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What was the name of the day November 7th? On the meaning of the revolution and the October holiday

The seventh of November is approaching, a day that marks one of the most controversial holidays in Russian history.

What do we celebrate on November 7

Today November 7- this is an ordinary working day on which a memorable date falls - October Revolution Day 1917.

In addition, another holiday is celebrated on this day - Day military glory Russia, which coincides with the anniversary of the historical parade in November 1941. Let us recall that on November 7, 1941, a military parade was held on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Right from the parade, units of the Red Army went to the front - it was in those days that the Nazis were first stopped and then finally defeated near Moscow.

History of the holiday November 7

Citizens of Russia born before the 80s of the last century, of course, remember the famous poems Samuil Marshak: “The seventh of November is a red day on the calendar. Look out your window: everything on the street is red. The flags flutter at the gates, blazing with flame. You see, the music goes where the trams went. The whole people - both young and old - celebrate freedom. And my red ball flies straight to the sky!”

Seventh of November in Soviet times was the most important holiday, in fact, the birthday of the state, which was called the Soviet Union and existed until 1991. The holiday was celebrated on the day on which, according to Soviet historiography, the October Revolution of 1917 took place, which later received official name Great October Socialist Revolution. The holiday was celebrated annually on November 7 (October 25 according to the “old style”), and since 1927 - two days: November 7 and 8.

How the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution was celebrated in the USSR

The holiday of the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution lasted from 1918 to 1991. On this day, military parades were held in Moscow, Leningrad and other large cities, in all populated areas workers went out to mass demonstrations, the presence of which was mandatory; in the evening fireworks thundered in the hero cities.

On October 26, 1927, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decided to celebrate the anniversary of the October Revolution annually for two days - November 7 and 8. “Production of work during these holidays prohibited throughout the entire territory of the USSR,” the resolution stated.

Cancellation and return of the holiday on November 7

The last military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the anniversary of the October Revolution took place in 1990. After the famous August putsch and the defeat of the Emergency Committee in 1991, the Communist Party Soviet Union(CPSU) was banned, and the official celebration of October Revolution Day also ceased. In 1992, November 8 became a working day, but November 7 was still a day off.

Since 1995, November 7 began to be celebrated Military Glory Day- in honor of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow in 1941 to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

In 1996, by decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin instead of the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, November 7 began to be celebrated Day of consent and reconciliation. This, according to the resolution, was done “in order to soften the confrontation and reconcile various strata of Russian society.” Nevertheless, on this day, communists and representatives of leftist forces continued to celebrate the anniversary of the revolution, laying flowers at the monuments to the creator of the Soviet state Lenin, honored Stalin, children were accepted as pioneers on Red Square, etc. (Representatives of modern communist and socialist parties and movements still observe these traditions of celebrating November 7).

Congratulations on November 7

November seventh day
Red calendar day.
Day of consent, reconciliation
And love in the soul of birth.

Stretch out your hands to the world,
Raise your heart to the stars.
Please forgive the insults soon,
Change the solutions, types.

Let all people become brothers,
Open your arms.
Let it change now
Every moment and every hour!

Happy day of agreement and reconciliation,
We sincerely congratulate you,
Let it be peace of mind for everyone,
The world around us.

Only if we unite generations,
You can be proud of the country
Only then will all doubts disappear,
That Russia is a global giant.

Let us become a mighty great force,
So that enemies cannot break us,
To remember the great history,
Serve our Motherland faithfully.

Let's make peace and live in harmony.
Love both those near and far.
We won’t swear, we won’t blame fate.
Respond, people, to my request.

And may on this holiday, on the Day of Reconciliation,
All our doubts will remain at home.
We will live in harmony with each other,
We won't more friend harm a friend.

Ended with the capture Winter Palace, the arrest of members of the Provisional Government and the proclamation of Soviet power, which existed in our country for more than seventy years.

