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How to weave a monkey from rubber bands on a hook: a master class on making a bright figurine and a lot of photos, as well as a video master class of a monkey using the lumigurumi technique. Monkey made from rubber bands on a pencil Weaving monkey made from rubber bands

Weaving from multi-colored rubber bands, although it appeared not so long ago, quickly captivated needlewomen. Rubber bands produce flat and three-dimensional figures- souvenirs, keychains, pendants. Clothes and accessories made from rubber bands are perfect for dolls. Jewelry for the littlest fashionistas is made from the same material.

The popularity of the new type of needlework is explained by its diversity color range both the relative cheapness of the material and the enormous possibilities - literally anything can be woven from rubber bands. Moreover, this will require less time and effort than knitting a similar figure.

Let's figure out how to make a figurine of a monkey out of rubber bands - a funny monkey or a serious chimpanzee.

Little monkey weaving on a loom

A small bright monkey can be made in just half an hour. To do this you will need 145 rubber bands, most of which are primary colors. You can choose any one, but for the face it is advisable to take White color, and for the eyes - two black elastic bands.

A monkey weaves using a loom Rainbow Loom and a hook. The work begins with everything small elements(paws, tail, ears, eyes) are knitted separately. As the main part is completed on the machine, they are attached to the monkey’s body in the right places, creating the volume of the figure and the mobility of the parts.

Since the entire monkey consists only of rubber bands, it is not afraid of water.

Multi-colored lumigurumi monkey

Lumigurumi toys are named in imitation of the Japanese art of amigurumi - knitting small animal figures. In fact, the shapes repeat those found in, replacing the yarn with rubber bands. The basic weaving of lumigurumi is quite simple, but the result is neater than other types of weaving.

Working on a lumigurumi monkey will take at least three to four hours, and if you have no experience, a little longer. The toy will be about 10 centimeters tall.

To work you will need:

  • rubber bands of primary and secondary colors;
  • hook (for rubber bands or crochet);
  • Rainbow Loom machine;
  • two black beads for eyes;
  • filling for toys (synthetic fluff, holofiber or cotton wool).

The author of the video recommends making the monkey not monochromatic, but multi-colored, highlighting more light color muzzle, ends of paws, inner surface of ears. This way the monkey will look cuter than one made from rubber bands of the same color.

When performing weaving for the first time, you should carefully monitor what is happening in the video - in some places the knitting goes into one elastic band, in other places - into two at once. The author also took care of the text instructions: the diagram of all rows is indicated on a piece of paper in the upper right corner of the screen.

Handmade items are always unique and inimitable. They can serve as an excellent gift, add zest to the interior or please the eye in the workplace. Are you starting to think about how to weave a monkey out of rubber bands? It’s quite simple, it will require patience and use your imagination.

Cute monkey

For creative process you will need a slingshot, a hook, brown elastic bands - 84 pieces, beige elastic bands - 37 pieces, black elastic bands - 2 pieces.

To make it more comfortable to work, rotate the slingshot so that the recesses in the columns are directed toward your face.

1) Tail, arms, legs.

Throw a beige elastic band over the right column and scroll 4 turns. Then throw on 2 beige elastic bands in the standard way, and send the scrolled elastic band with a hook to the middle of the weave. Throw on a couple of brown elastic bands in the standard way, and send beige ones to the center of the weave. Weave 4 more pairs of brown elastic bands in the same way. Next, hook all the elastic bands on the left side to the right.

Scroll one beige elastic band 4 turns on the left column. Throw a pair of beige elastic bands over both of them. Throw the previous elastic band into the center of the weave. Using the same principle, weave 3 pairs of brown elastic bands. Next, send the elastic bands from both columns to the middle. Next, throw on a couple more brown elastic bands in the standard way, throw a pair of brown ones from each column, and transfer the elastic bands from the right to the left column.

Scroll one brown rubber band 4 turns. The next brown one is woven as standard. Then put another brown elastic band on the right column and scroll 4 times. Next, we throw on 6 pairs of brown elastic bands, weaving them alternately.

