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How to talk about strong love. Smart words about love - what scientists say

In general, love is expressed not in words, but in actions. If you really love a person, then you can sacrifice time, attention, money, and energy for him. But you shouldn’t be shy about talking about your feelings either. It's amazing how three simple words can change the lives of two people. Remember, like Rozhdestvensky:

Gergely Zsolnai /

“Three words, eternal as spring,
They are given such power.
Three words and one destiny,
One dream, one path...
And one day, having endured everything,
You'll say, "I love you."
What old words
And how my head is spinning,
And how dizzy... “

But we have completely forgotten how to fill them with meaning and, as a result, we simply do not hear the power, depth and beauty that fills the phrase “I love you.” Fortunately, our hearts have not completely forgotten how to feel love, and there are other simple phrases that can mean no less.

1. “You are my best friend”

True love is born from friendship, not passion. A friend is a person to whom you come for advice, to whom you are not afraid to open your soul, showing everything that is in it, without embellishment. Friendship between people in love with each other is a special form of spiritual intimacy.

2. “I appreciate you”

“It’s important to me not just that you are my boyfriend or girlfriend, but that you exist. And no one else can replace you,” that’s what these words mean. This means that you are valuable to a person, something important and dear.

3. “I care about you”

We say, and this means that we are afraid of losing a person. And inside, a tender and warm feeling of something dear, warming and good is immediately born.

4. “I am attached to you with all my soul”

It sounds a little bookish and perhaps old-fashioned, but the truth is that such words are spoken only from the heart. Because you really feel that you are connected to this person on an invisible, almost cellular level.

5. “I admire you”

And here it is advisable to specify what exactly it is about your loved one that admires you most (specificity is especially important for the stronger sex). We all want to see delight in the eyes of our other half. The words here will rather reinforce what is already being read in the gaze.

6. “I respect you very much”

Respect is an integral part of adult relationships. They say that women respect the men they love, and men love the women they respect. Be that as it may, love goes hand in hand with respect.

7. “I trust you”

This phrase has many synonyms: “I’m not afraid to walk with you through dark corners,” “Here are the keys to my car,” “I’ll go with you to Anadyr,” but you can also use the original version.

8. “You inspire me”

And inspiration can have different shades: inspiration to become better or create something with your own hands (work, music, objects of art), the desire to study next to a loved one.

9. “I missed you”

We only miss those who are dear to us, who we need. The presence of other people is secondary. I remember the words from the song “I Miss You”: “I miss you like a wounded animal misses its pack, I miss you, that’s how it happens”...

10. “I am grateful to God that I have you”

Believe me, you will never say such words to someone you don’t love. And it sounds like hundreds, like thousands of “I love you” at once! Magically…

Let's say such words to our dear and loved ones more often. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings, because our soulmates so often lack this!

In general, love is expressed not in words, but in actions. If you really love a person, then you can sacrifice time, attention, money, and energy for him. But you shouldn’t be shy about talking about your feelings either. It's amazing how three simple words can change the lives of two people. Remember, like Rozhdestvensky:

“Three words, eternal as spring,

They are given such power.

Three words and one destiny,

One dream, one path...

And one day, having endured everything,

You'll say, "I love you."

What old words

And how my head is spinning,

And how dizzy... “

But we have completely forgotten how to fill them with meaning and, as a result, we simply do not hear the power, depth and beauty that fills the phrase “I love you.” Fortunately, our hearts have not completely forgotten how to feel love, and there are other simple phrases that can mean no less.

1. “You are my best friend”

True love is born from friendship, not passion. A friend is a person to whom you come for advice, to whom you are not afraid to open your soul, showing everything that is in it, without embellishment. Friendship between people in love with each other is a special form of spiritual intimacy.

2. “I appreciate you”

“It’s important to me not just that you are my boyfriend or girlfriend, but that you exist. And no one else can replace you,” that’s what these words mean. This means that you are valuable to a person, something important and dear.

READ ALSO: “Nothing happens for nothing” and 5 more phrases with which parents “as luck would have it” turned out to be right

3. “I care about you”

We say, and this means that we are afraid of losing a person. And inside, a tender and warm feeling of something dear, warming and good is immediately born.

4. “I am attached to you with all my soul”

It sounds a little bookish and perhaps old-fashioned, but the truth is that such words are spoken only from the heart. Because you really feel that you are connected to this person on an invisible, almost cellular level.

5. “I admire you”

And here it is advisable to specify what exactly it is about your loved one that admires you most (specificity is especially important for the stronger sex). We all want to see delight in the eyes of our other half. The words here will rather reinforce what is already being read in the gaze.

