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How to make jewelry for a girl with your own hands. Children's room decor: original design ideas

On the eve of the holidays, you can start making crafts with your children. New Year's decorations using the most simple materials. Nothing complicated, it just takes a little time and a flight of imagination. And also, materials that are found in almost every home, or can be purchased at minimal cost.

1. Plastic toy, decorated with a small fingerprint with additional drawing. You can make a deer or a snowman.

2. A snowman made of cotton wool or padding polyester, a plastic bottle cap, and a felt scarf or scrap of fabric. The beauty is that the snowman can be useful next year.

3. Garland of Christmas trees. Using baking molds in the shape of a Christmas tree, we draw an outline on a piece of felt, cut it out, and then glue rhinestones of all colors onto the Christmas tree. You can attach it to the thread with ordinary clothespins.

4. Santa Claus from an old toy and his sleigh with gifts.
We make a grandfather from an old toy, cotton wool or padding polyester, a felt hat, and a head from a very small toy.
A sled can also be made from felt and the bottom of a large matchbox.

5. Christmas toys made from Lego elements, tied up beautiful ribbon. You can hang it on the tree during the holidays, and then remove it and use it for its intended purpose.

6. Angel bells made from garlands and toys. The bell is made of paper, wrapped in a shiny garland or tinsel, and secured with glue. The tongue of the bell is a toy on a ribbon.

7. Wonderful stars made of tubes and beads different sizes and colors.

8. New Year's Santa Claus socks made of felt. We make slits along the edge and insert colorful ribbons for an interesting hand sewing effect.

9. Funny “gingerbread” men, but made of colored polymer clay, hung either on a Christmas tree or on a shelf. The work uses baking molds to perfectly match the holiday gingerbread cookies. Can be used for more than one year.

10. Marmalade star. Six large sticks (you can use wooden skewers) strung onto the central gummy berry big size. We string the remaining gummies onto each tip separately.

11. Hanging garland made of yarn. In each figure, the yarn is wound in a circle and attached to the paper with glue. Then each figure is attached to a thread, creating a unique decorative element for the holiday.

12. Snowflakes and stars made from popsicle sticks or ice cream juice.

13. Felt snowman. Along the edge of the figure there is a stitching made of colored threads and a pattern on the figure’s cap is also made of colored threads.

14. Christmas tree toy with rhinestones. If required, paint the toy in the desired color, then glue rhinestones on it in random order or as in the picture.

15. Christmas tree decorations made from sweets. We string sweets onto a metal wire that do not melt at room temperature. We decorate the top with a bow of multi-colored ribbons.

16. Spruce toys made from scraps of fabric. Toys are double-sided, stitched by machine or by hand, inside adhesive fabric to add hardness. We decorate as desired in any form.

17. Christmas tree decorations in the form of candy canes. Strips of red and white rolled into a roll, then glued together in the shape of a candy stick, decorate the top with a ribbon bow.

Making gifts for a girl with your own hands is a real pleasure! After all, here you don’t have to be afraid to go overboard with decor and bright colors.

In this collection you will find the most interesting crafts for children, which can be made for a holiday or without any reason. Traditionally, we have collected master classes in different techniques so that every craftswoman finds something suitable for herself. All lessons are on our website “Women’s Hobbies”. To go to MK, click on the photo or title.

Handbags and accessories

Every girl needs a handbag, or better yet, several. Believe me, such a gift young fashionista will be no less happy than a new doll. Choose from three children's bags the one that you can make as carefully as possible.

If you are a beginner needlewoman, then stop at the cute one. You don’t even need it for sewing sewing machine– all parts can be connected manually.

If you feel the strength to do original gift for a girl with your own hands from genuine leather then let it be.

You will have to tinker, but the bag will turn out to be good-quality and durable.

Can you knit? Then collect the remaining yarn for the hero of the occasion.

You can give schoolgirls a hand-made one. The author of the master class used out-of-fashion jeans as a material. Although you can use any fabric as a basis.