They began to celebrate November 7 immediately; this day was celebrated in the USSR as main holiday countries - Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Under Stalin, the festive canon also took final shape: a demonstration of workers, the appearance of leaders on the podium of the Mausoleum, and, finally, a military parade on Red Square, for which the entrances to the main square of the capital were specially reconstructed. This canon was strictly observed, and even November 7, 1941, when the Germans were advancing on Moscow, was no exception: the regiments that marched through Red Square went straight to the front. The 1941 parade in terms of its influence on the course of events is equal to the most important military operation.

On the same day, the Day of Military Glory of Russia is celebrated - the Day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

For 70 years, almost every resident of the Land of Soviets has been looking forward to this day. The fact is that the date November 7 (a holiday in the USSR) personified not only the victory of the socialist system in our state, but also positioned a certain starting point for the start of new and the end of current affairs. Moreover, many made commitments in advance, which is most important autumn holiday certain facilities will be built or put into operation. And not fulfilling what was promised on time was akin to a serious crime. Well, the leaders of production and shock workers of socialist labor on November 7 (a holiday in the USSR) were encouraged with valuable gifts and prizes. Some, for example, received the keys to a cooperative apartment, others received the keys to a Zhiguli car, and still others received a good increase in salary.

Now the emphasis in interpretation and understanding, of course, has changed regarding the date of November 7. Not everyone knows what holiday was celebrated in the USSR on this day, especially representatives of the younger generation. But their mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers remember very well how the whole country longingly waited for this red day of the calendar to come. Moreover, the history of the November 7 holiday in the USSR itself contains many interesting and remarkable things. One way or another, with the collapse of the Land of Soviets, its relevance came to naught. Only representatives of left-wing parties today do not forget what holiday was celebrated in the USSR on November 7.

How it all began?

This date coincides with the events that occurred in 1917. Then on November 7-8 (October 25-26, old style) the Great October Socialist Revolution took place. The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, Sverdlov and Trotsky, overthrew the government of Alexander Kerensky and seized power in the country.

Currently, historians interpret and evaluate the events of that time differently. For some, this is a tragedy on a national scale that provoked a Civil War in the country; for others, it is an inevitable event that drove Russia out of the capitalist path of development and helped destroy the feudal remnants of the past.

For others, it was a timely coup d’etat, since autocracy as an institution for governing the country had outlived its usefulness. All of the above points of view have their pros and cons, so it would be wrong to position any particular version as the only correct one.

Features of the celebration

So, we found out what the holiday of November 7 was called in the USSR. Soviet citizens remember it as the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The tradition of organizing parades on November 7 was finally established in 1941. Then its participants, after a solemn procession along Red Square, went straight to the front. At the same time, the Red Army soldiers swore that every year they would come to the Kremlin territory and celebrate the anniversary of the October Revolution.

Official part

Soon a tradition arose of organizing parades and demonstrations on November 7 (a holiday in the USSR) not only on Red Square, but also in the most remote corners of the country. These events were organized in almost every regional and regional center. Moreover, attendance at them was mandatory.

Party functionaries incentivized participants in demonstrations and parades with bonuses or gave them time off. What were the festive events like? It was a huge procession of people carrying scarlet flags in their hands. Facades government agencies decorated with communist slogans, for example, “Long live the CPSU.” On Red Square, demonstrators carried portraits of Soviet leaders: Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev.

Someone from the elite of the party leadership always gave a congratulatory speech while on the podium of the Mausoleum. People present at the celebration launched multi-colored balloons into the air to the sounds of patriotic melodies. A huge crowd of marchers marched along the cobblestones of Red Square, and the eminent announcer of Soviet television proudly broadcast: “Columns of workers are marching in the Dzerzhinsky, Sverdlovsky, Kuibyshevsky districts of Moscow. The capital’s enterprises met their annual plan 2 months earlier.”

And even the drizzling rain and slush could not spoil the cheerful and joyful mood. Well, then it was time for the parade. Bands and soldiers appeared first, and after a while came tanks and tractors, carrying massive missiles. From such a spectacle, every Soviet citizen got the impression that our country was the strongest and most powerful in the world.

Home feast

Anyone who remembers what holiday was celebrated on November 7 in the USSR has not forgotten with what scope it was celebrated at home after returning from the demonstration.

