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How to make a Hermione Granger costume. How to make a Harry Potter costume for a boy with your own hands? How to sew a harry potter costume

Few of us know where the tradition came from on the night of October 31 to dress up in role-playing costumes, decorate your home with pumpkins and go from house to house demanding sweets. We perceive the ancient holiday of the Celts only as an occasion to participate in a masquerade and have fun. For those who are looking for the best Halloween costumes 2016, we offer a master class on making a Harry Potter outfit.

Where did the tradition of dressing up in Halloween costumes come from?

Halloween is a holiday alien to our culture and our religion. Originating about two thousand years ago, it had nothing to do with fun and dressing up in masquerade costumes.

The ancient Celts, who lived on the territory of modern Ireland and Scotland, did not know Christianity and believed in pagan gods and spirits. They believed that on the night of October 31 to November 1, the line between the worlds becomes thinner, and bloodthirsty restless spirits come to us from the world of the dead. In order to deceive them and remain unrecognized, people put on the skins and heads of dead animals.

Over time, the beliefs of the local population have changed, but the tradition of celebrating Halloween has remained. True, no dressing up. Role-playing Halloween costumes as an attribute of the holiday were first used in 1895 in Scotland. The children, wearing masks, went from house to house, putting forward comic demands to the owners to pay off them with sweets.

At first, the costumes looked very intimidating, because they imitated emaciated people. But by the end of the 20th century, the situation had changed: Americans intervened, who knew how to make a show out of nothing. They changed the key of the holiday from minor to major and began to change into comic outfits.

But do you know that if God sends us a guardian angel, then Satan sends us a demon-destroyer, and people now celebrate the coming of this demon to them on Halloween! Agree, real madness is to celebrate your death, because ...

Best Halloween Costumes 2016: Master Class

The Harry Potter costume consists of a hat, cape and wand. Making them with your own hands is not difficult at all. See for yourself.

Magic wand

Tools and materials to help turn an ordinary wand into a magical one:

  • chopstick for Chinese food;
  • hot glue gun;
  • paint (preferably acrylic);
  • beads.

Lubricate the wider end of the stick with glue and glue the beads, again randomly filling with glue from above. The result should look like this:

Cover the wand with paint and let dry. The magic tool of the young magician is ready.

Sorting Hat

To make a hat that distributes Hogwarts students between the faculties of Slytherin and Gryffindor, you need to stock up:

  • scissors;
  • a felt hat, preferably black (if you don't want to donate your own, buy a hat from junk dealers or a thrift store);
  • thick cardboard, from which packaging for household appliances is made;
  • paper tape;
  • newspapers;
  • black cloth.

Attach the hat to the cardboard and draw a semicircle, stepping back from the field line by 7-10 cm.

Cut out a half circle and using it as a template, make four more of the same.

Fold the resulting semicircles and, putting a hat on them, mark a hole for the head. Cut off the excess. Then apply glue to the brim of the headdress (top) and glue the cut out semicircles. It is better to connect the joints of the cardboard with adhesive tape.

Then apply glue to the top of the hat and cover with newspapers, giving them the shape of a slightly crumpled bag.

Place the blank on the fabric and circle the circle, leaving the fabric on the hem.

Cut a round hole for the head to fit through.

Glue the fabric to the brim,

and then to the cone. The hat is ready!

The cloak of invisibility

With the manufacture of capes, things are even easier. Will go into action:

  • a piece of black fabric;
  • threads of the same color and a needle;
  • scissors.

Don't be scared: you don't need to make any patterns, and you don't have to sew on a sewing machine. You're not going to wear the robe every day, are you? So let's do it easier. We take a piece of material, fold it in half, mark the depth of the neck, and sew the rest.

Fast, easy, and most importantly, inexpensive.

In conclusion, we want to say: when choosing the best costumes for Halloween 2016 and going to a “monster” party with friends, think about whether you need a holiday that originated from sacrifice and worship of the forces of darkness.

One man was sitting and banging on a pipe in his apartment. So he called the plumber.
When you're celebrating Halloween, I wonder who you're calling

Wouldn't it be better to replace a tradition alien to our mentality with another, more spiritual and human? For example, arrange a themed masquerade based on one of the popular films or a disco ball in the spirit of the 19th century? The Slavs have always been a highly spiritual nation, so why break the tradition?

