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How to become sleek and well-groomed. How to be beautiful if you are unhappy with your appearance

Sometimes a girl spends hours in front of the mirror, practicing drawing the next arrows. He bathes in a bubble bath for two hours, then soaks his feet for another two hours and gets a pedicure. And she promises herself: tomorrow she will definitely leave the house beautiful and well-groomed, like the ladies from the movies. Morning comes and a disgruntled, disheveled fury puffs out of the apartment again, puffing displeasedly and running late to work. To prevent this from happening, we’ll tell you how to take care of yourself in order to always look well-groomed and feminine.

What does it mean to take care of yourself

The prevailing opinion that self-care is exclusively cosmetic procedures- incorrect. You can put a lot of cream on your face, but what good is it if health is undermined constant lack of sleep or depression? Self-care and, as a result, a generally well-groomed appearance - A complex approach to health, beauty and appearance. Find out what it consists of below:

  • Maintaining general physical health
  • Maintaining external data
  • Maintaining internal psychological comfort.

Tricks for a well-groomed appearance

It is always possible to be well-groomed: you are required to a little patience which will go into developing appropriate habits. We’ll tell you what these habits are next: sit down more comfortably, put glasses on your nose to protect your eyes from the computer, and go ahead to new knowledge about how to look well-groomed.


Well-groomed girl - healthy girl. Make sure that the internal state of the body is in order. Visit your doctor in a timely manner, give up destructive habits. If possible, eat the right foods and include walking in your daily regimen. Maintenance healthy image life is the main tool in the fight for a well-groomed appearance.

How does mood affect a well-groomed appearance?

Life - reflection of mood. Do you constantly grumble, frown, get angry, or judge someone? It's unlikely you'll look good. Watch any romantic comedy: the main character is kind, smiling, well-groomed and incredibly beautiful girl. And her rival? An angry, bitchy woman who dresses smartly, but is absolutely devoid of attractiveness. In life too: you can wear expensive things, but those around you will associate you only by the demonstrated mood.

Try to protect yourself from negative emotions. If you can’t do this, don’t get depressed. undermined psychological condition– the main enemy of well-groomed girls. Distract yourself by doing household chores, good music or an interesting book.


Always being fashionable is the duty of a well-groomed girl. Don't immediately rush out and buy the latest line of clothing from your favorite brand. You will collect basic wardrobe and complement it with accessories from each season. The cost of the accessory plays a secondary role: complement a classic white blouse with a bright scarf that repeats the print of a famous fashion house. Contained in the outfit fashion details will make you attractive, look well-groomed and cute.

The figure of a well-groomed girl - what is she like?

You need to love the figure. Even the figure is not ideal and is far from the cherished parameters. In this case, there are two ways - humility and work on yourself. Choosing the first path dress according to your body composition: Do not expose extra pounds, do not allow flaws to be highlighted. Use shapewear for tight-fitting items, or dresses and pants to hide figure imperfections. This will help you look well-groomed, despite the flaws in your form.

If the figure does not suit you - take care of yourself: sign up for training, start eating right, carry out weight loss procedures. These could be massages or wraps. Read about the latter .

What should be the style of a well-groomed girl?

Even children's encyclopedias for girls advised to look for an individual style. Don't try to fit in with the crowd: wear comfortable clothes, even if it is very different. Do you like bloomers and a boho top? Be feminine and neat in this attire. Do you like jeans, sneakers and T-shirts with Mickey Mouse? Don't listen to anyone - just walk like this. Well-groomed woman is not imitation: This is the chosen path in clothing, accessories, appearance and behavior.

Be mindful of individual preferences, even when working in a company with a strict dress code. Having exchanged a T-shirt with spongebob for a formal suit, throw a wallet with your favorite character in your purse and remain yourself.

Hands - woman's second face. For a well-groomed appearance of your hands, it is not necessary to cover your nails with gel polish or extend them: keep your hands clean and do a cosmetic manicure once every three weeks. A useful addition Manicures will be accompanied by baths. Prophylactic use involves carrying out the procedure once every seven days.

Any housework involving moisture, dust or chemicals perform with gloves. This will protect your hands from premature aging.

Well-groomed hair

The hairstyle of a well-groomed woman is ideal. This does not mean that you need to do a Gatsby style every time or weave heavy types of braids: your hair should be clean. If you are wearing short hairstyle , update it regularly. Trim your overgrown locks once every three months.

Styling for a well-groomed look

Most haircuts require beautiful styling. Don't be lazy to do it every day - sacrifice another morning ritual to look beautiful and well-groomed.

Well-groomed perfect skin- it is a fact. Almost any skin problem can be combated with washes and masks. The last resort is to visit a dermatologist, or, if necessary, another specialist.

It's important to get it right choose skin care products, because they, to a greater extent, determine the final result of a well-groomed appearance. Use more natural products However, do not forget to nourish the dermis with the much-needed chemical compounds contained in store-bought cosmetics.