The most exquisite dishes were placed on the table. Moreover, due to food shortages, they had to buy provisions in advance. We are talking, in particular, about smoked sausage, Baltic sprats, and red caviar. Many housewives served the famous Olivier salad. The guests, hungry after official events, happily ate the delicacies on offer. Moreover, the festive feast was often accompanied by singing and dancing. It ended with a tea party with Bird's Milk cake and Jubilee cookies.

It was also customary to send Greeting Cards to your loved ones and relatives.

Entertainment program

Films dedicated to the victory of the October Revolution were shown on television: “Man with a Gun,” “Communist,” “Lenin in October.” It was on November 7 (a holiday in the USSR) that musical programs were broadcast in which creative groups performed patriotic songs: “Boldly, comrades, keep up,” “And Lenin is so young,” “Varshavyanka” and others.

Moreover, television crews interviewed eyewitnesses of the October events, and they happily talked about the salvo of the cruiser Aurora and the overthrow of the Provisional Government. In honor of the holiday, Soviet citizens were given 2 days off: November 7 and 8. The authorities decided so back in 1927.

90s era

After the Land of Soviets collapsed, the holiday of November 7 in the USSR, photos of which could be seen in almost all newspapers of that distant period, sank into oblivion. In 1992, November 8 became a working day, and instead of two days off, people got one.

Three years later, the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution was renamed. The seventh of November became the Day of Military Glory. This is how the authorities immortalized in the hearts of Russians the holding of a military parade on Red Square in Moscow in 1941. The event itself was dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution.

Holiday cancellation

In 1996, current President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree according to which November 7 became the Day of Accord and Reconciliation.

The head of the Russian state motivated his decision by the fact that he wanted to reduce the risk of confrontation and contribute to the reconciliation of different sectors of society. At the same time, representatives of left-wing parties continue to consider November 7 as the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. They still take part in demonstrations, thereby paying tribute to those who stood at the origins of the creation of the Soviet state. However, the November 7 holiday ceased to exist in 2005. Another one appeared in his place. Now the fourth day of the eleventh month is celebrated national unity, which marks the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders, which occurred in 1612.


One way or another, in modern conditions, as has already been emphasized, only some remember that they celebrated November 7 in the Land of the Soviets.

Data from sociological surveys show that out of 30 people, only 8 know about the existence of the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. About 13 of our fellow citizens remember that November 7 was a holiday, but they found it difficult to answer which one. And some respondents had never heard of the memorial date at all.

Currently, National Unity Day is significant for Russians, since it is considered a non-working day.

Don’t regret what happened and passed, take care of what you have and look to the future with hope (SBlavat)

October Revolution Day 1917

November 7 (October 25, old style) In 1917, an armed uprising took place in Petrograd, which ended with the capture of the Winter Palace, the arrest of members of the Provisional Government and the proclamation of Soviet power, which lasted in our country for more than seventy years.

They began to celebrate November 7 immediately; this day was celebrated in the USSR as the main holiday of the countryDay of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Under Stalin, the festive canon also took final shape: a demonstration of workers, the appearance of leaders on the podium of the Mausoleum, and, finally, a military parade on Red Square, for which the entrances to the main square of the capital were specially reconstructed.

This canon was strictly observed, and even November 7, 1941, when the Germans were advancing on Moscow, was no exception: the regiments that marched through Red Square went straight to the front. The 1941 parade in terms of its influence on the course of events is equal to the most important military operation.

In the 1970s, the situation began to change. The pretentious and official Day of the October Revolution ceased to be perceived as a full-fledged holiday, giving way to People's Day Victory and New Year.

Enterprises have already begun sending people to the festive demonstration according to orders. The military parade also began to lose its attractive power - interest in technology and weapons among the new generation of Soviet people was rapidly declining.However, the population rejoiced at two days off (before 1992, November 8 was also a day off), and therefore, in parallel with the official holiday ritual on November 7, a folk ritual began to take shape: a morning family feast and watching the broadcast of the parade. This ritual had nothing special to do with either the revolution or state pathos.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the President new country— Russia — Boris Yeltsin signed the federal law “On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia” on March 13, 1995, in which November 7 was named the Day of the Liberation of Moscow by the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish invaders (1612).

