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How to make country figurines from papier mache. Papier-mâché garden sculptures

How to get a voluminous shape:

Because I like big things, so my figurine will not be small. An exact copy is not an end in itself.
1 - find an image of the figurine itself. Enlarge the picture, print it on a printer, cut out the pattern.
2 - trace the pattern on a sheet of cardboard.
3 - cut with a margin in order to bend the edges left and right. Make slits on the parts.
4 - assemble the figure. It is already clear that it will not be a flat thing.
5 - fold the edges. Strips of thinner cardboard will be attached to them.
6 - interlace randomly with strips of thin cardboard.
7 - take burlap (cotton matting), cut into pieces; melt wood glue.
8 - cover the figure with burlap overlapping it. The top must be glued with simple rags such as calico. If this is not done, after the glue dries, we will get hundreds of “needles” from wrapped and hardened burlap threads. Leave the workpiece to dry.
9 - place the dry workpiece on a stand so that you can work from all sides at once (just screw it from below with self-tapping screws to the board).
It is impossible to make such a large workpiece with PVA glue; the structure will be too flimsy.
10 - apply a rough layer of papier-mâché. The figure no longer seems so angular and crooked. It already looks like a sculpture.

Now you need to hang small parts on the blank (blind it from papier-mâché and glue it) so that it looks like Doga.

The stand was made from boards.
I bent the decor for the end from a polyurethane baguette - if you carefully heat the polyurethane with a hairdryer, it bends.

To make the sculpture practical and not just a dust collector, I cut holes in it and mounted a clock.

Painting the sculpture

The first paint is the color of green clay (olive).
We don’t paint it with the second color, but simply use the tip of a wide flute to give it a brick tone.
Using a smaller flute with fine bristles, almost dry, you need to go over the bulges with white.

And just a little bit of redness will go along the very edges.
Photo on the right - the figure is half covered with varnish; You can see how the color changed under the varnish and “stretched out.”

Matte oil varnish.

Tips: For any final finish of a papier-mâché piece, an oil varnish is desirable, either matte or glossy, depending on whether you want your work to be shiny or not. Any colors. I use what I have on hand: watercolor, gouache, tempera. Maybe butter.
Usually the finished work is painted with a white water emulsion (primed), a thick base tone is applied to it and rubbed with a damp cloth.
You can make a matte one from a purchased cheap glossy varnish on your own: take an ordinary laundry soap(ours is smelly), planed finely, dissolved in kerosene and poured into a glossy varnish (not to be confused with NC!).

In the photo, the varnish is almost dry and you can see that it does not shine. Pleasant color, like after heavy waxing. Looks like terracotta.

Translated from French, papier-mâché means “torn paper.” And in needlework it involves creating three-dimensional toys and objects by gluing small pieces of paper with paste. This is original and exciting activity which requires perseverance and patience. The technique of making such crafts opens up enormous scope for creativity and allows you to make from old newspapers unusual toys, masks and other items.

An excursion into the history of papier-mâché

It dates back more than a thousand years. Things made in this way were found in Egypt, Persia and China. The Egyptians made from papyrus and adhesive death masks. In Persia, various paper decorative items were made, including dishes and interior items, and thin metal plates were applied on top.

In China, paper was used to create armor and shields that protected warriors from arrows and could even withstand a blow from a sword. In addition, objects were created from it home decor- boxes, vases and even buttons. These items were also coated with several layers of varnish to give them greater strength.

Since the 17th century, in England and France, paper began to be used to create dolls. This material had its advantages - the toys were stronger than porcelain and lighter than wooden ones.

In the 18th century, architectural stucco and carved wood began to be replaced with cheaper analogues made from multi-layer paper. Such items could replace elements of furniture or church utensils.

It was only under Peter I that the technology for making paper crafts began to be used in Russia, and industrial use began in the 19th century. To this day, this technology is used to create props in cinema and theater. It is used to make models of dishes, weapons and interior items, as well as landscape reliefs and architectural structures. Paper masks and headdresses are also popular in theater. Even when creating details of theatrical makeup (false noses and chins), this technique could not be avoided.

