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How to make felt flowers and topiary with your own hands. Flowerpot and box “Magic felt” Using stamps and other artistic techniques for decoration

Original decorative decoration in Handmade style - felt flowers. It’s easy and fairly quick to do, but it turns out very unusual and beautiful.

Felt, it should be noted, is the favorite material of handicraft masters. How many possibilities it opens up for creating a designer item. Judge for yourself how original a flower brooch on a black dress will look. And in general, on a dress of any solid color. After all, sometimes a small accessory is enough to make the same outfit look fresh and new. You can also add felt decorations appearance boxes, make a postcard or photo album. Felt flowers look original on handbags, hairpins, as decoration for hairbands, as well as in the design of any gift souvenirs.

A few words about what felt is and the reasons for its popularity. Felt is nothing more than felt made from rabbit or goat hair. Felt, in turn, is a non-woven textile. Wool or synthetic fibers can be used as a base. The choice of wool is determined by the peculiarity of its structure. The fact is that the edges of its fibers have so-called “notches”. This ensures good adhesion of the fibers to each other.

Making felt flowers with your own hands is a fun and not difficult activity. And all this thanks to the pliability of the material. It differs in its density and thickness. Felt can be bought at almost any craft store or ordered online. More often on sale there are felt sheets with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm and a size of 30*40 cm, as well as a thickness of 4 mm with a size of 20*30 cm.

At the stage of choosing shades, you can show all the richness of your own imagination. Creative process fully corresponds to the author's plan and imagination, and therefore the products can be created in any color scheme. Fortunately, the modern market for handicrafts makes it easy to realize even the most daring ideas. Some people use ready-made felt sheets with floral prints. Others prefer to combine the original contrasting colors. The boundaries of this process are determined solely by the taste of the master.

Materials for felt flowers

  • scissors
  • glue for working with fabric
  • pins
  • thread and needle
  • all kinds of beads, seed beads and buttons different sizes for decorating flower cores;
  • floss threads, the shades of which should differ by several tones in one direction or another from the original felt color. They are used to decorate the edges of future flowers.

Felt flowers, patterns of which can be found in large quantities in catalogs of online magazines, are usually very simply designed. A regular chamomile template can be used as a base. But the work, made in several layers of contrasting or monochrome colors, takes on a completely different concept. Cut out paper petals. This will be the template. Here are a few ready-made patterns for felt flowers:

Let's look at the assembly process using the example of a flower made using this pattern:

First you need to recreate the pattern design directly on the fabric.

Then the edge of each petal is trimmed with a skillful seam using floss or not processed at all.

We place the petals on top of each other from largest to smallest (or vice versa) and sew them in the center to form a recess for the future flower (you need to sew it tightly). And let's move on to creating the core. Place a circle cut out of felt on glue and place it in the middle of the flower.

Sequins, pre-prepared beads, beautiful beads will add originality to the resulting work of art.

Depending on the intended purpose of the product, we attach a pin or sew an elastic band to its reverse side.

We are posting a few more photos of flowers that inspire new creations. Each of these flowers uses French knots as an additional decoration:

The felt flowers presented below are master classes from handicraft masters. These works will help beginners master the simple creativity of creating decorative floral elements.

Felt rose (master class)

This amazing accessory is ready to “settle” on evening dress or the coat of its resourceful owner.

Let's start from the base of the flower. To do this, we will prepare a circle whose diameter will be 10 cm. We cut out semicircular petals along the edges of the circle, gradually moving from the outer edge inward.

The central part is rolled up, thereby forming the core of the future rose.

It needs to be secured with a pin and filled with a layer of glue. After the glue has dried, you need to wrap the rest of the felt around the resulting bud and close the cut from the bottom side.

This is such a wonderful rose that you will end up with!

If you make several roses, glue them to a piece of fabric and sew on a metal clasp, you will get a wonderful brooch!

