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How to make a headband with your own hands (detailed master class). Stages of sewing headbands, rules for determining size Sew a summer headband with your own hands

These cute hairbands - how can they leave anyone indifferent? Of course not. We have chosen the most feminine and cute options for you - headbands with Cat ears. Any girl, girl, or charming lady will definitely need such accessories. Our master class will be about how to sew a headband quickly, in one evening.

Headband with ears - pattern and master class

This cute headband is made of soft fleece or terry cotton fabric(cut an old towel). You can also use knitted fabric - it should be plain, without a pattern. Whether you make a warm stripe or not depends on the thickness of the fabric. It will be especially interesting for beginning needlewomen to create - they will probably be interested in both the process and the result.

Make a pattern out of paper - you will probably need it later. If you like the result, you can repeat it for a friend. Such original accessory You can easily replace your headdress with your own hands in the spring, when the sun is warm and you want to finally take off your hat. The pattern is given for a head for a girl with a head volume of 54-55 cm. If you need a pattern for a smaller size, subtract as many cm from the main part as the desired head size is smaller.

To work you will need:

  1. A piece of fleece, jersey or terry cloth – 55/26 cm.
  2. A piece of light material for the inner ear. (14/16 cm.)
  3. Scissors.
  4. Paper, pencil, ruler.
  5. Threads to match the color of the product.
  6. A piece of ordinary gum 5-6 cm.
  7. Tailor's pins.
  8. Sewing machine or just a needle and thread.
  9. A little padding polyester, holofan, holofiber, thin foam rubber - whatever you have on hand - filler for the ears.
  10. 2 pieces of thick plastic (can be cut from a stationery folder), or polyethylene for the ears.

The pattern will be very simple. We need the main part 45/26 cm. – 2 pieces. additional piece for elastic 6/10 cm - 2 pieces. Next we need to cut out 2 parts of the ears from the main part, 8 cm wide and 9 cm high. We will also need 2 parts of the inner ears, wide. 7 cm and height 8 cm.

All details are given without seam allowance! Accordingly, when cutting, you need to add another 0.7-1 cm to the seams.

If you don't have a sewing machine this moment- dont be upset. The bandage can also be sewn on the hands using a needle-forward stitch, although this will take more time. If you want to make beautiful hand stitches, use a ruler and a pencil or pen to draw the seam lines in advance - this way you will follow the lines exactly and the seams will be smoother. In the diagram, the ears are round in shape; if you wish, the shape of the ears can be slightly stretched upward.

Let's start with the pattern. Transfer all the data onto paper, cut out the details. We put it on the fabric, pin it, and, adding 0.7-1 cm to the allowance on each side, we cut out all the details. The plastic for the ears (it is needed for the ears to stand up) must be cut without adding 0.7 - 1 cm to the allowance. In the future, when we sew the ears to the main part, the plastic should not interfere with us.

First you need to sew the ears. To do this, take the “ear main part” part, place it front to front “inner ear part” on top, pin it together or immediately stitch it, don’t touch the base! We turn the ears onto the face.

Next, we insert plastic into the ears and fill them a little with filler. We pin the bases of the ears with pins or sew them with a running stitch. We must fold the main piece in half, face down, and mark this place with a pencil.

Then we mark the places of the ears with a ruler and pencil (see pattern), combine the ears and the places where they should be. We insert the ears inward, with the inner ear down, something like this: the entire ear part is inside, and only 0.7-1 cm of allowance sticks out. We fix the ears with pins and sew the main part along the long side. We sew by machine or by hand, using this stitch or the “forward needle” stitch.

We stitched along the long side and turned the main part inside out. Next, take the piece “for the elastic” and stitch it along the long side, folding it in half. We need this part in order to insert an elastic band into it. We turned it inside out, inserted an elastic band inside and secured its ends on one side and the other. The result was an “accordion”.

