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What face cream? Face creams

Did you apply your mother's cream as a little girl and get reprimanded? Mom felt sorry not for cosmetics, but for your skin. Today, when it would seem that every woman should understand cosmetics, like Perelman did in mathematics, many continue to make gross mistakes when choosing and using cosmetics. A good cream is not expensive, but one that “works” with your skin. How to choose it?

What does the skin need?

Some face creams solve the problem of acne, others fight wrinkles. There is rosacea, enlarged pores, swelling. Which one do you want? When choosing a cream, it is important to understand the problem that the product is supposed to solve. In addition, you should know what you need from the cream. And you can dream about many things - about lifting, rejuvenation, nutrition, whitening, UV protection. Mark your skin problem and desired effect in the “Use” and “Purpose Against” filters.

Individual approach

When solving a problem, the cream must match your skin type and age. Inconsistency will have the most detrimental effect on your appearance. Professional creams for oily skin contain components that tighten pores and reduce sebum secretion. Working on the surface of dry skin, such a product will degrease it, aggravating the problem of tightness and flaking. And, on the contrary, it is absolutely not suitable for oily people. Emollients (fatty substances) in the product will clog pores and cause acne and pimples. Age is an equally important selection criterion. Young skin needs light and natural care with antioxidants. Mature or fading requires “heavy artillery” - the presence of acids, collagen, coenzyme Q10 and other anti-age ingredients. When choosing “your” cream, be sure to use the “Skin Type” and “Age of Use” filters.

To the place and time!

Frankly speaking about the secret of her attractiveness, Brigitte Bardot recommended never to be confused with nightlife. Cosmetologists agree with this opinion. The key task of day cream is to protect against environmental aggression. Night – saturates the skin with nourishing components and stimulates renewal processes. There is also a difference between winter and summer cream. In summer, the skin needs protection from ultraviolet radiation and intensive hydration. Winter dictates its own rules: protection and nutrition! A light moisturizing summer cream not only does not “work” in winter, but also causes harm, leaving the skin to be torn apart by frost and wind. Use the “Time of application” filter to select the cream “to the place and time”.

Rules for applying creams

A cream that is ideal for your skin may worsen its condition. It's all about the application technique. By carelessly rubbing and smearing, you will eventually get early wrinkles and sagging skin.

Apply the cream with fingertips using massage and patting movements, warming the skin and improving microcirculation.

All movements are directed from the center to the sides along massage lines. Professional eye creams are applied from the outer corner to the inner (under the eyes), in the upper eyelid area - from the inner corner to the outer.

Don't forget about your neck. In the neck area, the cream is applied from bottom to top, towards the chin, and the lower part of the chin is massaged with vigorous patting movements.

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Day after day, unfavorable environmental factors have a destructive effect on our body. The skin of the face is the first to feel all the changes. A special cream helps keep her in good shape.

Any cosmetics should match your age and skin type.

The importance of cream in a woman's cosmetic bag

The main goal of facial care is to ensure its youth and beauty. Cosmetics for each girl are selected individually, depending on many factors, one of which is age.

All products are different, but the stages of care must be strictly followed.

The first thing to do is cleanse the skin. And here lotion, milk, cream or even regular soap will come to your aid, depending on your skin type. For example, milk is suitable for any type; for problematic and oily skin, you can take soap or gel, and for dry and sensitive skin Better buy a liquid cleansing cream. It applies well to the face, removes impurities, and is simply removed with a napkin or cotton pad. Dust, dirt, cosmetics, and sebum are removed from the surface of the epidermis, which refreshes and gives a feeling of freshness.

After cleansing, it is important to take care of hydration. To maintain the oval of the face, use a restorative cream that will normalize the water balance and form a protection that prevents the evaporation of moisture from the layers of the epidermis.

It is worth distinguishing between night and day care. Daytime cosmetics should be aimed at protecting the skin from adverse factors, and nighttime ones should be aimed at restoring and nourishing it.

Don’t forget about nutrients - they should contain a maximum of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. For young skin, this can be a simple cream that improves complexion. For women of average suitable age a product for elasticity to maintain the oval of the face in good shape and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.


The variety of cosmetic products makes one’s eyes involuntarily run wild: it seems that there is no problem for which there would not be a suitable solution.

One of the most popular and sought after procedures for maintaining muscle tone is massage. It can be trusted to cosmetologists in beauty salons who use professional products and equipment, or you can do it at home yourself. It requires the right actions so that the effect is not the opposite of the desired one, which means there must be a special cosmetic composition suitable for facial massage. Thanks to him, the procedure becomes more comfortable and movements become smoother.

Massage cream contains nourishing oils and vitamins that enhance the positive effect, stimulate the upper layer of the epidermis, soothe, relieve tension, smooth out wrinkles.

For the best cleansing of your face, use a gommage cream before applying the basic care cream. This is a product that needs to be applied in a thin layer to the face and left for a while. During this time, impurities are removed, and the epidermis receives nutrition. It should be washed off with light movements along the massage lines. This will enhance the effect of the procedure.

But you should refrain from using gommage if you have skin inflammation or the oval of your face is not elastic enough.