It should be noted that the Halloween holiday is unacceptable for a believing Orthodox Christian and was banned by the Orthodox Church back in the days of the Russian Empire, as it carries with it a substitution of true Christian values. Foolish and evil practical jokes, pagan sacrificial rites, divination and the personification of death are all clear manifestations of Satanic cults.

In addition, the "demonization" of this holiday has a particularly detrimental effect on children's consciousness. Children copy the images of evil heroes, human sacrifices, supposedly drink the blood of the victims, replacing it with tomato juice, make fun of death and suffering, perform acts of vandalism - all this leads to very serious personal and mental disorders of children, which entail terrible consequences, in some cases even suicide. Before organizing this holiday, think about whether you would like this for your child?

Take it, tell your friends!

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Hi all!

I continue a series of posts dedicated to all kinds of movie dresses, and generally movie costumes. Today, dear gossips, I would like to tell you about the outfits created for one of the parts of the "Potteriana", namely the fifth film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (2005).

If you remember, in this film (and the book by JK Rowling) one of the main storylines is the Triwizard Tournament, which includes the Yule Ball - an event whose mission, according to Professor McGonagall, is considered to be the establishment of friendly and cultural ties between students from countries -participants of the Tournament. And since this is a ball, then, of course, music and dancing are in the mandatory program!

Ah, how Minerva McGonagall (Maggie Smith) taught Ron (Rupert Grint) how to dance! I love this moment in the movie.

For such a solemn event, a dress uniform was announced for all those invited. Ron Weasley was wildly unlucky here too: he had to go to the ball in an eccentric suit with ruffles and frills. Ron looked unusual to say the least, although if you look at modern men's fashion from catwalk shows ...

Ron Weasley doll wearing Rupert's Yule Ball costume

One can only guess: from whom exactly from the large Weasley family did the poor fellow Ronald inherit this robe? Rupert Grint himself said that whenever he had to put on his costume for a holiday, the surrounding comrades on the set could not help laughing. And the actor would not want to ever try something like that again.

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) limited himself to a classic tuxedo with a white bow tie and black robe:

However, fans were most eager to see Hermione Granger at the Yule Ball. Everyone wanted to know: how will Emma Watson be transformed for such a beautiful and solemn event in the film, what outfit will they come up with for her character, what hairstyle will they do?

This moment was also exciting for Hermione herself, because no one invited her to the ball, but Viktor Krum himself (Stanislav Yanevsky) - a brilliant catcher, playing for the national team of his native Bulgaria, and the idol of many girls. The young sorceress knows how much attention will be riveted to her this evening, because paired with Krum, she will open the holiday along with three other champion couples.

As a result, Emma-Hermione appeared before the audience in an airy light purple dress!

The dress was designed by a famous costume designer Janey Temime. For seven years, starting from the filming of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", she dressed the heroes of the movie saga.

Janey Temime has worked as a costume designer on over fifty films, including Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004), Lay Down in Bruges (2007), Wrath of the Titans (2012), 007: Skyfall Coordinates (2012).

For her work on the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" in 2012, Temime won the Saturn Award in the category "Best Costumes".

Janey Temime

Costume designs for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by Janey Temime

She shared details of the process of creating the outfit for Hermione:

"It was the most important dress. Like a dress for Cinderella. It is the result of a long work. We changed it. Changed and changed. Emma was nervous. She asked: "What will I even wear?" In the end, we succeeded!

Dress sketch for Hermione

And the finished result

And here is what Emma Watson recalls:

"It was absolutely gorgeous! I was terrified at the mere thought that I could ruin it, spill something on it. I literally could not sit in it. I could not walk in it. I could not do anything except which was required on set. I was so afraid that I would ruin it!"

Daniel Radcliffe also shared his impressions of the appearance of Emma Watson in Hermione's elegant dress:

"Emma was never ugly. You know, she was always beautiful. But at that momentI thought: "You are impossibly beautiful!" This is a very important moment in the film. Big transformation!"

“I was very nervous, because this is a very important moment in the film and very anticipated. Emma Watson continues. - Mike(picture director) He showed me many times how it should look like. And so, during the first take, I went down the stairs three steps and fell in front of everyone on the site. I was so embarrassed!"

Thank God neither Emma nor the dress were hurt.

"This ball is for Emma."- summed up the director of the fifth film, Mike Newell.

It remains to be added that the creation of the purple dress for Hermione took 3 months of work and 39 feet of pink chiffon.