A simpler, but no less beautiful one is suitable for storing pencils and pens.

For those who sew without flaws, we have a spacious one. A good way to recycle pants that are about to be thrown out of the closet.

Everyone has a player or a phone, and a common problem– tangling of headphone wires. Hand-sewn - an ideal gift for a girl 7-10 years old. The holder will strictly protect your wired headset and help you keep your bag or briefcase organized.

Fashion jewelry

Girls have been drawn to jewelry since childhood, but if it’s too early for them to wear massive jewelry, it will fit perfectly! By the way, there you will also find a tutorial on making necklaces with the same flowers. There is no fear of losing felt decorations in the garden or yard while playing.

Just a little wool is needed to felt a miniature. This brooch is suitable for a coat, handbag, hat, or warm jacket.

Wrong again? Watch the making master class. An ideal gift for summer and the best accessory for a trip to the sea. Suitable for hairpins and elastic bands.

Felting is not the easiest craft, but the toys in this technique are practically “alive.” If you are not ready now, come back to this MK later and be sure to learn how to felt from wool.

For those who do not know how to sew, knit and felt, there is simplest technique manufacturing original toys as a handmade gift. Chenille wire was originally invented for completely different purposes, but creative people found her more useful application. The girl won’t even find any signs of technical chenille.

And another one simple craft– who knows how to move and dance. It is recommended to make such a bird for a preschool girl.

Every girl’s dream is to make one as a gift with your own hands from light plasticine or air-hardening polymer clay. Our fashionable girl holding a handbag in his hands. The outfit is made in a nautical style.

The same plasticine or clay makes cute toy animals. For example, like this one. It is unlikely that he will leave anyone indifferent. The material hardens, you can safely play with the cat. , you just need a few Raffaello chocolates. This presentation is more original than a regular factory box.

If you wish, you can make a whole set by purchasing a simple one in the store. children's set from spoons and forks. Typically these sets include 4 items.

We hope that original selection master classes on making gifts for girls with your own hands will help you please your baby or friends’ daughter. We are sure that you will enjoy the process too.

IN Lately DIY New Year's decorations for the home have become very popular. There are several reasons for this: homemade products are much better quality than store-bought ones and look beautiful, the ideas are unique, and making crafts captivates children.

The product can be made from any available material. You can find it on the Internet step by step production almost any New Year's toys. You can develop a design yourself using a variety of materials.

Home decorations (MK)

Having decided to make holiday compositions yourself, a natural question arises: what kind of New Year’s decorations can you make with your own hands? It is clear that it is impossible to make glass crafts at home. A good place to start is by identifying the materials you have around the house and are easy to work with. After that, we draw sketches and choose colors for further design.

Thanks to crafts, the holiday will seem more homely and exciting, and your home will sparkle with new colors. We offer several simple master classes on making decorations for the New Year.

From the cones

The most simple option will be making jewelry and crafts from pine cones. Curvy, beautiful products obtained from fir cones. Separate elements and single decorative ornaments are made from pine.

An original solution would be a nest made of cones of different types of spruce trees with elements of branches:

1. First, the cones are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. The bottom and sides are formed, the cones are fastened together with glue, using threads and twigs.

3. Beads, sparkles and other decor will help decorate the composition. The finished decoration can be used as a candle stand.

Vases for tangerines, fruits, and sweets are also made in this likeness. Such original dishes can easily decorate any holiday table.

From felt

Recently, felt toys in the New Year style have become very popular. Felt figures serve as the main decoration for the Christmas tree and home because they are safe, unbreakable, environmentally friendly and bright.

How to make such a toy:

1. Cut out a shape from paper.

2. Place the template on the felt and prepare the patterns.

3. Cut out the blanks and make outlines.

4. Sew the details of the cut out figure by hand or on a sewing machine.

5. To add volume, you can put cotton wool inside. The felt figurine is ready.

From beads

It takes a long time to make New Year's interior elements and designs from beads. This option is suitable for those who love hard work and have a lot of free time. But such products look decent. Tabletop mini-Christmas trees, as well as keychains-toys, are often found. Let's consider the manufacturing process of the first option.

