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How to reproduce a thought so that it materializes. How should you formulate a wish to make it come true? Techniques for materializing thoughts

I want to be healthy, forever young, beautiful, happy, desired... And I want to find my beauty, the only one for life... I want to start a family, give birth to a child... I want a richer husband... I want to get rid of mental anguish... I want to live in a luxurious villa on the shore ocean... I want fame and recognition... I want complete freedom and independence... I just want happiness and peace... I want, I want, I want...

Why doesn't it work?!!! One succeeds in everything, the other manages nothing. Because just wanting is not enough.

Before you start reading this article, I suggest you prepare for an experiment. Pour half a glass of drinking water and place it directly in front of you, on the side of the monitor, preferably on the left if you are right-handed and use a mouse... It is advisable that it be a glass - a transparent cylindrical container made of glass or crystal. A glass or a wine glass are allowed.

If you do not agree to the experiment, then reading the article will become for you nothing more than another journey into other people’s reasoning on interesting topics, and will not give the effect that all my other readers can safely count on.

Is the glass in place? Then imagine this...

Your consciousness is probably occupied by some pressing issue. It could be an insoluble problem, an old dream that never comes true, a whim, a burning desire, an urgent need, an illness... - it doesn’t matter to me what exactly. Let's call it in one word - dominant. The dominant is what is the topic of your daily thoughts, anxieties, worries, and worries. It presses, suppresses, prevails over other thoughts. Something that prevents you from becoming (being) a completely happy person.

Now suppose that I have with a magic wand, and at the end of our conversation I will relieve you of this dominant - what haunts you will disappear, what you have been waiting for so long will be realized.

Look at the glass. There is clear water there. There may be tiny air bubbles on the walls... If not, they may appear soon.

With a little imagination, dissolve or place your dominant in this small volume of water. Of course, you have heard a lot about magical properties has a substance with the primitive chemical formula H2O.

Meditation, psychological attitude, self-hypnosis, affirmation, auto-training, visualization... There are a lot of terms, each of which has different schools, movements, methods, techniques, theories and hypotheses.

But for some reason there is still no effective panacea for all ills. For some, mastery of yet another newfangled self-healing technique does not help and the person still falls ill; for others, ancient esoteric knowledge passed down from generation to generation does not help... And for others, without any special secrets, they manage to achieve what they want with sheer will and determination, even perform a miracle in the true sense of the word.

How does this happen? “Why does he succeed, but I can’t?”

Because each of us is a unique creation of nature, a separate universe. Science (classical or esoteric) is not yet able to provide a universal technique suitable for each and every individual. One thing helps someone, but is completely useless for another. You need to find your unique key to the door leading to the storehouse of limitless potentialities of the body and soul. I hope my article will help you with this.

Is the water worth it? Look at her occasionally. And mix your dominant into it.

Strength of spirit is the main source and engine of well-being, health and happiness.

If your consciousness is properly organized and your thoughts are focused on a specific goal, you can pull yourself out of any problem, illness, and overcome any difficulties. The main thing is motivation and attitude. Why during the Great Patriotic War Has there been a decrease in morbidity and mortality from common diseases? During the siege of Leningrad, people died mainly from hunger, and chronic diseases receded. In the decades following those times, a high percentage of longevity was noted among survivors of the first - the most terrible winter in the 20th century. The answer is simple: all the physical and spiritual forces of Leningraders weakened by hunger were mobilized to fight a much more terrible enemy than cold, stress and deprivation, and their thoughts were directed towards victory. There was one goal - to survive at any cost despite the circumstances in order to defeat the enemy. Everything else faded into the background. My own grandmother lived for almost a hundred years. She is a blockade maker.

Strength of spirit works wonders. And there are many examples of this in our lives.

Probably, many of us had to shyly admit to ourselves that this or that task turned out to be beyond our capabilities. Sometimes we give up not because we can’t, but because we don’t want enough. And if necessary? If you overcome yourself, the goal will be achieved. When a person WANTS, his persistence, perseverance, fortitude and determination help him achieve what seems at first glance impossible and unfulfillable. But “wanting” alone is not enough. We need one more thing.