Makeup is undoubtedly important for a girl who wants to be well-groomed. However, if you come out in the morning, shining natural beauty, nothing bad will happen. Healthy skin, clean hair and good mood will describe you as a well-groomed girl who takes care of herself.

Before applying makeup, make sure you have mastered this skill perfectly. Untidy applied shadows, smeared pencil or smudged corners can spoil the impression of even the most pleasant appearance.

What you need to do daily to be well-groomed

We have put together a short self-care schedule that you can follow every day to look well-groomed and beautiful. Check out with him:

  1. Wake up and smile: warm up your muscles. This could be a full exercise routine or a two-minute stretch.
  2. Start your morning ritual by washing your face with plain cool water. Lubricate your skin with a non-greasy protective cream and apply makeup.
  3. If your hair is short - rinse. A haircut with short curls quickly becomes unsightly.
  4. Do the styling. Beautifully styled curls are the first sign of a well-groomed girl.
  5. Dress ironed, neat things. Make sure that the threads do not stick out and that the fittings are in good working order.
  6. Walk for at least 10 minutes.
  7. During the day wash your hands, lubricate with cream.
  8. Don't forget to eat.
  9. When you get home, take a shower. Warm up if your job is sedentary.
  10. Do face mask or body, hand bath. Of course, this point cannot be daily: stick to it for the time necessary to complete the procedures. This will help you look well-groomed and beautiful.
  11. Ventilate the room Before going to bed, limit reading or computer work. Spend time with family, receiving and giving positive emotions.
  12. Get ready for tomorrow: iron your things, think about your outfit. Finish your work and go to bed.

Only a properly planned day will allow you to get enough sleep and look fresh. The dark circles under the eyes will disappear and your mood will noticeably improve.

Looking well-groomed does not mean pouring tons of cosmetics on yourself and constantly following every new fashion item. To be well-groomed is to live in harmony with yourself, to love your body and keep it healthy and beautiful, not to worry about trifles, to sincerely rejoice and be happy. Well, the tricks we described will give you an understanding of how to take care of yourself in order to look well-groomed.

The famous designer Yves Saint Laurent said: “In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.” But it turns out that this is not enough to become a truly well-groomed lady.

Modern world requires from the fair sex efforts unknown to cavewomen. Every young lady tries to somehow emphasize her advantages and hide her shortcomings from prying eyes. Read this article about the modern rules for a well-groomed woman.

9 rules of a well-groomed woman

Clean hair is the key to success

Dirty hair was held in high esteem only in the 18th century, when towers of hair, feathers and dried butterflies were considered fashion trend. Such ecosystems lasted for several months and did not require virtually any care, except to brush off the dust with a fan.

Nowadays, dandruff, tangled curls, and matted hairs are considered bad manners. If your grandmothers tell you that washing your hair every day is bad, but your hair gets greasy every morning, then this can hardly be considered good rule.

Also try not to overdo it with hairspray, especially in the case of evening hairstyles, otherwise the effect wet hair will look like a swallow's nest.

Nails and hands

Nails should always be well-groomed and clean. Now in fashion short nails with interesting drawings. If long nails red ones look vulgar, while short ones of the same shade look very cute.

Long claws are not in favor with men, and besides, they are simply inconvenient real life. Remember, rhinestones on nails are suitable only for the bravest, and green color varnish - only for the youngest.

In addition to caring for your nails (it would also be a good idea to take baths to strengthen nail plate), do not forget about caring for the skin of your hands, because everyone enjoys stroking the delicate hands of a beauty.

Correct makeup

This is what emphasizes the beauty of a woman. A well-groomed lady wears minimal makeup. Never confuse daytime makeup with evening makeup. The emphasis should be placed either on the lips or on the eyes. Emphasize the virtues that nature has endowed you with.

Provocative blue shadows and red lips will at the same time only frighten the opposite sex and cause bewilderment among the rest of humanity.

The tone should also not be very dark, otherwise the difference between your neck and face will make you look like a clown (so do not forget to powder your neck when using foundation).

Don't forget to clean your skin regularly to avoid the appearance of various types of rashes.

Choose the right perfume

The trail of perfume that follows you from your home to your workplace can make you faint next to you standing people. Perfume is a great thing that can give confidence and attract a man.

But if you are a lover of sweet aromas, then try to pour them on yourself as little as possible. Remember that you live in a society. The rules of a well-groomed woman require a light and pleasant aroma emanating from her.

Every lady should have good expensive perfume. A pleasant, unobtrusive smell is a sign of well-groomed conditions. Perfume should only be applied to a clean body in small quantities.

Get rid of leopard print in your wardrobe

If you want to reach heights, then never, even in your wildest dreams, wear leopard print! Even with well-groomed hands, and from ear to ear she will make a monster out of you.