For the frame of the future Christmas tree, you will need a large bead, for example, an amber one, with a diameter of 2 cm. You need to insert a small stick into its hole. To make the frame more stable, glue it to a large coin or flat button. Next we work according to the diagram.

The photo below shows a step-by-step master class.

From foamiran

From foamiran you can make holiday magnets for the refrigerator with New Year's scenes, a toy for the Christmas tree, figurines for a garland and much more.

Let's look at the process of making a Christmas tree from this material:

1. First, a pattern is prepared according to which the toy will be formed. To do this, draw templates on a sheet of paper and cut them out.

2. Place the patterns on the foamiran and trace them with a pencil. The result should be three elements with different cuts.

3. Cut the blanks with scissors clearly along the line. Do this as carefully as possible to ensure even edges.

4. The further principle is to connect the parts. Cover by ready-made craft You can use sequins, decorate with gouache or sprinkle with sparkles - at your discretion.

Corrugated paper

Large-scale decorations for the New Year holidays are made from corrugated paper. This material makes stylish wall decor elements. Some craftsmen compose entire paintings with a plot. But we will look at the step-by-step production of a Christmas tree, see the photo below.

From polymer clay

Products that are closest to factory toys are formed from polymer clay. The result is durable, reusable decorations that are easy to make with your child. The easiest way to make such a toy for the Christmas tree is in the form of a snowman.

To begin with, take white clay - it serves as the base, you can also use colored clay. When the body is ready, we begin painting. One toy is made in about 10-15 minutes.

From foam plastic

It is better to make New Year's decorative elements from foam sheets that will be used outside the home. These can be huge letters, figures, houses. It is easy to cut decorations out of foam plastic using a hacksaw. We decorate objects with glowing garlands, you can paint them with paint or cover them with decorative paper.

From tapes

Small toys for the Christmas tree are formed from ribbons. Ribbons often serve as the basis and decorative material for many other compositions. Appliques and hanging toys are especially often made from satin ribbons. Fixation is done using a thread and a needle, glue, or a textile stapler.

From fabric

Decorative pillows with New Year's motifs are sewn from fabric, Stuffed Toys for children. By using different fabrics, contrasting balances and shapes are created. It is better to sew elements and parts manually. Making New Year's interior elements from textiles is very profitable - there are always a few extra scraps of fabric at home.

From plastic bottles

Using plastic bottles, large objects are created: beautiful houses, boxes, geometric shapes. If decorated correctly plastic bottle, then you will get a souvenir for a gift for New Year or decoration for the Christmas tree. Look what a wonderful penguin you can make.

From disks

With the help of discs, disco balls are mainly created, which are used together with a luminous garland. The atmosphere of a nightclub is created. A finely chopped disk can also serve as finishing material for other products. So, for example, you can decorate a glass ball on a Christmas tree.

From pasta

The pasta product is characterized by strength and flexibility in work. From pasta you can make a small Christmas tree, animal figures, a star or a snowflake for the Christmas tree. The finished product can be easily painted with gouache or watercolor.

From threads

Often performed New Year's work for interior decoration using floss threads. It is enough to simply tie a bunch of floss, forming figures. Extraordinary interesting option will be applications on New Year's theme and posters. It’s easy to make a Christmas tree decoration from threads; to do this, just soak them in glue and form them into the shape you need. When the product dries, it will become hard.

From the branches

Crafts made from branches can be candlesticks, vases, decorative plates, boxes for toys, fruits and sweets. It's very fashionable. They mainly use a pine twig. For more non-standard wood, branches of other trees are used.

From padding polyester

Soft toys for the Christmas tree are sometimes made from padding polyester, but more often this material is used to create appliqués. You can use colored synthetic padding to embroider pictures on decorative pillows or canvas. The craft in the form of a snowman also looks original - such a toy will decorate the interior of any room.

In the video: a snowman made of padding polyester.