Our whole life, everything that happens in it, good or bad, is the result of our thoughts and actions - victories and defeats, successes and mistakes, positive thinking and negative life attitudes. The past has shaped the present, and the present shapes the future. By realizing this, you can avoid irreparable mistakes and change your destiny. No one will change your life for you. Only you yourself are capable of changing it, using your personal experience and the experience of other people to “work on mistakes.”

Do not think that the power of thought is a bluff, a myth, an accident, a fantasy or a miracle. The world is sensitive to the slightest movement of thought. There are no random and traceless thoughts. Man is first and foremost Spirit and only lastly matter. We are woven from energies, fields and vibrations of space. Like the entire visible universe and everything beyond it. The substance is only a derivative, but not the original. In the beginning there was the Word...

I can use a simple example to try to explain what matter is. Have you tried aligning two magnets with equipolar sides? They push away. As they approach, the illusion is created that there is an elastic substance between the magnets, that is, a completely real object. But in reality it does not exist - only space endowed with certain properties. Each particle of matter has its own charge. It interacts with another particle - it is attracted, repelled. But these processes are based on a wave nature. Everything has its own wave, that is, oscillatory movement, vibration. The whole world is a continuous vibration. In those areas of space where different vibrations interact, some compaction may form. So it is perceived as matter or substance. But in fact, it is only a changed, energetically structured space. And even then only in relation to the immediate and distant surroundings. Each particle of matter, be it a photon, nanocorpuscle, atomic nucleus, electron or molecule – a vibrating portion of a volume with given characteristics.

Thought is also a vibration, the subtlest vibration of three-dimensional space in a special dimension - time (traditionally considered the fourth). Intuitively, humanity has come up with and included in its language various allegories that characterize thought as an ephemeral phenomenon, but endowed with temporal, field and frequency characteristics: “momentary”, “shaken”, “excited”, “trembles”, “flickered”, “covered”, “slipped away”... These definitions indicate the wave nature of thought and its metaphysical connection with the concept of TIME.

If matter is a conditional and temporary “formation”, then thought (read: energy, field, space) is more definite and stable. Sounds paradoxical, right?

So in the beginning there was the Word...

A thought is even a more real thing than a piece of reinforcement that can be used... It all depends on the tasks and characteristics of the thought itself. The Word can heal, kill and have all the properties in between. And a word is a thought clothed in sounds, symbols or other forms of sensory expression, that is, more embodied, more material. This is where practices and concepts arose: prayer, conspiracy, slander, evil eye, curse, reprimand, mantra and even NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).

Thought appears, transforms and travels any distance quickly because it is a relatively light and subtle form of energy. Substance - rough matter, a dense form of energy, accordingly - is formed and moves disproportionately slower.

All forms of energy are interconnected and can influence each other. So, a person’s thought is capable of changing matter, the thinking of other people, influencing the course of events, social and natural phenomena.

Not a single scientific theory today can explain the psychophysiological phenomenon of the influence of thought on processes in the body, and even more so on inanimate objects and natural phenomena. The body is a single system controlled by the brain and consciousness. This is an indisputable fact. And if you choose special keys and approaches to your own consciousness, then truly inexhaustible possibilities open up for a person. Everyone now knows that there are special practices designed to awaken a person’s hidden reserves. But people often forget that the basis of any practice is the effort of the Spirit.

When we create something, we always do it mentally first. A thought, or idea, precedes its embodiment.

“I want to eat” is a thought preceding a meal. Before any of our conscious actions, a thought appears. Impulsive or long-nurtured, inspired or transformed into an Idea - all different, but Thought.

Organized, focused, creative thinking is like drawing up an architectural design or a strategic plan for military operations. First, it creates a mental image of a future real event, then the Spirit generates and directs energy to create an imaginary form (thought form, energy phantom), which ultimately manifests itself on the physical level. This is the law of the universe, not invented by us. And even if we do not take any direct physical action to bring our idea to life, this law still works. If we compare a material phenomenon with a crystal, then once a thought has arisen, “held” for the required time in the proper “tension”, it is a kind of embryo of crystallization - an avalanche-like process of structuring of matter. And once “the process has started,” it can no longer be stopped. Where does a person begin? With the wishes of his parents.