For clarity, a few more roses made according to a similar principle:

Tsvoric shows how to decorate with felt (music by Key.peter):

Felt violet (master class)

Materials for work:

  • felt (sheets of two different colors: lilac - for petals, green - for leaves)
  • scissors
  • threads, the color of which should match the color of the violet

Let's prepare 5 templates for future petals (diameter - 4 cm):

We take one of the petals in our hands and fold it in half twice. We get a petal in the form of a corner:

Using a couple of stitches we attach the corner to one of the blanks:

We repeat the steps for the remaining petal corners. To achieve the desired neat effect, carefully monitor the direction of the petals (they should be directed in one direction):

At the end of the work, the flower should be thoroughly straightened:

Let's move on to cutting out the leaves:

Sew them together:

Lifting the petal, we fasten the leaves to the base:

We enjoy the result!

For example, you can decorate a headband with such flowers:

Felt chrysanthemum (master class)

The felt strip must be folded in half (widthwise). For reliability, fasten with sewing pins.

On the side where the fold was made, we form identical cuts.

Using matching threads, we sew the strip with large stitches and roll it into a roll, forming petals. We secure it by sewing the layers together in several places.

All that remains is to straighten the felt and form a beautiful flower!

This flower will consist of a large number of petals.

Having cut out rectangles from felt, make a fringe on one edge and round the other. There should be about 20 petals. They should all be different sizes.

We pinch the edge that was rounded and fix the petal with glue.

Forming a flower:

Cut out a yellow strip. We cut it on one side. Then we roll it up and fix it with glue. We get the finished core.

To use a flower as a flower, you need to attach a small piece of felt to the base from the wrong side, and then pin the whole thing together with a pin or metal fastener.

Felt hydrangea (master class)

Materials for the flower:

  • scissors
  • glue gun

It is necessary to cut out 13 felt circles of the following sizes: 1 piece - with a diameter of 3 cm, 12 pieces - with a diameter of 2 cm.

We apply hot glue to the center of each circle and thus form future petals.

We take a large circle and, using a glue gun, distribute 4 prepared petals along its perimeter.

Between these petals we glue the next four. Repeat until the circle is filled.

Pillow with felt flowers

First, cut out the petals from felt:

Using the template, prepare 6 felt circles (diameter - 12cm)

Glue the petals to one of the circles using hot glue.

Gradually add the next row (4 in total)

We create the middle. Fold the circle twice:

Fold in half again:

Trim the end:

Lubricated with glue, we attach the future flower to the blank.

It takes 5 circles to go to the middle.

The result should be such a charming flower:

We decorate the pillow with the resulting flower.

Now comes the fun part! When creating flowers from felt with your own hands, you should take a close look at the various options for their inflorescences and the shape of the petals in nature. It is this observation that will tell the needlewoman the outlines and size ratios of the required blanks.

The beauty of this creativity lies in the fact that absolutely any of the colors existing in nature can be reproduced in felt: delicate, contrasting, and lush multi-colored... You will just need to choose the color of felt that matches the future shade of the product. Then cut out blanks in shape and circles for the future core, first from paper and then from fabric.

At the last stage, you need to assemble all the prepared elements using glue or stitches so that you get a flower. And then, based on our own ideas about ways to reflect images of living nature in art and creativity, we decorate our work with all kinds of available means. This could be embroidery or glass beads or shiny sequins. Everything your heart desires.

For an example of decor, see the master class on creating a “Felt poppy” from Lucky Fox:

In this article we will talk about how to make original flowerpots for your home and office with your own hands.

Often a home or office is decorated with plants - they are pleasing to the eye and purify the air. In addition, representatives of the flora can be successfully included in the interior, creating your own special style. And various interesting flowerpots will help with this.

Macrame flower pots: master class for beginners, weaving patterns, photos

A macrame flowerpot for a glass vase in which flowers will grow is quite elegant and unusual idea. For such air crafts you will need:

  • White nylon threads
  • Scotch
  • Scissors

The operating procedure is as follows:

  • Have to take 8 threads, and fasten them.
  • Next, the ninth thread of macrame need to re-tie the main threads under the bond. Eventually there should be a loop.

  • Now it is necessary divide existing thread bundle for 4 groups. Each of them must, in turn, contain 4 strands of macrame.
  • Next you need to adhere to the following weaving patterns:

  • At the end of the work it is recommended trim the ends threads, as well as some melt. You can create tassels.