Surely every girl at least once in her life has experienced discomfort caused by peeling of her face. And there are people who face this problem every day. To solve this problem, you need to use a remedy for peeling skin and be sure to consult a dermatologist to determine what is causing it. There can be many reasons: dry cold wind, changeable weather, allergies, insufficient water balance of the epidermis, lack of proper care or improper and insufficient care, illness.

If this is the result of skin diseases, then it is important to start treatment skin immediately.

Be that as it may, it is important to remove unfavorable factors and take measures to eliminate dryness and flaking. To do this, take a moisturizer. It is perfect for dehydrated skin and will restore protective properties, will soften and remove rough cells, replenish the vitamin balance and provide elasticity to the oval of the face.

Another remedy for eliminating dryness is a rich cream. It contains fat components, an anti-inflammatory complex, and moisturizers. These components will replenish nutrients, remove dead cells, and relieve tightness.

However, it should be remembered that, unlike a moisturizing substance, the fatty composition is very heavy, but due to this, irritants cannot penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. The skin becomes soft and smooth.

Many girls suffer from a large number of blackheads on their faces. They occur due to overly enlarged pores, which can lead to inflammation and acne. In this case, the face cream should tighten the pores and have an antibacterial effect. A cream that does not clog facial pores is called non-comedogenic. It has a light consistency, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and helps with irritation. Such products are selected individually for each woman. The composition should not contain fats, oils, or weighting agents, but there must be the presence of water, salicylic acid and herbal ingredients that relieve irritation.

There are also universal substances that are suitable for almost everyone - serums, lotions. They are distinguished by a high absorption rate and the absence of an unhealthy shine after application.

To remove harmful substances and toxins from the skin that interfere with the normal functioning of cells, it is important to detox the facial epidermis.

Unfavorable substances accumulated in the skin disrupt normal functioning, can lead to the formation of swelling under the eyes, lead to the appearance of wrinkles and inflammation. Detoxification helps to get rid of these problems and remove toxins through the blood or skin. Thanks to this procedure, cells are renewed, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the face glows with health. Skin detox is used in combination for rejuvenation and beauty.

Detoxifying agents vary. These can be masks, injections, creams. To decide which treatment is right for you, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Most common cause intoxication is a lack of oxygen. Therefore, it should be part of your facial product. In addition, the cream should contain an active vitamin complex and seaweed. This cocktail of beneficial substances draws out harmful substances, speeds up the processes of recovery and rejuvenation.

Properly selected care for your epidermis type will help maintain the elasticity and beauty of your face, and you will look young and fresh.


So, when you already know what properties your facial care product should have, it’s time to go to the store. You can get confused by the variety of choices. To avoid purchasing something that is not suitable for you, carefully study the composition on the label and check the packaging for leaks.

What should be included in the composition and how to understand the effect of the components? Let's look at the main components and their impact on us.

At the heart of the basics is water, this is understandable. It cleanses and moisturizes. Glycerin component also perfectly moisturizes, but you need to understand how much of it is in the composition. If it is at the beginning of the list, then it is a lot, which means that the effect will be exactly the opposite - dehydration. Therefore, if you are looking for a moisturizer, then pay attention to a product without glycerin.

It is better to choose a facial product without parabens and silicones, as they weigh down the upper layer of the epidermis and do not allow it to breathe. Alcohol dries out your face.

Coconut cream hypoallergenic, but do not forget about intolerance to the components. If redness of the skin occurs, it is better to abandon this product.

Tea tree formulations are suitable for acne treatment. The more there is, the faster the treatment will go.

The drug with azulene will perfectly eliminate the problems of dryness and tightness. The presence of a vitamin complex in the composition will perfectly nourish the epidermis.

Honey mask-cream for the face is one of the most effective means for cleansing and rejuvenation. The gelatin component in its composition has a positive effect in the fight against wrinkles.

Placental cream fights the causes of skin aging by activating cell function. We can say that this product belongs to the category of anti-aging, since with constant use, cell reserves are replenished, wrinkles are smoothed out, irritation goes away, and the oval of the face becomes elastic and radiant.

Did you see the inscription “with phytoestrogens” on the packaging? This means that the composition contains a large number of extracts from natural plant components. These can include extracts of algae, licorice, and chicory. This product saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals, restoring the natural complexion.

A product with reflective particles makes wrinkles optically less noticeable. In addition, such particles are ideal for any skin tone, brighten it and relieve fatigue from the face.

Spermicidal cream has active restorative properties, relieves redness and treats inflammation. It is very suitable for middle-aged women with dry skin. This remedy soothes well after exposure to the sun and protects against frost. We can say that the product is universal.

In the fight for youth and restoration of beauty, a remedy with leeches is suitable. Leech extract allows you to solve the problems of dryness, tightness, excessive pigmentation, and allows you to maintain the oval of your face in good shape.

It is always important to read the ingredients before purchasing, especially if you are looking for something specific. Of course, buying a whole jar to determine whether the composition is right for you is expensive. Many stores offer free samples, use them to make your choice.