From Foma (polyethylene foam)

It’s easy to make any shape from Thomas, just use stencils. Preparations include proper preparation and color scheme. You can also do Christmas tree that will decorate your New Year's table. The operating principle is very simple, see photo below.

Made from fleece

You will need templates and fleece. Parts are cut out and subsequently sewn together. The principle of operation is the same as when working with felt. Fleece makes soft and pleasant to the touch New Year's decorative elements.

From foil

Foil makes disposable decorations, toys and garlands. The material quickly tears, wrinkles and breaks. Used for decoration and maintaining shape. It’s easy and simple to make snowflakes for the Christmas tree; you need to crumple the pieces of foil into a sphere and fasten them together with wire, forming a shape.

From newspapers

Christmas tree decorations in papier-mâché style are created from newspapers and glue. A mold is made from foil, onto which newspaper soaked in glue is applied in layers. When the paper is dry, you can paint the craft with colored paint or cover it with glitter.

From plywood

Models of toys for the Christmas tree in the form of images of animals, houses, fruits, vegetables, and fairy-tale characters are made from plywood. An awl is used to create a hole for attaching the thread. The toys can be used for a long time.

From light bulbs

We make garlands from light bulbs, “balls” for the Christmas tree, and devices suitable for indoors and outdoors. Lamps are covered with bright or shiny materials. Registration takes a few minutes.

Made from burlap and jute

Toys are made from burlap and jute according to the principle of felt and fleece products. Festive bags and headbands are also made from this natural material. A bouquet of chestnuts, dried flowers, and acorns can serve as an addition.

From cotton pads

Cotton wool is used as a finishing material for applications and crafts. Glue it to any base with glue. Cotton wool can be painted with watercolors and gouache. Working with such material is easy and simple.

From newspaper tubes

Interesting baskets for tangerines and other elements of New Year's decor come out of the tubes. Volumetric decorations are also made using tightly rolled sheets of newspaper. The paper can be painted later.

From twine (string)

Balls and hanging structures are made from twine, twine, rope. Such details interconnected form a garland. Christmas tree decorations made of textile material have many positive features: they do not break, are environmentally friendly, and are safe for children.

On video: New Year's ball made of threads.

From beads

Beads make additional decor for larger items. The beads are sewn, glued, and placed on the base. They make screw Christmas trees. Small crafts serve as gifts for relatives and friends.


Origami is used to create a huge number of works; you can make toys for the Christmas tree, garlands, and hanging decorations. Paper figures are stored for a long time and have volume. Used as interior decor if the structure is of impressive size.

Christmas tree decorations (MK)

Making Christmas tree decorations can be done from almost any material you have at home. Thanks to durable means of fixation, creative ideas are created. For the base, you can use ready-made toys. On plain ones Christmas balls Often a frosty pattern is drawn with stained glass glue or an outline.

Decoration of New Year's balls

Decorating spheres does not require special skills or materials. This finishing option is ideal for transparent balls, but you can use a foam ball as a base.

Action algorithm:

  1. Remove dirt from the ball and degrease with acetone.
  2. Lubricate the surface with adhesive solution.
  3. “Dress up” the ball with finishing materials (in this case, sequins).
  4. If necessary, secure all parts with clear varnish and let dry.
  5. If the ball is made of foam, insert a pin or special fastener for hanging.

Everything can be improved Christmas decorations. Broken glass from old toys, beads, beads, sparkles and ribbons are suitable for decoration.

Hair jewelry (MK)

It’s easy to make New Year’s hairpins, headbands and hair ties from scrap materials. You can watch a lot of videos about this on the Internet. Let's look at two of the most interesting master classes.

Headband with horns

Creativity lies in creating a unique decoration that will decorate the hairstyle. The simplest option is a decorative headband:

1. On the old rim, using wire, the frame of the future craft is formed - a deer antlers.

2. The hoop from one edge to the other, together with a wire frame, is wrapped with twine.

3. Glue is used for secondary fastening (deer ears and fabric flowers can serve as additional decoration).

The decor can be Mickey Mouse ears, a decorative bow or a colored mohawk, Christmas trees, pine cones, pine branches, snowflakes - there are a lot of ideas.


