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What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries. Santa Clauses in different countries of the world: what are their names and how do they differ from ours?

In every country they celebrate the New Year and wait for the arrival of Father Frost with gifts and gifts, but it turns out that every country has its own Father Frost and his appearance is very different. And they are called differently, for example in Russia - Father Frost, in France - Per Noel, in Japan - Segatsu-san, the character of some is also kind, while for others he can scold for wrongdoing... These are the kind of Santa Clauses...

Per Noel. Winter folklore New Year's character straight from France. According to tradition, Père Noel, arriving at the house on a donkey wearing wooden shoes and carrying a basket of gifts, enters the house through the chimney, placing gifts in shoes left in front of the fireplace.

"Santa Christian" from Burundi. Among African Catholics, Santa Claus lives on Mount Kilimanjaro, because... This is the only mountain in Africa that constantly has snow on its top.

In Cyprus, Father Frost is even called Vasily.

Dutch Sinderkalas wears a caftan and white boots. Just before the New Year, he sails to Amsterdam by ship, but does not give out gifts himself. For this he has a retinue - Moors in lush turbans.

There are two Santa Clauses in Sweden: the stooped grandfather with a knobby nose, Yultomten, and the dwarf, Julnissaar. Both of them are under New Year They go from house to house and leave gifts on the windowsills.

Jollopukki lives in Finland. He has a wife, Maria. Yollopukki wears a long sheepskin coat and announces his appearance with a bell. In the photo Jollopukki is on the right with his Hungarian colleague.

Many peoples of Russia have a similar character: among the Karelians his name is Pakkaine (Frost), and he is young.

Babbo Natale. Looks like our Santa Claus. This beloved Italian character traces its historical roots back to Saint Nicholas. Babbo Natale for a long time lived at the North Pole, and later acquired an excellent home in the Finnish north - in Lapland.

Belarusian Dzed Maroz.

In China, Santa Claus's name is simple and uncomplicated: Dong Che Lao Ren or Shan Dan Laozhen. Despite the exotic name, the Chinese grandfather’s habits are not at all different from the famous Santa Claus.

This is what Santa Claus looks like in Hawaii.

Ehee Dyl or Chiskhan - Yakut Grandfather Freezing.

Sintaklaas, or Sinterklaas - Nicholas the Wonderworker, in the Netherlands and Belgium. Children and adults also celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 5, although national holiday it doesn't count.

Santa Claus is the most famous partner of Father Frost. Gray hair, neat beard and mustache. Red jacket, pants and cap. A dark leather belt fits his thick belly. Essentially this is a life-loving elf. Most often he has glasses on his nose, and a smoking pipe in his mouth (in last years tries not to “press” on this element of the image).

This New Year's character apparently "settled in" better than others New Year's colleagues. Judge for yourself: his wife Kykhyn Khotun is in charge winter time; three daughters Saaschaana, Sayyina and Kuhyney distribute spring, summer and autumn responsibilities among themselves. What Ehee Dyl himself does is not entirely clear.

Daidi na Nollaig is the Irish counterpart of Father Christmas. Ireland is a religious country and really values ​​its good old traditions. That is why the New Year in Ireland will be imbued with mysticism and unusualness.

Santa Claus in Australia.

Yamal Iri. In Mongolia, Santa Claus looks like a shepherd. He is dressed in a shaggy fur coat and a large fox hat. On his side is a snuffbox, flint and steel, and in his hands is a long whip.

Actually, Grandfather Frost himself.

Conversations for children on New Year and Christmas themes.

Author: Natalya Nikolaevna Kopylova, educational psychologist, MKOU Orphanage"Swallow's Nest", village. Novovostochny
Description: different Santa Clauses from some countries are illustrated and described; This material will be useful to teachers, educators, parents, and children.
Target: introduce children and adults to the names "Santa Claus" in different countries.
tell and illustrate different Santa Clauses from some countries;
develop memory, thinking, imagination, speech;
instill a feeling of love and interest in the New Year holiday.

A story about the New Year holiday: Santa Clauses from different countries.

