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How to make soft heels at home. Home heel care: a short path from cracked heels to pink heels

To look attractive, you need to pay attention to any, even the most seemingly insignificant detail. Many women try to carefully monitor the condition of their face, neck and hands, since these parts of the body are in plain sight, but most beauties pay attention to their feet, especially their heels, only when open shoe season begins. In fact, heels need constant care, because rough, cracked skin not only looks unattractive, but also causes a lot of inconvenience when walking. In order to wear beautiful clothes without embarrassment summer shoes, feeling comfortable and confident, you can turn to a specialist for help, paying a significant amount for the service, or even better, learn how to take care of your heels yourself at home.

Why does the skin on my heels get rough?

Before looking for a solution to the problem, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence, that is, in order to tidy up your heels, you need to find out why the skin on them can become rough, dry and crack.

  • One of the most common reasons is the lack of proper heel care. If you don't regularly use pumice stones, scrubs and other cleansers, the layer of rough skin will thicken over time, leading to painful calluses, corns and cracks.
  • The second reason is a lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin A (retinol), which plays an important role in the formation of tissues and promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Also, the shoes you wear matter a lot. Tight and uncomfortable shoes (boots or shoes) can also cause rough skin on the heels.
  • In addition, the presence of a fungal infection cannot be ruled out. If regular heel care does not bring results, and unpleasant symptoms are observed - sweating feet, itching and burning, you should definitely consult a dermatologist.
  • One more possible reason dry skin on the heels may be diabetes and other endocrine diseases. In this case, painful cracks often form on the feet, which are difficult to treat.

If you want your heels to always look attractive, try to approach solving problems comprehensively: watch your diet, maintain hygiene, and regularly perform various cosmetic procedures, which are based on cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the feet.

Heel care rules

Carrying out independent foot skin care is not at all difficult, but in order for all your efforts to be crowned with success, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • In the warm season, it is advisable to lubricate the skin on the heels with any softening cream before going outside.
  • To increase blood circulation in the legs, you should regularly massage your feet using moisturizers. cosmetics. To do this, you can use both store-bought cosmetics and homemade ones prepared using natural products.
  • To care for your heels, it is recommended to take baths with the addition of herbal infusions or essential oils. Such procedures relieve fatigue from the legs, improve blood circulation and soften the skin.
  • It is not recommended to remove rough skin from the heels with a razor or metal grater, as this can seriously damage the skin. Instead, it is better to take a warm bath and carefully remove the stratum corneum with a pumice stone.

Foot baths

One of the most effective ways To soften the skin on the heels, there are foot baths, which can be done using special devices or simply in a basin with a hot solution. Baths can be herbal, soda, salt and others, depending on their purpose.

Softening herbal bath

Mix equal amounts of chamomile, St. John's wort and sage (one tablespoon each) and pour boiling water (200 ml). After a quarter of an hour, strain the finished broth and pour into a bowl of hot water. Soak your feet in the bath for about twenty minutes. After the procedure, lubricate your heels nourishing cream.

Bath with white wine and linden blossom

Pour 300 ml of white wine into an enamel pan and place in a water bath. Once the wine is hot, add a tablespoon of linden flowers (dried) and cook them for ten minutes. Pour the prepared solution into a bowl and soak your feet in it for about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, treat problem areas with pumice stone, and then wipe the skin with warm vegetable oil.

Apple cider vinegar bath

Add three tablespoons of vinegar to a bowl of hot water. Keep your feet in the bath for no more than a quarter of an hour, then gently massage your feet with a brush and use a pumice stone if necessary. Rinse your feet with cool water, pat dry with a towel and rub your heels with a softening cream. Such procedures allow you to soften even very rough skin - your heels become soft and tender.