Weaving flowerpots from twine, ropes, jute step by step: diagram

You can use twine, ropes and jute to weave flowerpots in the previous style. Or you can create a miniature bike-pot! And here's what you need for this:

IMPORTANT: You must purchase polymer-based glue.

Operating procedure:

  • On cardboard you need draw templates for the wheels. In this case, 3 wheels are required.
  • They cut out, and each wrapped with twine.

  • Cocktail the tubes need to be cut, departing from the bend approximately 2 cm each. For one wheel will need to create 4 such blanks from tubes.

  • Each such workpiece should wrap with twine as tightly as the circles were wrapped.

  • That's it 4 straws necessary attach the folds to each other. They are necessary glue.

  • Received cross from the tubes you need attach to circle- this will be a wheel. They should be made, as indicated, three.

  • Now I need to take more 2 straws. One of them has the top cut off. You need to insert the part that is without a top into the fold of the whole tube.

IMPORTANT: The structure must be wrapped with twine in the same way as the previous blanks.

  • Necessary cut 2 more tubes near the fold. But this time you need to retreat 2 cm from the top of the fold and 3 from the bottom.

  • Now they are needed connect as shown in the picture, and wrap with twine- this will be the steering wheel.

  • Need to prepare one more tube the length of which should reach approximately 11 cm. And her, and the steering wheel, and the wheel are desirable decorate with coffee beans.

  • Sticks, pre-decorated with twine, you need insert into wheel just as shown in the picture.

  • You can start fastening the wheels together.

  • Between the two front sticks attached to the wheel, it is necessary install a piece of another stick. All this then wrapped with twine.

  • Remains decorate the pot itself.

IMPORTANT: Since it is small, you can use some kind of cream jar as it.

How to buy floor and wall flower pots on Aliexpress?

Those who want to find something original and ready-made can contact the Aliexpress online store. Beginners are recommended to first read the video instructions.

Now about how to find among the variety of products, treasured flowerpots:

The first stage of searching for flower pots on Aliexpress is choosing categories for home and garden, Home decor

Now you need to click on Home and Garden

In Categories you need to click on the arrow and scroll through the menu to the end

Next, select the item For the garden and vegetable garden - in it you can easily find flower pots for your home or office

You need to click on the category Flower pots and flowerpots

You can choose a pot of any size - for example, compact, size S, medium, large and even giant.

It is also possible to immediately select a flowerpot depending on its location - floor, tabletop, wall-mounted, hanging models.

Style is another indicator by which you can quickly filter what you need. For example, it is possible to choose a pot of European, modern, classic, rustic, American, Chinese, Mediterranean, cartoon style.

The color palette is amazingly diverse! Available in white, red, green, yellow, blue, black and many other colors and shades.

Do you need a specific material? No problem! Planters are available in plastic, metal, ceramic, glass, wood, stone, plant fiber, fabric and so on.

You can even choose the type of metal - for example, cast iron, iron, tin, etc. Or the type of plastic - PVC, polyresin, polyester and other types. The types of ceramics are also different - for example, porcelain, clay.

Even the type of coating can be filtered - glazed, powder, vinyl, epoxy, etc.

How to make beautiful outdoor pots for indoor flowers with your own hands?

For making gypsum floor planters you will need:

  • The plaster itself

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to purchase not construction plaster, but special decorative one. It can be found in stores that sell craft supplies.

  • Some unnecessary container
  • Material such as fabric, linen or paper
  • Glue, pins, staples, tape, rope - in other words, anything to attach
  • Scissors

Do the pots are very simple:

  • The container needs to be wrapped any available material from those listed above. For example, it could be papier-mâché, crumpled paper. In the example under consideration, the container is small - a tin can. But for a floor planter, you can choose something larger.

  • Fabric needed secure on the container.

  • Now you need dilute the plaster until liquid consistency.

  • Further liquid plaster must be applied directly onto the fabric of the blank under the flowerpot. It is recommended to form several layers.

IMPORTANT: Before processing each subsequent side, you should wait for the plaster to dry on the previous one.

How to make beautiful wall pots for indoor flowers with your own hands?