In addition, carefully wear a floral print. Although it hasn’t gone out of fashion for many seasons now, things don’t always go smoothly with it in the wardrobe either. For some, such clothing will be very forgiving. Therefore, a flowered dress can be worn to go to the store for bread, and a flowered dress can be worn to a ball.

It is not necessary to have a lot of expensive, branded clothes in your wardrobe. The main thing is that things suit you and combine well with each other. Every woman should have a pencil skirt, a classic blouse and pants in her wardrobe. black dress, sweater and cashmere coat. Experiment with accessories.

Wear heels

The right shoes makes the fair sex more feminine. Marilyn Monroe once said, “Give a woman a pair of beautiful shoes and she can conquer the world!” She was absolutely right. In good shoes, a woman looks not only sexy, but also more confident.

Unfortunately, not everyone can lengthen their legs. More precisely, everyone can, but not everyone wants to. Therefore, try to wear heels up to at least 5 cm to visually look like Irina Shayk.

If you can’t boast of straight ankles, then don’t focus on them. This doesn't mean you should hide your means of transportation behind floor-length skirts and wide legs.

Choose for yourself optimal length clothes and good, comfortable and beautiful shoes.

Bad habits - this is something that needs to be abandoned. Forget about alcohol, cigarettes, junk food and so on.

Be confident and smile

Beautiful smile is able to conquer all men and give a good mood to friends and family. However, remember that your teeth should sparkle like diamonds, but be smooth and clean. Fresh breath is also an equally important factor.


In order not to spoil the first impression of a beautiful appearance, every well-groomed girl should also engage in self-development.

It is not necessary to memorize quotes from great people in order to demonstrate your knowledge in society. Watch fascinating, educational films, read books that interest you, find a hobby you like. Then you will become an interesting conversationalist.

How to look well-groomed with the help of professionals

Every woman should visit beauty salons. Even if there is little money, even if she does a good job of taking care of herself, even if she is sorely short of time.

Going to the salon is a holiday and there is nothing more pleasant than surrendering to the hands of professionals.

Mandatory salon procedures should be:

  • Manicure.
  • Pedicure.
  • Hair cutting and coloring (optional).
  • Massages and pleasant body programs (e.g. scrubbing, honey mask or chocolate wrap).
  • Facial cleansing and other cosmetic treatments.

What men think a well-groomed woman should look like

Men love women who can look well-groomed, regardless of the circumstances and their age.

If you read on men's forums or read the texts in magazines for gentlemen, you will understand that the advice on how to look well-groomed that was given is relevant, every single one.

Separately, I would like to say that men do not like.

Representatives of the stronger sex believe that what prevents a woman from looking well-groomed is:

  • Overly plucked or tattooed eyebrows.
  • Teeth whitened to an unnatural state.
  • The smell of sweat.
  • Peeling varnish on arms and legs.
  • Hairy legs, armpits, bikini line, mustache above the upper lip.
  • Hair and nail extensions.
  • Frequent visits to the solarium.
  • Skin on the face with pimples, blackheads, greasy shine.
  • Untidy clothes.
  • A thick layer of plaster on the face.
  • Dirt under the nails.
  • Extra pounds and cellulite.

Yes, these men are so spoiled, but every woman tries to look well-groomed not only for herself, but also in order to win male attention.

Clear facial contour without wrinkles. An effective alternative plastic surgery

Opinions of men and women

On the topic of what a well-groomed woman looks like and what is needed to become one, we collected information from the forums

Sergey 23 years old, student

For me, a well-groomed girl is, first of all, hair, clean, long, shiny, silky, which you just want to touch. And she is always dressed neatly and stylishly: she wears dresses, skirts, heels, leaving sneakers and jeans for a picnic and for those who don’t take care of themselves.

A well-groomed beauty will never wear washed underwear, stale tights or unkempt clothes. Such a girl smells of freshness and a clean body, perhaps a light, light scent of perfume. But when she smells fragrant like a perfume shop, I personally begin to feel sick, and the question immediately arises, what kind of smell is she trying to cover up with this?

Elena, 27 years old, accountant

The real indicator of grooming is what is not immediately visible. A woman who takes care of herself does it every day, and not before a vacation, New Year, or going to the beach. It’s crazy for me to hear that some girls don’t do pedicures or waxing in winter, “because no one sees anyway.” But they see it themselves every day!

A well-groomed woman always has a fresh haircut, with at least minimal styling, good clean skin, treated arms and legs, and neat eyebrows.

Another important point is teeth. For their sake, I made huge sacrifices - both aesthetic and financial - and put on braces, and have been wearing them for over a year now. If someone is luckier than me, then professional cleaning at least once a year is one of the mandatory elements of care.

Andrey, 33 years old, programmer

I don’t like overly sleek young ladies. It seems that such girls, who are like dolls, with perfect manicure, makeup and hairstyle, are busy only with creating their own beauty and are not interested in anything else in life.