6. “I respect you very much”

Respect is an integral part of adult relationships. They say that women respect the men they love, and men love the women they respect. Be that as it may, love goes hand in hand with respect.

7. “I trust you”

This phrase has many synonyms: “I’m not afraid to walk with you through dark corners,” “Here are the keys to my car,” “I’ll go with you to Anadyr,” but you can also use the original version.

8. “You inspire me”

And inspiration can have different shades: inspiration to become better or create something with your own hands (work, music, objects of art), the desire to study next to a loved one.

9. “I missed you”

We only miss those who are dear to us, who we need. The presence of other people is secondary. I remember the words from the song “I Miss You”: “I miss you like a wounded animal in its pack, I miss you, that’s how it happens”...

10. “I am grateful to God that I have you”

Believe me, you will never say such words to someone you don’t love. And it sounds like hundreds, like thousands of “I love you” at once! Magically…

Let's say such words to our dear and loved ones more often. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings, because our soulmates so often lack this!

When you are loved it gives you strength. When you love, it gives you courage. Lao Tzu

I choose you. And I will choose you again and again. Without hesitation, without doubt. I will always choose you. Unknown

I swear that I cannot love you more than in this moment, and yet I know that I will - tomorrow. Leo Christopher

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune. Albert Camus

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand. . Dorothy Parker

I looked at you for just one minute and saw a thousand things I love about you

I decided that I would choose love. Hatred is too heavy a burden to bear. Martin Luther King

I saw that you were perfection and fell in love with you. Then I saw that you are not perfect, and I loved you even more. Angelita Lim

The heart wants what it wants. There is no logic in such things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's it. Woody Allen

If I know what love is, it's thanks to you. Hermann Hesse

There is only one remedy for love - to love even more . Henry Thoreau

There is no duty to love. There is only freedom to love, and this freedom can be discovered in yourself again and again . Vladimir Levi

When thoughts of you come, I realize that I have woken up. Seeing dreams about you, I understand that I fell asleep. When I see you next to me, I understand that I am alive

And remember what they say: to love someone means to see the face of God. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Everything I understand in life, I understand only because I love. Lev Tolstoy

Nothing can replace the great love that says: “No matter what happens to you, you always have a place at this table.” Tom Hanks

Stop looking at love through the peephole, open the door. Leo Christopher

This is a very dangerous condition. Actually, it's not that pleasant. I don't know who the hell wants to be in a situation where you can't stand even one hour without that person by your side. Colin Firth

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven. Possesses paradise - wants heaven. O lovers, all this is in your love! Just be able to find it. Victor Hugo

A touch of love can make anyone a poet. Plato

When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest of your life to begin as soon as possible. "When Harry Met Sally"

I realized that I was thinking about you, and I began to remember how much time you were in my thoughts. Then I realized: since I met you, you have never left them. Unknown

The pleasure that love brings lasts a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime. Bette Davis

To love means to constantly struggle with thousands of obstacles around us and in ourselves. Jean Anouilh

When love is not madness, then it is not love. Pedro Calderon de la Barca

One word frees us from all the heaviness and pain of life. This word is love. Sophocles

You will know it is love when all you want is for that person to be happy, even if you are not a part of their happiness. Julia Roberts

Where there is love, there is life. Mahatma Gandhi

All you need is love. But a little chocolate won't hurt. Charles Schultz

I hope you know that every time I tell you "have a nice trip" or " Have a good day", or " Good night"I'm actually saying I love you. I fucking love you so much that it steals the meaning from all other words. Open-365

Who will tell me what love is?
Where did we get the idea that we love this guy, this girl, for example? Do we think about this person constantly? - the explanation is crazy. You can constantly think about the enemy. Do we think it's always warm? - about a friend.
Do we want to hug or kiss or similar things? - it’s far-fetched, we raised it with mother’s milk that this happens.
So how do you know you love someone you barely know?

What do you know about love? What's in it for you?

I think that there is no love as such. It’s just that they decided to put a set of terms into one word “love”, and it is one... to mother, and relatives, and to husband, boyfriend, sister/brother, friends..

So, let's move on to this formula, what does this “love” mean?
Trust + respect + endless interest + knowledge that this person plays an important role in your present and, importantly, future life.
From this already follows the desire to make a person pleasant, good, so that he becomes happy... And depending on who it is, this takes on different forms.

But in general... This is a very strange feeling that has no clear definition, which exists in the minds, but does it actually exist in that very soul, unknown to us?
Who can say with all responsibility that he loved? That this is not just a habit, affection, sympathy, that you are not just drawn to a person..?