Bath with milk and laundry soap

Grate the soap (a third of the bar), pour boiling water over it and stir until the soap is completely dissolved. Pour the resulting solution into a bowl of hot water, add a glass of milk and a tablespoon of table salt. Mix everything thoroughly and put your feet in the basin for half an hour (if necessary, add hot water to the container during the procedure). Dry your feet with a towel and apply cream to your heels. This product, when used regularly, helps prevent the formation of cracks in the skin.

Green tea bath

Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of green tea and cover the container with a lid. Strain the finished tea leaves and pour into a bowl of hot water. Soak your feet in the bath for twenty minutes, and then treat the skin with pumice. Green tea perfectly softens the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Heel masks

Another very effective way to combat excessive dry heels are homemade masks that you can prepare yourself. Masks should be applied to skin that has been previously steamed and cleansed of dead particles. It is advisable to carry out the procedures before bedtime at least twice a week.

Onion mask

This easy-to-prepare product prevents cracks and softens and moisturizes the skin on your heels.

  • 1 raw onion;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


  • Grind the pre-peeled onion in a blender or grate it.
  • Add honey and oil to the onion pulp and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to the problem areas, wrap in cling film and put warm socks on top of it.
  • After thirty minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Lemon mask

This product softens rough skin and promotes the healing of cracks.

  • 1 spoon (tablespoon) lemon juice;
  • 50 ml almond oil;
  • 30 ml kefir.


  • Mix all the ingredients in a ceramic bowl and apply the finished composition with massage movements on the heels. The duration of the mask is twenty minutes.
  • After removing the mixture, lubricate your feet with any nourishing cream.

Honey mask

This home remedy Great for treating chapped feet. It is advisable to carry out the procedures at least twice a week, although the result may be noticeable after the first use.

  • 30 g thick honey;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 50 ml strawberry juice;
  • 1 raw egg;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour.


  • Mix the egg with flour and butter.
  • Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture, mix again and apply the finished composition to the heels, leave for at least twenty minutes, and then rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

Mask with zucchini and red currants

This product is best used in the summer, when the skin is especially susceptible to roughening and cracking. The zucchini mask replenishes the lack of nutrients in skin cells, moisturizes and softens the feet.

  • 1 young zucchini;
  • a handful of red currants;
  • 30 g vegetable oil.


  • Rub the berries through a sieve.
  • Grind the zucchini along with the peel in a blender and mix the resulting pulp with currant puree.
  • Combine the finished mixture with oil and grind until smooth.
  • Take two pieces of gauze and fold them in several layers.
  • Apply the medicinal composition to the tampons, apply them to the heels and wrap the feet with film.
  • After twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with water.

Homemade scrubs for heels

To effectively cleanse heels and remove dead skin in problem areas, special scrubbing products are used, which, like masks, can be prepared at home.

Orange peel scrub

Dry the orange peels in the oven and then grind them into powder using a coffee grinder. Pour a tablespoon of the prepared powder into the bowl, pour the same amount of vegetable oil into it and grind the mixture until smooth. Massage the mixture onto your heels for five minutes. Rinse off the scrub with water and apply moisturizer to your skin.

Oatmeal scrub with sour cream

Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal (small) with one spoon of sour cream and the same amount of liquid honey. Apply the finished mixture to problem areas of the skin and massage for several minutes. This remedy relieves irritation and prevents the appearance of cracks.

Almond and olive oil scrub

Grind a handful of almonds in a blender and mix with two tablespoons of olive oil. Beat 1 egg yolk (raw) into the resulting mixture and grind the mixture until smooth. Rub the prepared mixture into your heels with massaging movements for ten minutes. Rinse your feet with cool water and apply nourishing cream to problem areas.

Any home remedies, if used correctly, can provide your heels with complete care, the main thing is to carry out similar procedures regularly, not occasionally, and then you can achieve amazing results.

The less you take care of yourself, the more difficult it is to get yourself in order later. First of all, the feet take on an unkempt appearance, the skin on which becomes dry, peels, and changes color. Particular attention should be paid to the heels, as they suffer earlier, cracks and peeling form on them. Let's figure out how to care for the heels of your feet to help them become soft and pink at home.

