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How to get a girl back in different life situations? How to get your girlfriend back: advice from a psychologist How to get your girlfriend back after a quarrel.

You feel really bad
I don’t want to live, I don’t want to sleep, because I want to return my beloved girl...

Has she already told you?

  • "We need to have a serious conversation"
  • "I want to live alone for a while"
  • "Something went wrong with us"
  • “You are not the person I want to be in a relationship with”

In this situation, you cannot hesitate, since at any moment she can have sex with another man or is already doing so.

Sit back and get ready to read this article.

My name is Anatoly Loginov (Tomas). Head of the TLC School of Relationships

For more than 10 years I have been counseling men on a variety of difficult situations in their personal lives.

In this article, I described unique and proven ways to get your girlfriend back!

Gifts and flowers, and even more so apologies or pleas, should be put aside. This will not work, but will only completely kill her respect and her sexual desire for you as a man. Agree, not a single girl wants to be (I will express it in Russian) fucked by a needy and spineless slob. You can only get your ex-girlfriend back with a sound mind and thoughtful actions!

First, it is important to understand the possible reason for the separation. After all, over time, even in the strongest relationships, crises occur. It often happens that a girl no longer sees in you the guy who delighted her. The reason may be that you have stopped developing, but on the contrary, she is moving forward. Maybe you are immersed in your work and it lacks emotions and interesting pastime. Maybe you haven't talked openly much lately and she has stopped feeling emotionally close to you. Maybe you began to forget about foreplay and pay attention to at least 30 minutes of arousing the girl before sex, so she stopped having time to cum and it began to worry her? Or maybe her friends convinced her that she deserves a richer man, and you stopped telling her about your business plans?

There are dozens of reasons, and in your specific situation, most likely we are dealing not with one specific one, but with a whole complex. And we need not speculation, but real facts.

Therefore, a carefully hacked VKontakte, Viber, or WhatsApp account can help you get her back. But first of all, you need to read not into correspondence with men, but into correspondence with your best friend. Most likely you will find all your mistakes there.

But even after this, you shouldn’t hang up your phone, force messengers with thousands of SMS with apologies and pleas that now you understand everything and now everything will change. All these attempts will be smashed against the “wall” in vain.

Here we need a different strategy that will help get the woman back.

Don't know how to get the girl you love back? - Then arm yourself with an effective recipe for success!

You need to realize the fact of separation. The sooner you realize that your girlfriend has really left and this is not just a quarrel, the better. Nurturing yourself with hopes and waiting for everything to get better is not an option. You need to calm down and stop being a weakling, it's time to become independent and defiantly start minding your own business!

Stopping the persecution. Calls, text messages, “random meetings” and even liking her photos on Instagram - all this should stop!

Completely ignored. In order to rid yourself of the image of a weakling and a doormat that follows you around, you need to disappear from the girl’s life and completely ignore her for a period of 3-6 weeks. You need to protect yourself from all contacts with her, and even with those who can “convey” something to her about you.

Yes, it's hard, but this time will be beneficial. During this time, you should create an image of a successful man who will be the opposite of the one she left. The surroundings will also be useful, for example, new photographs somewhere in interesting places, in new clothes, with new people whom she does not know. This will undoubtedly cause her to increase her interest in your life;

Analysis of your mistakes. When the passions have subsided, you have already created for yourself the image of a “dominant cat” and stood the time, it’s time to analyze your mistakes, find the reason why the girl left you, in which you might not have satisfied her. And also, it is important to understand how you have changed;

It is important to change your appearance and demeanor, because you won’t be able to get your woman back if you remain who you were during the breakup. It's important to become what your ex wanted you to be. The easiest way to quickly change is to take the online training “Taste of Life 2.0”, but more on that later;

It's time to make contact. After a period of a kind of boycott, it was time for a meeting. Even the fact that she has a boyfriend should not stop you, because 3-6 weeks is the period when a girl begins to doubt her choice, thinks about the past, she thinks about you!

You can call yourself or arrange a “random meeting”, the main thing is to get in touch. Offer just a friendly walk with the goal of just chatting. When you propose to go for a walk, you should be relaxed and confident, not a word about relationships!

Important so that during these 3-6 weeks of pause, you will be able to charm and have sex with at least 2-3 new girls that you like. Remember how you were with them. What did you talk about, how did you behave.

Be bright and relaxed at this meeting. No flowers or conversations about how you missed her or remembered her, not a word about your worries or the fact that you want her back. Talk to her as if nothing happened in the past. Communicate with her the same way you communicated with the girls you seduced. Be bright, tell interesting stories, charm! The speech is confident, but at the same time affectionate and flirting. Act according to the situation.

If you feel warmth from her, force things - start stroking her hands, kissing her neck - turn on all your charms and excite her so much that you have sex that same evening. Sex is a very powerful hook and the sooner you get it into her, the better. This is where your reconciliation will begin.

If at the first meeting she behaves coolly towards you, you should not go on the attack. It’s worth using a blow below the belt - telling her that these 3-6 weeks you started and ended an affair with a girl. To answer her logical question about “why it didn’t work out,” tell her about this possibly mythical girl, endowing her with the negative qualities of your ex.
“She didn’t know how to do anything around the house, and you know that’s important to me.”
“She spent too much time sorting things out, and instead of just enjoying life, she constantly had some kind of burdensome conversations”
“At some point, she began to act as if she saved my life, and now I owe her and owe her for life.”

Important, so that in this characteristic the girl sees herself and thus we throw into her brain the idea that 3-6 weeks ago it was not she who left you, but a mutual separation occurred and certain mistakes were also made on her part. Once you are sure that these thoughts have been abandoned in her head, the meeting can end.

Second meeting.
If your arrows hit the target, she herself will come into contact with you and initiate communication. Communicate as if nothing happened. Like with a new girl you want to charm and seduce. Like with a girl with whom you had nothing. Send her photos on Viber, voice messages on WhatsApp, because you are positive and cheerful. Your task is to evoke positive response and reciprocal flirting. Once this task is completed, invite her to a follow-up meeting.
The best option for this is dinner, and then going to a nightclub together. Where you can drink a little, maybe smell something, flirt, hold hands, hug, and eventually end up at your house (or where she now lives alone, and you used to live together), and have sex. It is important here that sex is as tough as possible. Become an animal. Fuck her like an animal. It is extremely important to have anal sex. Purely psychologically, anal sex turns on a girl’s desire to obey.

Don't relax. Even after sex, you shouldn’t think that you were able to get the girl back and now she’s not going anywhere. It's a delusion. Now it is doubly important for you to be more attentive to her thoughts, feelings and not allow a situation where she will again twist something in her head. It is important for you to constantly talk frankly in order to neutralize the barely emerging beginnings of discontent.
If you again ignore her inner feelings and experiences (for example, you throw yourself headlong into work again), then she will leave you again.

Therefore, bring your relationship to a new depth of emotional intimacy if you want to save it. This way you can not only get your ex-girlfriend back, but also make your relationship even stronger and more harmonious.

With the help of my advice, hundreds of men were able to get a girl back after a breakup and create new, strong relationships. I hope everything works out for you too.

So now you may have 2 options:

MEGA BONUS to all those who read this article!

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There is only one reason why you can get your girlfriend back and for a long time extinguish in her any desire to leave you again. And for this you will not need to humiliate yourself or ask for forgiveness from her, everything is much simpler.

Why will she come back to you:“You can only get your girlfriend back when she again considers you a worthy guy.” And if every guy who writes here did at least half of what we explain to you, then everyone would be happy with their girlfriends a long time ago. But you have to understand that when guys lose their girls, they explode and start acting aggressive, illogical and sometimes just stupid.

Has your girlfriend left you?

We know many examples where a guy broke up with his girlfriend 5 times a week, and then still made up with her. Such “breakups” usually last no more than 10 days, and girls use them to put pressure and blackmail on their boyfriend. Apologizing and some “gifts” for girls really work here. Nothing can be done about it, girls love to manipulate us.

The situation changes dramatically when, after some event or a long period of “coldness,” the girl suddenly declares that she no longer sees the point of dating and offers friendship or shows the way in plain text. Then apologies and gifts not only do not help, but, on the contrary, aggravate the situation, which sometimes leads to a disastrous outcome.

Unfortunately, few people can immediately determine the seriousness of a girl’s decision, so each of us tried to “make peace” and get our girlfriend back through apologies, endless calls and messages.

Why did the girl leave

When you started dating a girl, each of your meetings brought her so much pleasure and buzz that she simply squealed with delight. She liked your appearance, she liked your words and your mannerisms. This was exactly what she was looking for among thousands of guys.

But some time passed, you began to change with age, she, however, did the same, and at one point she realized that you were no longer the one she was delighted with. You could have changed so much that she stopped recognizing you. Either you are stuck at the same age, and she has matured and stopped understanding you. The consequences are the same - separation!

How to get a girl back - brief instructions

About 10-15 days have passed since you realized that your attempts to get the girl back are not working. She really doesn't want to be yours anymore, and she doesn't need your apology. But you still try over and over again to get in touch with her and “convey” your truth. For this you use the phone, the Internet, mutual friends, and sometimes you even come to her work, school or home. You think she's flirting and playing with you, but she just ignores you. Forget about it!

Begging, pleading, begging for a second chance. Stop! It still won't work. You can return your beloved girl only with your mind and competent actions. No girl on the planet will love a needy guy who will beg her to come back.

Experts call this period a “wall.” No matter how hard a guy fights and tries to “reach out” to his girlfriend, he only makes things worse for himself.

You can get complete instructions with details and examples from Sam for just 360 Rubles! Believe me, he is a real master: “How to get a girl back: complete instructions.” But don't forget to leave a positive review! Appreciate our help!

1) Return the girl - peace of mind

You know that good saying: “We don’t value what we have until we lose it.” So, your girlfriend will not appreciate you as long as she knows that you will call, write and seek her attention. She knows that if she shows her finger, you will crawl to her and ask for forgiveness. That is why she treats you with disdain, like waste material that was once needed, but has now turned into garbage. But everything has changed now.

You were still able to find strength and courage in yourself, you stopped calling and writing to her every day. Now it's time for the most difficult step: calm down and stop being weak. This can all be expressed in one phrase: “A strong guy does not return a girl, a strong guy does not ask for forgiveness and does not look for a meeting. A strong guy is calm, because he understands perfectly well that the girl wants him herself.” To put it simply: forget about your girlfriend and demonstratively mind your own business, become an egoist who loves only himself!