How to choose

To do right choice products specifically for you, according to the desired characteristics and needs, The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • The product must fully match your skin type and age category.
  • The more natural and plant substances in the composition, the more benefits it contains.
  • Look at best before date, If it has run out or is about to run out, then it is better to refuse to use the product.
  • In cold seasons and on hot days, the skin needs are different, so care should correspond to the time of year.
  • Facial care day and night also has its own characteristics. Make sure you have day and night products in your makeup bag.
  • Change your care product from time to time, so that there is no addiction.
  • If your cream is not produced in a tube, not in a bottle with a dispenser, but in a jar with an open top, then it is better not to put your fingers into it, but use a spatula for cosmetics. This will protect the product from dust and bacteria, which means it will retain its beneficial properties longer.

Even the simplest cream will bring significant results if you adhere to the above points. And facial care will turn into a pleasant procedure, and the skin will be filled with strength and beauty.

In the video below, a cosmetologist talks about how to choose the right face cream.


The difference in prices for facial cosmetic products is amazing, surprising and makes you wonder: will a budget cream be as effective as a luxury product? In practice, it has been verified that this is not always the case. You can spend an indefinite amount on a product from leading companies, but no one can guarantee that it will work and will not cause discomfort when used. Perhaps an inexpensive product will be the very thing that will make your face simply glow.

If you can’t make a choice yourself, then make an appointment with a cosmetologist. And if you don’t want to go to the doctor, then hypoallergenic products will come to your aid.

Manufacturer rating: best companies

IN modern world there are a lot of companies that produce facial products, and not only that. From time to time, fashion publishing houses or scientific societies compile ratings of manufacturers based on a variety of product properties: rejuvenation, lifting, cost, etc. Let's look at the most famous manufacturers:

Faberlic Verbena cream is in the top ten in the ranking of natural products, the company is in the same place, but slightly higher Dr. Stern. The corporation is located in the middle of the list Ponds.

Some experts are of the opinion that the first light face cream can be used from the age of 14-15, when the period of active internal transformation of the body begins. A high-quality and well-chosen cream can work wonders. Just like vice versa, a low-quality product can ruin everything: cause rashes, allergic reactions, provoke the appearance of blackheads, etc. Today we’ll talk about how to choose the right cream based on your own needs and skin type.

How to choose creams

So, let's start with a general acquaintance and find out what kind of creams exist. All creams can be divided into the following categories.

  • Daytime. They perfectly moisturize and cover the skin with a light, almost imperceptible oily film. Great to use as a base for makeup, especially when layered with powder. Such creams are available with different compositions, where the majority is water. Such creams protect the skin throughout the day.
  • Nutritious. These creams contain beneficial ingredients that have a beneficial effect on both dry and oily skin. and withering slows down. Nourishing creams are based on night, day and cold creams. Next come oils, vitamins, hormones, lecithin, etc. The quantity and general presence of auxiliary components varies depending on skin type.
  • Creams with lecithin and cholesterol. They have a very good effect on the condition of the epidermis. The skin becomes pleasant to the touch, smooth and renewed. The components combine especially harmoniously with vitamins D, A, E, F.
  • Cold cream. They contain wax, almond oil, water, borax and whale oil in varying quantities. The composition of such creams can be compared with regular ones, but it is worth noting their higher saturation. A good cream will not irritate the skin, but will give you a slight cooling feeling. It has high stability and is perfectly “eaten” by the skin. They are often used for dry skin. The oily texture is more suitable for night use.
  • Hydrants. It is no longer a secret that the first signs of skin aging are directly related to its dehydration. With age, the water level in the dermis drops by half(!). Such creams help replenish the lack of moisture and restore lost elasticity and firmness.
  • Vitaminized creams. Nourishes the skin with the elements necessary to maintain beauty and health. This significantly improves blood circulation and increases protective functions. Let's look at an example. Vitamin A softens the skin and has an anti-keratinizing effect. Vitamins from group B are used for acne, regular pimples, have a tonic effect, and also help the absorption of vitamin A. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, removes pigmentation and. A lack of vitamin F manifests itself as excessive dry skin and the appearance of inflammatory processes. Vitamin E rejuvenates the skin and promotes its renewal.
  • Hormonal creams. They can be both daytime and nighttime. They usually include female ovarian hormones and estrogens. These are the most effective creams that give a quick and amazing effect, but have many disadvantages. First of all, they are expensive. Secondly, they cannot be used for a long time, as they can be addictive, and after their withdrawal, a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin can be observed. Recommended for use after 35 years of age.
  • Biologically active creams. The composition contains bio-stimulants that accelerate cell regeneration processes and improve metabolic processes. Bio-stimulants include: simple elements, such as wheat germ oil, bee products, collagen, aloe, etc.
  • Collagen creams. Particularly valuable specimens among ladies, since it is collagen that is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. With its deficiency, the face begins to “drain”. At the same time, the complexion improves significantly and wrinkles are smoothed out. This is an excellent prevention of skin aging.
  • cream. The name speaks for itself. Their main function is to eliminate age spots, freckles and other cosmetic defects of a similar nature. Such creams are not aimed at penetrating into the deep layers of the skin; on the contrary, they act exclusively on the surface.