Cause of corns

  1. Frequent wearing of synthetic socks and tights. Artificial materials do not allow the skin to breathe normally, increase sweating and the growth of bacteria. This reason can be eliminated if you choose socks and stockings made from natural materials with a minimum content of artificial threads.
  2. Lack of basic care. It is necessary to regularly treat your heels with pumice to remove the dead skin layer. If you do not remove the corns, then after a while they will grow, become thicker and become covered with cracks.
  3. Wash your feet regularly, use masks and nourishing cream. Attention to foot pedicure should be paid 2-4 times a month. If you haven’t worked on your heels for a long time, then the procedures will need to be carried out more often.
  4. Using shoes made from non-natural materials is another reason for the formation of corns on the heels. Problems especially often arise for those who wear sneakers all day, and come home in the evening and are in no hurry to shower.

People often experience rough skin on their feet due to internal pathologies:

If you often have cracked heels and conventional remedies do not help, then you need to see a doctor and get diagnosed; perhaps you have a disease that you do not know about.

Recipes for heel and foot baths

It is possible to soften rough skin on the heels with the help of baths. They can be made with ready-made cosmetics
mixtures (flavored sea salt, solutions of essential oils, herbal mixtures) or choose for yourself healthy recipe. We suggest choosing one of the following options:

  1. Add a couple of tablespoons of soda to 3-4 liters of water. This remedy works well if you suspect you have a fungal infection.
  2. In 4.5 liters of boiling water, add a handful of fine (unflavored) sea ​​salt) and pour in 30 ml ammonia. Stir until the salt crystals dissolve and cool the mixture. Keep your feet in it for 15 minutes, then treat them with pumice, lubricate them with nourishing cream and put on natural socks.
  3. A bath of 4 liters of warm water and 2 glasses of milk earned good reviews.
  4. Pour 100 grams of soda into a saucepan, fill it with 3 liters of water, bring the mixture to a boil. Cool the broth slightly and pour in 30 grams of grapefruit or lemon juice. Cool the solution a little more and dip your feet in it, keep them in the bath for 20 minutes. Complete the procedure by treating the skin from corns and contrast shower. Then lubricate your heels with nourishing cream. This composition is good for fungal infections and sweating feet.
  5. To remove yellowness from heels, you must use the following composition: mix 80 g of sea salt, 7 ml of any essential oil(choose your favorite scent), 50 ml olive oil or glycerin, 65 ml of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3 or 6%. You need to keep your feet in this composition for 20 minutes and then treat them. You need to deal with corns until the yellowness disappears.

Remember the main rule - baths alone are not enough to care for your skin. It is important to remove calluses from your heels afterward. You can complete the treatment by applying a nourishing cream, a foot mask and peeling. Then it will be maximum. The full range of procedures must be done at least 2 times a month; the rest of the time, minimal processing can be done.

Heel peeling

There are many recipes that will remove rough skin without using strong abrasives. To soften your heels you can use:

  • a mixture of Aspirin and vodka;
  • bran paste made from coffee grounds and vegetable oil;
  • a mixture of chopped nuts, citrus zest and sour cream;
  • puree from baby cream, coffee grounds and oatmeal;
  • composition of kiwi puree, bran, table salt and olive oil.

These folk remedies They cope no worse than ready-made peeling compositions. These recipes can also be used to get rid of rough skin on the hands and other parts of the body.

Natural masks and creams for beautiful feet

IN winter time and in spring, a mandatory part of heel care are maxis:

  • egg - from yolk, half a teaspoon of starch and a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • from pink or red clay;
  • from apple pulp and olive oil;
  • from boiled zucchini puree.

It is recommended to nourish the skin with masks at least 2 times a week. First you need to steam your heels and clean the stratum corneum. If you have very dry skin on your feet, it is important to lubricate it with fatty nourishing compounds, for example, glycerin and apple cider vinegar, taken in equal parts. You can also use baby cream (in tin tubes) and a few drops of orange, lavender, sandalwood, neroli, cocoa or shea essential oil. Apply foot cream daily, morning and evening.