Set your thoughts only on creativity, positivity, health, luck, happiness and love.

How's our glass? Let it stand.

Of course, there are many obstacles to the implementation of ideas. Grain thrown on stones will not sprout. Favorable conditions (background) and an appropriate energy substrate are needed.

I sometimes recommend to my clients to look at themselves more often in the mirror, at reflective surfaces, but briefly, as if in passing, and only in a good mood. Even when alone with yourself, I advise you to smile more often, programming yourself for success or wishing for pleasant changes and events. It's better to do this in front of a mirror. Why? The reflection “remembers” absolutely everything and “responds” in the same way. Watch your behavior, thoughts, words. Be in everything beautiful man, neat, graceful, majestic. Imagine that you are constantly being watched by certain biased observers (including your loved one, even if you have not yet met him in life), and this good people You definitely have to like it. Mirror, Through the Looking Glass are complex phenomena. In essence, this is the wrong side or a special facet of the universe. Everything we give to the universe inevitably comes back to us - “what goes around comes around.”

One of the fundamental principles of the universe can be formulated as follows: energy of a certain quality and vibration tends to attract energy of a similar quality and vibration. In other words, like is attracted by like, or a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar. Two drops of water, being at a minimum distance from each other, merge into one. People are drawn to those close to them in spirit and interests, and those who love find harmony in unity. This is the phenomenon of human duality. No matter how far away your “soul mate” is, she will definitely be found if your aspirations to “be found” coincide in time.

The energy of thought is capable of not only attracting the energy of nature, but also using (transforming) it.

We attract to ourselves what we think about, what we imagine very vividly, what we believe in, what we expect and want in the depths of our souls (or, on the contrary, we are afraid). Many have probably experienced the work of this principle more than once. Remember, this happened: you just had to think about someone, and suddenly this someone showed up - calling, sending SMS, calling out on the street? Or are you painfully looking for the answer to a question, can’t find it, but after a while you accidentally stumble upon the information you need?

If we feel positive about something, desire it passionately, and anticipate pleasure, joy, and happiness, we will attract people, situations, and events that match our expectations.

However, it should be remembered (!) that this law can work not only for good. When we fear something, we risk attracting the object of our fears: circumstances and situations that we would like to avoid. So, if you are overly suspicious and constantly assume that you have some specific illness, then as a result the body will “believe” in a non-existent illness, and you risk getting it. Fearing loneliness, before you know it, you will find yourself in its prison. Be unapologetic about your fears. Eradicate them forever. A person should not be a slave to phobias and pathological attachments - be it bad habits, dangerous addictions, specific people, groups or social societies.

Beware of being afraid that your dream will not come true. A dream is like a bird on a branch - if you look at it closely, it will fly away. Thought can be a very timid substance. A thought form (an image artificially created by your consciousness) sometimes requires long and painstaking work - both at the stage of formation, and during the period of consolidation, and further - in the process of materialization. With each stage, less and less volitional effort is required, but at the very beginning (at “conception”) fear, anxiety, and uncertainty are destructive factors.

Take a break from reading. Look at the glass and reproduce the thought form of your dominant... Is it easier now?

How to overcome fear? Easily.

Have you tried to jump over a deep but narrow ditch in reality, a trench, say, a meter wide? Can you imagine a bottomless abyss of the same width, a cleft in the ground, for example, after an earthquake? It's difficult, scary. And what an ecstasy if you finally decided and did it! An energy candle, accompanied by a release of adrenaline into the blood, is a creative force that strengthens the spirit and can work miracles. But there must be moderation in everything. If the amount of energy (adrenaline) is too high, and the body or psyche is not prepared (does not have proper training), a critical increase in blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, stress, or even worse is very likely...

Draw the same meter on the asphalt with chalk. You will step over, let alone jump over. Calmly, without tension and excitement. So - know how to draw your problems and obstacles with chalk.

It is human nature to exaggerate the significance of an upcoming event, the difficulties that stand in its way, and at the same time to underestimate one’s own strengths. There is a wise proverb: “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.” The main thing is to start, take the first step, raise your foot above the line and cross your meter.

All problems, conflicts and disappointments are not a necessary part of your existence. Tune in to the fact that the world around you treats you kindly and you have enough internal resources to solve any problems.