Next, we place the main part with the ears already sewn on so that the ears are in the middle of the strip. We fold the side sections of the main part into folds so that only 3 cm of the side section remains. If the seam is too thick or rough, sew the corners of the main part and trim off the excess. We must align the accordion and the ends of the main part. We pin the sections with pins and stitch them. If you want the seam to look neat, it is better to do everything manually with a hidden seam.

This comfortable, warm headband will be useful for sleeping and more. It is cozy and warm, and only you can decide what material to sew it from. Most likely, terry cloth will be ideal. When sewing, smooth the fabric - then the terry will not fall into the stitching.

For this work you will need 2 pieces of fabric, preferably terry, 2 Velcro, embroidery thread (floss or any colored thread), a needle and thread to match the color of the fabric. Ideally, a sewing machine.

The pattern is the simplest - it does not have to be done on paper - you can immediately draw it on the back of the fabric.

There should be 2 such parts. The length of each depends on the size of the head, add 10 cm to the size of the head. The width of 1 part is 9-10 cm.

First, we embroider the cat’s face onto 1 piece, then sew both main pieces together, folding them with the front sides inward. We leave a small unstitched area of ​​6-7 cm, through which we then turn the bandage inside out.

For girls and ladies, hairstyle is of great importance. To make your hair look neat, various accessories are used. Women's hair jewelry is a whole industry, you won't see any options for stripes and hairpins! However, what many value in accessories is their originality and the fact that they come in one and only copy. Every girl should be unique, so the question: how to make a headband with your own hands is always relevant!

I was simply captivated by these narrow ribbon headbands with their simplicity of execution, beauty and elegance. Moreover, you can make them even without a sewing machine. It is enough to buy a little narrow rep or satin ribbon(the size of the head and the number of strips is the length of the tape), then you need 2 strips of leather and a piece of elastic. And you can choose absolutely any option.

If you don’t like the grosgrain ribbon, take any suitable fabric, fold it so that it doesn’t spill out, and stitch it by machine or by hand using a blind stitch. Then all that remains is to iron it.

The accessories presented below are a little more complex and require more time to manufacture. For this work you need to use a ring or beads. Here you can no longer do without a sewing machine and cord. This master class is performed as follows: strips of fabric are cut, their width depends on the diameter of the cord. We sew the strips, cut them, and turn them inside out. Next, we thread the cord inside and at the end of the work we decorate the product with beads. You can do without a cord, but then the strip will not look so voluminous.

Fabric headband - master class

The most common type of hair decoration is a headband made of fabric or knitwear. Depending on the type of fabric and additional decorations, the headband can be both home decor and an accessory for an evening hairstyle.

The good thing about headbands is that they are suitable for any hairstyle: from loose hair to a bun, ponytail and backcombing. If you need a warm headband and want to wear it instead of a headdress, it is better to take a material such as fleece, wool, velor, drape, and so on.

To work you will need:

  1. A piece of fabric (knitwear, viscose, silk).
  2. Ruler.
  3. Scissors, thread, needle.
  4. Centimeter.

We will need 2 pieces of knitwear or fabric. The length of one piece is your head volume plus 4 cm. Width is 30 cm. For example, your head volume is 55 cm. Therefore, the size of one piece is 59/30 cm. Both pieces should be the same size.

Fold each piece in half lengthwise and sew by machine or by hand using a backstitch.

We turn both pieces inside out.

We lay the inverted parts one on top of the other with the seams facing up.

We look at the photo and put the parts together in the same way.

The result should be a “loop” like this.

We put all four sections together, take a centimeter and mark with a pencil the size of the head volume (for us it is 55 cm). Draw a line with a ruler and pencil. We baste along the intended line. We measure the product on the head.

If it is convenient and the strip is not too tight, we grind these 4 ends of the two parts and trim off the excess. This strip looks interesting if you take 2 pieces of material of different colors.

Another very simple master class is a summer bandage made from tights. Of course, the most interesting accessory for this would be colored tights, but regular black ones will also work.

In our work we use 2 pairs of tights of different colors.

Cut off the top part. If the tights have a heel, cut that off too. If it’s not there, leave the sock as is.