Place a beige pair on both posts. Drop 2 pairs of rubber bands from each column. Throw on a beige elastic band, and take off only the beige one. Throw on a pair of brown elastic bands, throw the beige pair in the center, and throw the brown pair to the left side. Then scroll one beige elastic band 4 times on the right column. Throw on a beige pair, and take off the beige elastic from the right column.

Throw on 5 pairs of brown elastic bands. Then transfer the brown elastic bands from the right to the left side.

Wrap another beige elastic band on the right column 4 times, and throw on a beige pair. Remove the previous rubber band.

Weave 2 pairs of brown elastic bands. After the third brown pair, fold 1 brown pair to the right and 3 brown pairs to the left. Throw on and weave a couple more brown elastic bands. Then throw on the last brown pair and throw all the elastic bands into the center.

2) Head.

We throw on and weave the following pairs one by one: brown, 2 beige, brown. Transfer all the elastic bands from the left side to the right.

Wrap the black elastic band 4 times around the right column. Insert the hook into the first loop where the head begins, throw a brown pair over it and pull it through the loop. Throw these elastic bands over the left column. Then throw on a pair of beige elastic bands, as usual, throw off the brown pair, and move the beige one to the right side. Wrap one brown elastic band 4 times around the left column. Throw on a brown pair, throw on 1 pair on the left side, 3 pairs on the right side and a black elastic band.

Wrap the second black elastic band 4 times on the left post. Next, weave according to the algorithm as with the first black elastic band, only in a mirror image. Then we throw on and weave 2 brown pairs of elastic bands in the standard way. Throw on 1 brown elastic band and place all the elastic bands on it. Throw it over the hook, tightening the loop.

3) Muzzle.

Place the hook under the fourth beige elastic band, throw on a beige pair and pull it through. Throw on the next beige pair and pull it through all 4 elastic bands. Place the hook under the bottom beige pair, throw on a pair of beige elastic bands and pull it through the first 4 elastic bands, the second end onto the hook. We weave the next 3 pairs of beige elastic bands in the same way.

Then pull 1 beige elastic band through all the beige elastic bands, tighten the loop and hide it inside. The rubber band monkey on the slingshot is ready!

Volumetric product

For weaving like this cute toy you will need a hook, elastic bands Brown and light, filler. This monkey is weaving lumigurumi technique, which involves weaving only on a hook, without using a machine.

Below is a diagram that will help in the process of creating a monkey. Always place the starting ring on the hook and wrap it 3 times. Weave the first elastic band through it. You will need to weave the following parts: 2 ears, 2 arms, 2 legs, head, torso. The weaving of each element will go in a circle.

2) Weave 12 elastic bands, two elastic bands in each loop.

3) Weave 18 elastic bands as follows: weave 1 elastic band through the first loop, and 2 elastic bands through the second loop. So alternate the entire third circle.


1) Throw the initial ring onto the hook, weave 6 elastic bands one by one.

3) Weave 6 elastic bands as follows: weave one elastic band through the first loop, fasten 2 loops with the second elastic band. Using this principle, weave the third circle.

4-8) Weave 1 elastic band into each loop. A total of 30 rubber bands for 5 laps.


1) Throw the initial ring onto the hook, weave 6 elastic bands one by one.

2) Knit 9 elastic bands, weaving 1 elastic band into one loop and 2 elastic bands into the second loop.

3) Knit 6 elastic bands as follows: weave one elastic band through the first loop, fasten 2 loops with the second elastic band. Using this principle, weave the entire circle.

4-9) Weave 1 elastic band into each loop. A total of 36 elastic bands for 6 circles.


1) Throw the initial ring onto the hook, weave 6 elastic bands one by one.

3) Weave 18 elastic bands as follows: weave 1 elastic band through the first loop, and 2 elastic bands through the second loop. So alternate the third circle.

4) Weave 24 elastic bands as follows: 1 elastic band in the first loop, 1 elastic band in the second loop, 2 elastic bands in the third loop. Alternate like this throughout the circle.

5-9) Weave 5 circles of 24 elastic bands, weaving 1 elastic band into each loop. At this stage, make eyes from beads and attach ears.