Preparing to make it yourself

To make an original souvenir, gift or other interesting thing, you don't have to be a great master. Even a child can make papier-mâché toys with his own hands. To make a craft, a minimum of materials is required - thin pieces of paper and adhesive. Glue can be replaced with paste, which can be made at home.

Homemade paste recipe

Paste is a good replacement for regular glue, especially if a child will be doing the craft. It has its pros and cons to use. The main advantage when creating an adhesive mass for children is that it is easy to wash off the table and hands. But the paste takes longer to dry and cannot be stored for long periods of time. It is recommended to prepare a new portion of this glue before starting each job.

To make the adhesive mass you need:

  1. Dissolve starch or flour in warm water and mix well until it becomes thick like sour cream.
  2. Continue stirring and carefully add boiling water until the solution becomes clear and jelly-like.
  3. Allow the paste to cool.

Now the paste can be used for work.

There are several methods for creating paper crafts:

Having chosen a manufacturing method, you can begin making the craft.

Here are several master classes on DIY papier-mâché crafts for beginners, which describe how to make them:

  1. Matryoshka.
  2. Reindeer.
  3. House of Baba Yaga.
  4. Candy cat.

Matryoshka toy

It will help to develop a child’s interest in Russian folk art. It can be done in classic style, or you can make it in the style of your favorite cartoon characters.

To work you will need:

  • Plasticine.
  • Paper pieces.
  • Glue or paste.
  • Paints and brush.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Paper knife.

We begin to make a craft by modeling a figure in the shape of a matryoshka from plasticine. The first three layers of paper are laid out without using glue with pieces of paper soaked in warm water. This is necessary so that it is then easy to separate the nesting doll from the plasticine.

Then we lay out five layers of paper coated with glue and leave the toy to dry. After that, using a paper knife, cut the figure into two halves along the body and take out the plasticine. We connect the parts with pieces of paper and glue them. Then we apply the finishing layer.

Once the product is completely dry, it can be painted. To do this, we outline the contours with a simple pencil and then begin to decorate the figure with gouache.


On new year holidays can be done original souvenir in the form of a deer. It will require the following materials:

We make a figurine frame from wire, on which we form the body and antlers of a deer from foil. Then you need to coat the entire figure with glue and wrap it in gauze or simply wrap all the parts with paper tape.

We take pre-prepared paper pulp and coat the deer with it, giving the figure a finished look, and also make ears and a tail. We leave the craft to dry, after which it needs to be painted.

Baba Yaga's House

Baba Yaga's house made of papier-mâché is unusual craft which you can make for yourself or as a gift. But it will take several days to complete it.

To work you will need:

The craft is done in several stages.

Stage 1. First of all, we glue the bottle with napkins using PVA glue in one layer. Next, when the first layer has dried, use a simple pencil to mark the outlines of the future house: draw windows, doors and logs.

We form hut logs from paper pulp and lay them out in rows on the bottle, starting from the bottom.

We work on two walls of the house at the same time, making circles in the form of cuts of logs at the corners.

We also lay out the doors and windows of the house. On the windows we make shutters and window frames, and on the doors we form a handle and door hinges. Using a stack, you need to create a wood texture by running small strips along the logs and other elements of the hut.

After the lower part of the craft is completely laid out, the product must be left to dry for a day.

Stage 2. Making the roof of the house. We begin the work by forming a triangular attic (in the photo it has pink tint) and insert a colored pebble into its middle.

Next, we lay out the roof elements in rows, starting from the bottom, and after each one we let the product dry. After the third row, we begin to sculpt the pipe, covering the neck of the bottle with a small layer of paper pulp. Using a stack, we mark the bricks on the pipe and give the elements a small circle.

Stage 3. Lay out the last row of roof covering and let the product dry. Our hut is almost ready, all that remains is to paint all the details and decorate the bottle cap.

Such a hut can become a real decoration festive table and surprise your guests!