Dress in the museum dedicated to the world of Harry Potter"Harry Potter World"

By the way, those gossips who read Rowling's work will surely remember that according to the book, Hermione Granger appeared at the Yule Ball in a slightly different dress:

"... Cedric and Cho came up, Harry turned away: he didn't want to talk to them now; his eyes fell on the girl standing with Krum, and his mouth opened in surprise - it was Hermione! Only not at all like herself. Hair, usually reminiscent of a crow's nest, smoothly combed and twisted at the back of the head into a beautiful shiny knot, a light sky-blue mantle, and the gait is completely different, probably because the shoulders are not pulled down by a heavy satchel.(Excerpt from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.)

Harry only recognized his best friend the second time. At first he only saw that Krum was walking with an unfamiliar beautiful girl in a blue robe".

ROSMEN publishing house translated the color of the mantle as " blue " . The original text states that the mantle is made of flowing periwinkle blue fabric: " She was wearing robes made of a floaty, periwinkle-blue material..."

Periwinkle is a shade of blue: pale blue with a lilac tint. But in the film, we see that Hermione's dress is made of fabric of lilac shades rather than blue.

I propose to admire Emma in the beautiful dress of her heroine!

And I also want to mention the scenery for the Christmas ball. The hall, where four champions with their beautiful companions enter under the arm to the solemn music, looks simply fabulous. Everything shines, shines, shimmers. Just a mesmerizing sight! But this is the Great Hall of Hogwarts masterfully remade by artists.

"The novel describes that the hall was an ice palace, in which icicles hung from a magical ceiling. says production designer Stuart Craig. - But we've gone even further!"

"The whole décor looked like it was made from Swarovski crystals and it was amazing!"- recalls the film's director Mike Newell.

"Everyone had to pretend to be delighted when they entered the Great Hall, but I think it was actually sincere."(Katie Leung)

See you soon! And with Shrovetide!

Updated on 16/02/18 18:31:

A small addition: of course, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" - the fourth movie, not the fifth! Forgive me my mistake, by the end of the week the brain needs rest with might and main, and the eyes missed their own inaccuracy! However, I am pleased that you are correcting, which means you are reading my posts! Thank you!!!

Today, there is hardly a person who would not know the famous wizard and magician Harry Potter. More than once, the brave little sorcerer defeated the insidious, furious Dark Lord. Perhaps every young boy wants to be like this fictional character. It is not difficult to sew a Harry Potter costume for the holiday. The main thing in this matter is to correctly copy the image of the hero, who has enough attributes inherent only to him.

Harry Potter

Who is Harry Potter? This is the hero of a whole series of fascinating novels by the Englishwoman JK Rowling. Based on the books of the writer, eight films were shot, where Harry grows up along with his actor Daniel Radcliffe. In the wizarding world, Harry is known as the one who survived the terrible spell. The boy's parents were killed by the Dark Lord, and Harry lived in the family of his relatives, deprived of care and affection.

There is a famous scar on the boy's forehead, which in a suit can serve as a noticeable "chip". Harry also has an invisibility cloak left over from his father. The boy received it as a gift from Dumbledore. The mantle belongs to the Deathly Hallows. This element must be included in the New Year's costume. The mantle will "help" eavesdrop on other people's conversations and hide from unwanted eyes.

As a Gryffindor student, Harry wears a special uniform: a dark sweater, white shirt, yellow and maroon tie, black boots and dark trousers. The main identification mark of the hero is round-rimmed glasses, don't forget about them. And, of course, there must be a magic wand in the hand.

How to make a Harry Potter costume, consider in more detail. In the magical world of mystery and magic, every detail is of great importance. We pay attention to all the details of the costume.

How to Make a Harry Potter Costume: Getting Ready

Before you start creating the image of a wizard, thoroughly prepare. To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Big Whatman.
  • Tape measure.
  • Red and black fabric.
  • Red and black threads.
  • Burgundy tie.
  • Yellow braid (ribbon).
  • Needles.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Iron.
  • Self-adhesive paper.
  • Cardboard.
  • Wire.
  • Pliers.
  • hardened plastic.
  • Stick or dowel.
  • Varnish, paint.

All this will allow you to create an accurate Harry Potter costume. Your boy will be delighted! Picking up a magic wand, he will feel like a real little wizard, able to work miracles.

Harry Potter Costume Pattern: Invisibility Cloak

Let's start creating the costume with the most voluminous and complex detail - with the invisibility cloak. For the outer layer, you will need a black fabric, and for the lining, red. A real Harry Potter costume has a robe made from these colors. Some mothers sew it from any piece of dark fabric. As a basis, you can use the pattern below.