Start with the belief that you can turn your life around for the better. To do this, change your thinking, your train of thought. Act as if you have already crossed the abyss and you know in advance the way out of any difficult situation. Just draw it with chalk on the asphalt and step over it. Live your thoughts and feelings in the state you intend to achieve. There are no problems, they are all behind us!

I won’t be surprised if you laugh – how simple it all is. You are partly right in your skepticism, only for the reason that my statements raise doubts in you. This means there is not enough self-confidence and passion for sports. There is only disappointment, irritation, anger, pessimism. Just take it and believe in yourself, and everything else will happen by itself. There is no other way.

When I was very little, like all children, I was afraid of the dentist, the drill... One day, shaking in front of the dental office, I suddenly found a way to get rid of my fear. The doctor saw one patient per hour. Sitting next to me was a girl who was to follow me. They called me, my heart sank... And I imagined that in no more than an hour I would come out happy, leaving all the torment and pain behind, I would see the same girl, and the world would remain the same. I visualized this picture so much that I was essentially transported into the future... I sat in a chair completely calm and smiling, easily maintaining a miraculous state.

A bitter pill: as children we have to concentrate for so long to put it in our mouths and swallow it with water. And now? Now we can swallow any nasty thing and not wince.

Getting on a bike is scary only for the first time. The same goes for everything else: swimming, fighting, going to war, defending your rights, loving, giving birth and performing miracles.

Be determined to raise the bar day by day so much that you don’t have to make much effort to step over it. I emphasize: big! Because effort will still be needed. But let them be no more difficult than forcing yourself to brush your teeth in the morning. You do this every day. And what? Are you straining your will? No.

Remember about the glass, add a very slight effort: the thought form of the dominant is close to materialization. Don't try to see her just know that she is there in the water.

Don't consider your lifestyle to be the only possible one. If you are not completely satisfied with it, you can change the situation at any moment, even right now, and therefore change the course of events. Parallel realities always coexist next to us, among them there is a brighter world, cheerful, optimistic, and the entrance there is open to everyone, you just have to decide to take the right step. But in order not to end up from one swamp to another, swampier one (or to change one prison cell to another), you need to understand yourself and understand the true background of your difficulties. Most often it is not in the outside world, but inside us - forgotten and lost. Don’t look under the streetlight just because it’s brighter there, look where you lost it.

Yes, it is sometimes difficult for a person to understand himself when his soul is filled with complete discord, suspicion, dissatisfaction, skepticism, pain... Or he is oppressed by despair and choked by grief. The eyes cannot see, the hands are shaking, and the thoughts are jumping, one more contradictory than the other. Well, then you need a guide (at least for the first time) - a Mentor, Teacher, Guide.

And now, finally, let’s return to our glass of water and the dominant that has moved there.

Do you know what autohemotherapy is? This is when blood is taken from a vein and injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. In medicine, this technique has been used since ancient times as a means of healing and stimulating the immune system. In some cases it works miraculously. The main thing is to appoint correct scheme treatment. I will not talk about the mechanism of action of autohemotherapy. If you are interested, read it on the Internet. Now it is important for us to grasp the external side of the phenomenon: we place part of the internal environment (blood), containing a lot of information, including about the disease, from its natural conditions (from blood vessels) to unnatural ones (into the intercellular space). We artificially create some kind of small stress (shock) for the body, as if forcing it to “see” the task facing it in a new way - to defeat the disease. And a miracle happens - recovery.

In the glass there is a specific thought form, woven from your own thoughts, dissolved in water and interacting with every molecule, with every wave-vibration of this “smart” self-adjusting substance. It carefully stores information about your aspirations and dreams.

Now drink the contents of the glass. Drink slowly, savoring every sip. Your body is smarter than you, it knows what to do. And your Supreme Essence – even more so.

And a Miracle will happen. Big or small - it all depends on how hard you tried. But it will definitely happen!

With day Great Victory You, my Friend!

P. S. The experience with water is one of many of my developments that are successfully used in everyday practice.

Please, first of all, listen to the instructions, that it is a widely known fact that our thoughts can materialize. And since our mind naturally has both positive and negative components, and this, accordingly, is reflected in the nature of our thoughts, if the materialization of thoughts is successful (and we hope that this will be the case for everyone), we automatically attract and negative side question.