An original craft in the shape of a cat will not only beautiful decoration interior, but will also serve as a candy bowl for children. The product is hollow inside and therefore can serve as a designer vase or box for small items.

For work you will need the following materials:

First you need to prepare work surface, covering it with oilcloth or placing a plastic tray on the table. The candy dish is made using a layer-by-layer technique using paper pulp, so it is better to prepare materials for work in advance. The pieces of newspaper should be no more than 6 centimeters in length, and pour the paste into a bowl from which it will be convenient to take it.

Let's get started:

The candy bowl is ready! All that remains is to fill it with sweets and put it on the table to delight the guests.

In the likeness of this master class, you can make a piggy bank cat. To do this, you just need to cut a hole on the top of the head and just draw the mouth.

Making papier-mâché figures with your own hands for children you can create your own puppet theater and perform small performances for guests in it. In addition, this material can be used to make not only toys, but also models of fruits, such as apples, bananas and others.

Attention, TODAY only!

Beautifully formed papier-mâché figures will transform your garden plot and complement the floral landscape. They are decorated with mushrooms, fairy-tale characters, castles, magical fairies. You can easily make any shape yourself from plaster, concrete, or plastic containers. Let novice craftsmen try to create various figures from paper and paste, and the following MKs will help them with this.


Materials and tools:

  • plastic bottle(1.5 or 2 liters);
  • tape (regular or masking);
  • newspapers;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • stacks;
  • putty;
  • acrylic paints;

Let's prepare the mass for modeling:

  1. Tear egg cells, toilet paper, and napkins into a container.
  2. Pour boiling water and leave for 24 hours and grind with a mixer or blender.
  3. Drain off excess water.
  4. Add paste or PVA glue and knead into a homogeneous mass.

We form the main product.

Wrap the neck of the bottle in newspapers and secure with tape (head blank), cut off the bottom and cut the bottle in half (along the middle):

Fill the bottle halves with paper and wrap them with tape (you will get legs), secure the structure with newspapers and tape:

To complete the frame, to do this, give the future gnome volume and “dress” it in a jacket and cap:

Form a frame for the nose and beard from the wire, start applying a mass special for papier-mâché, work in stacks small elements:

Leave to dry, and then treat with putty, paint and varnish:

garden mushroom

Here the leg is a plastic bottle, and the cap is a lid (for example, from a bucket of ice cream or mayonnaise). Make a hole in the lid to secure the neck of the bottle. Now you can gradually increase the volume, first with newspapers, and then with the created paper pulp:

For the base, they also use a wire frame, a glass or plastic jar, and also newspaper or foil. Any object that can be wrapped in wet newspaper strips without losing its shape is suitable as a model.

Crow for the garden

An ordinary crumpled newspaper is suitable for the base of the figure. Two lumps (head and body) are connected to each other with glue or tape.

Cut out the beak and wings from cardboard. For the legs, bamboo sticks and masking tape are used. Since the figure does not have a solid base, it is recommended to cover the crow before painting. tile adhesive, it will give the form water resistance.

All that remains is to apply paint to the sculpture, secure it on a stand (plate) and paint it at your discretion:

Cow for the garden

We assemble the structure of the bull from plastic glasses and bottles of different sizes. The legs and horns are made using wire, rolled newspaper and tape. Let's start with the papier-mâché technique, cover the figure with newspapers and paste:

Garden Castle

The castle is created from jars, cardboard cylinders, bottles, and plastic buckets. Before assembling your architectural masterpiece into a single whole, it is recommended to sketch a sketch of the future castle. Pointed roofs are easily rolled up from cardboard circles or plastic bottles. We secure the parts with tape and cover them with newspapers and paste:

Fairy stump

The stump is formed from a glass jar with a lid, a voluminous tin can or a five-liter plastic bottle. If you use a closed container, you will get a decorative figure that will decorate the garden, and if you paste over an open, wide container, you will get a pot for plants. Using modeling, you can “decorate” the stump with mushrooms and moss:

Remember that all outdoor figures are strengthened and protected from mold and mildew. To do this, it is recommended to use step by step at the completion stage:

  • wood primer with anti-mold impregnation;
  • putty (helps remove unevenness, smooth out protrusions) or tile grout;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • colored paints (painting stage);
  • alkyd varnish (for example, parquet PF-157, 283, 170).

