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How to choose a product for feminine intimate hygiene. On critical days, you should not take a bath, swim in a pool or in natural bodies of water Lactic acid for intimate hygiene

Finding the best intimate hygiene product is a very sensitive topic and difficult, since there is very little information about it both on the Internet and in magazines. However, millions of girls do not give up and have been searching for a long time for a product that is ideal for them to care for this delicate area. This article provides you with a list 6 the best intimate hygiene products.

Using a gel or soap that is not suitable for your skin can disrupt the microflora of the genital organs and cause a number of unpleasant diseases. Therefore, the choice of products for the intimate area must be approached very seriously, last but not least, paying attention to labels and inscriptions.

To make it clear which product is best for intimate hygiene, you need to consider several recommendations when choosing.

First, pay special attention to the composition. It must contain lactic acid, which maintains an ideal pH ratio in the body. These acids are also called physiological. Secondly, the list of components must include substances with antibacterial properties. Well, and, of course, the presence of fragrances, soap and unnatural dyes in the composition is undesirable.

The best intimate hygiene products

  • Soft intimate product Lactacyd Femina

Non-irritating and non-drying, this emulsion is a very popular daily skin care product. The lactic acid contained in the product perfectly maintains the normal pH balance.

This is a Belarusian product that contains tea tree oil, which has an antibacterial effect, as well as provitamin B5, which moisturizes the skin well. The product has a positive effect on the microflora of the genital organs and also normalizes the balance of alkali and acid in the body.

The gel contains only natural ingredients that gently cleanse and moisturize the skin. They prevent irritation and dryness due to optimal Ph balance. The product has an antibacterial effect, eliminates unwanted odors and prevents unpleasant diseases.

The composition of the intimate hygiene product is natural substances that are selected taking into account the physiological characteristics of the female body. Licorice root extract has a hygienic effect, and lactic acid maintains the optimal pH of the intimate area.

A gentle product for gentle skin cleansing that does not cause redness, itching or dryness, due to the absence of soap and alcohol in the composition. Ideal for daily care of delicate areas.

  • GelIntimatefromNivea

This is an excellent intimate hygiene product that can be purchased at an affordable price, but is also very effective and approved by gynecologists and dermatologists. The gel contains chamomile extract and lactic acid.

When trying to find the best product for feminine intimate hygiene, do not forget to take into account the characteristics of your body, because this way you will prevent many unpleasant consequences.

Many girls mistakenly believe that regular shower gel or baby soap is suitable for intimate hygiene. Gynecologists warn that such inattention to the most delicate places can result in problems with the microflora - simply, thrush. The fact is that in this part of our body it is especially important to maintain the acid-base balance. If you use regular soap, this balance becomes more alkaline (while the environment in this zone should be acidic), and fragile microflora becomes susceptible to bacteria.

Moreover, products for the intimate area do not contain soap at all. They have a pH level of 4−5, which corresponds to a woman’s natural pH. For comparison: the pH of baby soap can reach up to 7, and regular soap - up to 9. In other words, the risk of disturbing the balance of bacteria in the most delicate places is very high if you do not use special cosmetics.

After all, you don’t put hand cream on your face or wash your hair with shower gel? Intimate places deserve no less attention than facial skin or hair.

Intimate Natural intimate hygiene gel from Nivea


The Nivea soft cleansing gel pleases not only with its affordable price, but also with its composition, which does not contain alkaline soap or dyes. True, the product still has a fragrance, but it is barely noticeable and delicate - the gel has a deodorizing effect, but should not cause allergies (just in case, do an allergy test before use). The product contains chamomile extract and lactic acid, which help neutralize inflammation and soothe the skin.

Price: 190 rub.

Intimate hygiene gel Lactacyd Femina

You will not find this product in a regular store - Lactacyd gel is sold only in pharmacies. The gel contains lactic acid and whey (lactoserum) to maintain normal microflora. The product is used very economically - a few drops are enough for one application. In addition, we liked the texture of the gel - silky and delicate.

Price: 210 rub.

Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel

This product contains burdock extract, skin-soothing panthenol and even hyaluronic acid! Still, the most delicate places also need special care and attention to ensure that the skin remains elastic for as long as possible. In addition, the gel relieves minor inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane and significantly reduces the risk of thrush.

Price: 2400 rub.

Intimate hygiene gel Carefree Sensitive

One of the best options for daily intimate care - the gel is inexpensive, economical and, most importantly, suitable for very sensitive skin. The gel whips into a light foam, has a subtle aroma and a deodorizing effect. True, the packaging is seriously lacking in a dispenser - in this sense, the product is inferior to its competitors.

Price: 170 rub.

SebaMed feminine hygiene gel

Another pharmaceutical product on our list is SebaMed gel with a low pH of 3.8. Manufacturers claim that the intimate hygiene gel is suitable specifically for young girls, who mostly have a slightly acidic balance - this is why the pH level is slightly underestimated. This gel has a fragrance, but it is also light and subtle. And it contains natural ingredients - panthenol, virgin nut extract and betaine, which relieve inflammation and restore the microflora of the delicate area.

Price: 350 rub..

Gel for feminine hygiene "Epigen Intim"

Like most intimate hygiene gels, Epigen contains lactic acid - you already guessed that it helps maintain the correct balance. But unlike similar products, this gel also contains glycyrrhizic acid, which fights bacteria better than others. That is why we do not recommend using the product every day; it is rather suitable for some problematic moments - for example, after sexual intercourse, during menstruation, or if at the same time you are treating thrush. In this sense, the gel will be the best helper! "Atlas"

Regular soap is absolutely not suitable for the intimate area, because it changes the environment in favor of alkaline. The fact is that the pH on the skin of the body and in intimate places is different, which means they need different care. Alkaline soap is suitable, for example, for washing hands, but the environment in the vagina is acidic, which means simple soap can disrupt its microflora, as a result of which local immunity is weakened. I recommend that all my patients use special products - this is an elementary rule of personal hygiene.

05/24/2017 at 16:42 · Pavlofox · 5 930

The best intimate hygiene product

A woman’s intimate area needs special care, as it is hypersensitive. Using regular shower gel can lead to dryness and burning, so caring for the external genitalia requires a special product that does not disturb the natural pH balance. The best intimate hygiene product It also allows you to further soothe the irritated area and further moisturize it. The top ten includes cosmetic care products that are most popular among women.


It is one of the best products designed for women who care about their intimate hygiene. This gel contains herbal and safe extracts, including chamomile. This component soothes the skin in the delicate area and carefully cares for it, providing an antiseptic and protective effect against bacteria. The gel also contains lactic acid, which helps maintain the natural pH of the dermis. It does not contain any dyes, alkalis or other substances that could harm the skin and mucous membranes in the labia area. The product is ideal for daily personal care.


Allows you to restore the acid-base balance of the intimate area. The product is produced in the form of a gel, the main component of which is lactic acid, which allows you to maintain the protective barrier. Additional substances are milk protein, lactose and nut oil, which carefully care for delicate areas, cleanse them, providing a mild antiseptic effect that does not disturb the natural microflora. Lactacid Femina is able to eliminate such unpleasant sensations as dryness, pain and burning in the intimate area, which may appear due to the local use of certain groups of drugs. The drug must also be used during the menstrual cycle to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.


Available in gel form for women to perform intimate hygiene procedures. It has a delicate and light texture that gently cares for the genitals. The product does not dry out at all, but on the contrary, can soothe and moisturize intimate areas. Most of the gel consists of natural ingredients, including burdock extract, chamomile, and hyaluronic acid. They carefully care for the mucous membranes and skin, maintaining their natural pH. The product also contains panthenol and chlorhexidine. The first component has a regenerating effect, so it relieves irritation from razor cuts or any other mechanical damage. Chlorhexidine is a bacteriostatic and effectively fights pathogenic bacteria. The gel can be used daily.


This is a good and inexpensive product that is specially created for gentle care of intimate areas of the body. It cleanses perfectly and has a mild antiseptic effect. The gel is ideal for sensitive dermis. It does not contain soap alkalis, so it can be used for daily washing, as it does not disturb the natural pH. The product has passed all the necessary dermatological and gynecological tests.