Santa Claus appeared a long time ago. This is the wizard who comes to wish everyone a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. And, of course, not empty-handed. Definitely with gifts. In every country it is called differently.
In some countries, the ancestors of Santa Claus are considered to be gnomes, in others - itinerant sellers of children's toys, and still others - medieval wandering jugglers. But basically, many countries consider St. Nicholas to be the ancestor of Santa Claus. This a real man who lived many, many centuries ago.
They all bring gifts, enter the house to give them, but each does it differently. They all have their own interesting outfit.
Let's get to know our Father Frost's foreign colleagues.
In our Russia that's his name - Father Frost. He has a staff in his hands and a white beard on his face. Comes to visit with gifts, puts them under christmas tree. But he comes not alone, but with his granddaughter-assistant Snegurochka.

German they call a colleague Vainakhtsman or Christmas Father.

He is a very friendly and mischievous old man with a long white beard. He is wearing a red coat with white fur and a large bag of gifts. He gives gifts to “good” children, and punishes “bad” ones.
The children also prepare for his arrival: they put a large plate on the table for gifts and fill their shoes with hay, this is for the donkey.
Finnish friend's name Joulupkki.
He lives on Mount Corvantuntur, his wife's name is Muori.

IN Czech Republic, Slovakia the most modest Grandfather. And all because no one has ever seen him. His name is Jerzycek. His arrival is announced by the sound of a bell.
Overseas Deputy from Japan- This Segatsu-san.

But he is gradually beginning to be replaced by a new Santa Claus - Oji-san.

Children give more preference to it, perhaps because of the traditional red sheepskin coat. And Segatsu-san is dressed in a blue kimono, and for a whole week, which the Japanese call “golden”. But he doesn’t give gifts; his parents do that for him.
American the assistant's name is Santa Claus.

His clothes are a red fur coat, trousers, a cap on his head, also red, and glasses. He has his own reindeer team, on which he delivers gifts.
IN Norway The role of Santa Claus is played by little dwarf brownies Nisse.

To receive gifts, children have to set a large table for them, as they love sweets very much. They also wear knitted caps.
Greek the assistant is called Saint Basil.

He doesn't look at all like a plump, rosy-cheeked old man.
Saint Basil wanted to feed the whole world. he did not carry a bag of gifts with him and was famous mainly for his good deeds.
IN HungaryNikalaush.

He does not walk alone, he is accompanied by an Angel and a Devil.

Before giving a gift, Nikalaush determines with the help of his assistants how the child behaved. Good children- sweets, bad - coals.
Columbian my friend's name is Papa Pasquale.

He is a very perky, noisy Grandfather. His arrival cannot be missed. Every step he takes is accompanied by fireworks.
IN Muslim countries the old man brings gifts Khyzyr Ilyas, it arrives at the beginning of May.

He wears a red cap, a green scarf and a robe with embroidered flowers.
IN Uzbekistan New Year's Grandfather's name is Kerbobo.

His outfit is a red skullcap and a striped robe. He rides out on a donkey with bags New Year's gifts and gives them away.
Romanian Comrade looks like our Santa Claus. His name is Mosh Jerile.

IN India The functions of Santa Claus are performed by the goddess Lakshmi.

IN Africa There is also Santa Claus, despite the fact that this country is very hot. That's his name - Grandfather Heat.

The people believe and believe that he lives on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, since only there there is snow.
IN Yakutia a very unique Santa Claus. Name Ehee Dyl.

He is accompanied by his Bull - the Bull of Frost or the Bull of Winter. He has a horn that is starting to grow. The higher the horns, the stronger the frost.
Little deputy from Sweden name is Yul Tomten.

His name translates to “Christmas gnome.” He lives with his assistant in a magical forest. The assistant's name is Dusty the Snowman.

Mongolian competitor of Santa Claus - Uvlin Uvgun.

He has a very original outfit. His assistant's name is Zazan Ohin, translated as "Snow Girl".

IN HollandSinter Klaas.

He arrives on his magical ship.
French companion of Santa Claus - Pere Noel.

He goes down into the houses through the chimney and leaves the children's gifts in New Year's shoes.
IN Belgium This St Nicholas.
In Belgium it is believed that those who shelter St. Nicholas will receive a golden apple. He is accompanied by an assistant - Black Peter.

All Santa Clauses give gifts. Some are kind, others can be naughty. But, nevertheless, they are there to congratulate and bring, albeit a small, piece of happiness, a little joy to every home.

Soon the New Year will be knocking on the door of every home, and all the inhabitants of our vast planet are looking forward to it with great impatience. Adults want to quickly complete all their urgent tasks in the old year and have a great rest during the upcoming holidays. And the kids, of course, are looking forward to the New Year's celebrations wonderful gifts and fabulous magic.