Garden figures last 1-2 seasons, depending on care. For winter and rainy periods, it is recommended to put the craft in a dry place.

Figurines for home decor


Surprisingly, using the papier-mâché technique they create original tables and chairs:

Designer furniture is made from simple plastic chairs on a metal frame. It is enough to remove the plastic covers and wrap the frame with newspapers, and then strengthen it with papier-mâché:

A simple coffee table will be transformed if you cover it with papier-mâché, sculpt patterns or add additional shelves. Paint fits well on such a base, so painting will be the final touch:

Keep in mind that regular papier-mâché is not the most durable material. Therefore, when planning to use the furniture for its intended purpose, make a batch according to a special recipe.

Detailed instructions for preparing the mixture for creating furniture:

  • tear toilet paper into small pieces;
  • dilute wood glue in granules in a water bath;
  • mix paper and glue, add gypsum and knead into a homogeneous mass;
  • divide the “plasticine” into briquettes of 1 kg and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours;
  • apply in layers of 5–8 mm and let dry;
  • small parts are finished with epoxy glue.

Pet house

Sew a round cover for the future house and stuff it with blankets, pillows or other soft material. When the cover takes a three-dimensional shape, wrap the workpiece with cling film:

The entrance to the house is sculpted during the work process. Make the side of the hole from a thick rope, glue it onto 1–2 layers of papier-mâché, there will be 12–16 in total:

If desired, decorate the house with “horns” or other elements. They are created from cardboard.

After the piece has dried, pull out the insides and cover the inside of the house. All that remains is painting and decoration:

Interior papier-mâché dolls

A small horse can be easily made from a wire frame wrapped in foil. Graceful legs can also be made from wire. For the basis of animals and dolls are used regular bottles from under the wine. Examples finished works on the picture:

There are other ideas for toys and papier-mâché models. This is a universal and inexpensive material for creating durable sculptures of various types. different shapes:

Video: Large and small papier-mâché figures

Figures for children's creativity


For work, prepare:

  • a bottle of any volume (depending on the desired height);
  • plywood or thick cardboard for the base;
  • newspapers;
  • white paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

We cut off the neck of the bottle to expand the “mouth”, glue it to the base and make a frame from strips of white paper:

We strengthen the frame with horizontal strips, tear newspaper into pieces, soak them in glue and place them on the frame. Periodically drying the applied layers, glue them 5–7:

The last one will be made of white paper, leave it to dry:

We decorate the volcano: paint it with brown and black paint, draw grass, glue branches at the base:

The volcano action is caused by the reaction of vinegar and soda. To do this, put a teaspoon of soda inside, and pour a solution of vinegar, dishwashing detergent and red paint on top.


The creation scheme is similar to making figures for the garden. A plastic bottle is also suitable for this; cardboard parts are glued onto it. Everything is covered with newspapers and reinforced with molding mass:

Video: How to make a paper rocket

In contact with

Crafts made from papier-mâché are widely popular. It's a success of different ages and adults. There is nothing surprising.

From papier-mâché you can make simple ones for the holiday or, but you can also create real masterpieces that you won’t be ashamed of.

Features of the material

Papier-mâché is a mixture of paper pulp and adhesive. Any crushed one can serve as a base (filler). It is considered one of the most technologically advanced materials, because... it dissolves well in water, forming a homogeneous mass.

Papier-mâché is a mixture of paper pulp and adhesive

The binding agent is the adhesive composition. The most common options are:

  1. Regular office glue or . It is most suitable for simple crafts performed by children of primary preschool age.
  2. Wallpaper glue. Easy to prepare, which ensures wide application.
  3. Paste. You can prepare it yourself by dissolving starch in boiling water while stirring.

To impart certain properties to the mixture, other components are additionally introduced. Gives plasticity to the mass vegetable oil And . To give the crafts strength after hardening, gypsum, alabaster or putty is added to the raw materials.