10) Weave 18 elastic bands as follows: into the first loop 1 elastic band, into the second loop 1 elastic band, into the third loop weave 2 elastic bands along the inner edge. Alternate like this throughout the circle.

11) Weave 18 elastic bands, 1 elastic band in each loop.

12) Knit 12 elastic bands as follows: weave one elastic band through the first loop, fasten 2 loops with the second elastic band. Using this principle, weave the entire circle. Fill the part with filler.

13) Weave 8 elastic bands, narrowing the circle.


1) Throw the initial ring onto the hook, weave 6 elastic bands one by one.

2) Weave 12 elastic bands, two elastic bands in each loop.

3) Weave 18 elastic bands as follows: weave 1 elastic band through the first loop, and 2 elastic bands through the second loop. So alternate the whole circle.

4-9) Weave 18 elastic bands in one circle, 1 elastic band in each loop.

10) Knit 12 elastic bands as follows: weave one elastic band through the first loop, fasten 2 loops with the second elastic band. Using this principle, weave a circle. Connect the arms, legs and fill the part with filler. Weave until the end, narrowing the circle. Fasten all the parts.

There is another way to weave a monkey from rubber bands - on a machine. This process can be studied clearly and in detail below.

Video on the topic of the article

Still don't know what souvenir to make for the new year 2016? Well, of course, the funny Red Fire Monkey, under whose auspices the whole year will pass. In today's master class we will learn how to weave the symbol of 2016 from rubber bands. This animal, like a real monkey, can hang on almost any surface: Decorate a Christmas tree, a pencil or pen, a handbag, New Year's bottle wine or champagne, and any, even the most unexpected, item.

Monkey made from rubber bands step by step, detailed master class

Fire Monkey

Monkey on the Christmas tree

Monkey on a pencil (pen)

Monkey on a handbag

Monkey on a bottle

Monkey in the bath

Monkey on a flowerpot

To make such a multifunctional miracle, we will need about two hundred red or orange rubber bands (the main color), about 30 light rubber bands (for the muzzle) and two black rubber bands for the eyes.

We will weave the figure on the loom, turning all the pegs in one direction, but shifting the middle bar one notch to the left (see photo below)

Let's start weaving with the arms and legs, they will be the same.

We put an orange elastic band on the outer two pegs (see photo)

then we put two elastic bands on the second or third peg.

And so on for three more pairs of rubber bands.

On the right outer peg we close the weaving by putting a folded elastic band on the peg.

Now we need to remove the bottom two elastic bands without removing the top one.

And put them on the previous peg.

It turns out like this.

We do the same with all the other elastic bands, knitting them onto the adjacent left pegs.

It turns out like this.

Now we remove all the loops.

You got an arm or a leg, you only need 4 of them.

Now let's make the ear:

We put an elastic band on the hook, folding it in three.

We put on the second elastic band in the same way.

Now we take two elastic bands and carefully thread them through both previous ones.

This is what we get.

We take one elastic band and thread them through.

If you don’t know how to pull the elastic through so as not to catch too much and so that the elastic doesn’t jump off the hook, look at the photo below: if you pull the elastic on the hook and pull the loops, the hook will easily slip through without catching the extra loops.

We need 2 of these ears.

Making the eyes:

We put the black rubber band on the hook and fold it in four.

We put on another one, folding it the same way.

Take a pale elastic band (the color of the muzzle) and remove one of the black elastic bands onto it, then remove the second black elastic band onto the second pale elastic band.

We get two eyes.

Making the tail:

We put two orange elastic bands on the machine.

We repeat the procedure a total of nine times, as in the photo.

We put an elastic band on the outer peg, folding it in three this time.

We knit the entire row in the same way as we did the arms and legs.

And we remove it from the machine.

The time has come for the most interesting and most responsible work. Be extremely careful as we make the head and torso, simultaneously attaching all the newly made parts into place.

We place two orange rubber bands on the machine as shown below.

We put on two more elastic bands,

And two more.

Let’s agree right away: Before putting on the next row, we lower the previous row lower on the pegs. After knitting a row, lower it lower, later in the master class this will be implied by itself.