You will laugh, but even at this stage, many girls understood that they had gotten carried away and lost such a cool guy. And they themselves ran to him to return him.

2) Get the girl back - ignore

To completely destroy your image of a weak and unnecessary guy, you need to disappear for a period of 3 to 6 weeks so that the girl forgets about you completely. At this time, it is necessary to completely protect yourself from all contacts with your ex and people who can “convey” something to her.

Yes, it is hard and difficult. Plus, you'll find yourself sitting in front of the monitor, admiring old photos of yourself. And you will attribute all her statuses to yourself, which is actually not the case. But all guys go through such a period.

Until you communicate with your girlfriend and hold on, you need to create an image of a successful guy that she wouldn’t recognize when she met. Yes, of course, it would be nice to really change your life for the better, but for now that’s enough dust in the eyes.

You need to create an image of such a dominant, unhurried cat that always takes its toll. For this you need good photographs, an ambience of success, a new appearance (yes, you will have to spend a couple of thousand on new pants, a T-shirt and a jacket). Exemplary behavior of a dominant man: .

3) Get the girl back - contact

Once you've been able to calm down and take a break, it's time to get into bed with your girlfriend! But first you need to get in touch with her and show her her mistake...

Don't worry, time is on your side. Even if she now has a temporary boyfriend, then a month and a half after the breakup is the period when girls begin to delve into themselves and worry about their wrong choice, i.e. she starts thinking about you!

If you choose between a “chance meeting” and a targeted call, then we still advise you to call yourself, although a chance meeting is also suitable. When asking your girlfriend for a friendly outing, you need to be so relaxed and calm that she believes that you just want to chat with her.

If she refused to go to the meeting, then it’s okay. You take another 7-10 days and again invite her for a friendly walk. Sooner or later she will agree to meet with you.

- Meeting:

You shouldn’t come to her with an armful of flowers, tell her how much you missed her, how much you want her to come back.

The meeting itself should be short, no more than 30-40 minutes. The speech is laconic and without a single hint of past relationships. Not a word about the breakup and your feelings.

At the end of the meeting, you need to say that you were interested in chatting with her. That's all.

After the meeting, you do not need to call or write to her; you again disappear from her sight for up to 7 days. Even if after the meeting she writes to you herself, you need to endure a day or two of ignoring her in order to show her strength.

- Second meeting:

If the first meeting hooked her, then you can expect that she will contact you and start communicating. Remember this thing: “She will be curious, she will be interested in knowing about you! Don't sell it too cheap, make her pay a high price for her curiosity." This means that you keep all online interactions to a minimum and force her to come to social gatherings and outings with you. And here you will be able to give her a compliment somewhere, or hug her by accident. And then you’ll see for yourself when her eyes light up and she wants it!

The main thing during such meetings is to remain so detached and not try to achieve or conquer her. She must understand that you are coping just fine without her, this hurts the girls!

If she doesn’t go to the meeting first, then you whet her interest with new photos and successes, and invite her again yourself, or make casual contact. And then, also with the help of distant behavior and rare but warm compliments, you bring her to desire.

And then you will have sex with your girlfriend, and you will almost get her back!

4) Getting the girl back is the final point

Even after sex, there is still a chance that the girl will change her mind and decide to run away. This happens when a guy relaxes. The guy thinks that the girl is already in bed, he has achieved his goal and stops acting confidently and predatory. The girl looks up and sees again that weakling whom she abandoned a couple of months ago and runs away, now forever.

Remember: “You don’t get your girlfriend back, you get yourself a completely new girlfriend.” And this means that you must look after her and show your strength, you must seduce her again!

And then you will finally be able to get your girlfriend back and consolidate your relationship. Watch our video for more details about errors!

You can receive instructions that will guide you step by step from breaking up with a girl to her victorious return. The girl herself will want you to come back, this is real!

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Did your beloved leave for someone else, just fall out of love, and realize that you are not on the same path? There are many possible reasons and reasons for such an act. And although it seems that now it is too late to do anything, the heart and feelings protest in every possible way against “giving up their positions.”

The question of how to return a beloved girl worried young people many centuries ago and has not yet lost its relevance. What to do? First of all, you need to understand that you won’t be able to step into the same river twice, but it is possible to change yourself and try again to improve relationships.

If you want to return your old feelings and relationships, you need to calm the boiling cauldron of emotions and listen to the recommendations of psychologists. And these tips largely coincide with ordinary worldly wisdom, proven over the centuries.

So, experts on human souls advise guys to take the following steps:

  1. Analyze whether it is necessary to return your ex-lover. Perhaps you yourself, deep down in your soul, wanted to end this relationship, but now only male pride is crying out in you, not allowing you to come to terms with the fact that it was the girl who left first. If thinking about the situation has shown that love and warm feelings remain, you are ready to change for her sake and put aside reproaches and insults, it makes sense to take active action.
  2. Think carefully about the current situation, try to clarify and find out at what point the fatal mistake was made in your relationship with your ex-girlfriend. It is extremely important to forget about the quarrels between you and forgive your beloved if she was the culprit of the separation.
  3. Try to organize a meeting with the girl, explain to her again, avoiding scandals and accusations. Be sure to clarify that you have realized your mistake and are ready to resume the relationship. The likelihood of positive developments for you is quite high, especially if you show that you value her feelings and have become more responsible.
  4. If your ex-lover does not want to meet, try to keep your distance for a while and wait until she cools down and is ready for a serious conversation.

Before considering ways to get your girlfriend back, you need to clarify the list of actions that are strictly contraindicated. Is it possible to resort to them? Yes, but only if you want to turn your ex-lover away from you forever.

  1. There is no need to constantly call, talk about love, send gifts. Women's psychology is such that a guy kneeling and begging for forgiveness seems like a creature unworthy of attention. Your active imposition will generally destroy at least some respect and alienate your ex-lover even more.
  2. Stop threatening to commit suicide. Unfortunately, this method is quite common among the stronger sex. Firstly, even if this works, then keeping the girl next to you will not be love, but pity. Secondly, next time such a trick will not work, since the young lady will develop a kind of immunity to threats.
  3. One should not promise global changes. The notorious female psychology forces girls to believe not in logical arguments, but in emotions and sensations. She will not understand the global nature of your plans; she needs sensory evidence: to look, to feel the difference. Only then will she be able to trust you.
  4. Do not drown out the pain and your blues with alcoholic drinks. Alcohol only enhances real emotions. If you are sad, then a few glasses of strong alcoholic drink will only increase the intensity of this mood. Besides, you don’t want to sink even further in the eyes of your ex-darling?

If you are determined to get your girlfriend back, try to find out the exact reason for the breakup.

Identifying the source of the problem is already half the success. It is best, of course, to find out the motive for the action first-hand, but if the ex-lover does not make contact, you will have to figure it out on your own or make an appointment with a psychologist.

What reasons for separation can be identified?

  1. Lack of trust. Relationship psychology states that couples that lack trust will sooner or later break up. Incessant jealousy, constant monitoring of a girl’s every step, monitoring her correspondence online or via SMS will definitely lead to a break in the relationship.
  2. Lie. It is difficult to meet girls who could easily forgive deception and betrayal. If your ex-lover found out about your affair, you shouldn’t be surprised that she decided to break off your relationship.
  3. Love is over. “Falling out of love” is an extremely painful reason for separation for a man’s pride. It hurts even more if the ex-darling left for someone else.
  4. Partner's selfishness. Any patience is not unlimited, so at a certain moment even the quietest and most modest girl can rebel due to male inattention.
  5. Obsession with previous relationships. If a man maintains close contact with his previous girlfriend, his current girlfriend may view this extremely negatively. Women are especially irritated by comparisons with previous lovers.

Of course, this is not a complete list of possible reasons for a breakup. One can also recall the discrepancy in characters, the unwillingness to give in to each other, or to compromise. It is important to understand the heap of problems and find the main motive for a woman’s action.

4 simple steps that will work

So, some time has passed, and you realized that attempts to revive the relationship have failed. Increasingly, the question of how to get your beloved girl back bothers you day and night. She says that she has fallen out of love, or does not answer phone calls and SMS at all.

You can, of course, continue to watch her near work or university, shower her with flowers, beg for a meeting and beg for a second chance. However, with a high probability, your plans will fail, since the girl’s psychology does not allow her to respect the guy lying at her beautiful legs. Gather your will and listen to the advice of experts.

Step No. 1. Agree with her decision

If, after a quarrel or a long-term tense relationship, a girl tells you about the breakup, try to at least outwardly perceive her words calmly and even with a touch of relief. You can respond with the following: “I’m glad that we have a common opinion. I’ve been thinking about breaking up for a long time.”

Why is the effect guaranteed? Women often say such phrases in the heat of the moment or in order to achieve changes in a guy’s behavior. But even if your girlfriend planned such a conversation, an unexpected turn will confuse her and neutralize her moral superiority.

Having agreed, there is no need to get into an argument, otherwise you can ruin everything. Leave the girl confused for a while. At this time, do not call or arrange “random” meetings or quarrels. Now the ball is in your court, so you need to prepare for the following points.

Step No. 2. Contact

While waiting for her call or message online, a “chance” meeting, you should not become discouraged and monitor her VK page. You can confidently say that your ex-lover is in the dark, not understanding why you don’t find out about her affairs and don’t try to get her back.

And here there are two possible scenarios for the development of events:

  1. The girl will call first, having found some compelling reason - she forgot something at your house or asks for advice on some issue. Be sure to pick up the phone, ask what prompted her to call, ask about her business, but without unnecessary emotions.
  2. If your ex-girlfriend doesn't call, try setting up a meeting at a place she frequents. Naturally, without flowers and balloons, since you met her “completely by accident.”

In any of the contact options, answer positively, without rudeness, but in monosyllables, as if you had already acquired secrets. The girl should feel that you are not finishing everything. End the conversation first, citing your busyness. After a conversation or meeting, do not call or write, again disappearing for a while.

Step #3. Changes

So, you are hiding, thereby fueling the curiosity of your ex-lover, but you cannot sit idly by. Self-development and self-improvement are necessary, and you will also have no time for sadness. During this period you can do the following:

  • if possible, pump yourself up, get yourself into optimal physical shape, removing your beer belly;
  • update your wardrobe by replacing the usual urban style with something brighter;
  • go on a trip, engage in some extreme sport (without fanaticism), which will certainly affect your self-esteem and outlook;
  • take a few photos with cute strangers (not your cousin) and post them on your page.