A whole garland of flower pots will decorate any room. For her you will need:

  • Small clay pots made of plastic
  • Willow or hazel branches
  • Pliers
  • Wire

Making a wall composition is not difficult at all:

  • Branches you just need intertwine among themselves, forming a wreath from them
  • Using wire you should attach pots to branches

IMPORTANT: The wire should be passed through the holes in the pots, then thrown over the clay products themselves.

How to make beautiful hanging pots for indoor flowers with your own hands?

IN modern style a hanging plant pot made of multi-colored straws, glowing in the dark. For such a product need to stock up:

  • Neon straws at the rate of 8 pcs. for one flowerpot
  • Neon threads
  • Scissors

Operating procedure:

  • So first of all from the threads need to cut off 8 pieces. Each of them must be within from 90 to 150 cm. It all depends on how close you plan to place the flowers to the ceiling.
  • Now all 8 threads should to tie so that at the end of the resulting ligament a small brush.
  • The workpiece should be placed on the surface and spread out in a special way. It should work out cross shape, on each side of which you will have 2 threads each.

  • Now you need to take straws And cut off them where there is a fold.
  • These pieces, in turn, also need cut 2 parts.

IMPORTANT: There should be a total of 8 pieces of tubes.

  • Every the piece should be put on threads one for each. At the same time, they need to be moved towards the center - to where there is a knot.
  • Every 2 threads should be on top of the tubes tie in a knot.
  • Again the threads need to be laid out in a cross shape. Only this time you need to connect 2 threads from sections adjacent to each other.
  • And we need it again pieces of straws. This time you need to prepare 16 pieces. The length of each should be equal to the length of a small piece of the whole tube before the bend.
  • Now 8 pieces need to be threaded, again tied in a knot threads of each section.
  • And it needs to be done again cross layout by connecting threads from adjacent sections. And again we need them paint with the last 8 pieces of tubes.

  • All that remains is hang a flower pot and place a pot of flowers there.

How to make beautiful tabletop pots for indoor flowers with your own hands?

A small flowerpot made of clothespins looks quite cute and unique. To make it needed:

Here's what you need for a table planter - clothespins, acrylic paints, decor, glue gun

Operating procedure:

  • First of all, the clothespins will have to be divided into two parts as shown in the picture

This is how you need to separate the clothespins for the flowerpots
  • Every part is needed paint
  • Now all these blanks need to be glued around the pot

IMPORTANT: The pot must be miniature. As an alternative, you can use a cream jar, for example.

  • Now you can start decor

Weaving flower pots from newspaper tubes: diagram, photo

Making flower pots from newspapers is quite easy. For this you need the following:

You can start:

  • Each package must be marked 8 strips measuring 7 x 30 cm.

  • Now these stripes need to be cut out. Place a wooden skewer on the corner of each of them. twisting the paper diagonally. Each tube is needed secure with glue.

The container must be covered with paper– this will avoid gaps in design. You need to glue the tubes to the bottom as shown in the figure. You can also go to the bottom glue the cardboard circle.

  • Now you need to cut it out of paper strips measuring 7 by 45 cm. They should also make tubes.
  • The already glued tubes need to be pressed against the wall of the container. One of the long stripes should be glued to the side and then weave it around the others.

IMPORTANT: You need to braid as if you were weaving a basket.

  • As soon as the bottom of the vertical tubes are braided, we need to continue weaving. But in the opposite direction. If necessary, the tubes should be glued and extended. This way the entire pot is woven together.
  • Then you need pierce at the top of the container holes for twine. The easiest way to do this is with a heated nail. Through the holes you need thread the twine, securing it with knots. The knots should be masked with paper.

DIY felt flower pots

This master class was originally dedicated to Easter, but instead of Easter paraphernalia, you can place fresh flowers in the pot. So, needed:

  • Felt in two green tones. You can add brown, yellow and white color
  • Container-pot
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors

You can get started:

  • From dark green felt needed cut the grass.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to make the blades of grass different in width, height, and shape.