This genital care gel is produced by a German company that produces a whole series of products for proper personal hygiene. The product contains an organic tenside complex, which is adapted to the natural pH of the intimate area, which allows it to carefully care for sensitive areas of the body without disturbing their natural pH. The gel not only gently cares, but also soothes the dermis in case of irritation. It also has a bactericidal effect. This product is ideal for everyday use.


In the form of a gel, it can have an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. The product is indicated for women who often suffer from genital herpes. The product contains a complex of acids and other substances that have a bactericidal and antiviral effect. The drug can be used for preventive purposes after visiting swimming pools and during menstrual bleeding. Epigen Intim is not suitable for daily use.


It is a milky emulsion that is ideal for intimate personal care. It does not contain alkalis, so it gently cares and does not dry out even the most sensitive dermis. Calendula extract, which has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, will help soothe irritated skin. The product belongs to the hypoallergenic series, so it is suitable for most women. Among the active components of the product, lactic acid should also be highlighted, which maintains the pH of the dermis and allantoin additionally relieves irritation and moisturizes.


Gel for the care of intimate areas is one of the best products on the cosmetology market. It is based on plant extracts and oils that do not harm the dermis at all and do not disrupt its natural microflora. The product has soothing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. After using it, you will not feel any discomfort, since it does not dry out the skin at all and almost never causes allergic reactions. It is great for daily use.


It is a gel-like product used by women to care for intimate areas of the body. The product is intended for daily use to support natural pH balance. The drug contains glycerin, lactic acid, aloe extract, chamomile and other components that are intended for gentle care and cleansing of the external genitalia. The product effectively relieves irritation and dryness in intimate areas, and also promotes rapid healing of local microtraumas.

1. Mulsan Cosmetic Gel For Intimate Hygiene

The winner in this category is rightfully the Intimate Hygiene Gel from Mulsan Cosmetic. The manufacturer has completely abandoned harmful chemical components such as sulfates, parabens, silicones, dyes, replacing them exclusively with natural ingredients. The composition is dominated by extracts - chamomile, calendula, almond, wheat germ, fireweed. The gel restores the natural pH balance, relieves irritation and dryness in the intimate area. The product has passed all the necessary dermatological and gynecological tests.
Suitable for daily use. To purchase, we recommend the official online store

Readers' Choice:

Useful properties of gel for intimate hygiene. Review of moisturizing and cleansing products, instructions for using the product for intimate areas.

The content of the article:

Intimate hygiene gel is a product that helps keep the genitals clean and healthy. But despite this, many men and women continue to use regular soap or shower gel to care for their intimate areas. This is incorrect, since the condition and thickness of the skin of the hands and genitals are different, so ordinary soap can cause itching and irritation in the intimate areas.

Why do you need intimate hygiene gel?

The mucous membrane of the labia and vagina is populated by beneficial microorganisms. They help maintain a slightly acidic pH level and prevent the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. It is like a gate that protects the internal genital organs from infections.

By washing with regular soap or shower gel, which are alkaline, we remove beneficial bacteria from the external genitalia, opening the door for bacteria and infections. After a while, you may begin to feel itching and burning. Candidiasis and vaginitis often occur.

Approximate composition of a moisturizer for intimate hygiene:

  • Lactic acid. This is a component that allows you to maintain the acidity of the mucous membrane at the desired level. It prevents the proliferation of staphylococci and fungi, as well as other opportunistic microflora. Thanks to this ingredient, the gel has a pleasant slippery and velvety consistency and a light scent.
  • Herbal extracts. Typically, extracts from calendula, chamomile and aloe are added to the composition. These herbs soothe irritated mucous membranes, which often occurs after shaving and sexual intercourse.
  • Antiseptics. Some manufacturers add chlorhexidine, miramistin or furatsilin to the product. These are antibacterial drugs that are effective against both pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms, so you should not get carried away with using such products.