Every part of the body requires constant and complete care. And if many women take care of their faces every day, their legs sometimes do not receive the attention they deserve. But it’s very easy to take care of your heels at home. This should be done not only in the summer, when you wear open shoes, but all the time. With this approach, you will be able to enjoy beautiful and attractive skin on your heels. for a long time. Not only professional, but also folk remedies will help you with this.

How to quickly make your heels smooth?

It is very important to remember forever that getting rid of rough skin on your heels with a blade is strictly prohibited. There is a high risk that you will seriously injure yourself. It is best to use various baths, masks and scrubs. With regular procedures, your skin will always remain smooth and velvety. Try not to dig into your heels until hard calluses appear. The following factors can trigger the appearance of dry and flaky feet:

  • Vitamin deficiency is a lack of vitamins and useful elements.
  • Uncomfortable tight shoes in which the feet are forced to constantly come into contact with the fabric.
  • Wearing low-quality and synthetic shoes.
  • Diabetes mellitus and endocrine system diseases.
  • Fungus and dermatitis.
  • Metabolic disease.

Most effective methods Getting rid of dry heels is using various masks. Don't forget to regularly treat your feet with a special nourishing cream. Scrub your skin every few days and also treat it with a pumice stone. This way you will get rid of dead skin cells that cannot make your heels hard and rough.

Foot baths

Foot baths are the most effective and easiest way to soften the skin of your heels. During such procedures, you can additionally use various devices that will help achieve a better effect. The most popular are herbal, salt and soda baths, but there are other recipes. Most often, women spend:

  • Oil bath– a method that will help moisturize the skin and get rid of rough heels. Add a teaspoon of any vegetable oils you have to a bowl of boiling water. It is best to have olive, peach, grape seed, tea tree. Keep your feet in the water until it cools completely.
  • Milk bath– brew a liter of full-fat milk, add about 200 ml of concentrated tea leaves to it. Pour this product into a bowl with 2-3 liters of boiling water, then carry out the procedure.
  • Balsamic vinegar baths- Dissolve 5 tablespoons of vinegar in a bowl of hot water, you can additionally add a little salt. Soak your feet in the bath for about 20 minutes, then apply moisturizer. If you have any wounds or inflammation on your legs, you should avoid this procedure.
  • Bath with soap and sea salt. Based on a standard basin: grate half the bar laundry soap and add it to hot water. After this, dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in it and lower your feet. This recipe not only softens, but also removes dead skin cells.

To get rid of dead skin and make your heels as soft as possible, you need to scrub regularly. You can buy them at any store, but it is best to prepare the product at home. The following recipes are the most popular:

  • Dry the orange peels, then grind them to a powder. Add a small amount of olive oil to them to make a viscous mixture. It is necessary to regularly treat your heels with this product; it is best to massage for about 10-15 minutes. Before you even notice, your skin has become soft and velvety.
  • A scrub made from sour cream, honey and oatmeal is highly effective. This product is very simple to prepare: grind 2 tablespoons of cereals, add a teaspoon of sour cream and natural honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to the skin of your heels. To achieve maximum effect, cover them with film. In just 15 minutes your feet will become soft and silky.
  • Grated apple will help get rid of rough skin and cracked heels. Mix the pulp of this fruit with a small amount of olive oil, then apply it to gauze and keep it on your foot for several hours.