Now we put on one pale elastic band on top (this will be the front section).

And we close the perimeter with orange ones.

Now we knit a row, removing the two lower elastic bands from the pegs.

It's time to put on your eyes.

Add the two missing elastic bands in the row.

We knit a row, discarding the bottom two elastic bands.

Now, stepping aside, we will separately knit the protruding part of the muzzle using pale elastic bands.

Look carefully, you will need to wear one elastic band; one elastic band, but folded in half; or two rubber bands. Don’t get confused, the monkey’s facial expressions later depend on your actions now)))

We put on two pale elastic bands, as in the photo.

Now along the machine, on the outer rows, we put on the elastic bands folded in half.

And then we put on two elastic bands.

And two more rubber bands.

Two elastic bands on the center row

On the outer peg there is a fixing elastic band, folded in three.

Elastic band folded in half

We dress across the machine.

We remove two longitudinal elastic bands from the peg without catching the diagonal and fixing elastic bands.

We put them on the middle peg

It should turn out like this.

We remove the diagonal elastic bands in the same way, knitting them onto the pegs from which they came.

Make sure that nothing unnecessary clings.

We continue the same with the rest of the elastic bands.

Make sure it looks like in the photo.

We remove the longitudinal elastic bands, knitting them onto the previous pegs.

It turns out to be such a figure.

We remove it from the machine, leaving it on only two pegs.

Now we remove our workpiece onto the hook.

And we put it on the outer pegs, bypassing the central one, as in the photo

It should turn out like this.

We put on orange elastic bands.

We knit them with the bottom two elastic bands.

Head tied! Now, to move to the body, you need to add loops. See how it's done:

Remove the rubber bands from the central peg

And we pull them to the next peg.

From the outer rows we take only one elastic band, the one that goes along the row (we do not touch the diagonal elastic band).

This is how it turns out, Now instead of six we have eight loops.

We put on two pale elastic bands at the edge

The rest are orange.

We knit the outer ones with six lower elastic bands (with the muzzle that was made separately).

There are two rubber bands left on the pegs.

We knit the rest of the row so that there are two elastic bands left on all pegs.

Here's a side view.

Now, having pulled back the muzzle, we release the bottom two elastic bands and also knit them.

We put on two more pale elastic bands.

We dress our hands.

We put on the remaining elastic bands.

We knit a row.

We put on one more row.

We knit a row.

We put on another row, this time all the elastic bands are orange.

We knit a row.

We dress the legs.

We put on the remaining elastic bands.

We knit a row.

We put the tail on the hook.

We put it on the central loop.

Believe it or not, our little animal is almost ready!

We remove it from the machine (see photo)

Look, did it work out the same way for you?

To give the monkey its shape, we stuff the insides with either orange rubber bands or other filler (we used padding polyester, but it is slightly visible through the weaving, so rubber bands are preferable).

Take an orange elastic band and thread it through all the loops.

Tighten with a loop.

We weave in the end of the loop.

We admire the wonderful craft made with our own hands.

We use it for its intended purpose.

The fire monkey is the symbol of 2016 according to the Chinese horoscope. In the countries of the East, the monkey is the embodiment of wisdom, courage, dedication and dexterity. In some interpretations, the image of these animals denotes a conscious retreat from an evil act, victory over sin and weaknesses. In addition, a keychain or toy in the shape of a monkey will not only decorate the objects on which they are suspended, but will also add Have a good mood and a little mischief for every day. In this article we will tell you how to weave a cute monkey yourself from small and bright elastic bands on a special weaving machine and other improvised tools with your own hands.

How to weave a monkey from rubber bands on a loom with your own hands

To make a figurine of a monkey, which you can hang on any object you wish, be it a pen, a vase, a bag strap, a keychain, etc., you will need a machine. All the pegs on the machine are turned in the same direction, but the middle bar should be moved one notch to the left. How to correctly set the columns in the tool can be seen in the photo below.

Weaving a monkey begins by creating front and back legs that are identical. To do this, an orange elastic band is strung on the two outer columns. A pair of the same orange rubber bands are strung on the second and third columns. Three more pairs of elastic bands are strung on the next three columns in the same way.