Probably, love is the only thing that cannot be explained, understood, the only thing that you cannot be sure of and ask others “what is it.”

Now I often notice how children aged 12 and older declare with all seriousness and confidence that they love, suffer, and worry about it. I can’t imagine how they define and classify their feelings.

The word “love” is said almost immediately as soon as they feel something warm or start dating. I think this is stupid. Feelings are such a fragile thing that needs to be tested, strengthened, built, nurtured... gradually... everything happens really very slowly, and you don’t come, you see, you fall in love.
I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong, but this is just my point of view, based solely on my experience and observations.

It was difficult for me to say “I love you,” it was difficult even to admit it to myself. And the awareness of this fact was not made from the remarks of girlfriends and friends on this topic, some advice, opinions, articles, books, but really after arranging all the facts that had undergone a clear analysis, after I really felt lightness, closeness and complete freedom with man.

That is, the awareness of this fact occurred separately from everything else. It seems to me that it is only after this that you can say that you love.

People declare that they love with ease, and just as easily break off relationships, as if nothing had happened, saying that everything has passed, as if all feelings disappeared in one fleeting decision.

No... I think that everything is wrong... Just as love comes gradually, it leaves slowly and painfully, forcing you to think and worry. And even then, when you think “that’s it, let it go,” she knocks again, reminds her of herself and leaves.
I don’t think that when you truly love, you part with ease... even when you voice the decision about it.

And I don’t think that when there is true love, people break up because of “I’m sorry, I met someone else.” When you love, you don’t recognize others as people of a different gender. And even if you see that the other person is much better than that who is with you now, there is just a thought: “so what? But he, my man, is loved and loved”...

Parting when true love, it seems to me, should only happen when a person again collects everything he has, thinks about it... and understands that there is no need to build a relationship with him anymore, it will not give anything, it will lead to nothing will not lead, and not because of someone’s words or a look on the side.

I was also always surprised by one thing that happens even among couples in love: people try to hide their shortcomings and appear to their... Um, partner... Better than they really are.
Is it just me or is this stupid?

Moreover, the person himself understands that everything cannot be so beautiful and ideal from the very beginning. And especially not the right to demand this or be dissatisfied with the fact that this does not exist in the first place.
If this person is really close, dear and loves, of course. If this is real, then they don’t pay attention to such little things; what’s more important is something else. Moreover, it is not repulsive. Rather, on the contrary, it creates greater intimacy and trust, which should already be quite present among couples in particular.

For example: what’s the point of lying and saying that everything is good and you like it if it’s not so? After all, you can truly express your opinion without hurting feelings. Or why say that you don’t want or want something, only knowing that your person will like these words? Or hide any actions with yourself... Or... Many others or.

Love is when good people Badly. Spleen

“He realized that she was not only close to him, but that now he did not know where she ended and he began.” L. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”

I don’t know how to love half or be friends, I’ll either give my whole soul or nothing.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a small soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

It happens that the person who can save you drowns. Frederic Beigbeder

What I am to you is what you will be to me. Heinrich Mann

Women only love those they don't know. Mikhail Lermontov

How often in life, when we make mistakes, we lose those we value...
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors...
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful...
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology...

Love is the only thing that makes a person stronger, a woman more beautiful, a man kinder, a soul lighter, and life more beautiful! Friedrich Nietzsche

Not a single person in the world is worthy of your tears, and the one who is worthy will never make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Whoever wants it will write, whoever needs it will call, whoever is bored will find it.

I love her because there is nothing like her in the world, there is nothing better, there is no beast, no plant, no star, no more beautiful person. Alexander Kuprin

Don’t be shy about your feelings and desires... There will be no other life for them...

Only then will a guy understand how dear a girl is to him, when she ends up with someone else...

There are no ideal people, but there is always one who is perfect for you.

A woman is a Flower. And the man is the Gardener. The gardener cares for and grows the Flower. The flower, in turn, thanks him, giving him its tenderness and beauty. The most caring Gardener has the most beautiful Flower.

If I were offered love or money, I would choose love. After all, thanks to love, inspiration appears to create something new and make money.

If you catch a bird, then do not keep it in a cage, do not make it want to fly away from you, but cannot. And make it so that she could fly away, but did not want to.

Sometimes they leave not to leave, but to return different.

A loved one can never be replaced by anyone.

They could not reach each other, but they were able to touch the soul. Ariel Buteau

It is a mistake to think that love grows from long-term friendship and persistent courtship. Love is the fruit of spiritual intimacy, and if intimacy does not arise in a second, it will not arise in years or generations. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

A woman must be loved in such a way that it never occurs to her that someone else could love her even more...