Creams can be intended for the face, eyelids, neck and décolleté. They all differ not only in composition, but also in structure, so it is undesirable to apply face cream, for example, to the skin of the eyelids, and for neck and décolleté on the face, as it may be too “heavy”.

Always study the composition of creams. A conscientious manufacturer will always indicate the full composition of the drug, and not inscriptions like: “complex of vitamins” - he will definitely write down exactly what vitamins and active substances are present in the tube. When reading the components, take into account the fact that their placement order and sequence were not chosen casually. The first is what there is in the cream, and then it decreases.

Always select a cream according to your skin type and never neglect this rule. The fact is that, for example, creams with an oily and thick consistency are made for dry skin, and if you apply it to oily skin, then in addition to unpleasant sensations you can get clogged pores and pimples. It would be great if the packaging of the cream states that it is non-comedogenic - this means that the cream does not clog pores.

In fact, there are a lot of rules for choosing a cream, and every woman draws conclusions from personal experience. However, the main criterion for selecting skincare cosmetics is: never take creams from unverified and dubious places (subway crossings, train stations, etc.). The skin on the face is very sensitive and any toxic substance can activate irreversible disastrous consequences.

Creams for oily skin

Many people mistakenly believe that oily skin does not need cream, since it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes itself. But this is a big misconception. A properly selected skin care cream will give the skin a matte appearance, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, nourish it with useful elements and create a protective barrier.

Let's start with the fact that the main criterion for choosing a cream for oily skin is the presence of appropriate labeling on the packaging of the drug “for oily skin.” Since it is she who is prone to the appearance of blackheads, pimples and other rashes, therefore the cream must be chosen very carefully.

For oily skin the following creams are provided:

  • Moisturizing. Lack of moisture results in aesthetic problems: increased sebum production, acne, comedones. If you want to prevent such troubles, choose special moisturizers for oily skin.
  • Nutritious. They will nourish oily skin with the missing elements. They will be especially useful in the cold season, when the dermis needs additional protection.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Helps cope with existing rashes.
  • Matting. Eliminate greasy shine and give a matte finish. High-quality creams provide an effect for the whole day.

There is also protective, day and night. When choosing them, also be guided by the skin type mark.

And now about the chemical composition of the cream. Components that are welcome for oily dermis:

  • Benzene peroxide. The name is scary, but there is nothing dangerous about it. On the contrary, this ingredient helps fight pimples and blackheads.
  • Salicylic acid. Dries out pimples and helps the skin get rid of its characteristic oily sheen.
  • Caffeine. Helps tighten pores.
  • Niacinamide. Helps relieve irritation.
  • Retinol. Helps eliminate the problem of acne, especially when sulfur is also present in the composition.

Welcome in the composition and essential oils, and extracts medicinal plants. By the way, interesting fact is that oily skin is not always a hereditary “gift”. Often, it becomes like this due to an incorrect lifestyle and diet. For example, if there is a lack of niacin in the body, the skin may become oily (skin shine, enlarged pores, etc.). But as soon as you include foods rich in this element in your diet, the skin condition normalizes and it ceases to be oily.

Creams for dry skin

Tight skin requires special attention and constant hydration, so the ideal cream for it is oil-based. The oils will resist moisture evaporation, and the resulting film will protect the dermis from aggressive external factors. Creams for this skin type can be found in almost all product lines of manufacturers in any price category. By the way, the latter does not play a role and in no way speaks about the quality of the product (of course, within reason).

Advice - when choosing a cream for dry skin type, it is better to study and choose a product from a company that is more focused on problematic, allergenic and dry skin. As a rule, products of this type are more often represented in the pharmacy chain. The big advantage of buying from such places is that there is less chance of running into a fake.

Creams for dry skin types should include natural oils (cocoa, shea), glycerin, and petroleum jelly. Polypropylene glycol and urea retain moisture well in the dermis. An excellent component for such creams is mineral water. The latter contains magnesium, silicon, selenium and other useful elements. They perfectly moisturize and do not irritate the skin. For dry types, extracts of sage, yarrow, and chamomile are great - that’s why they are welcome in the composition.

Pay attention not only to moisturizing, but also to a gentle exfoliating effect. For these purposes, the cream must contain milk and fruit acids. They have a mild but noticeable effect without irritation.

Do not rush to buy and use the original cream. Ask for a sample first and only if the result satisfies you, purchase a full-size copy. This is especially true for expensive creams. And also, do not forget to test the drug for reaction before use.

Creams for problem skin

Problematic facial skin is rather a general name. This can be said about sensitive, oily, and dry skin. So here are some tips for chemical composition cream for problem skin:

  • Hyaluronic acid, water and glycerin will have a good effect on such dermis. All of them nourish cells with moisture.
  • Salicylic acid has an antibacterial effect.
  • Glycolic acid softens the stratum corneum and exfoliates.
  • Fatty acids contained in creams help normalize sebum production.
  • Vitamins A, C and E.
  • Extracts and Extracts tea tree, figs, cherries, calendula.