Every child in Russia knows well who Father Frost is. This is a kind grandfather with a beautiful staff, in a long bright fur coat, with a snow-white beard and a big bag holiday gifts. This amazing and charming image is familiar to all of us from early childhood, from the time New Year's matinees. The snowy residence of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden is located in Veliky Ustyug, where postcards and letters with children's wishes are sent.

In countries around the world, Santa Claus is called by completely different names. Let's figure out who children are expecting in various places around the world. New Year's Eve, and what kind of fairy-tale characters there are.

Original names of Santa Clauses

- a chubby favorite of American and Australian children. Dressed in a short purple jacket and pants, with a funny cap on his head.

A good-natured old man rides through the air on fast reindeer and enters the house through a chimney. Santa Claus from Australia can dress much more original, for example, come to congratulate children in swimming trunks, because it is very hot there in winter. But such an outfit does not confuse anyone, but only makes Australian kids especially happy.

– lives in snowy Lapland (Finland). It was not by chance that he was given such a sonorous name. In ancient times, a grandfather dressed in goat skin delivered New Year's gifts on a white goat.

Translated from Finnish, “joulu” means Christmas, and “pukki” means goat. All letters with fabulous wishes are written by thousands of children in Lapland, the city of Rovaniemi. Finnish children adore their Joulupukki because he is very kind and has the most wonderful cap in the world.

Previously, Finnish children were very afraid of Joulupukki, who punished or carried away naughty children. It is not for nothing that Joulupukki is translated from Finnish as “Christmas goat”. Modern Joulupukki has become much nicer and even brings gifts to children.

- lives in Denmark and Norway. These are wonderful characters - dwarfs with small beards, kind eyes and bright knitted caps.

It is Nissa who helps choose the most beautiful Christmas tree for the holiday! Norwegian gnomes climb to the top of the fluffiest spruce tree and swing the tree until people notice. The most important brownie, Nisse, lives near Oslo, in the town of Drebak.

Norwegian "Santa Clauses" are little brownies. Nisse are kind and help people around the house. But gnomes work exclusively at night, when people are sleeping.

(Father of Christmas) is a wonderful, kind old man with a gorgeous white beard from old England. Grandfather is dressed in a cute red suit and black morocco boots.

Local children love to tell him different rhymes and sing funny songs, for which he gives them candies and toys.

Every child in the United Kingdom tries to behave well all year long so that Father Christmas can give them the coveted gift on Christmas Day. In England, children are required to write a letter to the English Santa Claus with a story about their own achievements and desired gifts and throw the letter into the fireplace.

- beloved Santa Claus from France. Translated from French it means “Christmas Father”. On a dark night, he rides up to any house on a gray donkey and gives New Year and Christmas gifts with all his heart.

Pere Noel quickly enters the house through the chimney and carefully places his gifts in specially displayed boots and boots.

Pierre Noel translates as "Grandfather January". And he is not accompanied by the Snow Maiden, but by the strict gnome Pierre Fouétard with a rod, who carefully checks that only obedient children receive gifts.

- a New Year's character from Japan, translated as "Mr. New Year." Dressed in a beautiful blue kimono, he walks cheerfully throughout the “golden week” before the New Year holidays.

He joyfully looks into the windows of houses, although he does not give gifts; gifts are given to children by parents.

Segatsu-san congratulates the Japanese for 7 days - “golden week”. But today, increasingly, little Japanese residents are waiting for Oji-san, who is similar to the American Santa Claus.

Of course, you ask: “Which of them is the best, kindest and most magical?” Perhaps it's not that important. The most important thing is that all Santa Clauses from all countries love their children, they manage to come to every child on New Year’s Eve and give only desired and wonderful gifts.

Already from the first days of December, people around the world begin to prepare for the New Year. And the most fabulous, most welcome guest at this holiday, of course, is Santa Claus. All children want to receive from good grandfather a gift for the Christmas tree and write letters to him. To ensure that letters reach the recipient, children send them in the most incredible ways: they put them in the freezer, throw them out the window, leave them under the tree, or send them by mail. Everyone wants to be at least for a short time in a magical fairyland where Santa Claus lives. And if you ask a child where the magical grandfather lives and what his real name is, you may get somewhat contradictory answers, because there are different Santa Clauses for children in different countries of the world.