  • What follows are glue with a gun around the container.
  • From light green felt is also necessary cut the grass. But this time not in the form of individual blades of grass, but in the form continuous fabric. Moreover, it should be lower than the dark green blank.
  • And light green grass needs to be glued.
  • Now you need to cut made of brown material boards for the fence, as well as several thin strips.
  • Brown pieces are attached glue to the grass at approximately the same distance from each other. They are needed tie with stripes.
  • To top it off, you can cut it out of white and yellow felt. details for chamomile. This is an optional step, but it will make the pot look nicer.
This is what the felt pots look like in the end, in which you can place fresh flowers

How to make flower pots from an old T-shirt: video

You can also use an old thing to create a flowerpot:

How to crochet flower pots, and from what threads: diagrams with descriptions

Eye-catching pots are desirable from bright yarn, and there are no restrictions on the choice of texture. It is desirable, however, that they be acrylic, thin cotton.

The following scheme will do:

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the pattern is presented with a bottom, it does not need to be knitted. After all, many pots are equipped with drainage holes. Perhaps the bottom can be tied if you intend to use a pot for a pot with a moisture-loving plant.

So if bottom still necessary, then you should start knitting with it.

If not, then you should start with chains air loops, which matches the length of the bottom of the pot. This chain needs to be closed, after which, following the diagram, continue knitting upwards. Wherein in every third row you need to add loops.

Cross with a dash means that the hook is inserted exclusively under the back or front wall of the loop. You will get a nice finish at the bottom and top of the plant pot.

IMPORTANT: If the container is shaped like a cylinder, increases in rows are not needed.

How to decorate flower pots: decoupage, photo

In order to make a cute flowerpot in lilac tones in decoupage style, you will need:

  • Decoupage napkins
  • Lace
  • Glue gun
  • White water emulsion
  • Brush
  • Decor elements

Decoupage is done as follows:

  • First you need make a primer. To do this, take equal parts water, water-based paint and PVA glue. All this needs to be mixed thoroughly with a brush.

IMPORTANT: Before starting work, it is necessary to check that the surface of the flowerpot is not dirty or covered with anything.

  • Then it is added gouache lilac color. Or, if it’s not there, blue and red.
  • So colorful the primer must be applied with a brush, ignoring the bottom and rim of the flowerpot.
  • After drying of the first layer preferably apply a second one.
  • Now you can choose suitable pictures on a decoupage napkin, cut them and separate the color layer.
  • Costs try on pictures for the pots, noting where they will be located. These places are needed Cover with glue using a brush.
  • Now you need attach pictures while applying glue also on top of them. All irregularities should be smoothed out.

IMPORTANT: Move the brush from the center down.

  • The edging should decorate with lace by gluing it. The edges of the lace must be carefully folded, and the junction of the edging must be decorated with decorative elements.
  • A wooden flowerpot stand will decorate any room. Such laconic flowerpots will fit perfectly into a modern style. As you can see, making or decorating flowerpots yourself is not that difficult. Options for implementing the most interesting ideas There are a lot of them in life, and they will transform any room!

    Master class on making flower pots: Video

    Ideas for flowerpots: Video

In spring, our window sills are especially beautiful: mothers and grandmothers plant seedlings, cacti bloom, violets bloom, ficus trees become more magnificent. To brighten up our gardens, let's decorate our indoor plants. To decorate flower pots with your own hands, choose bright felt with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm, hard or medium-hard.

Tools and materials:

  • scissors;
  • felt 3-4 colors;
  • embroidery thread, needle;
  • sticks 20–30 cm;
  • decor: small decorations: flowers, insects; buttons; beads.

Stages of work:

Decorations on a skewer

Let's brighten up the green foliage ladybugs, with hearts and even felt flowers, which can be “planted” in a pot with non-flowering plants.

The ladybug consists of 2 parts: the first is black, similar to the silhouette of a matryoshka doll, the second is a red even circle. We divide the templates on paper, transfer them to felt and cut them out.

In the red circle we cut out a triangle - these are the wings of a ladybug.

We sew both parts together or connect them with glue. Glue the eyes, sew on black antennae and black dots.

Attach to a skewer: glue or sew ladybug to the skewer.