Here are a few useful tips which will help you choose a good cream for problem skin.

  • For problem skin types, it is better to purchase creams in specialized stores, or even better in pharmacies.
  • The condition can be normalized by nourishing and moisturizing creams selected specifically for the type of dermis.
  • The texture of such a cream should be light and delicate; after applying the composition there should be no feeling of a “film”.
  • You need to choose a cream based on the time of year. Since in winter you may need a thicker composition, and in summer it may be quite light.
  • Tubes more suitable option packaging in contrast to jars, since in them the products remain suitable for use longer. However, the latter are more convenient and aesthetically attractive.
  • Always choose creams that are appropriate for your age. Do not use anti-aging creams unnecessarily, this will negatively affect the dermis.
  • Before buying a cream, it is better to read reviews about it. For example, if many users complain of allergies, then it is better to refuse such a product.

By the way, you can simply prepare a cream for problem skin yourself. Here is one of the wonderful recipes:

In a bowl, combine and heat the following ingredients in a water bath: a couple of spoons of strawberry puree, one spoon each of coconut, olive and sunflower oil, an oil solution of vitamin E. As soon as the composition melts, remove from the heat and whisk thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Pour into a clean jar and let cool - ready! Before applying to your face, you need to hold the composition in your hands so that it melts. Store homemade cream exclusively in the refrigerator.

Creams for normal skin

Normal skin - perfect skin. There are no flaws on her, no pores are visible, she does not suffer from acne, and there is no oily sheen. In general, she practically looks like something from the cover of a magazine. True, there are very, very few lucky women with this skin type. It is observed everywhere in children. But even if this ideal was inherited from nature, this does not mean that she will remain so ideal until the end of her life. It can also be spoiled and it will become greasy, for example, or problematic. If you overdo it with care or get addicted to the wrong diet, then this is a direct road to problems.

Creams for normal skin are still needed, but, as in previous cases, special attention must be paid to the composition. It is especially welcome to have:

  • soybean oil;
  • apricot oil;
  • shea butter;
  • olive oils;
  • avocado oils.

All these ingredients increase the level of skin protection, nourish it, promote rapid recovery and regeneration. In addition to oils, extracts from cucumber, aloe, calendula, chamomile and lavender have a positive effect. These products are a real storehouse of vitamins; they soothe the skin and prevent early aging. Normal skin needs to be protected from harmful environmental influences: wind, frost, direct sunlight, exhaust gases, etc.

Although appearance normal skin type may indicate the opposite; it also needs to be monitored and cared for. The same peeling, masks, cleansing and creams - all this is periodically required, albeit in smaller quantities and in a more gentle manner.

Creams for aging skin

Aging skin needs special care, which will not only prevent further aging process, but also eliminate existing defects in the form. Choosing a high-quality cream that would meet all the needs of women is not an easy task, since most of those available on store shelves are nothing more than a “dummy”.

First of all, you need to realize that only powerful elements, mostly of organic origin, can cope with age-related changes, and this is not cheap. Therefore, be prepared to pay handsomely for beauty.

Fading skin is considered after 35-40 years; it is at this age that serious age-related changes. Ideally, the selection of cream should be carried out by a cosmetologist. This will save you on wastage and achieve truly noticeable and lasting results.

First, let's look at what anti-aging creams exist.

  • Peeling creams. One of the categories of creams with a rejuvenating effect, which include fruit acids. They have a mild exfoliating effect, renew the epidermis and eliminate pigmentation. In addition, under the influence of acids, the amount of collagen produced significantly increases, due to which the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, and the oval of the face takes shape again. However, we should not forget that peeling creams make the skin thinner, which makes it more susceptible to harmful environmental factors. Therefore, additional protection will be required.
  • Creams with retinol. Another type of anti-aging creams and serums, which contain a large amount of vitamin A, which very effectively fights wrinkles. Such compositions are used for both facial and age creams. Under no circumstances should you use such creams unless necessary; this can lead to premature aging.
  • Creams with vitamins E and C. Selenium is also included in these. As in the first option, such creams promote active collagen production. But in addition to fighting wrinkles, such compositions have a protective function against the effects of sun rays and exhaust gases. But when choosing a drug with vitamin C, you need to consider the following: if the latter is presented in the form of ascorbyl phosphate, then you should not expect any help in the recovery processes from it and in general, it is better not to use creams with such a component. This acid “breaks” the cell membranes and all the dirty stuff from the outside seeps into the skin. Give preference to ascorbyl palmitate - this is what will prevent aging.
  • Placenta cream. Such creams can work real miracles and numerous reviews confirm this. The fact is that the placenta contains stem cells that penetrate deeply into the skin and act from the inside. But such creams are very expensive, so you should not buy cheap analogues, a priori there can be nothing natural in them. In addition, such youth preparations can be produced only in special sterile conditions under the constant supervision of doctors.
  • Hormonal creams. Such products are also not cheap, but they are also highly effective. As a rule, the composition includes phytohormones. Such creams are recommended for use from 50 years of age and above. They help restore facial contours and reduce deep wrinkles. They will come in especially handy at the time of menopause, when there are not enough hormones in the body. However, it is worth understanding that refusing the drug after its use will lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin.