Homemade heel masks

Masks are a great way to nourish and moisturize your skin. With their help, you can quickly get rid of rough skin. Try to carry out such procedures regularly to avoid damaging your heels. To achieve the best effectiveness, add a few drops of vitamins in ampoules to any product. Most often, women make themselves heel masks using the following recipes:

  • Limannaya– Wash your feet in advance and dry them. Cut the lemon into thin slices and then apply them to your heels. Keep them on for about 20 minutes, then dry your feet again and apply any moisturizer.
  • Orange– remove all the pulp from the fruit, chop it and add a little black pepper. Place the resulting mask in film and secure it to the heel. This recipe will not only help get rid of dead cells, but also normalize blood circulation.
  • Strawberryfruit acid can quickly dissolve even the roughest skin. To prepare such a mask, you will need some strawberries, which need to be crushed into porridge, and a few drops of olive oil. Apply this mixture to the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • From flax seeds– a mask with flax seed will help you quickly get rid of rough heels and cracks on them. To do this, take a few tablespoons of these seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Mix the product thoroughly until it becomes a thick jelly, then add a little honey. Apply the resulting mask to your heels and leave it on for 20 minutes. After manipulation, apply moisturizer.
  • Curd- the method that best gets rid of rough heels. Grind the cottage cheese to a fine powder, add a little sour cream and honey. Place the resulting mixture on cellophane and wrap it around your leg. You need to keep the mask on for about an hour, after which your feet are thoroughly washed and moisturizer is applied.
  • Copper-olivebest way moisturize the skin of the heels. It is very simple to prepare: add a little vegetable oil to 2 tablespoons of natural honey. After this, gently treat the skin of your heels and leave the product on for 20 minutes.

How to properly care for your heels at home?

To prevent the skin of your heels from becoming rough, it is necessary to regularly and properly care for your feet. In the summer, do not forget to apply a light emollient cream before going outside, as the sun significantly dries out the dermis. To improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, massage using cosmetics or homemade masks. Be active and healthy image life, this has a positive effect on the attractiveness of the skin.

Heel care must necessarily include various baths, scrubs from dead cells, nourishing creams and masks. You can also use special tools that will make it easier for you to carry out daily procedures. Pay special attention to damaged skin. If you are injured, immediately treat the area with iodine or another antiseptic.


In order for heel care at home to be as effective as possible, procedures must be carried out regularly. Try to use only proven products and recipes. For achievement maximum results you can also visit salon treatments. Drink as clean water as possible, take vitamin complexes every spring and autumn. With the right approach, your heels will always be beautiful and healthy.

Women's heels require special attention not only in summer, but also in winter. Even if you are the happy owner of slender legs, the absence of a pedicure will be noticeable to the naked eye. To get your heels in order and rid them of yellowness and corns, you need to have knowledge regarding basic care. Let's sort it out important aspects In order, here are some practical tips.

Why do corns appear on the heels?

  1. The cause of the appearance of rough tissue is socks. synthetic clothing. Artificial tights, socks, stockings do not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, bacteria begin to grow, heels swell, and fungus appears. Next, the softened tissue hardens at double speed, forming corns. To exclude the cause, it is necessary to give preference to cotton items of clothing (to the extent possible).
  2. The main reason for the appearance rough places on the heels is considered a lack of pedicure. It is important to understand that basic care involves the use of pumice and other abrasive compounds that remove dead skin cells. If you do not clean off the corns, after a certain time, they will grow (become thicker) and crack. Defects will cause enormous discomfort.
  3. Heel care involves regular cleansing and nutrition. As mentioned earlier, the skin on your feet needs exfoliation. all year round, and not just in the summer. This doesn't mean you need to get a pedicure every day. It is enough to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a month. To prevent the development of bacteria, wash your feet after wearing outdoor shoes (especially summer ones).
  4. If speak about internal reasons rough skin, these include various diseases. Diabetes, acute gastritis, lack of vitamins in spring and winter period, thyroid disorders - all this has a detrimental effect on the skin. If you add neglect of basic care, the consequences look dire. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo an examination and eradicate the cause.
  5. Poor quality shoes are another reason for the deterioration of heels. Synthetic insoles and pile promote increased sweating, and your feet begin to swell. After removing shoes, the skin becomes chapped and full-blown calluses form. Whenever possible, choose quality products made from breathable, natural materials.