Rest assured that your ex-girlfriend regularly visits you on social networks to note changes in status or discover new girls as “friends”. The change of image will surely hook her.

In addition, by changing your lifestyle, you will attract new, interesting people. Perhaps among them there will be a young lady who will be better in all respects than her former lover. Then you will no longer rack your brains over the question of how to get a girl back after a breakup and rekindle your feelings.

Step No. 4. Personal meeting

If a girl doesn’t call or write after the first contact, organize communication on your own. A chance meeting will show all the positive changes that have happened to you during your separation. Women are quite jealous of such changes, starting to think about possible rivals. Yes, girls are jealous even of their ex-boyfriends!

It is extremely important to communicate in person, limiting contacts on the Internet to a minimum.

At the meeting you will be able to hug and kiss. In addition, it is possible and necessary to show not only external, but also internal changes. If you haven’t said kind words before, become more gallant, etc. Show that you are ready to start a relationship anyway.

If you are unable to return the feelings of your ex-girlfriend using the methods described above, try turning to other, not entirely standard methods. The only condition is that you must firmly believe that such methods will help you, even if the girl has left for someone else.


A prayer for the return of a beloved must come from a pure heart. It is love and sincere feelings that will help make it as effective as possible. If you want to achieve guaranteed success, you should not rush and bother the girl, since it is unlikely that she will change her decision so abruptly.

The prayer must be read by a baptized person; you can turn to God, his son or your own guardian angel. There are many prayers that should help bring back lovers. The prayer to Saint Matrona looks like this:

“Holy Matronushka! I turn my prayers to you! Please, save my love, turn slave (name) back! Ask the Lord for blessings! I pray to you with words from my heart! With bow, Matronushka, to you, amen!”

You can read the prayer both at home and in church. However, priests advise performing the sacrament in the temple so that the effect is more clear. Regardless of who your prayer is addressed to, stand near the icon, take a lighted candle or lamp.

Love spell from a photograph

If you belong to the category of people who are sure that love and feelings must be fought for by any means, try to return your ex-lover using magical rituals - for example, by bewitching her using a photograph.

Esotericists consider a photo to be an imprint of the human aura containing a particle of the information field. The sequence of actions during divination looks like this:

  1. Peer carefully at the image of the girl, imagining a happy future together.
  2. Light the wax candle and take the photo. Say your wish by turning the photo face down and passing it over the fire.
  3. Say the following words: “As I, the servant of God (your name), yearn for the servant of God (name of the chosen one), so let her yearn for me! Amen!"
  4. Then set the photo on fire with a candle flame, and the ashes need to be scattered in the wind.

It is extremely difficult to return a former lover who has fallen out of love, but you can interest her in your new personality, in an improved way. To return love and refresh the feelings of your old girlfriend, love yourself. This will help you understand your own priorities, look at old relationships with new eyes and choose the right strategy. Good luck to you!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

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60 comments to the article “ How to get your girlfriend back: advice from psychologists and magical rituals»

    Use magic? Are you joking? Men! Finally, be leaders for women, and no one will even think of leaving you!

    Hello. I don’t know what to do, so I decided to explain the situation to you.

    I myself am a very hot-tempered and harsh person who does something first, and only then thinks. The girl and I dated for a month, but after all my constant complaints and psychosis, she wrote “this can’t go on any longer, let’s remain better friends.” To which I replied “I understand everything, this is my problem, I will always be happy to help you.”
    Several days pass and the girl writes “I don’t know why, but I wanted to write to you”... communication began to move, I came to her house, gave her flowers, we found out everything, said that even though we had been seeing each other a little (only a month), but we were without each other We can no longer make do with each other. Everyone was satisfied and happy...

    A week passes. And I’m the first to invite her to my company. It was my best friend's birthday, he was turning 18 years old. I persuaded the girl to go with me to my birthday party, so that she would know what kind of friends I have and what I am like in general in the company.

    But it all turned into house! When I drink, I start to be terribly crazy: I start breaking chairs, breaking dishes, running into everyone... looking at all this, the girl, of course, didn’t like it. She asked me to call her a taxi and go home, saying she still needed to visit her aunt.
    He called a taxi and said when he was home, call me. But of course...she didn't call.

    The next day he writes, “Lyosh, forgive me, but I’ve just now sorted out my feelings and realized that we are completely different people.”
    I was in a panic, I really fell in love with a person for the first time in my life... and then this... I started calling, shouting at her, insulting her...
    I went to her, knocked on the door for an hour... but she didn’t open and said that we had nothing more to talk about.

    3 days have passed. Thoughts are always about her, constant music about parting, about love. I constantly look at our photos together, constantly remembering the moments when we were together and how good we felt.

    But I couldn’t take her and stop liking her in one day? Simply, looking at my actions while drunk, she decided that I was behaving childishly and decided to break up with me.

    I do not know what to do. But I can hardly live without her. I was in a relationship, after the breakups of which I was not so loaded, I almost instantly forgot about the person and looked for other options. Here the situation is different... I constantly think about it.
    I really want to get her back, although after the insult to her, she doesn’t even want to sign a contract with me. But something needs to be done...

    Don't do anything for now, let it cool down. Don't even call yet. She will answer you herself or call you.

  • Thank you very much for your advice! Let's try. Respect for the one who wrote all this. After all, love must be preserved in our world!

    Hello, I also don’t know how to get my girlfriend back. We are dating and she decided to break up after I drank too much at a friends wedding and hugged another girl. And mine started to speak out to me, but I didn’t like it and I yelled at her. Then she sent me a text saying she was breaking up with me. I asked for forgiveness, begged her to come back, but to no avail. She does not answer my calls, on social media. networks removed me from friends. Then I went to her house, but she wrote that she was not at home, and she did not say where. I even went to her work and gave her flowers so that she would come back, but it’s all useless, she says it’s all over. Help me please.

  • Hello, my name is Alexander. We lived in a civil marriage for nine years, he took her with a child and two from me. During this time there were all sorts of quarrels and everything else, but then she basically said let’s break up, the other day I received an SMS saying that there is someone else and it’s good with him. What should I do now and how can I get everything back?

    I’m very guilty, she doesn’t notice me at all and blames me for everything. What to do? Please advise!

    Her first love, he got married and went crazy. She said that she never loved anyone else and would never love him like he did, and she didn’t need anyone. We were together for 5 years, everything was fine.

    I need help, a girl told me that her feelings began to disappear when she left for the village. I broke up with my girlfriend in July because she lost her feelings, although when we were walking, everything was fine. We were in a relationship for half a year, when we broke up, I didn’t communicate with her for 2 months and she found herself a boyfriend. This guy is my friend, I don’t understand what my mistake is, I did everything to save our relationship. Now I don’t know what to do, I want to return her, but when I corresponded with her, she threatened me “Forget me, otherwise it will be worse” and from that moment I have not written to her. Help me, give me advice on how to behave or what to write to her.

    Good day, gentlemen! Tell me what to do? I was married for 10 years, I’m 30 now, I met a girl, I realized that I fell in love, I left my wife, we lived together for 2 years, I talked to my wife and helped, although nothing happened, I just helped as a human being, she was wildly jealous, last year she me I left and left with my things, as per tradition, adding to the emergency, I drank and out of despair began to write to my ex that I loved him, etc. that we would be together again, I don’t know what motivated me, in general, when I came to my senses, I realized that this was not right and stopped it. I returned the girl, but didn’t delete the correspondence, the other day my beloved found all this miracle, and for a week now she’s been saying that she doesn’t like her, when I come to her she kicks me out, I don’t know what to do, I took a break, but I’m gradually losing my mind, the world has disappeared, for myself I understood everything, and learned so many lessons that I didn’t pay enough attention, and in general that she’s the best, I don’t know what to do... And most importantly, I don’t know how to even start communicating, because I’m in an emergency everywhere and she doesn’t want to listen to what nothing happened, although her family says that she worries and loves her! I don’t know how to convey to her that I’m already different, that she’s the most precious thing to me, I’m surprised at myself when we don’t value what we have, but when we lose it, we understand that this has been your whole life! How can I at least start communicating with her again? I understand that the scar will remain for a long time, but I am sure that I can make it so that it will be forgotten!

  • I already divorced one wife after 5 years of marriage, it was very difficult and then I did such things that now I’m ashamed to remember. But then I found another, 5 years have passed and the situation repeats itself. She went to her mother. In the heat of the moment, I almost made mistakes again, but then I calmed down, read the advice on the Internet, and it seems to me that things are moving towards application. She didn’t communicate with me on social networks, so I posted a large copy of the newspaper under her window: I love you! (I also have a daughter).
    In the morning she saw that even though she lives on the 9th floor. At lunch, I was already at her house and asked to buy her coffee. And slowly began a dialogue, finding out where I messed up. Now for the third day I’ve been visiting her for a short time so as not to get bored. I’ve been reading on the Internet, how to proceed so as not to do something stupid? (she doesn’t want to forgive me yet)

    Good day everyone! We really need your help.
    I met a girl, the relationship was very warm, everything was perfect, like in a fairy tale, I became her first. We dated for about 2 months (I understand that the period is not so long, but during this time I managed to fall in love with the most I don’t want, this is the first time for me) She said a couple of times that she loved me and I saw it, but I didn’t tell her that, I was afraid hurry up with this. In the last month of the relationship, I began to devote less time to her due to work, we rarely saw each other, there were a couple of small quarrels that I immediately eliminated calmly explaining everything and again everything was wonderful. After some time, she left me and started dating another guy. I calmly stepped aside because I understood that I couldn’t do anything; a week later he leaves her for his ex-girlfriend. Having learned about this, I naturally wanted to return her and began to make rather rash attempts to return her (I met her before school, wrote SMS), thereby messing things up and making a bunch of mistakes (this lasted a couple of weeks). She wrote that she didn’t want to see me and didn’t want to have anything in common with me and she didn’t have any feelings for me at all.
    By chance, I managed to get a part of my friend’s correspondence with her, in which she talked about the fact that she loved this guy who left her and she had never been so happy with anyone.
    It seems to me that I am obsessed with her, I constantly think about her, look for her when I go somewhere, I constantly scroll through in my head some options by which I can return her and I cannot stop believing that this is possible
    Many people advise in such a situation to wait a while and let it cool down, and then try something. She is young and I suspect that she is impressionable, she didn’t have a particularly active personal life before me and that’s why I’m afraid that she might find someone
    I want to know what options are there in this situation that will help me get it back?
    Thank you very much in advance)
    P.s I even thought about convincing that guy to help me because I think that his opinion still has weight for her (of course, so that the girl doesn’t find out about it)
    I really hope that the situation is not hopeless)

  • Help me please. I have such feelings now - I don’t want to live. We broke up with the girl, she says that she doesn’t love me anymore, she stopped loving me, and that she is in love with another guy. This happened after another quarrel, I yelled at her because I had been walking with a friend for a long time and was jealous of every post. I understand that I was wrong, I was on my knees, begging her not to leave her. I just don't know what to do. Please, please help me. She doesn’t want to see me, she says, I make her even angrier. She blacklisted her everywhere, won’t make contact... Then I wrote her an SMS saying I accepted her decision and was letting her go, thanked her for all the good things that happened. She wrote: "Goodbye, I hope everything works out for you." And I didn’t write or call again. What should I do now? All this time she communicates with a new young man. A week has passed since the breakup. I beg you, help... I'm running out of strength, I don't want to live...