And when choosing a cream with collagen, also pay attention to the composition. The fact is that collagen is a very large “thing” in size and it physically cannot penetrate the skin, just as it cannot have even the slightest effect. But collagen hydrolyzate can.


A high-quality cream, regardless of its functions, should not have a strong odor, since this indicator indicates the presence of fragrances that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. The same can be said about dyes. If high-quality raw materials were used to create the product, then it does not require masking in the form of dyes. And, by the way, it is the latter that seriously increases the risk of allergic reactions.

Not long ago, Roskontrol conducted interesting tests of moisturizing creams. Six samples of different price categories took part in the experiment: from 50 to 1000 rubles. Many are accustomed to thinking that what more expensive cream, the better its effect. The research results completely refute this opinion. Testers were evaluated on many factors:

  • presence of harmful substances (mercury, arsenic, etc.);
  • manifestation of side effects;
  • duration of the moisturizing effect;
  • presence of fragrances and dyes;
  • compliance with mandatory safety requirements.

The following brands participated in the experiment: L`Oreal Paris, Clinique, Garnier, Nivea, Olay, Clean line. The results were as follows.

  • Nivia and Garnier showed the longest moisturizing effect (the effect lasted until washed off, i.e. all day). Clinique had the lowest results (the moisturizing effect subsided after 2 hours).
  • The skin began to become unreasonably oily after L`Oreal Paris, Clinique and Clean Line. But Nivia and Olay showed remarkable results.
  • The maximum amount of fragrances, preservatives and flavors was found in the Clean Line and L`Oreal Paris samples, and the lowest value, also the best, was found in Nivia.

However, there is also consolation in the fact that in all samples the content of harmful components is within normal limits, which means they are not harmful to health. For some, this discovery will be a surprise, for others not, but the results of the study show that price is really not an indicator of quality.

Nourishing creams

Good nutritious cream worth its weight in gold. After all, it saturates the skin with all the necessary elements that eliminate defects and maintain the health of the dermis and its beauty. You need to use nourishing creams from the age of 25, this will prevent early aging and wilting.

Like other creams, nourishing creams need to be selected separately for each skin type, but everyone needs such a cream, even normal and oily ones.

The best nourishing creams contain lanolin or wax - these ingredients are well accepted by the skin, as they are closer in structure. Low-quality creams have paraffin and petroleum jelly instead. The amount of water in the nourishing cream is also very important; it should not be liquid, especially intended for the cold season. It should be thick, white and resemble whipped sour cream. High-quality nourishing cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave behind greasy marks.

Always carefully study the composition of a product before purchasing it; the less chemicals it contains, the better for your skin and your health. Don’t skimp on yourself, but don’t overpay either, because, as the results of examinations show, price is far from an indicator of quality.




Can be presented as part of a cream natural oils and fats: lanolin, squalene, jojoba oil, avocado, almond, peach and olive oil.

Synthetic substances: isopropyl myristate, octyl palmitate, isopropyl isostearate and others.

Mineral oils, petroleum jelly, paraffin, and silicone oils are considered emollients.

In women with normal skin type most often does not have problems choosing a moisturizer, which cannot be said about those with oily skin.

If you have problems with excess oil production on your face, take a closer look at light creams, containing components that tighten pores and reduce oily shine. Supplementation with zinc and anti-inflammatory substances such as allantoin, panthenol and bisabolol help fight breakouts that are common accompaniments of oily skin. Also pay attention to the composition, the cream should not contain mineral oils- they clog enlarged pores fat skin.

Dry The skin is shown a cream with a large amount of emollients - special fats that penetrate the epidermis for the purpose of softening and smoothing. In addition, dry skin needs collagen, vitamins A and E.

Combined The skin needs a special balancing moisturizer that combines both moisturizing properties for areas with normal sebum production and mattifying properties for areas of skin with increased sebaceousness.

A simple test will help you determine your facial skin type. Wash your face and do not apply cream, as your face must be completely clean for testing. After a few hours, apply it to it paper napkin and look at the traces left:
If there is a small amount of greasy traces left on the napkin, then your skin type is normal.



Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)

Mar 29 2017


To moisturize the skin, get rid of wrinkles and look attractive at any age, every woman tries to choose the perfect face cream. One that does not dry out, does not tighten, does not remain a greasy film, and is well absorbed - the selection criteria are individual for everyone. Let's look at how to choose a cream that suits you.

Types of face creams

A huge number of types of face creams both makes it easier and more difficult to choose, because to understand what suits you best, you need to try a lot of options. There are day and night products. By type of effect - for dry, combination, oily skin, moisturizing, mattifying, correcting, anti-aging. The main thing in choosing is to determine your skin type and the necessary set of procedures with the help of a cosmetologist or yourself, observing the quality and structure of the pores.