On the last column on the right, the weaving is completed with an elastic band folded in half. On this column, two lower elastic bands are crocheted, pulled through a folded elastic band and strung onto the previous column.

Using the same principle of action, the remaining pairs of elastic bands are removed and strung onto the previous column.

Let's start knitting the ear. An elastic band folded three times is threaded onto the hook. Next to it, another elastic band is strung in the same way. Next, two new elastic bands are strung on a hook and pulled through the previous two.

This is how it turns out.

Another new elastic band is pulled through the loops of the future ear blank. You will need 2 such elements.

In order to pull the desired elastic through the loops without catching anything unnecessary and without accidentally throwing it off the hook, you should pull the elastic on the hook and use your fingers to tighten the loops of the weave, in this case the hook slides freely between the elastic bands without catching unnecessary elements.

For the eye, a black elastic band is strung on the hook, which should be folded 4 times. Following it, another identical elastic band folded 4 times is strung. With an elastic band light shade, in which the tailed muzzle will also be made, one black elastic band is dropped, and a second black one is dropped onto the second light one. These eyes are woven from rubber bands.

For the future tail, a pair of orange elastic bands are strung on two posts of the machine. The same action must be repeated 8 more times, in the end you should have 9 pairs of elastic bands on 10 columns.

This row ends with an elastic band folded in three and strung on the last column. The entire row is woven in the same way as the monkey's paws, and then removed from the loom on a hook or stick.

We begin weaving the head and body of the animal, to which all other parts of the body are gradually attached.

We string a couple of orange elastic bands onto posts, as shown in the photo.

Two more pairs of elastic bands are also strung.

Before stringing the elastic bands for a new row, the elastic bands of the previous row are lowered down the columns.

Two light-colored elastic bands are strung on an asterisk made of pairs of rubber bands along the top of the circle. This will be the future monkey's face. The circle ends with orange rubber bands.

The two bottom elastic bands are crocheted, pulled through the top loop and dropped into the middle between the posts.

Eyes and ears are strung onto the blank under the head; two pieces are strung onto posts without elastic bands of this row. Then the whole row is woven: the hook catches the bottom pair of elastic bands, pulls them through the top and drops them into the center.

The lower protruding part of the animal’s face is collected on adjacent posts.

Two pale elastic bands are strung on the posts. Next, elastic bands folded in half are strung onto the outer columns along the machine. A pair of elastic bands are strung on the outer and middle posts. Also, two elastic bands cling to the middle row.

An elastic band, folded three times, is strung onto the outer middle column to complete the weaving. The elastic band folded in half is strung across the machine.

A pair of longitudinal loops is removed from the column, without affecting the diagonal and fixing elastic bands, and strung onto the middle column.

Rubber bands are also transferred from diagonal columns to adjacent ones.

The remaining elastic bands are woven according to the same principle.

The longitudinal elastic bands are removed and transferred to the previous posts.

This is the kind of face we got.

Using a crochet hook, remove all the loops so that the weaving remains on two columns.

Afterwards, the workpiece is removed from the hook and strung on the outer pegs past the central one.

Orange elastic bands are strung along the perimeter and knitted with the bottom two.

The head is ready, let's start weaving the body, this requires adding additional loops.

The hook removes the loops from the central post and pulls them onto the next one.

According to the same scheme, one elastic band is transferred from the outer rows, the elastic band that goes diagonally remains in place.

As a result, we ended up with 8 loops instead of 6.

Two light elastic bands are strung along the edge, and orange ones along the remaining perimeter.

Six lower elastic bands tied separately with a face are pulled through the light ones and dropped. There are two rubber bands left on the posts. The entire row is dropped with the lower elastic bands so that two loops remain on the posts.

The pink face is pulled back with your fingers, and the two loops under it are pulled through and dropped to the center.

We string two more light elastic bands. The upper legs are hooked and orange elastic bands are strung along the remaining perimeter.

Having knitted this row, another row of light and orange elastic bands is strung and knitted again. Another row of only orange elastic bands is knitted in a circle.

The legs and elastic band are attached to the remaining posts, then a row is woven.