For me, grooming is identical to the concepts of health and neatness, that is, clean, shiny hair, nails without a mourning border and peeling varnish, teeth without nicotine yellowness. And also a slim and toned body. According to my observations, the first “bell” that a woman doesn’t care about herself is excessive obesity.

Angelina, 24 years old, teacher

A well-groomed woman can be seen from afar. For example, I consider myself very well-groomed, and people around me constantly remind me of this. What's the secret? I think it’s the attention I pay to my appearance. Thanks to this, I always look my best. It is simply unthinkable for me to go out in public “without a face.”

Every morning I do a thorough makeup, apply moisturizer, foundation, correct minor troubles like a pimple on my nose with concealer, “sculpt” my face from 2-3 tones of foundation, a little mineral powder and “meteorites” on top for a healthy glow of the skin, blush, of course , eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and the finishing touch - lip gloss.

It may sound a little heavy, but I use only high-quality cosmetics, so my makeup looks impressive, but at the same time quite natural. Such grooming is expensive and takes a lot of time, but what a result! When I look at women on the street, those who put on makeup with one hand while putting on their boots, I can tell that the comparison is not in their favor.

Anatoly, 39 years old, businessman

I believe that a woman simply must be well-groomed, otherwise she simply ceases to be a woman and becomes something like the “middle sex.” Personally, I don’t have any particular complaints about the appearance; I like them very much. different women.

But neat makeup, without the putty effect, easy styling, a manicure should always be present for someone who is not ashamed to show it to her friends or her mother. There is nothing to even talk about depilation; there is nothing more repulsive than a woman with hairy legs or armpits.

Elena, 41 years old, doctor

In my opinion, what makes a woman well-groomed is her head. Look how many women there are around with unkempt hair, burned to the point of straw, with overgrown roots and split ends. Creating the image of a lady who takes care of herself is only possible with a clean, neatly styled, timely painted head. And there can be no compromises like “comb it well, tie it in a bun and it will pass for fresh.”

The most important thing in the face is good skin, no matter with or without makeup, straight teeth without dark. Eyebrows should not be shapeless, plucked into a thread, colorless or terribly permanent. And a well-groomed woman smells good, clean and has a light, unobtrusive scent that appears a second before her and disappears a minute after her.

Yuri, 31 years old, forwarder

I appreciate grooming in women, but it should be in moderation, without fanaticism. For example, it is beautiful when a woman has a fresh complexion and a light tan, but skin that has been overcooked in a solarium or smeared with self-tanner looks repulsive. Or an abundance of cosmetics, when foundation, powder, blush lie like plaster, from under which you can’t even see your face, it’s also annoying. Don’t these girls really understand that such “grooming” is conspicuous by its unnaturalness and is repulsive.

Natalya, 34 years old, designer

Well-groomed, I believe, always presupposes a certain lifestyle and level of income. There is no grooming on the trains, in the crush of the subway, in the dirt and in difficult conditions, she cannot survive there. What makes a sleek woman is free money and time when you can get enough sleep every day, eat healthy food, play sports and walk in the fresh air, and not spin in the “children-home-work” wheel. Well, and also the work of a cosmetologist, hairdresser and dentist on it.

If we're going to be well-groomed, then from ears to toes. Dress modestly but tastefully, avoid provocative colors, take care of your hair, face and hands, go to the dentist regularly and drink green tea, then you will look like a queen, and others will be pleased to look at you. The rules of a well-groomed woman include basic self-care, health and good mood!

Stories from our readers

Looked 10 years younger in one week! No Botox, no surgeries or expensive drugs. With each birthday, it was more and more scary to realize how old I was, and even more scary to look at myself in the mirror. The wrinkles became deeper and deeper, and the circles under the eyes became more noticeable. I was already thinking about resorting to injections, but, thank God, they dissuaded me. Believe it or not, in literally a week I got rid of almost all wrinkles and look 10 years younger, and all thanks to this article. Anyone who wants to get rid of wrinkles natural method at home - a must read!

Partial sources:,,

ESOTERIC ADVICE: Practice of youth Jalambhara Kriya

What is "kriya"? Kriya is something that a person does throughout his life. Our whole life consists of such rituals: you eat - this is a kriya, you comb your hair - this is also a kriya.

It is believed that if a person performs this Kriya, he instantly becomes younger. Thanks to this exercise, a person's sexual energy does not destroy his consciousness. In other words, the man does not become dumber, and the woman does not have a lot of random thoughts.

Mostly women suffer from an excess of sexual energy: a million negative thoughts (or just thoughts) appear. But for a man it’s the other way around: when there is an excess of sexual energy in the head, there is an absolute absence of thoughts.

Jalambhara is a reversal of sexual and vital energy. In Qigong this is called the practice of moving Water and Fire.

What are Water, Fire, Earth, how they are located in the human body, and how to harmonize these elements in yourself, I explain in detail in The renewed Second Stage of the Kailash School. The practices of the Second Stage are what can make a person absolutely healthy, forever young, incredibly attractive, full of vitality and energy.