And this requires a comprehensive understanding, since many perceive spirituality as an exclusively positive view of the world. It's not bad, but it's not the full picture. It requires reflecting both positive and negative. And negative is not something bad or wrong. It has equal value. If you delve into this deeply and truly, you will be able to create with your mind, with just the power of thought.

If you want to take a more holistic approach, then please focus solely on your heart. Our heart is primary in relation to the mind, and therefore is purer and, most importantly, is in Unity. And this Unity represents the Essence of the Universe and Creation itself. In this case, you'd better look deeper Materialization from the heart.

This article in its original version demonstrates exclusively the version of reason. You can create the experience you want. Your mind has enough energy to materialize your desires.

Man is part of the Universe. And hardly anyone will argue with this fact. But if you look at it, there is a visible Universe (at least to the same astronauts), and there is a Universe that we do not see, but feel within ourselves. The second Universe includes our thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires. And how we set our minds on our lives ultimately determines what it will actually be like. Have you ever wondered why people who are pessimistic about the world around them, as a rule, do not succeed? Or, conversely, for those who radiate vital energy, everything is always good and things are going uphill. It's all about the materialization of desires, or rather, the right approach to their implementation.

Materialization of thoughts: practice

Every thought that comes to our mind can theoretically change our life forever. The only question is how should the materialization of our thoughts be carried out correctly? The law of the Universe is such that even if we do not ask it for any benefits, but constantly repeat to ourselves some statement, then exactly what we are thinking about will soon begin to happen in our lives. Surely many have already encountered this phenomenon, when they dreamed of a plane crash, and the next day the news said that a plane had crashed somewhere. Or, just the day before, you were remembering a distant friend and the next day you unexpectedly met him. All these facts once again prove that we all belong to the same information field, which we involuntarily program with our thoughts. And if so, then you need to learn to control the materialization of thoughts and desires in order to change your life forever.

Technique for materializing thoughts

Before you learn to manage your own ideas and begin to turn your dreams into reality, it is important to prepare for changes in your life. To do this, you need to go through several stages.
  1. Analysis of the past. What happened to you over all the years of your life is the result of what you yourself believe in and what you wanted. Are you short on money? Betrayed best friend or is your health failing? This means that somewhere deep down in your soul you wanted exactly this. Therefore, first, write down what you are not happy with in your life. Then turn your complaints into goals. As a result, you will have a story about your life goals. Think about what you would like if you had the opportunity to fulfill all your desires.
  2. A picture of the future. Answer your questions: what do you expect from the future as you imagine it. What will happen to you in a year, 5 years, how will you spend your old age? Now close your eyes and imagine your future, which will make you truly happy. Then open your eyes and imagine that all your dreams have already come true. After this, be sure to thank fate or the Universe for the fact that everything will be exactly as you imagined.
  3. Learn to think only about good things. For many this will be a difficult stage. But acquiring the skill of seeing even bad things in a positive way will make your life much easier. Learn to ignore all the negativity you encounter. If you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Very soon you will notice that with positive attitude You manage to solve even the biggest difficulties much easier.

Once you set yourself up for changes in your life, the next stage will be the technique of materializing desires and thoughts itself. There are a great many of them. Your task is to choose the one that you like best and fits your lifestyle.

The technique of materializing thoughts and desires itself is quite simple to use. The main thing here is not only to want something, but also to imagine how it will be, to see yourself in a situation where the dream has already come true. Learn to anticipate your desires and how they will benefit you. And only then will materialization become an integral part of life. Your new life.

Is it possible to attract positive events to yourself just by thinking about them? Or are these just childish illusions that have nothing to do with real life? Well, many esotericists and psychologists are confident that the law of attraction and wish fulfillment really works. But how does it work? And why then do not all the dreams that a person nurtures throughout his life come true?

The trouble is that only a few know about the dogmas on which the law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires rests. Accordingly, if there is no understanding of how the “tool” works, then no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to plow the land with it. Therefore, let's discuss the basic principles of attracting desires and talk about how to use them.