Attention! Each master has his own secrets for preparing papier-mâché and adjusts the recipe experimentally in his own way.

The technology for making papier-mâché crafts includes several stages:

  1. Preparation of starting material.
  2. Forming the foundation. Several options can be used. - the mass is laid out on a flat surface in the form. Thin-walled - a complex shape is covered with a thick mixture, and the mass repeats all the depressions and bulges. A typical example is masks. Volumetric figures- they are formed on a frame or by analogy with plasticine. So you can make and.
  3. Hardening of the craft in natural conditions. The process can take several days, during which the product must be left at rest.
  4. Coloring. After the figurine has completely hardened, its final painting is carried out, with all the details drawn. The best option is . Volumetric coloring is achieved by adding the required dye (pigments, gouache) to the prepared raw materials. Often the figures are coated with varnish (colorless or with a tinting effect).

Papier-mâché is a fairly pliable material. Depending on the consistency, it can fill and repeat the most.

Idea! From it you can make decorative dishes, vases, boxes, figurines, various masks and decorative elements with your own hands. different style. The master's imagination is not limited.

Papier-mâché is a fairly pliable material. Depending on its consistency, it can fill and repeat the most complex shapes

Where to start

The inflated ball is pasted over with paper pieces, and after the workpiece has hardened, it is pierced and carefully removed out. After coloring, you get a funny Kolobok.

Another one simple craft– “Kolobok”

Crafts for the New Year

New Year's crafts made from papier-mâché can replace Christmas decorations and decorate the room. can be made using the machining technique.

For such toys, you can use any base - rubber or plastic balls. Paper pieces are glued on top, painted and varnished. The papier-mâché surface can be decorated with sparkles or small colorful pictures.

New Year's crafts made from papier-mâché can replace Christmas tree decorations and decorate the room

To make three-dimensional figurines-decorations, a mixture is prepared. It is best to use toilet paper. A fairly plastic mass can be obtained by dissolving 1 roll of paper in 700-750 ml of water.

After obtaining a homogeneous mass, squeeze out the water and add a binder (PVA glue, wallpaper glue or paste). The mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. You can make figures using children's sand molds. The mass is poured into them, and after hardening it is carefully removed and painted.

Beautiful toys can be made using the mashing technique

Features of making dolls

There are many options for making a papier-mâché doll, from very simple children's crafts to original artistic creations.

The mass is prepared on the basis of loose paper - toilet paper, napkins, egg containers, etc. PVA glue, wallpaper glue or paste is used as an adhesive composition. The consistency of the mass should correspond to soft plasticine.

There are many options for making a papier-mâché doll, from very simple children's crafts to original artistic creations.

A simple doll is made in the following order:

  1. A mold for the head is molded from plasticine. It is then covered with a thin layer of paper pulp. After it hardens, you need to make an incision through which to remove the plasticine. Produced final formation thickness of the workpiece by adding the required amount of mass. The thickness should be 5-6 mm. The eye sockets, nose, mouth, and ears are formed.
  2. A wire frame is assembled for the body. The prepared mass is applied to it with the simultaneous formation of the neck, arms and legs.
  3. Connecting the body to the head using PVA glue.
  4. The doll's outfit is sewn from fabric of the desired color.
  5. The whole doll is painted white acrylic paint. You can add a slight peach tint. Facial features are drawn.
  6. The hair is made from floss or wool threads. They are glued to the head and a hairstyle is formed.
  7. Clothes are put on and secured.

You can also make a complex doll with movable elements from papier-mâché (jointed doll). This craft can be done by an experienced craftsman.

It is assembled according to pre-prepared drawings. The composition includes the following ingredients: toilet paper, PVA glue, gypsum-based putty, detergent liquid.

You can also make a complex doll with movable elements from papier-mâché (jointed doll)

The mass is prepared as follows. The paper is dissolved in hot water (55-65 degrees) for 5-6 hours; it is better to use a mixer for mixing. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the water is squeezed out through gauze, glue and detergent are added (1 tbsp per 1 liter of mixture). The last thing to add to the mixture is putty (120-140 g/l).