Most brands of face creams have been known for a long time. Popular in the mid-price segment French cosmetics L'oreal, Garnier. More affordable ones include the German company Nivea and the Russian brands Pure Pearl, Black Pearl, Clean Line, and the new, developing brand Libriderm. More expensive products belong to the group of medicinal cosmetics; they can be found in pharmacies and specialty stores. These are Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Avene, Lierac - mainly French brands that are more expensive, but position themselves as an exceptionally high-quality product.


There are mineral, collagen products, with hyaluronic, salicylic acid, glycerin, with natural plant components, antioxidants, white clay, oils (olive, shea, avocado). The full composition of a face cream is always printed on the packaging; you need to read and check whether there are any substances among the ingredients that may cause you an allergy.

Nourishing face cream

La Roche-Posay nourishing face cream has effective results, according to consumer reviews. Their Nutritic line is ideal for nourishing, hydrating different types skin, can be used in combination with special local products. If you have dry skin, cosmetics from the Toleriane series are good.

Main advantages:

  • light, delicate texture, quickly absorbed;
  • provides quick effect;
  • low consumption;
  • high price.

Price: from 1300 to 1500 rubles per 40 ml tube. You only need to apply a small amount, so this amount can be enough for several months of daily use.

Among the cheaper products, we can highlight the Russian organic company Natura Siberica: a night or day nourishing cream for oily facial skin with an anti-aging effect. It contains natural extracts of Manchurian aralia, calendula, cornflower flowers, cloudberries, which improve skin tone, trigger regeneration processes and actively saturate cells.

  • organic composition;
  • acceptable price;
  • deep action;
  • nice smell.

Among the minuses there are:

  • possibility of an allergy to one of the herbal components.

Price: 400-600 rubles for nourishing cream. Volume – 50 ml.


Vichy Facial Moisturizing Cream contains hyaluronic acid, suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and dry skin. It received good reviews due to its versatility and good absorbency. Belongs to the Aqualia Termal series, contains thermal water. The price of the product is high - 1100 - 1400 rubles for a small tube of 40 ml.

Pros of the cream:

  • easily absorbed;
  • refreshes and cleanses the skin;
  • softens rough areas;
  • smoothes the face.
  • people with oily skin you need to use it little by little, in moderation.

L'Oreal's moisturizing line is in good demand. It guarantees hydration, care, formation and revival of the protective layer of the dermis. Suitable for combination and normal skin, normalizes processes in cells; according to the instructions, it is best to use the product in the morning and evening. It has a favorable price - 200-300 rubles per 50 ml jar.

  • regulates sebum production without drying out the skin;
  • suitable for different ages;
  • improves complexion.
  • dense texture;

Super moisturizing

Super moisturizing cream for faces will suit for dehydrated, dry skin, after prolonged exposure to the sun. One of the leaders in this category is the products of the French company Yon-Ka, which contains natural essential oils and phytocomponents. This line is expensive: 2800-3200 rubles, but according to customer reviews, the result justifies the price.

Pros of Yon-Ka:

  • pleasant aroma of each cream;
  • smoothes and evens out the skin;
  • eliminates peeling, moisturizes.
  • small volume: 28 ml.

For intense hydration, they also choose the Urtekram series with aloe vera juice and a collection of natural herbs. This is Scandinavian organic cosmetics, which has earned the trust of customers with its honest composition, environmental design and high quality standards. Price: 750-950 rubles.

  • action throughout the day;
  • deep effect on dry areas;
  • gentle cleansing of oily areas;
  • not very common on the market;

After 30

The characteristics of face cream after 30 years are slightly different from products for younger skin. Combating the first signs of maturity, maintaining water balance and elasticity - these are the main tasks of such cosmetics. It helps keep the skin fresh and smooth for as long as possible, giving it a radiant, youthful appearance. The Black Pearl rejuvenating serum is popular.

What are the advantages of Black Pearl?

  • deep hydration;
  • can be used together with other means;
  • affects the eyelids, forehead and other problem areas;
  • affordable price: 200-350 rubles.
  • may cause allergies: you need to check the reaction on the skin of your hand or eyelid.
  • Doesn't absorb very well on thick skin.

Among the professional medicinal cosmetics, we can highlight the Beginning of Youth line from the Algologie company. These are French products, which are distinguished by a large number of minerals, water based; he supports natural composition skin, saturates it with vitamins, restores stem cells. The cost of the cream is 2800-3100 rubles.

Pros of the line:

  • restores firmness and elasticity;
  • specially designed for ages 30+;
  • does not dry out, does not leave greasy marks.
  • high price;
  • effective only for 30 to 40 years.


Anti age cosmetics require special attention - they are constantly being changed, tested, and the best innovative additives are used. If the skin begins to fade, it needs to be constantly moisturized and tightened using natural products. For an anti-aging cream to have all the necessary properties, you need to try it personally and select it wisely. High positions in the ranking are occupied by the Mizon series against wrinkles and sagging.

What are its advantages?

  • adequate cost (800 – 1700 rubles per different models);
  • can moisturize, rejuvenate and smooth the skin;
  • contains natural extracts: sea minerals, cucumber, oils.
  • You can’t find it everywhere, you’ll probably have to buy it in an online store;
  • May not be suitable for sensitive skin.