The tail is attached to the central loop.

After this, the tailed fish is removed from the pen on the hook.

A little padding polyester is stuffed inside the figure on a hook and the hole is tied with an orange elastic band and then tightened. After tightening, the loop is woven into the weave.

That's it, the bright orange monkey is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

We bring to your attention several video clips that show how to weave a monkey with your own hands from bright elastic bands on a hook, as well as a monkey on a slingshot and a three-dimensional soft toy in the form of this tailed animal using the lumigurumi technique.

You don't need a machine to weave such a funny monkey. You only need to take elastic bands in brown, cream and black, a crochet hook and two regular table forks. The forks must be connected to each other with tape for the convenience of knitting from elastic bands. Weaving rubber bands on forks is reminiscent of a special machine.

Submitted by step-by-step master class with explanations and pictures in good quality will help you tie up a monkey without any problems.

Elastic band fold in half and put on a figure eight on two middle opposite columns:

Fold the elastic band in half and place it in a figure eight diagonally on the outer posts. It will turn out like this:

Then take another elastic band and do the same on the other diagonal:

Take three pairs of elastic bands and put them on two pairs of outer posts and one pair of middle posts, respectively.

Throw the bottom elastic band twisted in half off all three posts on one fork. Turn the fork over and do the same on the other side.

Fold one elastic band in half and put it on one fork:

Take two pairs of elastic bands and put a pair on the outermost paired posts of the forks:

We include light elastic bands in the work. Place a couple of cream-colored elastic bands on the central posts:

Throw the elastic band that we twisted in half into the middle:

Here is the process of throwing it into the middle from a different angle:

This is the result:

Remove all the lower pairs of rubber bands from both forks:

The result from one fork looks like this:

Do the same with the other fork. And this is what happens inside between the forks:
Let's start making the monkey's eyes. To do this, you need to put a black elastic band folded into 4 turns on the two outer posts of each fork. Then put one brown elastic band on both forks along the outer posts:

Throw the black elastic bands into the middle. Remove the resulting brown elastic band with black elastic bands put on it from one side and move this loop onto one fork so that it is on the inside of the fork structure:

Bifurcate the brown elastic in the center and throw the section between the black eyes outward. In other words, make sure that the two posts of the fork are inside the brown elastic band:

Let's start making monkey ears

Fold the elastic band in three and place it on the two posts of the fork on which the eyes sit. Do the same with another rubber band:

Take one brown elastic band, twist it in half and put it on a pair of outer posts of both forks:

Then throw two previously folded elastic bands onto it:

Now take two brown elastic bands and put them on the pair of outer posts of both forks. And throw it again as indicated by the arrows:

One ear is ready. And do the same on the second side. That is, turn the forks and repeat the process of weaving the ear.

As a result, you should get two such ears, view from the inside:

Place two cream-colored elastic bands on the paired central posts of both forks:

In the middle of each of the columns there are elastic bands, one of which is indicated by a hook. First remove the middle elastic band, then the lower ones. Perform these operations one by one with three columns of this fork - first we throw off the middle one, then the bottom one:

The picture should look like this:

When the rubber bands are removed from one fork, turn the forks over. This is what the same thing looks like from the other side:

And the lower ones need to be thrown off, after throwing off it will turn out like this:

Take a creamy elastic band, twist it into a figure eight and put it on both forks:

Take two cream-colored elastic bands and put them on a pair of outer posts, see mini-pictures 1+2. Do the same with the middle columns and with the columns on the other edge. This operation involves 2 x 3 = 6 milky rubber bands. It will turn out as shown in mini-Figure 3:

Now you need to throw the eight from both forks inward:

Take three light elastic bands. Twist each one in half and put it on with the letter P as in the picture:

Take the hook and throw off the elastic band number 1. You will get the following:

Now throw on two light elastic bands. They are highlighted in red dotted line:

Throw three elastic bands inward on each side, that is, 6 folds in total. 4 of them were marked in red. Two more on the opposite side are not visible in the photo, but they should also be removed:

And you get this picture:

Take a hook, pry up the inner elastic bands and simply throw them one by one on the outer columns. First on one fork, then on the other.