All elements of the doll are molded from papier-mâché separately. To movably connect them together, a strong, tight elastic band or screw connection is used. In the latter case, a screw is inserted into one of the parts, and a nut is inserted into the adjacent element. The joint surfaces must be well machined to ensure a tight fit.

Steampunk technique

IN Lately Steampunk figurines came into fashion. In essence, this is a fantastic allegory with the transfer of ancient and outlandish elements.

In such figures, originality and irony are especially valued. The jumble of constituent elements may be the most unexpected, but they should create a unified impression.

Steampunk figurines have come into fashion lately.

As an example of a steampunk craft, consider making a fantastic Fish.

The materials used are papier-mâché, foam plastic panel, cardboard, hardboard sheets, leatherette, nails for upholstery, various small gears, and all kinds of spare parts. household appliances.

As an example of a steampunk craft, consider making a fantastic Fish

The base of the Fish is made of a foam plastic panel 1-1.5 cm thick. One longitudinal and several transverse corrugated cardboard ribs are placed on it. The entire base is covered with papier-mâché with the consistency of soft plasticine.

The fins are cut out of hardboard using a jigsaw according to a cardboard pattern and attached to papier-mâché. The scales can be formed from curtain rings and leatherette. Various mechanical parts are installed on top. Here you need to show your imagination, because... no specific order is provided.

It is important that the fish looks like a mechanized monster

It is important that the fish looks like a mechanized monster. Seashells are hung for decoration. You can sprinkle the figure with sand. Then the workpiece is primed to create a brown background, and some details are highlighted with acrylic paint golden color. Finally, the Fish is coated with varnish in 3-4 layers. The length of this craft is 85-100 cm.

Making masks

Some of the most impressive papier-mâché crafts are African masks. Such handmade creations can decorate the interior of any apartment. Their size is 35-37 cm in height, 21-24 cm in width.

The mass is prepared on the basis toilet paper. One mask will require 2 rolls. The paper is dissolved in hot water, and then mixed with PVA glue (420-440 g), and you need to take thick glue for construction work. To give plasticity it is added linseed oil(3 tbsp). When mixing the mixture, it is advisable to use a mixer.

Some of the most impressive papier-mâché crafts are masks.

A spherical PVC food tray works well for the shape. Its configuration resembles a mask. A layer of pape-mâché is applied to this form. The main details are laid out separately - nose, eyebrows, lips. Eyes are formed.

Smoothing is provided by the fingers, as well as a stack and a knife. It will take 12-14 days for the craft to completely harden. Then the mask is puttyed with a thin layer and sanded after the putty has dried. The surface must be perfectly smooth.

Such handmade creations can decorate the interior of any apartment.

The mask is dyed in a special mode. First, a primer is applied, and then the entire front surface is painted with white acrylic paint. The next step is to apply black paint on top.

After drying, pearl enamel is applied to the desired places using a sponge. The final operation is coating acrylic varnish. You can use glossy or matte varnish. The photo shows examples of crafts.

The photo shows examples of crafts.

In addition to the indicated colors, African masks can be painted in other colors. Elements of red, yellow and blue tint. The craft will also be decorated with special details - piercings.

Papier-mâché is rightly considered an excellent material for various crafts. Simple products Even small children can make them. For teenagers and adults, such creativity develops into a hobby. Their creations can decorate the interior of any apartment.

In connection with the development of suburban construction, items for decorating the interior of the house and the area around it have become widespread. Depending on the preferences and financial capabilities of the homeowner, these decorations can have a wide variety of shapes, and a wide variety of materials can be used to make them.

These include natural materials - granite, marble, artificial ones - polymers, papier-mâché. Such interior decorations come in the form of alpine slides, artificial ponds and sculptures of various shapes and sizes.

Of all the materials used for interior decoration, papier-mâché is perhaps the easiest to make. Anyone, without any special skills, can make papier-mâché crafts for their garden.