L'Oreal Paris Revitalift line - promotes tightening, elasticity, and has a lifting effect. Night cream for combination skin can be used by people with different skin types, it is suitable for problem areas of the face, eyes and neck. The cost is normal - 500-800 rubles, you can order on the official website of the distributor - all models of the line are available in the catalog.

Pros of L'Oreal anti-aging:

  • night deep exposure;
  • visual tightening of flaccid areas;
  • suitable for combination skin;
  • will not cope with deep wrinkles;
  • Thick texture, best used only at night.


A budget face cream can also be good. After all, the skin only needs good hydration, a complex of vitamins and a water composition, and not expensive extracts and substances. The ratings are topped by German products Nivea and young Russian brand Libriderm. They have earned trust with their consistent quality and stable, noticeable effect. Briefly about each of them:

Advantages of Nivea facial care products:

  • Good for daily use in combination: cleansing balm and facial cream.
  • Can well moisturize dry skin.
  • Hypoallergenic, have a safe composition and a pleasant smell.

Their disadvantages:

  • Not effective enough in the fight against age-related signs.

What can you say about the advantages of Libriderm products?

  • Affordable price, domestic manufacturer.
  • Favorable volumes.
  • A large selection of facial products: revitalizing serums, super moisturizing masks and simple nourishing creams.

Of the minuses:

  • Controversial reviews, clinically unproven effectiveness.

For mature skin

Among creams for mature skin good feedback receives Korean and Japanese cosmetics. You can highlight the company SANA: the products include collagen and hyaluronic acid, macadamia oil, pomegranate extract and soybean isoflavones. The price of Good Aging cream is from 1700 to 2200 rubles. Cosmetics do not contain concentrates, fragrances or dyes.

Benefits of SANA Good Aging for skin:

  • improves color and appearance, adds shine and whiteness;
  • retains moisture;
  • prevents the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • makes it healthier, matte.
  • rarely found in stores, you need to order on the supplier’s website;
  • not a small price.

A good cream for moisturizing the face with anti-aging effect is Jurassic Spa. According to reviews on the irecommend portal, it tones and rejuvenates the skin, and the price is very affordable - 500-700 rubles.

Pros of the cream:

  • renews collagen in cells;
  • convenient packaging format;
  • a rare and useful ingredient - muira-puama extract;
  • enhances skin microcirculation from the inside.

Cons: there are not many stores where you can order this product; the quantity of each series is limited.


With the advent of new brands, the popularity of natural face creams has increased greatly. Factors such as detailed composition, degradable eco-packaging, lack of testing on animals greatly influence the promotion of a brand in the ranking. natural cosmetics. The companies Institut Esthederm and Fitocosmetics are known in different price categories.

Pros of Institut Esthederm:

  • Professional French cosmetics have proven themselves well in the market.
  • Wide selection of products, different in type of impact.
  • Deep healing effect.

Cons: The price is not cheap: 1,500 – 10,000 rubles per different types creams.

More information about Fitocosmetics:

  • budget version of natural cream (180 – 300 rubles);
  • a wide range of;
  • light, not dense texture.
  • moisturizes well;
  • not very effective for problem skin;


Anti-aging face creams help keep the skin soft and soft for many years, it restores it from the inside and delays the aging process. There are now a lot of options for such cosmetics, the choice depends on your preferences and skin type. Some creams are suitable for both the face and hands. Popular anti-aging series:

  • Greek company Sostar

Price – 400-600 rubles.

Pros: contains collagen, retinol, tightens the skin, has a good anti-aging and softening effect.

Cons: little-known brand, has few recommendations.

  • Natural inexpensive creams Home doctor

Price – about 100 rubles.

Pros: the active ingredient is ginseng, which helps maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Eliminates signs of wrinkles and fatigue.

Cons: the effect is short-lived, short-lived.

After 50

Choosing a face cream after 50 years of age can be difficult, since skin at this age tolerates the effects of cosmetics differently. Soothing smoothing masks, night creams and life-giving serums are good options. Prices are very different: from 50 rubles for domestic creams to 10,000 for professional cosmetics. The most popular in different categories:

  • Renophase

Price – 4000 – 6500 rubles

Pros: clinically proven effects, effective composition, soft, light structure, good absorption. It deeply affects cells and restores their energy.

Cons: expensive, not available in all pharmacies.

Price – 200-300 rubles.

Pros: moisturizes well, suitable for different skin types. Evening and daytime use.

Cons: not suitable for sensitive, damaged skin.

How to choose a face cream

All products advertise themselves well, so you can find out where the truth is only by trying it on yourself. You should always ask to apply the product to your skin and feel its density, texture, smell - using these criteria you can determine whether it is right for you. The best face creams are those that preserve your beauty, and do not cost more or are beautifully packaged, so you need to choose carefully:

  • Pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date.
  • For active and noticeable results, use medicinal cosmetics: Vichy, Aven, Bioderm. It costs more, but is much more effective.
  • To soften the skin in winter, cheap baby creams with chamomile, calendula, and other herbs are well suited.
  • For problem skin with frequent rashes, a cream with iodine and salicylic acid is suitable.