The inside will look like this:

Take two pairs of brown elastic bands and put them in pairs on the outer posts of both forks:

Using a hook, hook the light elastic bands marked in red and throw them inside. Do the same on the other fork:

It should look like this in the middle:

Now you need to take it with two fingers and pull it up and turn the woven light center a little in order to hook the loop from under the bottom. After the loop is captured, place it on the posts marked in the second mini-figure:

Take two creamy elastic bands and put them on the middle posts of both forks:

Remove the bottom elastic bands from both forks:

The resulting design on one fork will be slightly different from the design on the other fork. From the second fork you should hook the upper elastic band...

and move it to one middle column of the other fork:

And just throw the light elastic band that is left inside. Take the structure formed between the forks with two fingers and stretch it, pulling it out and adjusting it a little. At the same time, make sure that everything remaining on the forks does not slip off them:

Now return the rubber band sitting on one middle post back to your fork by removing it from this fork and putting it on the two middle posts of the opposite fork:

Weaving the monkey's front paws

To weave the upper paws, put a brown elastic band on the fork to which the light elastic band was returned:

Then take two brown elastic bands and put them in a figure of eight on the outer paired posts.

Take two more brown elastic bands and put them on top of the same columns, but not in a figure eight, but simply clasping them:

Grab the bottom brown elastic band sitting crosswise with your hook and throw it inside. Also do on the other side:

Just put on two brown elastic bands again and take off the bottom ones again:

And so the operation of putting on and taking off is carried out 3 more times. In total, it will turn out that the elastic bands will be put on 5 times and thrown off 5 times as well. Find a loop at the end of the resulting braid, insert a hook into it, draw the braid around the fork and place the loop on the outermost post. The front legs are ready:

On the side where the front paw loop is put on, put on two brown elastic bands. Also, put two cream-colored elastic bands on the middle paired posts:

Throw the loop of the front legs, which was discussed above, inside. The scythe paw will be between the forks:

Throw this brown elastic band inside too:

Then remove all the lower elastic bands from one and then from the second fork:

Throw the braid foot onto the fork:

Place 1 brown elastic band on a fork:

Then put on three pairs of brown elastic bands perpendicular to it. It will turn out like this:

*Discard single elastic band:

Then again remove all the lower elastic bands from one, and then from the second fork. And put on one elastic band again*:

And again throw three pairs of brown elastic bands perpendicular to it. It will turn out very similar to what was done a step back:

We observe a pronounced repetition of actions. Repeat from * to *. After four identical steps, pull out the monkey’s face:

Weaving the monkey's hind legs

Take 2 brown elastic bands and put them on the outer posts of the forks, crossing them with a figure eight:

Monkey tail braiding

Place 2 brown elastic bands on the outer paired posts on one side:

Place a brown elastic band, twisted in four, on the 2 middle posts of one fork:

Then put 2 more elastic bands on the paired middle posts:

Throw off the four-twisted elastic band:

*Put 2 more elastic bands on the paired middle posts again:

Remove the lower elastic bands from both forks*:

Repeat the operation from * to * 7 more times. You will get a ponytail tied with a pigtail:

Monkey knitting ending

Throw off the bottom elastic bands from both forks from each of the three columns; you can also throw the paw-braid inside for now for convenience:

Here's what happens:

Now put the paw-braid on the fork again:

And now you need to remove the loops from the outermost posts with a hook and put them on two middle posts, first one, on top of the other:

Do the same on the second fork. And it will turn out like this:

Take one brown elastic band and throw it over the middle posts:

Grab the bottom elastic bands with a hook and throw them off:

Repeat the same with the other fork. And it turns out that there will be a loop left on each of the forks. Grab a loop from one fork with your hook and move it to the opposite fork so that there are 2 loops on one fork. Then remove the bottom one. There will be one loop left on one post of one fork:

Place the final loop of the braided monkey's tail on one post from above:

Throw off the loop and remove the tail too. And lower this loop all the way to the base of the tail.

A monkey woven from rubber bands on forks without a special machine is ready.

Monkey made of rubber bands, woven on forks without a machine