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How to make lipstick more durable. How to make lipstick long lasting

  • Features of matte lipstick

First, let's figure out what you need to consider before you start applying pigment.

Features of matte lipstick

Matte lipstick has two characteristic features: it is drier and more durable than glossy lipstick. These are both pros and cons. On the one hand, such lipstick will not spread and will last longer on the lips. But due to its drying effect, it can emphasize the texture of the skin. Plus, matte lipstick tends to crease, leaving your makeup at risk of looking sloppy. To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow certain rules.

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    Choose lipsticks with caring ingredients. These could be vitamins, beeswax or oils. For example, Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick from NYX Professional Makeup or Vivid Matt from Maybelline New York. The presence of oils in the formula does not exclude a matte effect. In high-quality lipsticks, they evaporate immediately after application. You can check this with an example.

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  • Before applying lipstick, prepare your skin. Use a scrub to even out the surface. Then apply the nourishing balm and wait until it is absorbed.
  • Apply lipstick to the brush. With its help, you will fill out wrinkles on your lips and your lipstick will fit better. Keep in mind that matte lipsticks in dark shades visually make your lips appear smaller, while light ones, on the contrary, give them visible volume.

How to paint your lips with matte lipstick without cracking?

The matte texture emphasizes any peeling, so the skin of the lips must be prepared in a special way.

Use a gentle exfoliant or scrub.

Apply base, oil or balm to your lips.

If you want to get the brightest shade, like in the stick, fill your lips with concealer.

Dark matte lipstick can visually make lips appear smaller. To prevent this from happening, draw a contour with a pencil to match your lipstick, slightly extending beyond the natural boundaries of your lips.

Apply lipstick using a brush.

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How to properly paint your lips with liquid matte lipstick?

Matte lipsticks tend to dry very quickly. Therefore, the application of such products requires care and precision. If you suddenly go beyond the contours or paint some area poorly, it will be difficult to correct the mistake.

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There is one more subtlety: in the case of liquid matte lipsticks, it is important that the balm that you applied at the stage of preparing the lip skin is completely absorbed, otherwise the lipstick will simply spread. It's even better to use a special primer. Lip liner will also help reduce the risk. Use one of the tricks of makeup artists - highlight the contour with it, and then shade the entire surface of the lips. This will prolong the durability of the makeup and prevent the lipstick from “running away.”

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If you do go beyond the contours of your lips, then erase the excess as quickly as possible cotton swab soaked in micellar water. If you can’t completely hide the mistake, use concealer.

How to paint your lips with matte lipstick without the support of a pencil?

If you want to create a look with matte lipstick, but don’t have a pencil on hand, the easiest option is to achieve the effect of kissed lips.

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Prepare your lips.

Apply lipstick to lips using fingertips using patting movements. The boundaries will be fuzzy - but that’s the point. Slightly sloppy lip makeup, especially in dark shades, looks very impressive.

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if you love sharp lines, use a special brush.

Gently apply the product to your lips, being careful not to go beyond the boundaries.

If you don't get the perfect contour the first time, concealer will help. Apply it along the outer contour of your lips.

Look for more ideas in the gallery.

Life hacks for using matte lipstick

A couple more tips to help you create beautiful image with matte lipstick.

  • Think through all the details of the image

Matte texture is always bright accent. Therefore, in addition, it is enough to simply highlight the eyebrows and apply mascara to the eyelashes. But the tone must be perfect. Therefore, do not forget to hide all imperfections (redness, dark circles under the eyes, dark spots) using corrector and concealer.

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  • Choose the right shade

If you have tanned skin, you can try an orange matte lipstick. And if, on the contrary, you are Snow White, then a cool pink shade will be advantageous.

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A universal option for any color type is nude lipstick. For evening events, classic red or raspberry is ideal - this shade with a matte finish looks especially impressive.

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  • Remove makeup correctly

As a rule, matte lipsticks are very long-lasting, so it will be difficult to wash them off with regular micellar water. Use an oil-based product. Apply it to a cotton pad, which you then apply to your lips for 10 seconds. After this, you can carefully remove the lipstick without damaging the delicate skin of your lips.

