes and other dark-haired ladies need to bleach their strands to achieve a rich effect. If you want to get a slightly bluish glow, you can skip this point. Before applying the bleaching cream, carefully read the instructions on the package. After the required time has passed, rinse it off with regular running water, and then do not apply the balm. This way, the horny scales will remain open, which will increase the penetration of the coloring composition deep into the hairs. Finally, dry your hair thoroughly; modern dyes are not friendly to moisture.

Advice! Be prepared for the fact that as a result of improperly performed bleaching, your hair may turn greenish. If you doubt your own abilities, don’t take risks, use the services of a specialist.

  • Cover the ears, forehead and neck area with Vaseline or greasy cream to prevent the composition from being absorbed into the skin.
  • Prepare the dye solution according to the instructions and cover your shoulders with a cape.
  • Divide your hair into 3-4 zones, carefully treat each of them with a brush with a coloring agent.
  • Once all the dye is on the strands, gather them into a bun and cover with a warming cap. This way the reaction is activated faster.
  • After 30–40 minutes (this time is indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions), wash your hair with shampoo, then rinse your hair with a vinegar solution (it will fix the shade).
  • Wipe off the cream with a cotton pad. If the pigment does penetrate the skin, it can be removed with medical alcohol.

After coloring, your hair needs careful care. Refresh your color at least once a week with a toning shampoo. Also, use restorative masks 1-2 times every 7 days, do not forget about balms and conditioners, because ammonia in coloring products makes hair brittle and deprives it of vital energy. It would be a good idea to take a course of vitamins.

The best paints and tint balms

The market offers a wide selection of coloring compositions that allow you to transform yourself. Each offer differs in price, duration of effect, and careful treatment of curls. Let's look at the most popular tinted shampoos, paints and tonics:

  • Estel Play in the shade Ultra mare allows you to achieve deep blue. Paints from this series include a brightening powder and an oxidizer itself. The high-quality composition will cope with hair of any structure, thanks to which even natural brunettes will be able to achieve bright results. Also suitable for partial coloring. The result is stored for up to 1 month;

  • Awesome ColorScream – a luxury paint that offers fashionistas two flashy samples – the bluish Blue Margarita and the similar purple-tinged Violet Fizz. The ammonia-free composition and the absence of an oxidizing agent gently envelops the hair structure without having a destructive effect on curls. Intense color lasts up to 2 months;

  • Crazy Color famous brand, which produces quality coloring compounds, is a favorite choice of crazy rock musicians. Offers outrageous fashionistas 4 types of tinting shampoos with incredible colors: sky blue Sky Blue, bubblegum blue Bubblegum Blue, deep Capri Blue and mesmerizing Blue Jade. The product formulation does not contain ammonia, so it does not harm the hair. If the first two give the fashionista pastel undertones, then the latter are much brighter;

  • L'Oreal Paris - this one trademark produces excellent coloring sprays in a wide range color scheme which include blue, mint and turquoise. Thanks to the finely dispersed nozzle, pigmented particles are evenly distributed over the surface of the head. The color is preserved until subsequent bathing. Before spraying, it is recommended to cover your shoulders with a cape, then shake the bottle vigorously and spray its contents at a distance of 15 cm from the head. After a couple of minutes, you can comb your curls. The dye does not penetrate deep into the hair structure, which in no way affects the condition of the hairs; their shine and silkiness are preserved;

L'Oreal Paris
  • Tonic – it is impossible not to mention this manufacturer, despite the low cost, the products are of high quality coloring. The manufacturer advises simply applying the composition to washed, damp hair and diluting with water to obtain a weightless tone. Suitable even for gray locks, withstands from 3 to 7 hair washing processes;

  • Anthocyanin is an ammonia-free dye that, in addition to coloring properties, has a lamination function. Restores curls due to the beneficial components included in the composition. In particular, amino-fruit acid increases the longevity of coloring, an antiseptic prevents the development of allergic reactions, keratin penetrates deep into the hair, making it stronger, and essences from medicinal plants and plant protein make the strands more elastic and protect them from exposure ultraviolet rays. The palette has 4 representatives of blue: black-blue, deep blue, sky blue, with a steel tint.

Advice! In pursuit of fashion, many people forget about health. You should not save when choosing a paint, because restoring damaged, brittle and dry strands will be much more difficult than initially spending a little more money on purchasing a quality product.

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If you are interested in the question of how to dye your hair blue, then you are an extraordinary person, creative and not afraid of experiments. Hair dyed in shades of blue will help you stand out from the crowd and will definitely attract attention.

A few useful tips will help you dye your hair correctly and avoid disastrous mistakes.

Blue hair dye

Before you dye your hair blue, you need to decide on the shade. For example, jet-black hair will only appear blue in certain lighting, which does not look as extravagant as pure blue. A bright, rich indigo color will look very colorful and will certainly attract attention to your hairstyle - accordingly, it should always look perfect, even if it is an “artistic mess.” Light blue, soft turquoise shades will add vulnerability and femininity to the image, softening the sharp features of the face. But this shade is not recommended for women over 30, as well as girls with extremely pale skin.

There are practically no permanent dyes that can dye hair blue. A professional colorist can select several shades, combining which will produce a blue color, but it will not be pronounced. Colors that are as close as possible to blue are found in professional palettes, for example, paint from Vella - Koleston perfect, shade 0/88 intense blue or from the same manufacturer in the Color Touch palette, shades 2/8 Blue-black and 0/88 Magic sapphire.

Among the permanent dyes, we can separately highlight two products created specifically only for non-natural bright shades - tint dye with a lamination effect - Anthocyanin (Anthocyanin Second Edition Sarangsae), shades B02, B03, B04, B05 and hair dye Crazy Color Extreme, shades 44 / blue-blue, 59 / sky blue.

More often, tinted shampoos and conditioners are used to achieve blue hair color. Products with shades of blue are produced by Rocolor, Stargazer, SanoTint, and "". The clear advantage of such dyes is that they do not penetrate deeply into the hair structure and are washed off over time. However, experts note that even when using unstable tint balms, you need to take care of strengthening your hair with nutrients. The disadvantage of unstable coloring is that exposure to rain, swimming in a river or in a pool can lead to wet hair stain clothes and towels blue.

How to dye dark hair blue?

In order for the blue color to look bright and not have a green tint, it is advisable to bleach any hair before dyeing. This is especially true for dark hair, on which tinted shampoos and conditioners simply will not work without first lightening. You can bleach your hair either yourself, using a special cream or liquid, or by turning to professionals (the second option is definitely preferable). It must be remembered that before “dying your hair blue” after bleaching, it must be completely dry, otherwise the dye will not take.

How to dye your hair blue for one evening?

If you are not ready for radical hair coloring, but want to experiment a little with color or unusual color hair is needed only for one evening for a party; you can use simple, quickly washed off products. Among these, it is worth mentioning a colored hair spray, which gives a very bright, rich color (“Color Xtreme Hair Art” or “Kyolan Color Spray”), or ordinary pastel crayons - for this they use only dry pastels, not oil ones.

Professional brands also offer their products here, for example, Schwarkopf released the Igora Action Paint coloring gel, it will give your hair a bright blue color, and does not require additional lightening. However, be careful, the gel will not be washed off your hair the first time.

Blue hair is extremely stylish and fashionable! Just remember that such an unusual hair color requires appropriate accessories and careful selection of clothes.