  • Hello, friends! I have a problem. Help. My girlfriend and I have been talking for 5 months and have been living together for 4 months. Today we were playing around and playing, and then she said, go home to your place. I thought she was joking and started getting dressed, she asked: where are you going, I said jokingly: home. She started cursing, saying go home and don’t come again. After that, I smoked and went to her to ask for forgiveness. She told me: “I don’t want to live with you.” I couldn't persuade her and then I went home. Help, friends, I don’t want to lose her, I love her so much and we will have a child. Help? I can't help but think about her.

    Guys, the most important thing is not to humiliate yourself, not to make trouble, not to ask, not to beg her or him to come back! Believe me, this will only make things worse for you! And don’t turn to magicians for anything, I spent about 600-700 thousand rubles, but nothing helped! And now I know for sure, if I had let her go right after she left me, and had not called, asked, scandalized, or humiliated me, and if I had spent the money that I scammed the magicians on myself, she would have returned in a month at most. ! It's a pity that love is such bullshit that it breaks any person! When you are abandoned, you lose everything, both pride and self-respect! I ask you to forgive each other and ignore your pride! Be sure to give a chance, every person deserves it and anyone can be changed for the better! Because a boomerang awaits you! And most importantly, don’t repeat my mistakes! I did so many things after my beloved girlfriend left me, now I know that I brought the situation to the point that she will never return to me! Good luck everyone!!! Love each other

  • Please tell me what can be done.
    We dated a girl for less than a month (before the relationship we knew each other for a very long time, according to her, she was in love with me all this time). Everything was fine, it was clear that she treated me with care and love, she said that she was very glad that she had me, that I always told her what she wanted to hear from me, that I was very dear to her.
    And then one fine day, when I was leaving for another city for a couple of days, she posted a photo on social networks with her ex-boyfriend (they just met in the company of mutual friends), to which I began to be very indignant in the heat of the moment. This offended her.
    She said that she saw that I did not trust her (although this was not so, I always trusted her, believed in her, in fact, there was never any reason for jealousy). But she didn’t seem to listen to my apologies, she said that upon arrival she would need to have a serious conversation, and until we met for a serious conversation, she did not answer either calls or SMS.
    When we met, she left me, said that she was not yet ready for a serious relationship and that’s it, we hugged and parted.
    After some time, I saw several more new photos with her ex on the social network and, being intoxicated, told her everything, as I see this situation, very rudely, but without personal insults against her, the only thing was that he accused her of lying.
    We didn’t communicate for a week, something came over me, and I apologized. She forgave me, but said that we would not have any relationship in the future and that she would not be able to communicate with me either, since she was greatly offended by my words about lies.
    4 months have already passed, and I still can’t get her out of my head, I think about her every day. I began to communicate closely with other girls, but still only she is in my head.
    Doesn't call or write except when she needs help somehow.
    Please tell me, is it possible to return it? Or at least tell me how to try to forget her, I fell in love with her like a boy.
    Thank you in advance.

  • The relationship with the lady lasted six months. I managed to fall in love very much. Now she is talking to my friend (I asked him). She thinks he is not telling me about this. So here it is. During their last conversation, she told him that she had already decided that she did not want to connect her life with me. She also said that maybe she would drool over me someday. I quote “But this is unlikely.” Then she said: “TELL HIM HE’S AN ASSHOLE”)) During our last dialogue, I humiliated myself in front of her. He said don't leave me, please. Give me a chance and all that.
    Is there an option to develop a relationship with this girl?

    Friends, please help! Here's my story. I am 37 years old, and I am a disabled person of the 2nd group with amputation of my left leg above the knee, I walk with a prosthesis. In August 2016, a friend of mine came to me to glue wallpaper with her girlfriend, with whom she worked at a bakery. I saw her and fell in love. She left me her number. The next day we called each other and began to communicate warmly. She lived in the regional center in a rented apartment with her mother and children. We have a furniture factory in our village, and she got a job there, and on September 30, together with 2 children, a 9-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter, she moved in with me. I loved the children as if they were my own, although sometimes I scolded them for being angry and not listening.
    Since I worked in a male team almost alone, not counting the cleaning lady, I was constantly jealous of her, grumbling about every reason, we constantly had quarrels. When she was in the spirit, she said that I was good. She was previously married, and both children have different fathers. One did not marry, she divorced the other because he drank, beat her and her son, and cheated.
    She is smart and hard-working and does not give reasons for jealousy, she is an ideal. Her father drinks, her mother drinks, her brother drinks, his girlfriend drinks, she herself can drink beer sometimes. Her father abandoned her mother and her children when she was little. And now her father-in-law let her back in because she has nowhere else to go.
    5 days ago we went to her mother’s birthday and we all got drunk there. I did something weird there: I sent my wife and her mother, fought with the brothers, insulted her brothers. It was already late at night, and the children went to bed, and she said, let's spend the night and go home in the morning. I, a fool, somehow called a taxi and went home. She even stopped answering the phone after that.
    A day later I got drunk and went with my neighbor to ask for forgiveness. I went into the apartment and saw a man, as I was later told, he was a friend of my father-in-law, he just came in to spend the night. I got wildly jealous and started insulting this guy, and this guy knocked me out. I was completely drunk, and my wife called a neighbor, he came in, put me in the car and drove me home. Then the local police officer came to me and recorded the bruises, and took a statement that I had no complaints against anyone. The local police officer came to see mine, and they said that I was a fool.
    None of her relatives want to communicate with me and won’t even pick up the phone. She says pack my things, I will come and pick them up. She already left this summer after another quarrel, but then she gave me one last chance and returned. Yesterday I went to the hospital, and while I was gone, she came to the village and took her salary from the factory, paid the debt to the store, came to our house, and it was locked. And she walked towards the regional center. I drove home from the hospital with a neighbor and met her on the way. I tell my neighbor, slow down. He backed up and I got out of the car.
    She didn't even want to talk to me. I tell her: “Look what a black eye I have,” and she says, am I to blame for this? She's crying herself. As luck would have it, a hitchhiker passed by and stopped. She got into the car and drove away.
    My son and daughter have not been going to kindergarten or school for a week. My father-in-law has a two-room apartment, and now they live there together with 7 children. There is no hot water, no proper bathing, no laundry. I say that it will be bad for the children there if they drink, but she says that she will rent an apartment or most likely live with her aunt. There is no normal work there, the maximum salary ceiling for her is 11-13 thousand. She earned up to 22 thousand at the furniture shop.
    She won’t believe my words and my promises anymore, I don’t know what to do. Please help with sensible advice. I will be glad to receive your help.

    Hello, I want to return my beloved, we lived for 1.5 years, there was everything: quarrels and good days. But recently she said: “Go away.” I am an emotional person, sometimes I shouted at her, left the house so as not to mess up a lot of wood, but she said that she was tired of all this and now she didn’t want anything else.

    Dear Andrey! I believe that you are psychologically not ready for life together. A family is a huge work of two loving people. You need to engage in self-improvement. Once the results appear, you can return to your question. Success and self-confidence.

    I read all this and it made me feel better. It just let go.
    It’s a pity that I humiliated myself, wrote, asked for a meeting, and it got to the point that I got into an emergency situation and was blocked almost everywhere.
    Guys, don’t be stupid, be patient and don’t be rude, don’t drink out of grief, it’s better to get involved in sports, take care of yourself, she’ll write it herself, and if not, she’ll let you go—you won’t even notice.
    Better stock up on sedatives ;)
    Good luck guys!

    Yesterday I noticed, but did not have time to unsubscribe.
    What is this women's portal))))))))

    I dated a girl for 1.5 years, everything was fine, there were both bad and good moments. But recently she said that she had fallen out of love and was leaving, and asked to remain friends, but for 2 months so that we would not communicate at all. And only after these two months will she begin to communicate with me as a friend. I do not know what to do. Help.

    He was in love with someone else, she knew, but he ran and loved, began dating, slept with her inconsistently. For 8 years she left and returned, a year will pass - she will return, she will stay for 3 months - she will leave, and so on for 8 years. Star sickness is cosmic, I am a princess and have achieved everything, for 8 years I have never said the words “I love”, at the last orbit - I love and my life, but the person is very mercantile. I am a star, I deserve better. What to do?

  • Good afternoon, friends, this is the situation.
    We dated a girl for 1.5 years, everything was fine, I fell in love, I didn’t want to and couldn’t live a day without being with her, everything was fine, we went to cafes, movies and other events, her parents liked her.
    But the girl wanted freedom, she wanted to go for a walk, reinforcing this by the fact that I have little masculinity and does not see me as a man’s shoulder and a dominator, although I always helped in everything. My beloved by nature is harsh and principled, but I am softer and calmer.
    Love very much.
    I want to return, help, tell me what to do, I can’t live without her, I’m ready to do anything to return.

    And the sorceresses made their way into this topic... Where are the fires? Where is the Inquisition?! Husband-witches!! I came to read it because an opportunity turned up, it’s unpleasant, but you can live.. And then there are love spells... I think the advice of psychologists is correct, but love spells... A disgrace, disrespect for oneself and for one’s own... More precisely, one’s gender, a disgrace to the entire jungle, I sincerely hope that there are no people who do this... It’s better to change the gender... Although it’s also a bonfire.