  • Use the balm correctly

If the pigment does not adhere well to the lips and emphasizes flaking already during application, mix it with a small amount of balm and distribute the resulting mixture with a brush.

To help you remember exactly how to properly apply matte lipstick, watch our instructional video.

Beautiful, seductive lips are the dream of every girl. Agree, it’s nice to look at proper makeup and beautifully defined lips. Unfortunately, not all girls are naturally gifted with such wealth. You have to dodge and cheat, achieving the desired effect every time you need to beautifully apply lipstick on your lips, and for a long time at that.

Of course, today some representatives of the fair half of humanity decide to undergo plastic surgery or Botox, without thinking about the fact that they can make their lips beautiful without surgical interventions. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to choose the right color and texture of lipstick, as well as know the basics of applying lipstick so that it lasts a long time.

First of all, you should know that lipstick comes in long-lasting, satin and matte finishes. Long-lasting lipstick stays on the lips for about eleven hours and does not lose its original shine. It is advisable to apply this lipstick to dry lips.. Try not to eat fatty foods after application, as this lipstick will not leave a trace.

1) Choose long-lasting lipstick

2) Apply lipstick to dry lips

3) After application, try not to eat fatty foods

You should know that cosmetics designed to remove makeup contain various fats. Matt lipstick intended for full lips, has a long-lasting color and does not smear. As for satin lipstick, it is almost universal. Most often it is used by owners of thin lips to visually enlarge them.

To keep your lipstick on your lips longer and not lose color, you can: apply a little lip gloss over lipstick. It will add brightness and shine to your lips, making them stand out.

4) Apply gloss on your lips over lipstick

In addition, in order for the lipstick to last for a long time, it is important not only to take care of your lips and follow the recommendations of cosmetologists, but you can also use a little trick.

In order for lipstick to stay on your lips longer, it is enough to choose a lipstick color that will not contrast too much with your facial skin. In this case, even if the lipstick wears off a little in some part of the lips, it will not be so noticeable.

5) Choose a lipstick color that is two shades darker than your lips

Choosing lipstick is not as difficult as you think. It is enough to purchase a shade that will be two shades darker than the skin of your lips. For women with fair skin, all cool shades are suitable. On the contrary, dark-skinned people are more suitable dark colors. Also, the choice of color depends on external data and hair color.

If you are the lucky owner blonde hair, then all pink tones will suit you perfectly. If your hair is dark, you can afford to paint your lips with any bright shades. It can be flashy red or delicate coral.

If you want your lips to look flawless, you need to invest in foundation and lip liner. The foundation will help you make your lips brighter and more saturated. Using a pencil, you can easily draw the outline of your lips. You need to choose this type of eyeliner carefully. The pencil should be either the color of your chosen lipstick or the color of your lips. Otherwise, the result may not always be the desired image of a woman - a vamp.

When choosing lipstick, always look at the manufacturing date and expiration date. It is also worth paying attention to the country of origin, since you should not skimp on your health and purchase the cheapest Chinese options for cosmetics.

6) Choose well-known brands of cosmetics

When purchasing, apply a small amount to your fingertips, this will allow you to better see how given color will fall on your lips.

How else can you increase the longevity of your lipstick? How to make lipstick stay on your lips longer?

All women love to paint their lips. And at the same time, many are interested in the effect lasting longer. But, alas, the result is often disappointing. It doesn’t matter whether the lipstick is expensive or not, the main thing is the technique of applying the cosmetic to the lips.

It is clear that during the day every woman periodically touches up her lips. But if you want to maintain the effect for a longer period of time you need to give up lipsticks and glosses, iridescent shades. Although they have very beautiful shades, but alas, they are the most unstable.

7) Avoid shimmery lipsticks in favor of matte shades and creamy lipsticks

The main leaders in durability are matte and creamy lipsticks. The reason is that only those cosmetics that contain a minimum of fat are persistent. This is the reason why the lipstick is long lasting.

If you are planning to go to an event where there will be a meal, then it is best to eat so that your lips have the least contact with the food. It is advisable to drink drinks without touching. The best option is to drink through a straw. If you take into account all these nuances, then it will be possible to maintain the effect at least a little. Otherwise, it is better to remove the lipstick from your lips in advance so that everything is not smudged later.