For more discreet options for hair products, the kanzashi technique is suitable. The work is done from ribbons, which are applied to a base coated with glue. For such products, practice is important.

On video: New Year's snowflake- hair band.

New Year's decorations crocheted and knitted: diagrams and descriptions

New Year's decorations can be crocheted or knitted. Knitted animals, people, fruits, houses will decorate the Christmas tree and the house.

The work consists of:

  • purchasing threads and yarn;
  • knitting in accordance with patterns;
  • stitching products.

Knitted toys last a long time. The technique does not take much time, calms your nerves, and is easy to master. There are knitting and embroidery combinations in one product.

Crochet Santa Claus decoration
Knitted snowflake crochet Christmas tree
Christmas balls knitting pattern

Wall decorations

On the wall you can hang pictures made in various techniques, simple New Year posters. Garlands of lights or decorative material are usually placed under the ceiling. There are a lot of options, look at the photos and choose the option you like.

Door decoration

The door from the street and the room are usually decorated with a New Year's wreath. Modern interpretations present compositions not of branches and cones, but of luminous garlands. From plywood blanks and threads you can create a composition in the form of hanging structures.

Wooden decorations also look good against the background metal door- it's unique, fresh and modern. You can make an original decorative wreath from wood and branches.

New ideas

Original New Year's decorations are easy to create with children. Creative ideas You can draw from the baby’s drawings and inventions.


In accordance with the decor, the following original decorations are created:

  • Garlands with unusual household items strung on them.

  • Framed photographs that form interesting compositions.

  • They drew an incomprehensible picture and decorated it with rain and sparkles. The main thing is to be creative.


Interesting and funny ideas can be found in children's magazines.

  • You can remake old soft toys or make them yourself from socks.

  • Bring to life an animal from scrap materials, for example, from branches.

Making decorations with children

Making jewelry for children is exciting, and working with them is even more exciting. Adults can show real class for their child. Time will fly by quickly and cheerfully for your little one.

When choosing technology you should consider:

  • child's age;
  • its capabilities;
  • complexity of the work ahead;
  • safety of materials.

Greater preference for the manufacture of jewelry is given to: appliqués, designs with additional decoration, corrugated paper, napkins.

For girl

An ideal option for a girl would be drawings that can be decorated with sparkles or sequins. The little girl can offer ideas for New Year's decorations: jewelry, decorative items for furniture, Christmas decorations. The main thing is to use a lot of bright colors.

The simplest and most effective option would be to create a cartoon or fairy-tale character toy. The mother can do the main work, and the daughter can help at first.

Beautiful jewelry for girls is a wonderful way to please your daughter, niece, or granddaughter. Fortunately, the choice of jewelry for different age categories great, it is appropriate for any occasion: at school or kindergarten In the photo, jewelry for girls looks elegant and cute. If you wish, you can create a custom decoration with your own hands.

When choosing jewelry, you need to focus on the girl’s age. Kids 3-5 years old love bracelets and beads, girls 6-10 years old like headbands, earrings and rings, and teenagers choose baubles for their wrists and hair accessories.

But there is no clear division by type of jewelry. The main thing is that the girl herself likes the jewelry and is quite safe: it does not cling to clothes or hair while being worn.

When choosing any children's decoration You need to pay attention to the materials. They must be of high quality, without traces of paint in contact with the skin, without sharp parts.

Everything you can use to make a decoration for a girl can be found at home - these are scrap materials. Polymer clay is also useful for creating beautiful elements.

Hand jewelry (bracelets and rings)

Adults will remember how in their childhood they twisted rings made of copper wire. Modern girls also love rings and bracelets. The technique for the base of the ring is traditional: beads or multi-colored buttons in the form of animal figures are attached to a wire base (a thin silicone cord is threaded through the holes of the button).