    Good afternoon. I have this situation: I dated my partner for 2 months, and then decided to live together. We lived together for a year and recently, 20 days ago, we broke up. But I still love her very much. When we parted, she said that the feelings had cooled down, but I don’t believe it. After the breakup, I tried to get back 4 times. But every time there was aggression on her part. Tell me what to do, I love her very much. I'm 40, she's 38.

    Hello. I lived with a girl for almost a year, she doted on me, she did everything for me. I then realized that I fell in love with her, began to be jealous, controlling, etc. She ended up leaving me and going back to her ex. We didn’t communicate for almost two months, then we met, and everything seemed to be fine, but I again showed that she meant a lot to me, and she began to treat me coldly. I went on a business trip to another city, I communicate with her on the phone and the Internet. He says that he will not live with me, but will live with his husband. But at the same time, he doesn’t want to let me go, they decided to become lovers. So how can you go from being a lover to becoming the only one for her? Show coldness in response or what?

    Hi all! I read everyone’s responses, yes, the situations are different, but in many the reasons are visible, but I don’t understand it at all. In short, it’s harder to bear with age: I’m 57, she’ll soon be 45. I saw her for the first time seven years ago when I met an employee who worked with me, and something sank in my heart, but all these years I I met her through work and tried not to think about the fact that we could start some kind of relationship. But a year ago she called and asked for help with something, and I invited her to meet later, she said she would think about it, and called. In short, everything was fine with us for a year, we dated, I helped her in many ways, from renovations in the apartment to various little things, she has two daughters who treat me well. We went to the movies, skated, even had barbecues in winter, and there was no reason to break up. I drove her to work and met her too. But when she had weekends, we didn’t see each other, she was studying with the children, and one thing calmed her down was that I would take her to work and from work too, because... It was hard not to see her for a couple of days. And then a month ago she began to avoid me for absolutely no reason, I asked as best I could to explain what happened. Then she wrote that she only wanted to be with her children, to be independent and free. He doesn’t want to meet, but I really feel bad. I started playing sports more, it distracts me a little. So I think: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I play sports! Or maybe they are not needed???? I read on the Internet that they love the bad ones!!! I can’t forget what to do, I repeat, it’s more difficult when you’re older. Maybe someone can recommend something!!!

    Not to control???))) If I didn’t control my girlfriend, I would be a cuckold to the toes. It was control that revealed everything in a timely manner. If possible, do not be deceived and feel like a sucker with horns. You can trust for a long time, but it is better to check that it is YOU who will live with the girl, and not psychologists. It is for you to kiss those lips that three hours ago kissed someone else’s penis.

    Good day, the situation is this: I dated a girl for 2 years, everything was fine, I trusted her like myself, I loved her madly, but it so happened that she went on an excursion for three days. The first day I wrote about my impressions, and on the second I wrote that we needed to take a break from each other and not communicate for a while. These words immediately aroused incomprehensible sensations and suspicions, which came into conflict with trust in her. As a result, when she arrived, she didn’t even unsubscribe or call, I wrote myself, asking if she wanted to meet, and she agreed. When we met, she was cold, and I could see in her eyes that something was wrong, and I overcame myself and decided to find out, and when she realized that I had started digging for information, she herself admitted everything that she was walking with someone else. I was depressed, but she sincerely cried and said that she could not forgive herself for this. Having overcome myself, I was able to forgive her, because everything was not so serious, and I partly blamed myself for not spending enough time with her. But then he freaked out and brought her all the things in the hope of letting her go. Not even a day had passed before my thoughts consumed me and I decided to return everything. Having agreed to the conversation, she insisted that her feelings had faded away and she did not want to be with the person with whom she was unhappy, but wanted to be alone. Do you think it will come back or is it over?

    Good day!
    I really ask for help and advice.
    I lived with my wife for more than 15 years, married for 7 years, we have a daughter, she is 7 years old.
    Having lived so much time together, everyday life began to eat me up, and one day I told my wife that I couldn’t live like this anymore, that I didn’t love her anymore. Of course, she began to panic, cry, persuade, say that she loved me very much, I was not accommodating and did not agree to persuasion, packed my things and went to live with a friend. He filed for divorce and was waiting for it.
    In the first month, we communicated well, I often saw my daughter, and my wife tried to get me back, but I was again not accommodating and said that nothing would happen and that I would never return. Then I began to see her less often and the child too, and she cooled down a little towards me (it was still a month later). I began to understand myself and realized that I love my wife very much and cannot live without them. I took the divorce petition.
    A couple of days later, she asked me to pick up my daughter from kindergarten and spend some time in the evening, since she had to run errands. But her affairs ended very late, and then I realized that she had already started dating someone else. I couldn’t stand it, I called and said that I couldn’t live without her and all that, that I realized everything and loved her very much. But she said that she was used to living without me and that it was all over.
    In the morning I went hand in hand and went to see her before work to talk face to face. From the threshold he calmly asked: “Do you have a different one?” She replied that it was not about this person, but rather that we were friends. I offered to take her to work, she agreed, on the way I began to say that I understood everything, realized all the mistakes and wanted to return her, that I loved her very much and wanted to start over with a new leaf, she was adamant and said no, that she wanted to try new relationship, this, of course, hurt me even more. I said that I would pick him up from work in the evening. But during the day I couldn’t stand it and wrote her an SMS, in which I again told her that I couldn’t live without her, that I loved her very much and that I realized everything. She replied that she needed time to think and that I should not put pressure on her. And she doesn’t need my attention right now.
    I came to pick her up in the evening and bought a gorgeous bouquet of roses, gave it to her and said that I would not beg, but give it as a sign of reconciliation and apologize for the pain I caused her. I only asked him to listen to me and not say anything, I said what and how I saw the future, that I needed to start everything from scratch, that my past life was wrong, that I would help in everything and, first of all, I would understand myself. But she still replied that nothing would work out. But I still saw hesitation and thoughtfulness in her.
    She is very hesitant. I told her that I would still not achieve it and would prove to her with my actions that I really understood everything. I immediately offered to help and said that I was always ready to help.
    Tell me, how can I fight off this suitor? She really views him as a party, it’s obvious! How can I get the feelings that she hid behind seven locks? She loved me madly! Help, my soul is crying, I blame myself for doing this, we have now switched places.

  • Give up these ideas, let him go wherever he wants, I’m a combat sailor, I went through Chechnya, but my ex chose a prisoner, I spat on them and left, be taller, there are a lot of beautiful people, and sluts are sluts.

    Hello, I started dating a girl in May, I went and bragged to all my friends about what a good guy I had, I bragged to my mom, my sister and everything like that, for a month and a half everything was great, you can say so, she was just peeing with happiness that I with her, and not someone else, she said how much she loves, etc...
    But in the end, she flew to another country to work for a month, talked from there on Skype, sat, sobbed, it was bad without me and without my family, after a week it became normal, and then I began to blow her mind for all sorts of stupid reasons, since she was in another country, I, naturally, as a man, was jealous of her, for no reason, she was in Japan and now I’m just thinking about who I was jealous of her there).
    So, he just blew her mind, for no reason. She flew back to me, and, in principle, I continued to do the same thing, blew my mind every single day, and again, for no reason, even if there were, they were very stupid, then she still needs to sit with her niece every day, and I started pestering her: “Let’s see each other, let me come and help you babysit.” To which I received a refusal, you see, I cannot help. And when she had free time, without a child, she saw her friends, including her best friend, they went with her to the dacha to relax.
    Naturally, this went over very well, and I again blew her mind. And at some moments it happened that I really treated her like shit, as if she was an empty place. And all this continued for a month and a half. I reprimanded her like this: “It’s difficult for you to see me, why do you find time for your friends, but not for me.” To which she hardly responded.
    But at one point she couldn’t stand it anymore and told me that this couldn’t go on like this, your constant brain drain, you’re already boring me. And it all came down to the fact that she was giving me a chance to correct myself, to change in my behavior and attitude towards her. And yet, I was jealous of her for everything, to which she also said: “You got me, I don’t communicate with anyone.” It seems that I began to change, stopped being jealous, stopped following her, but at the same time I asked her every 30-60 minutes: “Where are you, who are you with.”
    I began to treat her the same way as before, that is, well, I stopped being crazy about her. But even at the same time I got her by SMS, every day. And after a week and a half, she told me that that’s it, I’m really tired of you, and it all came down to the fact that I offered to remain friends, she agreed. But I don’t intend to remain friends, but I don’t know what to do next. In addition, she also says that I don’t change at all, the way I was is the way I remain. Maybe these are just excuses to break up. And via SMS I asked her, when you gave me a chance, had you already cooled off towards me? To which she replied: “Yes, then I’m already sick of it all.” That is, she says that she has no feelings for me.
    At the moment we are friends, but I repeat once again, I do not intend to remain friends, but I also don’t know what to do next. Can you suggest anything worthwhile, please? Thank you in advance.

    Guys, please help me, tell me what to do!!! We met, I celebrated my birthday for three days, came to call a married woman and met my girlfriend, whom I fell in love with. I had 3 days left before my shift, and so after work she began to come to my house and stay, love flared up. She said she would be waiting for me. At work we were constantly in touch, I arrived, we hugged, kissed, there was a feast with her friends, I, in a frenzy, showed myself inappropriately, and she also took my phone and found a correspondence with my ex-wife in the style of a strap.
    Okay, I forgave, the relationship lasted, but it was my own fault - I continued the correspondence, hung out with the guys upon arrival and drank alcohol. Then she told me, I’m not happy that my man is away from me, I’m leaving the North and coming to her, at that time she was working with her ex-boyfriend, when she was in a relationship, she took out a big loan and bought a manufacturing machine furniture for him, a month later they separate, he disappears.
    I come and meet with him, production and loan repayment are being established, and then we enter into an agreement that we take 2,3,4 thousand from each order and divide it in half, at that time I lived with her parents and went to her car, solving problems. At the same time, I discussed her ex-boyfriend. And then it’s full blown, 2 weeks before leaving her, she enters into an agreement with him, and he and she tell each other everything, and he and she are clear, what did I say, I didn’t know about it, and then she brought mine things home and said how I could live, sleep, eat like that and deceive her.
    2 weeks passed, I called, I peed myself, well, I really changed my life, stopped going out, drinking, cheating, but she insists that she gave me a million chances in 10 months, and that she doesn’t love me and doesn’t want anything to do with by me. And that she didn’t love me, and it was just a crush. And she says that she is now free, and not in a relationship. I won’t survive this if she starts building a life with someone. I gave her such expensive gifts, cooked food (she doesn’t know how), and made her a lot of things to renovate around the house. The last thing is that I installed expensive wallpaper in the living room and did it well.
    Guys, I realized all my wrongness and will not return to my past life, with this breakup I radically changed myself, out of love for her, and for myself too! How can I get her back, I'm afraid that she will start a relationship with someone, and it will hurt me, then I won't be able to take her back, my principles, I love her very much...