Useful properties of intimate gel

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of the gel for female intimate hygiene:
  1. Gently removes dirt. The gel for the genitals contains a very small amount of surfactants that do not wash away the natural flora, but gently remove impurities.
  2. Maintains neutral or slightly acidic pH. This is not your average alkaline soap. The acidity of the detergent for feminine hygiene is neutral. Accordingly, the pH of the mucous membrane is not disturbed, and beneficial lactobacilli do not disappear anywhere.
  3. Protects against infections. Of course, no gel will help with promiscuous sex life. But sometimes vaginitis and candidiasis occur due to hypothermia and wearing synthetic underwear. This is due to the death of the beneficial microflora of the genital organs. Gel for intimate areas often contains lactobacilli, which are the guardians of women's health. They do not allow E. coli and yeast, which live in small quantities on the mucous membrane of the vagina and labia, to multiply.
  4. Removes odor. Unlike regular soap, gel for intimate areas does not muffle the odor or make it stronger. After use, the ingredients contained in the product remove pathogenic microorganisms that cause the odor.
  5. Soothes the skin. Often in the summer, after using panty liners and synthetic panties, the skin in the intimate area sweats. This may cause irritation and redness. Medicinal herbs in the product and lactic acid relieve irritation and inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of intimate hygiene gel

Such products have practically no contraindications, but if you have certain diseases, you should use the product with caution.

Contraindications to the use of intimate gel are as follows:

  • . If you have open wounds, stitches or traces of cauterization of papillomas, you cannot use any soap-based products. Cause irritation and burning.
  • Delivery using episiotomy. If during the birth process the perineum was cut and sutures were placed, it is worth holding off on using soap-based hygiene products. Sutures should be treated with antiseptics.
  • Allergy. Read the ingredients of the product carefully. Some gels contain herbal extracts, which can cause rashes and irritation.
  • Lactulose intolerance. Intimate hygiene gels from some manufacturers contain lactic acid and lactulose. These components restore the balance of microflora on the mucous membranes. If you are lactose intolerant, choose a product without lactic acid.

How to choose the best intimate hygiene gel

It is impossible to single out which product is the best. Gel for intimate care is selected depending on the preferences and health status of the woman.

Moisturizing gel for intimate hygiene

Representatives of the fair sex with frequent relapses of candidiasis and colpitis should give preference to products with lactic acid and moisturizing components. They not only cleanse the genitals well, but also prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. Dryness of the external genitalia is often associated with menopause and the use of hormonal contraceptives. This causes discomfort and can lead to infection with E. coli or fungi.

List of the most popular moisturizing gels for intimate hygiene:

  1. Oroni. This product is made in Poland. It contains lactic acid, D-panthenol and chamomile extract. The gel not only has a moisturizing and softening effect. It helps wounds and damage after shaving and hair removal to heal faster. There are Oroni gels that contain tea tree extract. This remedy is recommended for women with chronic candidiasis. Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Sold in large economical bottles of 500 ml. The cost of packaging is 3 dollars.
  2. Lactacid femina. Contains lactic acid. The product does not contain soap, so it does not change the acidity of the external genitalia. The product is produced in European countries in compliance with all established quality standards. It is practically odorless, but eliminates unpleasant odors. Foams easily and rinses off quickly, leaving no film or unpleasant sensations. The product is hypoallergenic and tested by dermatologists. The price for a 200 ml bottle with a dispenser is $3.
  3. Phytomedics, Siberian health. Available remedy. The packaging is inconvenient; the gel is sold in tubes with a lid that snaps on. The composition does not contain lactulose, but contains extracts of patchouli, tea tree, string, sage and chamomile. Sodium lauryl sulfate is present, which can dry out the skin and mucous membranes. The cost of a 200 ml tube is only 1.5 dollars.
  4. DeoIntim. This is a Swiss product that contains extracts of wheat, witch hazel, tocopherol and vitamin E. The substance perfectly deodorizes and moisturizes. Does not contain lactic acid, therefore suitable for women intolerant to lactulose. The product contains wheat germ oil, which prevents the intimate area from drying out. The cost of a 125 ml bottle is $10.
  5. Vagisan. This remedy is often recommended by gynecologists, as it contains lactic acid, extracts from calendula and chamomile. Does not cause burning or itching. Helps normalize vaginal microflora when taking antibiotics. Does not dry out the mucous membrane. Recommended for use after childbirth and during menstruation. The cost of a 250 ml bottle is $5.