A real earthly person, whose image formed the basis for many good characters from different countries and cultures. During his lifetime, he performed real miracles and was considered the patron saint of children. In Poland, St. Nicholas Day begins a series of winter holidays, it is celebrated on December 6, and after Christmas and Sylvester. Saint Nicholas, as in his lifetime, is the patron of all children. He encourages them with his gifts, and the child’s parents help him in this.

Santa Claus

This is a good wizard in whom children in the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Western European countries believe. The prototype of Santa is St. Nicholas, and over time in America the image of an elf was invented who sneaks into the house through the chimney pipe to put gifts for children. He travels on a reindeer sled. Named good wizard Santa Claus. Soon, the kind fat man became a welcome guest at the Christmas holidays. He wears a red jacket, pants and a hat with a brim. Not all children in America can be reached by Santa on his reindeer, so he has a ship and, in some cases, a surfboard to travel to warmer areas. Children love Santa and leave him cookies and milk.

Babbo Natale

In Italian it is Father Christmas. He is the most welcome guest in every home in Italy during the Christmas holidays, whose image is also associated with St. Nicholas. Babbo Natale travels on a sled and reindeer, but he leaves gifts under the Christmas tree. Children write letters to him and send them to Lapland, but not everyone will be able to receive gifts, only obedient children.

Dong Che Lao Ren or Shan Dan Laozhen

That's the name of the Chinese grandpa. He looks like an old sage and wears traditional clothes for eastern countries, a silk robe, usually red, an ornate headdress with pompoms, leans on a staff and moves on a donkey. Exotic appearance does not prevent Shan Dan Laozhen from having much in common with his European and American colleagues. A Chinese grandfather puts gifts in socks hanging on the walls. Laixi envelopes are a traditional gift in China.


Another exotic Santa Claus, who spends the entire “golden” week visiting the homes of Japanese children. Segatsu-san wears a blue kimono. Adults build special gates for the welcome guest, and children wear beautiful things, attracting good luck and health. During the holiday, various games are played, and images of sailing ships are hidden under pillows. Instead of Segats-san, parents give gifts. IN Lately In Japan, a new hero named Oji-san appeared. New Grandfather Frost is dressed in a red sheepskin coat, travels the sea and brings gifts. His image has already become a favorite among Japanese children.


Translated as “Yule Goat”, it means the Christmas grandfather who brings gifts to children at Christmas. The image of Joulupukki is associated with the winter solstice. Then they received gifts from the Yule goat. Until recently, Joulupukki wore the skin of a goat and had small horns, but now he is becoming more and more like Santa Claus, wears a long sheepskin coat with a small splash of national color for Finland, and warns of his appearance with a bell. Unlike the good Santa Claus and Nicholas, Joulupukki is not such a good hero. He doesn’t even bring gifts to good and obedient children, but he takes away bad and disobedient children for re-education.


The Irish Santa Claus named Daid-na-nolag, which translates as Father Christmas, has a very unique image. In a land full of legends and fairy-tale elves, this Irish Father Christmas is more like an astrologer, wearing a green fur coat, a staff decorated with herbs and a wreath instead of a hat. According to tradition, in order to see their future, girls put fragrant herbs under their pillow at night, and the holiday itself in Ireland is filled with unusual events and mysticism.

Yamal Iri

Congratulates the peoples living in the North on the New Year holidays. The image of Yamal is based on mythical characters, it is the embodiment best qualities northern peoples. Yamal Iri is an old man who wears a malitsa and jewelry made from mammoth bones, and his hair is braided. He rests on a magic staff, decorated in the national style. Grandfather gets around on a team of reindeer, but in a modern interpretation he has already learned to ride a snowmobile.

Father Frost

The most long-awaited guest at the New Year's holiday for all children of almost all Slavic countries. According to legend, Father Frost is the strict but fair master of winter, Morozko. Now he is a gray-haired old man, in a long fur coat and a hat, in warm felt boots and huge mittens, he leans on a magic staff and can even freeze with it. But where he lives is difficult to say. There is a version that grandfather lives in Lapland, someone claims that he lives in the North Pole. He comes to the guys in a sleigh, he himself controls three horses, but he can also come on skis. They say that Santa Claus has a bottomless bag, so he only takes gifts from there himself, accurately guessing who he has prepared which for whom. He always appears at the holiday together with the Snow Maiden, who is his granddaughter. The image of the Snow Maiden is based on frozen water. Santa Claus, despite his advanced age, loves to play with children under the Christmas tree, dance in circles and endlessly listen to children's poems and songs. He leaves gifts for the children under the Christmas tree.