    Friends, help, I’m completely in a stupor. I dated a girl for two years, she is two years younger than me, but that doesn’t matter. Everything was fine with us, we told each other that we loved, that we would be together forever, etc. I am very hot-tempered and very jealous, so when she goes out with friends or girlfriends, I don’t really like it. According to her, everything accumulated after the first year of our relationship, because sometimes, when I’m not in the mood, I just walk with her hand in silence, sometimes I just didn’t know what to answer, and walked in silence, she says, this greatly offends her, offends her that is too jealous.
    I love her very much, and I don’t know what to do, I can’t just forget her, because I fell in love like a fool. She says that she also has some feelings for me, but she doesn’t want this to happen again in a few more years, she said, let’s remain just friends. I tried to return the relationship, tried to somehow fix everything, I was even ready to change for her, but she says that she cannot accept me for who I am and does not want to hurt me even more in the future. What to do?

    Hello, here’s the problem, I have no idea what to do! In general, I met a girl from 2015 to mid-2016, we constantly declared our love, the most ideal sex, attraction, feelings, we vacationed abroad together, but since we live far from each other, it was not possible to come often, and when I came on the weekend , everything was great!
    She is a very unique girl, slightly arrogant, and takes everything very easily! A couple of times she offered to be just lovers, but I talked him out of it! She had many friends of whom I was jealous, I knew about them only by hearsay, she is very popular with men, because... very beautiful and curvy, plus she behaves like her tomboy (I always liked those)! They allegedly broke up because she wanted to be free and not answer to anyone. Whatever I tried to do, but all in vain, during one of the dialogues she greatly hurt my pride, saying that she was not interested in me as a man!
    Naturally, I also made a lot of mistakes with my persuasion and declarations of love, I didn’t understand it then! We stopped communicating completely, but I couldn’t think about others, I couldn’t start communicating with anyone normally, because... only she is in my head! Just recently, a little over a month ago, I wrote to her, and she was even happy about my message, they began to correspond nicely on various topics, but she immediately said that she was already fine and didn’t need a relationship! She responded to my offer to meet with joy, because she missed me and was thinking about me! We met once - okay, second, third, and she stayed at my house and we indulged in complete ecstasy (you know what I mean), we were on SMS and VKontakte every day, she wrote to me how bad she felt after breaking up with me that there are still feelings and she always needed me and needs me now!
    And I myself didn’t notice how I again began to confess my love to her and shower her with compliments, ask about everything, where she was and with whom, and wait for the next meeting! At one point she began to answer sharply and dryly, sometimes to be rude to me, of course, there is no talk of any meetings anymore, I’m offended, she says that she has problems that no one will help with (I offered to help, but received a sharp and rude refusal)!!! The time for silence began, and I waited for her to move away or at least sort out her life a little! I wrote to her something like: “Hi, how are you?” To which she reluctantly replied: “Almost normal and that we need to talk about something seriously.”
    I was carried away again, grabbed her with all my teeth, asked her not to make a decision so quickly, naturally, I wrote about my feelings, and she simply replied that I decided everything for myself, you deserve more and I will explain everything to you when we meet, relax)
    Another week has passed since her last words, she doesn’t write to me, and neither do I! We agreed to meet with her for a conversation, but at the appointed time she simply gave up and no conversation took place, both her and mine continue to be ignored! I really want her back! Please don’t judge strictly and don’t write that I need another one, I am fully aware that I need her, I’ve been thinking about her for so many years and again I ruined everything, I need to get her back by any means, I can’t live without her!

    I dated a girl for 4 years, there was love, there was everything. Then quarrels and scandals began. She was tired of all this, and she decided to leave. She blocked me everywhere. Well, somehow I got in touch with her, asked for forgiveness, and knelt down. Whined like a woman. Watched her from work and school. It seems like she said she’ll think about it. But she still gave a negative answer. Everything was cut short for me, my life was over. She said - a boyfriend has appeared that is better than me, attention, etc. Now I just realized how much I messed up with this whining. I do not know what to do. I can't live without her. Please advise…

    Hello! My name is Roman. We lived with my beloved for 7 years, and literally half a month ago she decided to leave me. We broke up. When we met, she had a son, who now calls me daddy and reaches out to me. There was literally everything in our life: both good and bad. 7 months A tragedy happened back when her mother died. I helped her as best I could with deeds and simply calmed her down. After her mother died, she began to change and everything that I did towards her, she seemed to stop seeing. I was not deprived of my attention and care; on the contrary, I wanted to invest more and more in my family. I understand that it is very easy to destroy everything, but to preserve it is much more difficult.
    I can’t understand her behavior today, because I’m actually far from a lost person, on the contrary, I try to find a way out of any situation. On March 8th it will be exactly one month since she left and it’s as if a piece of my soul was amputated. I understand that I need to calm down, but I don’t know what to do next, how to act? I love her and the child very much, he has become like family to me. I took a break in the relationship, on February 23rd I came to congratulate the child, but I didn’t want to make contact with my beloved, to be honest, I don’t know what to tell her.
    After I ignored her, she still managed to get through to me with a request not to call the child anymore and to come pick up her things. So now I’m sitting like nothing and can’t understand anything. Before we separated, I told my brother that I didn’t want to live with her, and I told my friend that I had a mistress. How can we understand this? I do not know what to do? I have one desire to try to take the first step on March 8, but what else can I do??? Before congratulating her, I want to go to church and ask Mother Matronushka for help, that’s probably all, although I am changing and am ready to change for the better.

    This is the situation - 4 years into the relationship, I left home, collecting all my things, even the dishes.
    This wasn’t the first time she left, he always returned her flowers and everything like that.
    For the first two years, I ran to my ex all the time, despite mountains of flowers, gifts, trips, rented an apartment in the same building as him, then I returned and again boom - an abortion, after which it took a year to come to my senses, I kept trying to go there until I fought back there no longer given. Regular most expensive tours, trips, hotels, all her pranks, wishes, business endeavors. We lived in different rhythms: she was in the restaurant, coming at night when I was sleeping, leaving at lunch when I was on business.
    She can’t sit at home, she has attacks all the time - everything is wrong and wrong in me, they came back from vacation, she called me greedy when she returned from her mother’s because I didn’t buy her a Mercedes (everyone has one). I explained that we will solve it by the summer, but for now there are problems in business and I ask you to understand and accept this, to which I heard that she doesn’t need to hang this noodles, you don’t want to solve this issue of my comfort and I don’t want anything, you don’t want me anymore interesting, on February 14 we broke up, I asked after mutual cold congratulations to the campaign, was something wrong? She says, yes, we need to separate, I said - Yes, everything has become wrong in sex and in life, she left in the morning, then she dialed and asked to close her gym membership, the day before the 23rd I closed it.
    23 didn’t write anything, I was out of the country, she stopped by the apartment, collected all the small things and left, leaving the keys. I wrote that I accept your choice with respect, that I hope I took everything you need, that later you will understand that you just jerked off your man, I just don’t want anything anymore either. She said - the story is closed, don’t bother me anymore!
    And here’s the question: March 8 is just around the corner. Damn, I don’t understand at all - should I congratulate her or follow her analogy, ignore or ignore??? It’s the 3rd week since the breakup, people are writing posts on social networks that I’m a free, independent woman!
    I understand that I have never done this before, all the time I was trying to get closer: flowers, conversations, returns, and then what next - again everything is not the same and you are a Greedy man! Although I did so much for her, I never regretted it. It’s just that after such presentations, the desire to do anything at all disappeared. The trust in her was gone.

    Hello. A situation has developed.
    We met a girl at work, and communication went beyond work on WhatsApp. We talked for almost a year, quite warmly and close. I fell in love, said that I loved her, that I needed her. And this happened several times, and recently I said it again, to which I received the answer - let’s leave everything as it is. At the same time, he says that actions are needed, asks who is writing to me, who called.
    Lately I have been stupid enough to impose myself, sometimes writing 100,500 messages without a clearly asked question of a sentimental nature. Recently I brought her a bouquet, wrote that I don’t need friendship, I love her and let’s move to another level and be a couple? - she didn’t answer for an hour and I wrote 100,500 messages, and when I arrived at the metro I wrote, I’ve arrived, shall we meet? She replied that there was no need to graze her and that I was intrusive and I needed to stop, and I threw away the bouquet. The next day went as usual - we talked and laughed. And in the evening he writes, where is the bouquet? I say, I stayed there, writes that I picked it up (of course, I didn’t pick it up, but I took it as an agreement to reach another level). The next day we talked as usual.
    I recently quit my job, on the last day we parted on bad terms, again it turned out to be imposing and behaved stupidly - when I left the building and after a while came back again, I met her, when asked why you came back, I said laughing like that - follow you, keep candy, let me give her a ride to the metro? (And I always offered to give her a ride and always said that she didn’t have to wait for me, I’d get there myself and only gave her a ride when I said, sit down and let’s go.) She got angry and said, no, no, I’ll get there myself, I'm in hurry! That same evening, late, I sent a photo of the store where I would go the next day, because... she was interested in him. He hasn't written anything in response for a day now.
    And now I realized that I was some kind of ram, indeed, showed intrusiveness and turned on the blunder with many messages and incomprehensible questions. She is very dear to me, and not only do I want to date her, I want to start a family with her in the future.
    And now I don’t know what to do. My hands are itching to write something like this: “I often played around and imposed myself and I take responsibility for this. That you picked up a bouquet means to me that you accepted my bouquet and became my woman, I am your man. I want you to accept this and this will become a point.”
    And next. week there is an opportunity to invite her to lunch at work, because... I will have time and I can come to work, we usually went to the same cafe.
    I don’t understand what to do, my head is cold and my heart is boiling, I see that she gave hints that we have a future together, and I did something wrong. I don’t know how to resolve the situation in favor of a joint relationship. What's the best way to proceed?