The Universal Law of Attraction and Desire Fulfillment

Scientists long ago determined that everything in this world has a special energy field. Thus, all bodies can interact with each other through the transfer of a special impulse. The trouble is that these fields are still poorly studied, and therefore conceal many secrets. In particular, today it is difficult to determine the ultimate boundaries of a signal, as well as how it affects material objects.

But the very fact of the existence of such energy allows us to believe that human thoughts are interconnected. After all, our consciousness is a product of electrical impulses in the cerebral cortex. Therefore, by using them wisely, a person can establish subconscious contact with the Universe.

Such features can be used in different ways. However, now we are interested in the power of wish fulfillment and how to use it. Therefore, let's leave aside the philosophical implications of this question and move on to the main part. And first, we need to consider three main postulates that influence the law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires.

First postulate: the laws of the universe are inviolable

Our world exists only because it is based on the fundamental laws of physics. Moreover, they are interconnected in such a way that any shift can bring ideal harmony into initial chaos. Therefore, nothing can affect the foundations of the universe except the Universe itself. Simply put, it all comes down to the inviolability of current reality and time.

In a practical sense, this postulate should be considered as a kind of limiter. That is, you cannot change with the power of thought those things and events that are protected by the laws of physics and logic. For example, you can imagine a new ice age as much as you like, but this will not make the climate more severe.

In a more down-to-earth understanding, this postulate can be considered in the following example. Let's say a certain person has worked as a janitor all his life, and then at one fine moment he begins to dream of becoming the head of the housing and communal services department. Naturally, the Universe will not fulfill such a desire, since it contradicts common sense. In particular, the janitor we mentioned has neither education, nor work experience, nor the skills necessary for this position.

Second postulate: true strength is sincerity

The law of attraction and fulfillment of desires only works in cases where a person sincerely believes in the power of his subconscious. As a metaphorical image, it is worth imagining an archer aiming at a target. As soon as his hand trembles, the arrow will fly in a different trajectory, depriving him of the slightest hope of victory. So, thoughts are like arrows: they need to be controlled and directed precisely to the target.

It is quite difficult to achieve such concentration, so dedicated people use special techniques that strengthen consciousness. Thanks to them, they achieve the highest harmony with cosmic energy, and it answers their requests. We will look at them in more detail, but a little later, because there is one more, extremely important dogma.

Third postulate: truth in the heart

Our brain is like a hive filled with millions of different thoughts and desires. Some of them affect daily life, others are aimed at finding love, and still others even aim to comprehend the great. The trouble is that in this endless stream of all kinds of “I want” it is difficult to find our sincere dreams and hopes.

But the Universe is not a dispensing machine that fulfills all desires. No, she is very selective, and listens only to those requests that come from the heart. Therefore, a person needs to learn to weed out the false ideals that cloud his vision. And only then will he be able to understand how to materialize his desires in the real world.

Visualization as the basis for achieving goals

At the beginning of the journey, it is very difficult to keep your thoughts clean and calm. This leads to the fact that consciousness quickly loses the thread that leads to the fulfillment of desire. For example, a person overloaded with work is unlikely to remember his dream in the midst of a working day, let alone focus on it.

Therefore, esotericists advise introducing visualization into your life. That is, you need to surround yourself with visible reminders of your dream that can show you the right path. This could be several photos on your desktop showing a car or a house. Looking at them, a person will instantly remember what he needs, thereby sending another message to the Universe.

The beauty of this method is that it is quite simple. Therefore, anyone can use it, regardless of their job or marital status. The main thing is to make as many landmarks as possible so that they constantly remind you of such a desired dream.

Pure mind is the universal beacon

But visualization is only the first step; more complex tests follow. In particular, you need to learn to clear your mind in order to send a clear and legible impulse into space. In this case, it would be correct to compare consciousness to a beacon that regularly sends signals into the sky.

The best way to achieve a clear mind is meditation. No wonder the majority successful people modern times practice this Eastern discipline. The point is that meditation teaches you to control the flow of thoughts: weeding out unnecessary ones and strengthening the true ones. Therefore, anyone who wants to master the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires must learn this spiritual skill.