Fold it as shown in the photo.

Tighten the knot as tightly as possible.

We measure the volume of the head and mark the size of the strip with a pencil or soap.

We pin it with a pin and sew it on a machine or by hand with threads matching the color of the tights with a fine stitch.

We cut off the excess elastic. The new accessory is ready. Original and unusual, you must agree!

Those who love the boho style know that this style loves unusual accessories, for example, many girls like the Indian headband:

This interesting ethnic Indian accessory can be made from strips of leather, beads and feathers. You can use cord of three colors instead of leather.

This is not the first summer that fashionistas have been wearing a bandana not only on their neck, arm, ankle, but also on their head. And the summer of 2018 promises us the fashion for bandana headbands again. Particularly relevant are black, white, blue and red colors, a pattern on a scarf in the form of a cucumber, a skull, inscriptions, and so on.

Currently, handmade accessories are gaining popularity and are becoming a wonderful decoration for any look. For example, a handmade headband will not only suit all personal preferences, but will also attract the admiring glances of other people. At the same time, making it is not at all difficult.

Headband for girls

A knitted headband not only holds your hair in place, but also provides warmth in cold weather and also protects your ears from gusts of wind.

Such products became popular along with the pin-up style.

To sew a headband for a girl, you will need:

  • skein;
  • knitting needles or crochet hook;
  • big needle.

Make fashion accessory It's very simple for a girl. To do this, you can choose any pattern you like: dense or not very dense, openwork or not, and also use different materials and colors.

Detailed job description:

  1. Measure your head.
  2. Subtract a couple of centimeters from the calculated figure. This is necessary so that the finished item fits well and does not fly off the head.
  3. Make a beautiful strip 5 or 10 cm wide: for a baby, 5 is enough, but for an adult girl it is better to tie it wider - 10 or even 20 cm. Sew the edges from the inside out. That's it, the headband is ready.

Product decoration

You can wear a simple headband, but it is better to add a couple of decorative details to make the accessory look more beautiful and interesting. This will not require much time and effort. The central part of the product must be intercepted with thread, pulled together and the ends firmly fixed from the inside out.

Sew a simple button, bead or bow onto the front part. It is better to make jewelry that will match the rest of your clothes. All parts must be well recorded.

Bandage with fixing elastic band

There is another type of nursery knitted headband, which is done more for beauty than for warmth. Before creating such an accessory, you need to prepare all the materials, necessary for work:

  • yarn;
  • knitting needles or crochet hook;
  • needle and thread;
  • flat rubber band.

Description of work:

Simple Solokha

The standard headband is created from strong fabric without the use of any auxiliary materials. The bow can be made using two methods: in the form of sharp or round ears. To create this beautiful headband, you need to take fabric with a bright polka dot or flower pattern. For To create a solokh on your head with your own hands you will need:

  • high density cotton fabric;
  • quality threads;
  • sharp scissors, special chalk, pins, needle;
  • sewing machine.

With the right headband, you can support the theme of any outfit, from vintage to boho or ultra-modern. Judging by the rise in popularity of headbands and headbands, this accessory is a must-have item in every wardrobe. Someone may say: “Bandages don’t suit me!” But here it’s exactly the same as with red lipstick: the main thing is to find yours. There are no women who cannot wear a headband or headband.

You may have to spend some time searching for a unique piece of jewelry that the best way reflects your understanding fashion trends. Pair your existing hairstyle with one of these amazing accessories and we're sure you'll turn heads the moment you step into the room. Choose a patterned, wide headband for an extravagant look, or a thin, solid stripe for a sleeker, more sophisticated look.

Various prints look so fashionable that it is impossible not to experiment. Floral and leopard patterns, checks - these are just some of the trends that have been fashionable for several seasons, from which you should definitely choose something. Hairbands are especially suitable for those girls and women who want to emphasize their flirtatiousness and bohemian image.