How to apply lipstick for a long time

To keep your lipstick on your lips longer, you also need to take care of your lips. Twice a week you need to exfoliate dead skin. Don't forget that you need to apply balms to your lips. It is best to do this at night.

8) Don’t forget to take care of your face and lips

Many women use a base coat to maintain the effect. Its big advantage is that it thoroughly dries the skin. At the same time, keep the lipstick on your lips longer.

9) Take full advantage of eyeliner

To ensure that lipstick stays on your lips for a long time, the best option will use eyeliner. Since ancient times, women have been accustomed to using eyeliner only to outline the contour of their lips. But it is desirable Apply eyeliner starting from the middle. Therefore, when the lipstick wears off, the eyeliner will remain on your lips. Agree, this is still the best option.

Usually, lasts the longest on the lips dark colors lipstick. However, many women use only those colors that look more natural. The main rule is a minimum of shine . When you apply gloss to your lips, you don’t have to expect that the effect will be satisfying.

10) Try not to use lipsticks with glitter

Professional makeup artists use only transparent powder for these purposes. In order to maintain the effect, you need to apply lipstick to your lips, and then use a napkin to remove any excess. Apply powder on top using an ordinary cosmetic brush. And the final moment is to apply the last layer of lipstick.

Rest assured, the result will be unsurpassed!

Find out now how to make beautiful eyelashes using eyelash lamination. Advantages, reviews and consequences of lamination.

One makeup artist told WH an interesting story. His close friend passed by wedding makeup four whole days. As you can see, modern cosmetics can last on the skin for a long time.

The softer the texture of the lipstick, the less durable it is and the less intense its color.

However, if on the packaging foundation If something like “16 hours of durability” or “24 hours” is written, know that the manufacturers are telling you the best test result, not the average.

Three categories of long-lasting products

We are all different. Some people touch their faces all day long, others don’t have this habit; you apply the tone according to all the rules, but your sister never does. All this affects the durability of cosmetics. And if you want to do good, long-lasting makeup, choose one of two ways to achieve your goal: buy special cosmetics or use WH tips. So, there are three categories of persistent products:

  1. Waterproof (in translation from English - “waterproof”). This cosmetics repels water from the outside. Mascara is perhaps the most famous product in this category. It is especially popular in summer, at the height of the beach season, and in winter, when wet snow tends to ruin makeup. However, this does not mean that it is not easy to find eyeshadows or foundations labeled Waterproof - they are available in abundance on the market.
  2. Long Lasting (in translation from English - “long-term”). Such products contain a lot of coloring substances, but durability is achieved not only due to quantity: the pigments are highly crushed to better “sit” on the skin, and are held together with liquid silicone oils. But don’t be alarmed, this is generally one of the most harmless components actively used in decorative cosmetics Today. The bottom line is this: products in the Long Lasting category are durable and bright rich color. Keep in mind that the more pigments in the same lipstick, the more difficult it is to apply it perfectly evenly.
  3. Water Resistant (in translation from English - “water resistant”). The “jars” on which you will find this phrase are resistant to the moisture released by the human body - simply put, to sweat. In the summer, makeup artists recommend everyone switch to such cosmetics. Well, remember for the future: it is practically irreplaceable for women during menopause.

Make long lasting lipstick!

Makeup artist Bobby Brown shows you how to turn regular lipstick into long-lasting lipstick:

  1. Take a pencil that matches your lip shade.
  2. Draw an outline with it, and then completely shade the lips.
  3. Apply lipstick in a thin layer.
  4. Run the pencil over the entire surface of your lips again to create a protective waxy layer.
  5. Using sliding movements and light pressure, rub the lipstick with your fingertips.
  6. Lipstick will become even more durable if you apply a little powder or blush on top of it.

waterproof eye pencil Twist (02 black) from seventeen waterproof mascara Phenomen "eyes (1) from Givenchy long-lasting cream powder double Wear Light (intensity 3.0) from Estée Lauder

Why are cosmetics so long lasting?