Fortunately they are quite simple. You can even study them at home by reading a little books or watching a few educational films about Eastern teachers. The only problem is that to achieve the highest level of skill, great dedication is required, and, unfortunately, not all people have this quality.

Boomerang effect

If a person is seriously thinking about using the law of dream attraction in his life, then he should learn about one more important point. The fact is that everything in the world is in harmony, and you will have to pay for its violation. This is the so-called Its essence is that all evil deeds are returned in the same coin, and good ones, on the contrary, are encouraged.

That is, by wishing failure on a competitor, an entrepreneur risks bringing even greater trouble onto his own head. This is due to the fact that our To prove this, remember how many times you thought about some kind of trouble, and it immediately happened. So clear your mind of the bad and focus only on the positive things or events.

The universe doesn't like lazy people

Another common mistake is that people do not want to follow their dreams. Meanwhile, it doesn’t matter at all how strong a person’s will is: without action, it is dead. The Universe doesn't like lazy people and never gives them gifts because they don't really want it.

After all, any real desire leads to the fact that a person strives to fulfill it. Even if he does it slowly or moves in the wrong direction, he still does not sit still. Therefore, if you want the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires to work as it should, raise your “butt” and go towards your dream.

Previously, this statement hovered only among esotericists and other lovers of mystical and mysterious knowledge. Now no one doubts this. Looking around, we can see enough examples of the materialization of thoughts. The chair on which we sit was once a thought, an idea. After certain steps, this thought became material in the form of a chair.

To materialize a thought, concentration on it is necessary. You can achieve anything by concentrating on a thought, be it personal happiness. By concentrating and repeating and thinking through your idea, you can give impetus to the action of the subconscious. Repeat and repeat the thought, fixate on it. But this looping must be conscious and concentrated. Don't turn your thought into an obsession. You can produce in your head to the subconscious. Imagine him as a silent statue and ask him for something that represents your thought. Concentration should be on the thought as such and on the statue as well.

The most important thing in materializing your thoughts is action. Sitting on a chair and repeating a thought, you will never be able to materialize your thought. Remember, water does not flow under a lying stone.

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  • Materialization of thought

Today, many psychologists argue that thoughts are material. You can check this experimentally by performing a few simple exercises. They will take some time, but they will allow you to find out whether this system works for you and in what time frame everything will come true.

There are many ways to fulfill desires offered today, but most are based precisely on clear goal setting or the presentation of an object that is needed. If you combine these two methods, the result will be 100%, but not everyone decides to do something for the sake of a dream.

How to test the ability of a thought to materialize

Every person has their own potential. For some, thoughts instantly turn into reality, for others with a delay. You just need to experiment. Imagine an object in every detail. For example, select beautiful candy, marker, apple or feather. This thing should not be found in everyday life and should not be seen often. It is better to choose a small object so that it fits in the palm of your hand.

Would need free time when no one will disturb you. Just sit down with eyes closed and start imagining what you have in mind. If this is an apple, then imagine how you hold it in your hands, how you look at it, see its color, feel its smell. You can even mentally bite it, feeling this taste in your mouth. The more accurate the images are, the better. Give this process at least 10 minutes.

When a thing is planned, all that remains is to wait. Within a few days, this item will definitely fall into your hands. This happens to 80% of participants in such actions. Of course, the item may be slightly different, but often it is very similar to what was intended. This experience proves that a thought can become reality.

How to materialize desires

Experimenting with a small object is easier than manifesting something large and valuable. For example, you can have a car or a house. But you will have to spend not 10 minutes, but many hours on its presentation, and repeat these images in every detail every day. It is important to imagine not just a car or a mansion, but how you walk around it, how you sit behind the wheel.

It is worth paying attention to how you feel when you are the owner of what you have wished for. What experiences occur inside, what is felt outside. It is important to describe everything: touches, smells, tastes, feelings and emotions. And then repeat this image in your head every day. In order not to forget, it is worth making a reminder: pictures with the desired object, bright inscriptions and telephone reminders.

You can form not only material objects, but also feelings, relationships, new job. It doesn’t matter what you want, the only important thing is to imagine that you already have it and not doubt the result. Of course, the larger the desire, the more time it will take to realize it, but achieving your dream is worth the effort.