    Yes, I see, the blue one has broken many relationships, the same song, only I didn’t come with her parents, I dragged myself to meet her, she invited me, so I went, the brain doesn’t work when you’re drunk. Although she was the first to come to listen to the explanations, what’s the point in explaining if her mother tells me in plain text - get away from her daughter, naturally, the mother is against it, and she agrees with her... I also wrote at first, called, apparently there is no point in “it’s my own fault”, “that’s it” it’s over” - such answers, well, at least I answered... I’m suffering.

    You know, I’m already 38, my biggest dream is to start a family. How are you idiots given everything? I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I have my own small business with prospects for development. What's wrong with this world? Family is sacred, a man’s word is a stone, he said - I love you, die, but don’t betray.

  • Nonsense! I, after 4 years of living together, during another quarrel he started over a trifle, asked me to take a break - I was really tired of just his hassle - and he agreed with such bravado, like, well, what, you’re right, come on, what am I She was offended and said, “Why just a break, let’s just break up?” I collected his things and sent him on his way. I still remember how he sat on the bed, looked at one point and was silent with a stunned face. The next day in the morning I changed my phone number and go to hell, smart guy.

Couple relationships can be difficult. After all, for them to be aimed at success, they need the efforts of two people, and not just one. At the same time, you can find many advisers around who will express the opinion that it is too early for a couple to enter into a marriage relationship, they should get to know each other even better, grow up and become wiser. All this can destroy weak and unstable relationships.

Left alone, and perhaps rejoicing in his freedom, the man soon realizes that he wants with all his might bring back your girlfriend. According to statistics, in more than 40% of cases, a young man tries to return a girl whose feelings have cooled. And this situation can become a very big problem. By that time, the girl may have a new lover, and this circumstance can deeply hurt the feelings of the young rejected guy. Not only may a young person develop an inferiority complex, but all his thoughts may begin to revolve around the fact that he is doomed to ever be happy again. This is a very erroneous and incorrect opinion.

There are few things in life that are irreparable, and this is not one of them. It’s possible to get a girl back after a breakup if she says there are no more feelings. To do this, it is worth developing the right strategy of action and not losing heart. Even if the girl is gnawed by resentment or trust has been lost, everything can be fixed. You can reawaken her feelings and reassure her of your loyalty, love and the necessity of this relationship. It’s worth making her fall in love with you again, step by step at a slow pace, seducing and conquering. This will take quite a lot of time and effort. Therefore, a man should decide whether he needs this or whether it is easier to find a new lover.

How to get your ex back if she has a boyfriend

Getting your girlfriend back is not as easy as losing her. Just wanting her to come back is not enough. To begin with, a man must make sure that he really needs this girl, that he did not just have passion and fleeting feelings for her, or that he is gnawed by the resentment of an abandoned man, but that he actually feels love. To do this, you should wait a while (it’s better if it’s at least 7 days), and then sort out your feelings again. If the craving for a girl has not passed, all thoughts are occupied only with her, and your soul is sad and lonely, then the answer is obvious, the man is in love. The second thing a man must do in order to get a girl back after a breakup is to analyze their relationship and draw a conclusion about what his beloved left. And only after that you can begin to take action. If a man forgot to pay due attention to his other half, then it will be easier to return his beloved girl than if she was insulted.

What NOT to do if a man wants to get his girlfriend back:

  1. If your girlfriend left you, then under no circumstances should you apologize and beg to come back. Of course, this rule applies to those men who did not offend or insult the girl in any way before breaking up. In cases where a man has something to ask for forgiveness for, then this needs to be done. Although, no matter what kind of offense was inflicted (insult, assault, etc.), forgiveness will be difficult to obtain, especially in the first days after separation, and this will depend on the damage done to the girl’s self-esteem, on her character and the strength of her love for the abandoned guy. In some cases, no amount of tricks will force a girl to return to a tyrant or traitor.

As a rule, most girls take the problem of relationships very seriously, and if they decide to leave, they leave without looking back. This decision was conscious and well thought out over more than one day. Therefore, asking a girl to return immediately after she leaves is very stupid and inappropriate. It also happens that a girl already has another boyfriend with whom she is cozy, comfortable, and she does not want to lose the newfound stability in the relationship by returning to a shaky connection with her ex. Therefore, all arguments and begging will be useless, and for the girl they will be perceived only as unnecessary importunity on the part of the ex-boyfriend. If a man has already bothered the girl with his apologies and requests to return, then it’s time to stop and not make even more stupid mistakes that will not help the matter, but will only make it worse.

  1. To get a girl back after a breakup, a man should give up self-pity. There is no need to call your ex and talk about how bad and lonely it is without her. On social networks, on your pages, you don’t need to leave notes full of tragedy that life is over. The guy should remember that pity is not the feeling that leads to love. At the same time, the girl may become proud that because of her, her ex-lover is suffering such mental torment, and this will not help improve the situation upon her return. On the contrary, a man should show in life and social networks that he is completely self-sufficient and confident. This will not be able to leave a single departed girl alone, with the condition that she had and still has feelings for the young man. Therefore, no matter how painful it is, a man must take control of his emotions and stop complaining.
  2. To get a girl back after a breakup, a man should not write or bother her with calls. Calls from an ex-boyfriend and arranged by him "random" meetings at this stage will play the role of an irritant, and the situation will go against it. For the girl, the ex-boyfriend has most likely already depreciated and frequent signs of heeding on his part will only aggravate the matter. Girls, for the most part, are attracted to guys who are difficult to win over, and not to guys who knock on doorsteps and pester you with annoying calls or letters.
  3. Wanting to get your ex-girlfriend back if she has a boyfriend, the ex-man can try to become her friend. This is a colossal mistake on his part. A man may think that this is a good idea, because this way he will see and hear his ex-girlfriend quite often. But there are some nuances. The probability that a former man from the category "Friend" will go back to category "beloved" very insignificant. Moreover, the girl can start, in a friendly way, telling the juicy details of her new relationship. A loving ex-boyfriend is unlikely to like this situation. He will be angry and angry at the girl for her new happy relationship, feel resentment and pain, but the girl will not know about it, because her ex-boyfriend is now just a “friend”. Or the girl will guess about the feelings of her ex-boyfriend, but will stubbornly turn a blind eye to it, because he himself wanted to remain in her life as a “friend.”
  4. If a man wonders if his ex-girlfriend will come back, and he goes to clubs and other entertainment venues with only one goal - to find a new passion, then he is unlikely to be able to return his beloved girl. When a man truly loves, he will not think about quickly finding a replacement. Therefore, it is worth thinking more than once whether you should try to return your beloved girl if at the moment the man is hugging another. You cannot build stable and lasting relationships by trading left and right. It is possible that the man is simply not yet ready for a relationship with one girl, so there is no point in returning his ex.
  5. Trying to get the girl I love back Under no circumstances should you use force or rudeness. This will push the girl away even more and you can give up on a possible resumption of the relationship.

The girl left for someone else, how can she be brought back?

First, a man must start with self-development. No matter how funny and banal it may sound, this is a fact confirmed by many psychologists. Beginning to develop spiritually or physically, a man is a little distracted from the painful emotions that overcome him, thereby improving himself. There can be many areas for self-improvement. From learning foreign languages, learning to play a musical instrument to practicing martial arts. The last hobby will especially tire a man so much that there will simply be no time to sit and feel sorry for himself, and there will be no time for stress. This will improve not only the emotional state of a man, but also his physical fitness. Self-development will make a man stronger, more interesting and will only benefit him.

Firstly. In the age of technology, when almost every adult has his own page on one or another social network, it would not be superfluous to post photographs of his self-improvement from time to time. After all, no matter how the girl feels about her ex-boyfriend, she will from time to time visit his pages on the Internet and trace his life without her. Imagine her surprise when she notices that the guy is not moping without her, but on the contrary, getting a lot of pleasure from life. This will definitely hook the girl and perhaps give rise to thoughts of returning in her head.

Secondly, a man needs to unobtrusively show others his confidence. No matter how sad he is in his soul, there is no point in turning it out. Every new day should be started only with positive and optimistic thoughts. Remember that silence is golden, so try to chat less about your experiences, even to your closest friends.

Third, it wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at your ex-girlfriend. Each girl is unique and each has a certain stereotype of how she would like to see a man next to her. You need to find out as much as possible about her tastes, preferences and hobbies. No matter how low it may sound, it won’t hurt to occasionally spy on her, and social networks will help with this. With their help, you can easily determine which pages she visits most often and which ones she likes. All this information will help you tremendously in the future. But for now you should just lie low and not make yourself known.

Fourth, getting a girl back after a breakup will help by disappearing from her sight for at least a couple of months. No matter how stupid it may sound at first glance, this rule works. At the same time, you should not directly contact and communicate with her friends and relatives. This will fuel her curiosity towards her ex-man. At the same time, you should not be afraid of losing your girlfriend, because she has already left the relationship. Therefore, this method will not do any harm. This time is given to a man for his self-improvement, for studying, for playing sports, for earning money. Perhaps a man should reconsider his clothing style.

Sometimes it happens that a girl is dumped by her current boyfriend and she immediately remembers her ex. Then the man does not benefit from her return, because it does not guarantee that the girl will stay with him forever. After some time, she can easily get carried away with someone else and leave again.

It happens that after a while the girl begins to occasionally make herself known by calls or SMS. This can go both ways. On the one hand, a girl can sincerely regret her rash act, but she can also simply check whether men’s feelings towards her have changed, whether she is still loved and desired, thereby cultivating her pride. In order to check the girl's motive, you should ignore her a little. This does not mean completely refusing to answer her calls. The answer should not be lengthy and only on a neutral topic. The girl should feel that you are no longer interested in her as much as before.

Fifthly, a man, wanting to return his beloved, must be able to show persistence correctly and in a timely manner. The moment when the time comes to take action to return the ex-girlfriend, each guy chooses for himself. There are no specific criteria in this matter, the main thing is not to delay this too much, otherwise the former beloved girl may acquire not just a new boyfriend, but already a husband and child. Then the relevance of her return will disappear, because destroying someone else’s marriage, leaving children in a defective family is very low and will not bring happiness to anyone. But if she has a boyfriend, it’s possible, but you need to act quickly and assertively.