Cleansing gel for intimate hygiene

Cleansers for intimate hygiene differ from moisturizers by the presence of a large number of surfactants and antibacterial components. They are recommended to be used if you are in constant motion throughout the day. It is also advisable to use such substances during menstruation. They gently and quickly remove dirt and residual waste.

List of popular cleansers for intimate hygiene:

  • Kefri. The gel contains many extracts of medicinal herbs and aloe. No lactic acid. The product, despite the absence of surfactants, foams well and is quickly washed off. Outperforms competitors due to price and elusive pleasant smell. Excellent deodorizer and does not cause irritation. The price for a 200 ml bottle is $2.
  • Epigenes. The composition of the product is ambiguous. Contains surfactants and sodium lauryl sulfate. The manufacturer took care to normalize the pH and introduced lactic acid into the product. But, in addition, the composition contains phytosphingosines and glyceric acid. These components are derived from licorice root. They help not only cleanse the skin of impurities, but also fight pathogenic microorganisms. The color of the gel is yellow and the consistency is very thick. It only takes one drop to carry out hygiene procedures. The price of a 250 ml bottle is $15.
  • Uriage. Contains lactic acid, thermal water and a special Glyco-Gin complex that gently cleanses. The bottle is not very convenient, since there is no dispenser, it resembles a tube. The bottle contains 200 ml and costs $15.
  • Liren. Cleanser with deodorizing effect. Suitable for sensitive and irritated skin. Contains lactic acid, licorice root and Betaine, which prevents the mucous membranes from drying out. The cost of the product for 300 ml is 4-5 dollars.
  • Green pharmacy. Affordable soap for genital hygiene. The composition contains tea tree oil and a mild soap composition. The product is aimed at cleansing and eliminating burning. Tea tree is an antiseptic that kills fungi and opportunistic microorganisms. Convenient packaging with dispenser. The cost of 370 ml of product is 1-2 dollars.
  • MALIZIA-MIRATO. Polish product for washing intimate areas. The product contains calendula extract and aloe vera. Perfectly cleanses the skin and prevents the accumulation of secretions in the skin folds. The cost of a 200 ml bottle is $3.
  • Tiande. An effective gel containing antibacterial components. They kill opportunistic microorganisms and help cope with irritation. Contains silver ions, which have an antibacterial effect. The manufacturer added lactic acid, chamomile and sage extract to the substance. When used correctly, it does not destroy beneficial microflora. The price of a 360 ml bottle is $5.
  • Nivea. A budget option for everyday use. Contains lactic acid and chamomile extract. Cleanses perfectly and does not dry out the skin. A 200 ml bottle costs $2.

Features of using gel for intimate hygiene

To keep your intimate areas clean and healthy, you need to use intimate gel. But this is not enough; you need to carry out the procedure correctly.

Instructions for using intimate hygiene gel:

  1. Wet your genitals with water. Drop a little onto your palm and lather.
  2. Apply the gel to the anus and cleanse the area in a circular motion. Rinse off the gel with water.
  3. Apply a couple of drops of product to your palm and lather. Transfer the soap to the external genitalia and massage from front to back.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with warm water. The movements should also be from front to back.
  5. Dry your private areas with a soft, clean towel. Don't rub your perineum.
  6. Use the gel 2 times a day.
How to use intimate hygiene gel - watch the video:

There are a lot of intimate hygiene products, but usually women use gels or intimate soaps on the recommendation of their gynecologist or friends. Choose high-quality products that contain a minimum of fragrances and dyes.

Any self-respecting and self-loving woman takes care not only of her beauty, but also of her health. In this case, special attention should be paid to intimate areas. Do not forget that the pH level of the intimate area is slightly lower than the pH of the skin, so it is important to choose the right hygiene products. There are many products, but the most common and in demand is intimate hygiene gel. In this article, we’ll look at the most important things: how to take care of yourself, what you should avoid, how to choose a gel and which brands you should give preference to.