  • We prepare a pattern on whatman paper in accordance with the dimensions of the person for whom the suit is being sewn.
  • Iron the fabric well. You should not take it with mint to work. More suitable satin, smooth or something similar. If the child is large, at least two meters of fabric will be required.
  • It is necessary to draw two details of each element (sleeves, front, back, hood) - first on black and then on red fabric. To do this, attach a pattern to the smoothed fabric. Pin and draw with chalk.
  • Cut out the blanks with scissors. Put everything together and hand-baste the black parts first, then the red ones.
  • Make a stitch. Iron all seams.
  • Connect the outer (black) and inner (red) parts together. Sew. Iron it.

The main attribute of the costume is ready. Your boy is gradually approaching the image of Harry Potter.

Harry's school uniform

When creating a Harry Potter costume with your own hands, you need to understand that one robe is not enough for complete authenticity and similarity with the image. After it is ready, you need to think about Harry's school uniform. It is not necessary to sew dark trousers and a white shirt, any color from the son's wardrobe will do. Well, the sweater will need to be given a little time.

Take a gray turtleneck or any jumper and change the neckline of the product to a V-neck. To do this, deepen it with scissors by 8-10 centimeters. Process, iron, and then sew on a sewing machine. The character's school uniform is ready.

Emblem and scar

When you start creating a Harry Potter costume, let the photo be in front of your eyes. This way you won't miss a single detail. It is impossible to create an image of a wizard without his hallmarks - the emblem and the scar.

The easiest way is to print the emblem on a color printer. You can use cardboard. The printed emblem will need to be glued to the base and then attached to the mantle. Another way - you can order a printout of the emblem on fabric or in the form of a sticker in a special service.

The background on the emblem is green, the name of the faculty is written below. In order to keep it more firmly on the mantle, you can leave the product under pressure overnight, so the glue will take better. If the badge is made on a fabric basis, you can sew it on a sewing machine.

In order to make a scar, you need to take self-adhesive paper, draw a zipper on it, carefully cut along the contours. The scar is ready.


The next important detail that goes into a Harry Potter costume for a boy is, of course, the hero's famous round glasses. You can find a ready-made accessory, but it is better to make this part with your own hands. Here, most likely, you will need the help of dad or grandfather.

You will need copper wire. First prepare all the details, check by size, after that they need to be soldered. The glasses are almost ready, now they need to be improved. Where soldering spots are visible, a hardening plastic should be applied. After it dries, paint the product black. To do this, you can take varnish. Allow time for the product to dry. The real wizard's glasses are ready.

Tie Harry

The image of Harry Potter is often recreated when gathering for New Year's holidays, costume parties or Halloween celebrations. One of the main attributes is Harry Potter's tie, without it the costume will lose its meaning.

You can use a regular tie, it's good if you can find a burgundy or red one. It will need to stick yellow stripes on it (according to the original, across). For strips, you can use yellow electrical tape or oracal. For complete credibility, on the knot of the tie, the strip is glued at the opposite angle to the rest.

In order to make a tie yourself, you will need red and yellow material. The fabric needs to be ironed well, it is better to take moistened cotton material for this, other elements of the costume are well ironed through it. Cut out a red rectangle along the length of the tie. Hem from the inside with threads and iron again. Stitch the seam on the machine. From yellow fabric, cut strips 2 cm wide. Attach them diagonally to the tie. You should get about 6-7 strips. Iron the tie again and tie a knot. Do not forget about the strip on the knot, which should be opposite the bottom ones.

You could create a Harry Potter wizard costume with your own hands. Your child is very happy. For greater reliability, your Harry Potter must have a magic wand in his hands. It's also easy to make your own.

Magic wand

When creating a Harry Potter costume with your own hands (the photo serves as a model), do not forget about the sorcerer's tool - a magic wand. For its manufacture, any piece of wood, a stick, a long dowel is suitable.

To create a relief effect on a stick, you can cover it in a spiral with silicone glue. After it dries, use a spray gun to apply silver or gold paint to the stick. Leave to dry.

For greater effect, after the product dries, you can varnish it. Some people buy a ready-made magic wand in a children's store; it will not be difficult to find such a toy. But, of course, your child will appreciate a costume completely made by his own hands much higher. He will be proud of the skill of his mother, a needlewoman.

All steps for making a Harry Potter costume are described. You just have to follow the instructions. It can be added that some visionaries also add a broom to the costume, on which the magician and sorcerer Harry Potter so deftly manages to maneuver.