By his decree of November 7, 1996, Boris Yeltsin gave the holiday a new name - the Day of Harmony and Reconciliation. The text of the decree, in particular, said: “The October Revolution of 1917 radically influenced the fate of our country. In an effort to henceforth prevent confrontation, in order to unify and consolidate Russian society, I decree:

1. To declare the holiday November 7 as the Day of Accord and Reconciliation.

2. Declare 1997, the year of the 80th anniversary of the October Revolution, as the Year of Accord and Reconciliation.”

On December 29, 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law (came into force on January 1, 2005) “On Amendments to Article 1 of Federal Law No. 32 “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia,” according to which November 7 became the Day of military glory of Russia - the Day of holding a military parade on Red Square in the city of Moscow in commemoration of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941). Article 2 of Federal Law No. 32 was supplemented with the following paragraph: "November 4 - Day of National Unity."

In accordance with the federal law of December 29, 2004 “On Amendments to Article 112 Labor Code Russian Federation", beginning Since 2005, November 7 has ceased to be a day off. Instead it became a day off National Unity Day, celebrated on November 4.

On July 21, 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia”. In accordance with the new edition of the Federal Law, days of glory of Russian weapons were established - days of military glory (victory days ) Russia in commemoration of the glorious victories of the Russian troops, which played a decisive role in the history of Russia, and memorable dates in the history of the Fatherland associated with the most important historical events in the life of the state and society. Among the memorable dates, November 7 is named the Day of the October Revolution of 1917.

On the same day, the Day of Military Glory of Russia is celebrated - the Day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

According to a survey by the Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center), in 2012, 18% of respondents planned to celebrate October Revolution Day on November 7. Most of the people who planned to celebrate this day were pensioners (31%) and in general Russians over 55 years of age (29%), with a low consumer status - only enough money for groceries (20%), living in rural settlements (26%) and supporters of Vladimir Zhirinovsky (39%). The majority (61%) answered that they would definitely not celebrate either National Unity Day on November 4 or October Revolution Day on November 7; another 9% were undecided.

I think that there is no need to be nostalgic for the large-scale holiday of the Soviet Union that has passed into history... Our country has become different, our country is Russia.

The main thing is not to cross it out memorable date from history and study the lessons of the past... It is important to remember, study history, without rewriting or thoughtlessly breaking monuments...

Our generation, born in that Soviet country, only regrets the “loss” of this holiday for one reason - like lost youth, youth, and this period of life is always beautiful, no matter the system, ruler and time of year...!

Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it important to give an objective assessment of the events of October 1917 on the eve of their centenary. He stated this at a meeting with young scientists and historian teachers.“In 2017, we mark the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, or someone is talking about the October Revolution, but, in any case, this event happened almost 100 years ago. This requires a deep, objective professional assessment.” , - said the president.

More than 25 years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and entire generations of people have grown up who do not even know what kind of holiday November 7 is. Nevertheless, one of the key events in world history occurred on this date, which led first to the creation of the USSR, and then to the split of the entire planet into two warring camps.

Revolution Day in the USSR

November 7 - one of the central public holidays in the Soviet Union, which marked anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution- an event that changed the history of not only Russia, but also the world. They began celebrating this calendar day the very next year and continued this tradition until the collapse of the world socialist system.

This day, as well as the next, was always a day off in the USSR. The celebration took place folk festivals, demonstrations of the working people and military parades and displays of military power, which are customary in a militarized country.

During the Brezhnev era, Victory Day significantly eclipsed November 7 in its significance and intensity of pathos. The people, among whom few had already witnessed Lenin’s rise to power, went to the demonstrations extremely reluctantly. However, the management drove the workers away on a voluntary-compulsory basis. The processions were now accompanied by carrying banners, the meaning of which was unclear to anyone except their authors. The ideological tension reached its peak on this day.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, November 7 finally lost its significance and gradually began to be abolished in the CIS.