  1. Salt and ammonia. Boil 4.5 liters. water in an enamel pan. After bubbles appear, reduce the heat, add a handful of fine unflavored sea salt, pour in 30 ml. ammonia. Wait for the crystals to dissolve and the composition to cool. Pour the contents into a basin, lower your heels into the bath, wait a quarter of an hour. After this, rub your feet with a pumice stone or a special pedicure brush. Rinse off any remaining residue with warm water, apply foot cream, and put on socks. If you wish, you can prepare a bath without adding ammonia, in this case 4.5 liters. You will need about 180 grams of water. salt.
  2. Eucalyptus and olive oil. Prepare a herbal bath of chamomile, calendula, and ginseng. Add 5 drops of eucalyptus ether per 1 liter. infusion. Pour in 75 gr. olive oil, wait for the mixture to cool. Place your feet in the bath and wait a quarter of an hour. After this, perform a pedicure, lubricate your heels with cream, and put on cotton socks.
  3. Chamomile color and milk. Boil 2 liters. fat milk, remove the mixture from heat. Brew 45 g of milk product. chamomile inflorescences, leave the infusion for 1 hour. After this, filter the mixture (you can skip this step), heat it on the stove until comfortable. Dip your heels into the broth and enjoy the bath for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Lemon juice and soda. Pour 100 g into the pan. baking soda, dilute it with three liters of water. Bring the mixture to a boil, wait until the grains dissolve. Pour in 50 ml. lemon or grapefruit juice. Dip your heels into the solution and leave for a third of an hour. After the procedure, rinse your feet with a contrast shower. Upon completion of the manipulations, cover the heels with nourishing cream. In addition to the fact that the composition softens the skin, it fights increased sweating and fungus.
  5. Grapefruit and natural oil. Wash the citrus, remove the “butt”, chop the fruit into pieces. Place the grapefruit in a blender or meat grinder and grind into porridge. Pour the contents into a basin, pour 3 liters. hot water, add any natural oil (sea buckthorn or olive oil will do). Make a bath for your heels, soak your feet in the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Next, exfoliate your feet, wipe your feet dry, and lubricate your feet with cream. Put on socks and leave them on for at least 3 hours.
  6. Basil and potassium permanganate. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (faded crimson color). In a separate container, pour boiling water over the dried basil and let it steep for 1 hour. Connect the two solutions together and pour the contents into a basin. Place your heels in the bath and carry out the procedure for about 25-30 minutes. Upon completion of manipulations, apply nourishing cream.

  1. Nuts and citrus zest. Grind 70 g in a mortar, blender or coffee grinder. peanuts or almonds. Fry the crumbs in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Do not use under any circumstances walnuts, they stain the skin and make it yellow. Take the peel of two oranges or grapefruits and grate them. Combine the two compositions, add high-fat sour cream (can be replaced with natural yogurt). You should end up with a paste-like mixture. Rub your heels with it and rinse with warm water.
  2. Bran and coffee grounds. To prepare the scrub you will need about 100 grams. waste coffee grounds. Pour 30 ml into it. vegetable oil, add enough rye bran to make a paste. Distribute the product over the heels, touching the entire foot (if desired), leave for 10 minutes. Next, scrub and rinse.
  3. Burdock oil and sugar. If your heels are very rough and cracked, use an effective composition. Take 1 ripe tomato, peel it (first put the fruit in boiling water, after 1 minute transfer it to ice water). Grind the vegetable into puree using any in a convenient way, pour in 35 ml. burdock oil. Add a handful of granulated sugar immediately so that the grains do not have time to dissolve. Scrub with your lungs in a circular motion, rinse off the product after 5-7 minutes.
  4. Honey and sour cream. Grind 2 handfuls of almonds into fine abrasive crumbs. Add 40 gr. candied honey, add full-fat sour cream (the amount is determined by the fact). You should have a thick scrub. Massage your heels with it for 10 minutes and rinse. To enhance the effect, add 20 grams to the peeling. baking soda.
  5. Apricot kernels. To prepare the composition you will need about 80 grams. dried apricot kernels. Grind them into crumbs using a coffee grinder or blender, mix with 45 ml. vegetable oil. Dry the orange zest in the oven and grind it into powder. Mix the two mixtures together. If the scrub turns out thick, add more oil. Distribute the product over the heels, wrap with cling film, wait half an hour. After this, exfoliate and rinse.
  6. Bran and kiwi. Mix wheat, rye or flax bran with table salt (ratio 2:1), pour in 20 ml. corn or olive oil. Peel the kiwi, turn the pulp into puree, and add to the previous mixture. Immediately scrub your heels and remove the product with water after 10 minutes.
  7. Baby cream and cereals. Buy medium-ground oatmeal, combine a handful of the mixture with coffee grounds(equal proportions). Add enough baby cream to make a full-fledged commercial scrub. Rub it all over the skin of your feet, leave for 20 minutes, and only then start peeling. The composition does not need to be washed off; you can remove excess with paper towels.

In most cases, even after steaming and exfoliating, the skin on the heels still remains yellow. To get rid of these types of defects, use bleaching baths.

Method number 1. Hydrogen peroxide and salt

  1. Pour 80 g into a basin. fine sea salt, which does not contain flavorings or dyes. Add 7 ml. any ether, pour in 30-50 ml. olive oils. After this, pour in 65 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution with a concentration of 3-6%, mix the contents of the container. If desired, add shampoo or liquid soap, beat the composition by hand.
  2. If the bath is hot, cool the solution to a comfortable temperature. Send to the composition of the feet, wait a third of an hour. Evaluate the result every 5 minutes: if the yellowness disappears faster, reduce the duration of the procedure.
  3. Start your pedicure. Alternately treat the heels with cosmetic sandpaper or pumice, remove rough calluses with a pedicure blade. Use a special buff that will smooth out microcracks on the heels.
  4. When the yellowness completely disappears, rinse your feet with clean water. To the owners sensitive skin It is recommended to apply a special foot cream, then wrap your feet in cling film (or put on shoe covers). Keep your feet in the compress for at least 2 hours.

Method number 2. Milk

  1. Dissolve in 2 l. boiling water shavings baby soap(you can use a liquid composition). Beat the contents into a foam, leave for 10 minutes until partially cooled.
  2. At this time, boil 2.5 liters. milk, pour the product into the first composition. When the liquid reaches an acceptable temperature, lower the legs into it.
  3. The duration of exposure depends on individual preferences, but it should be at least half an hour. Your heels must be completely soft before you can perform a pedicure.
  4. When the skin softens, rub the corns with an abrasive brush or pumice stone, scrubbing if desired. Wash your feet thoroughly and proceed with further manipulations.
  5. Fold the gauze cloth into 5 layers, soak it in hydrogen peroxide and apply to the heels. Secure the compress with cling film and wait 20 minutes.
  6. During this period, the skin will whiten, all you have to do is rinse your feet with warm water and apply cream. To maintain softness for a long time, wear cotton socks after the procedure.

Basic heel care includes not only steaming, but also exfoliation of dead skin cells. For these purposes, experienced cosmetologists have developed homemade scrubs and baths. Hydrogen peroxide and sea salt will help you get rid of yellow heels.

Video: how to care for your feet

There is a common saying that beauty lies in the details. We would add to this that not only beauty, but also health depends on details, sometimes completely invisible at first glance. For example, no one will evaluate your external attractiveness solely by the state of your pedicure, but you must agree that sooner or later this nuance will not escape the attention of others. Especially when it comes to a loved one with whom you spend time alone. The easiest way to get a pedicure is in a beauty salon. It's easy, fast and pleasant, and the result is guaranteed professional cosmetics and the experience of the master.