Each pigment that is included in Waterproof and Water Resistant products is treated with either silicone or amino acids. This is done so that it acquires a spherical shape - this way the color “attaches” better to the skin and, accordingly, lasts longer. The good thing about the technology is that this product will not separate, even if you decide to apply the tone very tightly. And it will not oxidize - that is, change shade during the day.

It is believed that the first waterproof eye product was mascara, invented by Elena Rubinstein herself. She created it for the dancers of the water ballet troupe.

Instead of long-lasting products

What to do if this moment Don’t you have this very long-lasting cosmetics on hand? There are several ways to correct the situation. Here are some of them:

  • Before applying makeup, degrease your skin, including your eyelids. When cosmetics come into contact with the secretions of the sebaceous glands, they begin to roll off and dissolve.
  • Apply shadows with a damp applicator. They say they last longer this way. And even if this does not affect their durability, water will in any case make the color brighter. Which is also not bad.
  • Don't forget about the makeup base. And know that it will never be replaced by a care product with a mattifying effect. These are two different products. If you come across an eyelid primer in a store, don't be tempted. Just apply a base that covers your entire face. These products have the same operating principle.
  • Relatively recently, makeup fixing sprays have appeared on the market (Make Up For Ever – Mist & Fix has a wonderful one). Not to be confused with thermal water. The thing is really useful: it reduces the oiliness of the skin and “holds” cosmetics on it. Apply this spray to the entire surface of your face when your make-up is completely ready.

How to remove stubborn makeup?

To do this without problems, you will need a product containing oil. The first thing that comes to mind is a two-phase liquid. Yes, it will fit perfectly. And yet, the idea that long-lasting cosmetics are best removed by such products is mostly a marketing gimmick.

Today, almost all makeup removers are enriched with “caring” components, including oils. The more of them there are in a product, the faster it will erase the war paint from your face. Our advice: choose “removers” from makeup brands, because they themselves produce long-lasting cosmetics of all colors and sizes and know how to get rid of them, in a good way.

Are long-lasting cosmetics harmful?

When waterproof cosmetics first appeared on the Russian market, they suffered greatly: many were afraid of new formulas because of the feeling of skin tightness. Yes, indeed, such a problem existed before. After all, the durability of the formula is ensured by the addition of components that evaporate when they come into contact with the skin: this way, the colored ingredients “cling” to the epidermis better. The result is a tightness effect.

Fortunately, some genius came up with the idea to enrich the composition of products with moisturizing ingredients. The principle of operation remains the same, but now not a single foundation will cause any inconvenience. And further. Some people still believe that some mascaras or shadows (especially waterproof ones) cause conjunctivitis. Answer yourself honestly: how long has it been since you washed your makeup bag, how often do you wash your brushes and sponges, do you have all your eye, lip and eyebrow pencils in caps? And only then blame the manufacturers.

Choosing a lasting tone

  1. If you oily skin, buy Water Resistant foundations. The secretions of the sebaceous glands are also moisture. Be prepared to use up your tube of foundation much faster than your friend with dry skin. The oily type has a higher absorbency because the structure is porous. And if the skin “asks” for several portions of foundation at once, that’s normal, don’t be greedy.
  2. Do you want to get a denser coverage and thoroughly disguise imperfections? Take the tone that says Foundation (aka fluid). If you already have smooth skin, buy emulsions. They contain water and oil, so the coating is translucent and the texture is lighter.
  3. The marking on an Oil-Free foundation does not mean that the product contains no oils at all. It does not contain mineral species that prohibit the use of some, including Russian, laws.

Masks flaws for a long time

In case you need to hide a tattoo or scar, cosmetics manufacturers have special products in stock: camouflage creams with maximum covering properties. They contain a huge amount of pigments and have a fairly thick texture.

You can tint your face or just the problem area with them. You can also stand in the shower for an hour or walk in the rain, and nothing bad will happen. What is the name of such a miracle, you ask. The answer is Full Cover from Make Up For Ever or Dermablend from Vichy.

Foundation cream-brush Infaillible (220 “sand”) from L"Oréal Paris Foundation fluid for face and body Face&body (20) from Make Up For Ever Compact cream-powder Diorskin forever compact (020 light beige) from Dior