Competition for the best costume

And, of course, not a single New Year's party or ball is complete without a competition for the best New Year's costume. Everyone tries to present something unusual, believable, close in spirit to the character. Outrageous, extravagant, some even slightly insane costumes lead the members of the "comic" New Year's jury into some confusion: who should be given the championship?

A Harry Potter Christmas costume made by you yourself has every chance of winning the competition. Do not forget, moreover, that Harry Potter is a magician and a wizard. Maybe his image has some magical power, and a magic wand made by your own hands will help the New Year's miracle to happen, and victory will not be long in coming.

However, on the New Year's holiday, everyone strives not for victories, but in order to have fun, have fun and plunge into the atmosphere of a winter fairy tale. Costumes, of course, help to feel like characters in a variety of stories, becoming wizards, princesses and other heroes at least for a moment.

So, you want to look like the good know-it-all Hermione Granger? Harry Potter's high-moral and lovable friend at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is your favorite J.K. Rowling character? Then follow the steps below to assemble your magical costume.

Difficulty: easy.

You will need:
- a wig (or, if you are a happy owner of long, lush, red hair, for example, styling with medium curls with a parting in the middle);
- the mantle of the judge;
- Styrofoam;
- aluminium foil;
- book;
- "Magic wand;
- "gold chain;
- small hourglass;
- brown paper;
- carton boxes;

1. Choose a hair style. The little Hermione had the hairstyle described above, the adult had long, flowing sandy blonde hair.

2. Find a mantle in the manner of a judge - from any costume. Standard attire for first-year witches at Hogwarts includes pure black robes, and - if the weather is cold - a striped scarf (auburn and muted maroon stripes for Gryffindor) and gloves of similar color. You can also add a classic wizard's hat to the costume - if desired. The hat is made from cardboard and suitable fabric. In cold weather, a loose black cloak with silver clasps is also put on top. Scarf, raincoat, gloves, hat - all this is optional.
For the grown-up Hermione, we choose a pleated (or just with a couple of pleats in front and behind) dark-colored (or blue-checked) skirt just below the knee, a white (or just light) long-sleeve blouse, and a dark sleeveless jacket of fine knit (or a knitted sweater with a long sleeve). The obligatory tie of Gryffindor flowers will not be difficult to find for sale in men's stores.

3. Carry an old book bag with you, preferably a leather one. Remember, Hermione loves nothing more than studying, so books, notebooks and pens in her bag are a must. But you should not stuff the bag with real books - it will turn out to be too heavy, so find something almost weightless (perhaps cardboard boxes) in the form of books or rectangular pieces of foam. Also pick up a large and thin book, and put it in the bag on top - to cover the rest of the contents; make a cover for it out of dark brown paper and write in beautiful handwriting (or print out the inscription), something like "Potion", "History of Magic" or "Divination".
Or find 1 big book, make a cover, and carry it around with you everywhere (instead of a bag). "Transfiguration" is a fitting name for it.

4. Magic wand. Something in the style of films about "Harry Potter" can already be found in RuNet, but these sticks are too expensive (~ 800 rubles a piece). Therefore, it is better to make a stick yourself. Since you can often see simple sticks in first years, take the usual - cylindrical - wooden stick (it's not difficult to find it in hardware stores for a penny), use a skin to sharpen it at the end and cover it with stain or dark varnish.

The wand is ready. You can also attach a handle using a wooden jump rope handle or any spare part suitable for this purpose.

5. Find a small hourglass and hang it on a "golden" chain around your neck. This will be the time travel artifact that Hermione used in Prisoner of Azkaban to make sure she gets to all her classes.

6. Do not forget to sew a silver emblem on the “judge's” robe - if desired. Aluminum foil attached to cardboard is perfect for this purpose. On the badge, write (or stick paper letters) GAVNE (Civic Association for the Restoration of Elven Independence) - this is from the fourth book, where Hermione entered the fight against the exploitation and slavery of house elves. In English, the abbreviation sounds about the same "original".

Remember that acceptable clothing for Hermione is not limited solely to the official Hogwarts uniform. It can be jeans (navy blue or dark brown) with different variations of light sweaters, or, if you have time and budget, for example, a dress from the Winter Ball.

Harry Potter is a world-famous character from a movie for children and adults, who was remembered by all the good wizard and fighter for justice. Many viewers of this film remembered the image of schoolchildren studying at a magic school, including their original ties as a distinctive sign. Then in the film, the school was divided into several classes, each with its own weaving style and tie color.