November 7, 2017 marks exactly 100 years since the October Revolution, which occurred in 1917.

The country's transition to a market economy and the collapse of the socialist camp completely deprived the holiday of any meaning. In the era New Russia November 7 experienced a whole series of different transformations:

  1. The next year after the formation of the Russian Federation, November 8 became a working day.
  2. In 1995, Boris Yeltsin decided to celebrate November 7 as the day when, 400 years ago, the capital miraculously escaped destruction by the Polish invaders thanks to voluntary people's squads. The law specified the nature of the celebration as military and victorious.
  3. The following year, the federal authorities made a diametrical turn in understanding the red day of the calendar. From now on he began to be called as Day of consent and reconciliation. According to the authorities, the anniversary of the bloody revolution should be a bitter lesson for subsequent generations. Young people must do everything to prevent a repetition of the tragedy.
  4. Within this paradigm, 1997 was marked by the celebration of the anniversary of the Revolution, but under a new “brand”;
  5. In 2004, the new master of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, decided to push the anniversary of the Communists' rise to power into the background. The day off was moved back three days and again, as in 1995, it was timed to coincide with the heroic liberation of the capital by the people's militia.

November 7: what holiday is it in Russia?

Vladimir Putin, by decree of 2005, decided that from now on November 7 will be publicly celebrated as the day of glory of Russian military strength. However, this holiday ceased to be a day off and was rethought in a completely different way than it was in the Soviet years.

From now on, the 7th is considered a day historical parade of Soviet troops on the main square of the country five months after the attack by Nazi Germany.

Thus, this day became another element of the cult that developed during Putin’s reign Great Victory. The ideological communist connotations were completely purged.

Currently, according to surveys, Revolution Day is celebrated on a very limited scale by the following social groups:

  • People retirement age who remember this holiday from their youth (approximately 1/5 of those celebrating);
  • Population with incomes significantly below average (about 21%);
  • Residents of remote Russian villages (27%);
  • Some supporters of socialist political views (the rest).

However, the absolute majority of the population (almost 80%) claims that they are not going to celebrate the October Revolution or other holidays that fall on this day.

November 7: zodiac sign

If a person’s birthday falls on this date, then according to astrological concepts he will be "Scorpio". As people who believe in horoscopes believe, those born on this day, regardless of natural data, will inevitably have the following qualities:

  • Resourcefulness;
  • Cunning;
  • Resourcefulness;
  • Rationality;
  • Coolness;
  • Excellent memory;
  • Ability to calculate moves;
  • Secrecy (both in terms of emotions and thoughts);
  • Constant elaboration of strategy, which may be mistakenly perceived by others as slowness;
  • Scorpios also have a good habit of responding to kindness with kindness. At the same time, the pain he caused will definitely be avenged.

The element to which such a person is subject - Water . The ancients believed that the planet of Scorpio was Mars. However, modern astrologers consider Pluto to be such.

National Day of Revolution and Solidarity

For the people of Bangladesh, November 7th is also known as Revolution Day. Exactly on this day in 1975 simple people and the soldiers rebelled against the government led by Colonel Abu Taher. The clash led to a three-day coup that ended with the founding of the ruling Bangladesh National Party. As a result, the rebel leaders seized power for a very long time.

Revolution Day was widely celebrated during the rule of the authoritarian leader General Ershad. But in 2007, a new interim government came to power and changed the list of red days on the calendar.

Currently this date is not celebrated in the country neither as a revolutionary day, nor as a day of solidarity. The modern ruling elites of the state believe that the events of November 7 should be condemned for the numerous murders of civilians and innocent residents.

The Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution - that's what kind of holiday November 7th was during the reign of the communist system. However, in modern Russia They are diligently trying to quickly erase from memory the legacy of the previous era, and the former Revolution Day is now not even a day off.

Video: what is celebrated on November 7 in Russia?

This video will show how the holiday of November 7 is celebrated in Russia, what events take place on this day: