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How to make thin hair thicker, thicker and denser. The big problem with thin hair is how to make it thicker

It is difficult to find a woman who would not dream of a thick and healthy head. Dense hair attracts the eye, in contrast to sparse and “sleek” hair. Therefore, many beautiful ladies are interested in how to make naturally thin hair thick and beautiful. The main thing in this matter is to follow the right approach.

Why does hair become thin?

  • frequent susceptibility to staining;
  • lightening in several stages without observing a safe interval;
  • lack of basic hair care;
  • abuse of thermal devices (iron, curling iron, hot curlers, etc.);
  • blow drying;
  • Not quality shampoo and balm;
  • rare use of firming masks;
  • deficiency of certain vitamins in the body;
  • poor and unbalanced diet;
  • dehydration of the scalp and the whole body;
  • psychological disorders;
  • taking serious antibiotics;
  • frequent climate change;
  • dry indoor air.

There is also a so-called genetic factor. In this case, the person has naturally thin hair. It is difficult, but possible, to correct the situation with salon and home procedures.

Correct care for hair thickness

There are uniform rules that, if followed, increase your chances of recovery. fine hair.

  1. During the recovery period, avoid dyeing your hair with ammonia compounds. If this is not possible, perform the procedure very rarely and only as necessary.
  2. Avoid chemical perms altogether and eliminate hot hair styling tools from your daily use. The latter include a straightener, curling iron, and hot curlers.
  3. Throw away or give to your friends all stylers, such as mousse, gel, wax, foam, fixing varnish. The listed products only dry out the hair, taking away precious moisture from its structure. As a result, the hairs become thin and lifeless.
  4. Make it a habit to visit the hairdresser once a month or a month and a half. This way you will get rid of split ends, which take nutrients and moisture from the healthy part of the hair. It is advisable to carry out the haircut using hot scissors.
  5. Shampoo, balm, spray to make combing easier - all these are basic cosmetics that should be in every girl’s arsenal. But in addition to them, you need to use decoctions of nettle, chamomile or green tea to rinse your hair after washing.
  6. Do not chase the frequency of washing your hair, wanting to achieve ideal hair condition. Hair should be washed only when it gets dirty. Otherwise, water and shampoo with conditioner will wash out all the beneficial substances from the hair core.
  7. If your hair is long, always braid it into a loose braid before going to bed. This will prevent damage. Similar care is carried out for hair middle length. Short hair Regular brushing is enough. It is worth remembering that going to bed with wet head Not recommended.

Washing and drying to thicken hair

  1. Choose high-quality shampoo and conditioner; the products should be from the same series. If possible, evaluate the color; it is good if the composition is transparent. High-quality washing cosmetics can be purchased at professional hairdressing stores and pharmacies.
  2. Do not wash your hair with products containing sulfates, silicone and other unknown additives. Remember the main rule: the worse the shampoo foams on a wet head, the more natural it is.
  3. Enrich the purchased composition with silk proteins. Add a little to each portion of hair wash. Some girls practice supplying shampoo with ampoule vitamins E or A, as well as nicotinic acid.
  4. To give root volume and visual thickening of hair, you can add detergent essential oil of patchouli, jojoba, geranium, orange or lemon. 3 drops per 100 ml is enough. bases.
  5. Make it a habit to avoid blow-drying your hair after washing, if your hairstyle allows it. Do not go to rest with wet hair, comb your hair only after drying.
  6. After washing your hair, do not twist your hair into a braid or apply mechanical force to it with a towel (strong friction). Only lightly collect the water, gently scrunching the strands into a fist. You should also treat wet curls with a spray for easy combing.
  7. In order to make thin hair thick, prepare decoctions for rinsing. Brew oak bark, chamomile, yarrow, nettle or geranium in boiling water, let it brew and strain. Rinse the strands and do not rinse.

  1. Everyone knows that health starts from within. This also applies to hair. If you don't eat right, no cosmetic product will make thin hair thick.
  2. Include rye, wheat or flax bran in your menu. They contain a lot of fiber, which is responsible for the beauty of hair. The product is also rich in zinc, which is necessary for thickening the core.
  3. The mop needs fatty acids, magnesium, and selenium. You will find all these substances in nuts. Eat at least a handful of almonds, hazelnuts, cashews or walnuts per day.
  4. Your hair will become stronger and thicker if you regularly use milk. Start your day with medium-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt or a glass of bran milk.
  5. It is also useful to eat flaxseed and oatmeal porridge for breakfast, mixed in equal proportions. It is better to complement the dish with a piece butter to add value.
  6. You need protein that is easily digestible. It can be found in egg whites, chicken, turkey, beef and veal, pork, and rabbit. Low-fat cheese and beans will not go amiss.
  7. Treat yourself to fresh fruits and vegetables, seasonal berries, and herbs. Drink at least 2.3 liters of filtered water per day. Lean on freshly squeezed juices from celery, citrus, apples, etc.
  8. Fish and seafood delicacies will be extremely valuable for hair. The listed products contain a lot of phosphorus, which is responsible for hair restoration and density.

Burdock oil for hair thickness

  1. Natural oils, in particular burdock, perfectly thicken hair from the inside. Get into the habit of using burdock oil before washing your hair.
  2. To do this, purchase the product at the pharmacy, pour the required amount into a bowl and heat it to 40 degrees in a water bath. Then comb your hair and part it.
  3. Lubricate the root section first, then the entire length up to the tips. At the end of the procedure, build a warm cap from polyethylene and a scarf. Expect 1.5-2 hours.

Kefir masks for hair thickening

  1. Buy kefir with maximum fat content. To create a mask you will need 200 ml. raw materials. Combine the product with 15 gr. colorless henna and 60 gr. rye bread without crust. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the product to the skin and the entire length of the hair. Hair must be clean. Warm your head in the classic way, wait half an hour. Wash off the mask with your everyday shampoo.
  2. Pour in 120 ml. l fat kefir into a heat-resistant container, heat the composition in a steam bath to 50 degrees. Add 30 ml to the fermented milk product. honey. Wait for the composition to dissolve. Distribute the mask through your hair with a brush. Wrap your head in cellophane and a warm scarf. Leave the product on for at least 1 hour. Remove the mask natural shampoo without additives.

  1. Peel a small onion and squeeze the juice out of it. Combine the liquid with egg yolk and 40 g. flower honey. Distribute the homogeneous composition with massaging movements. Pay special attention skin and roots. Wait a third of an hour, remove the product with your usual shampoo. The onion smell can be rinsed with lemon solution.
  2. Combine 3 egg yolks and 30 ml in a common container. premium olive oils. The product must be cold pressed. Add 25 ml there. sea ​​buckthorn and almond oils. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Distribute the mask over your head and curls using cosmetic brush. Wrap your head in polyethylene and insulated fabric. After 1 hour, wash your hair as usual.
  3. Take a cup suitable size. Mix chicken yolk in it, 60 g. homemade yogurt, 50 ml. aloe juice and 55 gr. banana pulp. Apply the product with massaging movements, distributing the remainder to the ends. Wrap your curls in cling film and a towel. Wait about 50 minutes. Wash off the mask with cosmetic shampoo and conditioner.

Homemade hair thickening sprays

  1. Brew chamomile in a heat-resistant container. To do this, take 240 ml. boiling water and 30 gr. raw materials. After this, add 6 drops of flax oil and 23 drops of burdock oil to the main components. Pour the homogeneous liquid into a container with a spray bottle. Use the product 3 times a day. Store in a cool place for no more than 30 days.
  2. Take 170 ml. mineral water without gases, add 80 ml to the liquid. lemon juice and 35 drops of burdock oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour into a suitable container with a spray bottle. The shelf life is no more than 8 days. Use three times daily.

To strengthen the hair structure and make it thicker, it is enough to regularly use various masks and products. It would also be a good idea to reconsider your usual diet. Products directly affect the quality of hair. If necessary, consult a specialist. You can choose professional products for yourself.

Video: the secret of thick hair

Details Updated 01/11/2016 15:39

Long and thick hair is every girl's dream. After all, hair is a woman’s wealth, which men always pay attention to. Long strands give the fair sex femininity, romance and extraordinary attractiveness.

Girls all over the world want to become the owner of such hair. Today, thin hair is not a death sentence. Nowadays it is possible to make your hair thick without hairpieces and additional strands. There are many ways and methods that will improve appearance, strengthen their roots and structure. A healthy hair grow very quickly.

Every girl dreams of making thin hair thicker. The main reason for hair brittleness and loss of shine lies in the cosmetics used to wash your hair. Shampoos, conditioners, masks, when used daily, wash out the microflora of the hair roots on the head. Natural protection loses its properties, so hair is exposed to negative effects from wind, frost, sun and rain. The composition of such cosmetics also causes irreparable damage to the hair roots. For hair care, you need to use shampoos, conditioners and masks that contain natural ingredients.

At the hairdressing salon, specialists work wonders on any type of hair. They do this thanks to professional tricks and hair care secrets. So, it should be noted that hair growth is accelerated due to blood circulation. This has already been proven by scientists. To do this, you need to perform massage movements of the head. The secret of all beauty salons lies in essential oils and vitamins that specialists use to strengthen hair roots and accelerate their growth. Special masks are also often used in beauty salons. To make your hair thicker and stiffer, you can make masks at home.

DIY mask recipes at home

Yolk based mask. You need to mix the following ingredients: one yolk, juice of ½ onion, one tablespoon of honey. It is important to bring the resulting mixture to a puree state, and then thoroughly rub the resulting consistency into the scalp. Using a comb, distribute the remaining mass evenly over the entire length of the hair. Do not wash off the mask for 15 minutes. This mask strengthens the hair roots. Other egg yolk masks.

Kefir mask with the addition of cocoa powder. To prepare such a mask, you need to prepare a glass of kefir, two eggs and two teaspoons of cocoa powder. Mix everything until smooth and divide into 4 portions. The next steps are as follows: one portion of the mask is applied to the roots, after drying, repeat the process 3 more times. After that, you need to wrap your head in a towel for 25 minutes and the mask can be washed off with shampoo under warm water. This mask accelerates growth and makes them thicker. Other kefir masks.

Alcohol mask. You need to mix one tablespoon of 96% alcohol and castor oil. The mixture should be applied to the roots, but not rubbed. Wrap the strands in a towel for 2.5-3 hours. It is advisable to wash off the mask with baby soap or mild shampoo. This mask will give your curls elasticity and volume. See here the best masks for thicker hair prepared at home.

Using folk recipes for preparing masks and shampoos, you can protect yourself from harmful chemicals. You can rarely find hair cosmetics with natural ingredients in stores and supermarkets. Therefore it is recommended to use folk remedies and observe some useful tips hair care. You can strengthen the hair structure with vitamins A, B, C, E, P, amino acids and minerals. Such vitamins can be purchased at the pharmacy in ampoules and added to shampoos and conditioners. Ammonia dyes, curling and blow-drying have a detrimental effect on the structure of curls.

Daily hair washing and blow-drying depletes your hair - it begins to fall out. It is useful to carry out a simple massage before bed using lemon juice, burdock oil and castor oil. To do this, mix one teaspoon of burdock and castor oils and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Immerse the total mixture in the form of a water bath in hot water for 5 minutes so that it can warm up. After which the heated mixture can be rubbed in for several minutes, and then immediately washed off under high pressure of warm water. This mask will make your strands thicker.

Make hair thicker: reviews

Elena, 22 years old

I dream of long hair, but for about 5 years now my hair has not become longer than my shoulders. The ends of your curls split and look bad – you have to cut them off. A couple of months ago I found out about kefir mask with cocoa powder. The result is amazing. I used the mask 3 times a week for a month, and the result appeared. Now my strands are thicker and the ends don’t split. There is no need to cut it, so soon I will have long hair.

Angela, 27 years old

My grandmother also told me about lemon juice and castor oil. Since childhood I have been making this recipe + adding a spoonful of honey. I have thick and long hair. I recommend to all.

Lilia, 40 years old

Once in a beauty salon I found out the composition professional cosmetics, which they use, and it turned out that only natural ingredients are present there. Since then, I have given up store-bought shampoos and make my own shampoos. folk recipes or I try to buy cosmetics only based on natural products.

Olga, 35 years old

I used to always blow-dry my hair until my hair became like icicles. Now I dry it with a towel, and after each wash I rinse it with herbal infusions. You can use any based on chamomile, mint, dill, rose, etc. The main thing is to rinse with a warm herbal decoction. Now I'm proud of my thickness.

For dessert, video: How to make hair thick and voluminous

Thick and strong hair is the cherished dream of every girl. This wealth is very rarely obtained from nature and even more rarely can it be preserved over the years. The environment and lifestyle have a detrimental effect on hair, making it thin and lifeless. So is it possible to breathe new beauty into them and how to do this?

Washing and drying hair

When choosing shampoos, focus on the most simplified and light formulations based on high-quality raw materials. Such a shampoo should be liquid, water-like, transparent, without the effect of weighing down the hair and without impurities or unnecessary additives.

If you wish, you can enrich the composition of the shampoo yourself by using silk proteins to shine your hair. You can buy silk protein separately and add a little while washing.

Jojoba oil is also suitable for enrichment. This oil is not capable of weighing down the hair, but, on the contrary, will give the hair additional volume and shine.

Get into the habit of not drying your hair with a hair dryer or straightener. Do not rub them with a towel.

Always apply conditioners and leave-in products to damp hair, especially to protect against environmental stress and split ends.

Nutrition adjustments

Hair beauty starts with proper nutrition. By regularly consuming certain foods, your hair can gradually become thicker and thicker.

Bran contains a lot of fiber and zinc, which contribute to the beauty and health of hair.

Various nuts contain fatty acids, selenium, and zinc, so they are also beneficial for your hair.

Try to eat some walnuts, Brazil nuts, pine nuts or almonds every day.

Fermented milk products contain a high concentration of calcium, which affects hair strengthening. Moreover, they contain a lot of protein, which also has a positive effect on hair health.

Easily digestible protein can also be found in chicken meat. If a woman consumes it in insufficient quantities, her hair becomes thin and dull.

If you want your hair to be healthy, don't forget to regularly pamper yourself with vegetables and fruits, especially those that contain vitamin A. Love spinach, greens, carrots, apples and apricots.

Fish contains many useful substances. Try not only to use it in different types, but also take fish oil.

Additional care

Completely avoid using ammonia-based hair dyes, as well as any type of perm. Limit the use of hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons to a minimum. Their use leads to depletion and drying of hair, and thick hair Moisture in the hair structure is important.

Trim your ends at least once a month. For unlightened healthy or slightly damaged hair A preventive haircut with hot scissors is suitable.

In addition to cosmetics: masks, sprays, conditioners, and so on, after washing it is useful to use decoctions based on green tea, nettle, hops, burdock root or pine needles.

When trying to achieve the desired result, do not wash your hair every day. Ideally, washing is done once every 3-4 days for short and medium hair and once every 4-7 days for long hair. Before going to bed, simply loosen and comb your curls, do not braid or make a ponytail. During the day, take a few minutes to massage your scalp to stimulate hair growth.

Masks and products

To strengthen and add thickness and shine, the following masks and products are recommended:

Based on burdock oil

Mask 1. Take two egg yolks, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise and butter. Having obtained a homogeneous mass from these components, distribute it throughout your hair, paying attention to each strand separately. Wrap your hair in a towel, and after half an hour, wash off the mask using warm water and mild shampoo.

Mask 2. You need to take 3 tablespoons of burdock oil, mix with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey. Add 2 egg yolks to this mixture and stir everything thoroughly. Let the mask stand for 30 minutes so that all the components become friends. The mask must be applied to dry hair, evenly distributed over the entire length. Apply thoroughly to roots and scalp. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Spray 1. You need to brew 250 milliliters of chamomile decoction. Add 20 drops of burdock oil and 5 drops linseed oil. The mixture must be poured into a container with a spray bottle. You can use the spray 2-3 times a day. Store for no longer than 1 month (in the refrigerator).

Spray 2. 150 milliliters of mineral water should be enriched with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and add 30 drops of burdock oil. This spray can only be stored for 1 week. For visible results, you need to use it at least 3 times a day.

Egg yolk based

Mask 1. Mix the yolk with the juice of a medium onion onions and a tablespoon of honey. When applying, pay special attention to the roots and skin. After waiting a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask with shampoo. For those who do not like the smell of onions, you can exclude it from the mask.

Mask 2. For 3 yolks you need 3 tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil, a spoonful of almond and sea buckthorn oils. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mask on your head for an hour, wrapping your head in a terry towel.

Mask 3. You need to mix 1 egg yolk, two tablespoons of plain yogurt, aloe juice and ripe banana pulp. Distribute the mixture over the entire length and insulate the head for an hour.

Kefir based

Mask 1. To prepare, take 200 ml of full-fat kefir, a teaspoon of colorless henna and a few crumbs of rye bread. Mix all the ingredients to a paste and apply to your head, paying special attention to the roots. It is better to apply on clean hair. Warm your head with film and a towel. Leave the mask on for half an hour.

Mask 2. Heat half a glass of full-fat kefir. Add a tablespoon of honey and stir thoroughly until the honey melts. Apply to hair, wrap in plastic and a warm towel. You need to keep it for about an hour. Wash off with mild shampoo.

Warm burdock oil

Recipe 1. To make your hair thicker and thicker, use warm burdock oil before washing your hair. It should be applied to the roots and along the entire length of the hair, and worn for about 30 minutes; the procedure should be repeated no more than twice a week. After 2 months of use, the result will be clearly noticeable, but you should take a break for 1-2 months to let your hair rest. Then the masks can be made again.

Recipe 2. It is very useful to do warm combing burdock oil. To do this you need to use a thin comb. Lubricate the comb with heated oil and comb the hair in different directions until the oil cools. The procedure must be repeated with all strands of hair. Afterwards, the hair is thoroughly washed with ordinary shampoo and a sufficient amount of running warm water.

Every woman is unique and has her own characteristics. This applies to all aspects, including hair. It is believed that owners of thick and thick curls are incredibly lucky. However, few people think about the difficulties associated with caring for and styling such hair. Therefore, all ladies whose hair is thin and not too thick should not be envious. Each situation has its pros and cons, and with the right approach, fine hair can look quite attractive.

Features of fine hair

In order for your hairstyle to always please you and those around you, you need to determine your hair type and learn as much as possible about the features of caring for it. Most women in our country have thin curls. The reason for this is a genetic predisposition, and nothing can be done about it. You can only learn how to properly care for it and enjoy what you have.

But there may be another reason for thinning hair. It lies in the lack of vitamins in the body. Often such a deficiency occurs immediately after the birth of a child. In this case, we can advise you to strengthen your hair not only from the outside, but primarily from the inside. Regularly take complexes rich in vitamins A and E and calcium, eat healthy fruits and vegetables, and don’t forget about healthy hair masks. Then your curls will become healthy and shiny. You can learn more about the vitamins your hair needs in the following articles:

Thin hair: require special care: washing, drying, styling

Care for thin hair

As already mentioned, fine hair requires special care, careful care and gentle handling. The fact is that they are especially susceptible to mechanical and thermal influences, which can easily cause fragility and splitting. Taking all this into account, you should, if possible, avoid hot blow drying, using curling irons and straightening irons, as well as combing while wet.

It should be especially noted that for thin hair it is best to purchase a comb in a specialized store. It should be a soft brush, preferably made from natural materials. These are usually used to care for hair extensions. Right after water procedures It’s better not to carry out any manipulations with your curls. They need to be lightly blotted with a soft towel and dried with cold air from a hair dryer or naturally. Thin hair dries quite quickly. Only after this can they be carefully combed with light movements, starting from the ends.

It is best to wash thin hair with special shampoos. This should be done as often as circumstances require. There is no need to allow your curls to become greasy - this will make them completely unsightly and lacking volume. Now there are special shampoos for frequent use that are perfect for oily hair.

As for the use of balms and conditioners, it is better to apply them exclusively to the ends. Otherwise, the curls will become heavy and will not hold volume. The exception is the use of special conditioners for fine hair. But masks need to be used regularly. They should not only be applied along the entire length of the curls, but also rubbed into the scalp, while simultaneously doing a light massage. All this will help improve blood circulation, strengthen hair follicles and promote increased hair growth, which will lead to an increase in hair volume.

As masks you can use castor, burdock or olive oil, how in pure form, and as a basis for a compound product. In this case, you can use lemon juice, honey, chicken yolks, etc. as additional components. All these products will help saturate your hair with all the necessary nutrients and reduce its oil content. Detailed recipes Such masks can be found in the articles:

Decoctions of herbs such as nettle, chamomile, as well as other useful plants that can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected yourself are ideal as a rinse. 1 tbsp will be enough. l. per glass of boiling water. You can simply leave it covered for 15-20 minutes, or you can prepare a decoction by holding a container with dried herbs filled with boiling water for about 5 minutes over low heat. The resulting product can be used as a leave-in spray by pouring it into a spray bottle or simply rinsing your hair with it. Store the broth in the refrigerator and make sure it does not spoil.

Thin hair: need regular masks and specialized shampoos

Ways to add volume to thin hair

It is not so easy for those with thin hair to make their hair look full and thick. The main rule here is the use of special styling products - these are foams, mousses and sprays. You should stay away from gels and waxes. When choosing a varnish, you need to pay attention to the special instructions on the label. It is necessary to select only products for fine hair with a light texture.

To add volume, you can use special comprehensive care products, such as shampoo and conditioner with proteins and collagen. It is better to purchase them in special stores. A spray with liquid silk also helps to add volume to fine hair.

Special hairdressing techniques - curling, cutting and dyeing - will also help to visually increase your hairstyle. It is natural that curly hair will look more voluminous, so you can make it light perm. It is best to choose cascading haircuts of medium length. As for coloring, you should refrain from using dark shades. Highlighting, tinting or coloring is perfect.

Get acquainted with the features of haircuts for of this type hair can be found in the articles:

Treatment for fine hair

To ensure the health of fine hair, you should constantly and regularly care for it. In this case, not only external influences matter, but also internal ones. You need to eat right, take vitamins and healthy image life. Along the way, do not forget about using hair masks about 2-3 times a week. Once you see an improvement in the condition of your hair, you should not stop using it. special means. It is necessary to carry out procedures less frequently, for prevention.

But initially I want to highlight the problem.

Reasons for the existence of thin hair:

  • Genetics. Thin hair is not a death sentence. I often encounter misunderstandings among people who think that fine hair is thin, but this is not true. Thinness is a characteristic of the thickness of the hair, so if a girl has thin hair, it does not mean that she has “three hairs.” Thin hair is quite capable of being thick, in this case there is a lot of hair, but each hair is small in diameter. Most often, such hair is prone to tangling and bunching into “icicles,” which are hated by all owners of fine hair.
  • Impact from outside. No one is immune from this, since any hair can become thin for this reason. Here we will talk about any type of impact: thermal, chemical, and so on. I think that many girls who have bleached their hair more than once or did not have the most successful chemistry know that similar procedures can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the hair if performed in violation of technology.
The reason that I have thin hair is the second one.
At one time (and to be precise, back in 2015), I did an ombre. As my current master later explained to me, the entire procedure was performed incorrectly, so my hair was mercilessly deteriorated. Someone else would have cut it all off, but I decided to restore my hair, which I actually succeeded in doing.
I dealt with the breakage and grew the length, but my hair was still damaged and therefore it became very thin. Therefore, at this time, all my attention is focused on products that can thicken them.

There are several ways to add density to your hair:

  • Interior– filling voids inside the hair. Damaged hair is more porous, so when the damage is filled, it regains density. As a rule, products that give this effect are called restorative. Cosmetics that contain: protein, keratin, collagen, silk, elastin will “patch up” your hair well.
  • External– creating a thin coating on the surface of the hair. Most often, this function is performed by silicones, but herbs such as henna and basma are no less effective. They have tanning properties, due to which the effect when dyeing with herbs can significantly exceed that provided by silicones. Also, external factors include such components as hyaluronic acid and lipids.
Often in cosmetics a combination of these components occurs, then the effect of their use becomes most pronounced, although it is temporary.

Very smoothly I approach the “highlight” of the program.
I have always preferred products with proteins and keratin. My hair really loves these components and always reacts with noticeable density, so one fine moment an idea came to me: why not make a protein mask yourself?

I started my hair care with homemade masks and I think this is familiar to many. What each of us has not tried at one time or another to achieve the desired result.
Usually you get a rave review about something and rush headlong to get the ingredients so you can try it yourself.

I'm taking so long to prepare you because not everyone will like my idea. This is not a typical review that will talk about putting the entire contents of the refrigerator on your hair. Here, on the contrary, we will talk about using all the benefits of civilization, which I propose to modernize.

So, I present to you Whey Protein with Coconut!

Yes, yes, your vision does not let you down, that’s right. The main component and also the highlight of my review is protein.
I think girls who are not far from the world of sports know about such a beast. For those who are not in the know, I will explain.

Whey protein (protein) is a concentrated mixture of globular proteins obtained from whey. In this case, whey should be understood as a liquid composition that is formed during curdling and is a by-product during the production of cheese. On this moment This is the best protein for both muscle growth and fat burning.

There is a subtype of whey protein called "fast protein"- this is an isolate, which will be discussed further.
Isolate- in fact, it is a purified concentrate. The protein percentage reaches 97%.

The idea of ​​trying to make a mask with protein came to me quite a long time ago, but a variation of the only recipe that I found on the Internet seemed very strange:
You will need soy protein, this product can be found in stores dedicated to sports nutrition. For the mask you need to mix 3 tbsp. l. protein and 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar. Soy protein must be diluted to a creamy state with water. Constantly stirring the mixture, add powdered sugar. The resulting mask should be applied to previously washed and not dried hair. The mixture is kept on the head for about an hour and then removed with warm water.

The recipe seemed very strange to me. I have nothing against protein, but the amount of powdered sugar was very confusing. I know that when brewing henna, sugar is added to thicken the mixture if it is too thin. Apparently, in this recipe, powdered sugar is used to stabilize the mixture.
There were many doubts and in the end I decided that the reaction of my hair to “naked” protein and powdered sugar could be unpredictable.
So, the idea of ​​creating a mask arose, which simply changed my view of hair care in general.

I wanted to combine the restorative properties of protein and the caring properties of moisturizing.
And what did I get out of this?

So, I’m telling you how to make a hair mask with whey protein at home.

You will need:


  • Take a portion of the mask. In my case it's 2 wooden spoons<по крайней мере так изначально планировалось.
  • Add 15 grams of protein.

Measuring is very convenient, since all large jars of protein contain a measuring scoop.

  • Mix thoroughly.

  • We notice how little this is.

  • The protein makes the mask thicker and I personally wanted to add a couple more spoons of the mask.

Please note that the protein fits perfectly into the consistency; it is completely mixed with the mask.

The mask became very thick.

This is especially visible in comparison with the “before” consistency.

Impressions from use

I use the protein mask strictly after washing my hair.
  • To achieve maximum effect, you can wash your hair with deep cleansing shampoo.
  • I wring out my hair with a towel and hold it on my hair for 5 minutes to remove excess moisture.
  • I apply the mask to my hair, thoroughly coating each strand.
  • I put on a shower cap.
  • I keep it for 15 minutes.
  • I wash it off.
The mask is easy to wash off, but special care should be taken here. Of course, it all depends on the final thickness of the consistency, but the thicker the mask, the more it will get stuck in the hair.
  • When already wet, there is an excellent conditioning effect.
  • And the heaviness of the hair is felt.
  • It also takes a little longer for your hair to dry.
This is what hair looks like after a protein mask.


  • Real hair thickening.
This is the quality for which many are willing to give anything.
I admit, if I had not felt it myself, it would have been difficult for me to believe SUCH an effect.

As mentioned earlier, my hair is bleached and the bottom 30cm of particularly damaged hair is incredibly thin. My hair is ombre, so the top part of my hair is healthy and full. In general, there is something to compare with.
I have tried a variety of hair products, but none of them gave me the same effect as a homemade protein mask. She succeeded in something simply incredible: making the hair at the ends feel equal to the thickness and density of intact hair.
This is incredible. The products that I used before worked in combination and only remotely brought my thin hair closer to a relatively healthy state. I managed to restore them from a hard washcloth, give them softness and a decent appearance, but I could only dream about their former thickness.
This mask made my long-term dream come true from the very first moment!

Honestly, I was ready for the absolute unpredictability of the result: getting dry, crispy or coarse hair, not getting the result, but I couldn’t think that the result would be THIS.

  • In addition to the fact that the hair has become noticeably thicker, it is no longer unnaturally soft. They didn't get stiff, but they started to feel very healthy: The density that was lost after lightening has returned.
  • The hair has become noticeably more elastic.
  • They became much easier to comb. This is simply incredible to me. Lately my hair has become terribly tangled and without a spray and leave-in to make combing easier, it was simply impossible to comb it. The situation was much better when I pulled my hair out with a hairdryer, then it tangled much less later, but immediately after washing my hair, it was still difficult to comb.
  • Healthy weight and smoothness. Protein always has a weighing effect on my hair: it adds porosity and slight fluffiness. There are “heavy” protein masks that hide volume, but in this case, excessive frizz is eliminated and hair volume is not affected in any way. Thanks to this, the hair straightens and becomes smoother.
How long does the effect last?

Despite the huge advantages, this mask also has disadvantages and its main drawback is its fragility. The effect disappears after a couple of hair washes, but this is if you use shampoo with sulfates. Mild sulfate-free shampoos allow it to last twice as long.

How often can you make a mask?

The question is very interesting. Google suggests that protein masks should not be done more than 1-2 times a month, but for myself I decided to use it 3 times a month. Once a protein mask, then I wash my hair with a soft sulfate-free shampoo (Greenpharma Pharmavolum), I use a moisturizing mask (Kaaral Hydra) and a moisturizing leave-in wash (revitalizing fluid from Belita), as well as once a month a deep-cleansing shampoo (from Belita). With this schedule, my hair is as comfortable as possible, and I enjoy its density and thickness for the longest possible time.