Today, almost every movie fan is interested in how the Harry Potter tie is woven, is it possible in real life to reproduce a copy of such an accessory. Numerous shops even offer ready-made ties for the school of magic and Gryffindor, but many fans try to reproduce the Harry Potter tie with their own hands. You can copy an image if you carefully study it down to the smallest detail.

The author of the books, which were later made into several films about the wizard boy Harry Potter and the magical school, was the Englishwoman JK Rowling. To date, there are 8 books and the same number of films where all the actors from childhood have matured, but retained their spontaneity, original style, and also the love of viewers. The role of Harry Potter is played by young actor Daniel Radcliffe, thanks to this role his name is known all over the world.

According to the plot of the film, this boy survived after a terrible spell was cast on his family by an evil magician. The Dark Lord first killed Harry's parents, after which he left a scar on the child's forehead. Later, through a series of mysterious events, the boy enters the Gryffindor school of magic. And from that moment on, the author draws the outfit and style of the schoolboy, namely round funny glasses, dark trousers and boots, a white shirt and a dark-colored sweater, and most importantly, a yellow-burgundy tie.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

If fans of the film and Harry Potter in particular want to copy the image using their own example, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, from glasses to a magic wand. In this case, a “young wizard” style tie will look very organic or, as stylists say, laconically.

What does a Gryffindor tie look like?

It is quite possible to repeat the Gryffindor tie on your own, for this it is not necessary to buy a ready-made accessory through online stores and specialized outlets. And thanks to the wide variety of models of men's ties, their colors and prints, it is quite possible to choose a similar neck accessory, and then decorate it in the style that matches the movie.

The main difference between this tie is a burgundy base and yellow oblique and transverse stripes. If a man has a burgundy accessory available, you can simply glue strips of oracal or yellow electrical tape to it. According to the original, in the area where the knot is located, the strip should be glued at an opposite angle to the rest of the strips.

If we consider a ready-made accessory in the style of Harry Potter, which is sold in many stores, its average length is 140 cm, width is about 6-6.5 cm. Any fabric can be made from the material, but most often it is polyester. You can combine this accessory option in everyday life with any type of clothing, since yellow and red colors will perfectly set off any other colors.

How to do it yourself?

To make your own Hogwarts tie, which was worn by Harry Potter himself, it is not necessary to spend time searching for it and spending money on buying it. Anyone can independently make such an accessory at home. To do this, you need to prepare in advance burgundy and yellow material, you can also iron the fabric with a damp cotton cloth.

Now the burgundy fabric is cut out with a rectangle along the length that the finished accessory will end up with. Now it is hemmed from the wrong side, after which it is ironed with a hot iron under a damp cloth. At the end, it is desirable to stitch the seam with a machine so that it is reliable and looks neat. Now they take a yellow fabric, cut out strips of 2 cm wide from it.

On the finished tie, strips are sewn diagonally in the transverse direction. On the front side, you should get about 6-8 strips. To consolidate the result and obtain a single shape, the finished accessory must be ironed again, and then proceed to the design of the knot. On the knot at the end, you need to sew another strip, which will be located on the opposite side of the bottom strips.

Where to buy?

To date, the popularity of the image of Harry Potter has captivated the whole world, many schoolchildren and teenagers imitate the wizard, preferring to wear similar glasses, a robe and even the hallmark of the Hogwarts school - a red and yellow print tie with a contrasting and versatile option for any item of clothing.

Would you like to buy a Harry Potter tie?


Many specialty stores sell ready-made character costumes for children and schoolchildren, including a ready-made set of Harry Potter outfits. But most often, the Harry Potter tie is sold separately, which in many schools has become an additional element of the school uniform. You can also order it through the resources on the Internet.


To name the cost of a finished Harry Potter tie, you need to monitor prices in online stores. The difference in price may be due to the materials of manufacture, the size of our accessory, the distance between the supplier and the buyer, as well as the manufacturer's pricing policy. On average, for one tie of such a plan, you will need to pay from 500 to 2000 rubles.


Harry Potter is an illustrious movie character who became famous all over the world in a series of films about his difficult life at the school of magic. Due to his popularity, many schoolchildren and teenagers imitate his style, preferring to dress up in similar outfits. And the most sought after was the Harry Potter tie, which is distinguished by a bright yellow-burgundy color with diagonal stripes. To become the owner of such an accessory, you can make a similar option yourself or buy a finished product on the Internet.