New Year is a favorite and long-awaited holiday. Each nation has its own traditions, how to prepare for it and how to greet it. On New Year's holiday, people believe in miracles, in magic, in the fulfillment of dreams, which will certainly happen if the most welcome guest for this holiday appears on the doorstep of the house, no matter what his name is - Father Frost, Santa Claus, Zyuzya, Tovlis Babua, Dzmir Papi, Sintarklaas or Yultumts.

Tells you what the main characters look like New Year's holidays in different countries of the world.

Tovlis Babua (Georgia)

Tovlis babua is translated from Georgian as “snow grandfather”. This is a gray-haired old man with a long beard. He is dressed in a black or white chokha with a white burka “nabadi”, and on his head he has a traditional Svan hat. Tovlis Babua brings gifts to children in a large “khurdzhini” bag.

Father Frost (Russia)

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeniy Biyatov

In his hands, Santa Claus holds a crystal staff with a bull's head - a symbol of fertility and happiness. He rides in a painted sleigh drawn by three snow-white horses. The fairy-tale hero is accompanied by his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus (USA, Canada, Australia, Western Europe)

© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Bogodvid

Santa Claus is not wearing a fur coat, but a short red jacket. He has a red cap on his head, and his usual glasses on his nose. Santa rides across the sky on a sleigh drawn by reindeer, with a retinue of elves and gifts. Santa Claus places gifts for children under the Christmas tree, as well as in socks helpfully hung over the fireplace. Santa enters the house through the chimney.

Jollupukki (Finland)

© photo: Sputnik / Pavel Lisitsyn

At Yollupukki long hair, he wears a tall cone-shaped hat and red clothes. He is surrounded by gnomes in peaked hats and capes with white fur. Yollupukki's hut is located on the mountain. His wife Muori and the gnomes live in it. Finnish Santa Claus wears a goatskin jacket with leather belt and a red cap.

Jõuluvana (Estonia)

© photo: Sputnik / Vadim Zhernov

Jõuluvana is similar to its Finnish relative Joulupukki: long White hair, a snow-white beard, a red sheepskin coat and a cone-shaped cap with a pompom. He doesn't dress up in goatskin, but reindeer He also has assistants - gnomes. And Yyuluvan’s wife is Mother Winter.

Sinter Klaas (Holland)


Sintaklaas is an old man with a white beard and hair, wearing a red robe and miter, riding a white horse. He has a big book that contains gifts for all the children, their names and addresses. Sintaklaas arrives on a ship, accompanied by black servants.

Père-Noël and Saint-Chalandes (France)


There are two Santa Clauses in France. One is called Père-Noël. He is kind and brings gifts to the children in a basket. The second Santa Claus is called Shaland - he is a bearded old man who wears a fur hat and a warm traveling raincoat. His basket contains rods for naughty and lazy children.

Kahand Pap (Armenia)

© photo: Sputnik / Asatur Yesayants

The Armenian Father Frost is surrounded by fairy-tale creatures: Khlvliks - noisy and active little men and Aralez - half animals, half people. Kahand Pap goes to congratulate the children on their granddaughter Dzyunanushik.

Korbobo (Uzbekistan)

© photo: Sputnik / Roman Khasaev

He is dressed in a striped robe made of national fabric and a festive red skullcap. Corbobo is accompanied by his granddaughter Korkiz. He uses a small donkey for transport.

Zyuzya (Belarus)

Depicted as a bald grandfather short stature, with a long gray beard. He walks barefoot, without a hat, in a white casing. In his hand is an iron mace. His breath is a strong cold. His tears are icicles. Frost - frozen words. And the hair is like snow clouds. He really doesn't like those who complain about the cold.

© AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda

Mosh Kraciun wears a mustache and beard. He is dressed in a red sheepskin coat just below the knees with the corresponding ornament of ancient times, and behind his shoulders is a bag called desaga. And all this is done with national ornaments. Mosh Krechun wears sheep's wool on his head, and on his feet instead of felt boots are poles. He is accompanied by characters from national fairy tales - Gugutsa and Fulgutsa.