So, how is the practice of youth Jalambhara Kriya performed?

  1. Take a long breath through clenched teeth.
  2. At this moment, give yourself the suggestion: “It’s cold in your head, it’s cold in your head, it’s cold in your head.”
  3. Exhale long with the sound " XO” and say to yourself: “It’s warm in your feet, it’s warm in your feet, it’s warm in your feet.” At the same time, feel the warmth in your legs, thighs, and buttocks.

As you inhale, a cool energy will begin to appear in your head. She cools your head.

When you exhale, hot energy flows from your head into your pelvic area. This way you feel warm in the pelvic area, not cold. And this is very correct, because often a cold develops in a person’s lower body. This makes a woman unattractive. And when warmth appears in the head, the woman suffers from a large number of thoughts. But it may be the other way around: she has few thoughts, but is very sexually attractive! It is very comfortable.

In general, the ability to manage your sexual energy is a very useful quality. So, a person can learn to be successful, smart, attractive, lucky and happy. If he finds out the secrets that I reveal at the Updated Second Stage of the Kailash School.


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Watch the video on how to make beautiful curls.

A well-groomed girl is, one might think, some kind of outlandish creature. You can hear about her very often, but ask the speaker: what should a well-groomed girl look like? And, most likely, he will hesitate, doubt and say best case scenario a few general and very standard phrases, none of which will ultimately answer the question posed. Nevertheless, this topic is not only interesting, but also very relevant. Among the diversity modern capabilities It turns out that the problem of choice is no simpler than the problem of search. It is important to choose exactly those products and procedures that will help you not only look well-groomed, but truly effectively take care of yourself. And don’t cross the line beyond which a well-groomed girl looks unnatural. Let's put the right emphasis on this issue together.

Well-groomed appearance, or what does a well-groomed girl look like?
You have probably heard more than once the common phrase that there are no ugly women in the world. Everyone understands this stamp in their own way. Some believe that he speaks about the diversity of tastes, others - about the need to value the essence, not the appearance. But most will probably agree that beauty is not only a gift from nature, but also the result of working on oneself. Even a woman who is not endowed with ideal characteristics, but well-groomed, looks attractive. And vice versa: neglecting the necessary self-care measures will turn a natural beauty into a plain-looking mediocrity. It remains to find out exactly what measures we are talking about.

Appearance is not only about the face, figure and/or clothes. This is also posture, gait, gaze, demeanor. Everything together represents the signals that we transmit to the world around us, and by which other people determine who they are dealing with. Grooming is one of these characteristics. It is not unambiguous and combines several components:
This is how we came to the conclusion that lifestyle influences how a well-groomed girl looks no less than her actual external data. And the sooner you make a similar conclusion for yourself, the sooner you will achieve success and learn to look well-groomed.

Rules and secrets of a well-groomed girl
Each woman has individual external data, as well as taste, habits and skills with which she manages these data. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question of what a well-groomed girl should look like. To give the impression of being well-groomed, you need to maintain yourself in best condition on all fronts: externally and internally, in general and in detail. The only guideline here can be a universal idea of ​​the rules that must be observed systematically:
All this is a scheme onto which specific actions need to be strung. General recommendations suitable for everyone: blondes and brunettes, young and mature, careerists and housewives. Each of them can look well-groomed if they make the proposed scheme their strategy for self-improvement.

How to take care of yourself on your own? Pros and cons of professional and home care
Taking care of yourself is very pleasant. It’s even more pleasant when someone else is looking after you, and at this time you can relax and enjoy useful idleness. Perhaps this is the unconditional success of beauty salons. But not only this. What do salon procedures give us that we are willing to pay a lot of money for the opportunity to spend time under the guidance and in the hands of a master cosmetologist, hairdresser, makeup artist, manicurist?

  1. Intensity of procedures. Possibilities salon care are provided, first of all, by the means available to the staff. Firstly, this professional cosmetics. It is not sold in regular cosmetic stores, is not cheap and is available only to specialists. Secondly, equipment. Devices and devices with which the master cares for your body and/or face require special skills and ability to handle them. The combination of cosmetics and equipment gives results that cannot be achieved at home.
  2. Quality of services. Cosmetology clinics and beauty salons employ professionals - these people have specially studied how to properly care for the body, face, skin, hair, etc. If you are not a certified cosmetologist, hairdresser or makeup artist, then you simply do not know a fraction of what specialists know. Accordingly, the result of their work exceeds your efforts. The salon specialist will be able to find the procedures and products that are needed specifically in your case.
  3. Rest. During salon procedures you don’t have to do anything - you just relax, while receiving undeniable benefits. This tempts many women to visit a cosmetologist even without a clear need. Massage of the body, head or face allows you to a short time fully relax and recuperate. But the salon may be located quite far from your home. If you don’t have a car, then getting to the master and not losing all the relaxation you received on the way back is not an easy task.
  4. Attention. Clients are surrounded by the attention of masters and administrators. They try to please them, offer tea and coffee, interesting magazine and new progressive procedures - in a word, they take care of them.
  5. Pleasure. Both the process and the result of salon care allow you to experience positive emotions. You rejoice while enjoying the care procedures and looking at yourself in the mirror after they are completed.
But there is also a significant drawback: the considerable price of most salon procedures and cosmetic products. And it is precisely this fact that allows many women to attribute their own unkemptness and banal laziness to financial difficulties. This is where self-care at home comes to the rescue. Here you have a large number of folk recipes and available store products. Indeed, for real grooming, regularity is much more important than a one-time intensity of exposure. So a girl who systematically uses soft lotions, creams and masks looks more well-groomed than her friend who visits an expensive beauty salon once a year. Therefore, every girl can and should look well-groomed, regardless of income level, age and place of residence. Love yourself, take care of yourself constantly - this is the main condition for beauty.