Bracelets are a fashionable feature among both children and young people. Bracelets can be made from anything and worn for any occasion. Made from beads and charms, beads and threads, fabric and floss, bracelets give endless scope to imagination.

An ordinary ice cream stick will serve as a universal homemade preparation for a bracelet. It is soaked in water for a day, after which the pliable stick is placed in a mug of the desired circumference. After drying, the form is ready for pasting, decoupage, painting or covering with fabric.

Bracelets made of beads are strung on a waxed thread, the edges are fastened with a small carabiner. The method is even simpler: purchase a thin simple bracelet and decorate it with a special ribbon with beads.

Beaded bracelets come in all sorts of configurations. You can take a master class on how to do it beautiful decoration from beads, or you can learn how to do it yourself.

Head decorations (headbands, hairpins, elastic bands, headbands)

There are hair jewelry departments in every jewelry store. You can make unique decorations yourself, and change individual elements and get an exclusive option each time to match the event.

Headbands trimmed with fabric, leather, decorated with beads, embroidery, and flowers look nice on children. To create it yourself, you will need a regular metal or plastic rim, satin ribbons different colors 5 cm wide, decorative elements.

You can carefully wrap the headband with ribbons, either in one color or by changing the ribbon in the process. Or cut the ribbons into squares, from which you can make petals in the “kanzashi” style. Then collect the flowers and decorate the cores with beads or cabochons.

The edges of the ribbons need to be lightly treated with fire using a lighter so that the fabric does not fray. The ends of the ribbons and decorative elements are secured with glue. If the base of the headband is colored, you can decorate half of its length with hearts or other figures cut out of felt and glued overlapping.

Little fashionistas really like to wear bright headbands. Besides the fact that it is cute and beautiful, such headbands do not put pressure on the head and do not pull the hair. When made independently, the circumference of the headband is selected individually, and the decoration will be openwork multi-layered flowers with beads in the center.

Appear original ideas jewelry for girls. As a basis, you need to take a wide ribbon or a piece of elastic lace, measure the required length according to the desired size. To create a flower, openwork tape in small frills is glued to a felt circle in a circle so that the future flower has volume.

When using two types of ribbons of different widths and colors, you will get a lush decorative flower contrasting design. A flower can be assembled from petals different lengths like an aster. The material in this case will be thin colored felt. Or you can twist neat roses from braid.

Hairpins are a hit among girls' jewelry. Small and large, they look stylish in their hair. One problem: they get lost quickly, so the girl should have a lot of hairpins.

You can understand how to make jewelry for a girl with your own hands using crocodile clips of different sizes. The top surface is usually smooth, so decorative decorations can be securely glued. Hairpins with bows made of fabric, lace, satin with beads, buttons or a thin ribbon bridge in the center look beautiful.

Not only an adult, but also a young fashionista herself can decorate elastic bands on her own. You will need a simple plain elastic band onto which flowers or bows are sewn, or, in a laconic version, decorative buttons.

For special occasions, the elastic band is wrapped along the entire length with yarn with a “metallic” thread. Then sew on with thread or crochet along the diameter of the elastic beautiful beads in no particular order.

Beads and earrings: favorite jewelry

From the moment they get their ears pierced, girls love to wear earrings. First these are small studs, then - various children's earrings with figures and cartoon characters. It’s easy to make ear jewelry yourself, you just need to take the basics of earrings:

  • The base with a platform is suitable for gluing cabochons or beads.
  • Convenient stringing bases are great for beads, small beads or pendants.
  • Bases with loops - for pendants different forms, small figures.

Children's beads are not just a piece of decoration, but also often a play aid. Homemade beads are made from improvised materials (ribbons, curtain rings or rattles) and even products (pasta or bagels are used).

At home you can make beads from polymer clay. The instructions for making jewelry are simple: balls are rolled from a special polymer material, heated in your hands. Holes are made in them with a toothpick. The beads are baked for 30 minutes on a baking sheet in the oven, and after cooling, they are strung on a cotton cord.

Photos of jewelry for girls