Decorating a flower pot

Perennial flowers, for example, ficus, are replanted once every 3-5 years. So they “live” in the same flowerpot for several years. Let's update their "home".

To do this, measure the height and circumference of the pot. Cut out a rectangle from felt with sides height X circumference + 1 cm. Sew lace on top of the rectangle, glue multi-layer felt flowers, artificial flowers, buttons or beads.

We fasten the decorated fabric in height with a stapler or stitch it with floss threads. We put it on the potty. We admire it!

There is a simpler method, it is suitable for narrow flowerpots. Instead of a rectangular base, a sock shaft is used, which stretches well. Check whether the sock will fit tightly on the flowerpot and fit into the interior. If yes, then all that remains is to complement it with voluminous decor.

Magic felt

Felt is truly a magical material. Working with him is a complete pleasure. It is soft, pliable, steams perfectly with an iron, felt parts are sewn together effortlessly, both by hand and on sewing machine. In general, felt has unlimited possibilities.

Since I like practical things, the first thing I did was make a felt pot for a flower pot. The standard white pot has changed beyond recognition. Now it is garnished with lime wedges.

This is the first plant pot for a flower pot from the “Fruit” series.

Soon I plan to make several more colorful flowerpots with oranges, lemons and watermelons.

And Sonya and I sewed this spring-like, bright felt box using a kit that is sold in craft stores. But since we try to complement someone else’s idea with something of our own, we also made adjustments to the box. We added hearts to the bottom, decorated felt flowers with a pattern and complemented them with ribbons.

Such a decorative cactus made of felt with bright flower can be a wonderful decoration for your table. It can also be used as a pincushion. Making a cactus in a pot requires minimal sewing skills.
Here's what you'll need:

  • Felt material with a soft structure in dark green, black, sand colors.
  • Small pieces of felt in rich colors (bright yellow and pink) for the flower.
  • Threads in beige, black, marsh shades.
  • Needle for sewing or embroidery.
  • Scissors.
  • Simple pencil, chalk marker.
  • A piece of cardboard.
  • A small amount of holofiber.
1. Print and cut out the cactus and pot templates.

2. From beige felt, cut out one piece for the pot: base, bottom and rim. From black felt, cut out a circle with a diameter of approximately 8-10 cm to imitate the ground.

3. From dark green felt, cut out 5-6 identical parts for the cactus. Make one identical flower piece from pink and yellow felt. Make a stripe for the middle of the inflorescence of any bright color.

4. Take the wide rounded piece (the base of the pot) and connect its short edges. Sew them together with beige thread using a butt or overlap stitch.

5. Take the bottom of the pot, sew it to the base with an overcast stitch (or over the edge).

6. Take a narrow rounded strip and sew its short sections end to end. Then wrap this part around the top of the pot and sew along the inner contour. To do this, lay finishing stitch in the form of a dotted line.

7. Then join the top edges of the pot and the rim using an overlock stitch or any other stitch you desire. Straighten the pot, give it a beautiful shape.

8. Cut a circle from cardboard the size of the bottom of the pot. It is needed for stability.

9. Place a cardboard circle at the bottom of the pot. Check if it fits well with the bottom in size.

10. Move the black circle towards you and pass a thread along its entire edge.

11. Pull the thread, put holofiber inside.

12. Tighten the thread, secure the tie with several stitches and a knot. Using your fingers, form a rounded piece with a smooth spherical surface.

13. Take out the pot. Place a ball simulating soil into the pot. If it doesn't completely fill the space of the pot, take it out and put some synthetic litter in the bottom.

14. Place the soil in the pot and level it with your fingers so that it is evenly distributed across the top.

15. Take the green cactus elements. Fold them in twos, sew them together in pairs with an overcast stitch.

16. In the middle of the fastened parts, lay a vertical stitch, piercing the material right through with the needle.

17. Then sequentially attach all the cactus parts to each other, sewing their centers together.

18. Sew the main part of the cactus to the soil, capturing all sections of the base.

19. Make sure that the edges of the plant are distributed evenly over the surface of the ground (you can first pin them down with pins). Place the cactus and soil in a pot.

20. Take parts of the inflorescence and sew them to each other in the middle.