A woman’s appearance is like a diamond, consisting of hundreds of facets. It is impossible to find the main one, the main one. A complete image is made up of individual details that ultimately create a masterpiece. Natural beauty, charm, charm are certainly important. But the secret is not in huge eyes, shiny curls or long legs. This is harmony of inner peace, self-acceptance, awareness of significance and impeccability. And only after that, move on to the stage of external improvement.

Lady perfection

You need to take care of yourself with adolescence. But even at 50 years old, it’s not too late to remember the beauty industry, feeling all the magic of cosmetic procedures. The reason that prevents you from looking expensive and well-groomed is simple laziness. There is no time to waste, financial possibilities are also limited, there are always more important things. But you can find 10 minutes to devote to yourself; taking care of your appearance doesn’t require crazy investments, you just need regular care.

To look well-groomed and expensive at any age, you need to follow the rules:

  • Shining hair, a healthy complexion, a snow-white smile - everything you need for natural beauty. Overgrown roots and greasy shine. Even in a lounge suit you can look like a movie star.

  • It is necessary to carefully study your data, thoroughly analyze the color type, oval of the face, and features of the figure. It’s worth choosing hairstyles, makeup, and wardrobe based on individual characteristics, and not from fleeting fashion trends.
  • War paint is abolished, natural beauty must be skillfully emphasized. Layering primer, tone, and corrector in combination with eyelash extensions and blue lips instantly gives off a provincial look. For daytime makeup choose mineral powder, mascara, in the evening you can allow rich colors.
  • The clothes fit well on a fit, slender figure. Protruding folds and volumes can be hidden not only by physical exercises. Shapewear will allow you to create a beautiful silhouette, but you shouldn’t forget about sports either.
  • Shoes are everything to us. Classic bright pumps, stylish boots, light sandals help make your walk light and weightless. Crazy Louboutins can only be reserved for Halloween; in everyday life they look cheap and tasteless.
  • Accessories - glasses, stoles, hats, they help to create numerous interesting images, relying only on a basic wardrobe.
  • Decorations only from precious metals, but miniature, neat. To exit, use no more than 2-3. A massive ring, brooch, pendant to wear in a single copy.

How to look well-groomed at 30

A dangerous milestone, after which you can plunge into everyday routine, devoting yourself exclusively to family or work.

The first rule of a well-groomed, luxurious woman is to take care of herself. Beauty rituals will allow you to fascinate others with your blooming appearance.

How to look expensive and well-groomed without special expenses:

  • cleanse, tone, and moisturize the skin daily; you should pay attention to cosmetics with fruit extracts and hyaluronic acid;
  • Good sleep will help you look young and fresh; it will solve the problems of swelling and the first wrinkles better than an expensive cream;
  • hair may lose shine and thickness; care should be aimed at treating and nourishing from roots to ends;
  • a dynamic haircut, long or short, volume and smooth lines will help you find the ideal shape;
  • Manicures and pedicures should be carried out regularly; the intricacies of the procedure are easy to master at home, especially since extended tips are a thing of the last century;
  • will help you look well-groomed every day: light makeup, mattifying tone, painted eyelashes, transparent gloss on the lips - naturalness is refreshing;
  • in your wardrobe you should rely on the classical canons and color harmony; basic white, milky, chocolate, blue, gray are always successful; juicy ones will add a little extravagance. bright accents, berry shoes, or a turquoise handbag, it is the elements that make the look individual.

Important! You can't stop the passing of years with hair extensions, doll eyelashes, and a teenage wardrobe. Artificial devices look cheap and make you look ten years older.

How to look well-groomed at 40

It's time for the right experiments, you can lose weight, take up dancing, choose new haircut. To feel, look expensive and well-groomed after 40, it is important to find a balance between the external and internal world. Falling in love with the goddess in yourself, drinking at least 2 liters of water daily, applying a hydrogel mask all night, smiling at this world every morning are the main secrets of beauty.