Hair bands can be worn with stylish styles such as buns, sophisticated, elegant hairstyles, or with hair left loosely down. In the latter case, you will look at ease and relaxed - perfect option for summer holidays.

Making your own hair bandage

1. Take a long strip of fabric or scarf (preferably elastic fabric)

2. Place the middle of the fabric strip at the base of the neck.

3. Cross the stripes over your forehead once.

4. Cross a second time.

5. Tie the ends at the back!

It's so simple and easy to change your look, an idea for every day.

How to Wear a Hairband

The hair band can be worn in different ways: on the forehead, on the hair.

It should be borne in mind that the first option, when the bandage tightens the forehead and hair, is not suitable for everyone. If you have round cheeks, then a drawstring in the middle of your forehead will only emphasize them. If the forehead is low, then the headband should be worn higher, at the hairline - in this case the forehead appears higher. For a very high forehead, wide headbands are suitable.

You should also consider how full your hair is. If to thick hair Almost any headbands and headbands will do, but on thin hair a wide headband will look too heavy. In any case, nothing prevents you from experimenting with ribbons (or scarves twisted into strands) of different widths. This will help you understand what works best for your face shape and hair type.

Also pay attention to the texture of the bandage and the fabric from which the accessory is made. Silk and lace will work wonders with clothes in a formal or romantic style. Ribbons with beads, feathers, spikes and rivets are a must. They will be suitable for parties, festivals and other special occasions.

The color and design of the headband is another point that you should decide on. Everything is simple here. Pastels are perfect for romance, while bright shades are simply meant to be an instant attention-grabber. Choose a color according to your preferences and your color type. And, of course, try on the headband before you buy it.

Either way, a headband will make you feel special. This is undoubtedly a very romantic accessory. There are elegant headbands and hoops to match evening dress, but, as a rule, headbands ideally emphasize the following styles: boho, ethnic, rustic, casual, romantic. If you combine dressings with casual clothes, you don’t have to worry about style. The headband will add a certain chic to the whole image and will cope with this task perfectly on its own.

Today I will show you how to sew a headband in 30 minutes. After sewing it, I realized how comfortable and practical this headdress is. How did I ever manage without her? After all, it is suitable not only for summer, but also for warm autumn, when it’s still hot in the hat and it’s advisable to cover your ears. I’m also terribly lazy in terms of figuring out how to beautifully tie a scarf on my head, but with this headband I don’t need to waste time, everything has already been thought of and I just put it on my head and voila, an instant beauty)!

To sew a headband, you don’t have to buy fabric; look in your closets, you might have scraps of fabric lying around. For example, I took mine neckerchief, which I don’t wear, but now it has found its use.

What did I need to sew a headband?

  • cotton or viscose fabric - 30 cm.
  • elastic band wide 3 cm - 14.5 cm.
  • thread in color 1 spool
  • sewing tools - scissors, measuring tape, safety pin

How to sew a headband step by step

The headband consists of three parts - these are two upper parts that cross each other and a lower part with an elastic band.

1. I cut out the upper parts of the bandage - two rectangles with sides 27*50 cm.

2. I fold the parts in half one by one and sew them on sewing machine.

3. I iron it at a low temperature so that the seam is in the middle of the parts.

4. I cut out the bottom part of the bandage for the elastic band.

5. I sew the bottom piece along side seam, retreating from the edge by the width of the foot. To turn the part inside out, I hook it to one edge safety pin and I run it along the entire length from the inside to the other end. I iron it.

6. I push the elastic band inside using the same pin.

7. I fix the elastic band inside. To do this, I sew it on a sewing machine to the fabric on both sides.

This is what should happen in the end. Using an elastic band, the headband will fit any head circumference.

8. I tie the upper parts of the bandage together as shown in the photo.

9. I place counter folds at the ends of the upper parts of the bandage.

So that the width of the upper parts with folded folds is equal to the width of the lower part with elastic.

10. I place the piece with the elastic on one of the top pieces of the bandage, so that the seam is on top part was from below. I sew them together.

Then I do the same with the second top piece.