You dream because you think. You think because you're bored. You miss because you love. And you love because this is your person. A.P.Chekhov

Tenderness, absolute mutual trust, and contact, and truth - this becomes more and more necessary over the years... Let's not throw love around, we don't come across it very often. Iris Murdoch. "Sea Sea".

True love begins where nothing is expected in return. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When you kiss and close your eyes, you go to heaven

When the power of love surpasses the love of power, there will be peace on Earth.

I loved... I cried... I was waiting for something... I sent... I forgot... And I’m happy.

You need to build a relationship with a person for whom you will always come first.

When Maggie and I got married 60 years ago, we had no money. We had $8 in our bank account. For the first two years we didn't even have a telephone. We rented a tiny apartment in Venice, next to a gas station. My first phone hung there on the wall. I ran out to him, picked up the phone, and people thought they were calling me at home. There wasn't even a telephone, let alone a car. But do you know what we had? Love. Ray Bradbury

There is no need to waste yourself on just anyone. It’s better to accumulate love, care and tenderness in yourself so that at the right time you can give it to the right person. Mother Teresa

Why do I need all these people? If none of them are you anyway. Vera Polozkova

It's so easy to be loved, so hard to love.

Never love someone who treats you like an ordinary person. Oscar Wilde

I shaved every evening so as not to prick her with stubble when kissing her in bed. And then one night - she was already asleep (I was somewhere without her, came back in the morning, typical petty disgust that we allow ourselves, justifying our marital status) - he took it and didn’t shave. I thought, it’s okay, she won’t even notice. And that simply meant that I didn’t love her anymore... Frederic Beigbeder

A woman who is considered cold simply has not yet met a person who can awaken love in her. Veniamin Kaverin The Science of Breaking Up

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her to do so or sets an example with his behavior...

When everything is good, it’s easy to be together: it’s like a dream, just breathe, and that’s all. We need to be together when it’s bad - that’s why people come together. Valentin Rasputin ("Live and Remember")

Love is not a mirror pond into which you can stare forever. It has ebbs and flows. And the wreckage of shipwrecks, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls... But the pearls lie very deep. Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe"

Loving is not difficult. It's difficult to find a person who really needs it.

True love is possible only with the Present! Hrishikesh Maharaj

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what was the quality of our love. Richard Bach

I want the person I love to not be afraid to love me openly. Otherwise it's humiliating. Pushkin

The mind judges what is good and what is bad. Love brings only good things. D.Chopra

If you are looking for true and big love, then first you need to get tired of petty feelings and random romances. (Paulo Coelho)

Some people leave, others come, and only a few remain in the heart forever.

A woman's happiness does not lie in being able to choose among hundreds of men. A woman's happiness is in the ability to allow herself to be with the one you love. Of the thousands and millions of fans - hundreds of beautiful ones, hundreds of rich ones, hundreds of jealous ones, hundreds of desirable ones, and there may not be a single loved one. And the one you love may be banned. The prohibition of time... The prohibition of distance... The prohibition of pride, or weakness... The prohibition of circumstances...

We love, but we pretend that we don't care. We are indifferent, but pretend that we love.

True love does not tolerate strangers. Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades".

Love a woman the way you made her. Or make it the way you like.

Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, the forgotten are not called!

There is no love without pain. If someone has loved, it means they understand...

A girl's heart is never empty...she's either in love or can't forget.

Love does not live for three years, love does not live for three days. Love lives only as long as two people want it to live.

When love ends, one must suffer... if no one suffers, then love never began... if both suffer, love is still alive...

You love and are loved. It's a pity that these are two different men.

The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same. And our love will remain the same. (Coelho)

They say that from love to hate there is only one step. No, one step from charm to disappointment. And between love and hate there are hundreds of attempts to change everything.

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it immediately, and a woman enters gradually.

Love is the lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man would turn into a handful of dust.

If I love, then for a long time, if mutually, then forever

If you love, then the age difference is not a difference.

Love is never perfect. I don't want to erase her from my life. I love my pain. She is my friend. Jim carrey

What a luxury it is to be able to hug your loved one at any time. S. Ahern

Do you even understand what's happening to you? - I'm in love. Kill me. Chuck Palahniuk

We can get rid of illness with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who die of hunger, but there are even more who die because they lack love. Mother Teresa

Shout - anyone will hear.
Whisper - the nearest one will hear.
And only the one who loves will hear what you are silent about.

Some girls are cold in appearance, cruel in nature... Because they once loved seriously, but lost... They believed, but they were betrayed...

Just when they remove the hair from your face, if only you knew how much tenderness, trembling and love there is in this. Much more than in your “I love you”