Luxurious and confident:

  • makeup should correct changes, it is better to stop at foundation, unlike powder, it does not emphasize wrinkles, but fills folds, visually the skin looks smooth and moisturized;
  • arrows make the face look exhausted, aggravate drooping eyelids, it is worth using matte gray or brown shadows on the outer corner of the eye;
  • use a highlighter, but only on the inner corner of the eye and under the arches of the eyebrows, it instantly refreshes and makes the look expressive;
  • moisturizing Matt lipstick natural shades, with vitamins cares for delicate skin, you should choose a tone darker than the color of your lips;
  • It’s better to give up cardinal blonde, red and black; natural options of wheat, light brown, chocolate and cinnamon perfectly highlight the complexion and allow you to create a luxurious image;
  • looking well-groomed every day at 40 will help own style, comfortable, elegant things without dramatic cutouts, you should avoid an abundance of decor, sequins, bead embroidery is appropriate only in evening dresses;
  • clothes should not hang out or create the illusion of a second skin, maintaining a small allowance, it is easy to feel comfortable, even in a skinny dress;

  • Perfume is of enormous importance, only elite branded scents; it’s worth spending money on your favorite scent or offering it to your family as a nice gift.

At 50 everything is just beginning

French and Italian women look impeccable in their mature years. Light makeup, stylish haircut and an insatiable thirst for life. It’s time to feel happy every minute, and a radiant smile adorns better than diamonds. It is possible to look expensive and well-groomed if you have no money, using some tricks.

Stylist tips:

  • Women in mature age often retain the hairstyle of their youth. This is a time of change, it is worth getting a neat haircut with light waves and flowing strands.

  • A moderate amount of styling products is important; an abundance of varnish and gel creates the feeling of a wig. The desired volume can be achieved with foam or mousse.
  • Scarlet lips and purple curls are the fashion of the last century. Modern woman at 50, at most he looks 30, but feels 18. It is worth following trends in makeup - natural complexion, saturated color lipstick, a light blush - all you need to go out.
  • A woman's face will tell you a lot about her habits. For nutrition, protection from sun rays, you can use homemade recipes. Olive oil, cottage cheese, sour cream, oat flour– can easily replace hardware procedures and beauty injections.
  • It’s very easy to dress expensively if you don’t have money. It is enough to collect a basic wardrobe - a pencil skirt, classic jeans, choose a dress according to your body type, it doesn’t have to be black, you can have blue or burgundy. Fitted jacket, black golf and White T-shirt– will help you put together stylish outfits every day.

  • Don't chase fashion trends, Chinese and Turkish fakes will ruin any appearance. An elegant look is created with simple, laconic clothing. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material, and classic styles are still relevant 20 years later.

Who among us does not dream of being the most beautiful? Catch the admiring glances of men, accept sincere compliments, and look at your reflection in the mirror with a feeling of complete satisfaction, and even joy.

But reality can be much harsher than our dreams.

Think about it, how often are you dissatisfied with your appearance? Meanwhile, solving this problem is perhaps much easier than you think, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists, stylists and plastic surgeons.

You may not be beautiful...

...but well-groomed - of course!

Look around how little there really is in the world beautiful people! Beautiful with that same natural, ideal beauty. There are only a few of these...
But there are many people who have a special attractiveness and charm that is unique to them. They are not perfect, they are all different, but there is something about them that attracts like a magnet. This is charm, a kind of charisma! The desire to please people.

I want you to understand that there is no point in wanting to be like a model or some super beauty. After all, you are a thousand times better, you just need to reveal your potential!

But there is another little secret to success - you should always be well-groomed. Being well-groomed has enormous power, it is your highlight, your attractiveness.

What prevents us from looking well-groomed?

Just let's not talk now about the lack of money for expensive cosmetical tools, clothes, stylists. They are not at all necessary to be well-groomed. Such excuses are just harmful stereotypes ingrained in your brain.

Let's get rid of them now!

So, what is stopping us from looking well-groomed? And everything is as simple as shelling pears – it’s just plain laziness!

Do you doubt it? Do not believe?

What does a well-groomed girl look like?

A well-groomed girl can be seen from afar. She may not be at all distinguished by her natural beauty, but there is something about her... Some kind of special harmony, gloss. She is always flawless - silky hair that you want to touch, soft velvet skin, bright radiant eyes, a special style that makes her a truly unique person. She's flawless.

I think now you understand what a well-groomed girl looks like, the next step is to understand how to become one.

How to always look well-groomed?

It is naive to believe that now I will give you a magic pill, and you will immediately become so well-groomed, well-groomed, beautiful, beautiful, and the guys will be stacked at your feet, and the princes will take off their hats.

Being well-groomed is a whole science. This is daily work. I repeat, you need to work every day. 1-3 hours a day. Is it a lot or a little? It depends…

I foresee your protests regarding the acute shortage of time.

Everyone always misses him.