But in practice, not everyone visits a pedicurist in a disciplined manner: either there is not enough time, then it is a pity for the money, or even an important procedure simply slips out of their heads. Therefore, it is important to regularly take care of your feet yourself. You don’t think that a pedicure is an exceptionally beautiful polish on neatly shaped nails, do you? Filing and painting them in a timely manner is half the battle, and the other half is the ability to care for your heels at home. This is the only way your feet will truly be in perfect condition.

How to soften your heels and make them smooth at home?
Many women know how the skin on their heels deteriorates and becomes rough after walking in summer flip-flops or even barefoot. And in early spring, cracks in the heels may even appear, because the body did not receive enough vitamins all winter, became dehydrated in heated rooms, and there was no incentive to care for the soles while wearing closed shoes. As well as the mood to preen. And this is what we will fight with first of all: a woman should always have the mood and desire to take care of herself, regardless of the time of year, the weather outside the window and any other life circumstances. And to make self-care for your heels enjoyable, you need to use those products that delight you with texture, aroma, packaging and, of course, the result of their effect.

If you find cosmetics and folk recipes, pleasant and affordable for you personally, you will no longer have to force yourself to pay attention to a pedicure - each procedure will be long-awaited, and you simply will not want to put it off. And, fortunately, there are a huge number of options. Here, for example, are inexpensive and simple remedies for heel care at home:

  1. Warm baths- This is an extremely pleasant and relaxing procedure that helps not only soften your heels, but also relax, and warm up in winter.
  2. Sea salt when added to water for foot baths, it enhances the softening effect. It can be colorful and fragrant to also delight aesthetic senses.
  3. Pumice necessary to make your heels smooth. Choose a bar for yourself beautiful color, combined with a brush and leather polish, to make this tool pleasant to pick up and use as often as possible.
  4. Softening cream brings a lot of pleasure to caring for your heels. Especially if you combine its application with a foot massage every evening before bed. When choosing a cream, pay attention not only to its aroma and beautiful tube, but also to the presence of moisturizing components in the composition: urea and glycerin.
  5. Essential oils as a means of aromatherapy, they make heel care a real pleasure, especially since the choice of scent depends only on your desire. Just a few drops of orange, lavender or jasmine oil - and your mood will be wonderful, and your heels will be soft and smooth.
  6. Natural products allow you to care for your heels at home no worse than store-bought pharmacy cosmetics. In addition, you don’t have to look for products specifically, but use what you have in your refrigerator: vegetable oil, fermented milk products, egg yolk, salt, soda and other ingredients without artificial additives.
But what you should not use to care for your heels at home are dangerous professional pedicure tools, in particular, sharp blades and metal foot graters. Most likely, you won’t be able to twist yourself enough to apply these devices correctly, but you risk seriously injuring your skin. And if the epidermis is cut incorrectly and/or too deeply, it quickly becomes coarser again. Therefore, if the skin on the heels is completely keratinized and requires qualified treatment by a specialist, it is better to seek help from a salon, and then simply keep the skin soft and smooth with home remedies.

Recipes and folk remedies for cracked heels
Cracked heels are an extreme degree of neglect of the skin on the soles. It’s easier to simply not let your feet get to that state than to treat such cracks, which, by the way, not only look terrible, but also cause extremely painful sensations when walking. If the skin is dry and thin, then at the site of cracks it may even begin to bleed... But it is much easier to regularly care for your heels and simply not be aware of such problems. Moreover, caring for your heels at home is so easy:
Don't forget that one of the main conditions for success in heel care, both at home and in the salon, is regularity. If after several procedures you see that your heels have become smooth and beautiful, and you stop doing a home pedicure, then the skin on your feet will quickly return to its original state. Especially if your job requires you to be on your feet for a long time or your diet is unbalanced. And in general, it is advisable to supplement home care for heels with the intake of minerals, B vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. Drink more clean still water and give up fast food and sweets. Yes, nothing can be done: self-discipline is the key to beauty. And we wish you to stick to it with great pleasure and the desired result!