The figurines installed on the site are becoming more and more popular - numerous animals, gnomes, storks and elephants, various fairy tale heroes make the surrounding interior fabulous and interesting. The children's delight will be guaranteed! And especially if they still participate in the process of making the sculpture.

What is papier-mâché?

This is a mass that includes various materials such as paper, cardboard and fastening elements in the form of adhesives, plaster, etc. In general, translated from French, papier-mâché means “chewed paper.” The first products made from this material were discovered during archaeological research in China and dated back to the 3rd century BC.

This material is widely used in the manufacture of models, dummies, props, and after special processing, for the manufacture of elements of furniture structures or other design elements.

Methods for making a papier-mâché sculpture

In practice, two methods are used to produce products (sculptures) from this material.

Method 1

  • a model of the future sculpture is made;
  • Several layers of paper are glued onto the prepared model (the number of layers can reach 100).

The result is a sculpture that is hollow inside.

Method 2

  • the paper is finely chopped, placed in hot water and kept for about 24 hours;
  • After aging, the paper is boiled, squeezed out and dried. The dried mass is thoroughly mixed with chalk powder, and glue (carpentry or paste) is added during the mixing process;
  • As a result of mixing, a homogeneous mass is obtained, which can be placed in a pre-prepared form or applied to the frame of a future sculpture.

Frameless sculptures are solid without internal emptiness.

Materials used to make papier-mâché sculptures

Paper with a density of 40-60 g/m2 (newspaper) is used as the main materials; wood glue, paste or PVA glue is used as the adhesive component. To increase the strength characteristics of the sculpture, it is advisable to use reinforcing materials, this can be gauze and plastic mesh, which is placed between layers of papier-mâché.

When making papier-mâché for the garden, you must be sure to remember the effects of precipitation in the form of rain or morning dew. That is why, to extend the life of a papier-mâché craft, after manufacturing it must be carefully primed with water-repellent putty, and after painting, apply several layers of varnish.

One of the factors that can significantly shorten the life of a hand-made sculpture is invisible pests - mold, mildew, microorganisms. In order to minimize harm during the production of the mass, it is necessary to make special additives. It could be salt, lavender oil. To remove the smell of glue, you can add various fragrances.

Required tools and materials

  • paper, cardboard;
  • glue - wallpaper or PVA, you can also use homemade paste;
  • paints and brushes;
  • oilcloth - to protect the working surface;
  • sunflower oil and liquid soap;
  • frame for gluing;
  • protective gloves;
  • knife or scissors.

Variety of shapes

By showing creativity, anyone can make papier-mâché sculptures in full accordance with their fantasies. The fact is that with a large selection of garden figures in construction supermarkets, they repeat each other, these are gnomes, hedgehogs, various animals, and you must agree that the presence of identical gnomes in neighboring areas is unlikely to please your child.

As a test product, you can try your hand at making figures of mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, that is, the simplest figures with a ball at the base. On the surface lies the idea of ​​​​arranging a copy of the Cheops pyramid on your site. As you gain experience, you can move on to more complex forms.

Installation of sculptures

The weight of the resulting figure is determined by its size, but in any case, the structure made of paper and glue will have a small mass and therefore, when installing it on the site, you need to think about the issue of location. It is advisable that this be a place protected from the wind; if there is no such place, then the sculpture must be fixed to the ground, or it must be dug in slightly, or an anchor must be used; a weight can be pre-installed inside the papier-mâché figure for the garden.

Despite the fact that the figures are protected from moisture, it must be remembered that papier-mâché is based on paper, which is not at all friendly with excess moisture, so the installation location should minimize the access of excess water in the form of rain or dew.

After the end of the summer season, the sculptures must be removed from the site and moved indoors, otherwise snow and frost can destroy them.

The resulting result will delight you, your children and loved ones for a long time, and most importantly, what will be installed on your site will not be a repetition of mass-produced store-bought crafts. Yes, probably, store-bought sculptures can last longer, but on the other hand, this is an incentive to make new figures and sculptures for the new season.