To do this, it is worth choosing a neutral place for the first meeting. Perhaps it will be a holiday with mutual friends or a social event. The main thing for a man in this matter is for the girl to see him herself. You shouldn't approach her and ask for something. Everything should be done in an unobtrusive manner and it is advisable not to show the girl your obvious interest in her. If a girl honors you with her greeting and further conversation, then you should not go far in it. We need to talk about more general, meaningless topics and say goodbye. The best tactic would be for the man to hide for a short time after this meeting, at least 7 days. In this way, the man will give his beloved this time to think. Seeing her ex-boyfriend in good physical shape, in a cheerful mood, enjoying life, the girl will probably feel a pang of regret and understand her mistake.

Perhaps in the coming days the girl will call herself. In this case, there is no need to wait any longer, it is time for action. At first, you should just communicate; you should start with generalized non-personal topics. If a man sees that there is no rejection on the part of the girl, then he can inadvertently arrange meetings, but the time has not yet come for a complete affirmation of his feelings and confessions. Continue to communicate in this path until you feel that the girl is completely open towards you and does not mind continuing the relationship, and only in this case the time comes for intimate meetings and confessions.

What to do next when your ex-girlfriend comes back

Further developments depend on the feelings and motives of the man. It happens that a man tries to return his former beloved not at all because of his sublime feelings, but simply wants to amuse his ego and remove the feeling of inferiority after her departure. This situation differs from the concepts of real male actions. Nevertheless, it also happens that a man seeks out his ex-girlfriend, but having found her, he leaves him, just as she once did.

If a man tried to get his soul mate back from the fact that he felt love for her, then he must draw his own conclusions from the experience he has passed and not repeat the mistakes that he made at the beginning of the relationship, and because of which the girl left him.

Perhaps the time has come to invite your soul mate to live together, seal the union by marriage and have offspring. Children will cement love and give even greater happiness.

Sometimes, as fate dictates, life takes two people in different directions, but not in order to separate them for good, but so that they finally understand how much they love and need each other.

Women... Girls... What lovely creatures. No wonder they are called the “fair sex”. But sometimes it happens that these fragile people break our hearts to smithereens. They are going away. And when they leave, they pretend that they never knew us at all. And the question immediately arises: how to return your beloved girl if she does not want to communicate? No matter how strong and brutal a man is, no one can resist his beloved. Or is it really possible to resist their charms? What to do if a girl doesn’t want to communicate and how to get her back? Let's figure it out together.

In this article we will answer such a burning question, consider the reasons for the occurrence of such situations, ways to solve them, and formulate an approximate plan of action.

Why force yourself on someone who doesn’t want to communicate with you?!
Realizing this is bitter, painful and offensive.
But it is necessary!
Oleg Roy. Seven signs

Root causes and prerequisites

To understand why a girl left you, you need to establish the reasons and motives driving her. These reasons are very common: an accidental quarrel, constant jealousy, mistrust, paid too little attention, etc. There are also problems of a physiological nature: the height, face, figure, or even worse - dissatisfaction in sex. Don’t forget the financial component, because many girls often give priority to the wealthiest men. We will consider all aspects, but we will focus on the psychological component.

The girl's motives for leaving you are as predictable as the reasons: she doesn't feel good around you, so she's looking for a replacement. She lacks attention and affection. She does not feel protected, while with others she is much calmer. Perhaps you are not providing her financially enough.

The reason for separation can be not only a specific act or unexpected circumstances. The idea of ​​leaving your life partner does not come overnight. This is a long process, and the idea of ​​breaking up matures over a certain period of time, during which the man, with his actions, words and even thoughts (and they feel everything) provokes people to get rid of him.

Girls hint to us about our mistakes by making comments: “You’ve lost interest in me,” “I don’t have enough attention,” “We haven’t gone out for a long time to unwind,” “You’re too jealous,” etc. Often no one responds to these statements pays attention, blaming it on “periods” or, even worse, an eternally dissatisfied female essence. But now, when the girl no longer makes any comments, when she has nothing to do with you at all and ignores you in every possible way, it is worth thinking about her words, which under the given circumstances have become of high value, in order to understand her mistakes and understand how to get her back.

To justify the weak half of humanity, I would like to say that they are driven not only by social foundations, but, above all, by instincts. A woman primarily cares about her offspring and her own well-being. Think for yourself, because in the wild, a female of any species of animal continues her race only with the male who has proven his superiority over other contenders. Males, intoxicated by the instinct of reproduction, fight in mortal battles, dance, sing for the sake of recognition by the female. And such arthropods as spiders and praying mantises generally give their lives to their “beloved” in the name of procreation. So women demand the same from men, so that we devote our lives to them.
But in order not to lose our own dignity, we will keep our lives to ourselves, and we will be able to tame women’s ardor.

Changing thinking and behavior patterns

The main thing to understand from the very beginning: under no circumstances should you humiliate yourself in front of a girl. This is an axiom. But this does not mean that you need to behave cynically or selfishly, no. It is necessary to behave with dignity, restraint and nobility, in a word - courageously. By reacting calmly to a girl leaving, you are already laying the foundation for her return. If nervous breakdowns did occur, then you will have to change your behavior to an extremely adequate one. Even if the girl doesn’t communicate with you, her friends or mutual friends can tell her about your changes. Destroy your standard cliche behavior! This will puzzle her. Without doing stupid and reckless things, you grow in the eyes of a girl, because she sees fortitude and equanimity of character, which is one of the main criteria of masculinity.

Understand that you need to increase your value, not the girls. If you run after her all the time, pester her with eternal apologies, begging her to come back, then you are only adding gasoline to the fire! THIS DOES NOT WORK!

On the contrary, if you show her your importance, this will give her a reason to become interested in you again. Spend less time apologizing and start working on your mistakes. Taking into account the above, analyze your miscalculations in relationships and make every effort to eliminate them. After painstaking work on your own shortcomings, feel free to go on the offensive.

From theory to practice

So, if the intention arises to return the girl, even if she does not want to communicate, the procedure should be as follows:

  1. Cool down.
    After a breakup, emotional tension goes through the roof. But you shouldn’t make serious decisions in the heat of the moment. Try to show composure and soberly assess the situation. Your prudence and common sense are the main helpers in solving the problem.
  2. Wait a while.
    It is necessary to pause before moving on to active actions.
    Both you and your girlfriend need time to comprehend what is happening and recover from the breakup. But you simply cannot waste such precious time. Use it wisely: as mentioned earlier, analyze as many aspects as possible and draw conclusions accordingly. Prepare yourself mentally.
  3. Take the initiative.
    Girls love men who are courageous, courageous and determined. Be firm in your intentions, gather your willpower, stop mumbling and achieve your goal! Don't expect initiative from the opposite sex. Of course, a scenario in which the girl herself returns is possible, but do not forget that it was she who made the decision to leave you, and it is not in her interests to contradict her own choice. Therefore, the further development of events lies solely in your hands.

When no one wants to communicate with you, this is loneliness.
When you don’t want to communicate with anyone, this is asociality.
Feel the difference.
author unknown

Ways to influence a girl

I. Through friends

The nature of women is such that it is not possible for them to be in a silent state, with rare exceptions. This is what we will use. Even if you are unable to interact with your chosen one, due to the fact that she simply does not want to communicate with you, then you probably have the opportunity to talk with her friend. When talking to her, express your thoughts about your beloved.

But present it in such a way that she notices how much you have changed for the better. Focus on the fact that you have analyzed your mistakes in your relationship with the girl, show your new self and make it clear that your intentions are serious. After all, everything you tell your friend will soon be known to your lady love. As a trick, influence your friend by winning her over, for example, simply by giving a compliment. In this case, she will not only convey the essence of the conversation with you, but will add emotional coloring and share positive impressions about you. This will play a significant role in the girl’s formation of a new opinion about you.

II. The option, at first glance, is absurd, but effective

While working on improving your personal characteristics, give up trying to get a girl for a while and give priority to self-development. Sooner or later you will stop, and she will notice your changes. Willy-nilly, she will ask the question: “What’s the matter? Has he really forgotten me so quickly?” Seeing her renewed ex, she will think: “Hmm... he’s not so bad, maybe I got carried away with him then?” This will become the starting point when the girl begins to regret what she did.

But remember that women are all different, and their reactions are unpredictable. Therefore, do not be upset ahead of time if the result makes you wait. Be wiser. Wait for the moment of truth.

III. The next method is very insidious

This is a kind of “knight’s move.” But be prepared, the task is not easy. You have to woo another girl in order to influence yours through her. It is advisable to get one so that she has some contact with the one who abandoned you. For example, with a mutual friend or even a friend. True, after achieving the final goal, your girlfriend and this friend will become bitter enemies, but on the battlefield you cannot do without casualties, so we don’t care.

How it works? Few women will tolerate the appearance of rivals or competitors in their field, even if it concerns an ex-boyfriend. This will make the girl look at you in a new way, because another person has paid attention to you, which means that there is still some attractiveness in your ex.

IV. Demonstration of changes

Taking into account the previously mentioned tips, you have made progress in achieving your cherished goal, and the girl still agreed to the meeting. But! Remember that in a conversation you should never beat yourself in the chest, shouting about how much you have changed. The girl herself must understand this, paying attention to your manner of speech, train of thought, your appearance, posture. With all your appearance you must show superiority over who you were before.

Don’t forget to mention the work done on mistakes, thanks to which you realized and took into account all the comments made to you in the old days. During the conversation, try to agree on opinions and reach a compromise. If the girl shows signs of sympathy, and the conversation goes in a direction favorable to you, then you can add momentum. Explain to the girl that both parties must participate in recreating a new relationship. On shore, discuss all the conditions and nuances.

V. The option described above is completely different from the previous ones

But its effectiveness in terms of satisfaction with the final result is inexorable. It will radically change your perception of the problem.
“Casanova’s golden rule” says: “I sleep with other girls in order to understand that I feel better with you.” But the truth is that after going through bed with about ten girls, you gradually begin to realize that in fact you are much better off with them than with the one you are grieving for.

A dilemma arises: is there any point in trying to “enter the same river twice” and “step on the same rake again,” while around you “many rivers flow” and “a bunch of completely new rakes” are lying around?


Any separation is a good reason to take a critical look at your shortcomings, not only for the sake of your beloved, but also for yourself in the first place. This is a reason to change your life, raise it to a qualitatively new level.

Please note, it is quite possible that you will have to be not yourself, but the man that the woman wants to see. In this case, you risk losing yourself as an individual.

Therefore, think carefully about whether it is worth your expended vitality and energy. You have transformed, changed for the better, if only the girl would pay attention to you again. But maybe now she’s not worthy of you at all?