A few words about the culture of intimate hygiene

Most women do not properly care for the cleanliness of delicate areas; some kill healthy microflora with chlorinated water, while others simply do not monitor its cleanliness. In our country, ladies are not accustomed to using special means to maintain cleanliness, but ordinary soap, which most girls use, in 90% of cases leads to dysbacteriosis. In order to feel confident and comfortable throughout the day, it is necessary to toilet the intimate area at least twice a day, and on critical days - every time you change sanitary pads.

About acid balance

A feeling of discomfort in the intimate area indicates that the hygiene product has been selected incorrectly; ideally, an intimate hygiene product should have the following properties:

  • the composition should contain only natural ingredients;
  • the gel should support natural microflora.

Its pH should be acidic. The acidic environment in the delicate area is maintained by lactic acid, which should be part of the gel. When using regular soap, the balance shifts to the alkaline side (soap is inherently alkaline), and this can lead to thrush.

How to choose the right gel for delicate areas

There are many companies producing intimate hygiene products, and making the right choice is quite difficult. First of all, for extra confidence in the quality of the purchased products, it is better to buy such products in special stores, pharmacies and women's departments. An ideal gel for intimate hygiene should prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria, so it must contain lactic acid. It will not only protect against the development of infections, but also normalize the acid balance in the delicate area. Chamomile decoction (chamomile itself has an anti-inflammatory effect) and aloe extract (it moisturizes the skin) are welcome in the gel. As a rule, gynecologists recommend using intimate hygiene gel twice a day (before bedtime and after sleep).

What should be in an intimate hygiene product?

In addition to the above components, it is good if the following components are included in the gel:

  • extracts of medicinal herbs (calendula, oak and others) - they moisturize the skin and, in addition, have antiseptic properties;
  • panthenol and its derivatives - relieve irritation and moisturize delicate skin;
  • tea tree oil - will protect against many infections of the female genital tract.

The most common brands of gels for delicate hygiene

  1. Gel "Lactacid" is a soft emulsion developed using special technology. It does not contain soap and is suitable for daily care. Thanks to the chamomile extract included in Lactacid, it gently cleanses the skin and does not cause irritation. In addition, lactic acid, also included in the gel, helps maintain the balance of microflora at an optimal level. The clear advantage of this product for intimate hygiene is that it can be used even on menstruation days and during pregnancy.
  2. Another well-known gel is “Deo Intim”. This product was created together with bacteriologists, dermatologists and cosmetologists. Two-year tests have shown that this intimate gel reliably protects delicate areas, does not cause irritation, deodorizes the skin, and prevents the development of fungus. "Deo Intim" is suitable for frequent use, in particular after each change of sanitary pads.
  3. Gels from O'RONI are very soft products created for intimate care. They have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal effects, and promote rapid skin regeneration. They contain extracts from plants such as tea tree, calendula, chamomile and others. Suitable for daily use as a cleanser for intimate areas of the body.

Basic rules of feminine intimate hygiene

  1. On critical days, you should not have sexual contact, and you should also avoid swimming in natural reservoirs and pools. Bathing should also be limited.
  2. Underwear should be made from natural materials (cotton, linen, silk).
  3. Each personal hygiene item must be individual.
  4. You need to wash yourself 2 times a day, but do not use rough washcloths or sponges.
  5. Intimate hygiene gel should not contain fragrances or dyes.
  6. During menstruation, sanitary pads should be changed at least 5 times a day, and tampons every 2 hours.
  7. You should not constantly wear panty liners; they interfere with natural air circulation and prevent your skin from breathing.
  8. In order not to injure the delicate skin of the intimate area, you should not wipe the skin dry after washing. It should be remembered that any gel is only a means to help women take care of themselves and keep their bodies clean. The most important thing is to learn to love yourself as God created you. After all, only love for ourselves and our body helps us to be more beautiful and healthier!