The problem is that we spend a lot of time on trifles. Such precious time, which could be very useful to us for more important matters...

For this I have developed a small step by step instructions, which will tell you how to always look well-groomed.

"How to look well-groomed"

Step 1 – Find time for yourself

In order to be well-groomed and beautiful, you need to take care of your appearance every day. Don't waste your day on trifles. Moreover, it doesn’t take much time to become well-groomed.

Set aside 45 minutes for your beauty in the morning and 1.5 hours in the evening on weekdays. And on the weekend, devote 3-4 hours to your appearance.

This will be quite enough.

Step 2 – Start your morning right!

A well-groomed girl sets the alarm clock for the right time in advance. She wakes up with a smile and does exercises to be cheerful, beautiful and full of energy the whole coming day. Much has been said about a glass of water on an empty stomach and a proper breakfast - this is very important for maintaining health and attractiveness as you age.

Step 3 – sports must be! (And they should also be a joy)

It will probably be unnecessary to talk about the importance of physical activity. However, not every one of us is able to overcome laziness and go to the nearest fitness center and gym.

Meanwhile, you have a great chance to save your time and money, and even get a great figure. And I mean this quite seriously.

Now on the Internet you can download a lot of the most different videos lessons.

For girls with poor athletic training who love smooth stretching exercises, bodyflex is ideal. I recommend downloading “Bodyflex with Marina Korpan”, because today her system has no equal on the RuNet.
For lovers of active fitness, the course “ Beautiful figure in 30 days with Jillian Michaels." I recently found this course on the Internet and really liked it. As Gillian herself says: “It’s simple and effective!”

No need to buy CDs! All of these lessons can be downloaded online for free. If you don’t find it, write to me and I’ll share my notes.

Step 4 – Face and body care

Your beauty arsenal should always include makeup remover, face toner, body cream and, of course, perfume!

Don't forget to take care of your appearance every day.

Don't go to bed without thoroughly cleansing your face first.

After taking a bath, always apply cream to your body, because it is not only good for the skin, but also incredibly pleasant! Make beauty treatments at home using simple ingredients. There are such recipes on our website.

Pamper yourself more often. And never forget what a well-groomed girl should look like and what she shouldn’t look like!

Your hair also requires attention and care. Let it be not only shampoo and conditioner, but also masks once a week, and self-massage of the head with each wash. It would seem like little things that don’t take much time, but they will make your hair truly royal. Then you will understand what well-groomed hair is, radiating health and natural strength.

And try to use a hairdryer as little as possible. His hair splits and breaks.

Don't forget about your hands: they should always be in order. Beautiful, neat nails, manicure that matches well with your clothes.

Don't go outside without a drop of your favorite perfume and light, natural makeup. The aroma of perfume should be slightly perceptible. If you go to important meeting, it is better not to use perfume, the interlocutor may not like the aroma and the meeting will not be successful.

Speaking of makeup...

Step 5- Flawless Makeup

Makeup is a must! And it should be natural. I spoke in more detail about natural makeup in the article ““.

Learning how to apply makeup is not difficult, it's all a matter of practice. And don’t listen to those who say that a girl should be without makeup. Ladies should be liked by the men around you, and then your loved one will appreciate you and be afraid of losing you.

However, remember that for special occasions there should be special, brighter and more noticeable makeup.

You can watch how to do nude makeup for the summer in this video:

Step 6-Shape and perfect your style

Do you have your own style? No? You're wrong! Each person has his own style, it’s just that for some it’s, well... lame, let’s put it that way.
And all because we often buy things impulsively: we like it or don’t like it, without thinking about our image as a whole.

Buying new thing into your wardrobe, think about what you will wear it with, how you will look. Important detail In a woman's wardrobe these are shoes. The suit may not be expensive, but the shoes (boots) should be beautiful and of high quality. It is better to save up money for expensive and good shoes than to buy cheap ones. Such shoes will raise self-esteem and will not injure your feet.

Look closely at other people on the street, on TV. Find your style and stick to it. And you don't need a lot of money for this. The video in this article will help you understand how to choose and combine clothes and how to look expensive without spending a lot of money.

By the way, don’t forget that makeup is also an important part of your style. And it should always match your clothes and then you will create a harmonious image.

I think that the most best style for a girl – lightness and femininity. Love skirts and dresses, bright fabrics. Don’t be lazy to experiment with accessories and jewelry, because they are what give our image a special charm and charm.

Well, now you know how to look well-groomed, it’s just a matter of small things...

So gradually, step by step, you will get closer to your ideal. I just ask you, start right now, without delaying until better times!

After all, every path begins with such a small but incredibly important step towards your true beauty...

You just need to love yourself with all your heart, and then you won’t ask desperate questions into the void: “how to look well-groomed?”, “how to become well-groomed woman?”, “how to become well-groomed at 13,14,15,25,50 years old?” You will just be her - beautiful and well-groomed girl! And let your feminine hobby be love and self-care.